Telenet Hotels Network | Serbia Motel Beli Dvor, Sombor Media Center Sombor Phone: +38164 5558581; +38161 6154768;
[email protected] Motel Beli Dvor, Sombor U pravom vojvodjanskom ambijentu, na putu za Apatin, nalazi se Motel Beli dvor, kapaciteta 41 lezaj u 17 soba, 4 jednokrevetnih, 70 dvokrevetnih soba i 3 apartmana. Motel ima kongrsnu salu sa 450 mesta. Posetiocima i gostima Belog dvora na raspolaganju je 27 soba, uglavnom dvokrevetnog i trokrevetnog tipa. Iz posebne ponude izdvajamo sest vrhunskih apartmana. U okviru Motela nalazi se restoran u kome bogat jelovnik i kartu pica upotpunjuju Somborski tamburasi. Zainteresovanim gostima Motela obezbedjen je i obilazak grada, znamenitosti i okoline. Motel Beli dvor poseduje i veliki parking prostor. page 1 / 9 Sombor Serbia The Municipality of Sombor is situated in the northwest of Backa. It borders with Hungary in the north. The River Danube separates this community from Croatia. Sombor is 180 km away from Belgrade and 220 km away from Budapest. The Municipality of Sombor is composed of one town district, fifteen villages and sixteen farm settlements. The population is almost 100.000 multinational and multiethnic citizens, who were brought here by migrations and colonizations. Sombor is known for the wealth of greenery. Sombor is an old lowland town and the place of rich culture. There are many interesting buildings and cultural institutions in this old town, mentioned as a settlement back to the 14th century, which eloquently speaks about the rich history