Remembering Wellness
REMEMBERING WELLNESS IN TOUCH FOR HEALTH/KINESIOLOGY A History, Context And Vision For Touch For Health, the First 25 Years And The Next Millennium By JOHN F THIE D.C. We are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the publication of the Touch for Health manual and over 30 years of growth, transition, branching out, and reintegration. We have seen immense benefits in our own lives and in the lives of the people we have touched. And we are now poised for and exponential increase in the growth and untold influence and benefit in health care and human development. Touch for Health Kinesiology is now a global phenomenon and part of the "global village". As we look at our history, our current phase of transition, and our vision of Wellness for the future, we must literally contemplate our most sacred heritage, our most profound beliefs and our highest hopes for the future of all humanity and life on earth. As we look forward to the next 25 years for Touch for Health Kinesiology, and the next millennium for all mankind, we see an unprecedented need for change in the way that we live and care for ourselves, and an unprecedented opportunity for those of us in TFH/K to take a leadership role in fulfilling human needs and effecting change in our lives. Now that people from all walks of life --business, arts, science, religion, etc.-- and among all the healing disciplines-- medicine, chiropractic, faith healing, massage, psychology, etc.-- we are uniquely positioned to contribute in all of these areas. With the current zeitgeist, or spirit of the time, we are uniquely prepared to fulfill the desperately needed role of interface between the health-care practitioner (whether reductionist, disease centered, or holistic, wellness oriented), and personal responsibility, self awareness, and self-care.
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