The Lumberman's Hand Book of Inspection and Grading
1' ^^^€'" v ;b' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ;^^i P^^ ®]^. Stqojtigi^i !f0. Shelf ...1^3... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ^ ' m^.^^^ '} .-J ;^> ' b I'i^i^i..^''} ' V^? 't:^). i.>-' s^./ [j^jl^ 'M THE LUMBERMAN'S HAND BOOK OF Inspection and Grading. NE W EDITION i88q. By W; B. JUDSON. ! -/ OF: .' %v- ?'^^^. ILLUSTRATEIX K- ^^(^^.S. Copyright A .D. 1879, by IV. B. Jiidson, Copyright A.D. iSSi, '^y W. B. Jiidson. Copyright A.D. iSS'o,, [y W. B.Judson. /' /y I PRICE OF THIS BOOK, IJY MAIL, $1.25. — INDEX. PAGE. PAGE. Acre, dimensions of 198 Indiana Lien Law 164 Albany Inspection 6 Inspection Area of circles 199 Albany q Arkansas Lien Law 162 Arkansas pine 200 Arkansas yellow pine inspection.200 Baltimore, hardwood 62 Baltimore Inspection 62 Burlington, Vt 41 Bastard sawing 189 Chicago, cai^o 15 Boston Inspection 101 " Hardwood 23 Burlington, Vt., Inspection 41 " Yard Grading I8 Cincinnati, hardwood 65 Caliper measurement 135 Export, of white pine 100 Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. rules .... 128 Introductory 1 Chicago Cargo Inspection , 15 Louisville, " Hardwood 86 Hardwood Inspection, . 23 Maine Survey 39 " Yard Grading 18 " Pine 40 Christiana Standard 133 " Spruce 41 Cincinnati Inspection 65 Massachusetts State Law 101 Circles, areas of 199 " White pine 103 Cisterns, capacity of 195 ' ' Spruce and hemlock . 106 Connecticut Lien Law 163 " Yellow pine 107 Compression, resistance to 150 " Hardwood. Cumberland River Log Scale 136 m Michigan ; 7 Custom House caliper measure . 135 " Law of 1873 8 Deals, Quebec 55 Minneapolis . .60 Deals, standards .133 Nashville .-93 Doyle's Log Rule ;.,.... 140 New Orleans ,42 Dry measure ^ ........
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