I New Type of Violin In March 1~t, the, F~li,o,~ lnvnnllon CU~t~T af th0 Un~d $ia[ez; .~wardu~t Xu ShJlkm ~ top .qold pnz~ for his Jn~nflnn af +! f'~W ~'p~ of vlolkl. Xu, a ,zalive of S~enyan.q, ~ insI~nv~.nt~ and I~ h~n ln~ ol n'.,J.q~o ~ir~o I~s <,:.+tidl,m,~l+F=on) 19~, he t',as ~pl~P'J ~mse++ to m~n,~"..~,+.-,inO vln- it~. '~ini~ CD ouro t+u~t,+u~mm¢on I't,a~,SSrsuch ~s, hollow lind ¢3e.S.~JI~IT, C~ 01 ~r++.~ A. B nnrJ C on tho G..~ng, tP+ +;pu~;Iyea==+ to l=+,+mnt,~ nv^' type o+ su~nd ~am lot ~e V,sm~n~.m, H+ eH~ Pas cringed ~h~. 'Vnrv,,~.t~.r ~.,m'g~ bo~.,n," I~V'aJlin~ in II,ly lur uav~al hundred years, nto a ne,_,vvP~m-f~mily in~tz~rl'~nt wt~ Q compound stru~tutu x,G1h mr~,'~l l;~trr~. Th~s c~ itt~n .~ater volume +~ Fndr~Ad n~r- tune on a ++lady, dumur,~+(mtir~ UIe full ¢'.,vrt~ o+ the e.~m~: ttmrm'w~t X~;m Invmmlon ho~ ~an mgiF..t~'ud wig+ gm P+ttent Olfi~ ot the Pecples ReptJbl~ ol (~nn, ~lnnlng him ~ ~le of Chh=~'u G+~t Master in V+clin rr~tadur~.. I M n~r.~d.,'vo.tyiO'Ip ncO'J. pl~ne., i 9. Z~vmK 1~ A ~.~,lR~r.
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