' ' FREE TRADE UNIONS ·IN THE W.F. T. U WORlD FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS FREE TRADE UNIONS EM AI IN THE VV.F.T.U. WORLD FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS • FOREVvORD - On January 28th. 1949~ Louis Saillant, General See-te tary of the W.F.T.U-., presented a report on behalf of the Executive Bureau to the Executive Comittee on the events which had led up to the departure of the T,U.C., C:I.o·. and Dutch N. V. V. representatives from the Executive Bu- reau .meeti~g on J~nuary I gth. · - .... Louis Saillant summed up what had taken place in. the following words _:. · · · · · ._, ·<i · ·I. During the year 1948 ·the leaders of the_ BritiSh T.U.C. ~ addressed ultimatums to the \V.F.T.U. on three different occasions.- This is the negation of international trade union cooperation based on the sharing of responsibil ities aad the common rights of all the National Centres a £fil iated to the \Y.~.T.U. n · ' · « 2. The leaders of the C .-.I. 0., and in particular ~arey -_-. - thus ·showing a 6ertain lack of experiel)~e~ and a misunder· standing of the history ·and life of the international trade un-ion
[email protected] - have tried to ll:se th~ w. F. T. u. to pursue a policy inspired by the American State Department aimed at ·economic expansion based on the control of foreign m~r.~ kets by the economic and ·financial trusts of American ca.pii:_ alism. This attempt, conducted by Carey, was revealed _at the : Executive Bureau meeting in N ove~ber I947' >> ~ .