Henderson, Katie From: Gilliam, Allen Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 3:16 PM To:
[email protected] Cc: marion jim shempert; Henderson, Katie Subject: AR0021971_Hino Motors ARP001025 April 2012 Baseline Monitoring Report Completion Reply and TOMP information_20120423 AFIN 1800565 Attachments: AR0046566_Industrial Metal Finishing 2 ARP001024 September 2011 Toxic Organic Management Plan Submittal_20110930.pdf; TTO guidance manual.pdf; 433 semi annual report FORM 2011.doc Jerry, Your Baseline Monitoring Report (BMR) was received on 4/13/12, reviewed, deemed complete and compliant with the Federal Pretreatment Regulations in 40 CFR 403.12(b). More specifically the wastewater analyzed indicates compliance with the Metal Finishing limitations in 40 CFR 433.17. In the future please ensure a complete chain of custody is included with your analytical results. As per our phone conversations on 4/20 some minor revisions were hand‐drawn on Hino’s wastewater schematics (w/my initials) to further clarify where your regulated process wastewater flows. Regarding toxic organics in 40 CFR 433.12(b), “In requesting the certification alternative, [Hino] shall submit a solvent [toxic organic] management plan that specifies to the satisfaction of [ADEQ] the toxic organic compounds used; the method of disposal used instead of dumping, such as reclamation, contract hauling, or incineration; and procedures for ensuring that toxic organics do not routinely spill or leak into the wastewater.” Please find attached a simple, but acceptable toxic organic management