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RESIDENT FELLOWS. —194. (Number limited to two liuiidred.) CLASS L — Mathematical and Physical Sciences. — 72.

SECTION I. — 6. William P. Dexter, Eoxbury. Mathematics. Amos E. Dolbear, Medford. William E. Byerly, Cambridge. Charles W. Eliot, Cambridge. Moses G. Farmer, Newport. Benjamin A. Gould, Cambridge. Thomas Gaffield, Boston. Gustavus Hay, Boston. Wolcott Gibbs, Cambridge. James M. Peirce, Cambridge. John D. Kunkle, Brookline. Erank A. Gooch, Cambridge. Edwin P. Seaver, Newton. Edwin H. Hall, Cambridge. Henry B. Hill, Cambridge. SECTION II. —13. K". D. C. Hodges, Salem. Practical Astronomy and Geodesy. Silas W. Holman, Boston. J. Ingersoll Bowditoh, Boston. Eben N. Horsford, Cambridge. T. Sterry Hunt, Montreal. Seth C. Chandler, Jr., Cambridge. Charles L. Jackson, Cambridge. Alvan Clark, Cambridgeport. William W. Jacques, Newburyporfc. Alvan G. Clark, Cambridgeport. Leonard P. Kinnicutt, Cambridge. George B. Clark, Cambridgeport. Joseph Levering, Cambridge. John R. Edmands, Cambridge. Charles F. Mabery, Cambridge. Henry Mitchell, Boston. William E. Nichols, Boston. Robert Treat Paine, Brookline. John M. Ordway, Boston. Edward C. Pickering, Cambridge. WilUam H. Pickering, Boston. William. A. Rogers, Cambridge. Robert H. Richards, Boston. Arthur Searle, Cambridge. Edward S. Ritchie, Brookline. Leopold Trouvelot, Cambridge. Stephen P. Sharpies, Cambridge. Henry L. Whiting, Tisbury. Francis H. Storer, Jamaica Plain. SECTION IIL —38. John Trowbridge, Cambridge. Cyrus M. Warren, Brookline. Physics and Chemistry. Charles H. Wing, Boston. A. Graham Bell, Cambridge. Edward S. Wood, Cambridge. Clarence J. Blake, Boston. Francis Blake, Auburndale. SECTION IV. —15. John H. Blake, Boston. Technology and Engineering. Thos. Edwards Clark, WiUiamstown. George R. Baldwin, Woburn. W. 8. Clark, Amherst. John M. Batchelder, Cambridge. Josiah P. Cooke, Cambridge. ChavlesO.Boutelle, Washington,DC. James M. Crafts, Boston. Henry L. Eustis, Cambridge. Charles E. Cross, Boston. James B. Francis, Lowell.


John B. Plenok, Boston. Alfred P. Rockwell, Boston. E. D. Leavitt, Jr., Cambridgeport. Charles S. Storrow, Boston. William R. Lee, Roxbury. WiUiam R. Ware, New York. Frederic W. Lincoln, Boston. WiUiam Watson, Boston. Hiram F. Mills, Lawrence. Morrill Wyman, Cambridge.

CLASS IL — Natural and Physiological Sciences. •60.

SECTION I. — 8. Hermann A. Hagen, Cambridge. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of Charles E. Hamlin, Cambridge. Alpheus Hyatt, the Olobe. Boston. Samuel Kneeland, Boston. Thomas T. Bouve, Boston. Theodore Lyman, Brookline. William T. Brigham, Boston. Charles S. Minot, Boston. Algernon Coolidge, Boston. Edward S. Morse, Salem. WiUiam O. Crosby, Boston. James J. Putnam, Boston. Jules Marcou, Cambridge. Samuel H. Scudder, Cambridge. William H. Niles, Cambridge. D. Humphreys Storer, Boston. Nathaniel S. Shaler, Cambridge. Henry Wheatland, Salem. Charles U. Shepard, Amherst. James C. White, Boston.

SECTION IL — 8. SECTION IV. 22. Botany. Medicine and Surgery. Samuel L. Abbot, Boston. Wilham G. Farlow, Cambridge. Henry J. Bigelow, Boston. George L. Goodale, Cambridge. Henry I. Bowditch, Boston. Asa Gray, Cambridge. H. H. Hunnewell, Wellesley. Benjamin E. Cotting Roxbury. Charles S. Sargent, Brookline. Frank W. Draper, Boston. Charles J. Sprague, Boston. Thomas Dwight, Boston. Edward Tuckermau, Amherst. Robert T. Edes, Boston. Sereno Watson, Cambridge. Calvin Ellis, Boston. Charles F. Folsom, Boston. SECTION IIL —22. Richard M. Hodges, Boston. Oliver W. Holmes, Boston. Zoology and Physu Robert W. Hooper, Boston. Ales. E. B. Agassiz, Cambridge. Alfred Hosmer, Watertown. Joel A. Allen, Cambridge. Edward Jarvis, Dorchester. Robert Amory, Brookline. Francis Minot, Boston. Nath. E. Atwood, Provincetown. John P. Reynolds, Boston. James M. Barnard, Boston. Wm. L. Richardson, Boston. Henry P. Bowditoh, Boston. George C. Shattuok, Boston. Edward Burgess, Boston. J. Baxter Upham, Boston. Samuel Cabot, Boston. Charles E. Ware, Boston. John Dean, Waltham. John C. Warren, Boston. Walter Faxon, Cambridge. Henry W. Williams, Boston.


CLASS III. — Moral and Political Sciences. — 62.

SECTION I. —14. SECTION HI. —19. Philosophy and Jwisprudence. Political Economy and History. James B. Ames, Cambridge. Charles S. Bradley, Providence. Chas. P. Adams, Jr., Quincy. Phillips Brooks, Boston. Henry Adams, Boston. James F. Clarke, Jamaica PL Edward Atkinson, Boston. Charles C. Everett, Cambridge. John Cummings, Woburn. Horace Gray, Boston. Charles Deane, Cambridge. John C. Gray, Boston. Charles F. Dunbar, Cambridge. Laurens P. Hickock, Northampton. Samuel Eliot, Boston. Oliver W. Holmes, Jr., Boston. George E. Ellis, Boston. Mark Hopkins, Williamstown. Edwin L. Godkin, New York. C. C. Langdell, Cambridge. William Gray, Boston. John Lowell, Newton. Edward Everett Hale, Boston. Henry W. Paine, Cambridge. Henry P. Kidder, Boston. James B. Thayer, Cambridge. Henry C. Lodge, Boston. Francis Parkman, Boston. Andrew P. Peabody, Cambridge. Joseph S. Ropes, SECTION H. —18. Boston. Henry W. Torrey, Cambridge. Philology and Archceology. Francis A. Walker, Boston. Robert C. Winthrop, Ezra Abbot, Cambridge. Boston. William S. Appleton, Boston. William P. Atkinson, Boston.

Luoien Carr, Cambridge. SECTION IV. —11. Henry G. Denny, Boston. Epes S. Dixwell, Cambridge. Literature and the Fine Arts. William Everett, Quincy. WilKam W. Goodwin, Cambridge. Charles F. Adams, Boston. Ephraim W. Gm-ney, Cambridge. George S. Boutwell, Groton. Henry W. Haynes, Boston. J. EUiot Cabot, Brookline. Charles R. Lanman, Cambridge. Francis J. Child, Cambridge. Bennett H. Nash, Boston. Charles G. Loring, Boston. Frederick W. Putnam , Cambridge. James Russell Lowell, Cambridge. John L. Sibley, Cambridge. Charles Eliot Norton, Cambridge. E. A. Sophocles, Cambridge. Thomas W. Parsons, Wayland. John W. White, Cambridge. Charles C. Perkins, Boston. Justin Winsor, Cambridge. H. H. Richardson, Brookline. Edward J. Young, Cambridge. John G. Whittier, Amesbury.



(Number limited to one hundred.)

CLASS L — Mathematical and Physical Sciences. — 36.

SECTION I.— 7. SECTION HI. —11. Mathematics. Physics and Chemistry. E. B. EUiott, Washmgton,D.C. William Ferrel, Wasliington,D.C. F. A. P. Barnard, New York. Thomas Hill, Portland, Me. J.WillardGibbs, New Haven,Conn. SimonNewcomb, Washington,D.C. S. W. Johnson, New Haven, Conn. H. A. Newton, New Haven, Conn. John Le Conte, Berkeley, Cal. James E. Oliver, Ithaca, N.Y. A. M. Mayer, Hoboken, N.J. T. H. Saflord, Williamstown, Mass. W. A. Norton, New Haven, Conn. Ogden N. Rood, New York. SECTION H. —13. H. A. Rowland, Baltimore. Practical Astronomy and Geodesy. L.M. Rutherfurd, New York. Benj. Silliman, New Haven, Conn. S. Alexander, Princeton, N.J. J. L. Smith, Louisville, Ky. W.H.C.Bartlett, Yonkers, N.Y. J. H.C. Coffin, Washington,D.C. Wm. H. Emory, Washington,D.C. Asaph Hall, Washington,D.C. SECTION IV. — 5. J. E. Hilgard, WasMngton,D.C. George W. Hill, Nyack, N.Y. Technology and Engineering. Sam. P. Langley, Allegheny, Pa. Elias Loomis, New Haven, Conn. Henry L. Abbot, New York. Maria Mitchell, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A.A.Humphreys, Washington,D.C. C. H. F. Peters, Clinton, N.Y. William Sellers, Philadelphia. George M. Searle, New York. George Talcott, Albany, N.Y. Chas. A. Young, Princeton, N.J. W.P.Trowbridge,New Haven,Conn.

CLASS IL — Natural and Physiological Sciences. — 28.

SECTION I. —13. Arnold Guyot, Princeton, N.J. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of James Hall, Albany, N.Y. the Globe. F. S. Holmes, Charleston, S.C. George J. Brush, New Haven, Conn. Clarence King, Washington, D. C. James D. Dana, New Haven, Conn. Joseph Le Conte, Berkeley, Cal. J.W.Dawson, Montreal, Canada. J. Peter Lesley, Philadelphia. .T. C. Fremont, New York. R. Pumpelly, Newport, R.I. F. A. Genth, Philadelphia. Geo. C. Swallow, Columbia, Mo.


SECTION II. — 3. Joseph Leidy, Philadelphia. Botany. O. C. Marsh, New Haven, Conn. S. Weir Mitchell, Philadelphia. A. W. Chapman, Apalaohieola, Pla. A. S. Packard, Jr., Providence. G. Engelmann, St. Louis, Mo. Leo Lesquereux, Columbus, Ohio. SECTION IV. — 5. Medicine and Surgery. SECTION III.—7. Fordyce Barker, New York. Zoology and Physiology. John S. Billings, Washington, D.C. S. F. Baird, Washington, D.C. Jacob M. Da Costa, Philadelphia. J. C. Dalton, New York. W.A.Hammond, New York. J. L. Le Conte, Philadelphia. Alfred Stille', Philadelphia.

CLASS III. — Moral and Political Sciences.— 26.

SECTION I. — 7. W. D. Whitney, New Haven,Conn. T. D. Woolsey, New Haven,Conn. PMlosopliy and Jurisprudence.

D. E. Goodwin, Philadelphia. SECTION III.—6. R. G. Hazard, Peacedale, R.I. Nathaniel Holmes, St. Louis, Mo. Political Economy and History, James McCosh, Princeton, N.J. George Bancroft, Washington, D.C, Charles S. Peirce, New York. S. G. Brown, Hanover, N.H. Noah Porter, New Haven, Conn. Henry C. Lea, Philadelphia. Jeremiah Smith, Dover, N.H. J. H. Trumbull, Hartford, Conn. M. F. Force, Cincinnati. W. G. Sumner, New Haven, Conn.

SECTION II.—8. Philology and Archmology. SECTION IV. — 5. Literature and the Fine Arts. A. N. Arnold, Pawtuxet, R.I. D. C. Gilman, Baltimore. James B. Angell, Ann Arbor, Mich. A. C. Kendriek, Rochester, N.Y. L. P. di Cesnola, New York. A. S. Packard, Brunswick, Me. F. E. Church, New York. E. E. Salisbury, New Haven, Conn. B. S. Greenough, Florence. A. D. White, Ithaca, N.Y. WilUamW. Story, Rome.



(Appointed as vacancies occur.)

CLASS I. — Mathematical and Physical Sciences, — 22. SECTION I. — 5. SECTION III. — 9. Mathematics. Physics and Chemistry. John C. Adams, Camhridge. Berthelot, . Sir George B. Airy, Greenmoh. R. Bunsen, Heidelberg. Briosohi, Milan. M. E. Chevreul, Paris. Arthur Cayley, Cambridge. J. Dumas, Paris. J. J. Sylvester, Baltimore. H. Helmholtz, . A. W. Hofmaun, Berlin. G. Kirchhofi, Berlin. Balfour Stewart, Manchester SECTION II .—7. G. G. Stokes, Cambridge. Practical Astronomy and Geodesy. SECTION IV. — 3. Arthur Auwers, Berlin. Dyilen, Pulkowa. Technology and Engineering, H. A. E. A. Faye, Paris. E. Clausius, . J. F. J. Schmidt, Athens. F. M. de Lesseps, Paris. Otto Struve, Pulkowa. Sir Wm. Thomson, Glasgow.

CLASS II. — Natural and Physiological Sciences. — 28.

SECTION I. —7. SECTION II. — 7. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of Botany. the Globe. Barrande, . J. G. Agardh, Lund. Des Cloizeaux, Paris. George Bentham, London. James Prescott Joule, Manchester. Alphonse de CandoUe, . C. F. Rammelsberg, Berlin. Oswald Heer, Zurich. A. C. Ramsay, London. Sir Joseph D. Hooker London. Sir Edward Sabine, London. Carl N'ageli, Munich. Bernhard Studer, Berne. Julius Sachs, Wurzburi


SECTION III.—10. C. Th. von Siebold, Munich. J. J. S. Steenstrup, Copenhagen. Zoology and Physiology. Valentin, Berne.

Milne Edwards, Paris. SECTION IV. — 4. Thomas H. Huxley, London. Albrecht KoUiker, Wiirzburg. Medicine and Surgery. Rudolph Leuokart, Leipsic. C. E. Brown-Sequard, Paris. C. F. W. Ludwig, Leipsio. F. C. Donders, Utrecht. Richard Owen, London. Sir James Paget, London. Louis Pasteur, Paris. Virchow, Berlin.

CLASS III. — Moral and Political Sciences. — 22.

SECTION I. — 3. SECTION III. — 8. Philosophy and Jurisprudence. Political Economy and History. Sir Henry Sumner Maine, London. Ernst Curtius, Berlin. James Martineau, London. W. Ewart Gladstone, London. Sir James E. Stephen, London. Charles Merivale, Ely. F. A. A. Mignet, Paris. Mommsen, Berlin. Mark Pattison, Oxford. SECTION II — 7. Von Ranke, Berlin. Philology and Archaeology. William Stubbs, Oxford.

Georg Curtius, Leipsic. SECTION IV. — 4. Pascual de Gayangos, Madrid. Literature and the Fine Arts. Benjamin Jowett, Oxford. Lepsius, Berlin. Matthew Arnold, London. Max Miiller, Oxford. GerSme, Paris. H. A. J. Munro, Cambridge John Ruskin, Coniston. Sir H. C. Rawlinson, London. Alfred Tennyson, Me of Wight.



A. Agave guttata, Jac. & Bouche, 161. maculosa. Hook., 161. Abies religiosa, SclileoM, 158. lleginsB, Moore, 163. Acalyplia anemioides, HBK., 154. revoluta, Klotzsch (?) 163.' Lindheimeri, MuelL, 154. variegata, Jacobi, 161. Neo-Mexicana, Muell., 154. Wislizeni, Engelm., 162. pHeoides, Cav., 154. Ageratum oorymbosum, Zucc, 100. radians, Torr., 154. Agrostis scabra, Willd., 176. vagans, Cav., 154. verticillata, VilL, 176. Acerates vividiflora. Ell., 114. Alcohol, allyl, 53. Acetic aldehyde, 49. methyl, 51. Acetone, 51. Aldehyde, acetic, 49. Aobyronyclua Parryi, Hemsl., 143. AUiouia incaruata, Linn., 143. Acid, monobromoinnamio, 279. Allium Plummerse, 195. nitrous, Yolumetric determination scaposum, Benth., 165. of combined, 375. Alloys, electromotive force of, 221. parabrombenzylsulpho, 86. their composition, 222. phenyldibroiniaotio, 380. Allyl alcohol, 53. phenyltribrompropionic, 277. Alternanthera aoliyrantha, H. Br., Acids, inorganic, researches on the 144. complex, 233. Amarantus albus, Linn., 143. Aoleisantlies Berlandieri, Gray, 143. ohlorostaohys, Willd., 143. longiflora. Gray, 143. Palmeri, Watson, 144. Acnide tamariscina. Gray, 144. polygonoides, Linn., 143. Acrostichum gratam. Pee, 183. retroflexus, Linn., 143. Yenustum, Fee, 183. spinosas, Linn., 143. Acrylic and propionic acids, on cer­ Amblyolepsis setigera, DC, 109. tain substituted, 41. Ambrosia aptera, DO., 104. Actinella insignls. Gray, 109. Artemisisfolia, Linn., 104. Enearifolia, Torr. & Gray, 109. psilostacliya, DC, 104 odorata. Gray, 109. Ammonium salt, 369. Palmeri, Gray, 109. Anagallis arvensis, Linn., 112. scaposa, Nutt., 109. Amdropogon hirtiilorus, Kunth, 174. Adiantum teuerum, Swartz, 188. lagiiroides, DC, 173. capillus-veneris, Linn., 187. leucopogon, Nees, 174. thalictroides, Willd., 187. myosurus, PresL, (?) 174. iEoidinm oonvallerise, Sohra., 74. Virginious, Linn., 174. nitens, 76'. Aneimia adiantifolia, Swartz, 189. thalietri, Grev., 75. Mexicana, Klotzsch, 189. j35pogon cenchroides, Humboldt & tomentosa, Swartz, 189. BonpL, 173.^ Anemopsis Califomica, Hook., 148. Agave Americana, Linn., 163. Anhydride of Curcumin Dihydride, 2. asperiraa, Jacobi, 163. Anisaoauthus pumilus, Nees, 133. bracteosa, Watson, 163. virgularis, Nees, 133. falcata, Eugelm., 163. Wrightii, Benth. & Hook., 133.