Evaluation of Finite State Morphological Analyzers Based on Paradigm Extraction from Wiktionary Ling Liu and Mans Hulden Department of Linguistics University of Colorado
[email protected] Abstract network (RNN) encoder-decoder model to gener- ate an inflected form of a lemma for a target mor- Wiktionary provides lexical information phological tag combination. The SIGMORPHON for an increasing number of languages, in- 2016 shared task (Cotterell et al., 2016) of mor- cluding morphological inflection tables. It phological reinflection received 11 systems which is a good resource for automatically learn- used various approaches such as conditional ran- ing rule-based analysis of the inflectional dom fields (CRF), RNNs, and other linguistics- morphology of a language. This paper per- inspired heuristics. Among all the methods, one forms an extensive evaluation of a method standard technology is to use finite-state transduc- to extract generalized paradigms from ers, which are more interpretable and manually morphological inflection tables, which can modifiable, and thus more easily incorporated into be converted to weighted and unweighted and made to assist linguists’ work. Hulden (2014) finite transducers for morphological pars- presents a method to generalize inflection tables ing and generation. The inflection tables into paradigms with finite state implementations of 55 languages from the English edition and Forsberg and Hulden (2016) subsequently in- of Wiktionary are converted to such gen- troduce how to transform morphological inflection eral paradigms, and the performance of tables into both unweighted and weighted finite the probabilistic parsers based on these transducers and apply the transducers to parsing paradigms are tested. and generation, the result of which is very promis- ing, especially for facilitating and assisting lin- 1 Introduction guists’ work in addition to applications to mor- phological parsing and generation for downstream Morphological inflection is used in many lan- NLP tasks.