ARCL 0079 THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF NORTH AMERICA 2018-2019 Term 2 THURSDAYS 4-6 PM ROOM 209 INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY Coordinator: Katherine (Karen) Wright Additional teachers: Kevin Macdonald, Jose Oliver, Andrew Garrard, Patrick Quinn OVERVIEW OF MODULE CONTENT This module is an introduction to the archaeology of North America, from initial colonization by Eurasian hunter-gatherers, to the present day. Topics include the European encounter with the New World; physical and cultural geography of North America; colonization of the continent (ca. 20,000 BC); Palaeo-Indian hunter-gatherer societies and human ecology (20,000-8000 BC); the Archaic period (ca. 8000-1000 BC); the post-Archaic period (ca. 1000 BC – 1500 AD); early mound builders of the Middle and Late Archaic; sites of the Woodland-Adena-Hopewell cultures; the Mississippian culture; the emergence of pueblos in the American Southwest; the nature of social complexity in native North America, before European contact; the archaeology of European contact; Spanish and French colonization; British colonization; the archaeology of the early United States of America; the 19th century; the African diaspora, the archaeology of slavery, plantations, the Civil War, westward expansion of the United States; and issues in cultural heritage. 1 ARCL 0079 (previously 3099) ARCHAEOLOGY OF NORTH AMERICA 2018-19 Term 2, Thursdays 4-6 pm, Room 209 Institute of Archaeology Co-ordinator: Katherine (Karen) Wright (
[email protected]), Room 101, IoA. Tel. 0207 679 4715 Additional teachers: Kevin MacDonald, Andrew Garrard, Jose Oliver, Patrick Quinn *Coordinator’s Office Hours: Tuesdays 2-5 pm; Wednesdays 4-6 pm; Fridays 4.15-5.30 pm.