2011 Annual Report Swiss-based Highlight Group Highlight Communications AG Annual Report 2011 is one of the most successful media stocks listed on the German capital market. Its unique selling proposition is its broad product portfolio. Highlight Communications AG at a glance (TCHF) 2011 2010 Consolidated Total assets 499,182 525,569 balance sheet Film assets 154,555 175,801 Cash and cash equivalents 140,711 166,039 Financial liabilities 204,207 251,391 Equity attributable to the shareholders 82,746 67,621 Consolidated Sales 383,452 434,562 income statement Profi t from continuing operations 39,702 56,120 Net profi t (Highlight shareholders) 31,610 36,172 Earnings per share (CHF) 0.69 0.78 Earnings per share (EUR) 0.56 0.57 Consolidated Cash fl ow from operating activities 114,724 175,313 statement of cash flows Cash fl ow for investing activities –76,619 –111,552 thereof payments for fi lm assets –77,544 –106,844 Cash fl ow for fi nancing activities –59,818 –75,810 thereof dividend payments –9,722 –2,005 Highlight Communications AG Cash fl ow for the reporting period –22,143 –12,049 Netzibodenstr. 23b · 4133 Pratteln BL, Switzerland Phone +41 (0)61- 816 96 96 · Fax +41 (0)61- 816 67 67 Personnel Headcount as of December 31 733 787
[email protected] · www.highlight-communications.ch 2011 Annual Report Swiss-based Highlight Group Highlight Communications AG Annual Report 2011 is one of the most successful media stocks listed on the German capital market. Its unique selling proposition is its broad product portfolio.