ARISTOTELIAN PHRONESIS AS A KEY FACTOR FOR LEADERSHIP IN THE KNOWLEDGE-CREATING COMPANY ACCORDING TO IKUJIRO NONAKA* Germán Scalzo** Guillermo Fariñas*** * doi: 10.11144/Javeriana.cao31-57.apkfl. Reflection paper. Received: 28/04/2018 and accepted: 14/11/2018. Cite as: Scalzo, G., & Fariñas, G. (2018). Aristotelian phronesis as a key factor for leadership in the knowledge-creating company according to Ikujiro Nonaka. Cuadernos de Administración, 31(57), 19-44. ** Universidad Panamericana, Mexico. E-mail:
[email protected] *** Universidad Monteávila, Venezuela. E-mail:
[email protected] Cuad. admon.ser.organ. Bogotá (Colombia), 31 (57): 19-44, julio-diciembre de 2018 | issn 0120-3592 / e-issn 1900-7205 19 Germán Scalzo, Guillermo Fariñas Aristotelian phronesis ABSTRACT. In the last decades, there has been an increasing interest on knowledge as a key factor for in the business realm. Japanese scholar Ikujiro Nonaka was among the main theoretical and practical contributors to knowledge creation in organizations, leadership in the as well as a promoter of including practical reason in the research of business knowledge-creating topics such as decision-making, knowledge management, ethics and leadership. company according to In his theory, a Western classical tradition, namely the virtue of phronesis, is Ikujiro Nonaka combined with the Japanese notion of Ba (context-based learning), to explain the way people engage in communities of practice as opportunities for learning. This paper describes his theory of knowledge creation, pointing to phronetic leadership skills as essential drivers of knowledge creation in organizations, in light of the Western classical tradition.