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Sports Sports Feature MONDAY AUGUST 31, 2009 THE PROJECTOR RED RIVER COLLEGE’S STUDENT NEWSPAPER ADVOCATING FOR CROCHET RIGHTS SINCE 1965 RETHINK THE DOUBLE-DOUBLE JAMAICAN ME CRAZY HUNGRY Columnist Joel Marcoux offers this rude awakening to It’s back to basics for 18 Jamaican students who landed hungry students hoping to save a few bucks and refuel at Red River to hone their culinary skills and earn the at the Canadian icon for coffee and crullers highest designation Canadian cookery has to offer Rain don’t stop the discs from flying FEATURE Canadian Ultimate Championships Page 10 SPORTS Judgement Defending champs Rivals will try to shake RRC athletes, day who are going into this season Students weigh in: determined to defend their three Top instructors at RRC championship titles Page 9 page 8 SPORTS 2 NEWS department COLLEGE DEVELOPMENTS Stimulus money fuelling college development THE PROJECTOR Red River College P110-160 Princess St Winnipeg, MB R3B 1K9 Phone: (204) 947-0013 Email: [email protected] Editor in Chief Mathew Preprost > [email protected] News Editor Anna Harrison > [email protected] Arts and Technology Editor Emily Baron Cadloff > [email protected] Sports Editor Kalen Qually > [email protected] Layout Editors Kiirsten May & Rebecca Nolette > [email protected] Photo Editor Rheanne Marcoux Advertising Director Guy Lussier > [email protected] (204) 632-2375 The college’s Notre Dame campus will be getting a major overhaul in the next two years. FLICKR Fax: (204) 632-7896 College receives $4 million towards infrastructure improvements CONTRIBUTORS Tammy Karatchuk time to reinvest,” Fast said, as the Canadian building is being built with the latest environ- Tammy Karatchuk, Anna Harrison, Sarah Volunteer economy struggles to overcome the recession. mental technology to meet green standards and is Lund, Kalen Qually, Shanya Wiwierski, “Every college across Canada has been lobby- expected to be completed in 2011. Greenspace Amanda Lefley, Rheanne Marcoux, Emily ing the government for a significant investment,” management students will also see the construc- Baron Cadloff, Heather McGowan, Robin AH, the start of a new school year -- the sound Fast said. “There’s still a significant shortage of tion of a $500,000 landscape construction shop. Dudgeon, Aaron Cohen, Mitchell Clinton, of students chatting, lockers clanging, and for trades people and those are the jobs we train Bruinooge’s announcement was part of a com- Jeffrey Vallis, Joel Marcoux, Thor Blondal, those at the Notre Dame campus, construction students for. bined $41.2 million in infrastructure grants to Kendra Wong, Paul Samyn, Ishmael N. banging, thanks to a $4 million cash infusion “(The government) is being responsive of the post-secondary institutions. Bruinooge was un- Daro, Amanda Connon-Unda, Brennan from the provincial and federal governments. needs of the college and the economy,” he said. available for comment. Neill, Trevor Gill Red River College received $4.25 million The short-term stimulus package will go Other Manitoba schools receiving funds in the in early July toward four of its ongoing infra- towards the renovation or construction of four program’s second phase were the University of structure projects at Notre Dame. The program projects at the flagship campus. Manitoba ($24 million) and St. Boniface College pitched in $2.125 million, which was matched “The campus needs an overhaul,” Fast said. ($13 million). by the province. “We need to expand our capacity and add new Winnipeg South MP Rod Bruinooge made facilities as well.” FUNDING BREAKDOWN the announcement as part of the Knowledge The bulk of the funding -- $2.5 million -- will Infrastructure Program, a two-year, $2-billion be spent on a new energy centre for the power $2.5 million federal economic stimulus program to support engineering program. That’s an advantage, Fast New Energy Centre/Power Engineering infrastructure improvements at post-secondary said, as it opens up space in the B building to Building institutions. expand the electrical program. Red River spokesman Colin Fast said the gov- Building M will undergo extensive renovations $500,000 ernment funding was likely sparked by the stu- New energy efficient greenhouse to accommodate an influx of automotive and Who We Are dents themselves. diesel students. The renovation is expected to be Fast contended that College students have $700,000 completed by the end the year. Building M renovations always fueled the economy and the government The college’s landscape management program The Projector is the student newspaper of likely created a stimulus package to continue that will see construction of a green house and land- $550,000 Red River College and is published by the trend. scape area that will be shared by landscaping Landscape construction shop Red River College Students’ Association The federal government saw this as “a good students and groundskeeping staff, Fast said. The (RRCSA) every second Monday. The Projec- tor is a member of the Canadian University Hey kid, Press (CUP), a national organization of student newspapers. Opinions expressed in the Projector do not necessarily reflect those Wanna to see your name in print, wanna of the students’ association or Red River Col- make something of yourself? Then get your lege. All material is herein copyrighted to the game face on, son, ‘cause here’s your golden Projector, its contibutors, and the RRCSA. opportunity. Write For Us Write for The Projector. Anyone can write for the Projector, and Red Pitch your story idea to River College students are encouraged to contribute. Simply pitch or submit an article [email protected] to the appropriate section editor or join our contributors’ list. Though we will consider all submissions, due to space restrictions, the Projector cannot guarantee that all articles received will be published. If you wish to respond to something you’ve read in this issue, letters to the editor can be emailed to [email protected]. To ensure your chances of being published, letters should strive to be around 150 to 200 words in length. The Projector reserves the right to edit all sub- missions for length, as well as stylistic, gram- matical, and legal guidelines. The Projector also reserves the right to reprint submissions at any time, in both written and electronic formats. The Projector will not publish con- tent that it deems to be defamatory, racist, sexist, or otherwise hateful or prejudiced. August 31, 2009 THE PROJECTOR department NEWS 3 Jamaican students spice up culinary program It’s back to the basics for these students, Canadian style styles of cooking,” he said. The program is split into three sec- tions: two months of classroom work, four months of work experience and Anna Harrison the final two months are back in the News Editor classroom. Kirk Brown, 30, of St. Elizabeth, RED RIVER COLLEGE is spicing began cooking ten years ago after up its culinary arts program with the taking some classes in high school. arrival of 18 Jamaican students this “I will challenge the Red Seal in summer. February,” he said. The culinary students arrived The prestigious Red Seal certificate in Winnipeg in July to begin eight recognizes successful apprenticeship in months of training at the Notre Dame culinary arts. campus. “The Red Seal is recognized all over Bruce Condie, director of interna- the world. I would like to become tional education at RRC, helped facili- an executive chef and that certificate tate the arrangement. gives a person control of a restaurant,” “We were approached by the Ja- said Brown. maican government which was For many of the students, the expe- running similar programs in B.C.,” rience of being in another country was said Condie. what attracted them to the program, “They thought it would be a great in hopes of enhancing their skills. opportunity to bring over students to Dorothy Harris-Stobbs, 42, of upgrade their training. So, we agreed Kingston, began her career as a chef to start with the culinary program.” 17 years ago at the University of In May, Condie travelled to Jamaica Technology, in Jamaica. with RRC president and CEO Dr. Jeff “What I wanted was to see was the Zabudsky in the spring, to meet with international side versus strictly Ca- the Jamaican Ministry of Labour. The ribbean cuisine. Canada is known for parties signed a Memorandum of Un- French cuisine, which I look forward Breakfast buffet, prepared by the students at the Hard Drive Cafe. ANNA HAR- derstanding (MOU) on May 21. to trying. The hands-on approach of RISON “The MOU is very simple in stating Canadian cooking has inspired me,” more Jamaican students. that RRC will work co-operatively she said. “We are looking at the possibility with the Jamaican Ministry of Labour Brown agreed. of an automotive program to start in and a Canadian consulting company “By doing this here, I also gain January and another group of culinary (Marmicmon IMC) to develop pro- the experience of another culture. I students next May,” he said. gramming for Jamaican professions,” have worked in England, the United However, the possibility of RRC Condie said. States and now Canada. I’m trying to students taking courses in Jamaica The Jamaican Ministry of Labour is become broad in my knowledge of does not look likely at this point. responsible for recruiting the students culture and foods, and hopefully this “Right now it is a one way program, and collecting the fees, while RRC will help me in the future,” he said. but it is definitely opening doors and is responsible for the programming, This week the students begin their expanding relationships with the Ja- Condie said. work experience at local Winnipeg maican government,” Condie said. Though many of the students restaurants. The Jamaican students will finish already have significant experience in “We send out applications to dif- their time in Winnipeg in February the kitchen, culinary instructor Tom ferent companies and they go through 2010, which means confronting the Pitt, has them starting over and re- the interviews,” Pitt explained.
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    N!)e*$M+,i-$M!.a/0n# S12f% T!"l#$o%$C&'t#'t( Dylan Polcyn - Editor-In-Chief Braeden Rodriguez - Head of Editing F34T56E7 Alex Townsend - Page Editor 14 Rachel Dranoff - Head of Writing Naked Playlist Danielle Nobbe - Head of Design Timeline Stefanie Roudebush - Designer 11 Gwendolyn Balogh - Writer Food Column 11 Mimi Strauss - Writer Van Forsman - Writer Jay Grenda - Wrier Erin Bensinger - Writer Rachel Lifton - Writer Mireya Gúzman-Ortiz - Designer E>?T@6IABS Erica Vanneste - Writer Viola Brown - Designer (Don’t) pirate these 2 *ULIÀQ6PDOOH\'HVLJQHU 13 Naked Person albums Joel Bryson - Writer of the Issue Jon Jerow - Writer Cleome Bernick-Roehr - Writer New leaders page 3 Naked Music Magazine Kalamazoo College 1200 Academy Street Kalamazoo, MI 49006 D&D Printing E:;N<= 2531 Azo Drive Kalamazoo, MI 49048 Double Phelix 7-8 Like what we do? Have Homecoming concert 11 comments? Suggestions? An article you want to write? Contact 9 That Freak Quincy us! Find us on Facebook, Tumblr Alex’s Big Show 5 and Twitter. Naked Music & Culture Magazine @NakedMCMagazine Cover Art by Paris Weisman R38I39S 4 21st Cent. Arctic Monkeys 4 6 Earl Sweatshirt Pretty Lights 10 2 Cage the Elephant Danny Brown 12 Page 1 Pirate these Cage the Elephant: (Don't)Albums Melophobia age the Elephant- Melophobia dry up and wither away”. Compared to C In the age of electronic music, the “Black Widow” the brass section’s tone VHDUFKIRUTXDOLW\URFNFDQEHUDWKHUGLIÀ- is slow and sloppy, as if they’re mocking $UWLVW:LOG&XE cult. Despite this lack of mainstream rock, the placidness of The Beatles in their later $OEXP<RXWK there are still bands that are able to break work.
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