PE 48 November 28, 1969

Gadres $hould Fensist im EekEreg Ferf, eA Im Golleetiwe Frodasefifrwe La&mur

4" Chine ComtEsiwes $ts Suseeessims? *$ Rich Hcrvests /e Long Liye the Milltaslt Frlenadsfuip Betweesl

Ghilrese amd &Ehaarlaer Feoples

-_ tn celebrotion of the z0ih onniversory of the -{k estqblishment of diplomotic relotions betwe,en Chino ond Albonio 0uotATroils Fnot


Referring to tle comrades from the basic levels who were newly elected b the Ceatral Coirrmittee, Chainnan Mao exhorted duriry the Ninth National Congress of the Party to ..see to it that they do not divorce themselves from the masses or productive labour a4d that they must perform their duties."

Going down to do manual labour gives vast numbers of cadres an excellent opportunity to study once again; this should be done by all cadres except those who are old, weak, ill or disabled. cadres at their posts should also go down in turn to do manual Iabour.

Let the Parties and peoples of China and Albania unite, let the Marxist-Leninists of all countdes unite, let the revolutionary people of the whole world unite and overthrow , modern and the reactionaries of every country! A t new world without imperialism, without and without any system of exploitation is certain to be huilt.

Revolutions and revolutionary wars are inevitable in class society, and without them it is impossible to accomplish any Ieap in social development and to overthrow the reactionary ruling classes and therefore impossible for the people to win political powef. ?!{E WEEK

Albonian Ambassodor to China Gives Reception He said that the Great proletarian personally led by Chairman Mao took place in the Establishment of eonditions of socialist construction 20th Anniversary of and the dictatorship of the prole- Diplomatic Relations Between Albania tariat. It had further enriched the treasury of - and And China Warmly Celebrated had provided an inspiring example and experience for the revolutionary people who wanted to make revolu- fTOMRADE Xhorxhi Robo, Albanian years the relationship between our tion and build socialism. U o*b".rador China, gave a two Partieq two countries and two to The Ninth National Congress of reception on the evening of Novem- peoples has steadily developed, ex- the glorious Chinese Communist 22, warmly celebrating the 20th panded and grown stronger in the ber Party, he added, was a victory for establishment of political, ideological, economic, milit- anniversary of the Chairman Mao's Marxist-Leninist relations Albania ary, cultural and social fields. This diplomatic between revolutionary line. It had held stilt and China. relationship is a brilliant example in higher the red banner of revolution. upholding Marxism-Lerrinism and Present were Comrades Li Hsien- The firm implementation of the his- proletarian internationalism. nien and Hsieh Fu-chih, Vice-Pre- " toric resolutions of the Ninth Party miers of the Council, and Comrade Robo said: The friend- Congress was turaing Qhina ials a Ieading members of various depart- ship between the two Parties, trro still more prwp€rqrs and powerful ments concerned including Comrades countries and two peoples! cr,eated by eountrlr. Today China had become Wang Hsin-tiag, Li Chieng, Wu.Teb, Chairrmn ti[ao Tsefimg arnrl Comrade an impregnable bastion of revolution Chiu Kuekrrang, tai Chi-fa, Ilirang hver Eo-ha, is a geuine, revolu- and socialism; it hd becorne the hope &ibyung; Chi Feng-fei, Chiao tionary and militant friendship, a of and progressive Kuan-hua, Esu Yi-hsin, Ma Wen-po, friendship which has been estab- peoples. Ilsi,eh Huai-teh, Liu Ta-;ru, Shen lished and strengthened in the com- In his speech, Comrade Chi Pen!- Cbien, Yang Yu-heng, Wang An-chu, mon struggle in revolution arrd for fei said: In the 20 years since China Tu Hsing-yuan and Wang Hsing. the cause of socialism. It has stood and Albania established diplomatic Nane Kutra, Deputy Chief sf the the test in the rwolutionarjr storms relations, our two Parties, two coun- Folitical Departrnent of the Albanian and heroic battles against our com- tries and two peoples have, in the People's Army, who is now in Chioa mon enemies imperialism headed - protracted strugqle against imperial- as leader of the visiting Albanian imperialism modern by U.S. and ism and revisionism and in our com- People's Army Art Troupe, and revisionism headed by Soviet revi- uron cause of socialist revolution and other Albanian comrades were sionism-and in the struggle to present. socialist construction, supported, en- defend and strive for the victory of couraged and learnt from each other, Robo Chinese Viee- Comrade and Marxism-Leninism. This friendship fought shoulder to shoulder, built up Minister of Foreign Affairs Comrade Y is unbreakable. an unbreakable militant friendship Chi Peng-fei spoke at the reception. i and won one great victory after I He said emphatically: "We are l The Albanian Ambassador said another. i determined to struggle to the end /) that the establishment of diplomatic against any enemy who dares to He said: "In their revolutionary relations between Albania and China invade our two countries until he is struggles, past and present, the Chi- 20 years ago opened a new stage in il completely defeated." nese people have always enjoyed the the history of close, fraternal co- energetic support of their Albanian operation between the Albanian peo- In his speech Comrade Robo comrades-in-arms. You have firmly ple and the heroic Chinese people warmly praised the victory of China's suppoited the Chinese people's just aad between our two socialist soun- Great Proletarian Cultural Revolu- struggles to oppose U.S. imperialism, tries. tion and the success of the Ninth liberate Taiwan and restore China's l,l He said: "We note with full Natio,nal Congress of the Chinese legitimate rights in the United Na- satisfaction tbat during these 20 Communist Party, tisns. When the,Ssviet modern revi-

Nooember 28, 19ffi t- sionist leading clique whipped up fight and triurnph together with Maoping,, Pamien- fr-enzied anti-China adverse currents them, and strive together to bury im- shan and Shuangmashih, and aiso again and again, you fearlessly perialism, modern revisionism and Taehing in the Chingkang Mountains stepped forward in the face of brute their running dogs once and for all where he had once lived. tr'rom Shao- force and stood firmly with the and to build a neur world without shan to the Chingkang Mountains via in ruth- imperialism, without capitalism and An;ruan, the brilliance of Mao lessly exposing and struggling against without any system of exploitation.'! Tsetung Thought is everywhere dis- the Soviet modern revisionist leading cernible. Now that the highway links clique in order to safeguard the up the various revolutionary me- purity of Marxism-Leninisra. You morial sites, the broad revolutionary On the evening have given us powerful support in of November 22, masses have greater access to them Keng Piao, our socialist revolution and socialist Chinese Ambassador to and thu.s will be able to study more Albania, held a reception in Tirana construction and especially in the effectively the great levolutionary Great Proletarian Cultural Revolu- to warml;z celebrate the 20th anni- activities of Chairman Mao and learn versary tion personally initiated and led by of the establishment of diplo- a great deal. our great leader Chairman Mao. You matic relations between China and have also highly appraised the Ninth Albania. The construction of the Shaoshan- Congress, Chingkang Mountains .Highway had Party which has a far- Present at the reception were reaching long been earnestly desired by the influence in the history of Comrades Haki Toska, Spiro Koleka our Party. This support and revolutionary masses. To build this help of and Abdyl Keilezi; Comrades Nesti youis your highway, leading members of the has fully demonstrated Nase, Kico Ngjela, Milo proletarian Qirko, Shina- Hunan and Kiangsi provincial revolu- internationalism and fra- si Dragoti and Ciril Pistoli, govern- ternal sentiments; it has encouraged rnent ministers; Comrade Dashnor us greatly. The 700 million Chinese Mamaqi, editor-in-chief of the Zeri i, -'*rI-aI, Reorganization" and "Ku- people never forget your sutrF will Popullit; and other Albanian com- cheng Conference": fn October 1927, Chair- port Harvest Up- and help, for which we extend rades. man Mao.led the 'lAutumn to you most heartfelt thanks." rising" forces in their march to the Ctdng- our kang Mountains. On the way, in Sanwan Comrade Keng Piao and Comrade Village of Yunghsin County, Ifiangsi Comrade Chi Peng-fei added: The Toska made speeches at the recep- Province, he reorganized the forces and relations between our two Parties and founded the First Regiment of the First tion, which was filled with the pro- two peoples are fraternal relations Division of the First Army of the Work- found revolutionary friendship be- ers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, of the truest kind. Our friendship is tween Chinese Albanian Party organizations were built up at precious, the and various levels in the army and Party rep- the most revolutionar5r peoples. friendship. Just as our great leader resentatives were incbrporated at com- pany level and above. T'he Front Com- Chairman Mao pointed out: "T[e ate mittee, with Chairman Mao as secretary, your true friends and comrades. And was established. In the army, the soldiers' you'are committees were set up to practise ours. You are not like thoso Shqoshon-Chingkong Mountoins democratic management. The rules of rev- false friends and double-dealers who Highwoy Opened to Troffic olulionary discipline for the people's have 'honey on their Iips and murder arrny were formulated. It was precisely on that the absolute in their hearts', and neither we, from that time leader- are The highway from Shaoshan, our ship of the Party over the army was Our militant revolutionary friendship great leader Chairman Mao's birth- affirmed and this taid the foundation for has stood the test of violent storms." place, to the Chingkang Mountains, building a new-type revolutionary army. And Comrade Enver Hoxha, the great China's first rural revolutionary base After the "Sanwan ReorganiZation," Chairman Mao led the forces to Kucheng, leader of the Albanian people, has area founded personally by Chairman Ningkang County, Kiangsi Province. In also pointed out: "The fraternal Mao, was recently finished and Kucheng, Chairman Mao presided over an monolithic friendship between our enlarged meeting of the Party organiza- formally opened. to traffic. tion of the army, summed up the experi- Pariy, Government and people on ences of the Autumn Harvest Uprising the one hand and the Chinese Com- This highway, 465-kilometre-long, and drew lessons from them. I'here he con- goes through many historic places: tinued the reorganization and consolida- munist Party, the Chinese Govern- tion of the armed forces. In late October, ment and people on the other will Anyuan, the birthplace of the Chi- Chairman Mao led the forces to the Ching- be evergreen. Neither the long dis- nese workers' revolutionary move- kang Mountains and founded China's first tance of thousands of mlles, nor high ment rvhich the great leader Chair- rural revolutionary base area - the Chingkang Mountains base area. mountains and oeeans can block us. man Mao personally created; San- wan Village where he conducted The Autumn llarvest Uprising, Sanwan We shall always be together like the Reorganization and march to the Ching- blood brothers, in sunny days or in "Sanwan Reorganization"t of the kang Mountains, all of which. were led by "Autumn Harvest Uprising" forces Chairman l\fao, were an important turning difficult times." point in China's revolutionary history. It after he had led them to Yunghsin opened up the road for the victorious ad- Comrade Chi Peng-fei concluded County, Kiangsi Provincel site of the vance of China's revolution. the road of emphatically: all tirnes and in marching to the rural areas to establish "At "Kucheng Conference"* which was revolutionary base areas there and, using any circums.tances, the 700 million convened in Ningkang County and them to accumulate and develop revolu- Chinese people will always unite presided over by Chairman Mao him- tionary forces in order gradually to en- circle the cities frtrm the countryside and with the fraternal Albanian people, self; as well as through llsingkuo, finally take them.

4 Peking Retsieu, No. 48 tionary committees and of the Railways Kuo Lu, Zambian Minister The communique pointed out that departments concerned conducted of Development and Finance E.H.K. in the course of the talks, unanimit5r many investigations. Later they Mudenda, and Tanzanian Minister of was reached in the spirit of true co- went to the construction sites to Finance A.H. Jamal signed the three operation on all matters discussed. guide and take part in the work. documents. Cherishing deep proletarian feelings It said: The three government de- of infinite loyalty to the great leader According to the stipulations of the legations were convinced that "the Chairman Mao, the revolutionary supplementary agreement, the Chi- construction of the railway would workers, poor and lower-middle nese Government agreed to the re- further consolidate the close ties be- quest Tanza- peasants and P.L.A. commanders of the Governments of tween the three Governments and and fighters worked on the project nia and Z,ambia to shift the starting peoples and would further strengthen point with tremendous political en- of the China-assisted Tanzania- their solidarity and unshakable re- thusiasm and revolutionary vigour. Zambia railway in Tanzania as speci- solve to defeat imperialism and colo- fied in the agreement coneluded in nialism in all their manifestations.". On November 11 and 12, ceremo- Peking by the three Governrnepts on nies marking the opening of the September 5, 196?, from Kidatu to Zambian President Kaunda gave a highway took place respectively in the Tanzanian of Dar-es-Sa- dinner the same evening in honoui the Chingkang Mountains and Shao- laam. of the Chinese Government Railway shan. Amid waving red banners and Delegation headed by Kuo Lu, Chi- Speaking the signing ceremony, nese Vice-Minister of Railways. ) thundering cheers, the vehicles drove at off. The heroic sons and daughters Mudenda said that the talks had suc- cessfully implemented the Tanzania- In his speech at the dinner, Pres- 1 of Shaoshan and Chingkang Moun- project. ident Kaunda expressed his thanks tains, holding their red treasured Zambia railway Expressing pointed for China's help in the construction books of Quotations Frorn Chairman satisfaction with the talks, he out that the tasks set for the talks of the Tanzania-Zambia railway. He Mao Tsetung and beating gongs and said: friend in need is a friend had been accomplished in the inter- "'A drums, happily shouted: "Long live indeed.' When we were in urgent ests of Zarnbia, Tanzania and China. our great leader Chairman Mao! A need, China came to our help. We long, long life to him!" On behalf of the Railway Delega- appreciate it. The railway will be tion of the Tanzanian Government built." *firis will bring deep sorrow Jamal asked Kuo Lu, leader of the to those criminals against humanity," Railway Delegation of the Chinese he added. Government, to convey its apprecia- Chinese, Tonzonion, Zombion He said that there were some peo- tion to the Chinese Government and Governments Sign Supplemeh- ple who opposed China's assistance people. He expressed the conviction to Zambia. I do not see any- tory Agreement on Construc- that the railway will be conducive to "But thing bad. What I see is good from tion of Tonzonis-Zombio the further develop'rnent of friendly Peking." Roilwoy relations between Tanzania and, Zam- bia. He stressed that China has never A supplementary agreement be- interfered. in Zambia's internal af- tween Government Kuo Lu said: "Acting in accord- the of the Pee fairs. "China is a peaceful country. p1e's Republic of China ance with Chairman Mao's teaching: and the Gov- SlIe respects us. I call upon others ernments of the United Republic of 'Serve the people oI China and the to respect us like China." He also Tanzania and the Republic of Zambia world,' we regard our assistance in praised the Chinese railway survey- on the construction of the Tanzania- buitding the Tanzania-Zambia rail- ing personnel for their good rvork. Tannbia railway was signed in Lusa- way as our bounden international ka, capital of Zambia, on the evening duty." The friendship between Chi- He asked the Chinese Government of November 14 after five days of na, Tanzania and Zambia, forged in Railway Delegation to convey the friendly talks between the railway their common struggle against impe- profound thanks and ardent love of delegations of the three Govern- rialism, colonialism and neo-colonial- the ZanTbian Government and people ments. ism, will further develop in the for the great leader of the Chinese Ttre three delegations also signed course of the construction of the rail- people Chairman Mao. the minutes of the way, he added. talks relating to In his speech, Kuo Lu thanked prepalatory work to be done prior A press communique on the talks President Kaunda, the Zambian Gov- to beginning construction of the Tan- regarding preparatory work prior to ernment and people for the warm re- zania-Zambia railway and approved the commencement of construction of given to the Chinese Govern- a supplementary proposal on matters ception the Tanzania-Zambia railway was Railway Delegation, and ex- of some teehnical principles for the ment railway. issued in Lusaka by the Railway pressed the hope that the friendship Delegations of the Chinese, Tanza- and friendly co-operation between Representing their respective Gov- nian and Zambian Governments on China, Zarr,bia and Tanzania will be ernments, Chinese ViceMinister of the evening of November 14. further developed.

Not;ember 28, 1969 ]rn u jt< RENMIN RIBAO

Codres Should Persist in Tsking Psrt in Collective Productive Lsbour

A YEAR ago, our great leader Chairman Mao issued Cadres at the grass-roots level, in workshops or fI the extremely important instruction: "Going down rural production teams, do manual labour together with to do manual labour gives vast numbers of cadres an the workers or cornmune members so as not to divorce excellent opportunity to study once again; this should themselves from production. be done by all cadres except those who are old, weak, ill or disabled. Cadres at their posts should also go It is very important that the representatives of the down in turn to do manual labour." masses on the revolutionary eommittees go back to their own units to take part in manual labour and not divorce In accordance with Chairman Mao's teaching, thou- themselves from production. And this is also one of sands upon thousands of cadres on all fronts and from the ways of organizing cadres to participate in colleetive leading bodies a1l levels throughout country, at the productive labour. carrying hoes or hammers, have since taken an active part in collective productive labour in industry and agri- Whatever the form, each unit should, according to culture. Millions of educated young people have gone to its own conditions, work out concrete and effective mea- the countryside or mountainous areas, and vast numbers sures for cadre participation in manual labour, measures of city-dwellers have taken part in agricultural produc- which must be adhered to and can be checked upon. tion. This constitutes a most magnificent new chapter Some units proposed that cadres participating in manual in the stage of struggle-criticism-transformation of the labour should work at fixed jobs on designated work- Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. days and fulfil fixed quotas of products of specified quality. This proposal is feasible and has the approval Many fine ways of organizing cadres to take part of the Erasses. in collective productive labour have been introduced in various places in the course of this great practice. A11 the above-mentioned ways are extremely valu- able creations for implernenting Chairman Mao's great For example: instruction that "it is necessar5r to maintain tho system participation ptoductive labour," "May ?" cadre schools of different types; of cadre in collective and are vigorous new-born things which have come into Going down to the countryside to become members existence in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. of production teams, sometimes in teams consisting of They are being developed and perfeeted. After taking cadres, teachers, medical workers and educated young part in manual labour, more and more cadres have deep- people; }y realized that "knives will become rusty if they are not sharpened, water will become foul if it stagnates A "three-thirds" system introduced in leading and the cadres will become revisionist if they don't bodies whereby one-third goes down to do manual la- take part in manual labour." They have said: "Our bour, another third makes investigations and studies ciothes are getting dirty, but our minds have become of the situation, and the remainder takes care of routine our faces are sunburnt but our loyalty to Chair- office work. The three groups rotate at fixed intervals; cleaner; man Mao has been tempered; our shoes are worn out, A "two-group rotation system," whereby some but we've taken the corect road." Some have stated: eadres go down to do manual labour while the others "'!Ye had finicky airs when we remained in our offrces, attend to day-to-day work. In some places eadres spend but after comparing ourselves with the workers and half a day doing manual labour. In others, leading the poor and lower-middle peasants, we now admit that cadres of revolutionary committees head their staff we have fallen far behind. Having been tempered, we members to work in turn in the agricultural production are now filled with vitality." The workers and poor teams or workshops as ordinary commune members or and lower-middle peasants praise the cadres who have industrial workers; and persisted in taking part in collective productive labour

6 Peking Revi,ew, No. 48 as "May 7" cadres, and say: "With such eadres, we ean Shao-chi, has not been completely eliminated. To regard set our minds at ease." those cadres going down to do manual labour as people who are "inferior to others," to think that doing manual Our great leader Chairman Mao teaches us: "By labour is something that concerns onLy those cadres who taking part in eollective proiluctive labourn the cadres are assigned to go down, and to think that those who maintain extensive, constant and dose ties with the form the backbone of a department, and those cadres working people. This is a maior Breasure of funda- who have been elected recently from the ranks of the mental importance for a socialist system; it helps to workers and peasants need not participate in manual over€ome bureaucracy and to prevent revisionism and labour are all reflections in our minds of Liu Shao-chi's dogmatism." At present, an important problem con- fallacies, such as "doing manual labour is a punishment" gilding fronting us is to ensure that the @dres, especially those and "doing manual labour is a means of oneself," the ideology the exploiting classes. If we remaining at their posts, adhere to the system of taking and of old of fail to firmly grasp revolutionary mass eriticisrn and win part in collective productive labour, as consistently pres- an ideological battie in the first place, it is impossible cribed by Chairman Mao. to persist in participating in manual labour. participation Cadre in manual labour is a fine tra- All cadres must raise their consciousness with re- dition of our Party, a tradition fostered by Chairman gard to manual labour. Whether they are new or old Mao. It is a measure of fundamental importance which cadres, whether they are going down to do manual la- put Chairman Mao has forward, after summing up the bour or remaining at their posts, whether they are lead- prole- historical experience of the dictatorship of the ing or ordinary cadres, whether they are relatively good prevent restoration- Why tariat, to capitalist did some cadres or cadres who have made serious mistakes, all the errors characteristic the capitalist- cadres commit of cadres must consider participation in manual labour power? important reason was they roaders in An that their duty. This is the basic requirement of a fighter in were divorced from manual labour for a long time and, continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the became divorced from the masses and the therefore, . One must adopt the "to study once again" realities and susceptible to the corrosion that set in from attitude in honestly doing manual labour together with the 's sugar-coated bullets. So they fell into the workers and poor and lower-middle peasants and the mire revisionism. T'his is a historical lesson which of in modestly accepting reeducation by the working class all sa&!s, old and new, must always bear Bind in and tbe poor and lower-middle peasants" and so t.he histodcal pedod Repeatedly, throughout of sociali-

Nouernber 28,7969 ln f in ite Might of Choirmon Mso's Thinking on People's Wsr by Chien Hai-chin Of a P.L.A. unit the Foochotn Command fT is 20 years since the founding of our great Peo- autumn of 1958, the typhoon season had set in, coupled r ple's Republic of China. Guided by Chairman Mao's with heavy downpours. This made difficulties for our thinking on people's war, the Chinese Peopleh Libera- unit in battle. But in spite of bad weather, the com- tion Army has made outstanding contributions during manders and fighters and the militiamen defied fatigue these years in defending the sacred territory of our and sacrifice and worked round the clock to buiid motherland, the dictatorship of the proletariat and the the defence works. Many poor and lower-middie Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. peasants vied to bring rocks and boards and other materials from their homes for building the works. In Fully supported by the people, our unit crossed. artillery battles, the masses organized themselves and the sea and planted the five-star red flag on Amoy played an active part. Many heroic collectives, such Island shortly after the birth of New China, thereby as the 'oValiant Little Eighth Route" and the "'Women's shouldering the fighting task of defending our mother- came Braving enemy land's southeastern gate. Artillery Squad," to the fore. artillery fire, they brought food and water and trans- For 20 years, U.S. imperialism has forcibly oc- ported shells for our unit. Ignoring exploding shells cupied China's teruitory Taiwan, Penghu, Quemoy and the shrapnel, Huang Wang-yu of the "Valiant Lit- and Matsu Islands and supported the remnants of the tle Eighth Routg" who was then only 14, helped our Chiang Kai-shek bandit gang in constantly carrying unit clean shells and check the wires at the frontiine. out harassing and sabotage activities along the coast. United as one, the commanders and fighters and the Our unit is stationed at an outlying section of the front militiamen showed enormous courage in battle, inflict- on Amoy Island. Separated from Quemoy Island by ing heavy casualties on the U.S.-Chiang brigands and only a strip of water, our positions rnake up the most throwing them into a turmoil. forward outposts in the fight against the U.S.-Chiang At the time of the victories in shelling Quemoy brigands. Over the years, we have been carrying on Island, Chairman Mao issued the great call: "Not only extremely sharp and complex military and political must \f,'e have a powerful regular army, we must also struggles against those bandits entrenched on Quemoy. organize contingents of the people's militia on a big Relying firmly on the masses, commanders and the scale. Ttris wilt make it difficult for the imperialists fighters in our unit have smashed repeated enemy to move a single inch in our country in the event of harassment and triumphantly safeguarded our great invasion." This call of Chairman Ma9]s further showed motherland's coastal defence. us the orientation. We immediately sent out cadres Our great leader Chairman Mao has taught us: and fighters to vigorously propagate this great call by "The revolutionary war is a war of the masses; it can Chairman Mao, and at the same time took steps to be waged only by mobilizing tho masses and relying perfect the militia organization, bring up a backbone on them-" Practice in the struggle over the years has force and step up the training of militiamen so'as to helped us reach the deep understanding that the most further consolidate the joint defence by armymen and effective weapon in defending the motherland and civilians. defeating the enemy is to persevere arming the in In the more than ten years since the establishment masses with Chairman Mao's thinking on people's war, of the Lingtou Militia Outpost, the militia company make everyone a soldier and do a good job in building there has never once failed to perform its sentry duty up a joint defence by both arrnymen and civilians. or report on enemy movements. In all these years, polit- Using this weapon, we arrnymen and civilians at the ical inst.ructor Chen Fu-tai of this company has always Amoy front have forged a close unity, built and manned led the militiamen on patrol duty, keeping a close watch the defence works together and formed an impregnable on the enemy *itn fr"igfrtened vigilance and waiting for wall of bronze. The infinite might of Chairman Mao's opportunities to wipe out any intruder' While on patrol thinking on people's war has been borne fully out by one night, militiaman Huang Pao-hu saw a black dot hundreds of big and small battles in which Quemoy at sea. From his long experience in struggle, he knew Island was shelled, fighting back against enemy harass- it must be an enemy boat. He immediately led the other ment or wiping out armed enemy agents. militiamen and got into a boat to pursue it. Resourceful When ,,ve first began shelling Quemoy Is1and and and courageous, they captured the special agents sent severely punishing the U.S.-Chiang bandits in the by the U.S.-Chiang bandit gang. By relying on the

8 Peking Rersiew, No. 48 broiid rnasses in this w'ay, we have spread an escap€- folged witir the blood arrd sweat of both armymen and proof net of people's war at the front making it im- civilians ! possible the enemy realize any his schemes. for to of The revolutionary mass criticism has greatly heigh- Joint defence by armymen and civilians stood tened the consciousness of the armymen and civilians another severe test during the Great Proletarian Cul- with regard to the class struggle and the struggle be tural Revolution. Following Chairman Mao's great tween the two lines, further eliminated the poison of teaching "Trust and identify ourselves with them [the the bourgeois miiitary line and promoted the imple- masses], we €an surmount any difficulty, and no enemy mentation of the principle of putting militia work on a can erush us while we can crush any errerrr]r" we have solid basis organizationally, politically and militarily. always trusted and relied on the masses and have re- Firmly grasping their guns, the armymen and civilians, layed Chairman Mao's ]atest instructions in good time who stand sentry at the front with redoubled vigilance to all the people around in the streets and lanes, and are doing their bit in consolidating coastal defence, in the fishing villages and- on the small islands. On are determined to defend Chairman Mao's proletarian their part, the masses who have forged a deep mili- revolutionary iine and the great socialist motherland. tant friendship with the P.L.A. men in the long strug- One pitch dark night, a group of armed U.S.- gles against the enemy have come to the profound Chiang special agents vainly attempted to land and understanding that "without a people's army the peo- sabotage our Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. ple have nothing." They have faith in and support No sooner had they come ashore than they were caught the People's Liberation Army, and they have remained in the escape-proof net of our joint defence. Carrying firmly at their fighting posts and smashed the sabotage forward the glorious tradition of fighting at close range activities of a handful of class enemies. and at night, our fighters waited for the bandits to The focus of struggle between Chairman Mao's approach our front positions before suddenly opening proletarian military line and the bourgeois military line fire on them. All this time, the militiamen acted in is whether to rely on the masses or not in waging a co-ordination. Some took over sentry duty, while revolutioanry war. Our joint defence by armymen and others rowed out to sea to cut off the enemy's retreat, civilians has been constantly consolidated and deve- thereby dealing the intruders a mortal blow. Early loped in the struggle between the two lines. In 1963 one morning, several children saw a suspicious stranger and 1964, the counter-revolutionary revisionist Lo Jui- at the front. While some followed him to keep a close ehing tu,ice came to our positions at the front, pretend- watch. others raced to our unit to report the matter. ing to be on an ."inspection.'' IIe thrust his sinister After interrogation, we found that this fellow was an hand into our joint defence areq furiously attacking escaped counter-revolutionary. Facts prove that when Chairman Mao's great thinking on people's war and we have a strong joint defence by both armymen and alleging that "the militia is out of date" in a vain at- civilians, we will wipe out all enemies, no matter how tempt to cut down on the militia organization. This they come - from the sky or from the sea - and no was how our armyman-civilian joint defence at the matter when they come or in what numbers. front was attacked by the bourgeois military line. Ternpered in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revo- During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the lution, the broad masses, displaying the dauntless rev- eommanders and fighters and militiamen repeatedly olutionary spirit of fearing neither hardship nor de4th, studied Chairman Mao's great teachings: "The richest are resolved to defend Chairman Mao and their social- source of power to wage war lies in the masses of the ist motherland, whatever the cost. Many demobilized people" and "The army and the people are the founda- veteran militiamen, who won merits in battles in which guns tion of victory." With toaded slung over their Quemoy Island was shelled and the U.S.-Chiang ban- shoulders, they went together to the "mass grave" dits there took a beating, request to return to their where the Japanese bandits had massacred our com- fighting posts. Little red soldiers in their early teens patriots in Amoy, to places demolished by the shells of also actively participate in patrol and sentry duty. the U.S.-Chiang brigands and to the front positions Together with the fighters, militia men and women which faced the enemy on Quemoy, and turned all of train hard to master military skills and refuse to them into revolutionary mass criticism battlefields take a rest even when the hot sand injures their feet where relentlessly they criticized the counter-revolu- or bodies. "We are not only practising military skill," tionary revisionist line of the renegade, hidden traitor they say. "More important, we ane tempering ourselves and scab Liu Shao-chi and the bourgeois mili.tary line ideologically, to fear neither hardship nor death, and of the counter-revolutionary revisionists Peng Teh- tempering our boundless loyalty to Chairman Mao." huai and Lo Jui-ching. Burning with indignation, everyone declared: Armymen and civilians have Under the guidance of Chairman Mao's thinking fought shoulder to shoulder for long years against the on people?s rvar, the armymen and civilians, who fight enemy. Every one of our positions is stained with side by side at the Amoy front, have become more the blood and sweat of the fighters and masses, and closely united and their fighting will is stronger than every shell we fire at the enemy is loaded with their ever.. Whether in our positions during fierce battles or common class hatred for the enemy. We will never working in the fields, they Iive and stand sentry toge- let the class enemies undermine the joint defence ther, man the same cannon, defend the same positions

Nouember 28, 1969 and cultivate the same land with the same hoe. Here in time eontend with each other in an attenpt to'launch the frontling the fighter is a civilian in uniform and a war of aggrirssion against our country. WL must the eivilian is a fighter without uniform. ?he army heighten our vigilance, defend our motherland and be cherishes the people and the people support the army. rea{y at all times tq wipe out the intruders. If the ttff the army and the people are united as one, who in enemy should . dare to laundr a war of aggression the world cm match them?" against our country, we will drown them in the ocean of people's war. Chairman Mao teaches us: "What is a true bastion of iron? It is the masse,s, the millions upon millions of "Our defence was strong as a wall already, people who genuinely and sincerely support the rev- Now did our wills unite like a fortress." olution. That is the real iron bastion which it is im- Firmly responding to Chairman Mao's call "Unite possible, and absolutely impossible, for any force on to win still greater victories," we aiTnymen and civi- earth to smash." This great truth has been eloquently lians at the Amoy forefront are determined to hold proved by our struggle defending coast against in the the great red banni:r of Mao Tsetung Thought still the enemy over the last 20 years. So long as we always higher and, under the brilliant leadership of the Party's keep this teaehing of Chairman Mao's in mind, have Central Committee with Chairman Mao as its leader firm faith in the masses and rely on them and whole- and Vice-Chairman Lin as its deputy leader, display heartedly serve the people, we wiII be ever victorious, the dauntless and revolutionarSr heroic spirit of fearing bnd overcome all difficulties and deleat all enemies. neither hardship nor death, fight bravely for the ful- To stave off destruction, U.S. imperialism and so- filment of the fighting tasks set forth by the Ninth Party eial-imperialism are now speeding up arms expansion Congress, Iiberate our sacred tern'itory Taiwan and and war preparations. Ttrey collude and at the same defend the socialist motherland.

Chino Continues lts Succession of Rich Hqrvests f)Y further implementing the great leader Chairman regions of Shantung, Shansi, Kwangsi, Fukien, L, Mao's great strategie principle "Be prepared Shensi, Sinkiang, Chinghai and Ningsia. Kiangsu, against war, be prepared. against natural disasters, and Chekiang and Hunan Provinces, the rural areas of do everything for the people," holding high the banner Peking and Tientsin, and Tibet gathered in excellent of unity and victory of the Ninth Party Congress and vigorously grasping rev- olution and promoting production, the poor and lower-middle peasants and other commune members and tAe rev- olutionary cadres in China's rural areas have overcome all kinds of natural disasters and reaped another excellent harvest this year, following the rich harvests for many years running. China reaped bountiful grain har- vests this year both in the summer and autumn. T'he country's total grain output was higher than that of last year, a year of abundant harvest. In some areas considerable increases of grain output were reported. Record grain harvests were reaped this year in Kwangtung and Kiangsi Provinces, in the rural areas of Shanghai, in Yunnan Province which was hit by serious drought, and in Hopei Province which suffered from Displayiug the revoluiionary spirit of fearing neither hartlship nor tl-eath' floods. Substantial increases grain "and peisants of the dhangkuns commune in th;-il;r lower-miditie yearin I3"- ou@ut over last year shari County, Anhwei Provinee, gathered a rich harvest this -arter were registered ;;;;;;G";""io". *uterr;tgi&.- fn"v choosing the best srain to in the provinces and autonomous seU to tbe state."." '10 Peking Rexieut, No. 48 'l

While busily engaged in spring farming or summer and autumn harvesting, the revolutionary masses in the rural areas, taking Mao Tsetung Thought as their weapon, thoroughly criticized the counter-revolutionary revisionist line pushed by the renegade, hidden traitor and scab Liu Shao-chi as well as all capitalist tendencies and non-proletarian ideas in the light of the class struggle and the struggle between the two lines in their own localities. This greatly raised the commune memb'ers' consciousness of class struggle and the struggle between the two lines and in- creased their determination to take the socialist road and their confidence in doing so. A sound ideotogical foundation was thus laid for the con- solidation and development of the socialist collec- tive economy and the winning of this year's rich harvest.

The Lihu of the Chengchiao Commune in Esinyeh County, In winning this year's excellent harvest, the Honan Provin*'J#ot'3"#31,"J#:fi"r'"1,11f. vear' commune r#"T:#I:-;ffiiff ,',"""T,1in":#,:lT""i;I; who are armed with Mao Tsetung Thought and have been tempered in the Great Proletarian Cul- harvests this year, following last year's good results. tural Revolution, deepened the mass movement of "In Aithough natural calamities occurred in Honan, Kwei- agriculture, learn from Tachai." They displayed the chow, Hupeh, Anhwei, Liaoning, Kirin, Heilungkiang, th'roughgoing revolutionary spirit of fearing neither Kansu and Szechuan provinces and the Inner Mongo- hardship nor death and waged arduous skuggles in the selJ-reliance' They fought heroically and stub- lian Autonomous Reg:ion, the revolutionary masses in spirit of these places, armed with Mao tsetung Thought, drought' watenlogging' flood' cold spells' hailstorms'PP'against pests and other natural disasters' battled against nature and sucreeded i" f-J; good harvests' ""irt"s In some places, cold. spells in spring and prolonged drought seriously affected the timely sowing and.nor- China's cotton harvest was excellent this year. The mal growth of crops. But the poor and lower-middle output continued high in the main eotton-growing peasants and other commune members and the revolu- areas of Kiangsu and Chekiang Provinces and the rural tionary rural cadres fought in every possible way areas of Shanghai. The cotton harvests in Honan, against the cold spells and drought and waged un- Shensi, Hopei and" Shansi provinces were all bigger remitting struggles against nature. They were deter- than last year,s. In addition, the harvests of co"oorr., mined to surmount everii difficulty to win victory' Hupeh, Anhwei, Hunan' Kiangsu and Hopei were hit tea, cured tobacco and other industrial *ur" ut"o "ron" good. :r,il'::L::15fii:tri#--il-T'"111""ff::il""#i cadres wrest a good In line rn ith Chairman Mao,s great teaching raised the militant slogan, "We will ,.Grasp revolution, promote production and other work harvest from small natural disasters and a norrrral harvest from serious natural disasters'" They battled and preparedness ageinst war," the poor and lower- dav- and night at the front against the flood' In Heilung- middle peasants and other commune *^'* *u*b";;J'":" ^"";;- kiang and Kirin Provinces, the poor and lower-middle eadres eonscientiously olutionary rural carried out the peasants also put up a tenacious battle against waterlog- spirit of the Ninth Party congress and persisted in puL ging ana early frost. ting revolution in command of production and using pointed poor lower-middle revolution to promote production during the struggle As out by the and peasants, e>rcellent harvest this year is the vic- to win this year's good harvest. After spring tarming China's tory for Mao Tsetung Thought which had guided thern had begun, the extra good news reached the country- in defeating the elements. side of the victorious convening of the Ninth Party Congress and of Chairman Mao's great call "Still great- One of the important reasons for this year's ex- committees at er victories will be won throughout the country." This cellent harvest was that revolutioRary levels had paid keen attention to the revolution- greatly fired the revolutionary enthusiasm of the poor all ization of the leading bodies. Applying Chairman Mao's and lower-middle peasants and other commune mem- bers and the revolutionary rural cadres, (Conthrued on p.14.)

Notsembq 28, 7969 71 FIv in the Blue Skv of the Motherlond

- The moturing of women flierc in on oir fiorce unit of the Chinese People's Liberotion Army

,TIHE first group of women fliers in New China came less blood debts. In 1g3g when she was only two I into being in 1950 as a result of the deep solicitude years old, the Japanese imperialists ravaged Chiating of our great leader Chairman Mao. County on the outskirts of Shanghai. Her family was thus weighed down with exploitation by the land- On March 8, 1952 International Women's Day lords and oppression by foreign aggressors. they flew formation- over Peking's - Carrying in Tien An Men on a shoulderlrole the Square. few belongings that were left, her father took the whole family to Shanghai to beg Nurtured by Mao Tsetung Thought, women fliers for a living. have rapidly matured group after group in the last On the Shanghai water-front, 20 years. On their road forward, they have conscien- her father did back- breaking tiously studied and applied Mao Tsetung Thought work for the capitalists. But the family in a often Iiving way and painstakingly remoulded their world went hungry. It was not long before he died of hunger, exposure and outtrook. In the fiery struggles, they always have exhaustion. Hard on the heels of this, her younger brother starved Her their motherland at heart and the interests of the to death. mother supported her working as a world's people in mind. Tt ey are energetic, brave by a selvant for capitalist. One snowy and filled with lofty aspirations. By carrying out day in the winter of 1g44. her mother died unavenged, having their flight assignments, they have contributed to the suffered cruel ex- ploitation and oppression by the So rnotherland's socialist revolution and socialist con- capitalist. in the struction. short span of three years, the vicious old society took the lives of three people in her family. After that, she roamed the streets of Shanghai alone, keeping Never Forget Closs Suffering Atwoys ond herself alive with whatever scraps of food she could Moke Revolution lay hands on. Hatred for the exploiting classes and Chairman Mao has taug,ht us: "Class struggle is foreign aggressors burnt in her heart like a raging fire. the main subject young people must learn. Youth A clap of spring thunder rent the skies. The red. should attach primary importance to a firm and sun rose in the east. Shanghai was liberated in 1949. correct political orientation." In accordance with this Chairman Mao and the Chinese Communist Party res- teaching, the Party branch of the air group to which eued Chu Hui-fen f1's6 rnissry and sent her to school. the women fliers belong has over the years consistently In 1956 she joined an air force When she put given them education in classes and dass struggle. unit. her uniform for time, tears gratitude This has helped them to eonstantly enhance their @ the first of and joy welled up in he.r eyes as she stood in front of political consciousness and raise their unalloyed class a portrait of Chairman Mao. She had so many things leelings to the high level of boundless loyalty to Chair- to say to a poor girl," said, man Mao and determination to defend the political Chairman Mao. "I was she "and I owe everything I have today to Chairman Mao. power of the proletariat at all costs. It is because of Chairman Mao that Chinese women At meetings to eontrast the misery of the past wlth who suffered so much in the past can fly today." today's happy life, they recall the bitter sufferings of their families and angrily condemn the vicious old Like Chu Hui-fen, the other women fliers were society. Chu Hui-fen, deputy leader of the air group all "bitter melons growing on the same vine" in the and daughter of a poor peasant, is one of those who old society. But today they are sunflowers on the same went through untold suffering before liberation. stalk.' "We were looked down upon like worthless straw in the old societ5r," they said- "But today Chair- For generations members of her familv rr",orked as man Mao sets great store by us. We will never forget farm labourers for the landlords who orved them count. class sufferings and the bitter life of the past. We

72 Peking Reoi,eu, No. 48 wiJ.l always closely follow Chair- man Mao in making revolution.'!

Relying on Moo Tsetung Thought in Flying Every step forward by the young women fliers of China has been achieved by reliance on Mao Tsetung Thought to overcome dif- ficulties. The radiance of Mao Tsetting Thought lights up the air routes for them. Communist Party member Yueh Hsi-tsui is a "five-good" flier who has just turned twenty. Since joining the air force, she has adhered to Chairman Mao's teaching 'Build a powetful peo- ple's air force to defend the mo- therland." Shortly afterwards, she finished the theoretical courses on aeronautiCs. When she was pre- paring to start flight training, she Women fliers in a training session" suddenly felt numb at the joints. After an examination, the doctor diagnosed the trouble flight, she persisted in running 3,000 metres every day as arthritis ind advised against her going into training to increase her perseverance. for the time being. It was not long before the leadership decided that In hospital she, first of all, studied Chairman she could begin flight training. She was extremely Mao's teachings about daring to struggle and to win, happy- But she did not have the slightest idea that and this gave her confidence in overcoming her il1ness. she would have new difficr.rlties when she ssl af the Besides studying Chairman Mao's works every day, controls. Her eyes were not good enough in judging she devoted three hours to physical training. She kept the height of the plane on landing and so she brought this up even in severe winter and did not confine her- the plane in either too high or too low. Even with self to the warm buildings. When others went to the help of the trainer, she failed to make the grade rest, she would pick a broom and sr,veep the skating after repeated trials. Studying Chairman Mao's rink. teaching "Will the Chinese cower before difficulties One day when she learnt that Wang Yu-chang, when they are not afraid even of death?" over and who.was awarded the title of "model in cherishing the over again, she gained new confidence and strength soldiers," and Yang Tzu-;run, who was cited as a to overcome the difficrrlties. and fearless soldier," were also in the hospital, "selfless riding in an army bus on her way back she was filled with joy. She looked them up and While she did not miss the opportunity to asked them to tell her what they had learnt from from the airfield, the bus, she kept Iooking ahead Mao's of heroic deeds when train her eyes. In Chairman works and their practising eye estimation of a they risked their own lives to save others and of their with fixed eyes, landing. After returning to the utter devotion to the public interest. Their noble plane's altitude on ignored her tiredness, took off the plastic thoughts and deeds were a great encouragement and Larracks, she map case, held it up in front of education for her. cover of her flying her eyes and, taking the downstair floor as the run- From that time on, she exercised more energeti- *,uy, .h" ran up and down the stairs to train her eyes cally than ever, often soaking her clothes with sweat. for ianding. Thus v'ith boundless loyalty to the great Sometimes when she felt so tired that she could hardly leader Chairman Mao and displaying the revolution- stand any longer, she would recite Chairman Mao's ary spirit of fearing neither hardship nor death, she teaching "Be resolute, fear no sacrilice and surmount or"."r-" all ailments and technical difficulties' ReIy- every difficulty to win victory" and went on with the ing on invincible Mao Tsetung Thought, she finally period and exercises. After a of medical treatment succeeded in mastering the technique of flying' exercises, she took a.turn for the better. She at once sent in a request to the hospital authorities to allow Toke ot Choirmon lvloo's Commqnd her to return to flight training as quickly as possible. t'tl Off Back in her unit, she found that she had fallen For more than ten years, the women fliers have far behind the others. In preparation for her first flown long-distance missions and fulfilled the fighting

13 Nouember 28, 1969 tasks entrusted them by the Party's Central Committee On the way back to the base, when Yu Fu-ian with Chairman Mao as its Ieader and Vice-Chairman saw the pile of gunny sacks at the back cabin. she Lin as its deputy leader. Their suecesses are songs of immediately thought of the poor and lower-middler trh:urph for Mao Tsetung Thought. From among the peasants who lived around the reservoir and were women fliers many outstanding fighters boundlessly fighting the torrential rain and flood. She thought Ioyal to Chairman Mao have corne to the fore. about how they hoped that Chairman Mao would send a plane to help them. She made up her mind to break A heavy rain for days on end once threatened the through the clouds to find the reservoir and air-drop breaehing of a reserwoir and gunny sacks for were sand the sacks. bar{Iy needed to strengthen the dam and protect nearby fxtories and towns from inundation. A decision was She radioed back,to the command post and asked made by the authorities to air-drop the needed gunny for permission to try another run. Her request was sacks without delay. Communist Party member Yu granted after serious eonsideration by the leadership. Fu-lan and her crew accepted this arduous and glorious task. Yu Fu-lan was the navigator. Bold and prudent, she carefully guided the plane's course and height. Braving the sind and raia, their plane took off When the plane again descended from 300 to 80 metres, for the reervoir. the low dense clouds still obstructed their view. The situation confronting them was this: lhe blanket of Tkir route lay between rmdulating mountains. clouds and plane was That &y tbe hills by the reservoir, which were only was lower than the hilltops their about 100 metres above sea level, were shrouded ia liable to crash at any moment. Disregarding this mist. To locate the reservoir, they had to descend danger, she firmly told the pilot: "Descend another 20 below the layer of clouds which they could do only metres!" The pilot took the plane to a height of only at the risk of crashing against the hills. But Yu Fu- 60 metres above the ground. They broke through the Ian was undaunted, determined to overcome all diffi- clouds and saw below their wings a white expanse of culties, no matter how great. She and her crew took water. Waving their hands, the crowd on the ground the plane down to 200 metres, 100 metres, 80 metres. ran to greet them. Yu Fu-lan and her crew had found Still they could not see anything below beeause of the the reservoir. They boldly but calrrrly flew the plane dense clouds. The reservoir vras nowhere to be seen. along the route they had planned, circling low over At tha( juBcture, the command post ordered them by the reservoir aud agileity dod$€ the hills as they ac- radio to return to the base to report and discuss what curately fuopped the Ioad of gunny sacks, thereby they should do. triumphantly fiifilling their tash.

(Continued from p.11.) They are receiving reeducation from the latter with an open mind while contributing their share to the buil.d- great teachiags: "Having dose ties with the masses ing up of a new socialist countryside. They also played is :rnost lundamental in reforming state organs" a good role in promoting this year's rich harvest. and "It is necessaty to maiatair the system of cadre participation in collective productive labour,' mem- Now, the autumn harvesting has been campleted in bers of the revolutionarlr committees at all levels went the main throughout the aountry. The comrnune mern- to the grass roots of the countr5rside and joined the bers all over the nation are enthusiastically delivering sommune members in the living study and applica- and selling grain, cotton and other farm produce from tion of Mao Tsetung Thought and in doing farmwork. this year's rich harvest to the state in support of At the same time, they carried out investigations and China's socialist revolution and socialist construction. studies, and helped sum and popularize advanced up While doing a good job in autumn harvesting, ocperiences. Many cadres at the county, commune and the poor and lower-middle peasants and other cornmune production brigade levels persisted along- in working members and the revolutionary rural eadres paid close side corurnune members guiding the in all weathers attention to autumn ploughing and sowing so as to them in fighting wherever there were difficulties. €nsure a bumper summer hanrcst ns:

14 ***W fu*ew, Jt9o. {8 Long Live the Militant Friendship Between Ghinese and Albanian Peoples - ln celebrotion of the 20th onniversory of the estoblishment of diplomotic relotions between Chino ond Albonio

rFHE Chinese people and the fraternal Albanian peo- The revolutionary friendship between the Chinese I ple today jointty celebrate the 20th anniversary of and Albanian peoples has been personally forged by the the estabiishment of diplomatic relations between China great leader of the Chinese people Comrade Mao and Albania. Tsetung and the great leader of the Albanian people Comrade Enver Hoxha, and is based cn Marxisrn- The setting up of diplomatic relations between Leninism and proletarian internationalism. It is China and Albania is the result of the working class and therefore unbreakable. No matter what happens in the people of the two countries winning victory in revolution world, our two peoples will always be united. as one through protracted struggle. In the 20 years since and fight side by side. diplomatic relations were established, our two Parties, our two countries and our two peoples have been march- Our great leader Chairman Mao has pointed out: ing forward shoulder to shoulder under the banner "The revolutionary friendship between the peoples of of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism. China and Albania has stood the test of frerce interna- Our revolutionary friendship and militant unity have tional class struggles. The power generated by this been consolidated and have developed steadily. The friendship is inexhaustible and truly invincible." peoples of China and Albania have always supported and assisted each other in the cornmon struggle against Speaking of the friendship between the Chinese ar-d imperialism, modern revisionism and the reaetionaries Albanian peoples, the great leader of the Albanian peo- of various countries and in the common cause of ple Comrade Enver Hoxha pointed out: "T[e are in- soeialist revolution and socialist c,onstruction. The separahle bmthers and comradesin-ams. Our unity is Chinese people are the trtre friends and comrades steel-Iike." of the Albanian peoplg and Albanian people are the At present, the re\rolutionary struggle of the peo- also the true friends comrades and of the Chinese ple of the world is surging forward vigorously and the people. Our frieadship is a model in relations between situation is excellent U.S. imperialism and Soviet frateraal Farties, frat€mat countries and fraternal peo- social-imperialisrn are beset with mounting pIes. revisionist difficulties both at home and abroad and have Ianded Ihe Albanisn peqte are a hroic people towering themselves in an impasse. While simultaneously col- to the skies. Under the wise leadership of the Albanian tuding and cpntending with eac*r other, both are stepping Party of Labour headed by the great Marxist-Leninist up arsul expansion and war preparations in an attempt Comrade Enver Hoxba, the Albanian people, undaunted to realize their ambitions. lbey are cunningly using by brute force and diffieulties, have played the role of counter-revolutionary dual tactics: On tJre one hand, a staunch shoek brigade of the international proletariat while loudly intoning psalms of peace to deceive others and the world's revolutionary people in the great strug- in a big way, they feverishly intensify their plunder and gle against imperialism and revisionism. Despite encir- aggression on the other. Ihe people of the whole world clement imperialism, by revisionism and reaction, they must be highly vigilant against their counter-revolu- have persisted in upholding pro- the dictatorship of the tionary dual tactics. If imperialism and social-impe- letariat and in taking the socialist road, and have rialism dare to impose a war on the world's people, the achieved one great victory after another in the revolu- latter must resolutely use revolutionary war to eliminate tionization movement and socialist construction, thereby them their graves making People's Albania an unshakable soeialist bul- the war of aggression and send to time. wark. The Chinese people are proud of having such a ahead of revolutionary comrade-in-arrns as the Albanian people. The Chinese people are steadfastly united with the In their protracted revoh,rtionary struggle, the Albanian people, with the Marxist-Leninists the world 1 Chinese people have always enjoyed the fraternal A1- over and r,'i,ith the broad masses of the revolutionary x banian people's vigorous support. The Party of Labour people of the world in the fight to overthrow imperial- and the people of Albania have enthwiasiically praised ism, modern revisionism and aII reaction and to build a and highly appraised the victories won in our country's new world without imperialism, without capitalism and Great Froletarian Cultural Revolution and the achieve- without any system of exploitation ! ments of the Ninth National Congress of our Party. This is a tremendous inspiration to the Chinese people. {"Renmin Ribao" ed,i.torial, Noaember 23, 1969)

Nooember 28, 1969 15 Albonio's Revolutionizotion Movement Develops More Deeply Over the Pqst Yeor

gigantic movement f TNDER the wise leadership of the Albanian Party tives. It swiftly swelled into a mass U of Labour headed by th,e great Marxist-Lehinist of socialist revolutionary emulation. As a result of va- Comiade Enver Hoxha, the heroic Albanian people, rious activities of socialist emulation, a still more Iivcly hoiding aloft the red banner of Marxism-Leninism, political atmosphere prevailed in factories, mines and upholding the dictatorship of the proletariat and giving enter'prises and the workers and staff showed greater full play to the spirit of continuing the revolution. vigour and vitality. Revolutionary slogans such as "Give have continued to develop the mass movement of rev- prominence to , class struggle and the mass olutionization in depth. They have thus greatly rev- line" and "Think, work and live as revolutionaties'' olutionlzed people's thinking. pushed forward the rev- could be seen everywhere in workshops and factories olution in culture, education, science and tech- and at construction sites. nology, promoted the development of production and the same time, the Albanian Party of Labour further consolidated the dictatorship of the proletariat. At has devoted its attention to strengthening the '"vork in Led by its Party and stancling in the van of the Party building and to increasing the fighting powel of revolutionization movement, the Albanian working Party units at the primary leveI, and also paid attention class this year has constantly made contributions in the to the admittance of new Party members from the indus- nationwide revolutionization morrement as the people of trial and agricultural fronts. Since the beginning of the the rvhole country ar:e enthusiastically greeting the year'. man)' advanced rvorkers and agricultural co-op glorious jubilee of the 25th anniversary of the libelation members rvho came to the fore in the colirse of revoitr- of the fatherland and the victory of the people's rev- tionization have been admitted into the Partl', thus olution. In accordance with Comrade Enver Hoxha's bringing it fresh blood and strengthening it. important speech on working-class supervision and in people havg continued the light of the specific conditions of their departments During 1969, the Albanian revolutionizing and units and individuais, the rvorkers have persevered to do a great deal of work in further in putting into effect supervision from above down- the schools. Since Comrade Enver Hoxha's important ward and trom below uprvard, with "self-criticism, speech "On the Further Revolutionization of Our year, broad masses of criticism, overcoming shortcomings, and steeling so- Schools" in March last the ciaiist consciousness" as their slogan. Led by the Albanian workers, agricultural co-op membels. cotn- Party, the broad masses of workers and staff have manders and fighters in the People's Army. teachers. government cadres, scientific and also struggled against bureaucracy, conset'vatism and students, Party and hundieti the purely technical viewpoint. They have strength- art rvorkers and parents of students, several ened proletarian discipline and overcome non-pro- thousand in all. have taken part in mass discttssions letarian ideas which ruir counter to the interests of on an unprecedentedly broad scale in schools. the Party and state. They have also checked up on factories, mines and enterprises, offices, agricultural the implementation of the masi line, the sense of res- co-ops, Party organizations, mass organizations and ponsibility of individuals and collectives torvards ful- residential areas in cities and villages. On the basis filling state plans, the attitudes adopted regarding per- of full and enthusiastic discussion and after collecting, sonal and collective interests, participation in produc- analysing and sttmming up the vie'*'s of the masses. tive labour by administrative cadres and technical per- the Albanian Party of Labour last June adopted de- sonnel, and observing proletarian morality in society cisions on the further revolutionization of the strhools and personal and family life. at the Eighth Plenum of the Fifth Central Committee of the Party. Early this year, the oil workers of the Patos Oilfield in the Fieri region made the proposal to strive for the At this meeting, Comrade Mehmet Shehu, Member title of Advanced Unit in the "25th Annirrersary of the of the Potitical Bureau of the Central Coranmittee of the Liberation of the Fatherland." This proposal was given Albanian Party of Labour and Chairman of the Educa- warm response and support by other working collec- tion Commission of the Party Central Cbmmittee, de-

16 Peking Rersieu, No. 48 livered a report entitled "The Conclusion on the Mass speech. "On the Further Rev

Develop Revolutionory Wor to Eliminote Aggressiye Wor

Chonr Jrleumdor, leoder oil the Communist Pofi of lndio (Monistr Leninist!, published cn ortide, cotlirqg on the lndion revolutionories to spreod the flomes of reyolutionory onned sfuggle Orroughout lndio ond oppose o wor of oggression ogoinst Chino being ploued bI imperhlism, so os to deol telling blows ot the entire imperiqlist system ord giue o stimulus !o Ere people's reyolutionory struggle in every country of the world.

fr HARU MAZUMDAR, leader of the Communist Party vergo of extinetlon invariably coniluet a last desperate u of India (Marxist-Leninist), in an article published struggle against the revolutionary forces."* in the October issue of the Indian journal Liberation, imperialism has called on the Indian people to vigorously develop "U.S. and Soviet social-imperplism are now hopelessly hedged sidee surging revolutionary armed struggle to eliminate a war of ag- in on all by the struggles people gression against China being plotted by U.S. imperial- of the in their own countries and in ism and social-imperialism. other countries of the world- That is why they are frantieally plotting for launching a war of aggression n'U.S. The article says: imperialism and Soviet against China. If they succeed in launching a war of social-imperialism aided by all the reactionaries of the aggression against China, the tremendous resistance put world. including the reactionary ruling clique of India up by the 700 millioa Chinese people will push the im- and the Japanese militarists, have stepped up their perialist and social-imperialist aggressors to their graves preparations for launching a war of aggression against at a vastly aecelerated pre, and. give great momentun Chrna, the land where the Great Proletarian Cultural and stimulation to the revolutionary struggle in every Revolution has taken place." country of the world, thus ereating a worldwide prairie It says: "China, the centre of world revolution, fire which will burn to ashes not only U.S. imperialism has emerged from the vietorious Great Proletarian Cul- and Soviet social-imperialism but also the entire impe- tural Revolution as the immensely powerful bastion rialist system of exploitation, and there will eventually against world reaction. The revolutionary people of emerge a world without exploitation." every country look upon the great China as a powerful The article points out that if the imperialist mon- base of their own revolution. For them the existence sters on own destruction through of the pcwerful socialist China is the guarantee of win- insist courting their such a war, the revolutionary people of the world wiII ning victory in their own revolutions. China is, today, not be afraid face iL the source of inspiration for the revolutionary struggles to throughout the world. That is why U.S. imperialism It says: "If the U.S. imperialists and Soviet, social- and Soviet social-imperialism, faeed as they both are imperialists succeed in launching a war of aggression with inevitable destruction, are frantically hatching against China for whidr they are now frantically pre- plots for attacking China. This is so because, as Chair- paring then India, a collaborator of U.S. imperialism man Mao has taught us: 'AII reactionary forces on the and Soviet social-imperialism, will be an aggressor coun-

18 Peking, No, 48 try. This will make the struggle of the lndian revolu- are never afraid to lay dolvn their lives for a great tionaries more difficult and they will have to cause. India's peasantry, which gave birth to eountless shoulder a great respo.nsibility. . . . We shall be able to martyrs, will spread the message of the greatest and the carry them [the tasks] out successfu-lly only by spread- most sacred task facing the people of the world to the ing the dass struggle, that is, the flames of agrarian villages of India, will inexorably march forward on to revolution, to every statg to the vast countryside and the stage of history and prove themselves the makers throughout India." of history. It is they, who, led by the working class, will destroy the class enemies, smash the existing op- The article calls for spreading the sparks of the pressor state machine and bury the imperialist warmon- revolutionary armed struggle throughout India. It says: gers in this soil of India." "No aggressor army will ever dare to attack another country with India-this land of 500 miliion people, The article says: "Members and sympathisers of as its r€ar, when the flames of revolutionary armed the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-you struggle begin to rage furiously all over the land. This have voluntarily taken upon yourselves the task of free- tremendous prairie fire of revolutioaar5r arrned struggle ing and liberating India, inspiring the working class, ia India will, on the orre hand, shake the entire world carrying the agrarian revolution in the countryside imperialist system to its foundation while on the other, through to victory, spreading the flames of armed strug- it will serve to increase greatly the confidence of the gle throughout India, building a revolutionary people's struggling fores ia elvery countrSr, rraking them irre- army by organizing peasants' guerrilla warfare, conso- pressible. tr'urthe, the crisis and panic inflicted on lidating rural liberated areas in order to win victory imperialim will provide nerr strength and inspiration in the revolution, freeing and liberating India and to the exploited millicas in the irnperialist oountries to transforming her into a people's dernocratic state, and deal most telling blosrs against irnperialisre. T?re im- building an India without exploitation by ushering in Bact of the tremendous {srce that will emerge from the socialism. You have indornitable courage to win victory unity of the revolutiuury people of tlre :rhole world, and conquer death because you are carrying forward will make even the b.ackward srasses grfident of vic- the cause for which countless martyrs laid down their tory. The dream that two yoring revolutioaaries dreamt lives. a hu:rdrd y€ars a€o a$d tLe grqat aU. they gave in ' your struggle has merged with the dream Colrrnsuldc* Monifesta-nT[orkcre of all conntries, "Today that man has dreamt and endeavoured to realize for unite!' will finally take shape in reality. People of the thousands of years. Today, your skuggle is aot merely whsle world, inspired with a nerur internationalism, will the national struggle of India, you are a contingent in unite with the great China, and, led by Chairman Mao, the front ranks of mankind in its march forward. Such will translate into reality the dream that man has a merging of the national task with the international dreamt for thousands of years, and a world without ex- task has perbaps been seen in the history of the ploitation will be built." ad world before. The revolutionary struggtre of the world The artide also says: "\trq the revolutionaries of l€d by Chairman Mao has arrived at a point of great India. must grasp the great call given by Chairman confluence: We are participants and comrades-in-arms Mao: Seize tte day, seize the hout' in order to be abte in that great skuggle, So, we cannot afford to lcse to take a gEat part incarrying out the most sacred task even a single moment. Exert yourself to your utmost of the people o{ the world. Iile know that the peopte and move forward. Vietory certainly belongs to us. A of India have never lagged behind in making sacrifices liberated lndia in a liberated world is looming large on in tlreir struggle against exploitation and for the libe- the horizon. Cornrades, let us rnarch forward to usher ration of the country. . Ttre people of my country in that great day."

More Revolutionary Joponese People Study ond Apply Morxism-Leninism-Moo Tsetung Thought

1| ROWING numbers of revolutionary people in Japan, Japanese people. Of the ters of thousands of revolu- \7 in the course of their struggte against the U.S. and tionary Japanese people from all parts of the country Japanese reactionaries and the Miyamoto revisionist participating in the struggle against this U.S. military clique, are making great efforts to study and apply base, Ishihara, a worker at the Miike Coal Mine, has Man

20 Pel+ing' Reu.ieta, No. 48 the Yerutn Forum on Literotwe ond Art. Chairman Mao Chairman Mao's rvritings. The thesis that ,!'to be at- has pointed out: "The workers and peasants were the tacked by the enemy is not a bad thing hut a good eleanest people and, even though their hands were thing" encouraged them and gave them confidence. soiled and their feet smeared with cow-dung, they were Acting in accordanee with the concept that "the masses really cleaner than the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois are the real heroes," they relied on the masses and intellectuals." These words of Chairman Mao taught all mobilized them in the struggle. Armed with the idea of them a profound lesson. They quickly changed their of daring to str-uggle and daring to win, they bravely thinking about the peasants. Having heard the history plunged into the struggle. of the bitter life the local peasants sutfered under the great brutal oppression of the U.S. and Japanese reactionaries, They did a deal of ideological work among the students changed their class feelings. Living and the workers in exposing the Miyamoto clique's counter- working together with the poor peasants and sharing revolutionary features. At one trade union meeting, their simple meals, they gradually made friends with the Miyamoto clique stooges shouted themselves hoarse them. They integrated with the peasant masses and did in attacking Nakajima. But, to their complete surprise, the masses of workers did not support them; on the i much to spur the peasant movement ori. : contrary, they rose oni: after another to angrily I In their struggle, the revolutionary Japanese people denounce the Miyamoto clique's criminal intrigues. have seen through the ugly features of the Miyamoto Thus, a meeting designed to persecute Nakajima became revisionist clique in sabotaging the patriotic anti-U;S. a battleground for repudiating revisionism. This struggle. They have realized that to oppose imperialism, meeting greatly raised the class consciousness of the it is imperative to oppose revisionism. Nakajima, a worker masses. worker at a big Tokyo publishing house, is an activist in the patriotic anti-U.S. movement. To serve the U.S. After defeating the revisionists at the meeting, and Japanese reactionaries, the lackeys of the Miyamoto Nakajima and other workers of the publishing house clique who control the trade union leadership shame- became even more active in the struggle against the lessly teamed tip with the bosses of the publishing house U.S. and Japanese reactionaries. With eomplete con- to persecute Nakajima in a vain effort to prevent him fidence, Nakajima said: "Marxism-Leninism-Mao from taking part in the patriotic anti-U.S. movement. Tsetung Thought is the ideological weapon which will But their provocations were firmly rebuffed by Naka- ensure the victory of the Japanese revolution. So long jima and his comrades-in-arms. as we are armed with this ideological weapon, unite with the people and persist in our struggle, U.S. im- To get correct answers to the problems they met in perialism and the Japanese reactionaries wiJl certainly their struggie, Nakajima and his comrades studied be defeated."

African People's Anti-lmperialist Armed Struggle Developing Doy by Doy

[r ROM their experiences in protracted struggle, the Congo (K) during the period from 1961 to 1964. The areas f' r'evolutionary people in the African countries controlled by the Angolan patriotic armed forees and the which have yet to gain independence have realized areas where they have been active have been expanding i more and more great clearly the truth that "political since 1961. A new liberation ann€d force was formed in pow'er grows out of the barrel of a gun." One after an- I March 1966 and a new battlefield set up in southeast other, they have taken up arrns and embarked on the tl Angola. This armed force went into the countryside and d road of struggle against imperialism. At present, the .fl African people's anti-imperialist armed forces are set up guerrilla zones. The patriotic armed forces of growing steadily and the areas where armed struggle Guinea (Bissau) control two-thirds of the country. In f has been unfolded are expanding day by day, striking Mozambique, the guerrillas have long under their con- I hard at the colonial rule of imperialism headed by the trol wide areas in the two northeastern provinces of { United States. I Niassa and Cabo Delgado. fn recent years, they have The people's anti-imperialist armed struggles broke opened up a new battlefield in Tete Province in the out in Guinea (Bissau), Angola, Mozambique and the west, The flames of the Congolese (K) people's armed

Nooember 28, 1969 21 struggle continue to rage over vast rural areas in the couraged to recall how they suffered at the hands east, west and northeast of their oppressors and speak out about their na- tional hatred for them, and accuse the colonialist Since 1966, the raging flames of armed struggle rulers for their many crimes. Thus, the political con- have spread frrom the central to the southern pa.rt of sciousness and militancy of the new fighters have been Africa, engulfing Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia), raised. The first thing new fighters get in the training Azania (South Africa), South West Africa and other camps of the liberation armed forces of Angola is polit- areas. ical training. They are required to carry out the "Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points The patriotic armed forces of Guinea (Bissau), for Attention." Mozambiqug the Congo (K) and Angola generaliy have patriotic carried out their struggle first in the cities and towns In the course of their fighting, these paid attention to studying and where the enemy force was comparatively strong. Then, armed forces have also applying Chairman Mao's strategy and tactics concerar- after summing up experience and lessons gained in the ing guerrilla wadare. In many areas, the patriotic fighting, they successively shifted their forces to the armed forces have struck at and wiped out the enemy rural areas and developed the people's armed struggle by applying the fundamental tactics of guerrilla war by mobilizing and organizing the broad masses of traid down by Chairman Mao: 'The enemy advances, peasants and herdsmen. In some of the areas controlled we retreat; the enemy camps, we haras.s; the enemy by the patriotic armd forces of Guinea (Bissau) and tires, wo attaek; the enermy retreats, we putsue." Some Mozambique, organs of political power integrating of these armed force^s have also been able to conoen- military and government functions or provisional polit- trate the superior force of a whole company to engage ical regimes have been established at the grass roots. the enemy in well-planned battles and have won no enemy effectives- A The various kinds of exorbitant taxes and levies imposed smafl victories in wiping out Ieading member of the Congolese (K) patriotic armed on the African people by the former colonialists have forces put it well when he said: "I have been in the been abrogated in areas controlled by the patriotic armed struggle against U.S. imperialism and its agents in the (Bissau). has been forces of Guinea Wasteland reclaimed Congo (K) since 1964. From my own e:

22 Peking Reoiew, No. 48 Serving the World's People SEEDS OF FR'ENDS HIP

- Chinese ogriculturol technicions help build rice ond tobqcco experimentol stotion in Somolio

TVTTtI a bumper rice harvest in sight joy reigned Through the joint efforts of the Chinese technicians W over the Rice and Tobaco Experimental Station and the Somali people, the experimental station was in Jowhar, Somalia, whieh had been built with Chinese successful in growing paddy and tobacco on this one- assistance. Side bpr side with Somali workers, Chinese time waste land, and reaped good harvests. The rice agricultural technicians were busy wielding their sickles was sold on the market and the quality of tobacco was to eut the paddy where drooping ears of rice promised so good that it smashed the imperialists' eanard that another fine harvest. Elmwhere, young Somali workers "somali tobacco wouldn't burn." When people asked skilfully ploughed an already harvested paddy with the Chinese technicians how they had overcome the tractors. The glistening moist fertile land gave off the difficulties and been succ.essful, they replied: We fragrance of fresh erth. depend on the guidance of Mao Tsetung T?rought on the one hand and the assistance of the Somali people Over a hundrd Somali peasants in festive dress on the other. Recalling the co-operation between and holding aloft a huge portrait of Chairman Mao Somali workers and the Chinese friends in the last two came to the experimental station to pay their respects years or so, a Somali worker at the experimental station to the Chinese friends working there. Performing said with emotion: "The Chinese friends had not only Somali national danc6, they repeatedly shouted.: "Long brought paddy seeds then, but also seeds of friendship. people live the friendship between the of Somalia and Now the ricne seeds have given a bumper harvest, and China!" "Long live Chairman Mao!" the seeds of frieudship between 1|p $,qrnali and Chinese Somali These were peasants living near the experimental peoples are growing d€ep in tle hearts of tle station. During the last two years or so, Chinese people." technicians and local people had sorked shoulder to shoulder, gorc tbrough thick and tlin, and a profound "Chins ls Finef' frierdship had gnown up between them- "China is fine!" From the bottom of their hearts. the workers at the experimental station and the local people praise the Chinese "Seeds of Friendship Plonted Deep in Our Heorts" have these words of for agricultural technicians. Somali friends have said that The Chinese agricultural technicians eame to the this is what they have concluded from what they them- Horn of Africa - Somalia - in June 1966, bringing with selvqs have seen and heard and their experience over them the deep friendship of the Chinese people for the last few years. the Somali people and the works of Chairman Mao as friends are well aware that from the well as paddy seeds. After several months of investi- The Somali set foot in Somalia, they gation, they started to help the people build a rice and day the Chinese technicians Mao's teachings and considered tobacco experimental station in Jowhar, 100 kilometres have followed Chairman passing know-how to the Somali people from Mogadishu, capital of Somalia, in February 1967. on technical them set out step by step on the road In aecordance with Chairman Mao's teaching deter- and hetping "to as their mine our working policies xss6lding to actual condi- of self-reliance in developing their economy past years so they have tions,' they began making experiments while going to obligation. In the two or Chinese techni- the people and modestly learning from the inhabitants. seen with their own eyes how the cians at the station worked with them all day long, The Chinese technicians pitdred their tents on the in mud and water heedless of the stm or rain, to help spot, cleared away the undergrowth with hoes beneath them master agricultural techniques. The Chinese the burning equatorial sun and opened up the virgin technicians have linked the science of tobacrco and land patch by patch. Tlre news that Chinese friends rice growing with local natural conditions' Taking had come to try and help them grow paddy rice and into account loeal needs and possibilities, they and the tobacco spread quickly to the villages around the Somali friends have studied and conducted researches station. The local people stretched out the hand of together and raised their level of knowledge. Together friendship to the Chinese agricul'tural technicians. They with the Somali friends, the Chinese personnel have enthusiastically told them where drinking water and also made scientific analyses of the loeal people's water for irrigation were. Many old peasants told the experience, raised it tb a theoretical level and then Chinese friends about their long experience in observ- reintrodued it to the loeal people in an easily under- ing weather changes. standable way. i Nouember 28, 1969 23 Though many Somali workers at the experimental Iand, and actually they sweat more than r,l,e do! Of station had never seen paddy or tobaeco before, they all the foreigners I've met, our Chinese friends are have now learnt the technique of growing tobaceo, the best." eultivating and transplanting paddy seedlings, applying An o1d peasant in the locaUty said: "The Chinese fertilizer and threshing and husking rice. The rice friends and we drink water from the same river and planting technique passed has been on to nearby villages work on the same tract of land. Though we do not and some peasants have growing started rice. With understand each other's language, we know each other the help of the experimental peasant made station, one well. We are real friends and brothers whose hearts planting paddy a trial of on 0.3 of a hectare and reaped are closely linked.'r 945 kilogrammes of ricre in the first harvest this year. Another nine peasant households have now started At the beginning of this year, the Chinese techni- growing rice. cians helped the local peasants build a sluice gate and a three-kilometre-long highway. Old and young, men The praise Somali friends also the Chinese tech- and women, all the villagers were very glad. nicians for doing all they could to train tractor drivers. Whenever they met the Chinese friends, they said: They rvelcome the fact that Chinese technicians the "China is good!" "China is very good!" To show their first give the drivers first-hand experience by letting thanks, they invited the Chinese friends to visit their them practise driving, then explain the function the of homes. An old peasant said meaningfully: "We've never separate parts tractor of a to them and finally, with invited any other foreigners to our homes. We've in- the aid of machine parts and illtxtrations, give the vited you today because the Chinese friends are our drivers lectures theory on in which they explain the close brothers. We like real friends and hate false scientific principles makes involved. What the Somali ones." friends particularly happy is that after each lecture the Chinese personnel always ask for criticism and "Give Our Best Regords to Choirmon Moo!" suggestions. Several Somali workers wrote to two Chinese agri- A young tractor driver who started learning only cultural technicians who had gone back to China, six months ago can by himself now plough, rake and asking them to give their best regards to the great level the field an'd do more diffieult jobs in paddy leader of the Chinese people Chairman Mao. "Give fields. This worker had spent three years on a farm our best regards to Chairman Mao" expresses the com- run by the imperialists learning to handle a tractor, but mon desire of the Somali workers at the experimental all he did in these years was fetch water and refuel station. tractors, and was never allowed to drive a tractor. friends the Contrasting his experience on the imperialist-run larm In their contact with the Chinese in with that at this experimental station, he said with last two yeans or so, many Somali workers have come though there may be thou- deep feeling: "China is fine!" to understand deeply that sands of reasons for the Chinese friends to have Ttre style of hard work and plain living of the come from thousands of miles away, shared the joys Chinese agricultural technicians and their spirit of and sorrows of the Somali people and considered the passing on technique without reservation have made cause of the Somali people their own, the main one is an extremely deep impression on the Somali workers that they are sent by Chairman Mao and they are and the local people. armed with Mao Tsetung Thought. One Somali worker in the first group to work at One Somali worker said: "Why are these Chinase the experimental station said: "ThoJe foreigners who so good? In the final analysis, it's because they are were here before. used to curse us with their hands on educated and brought up by Chairrnan Mao." Somali their hips. They never went into the fields because friends have often said: "Chairrnan Mao is wise and they were afraid their clothes might get dirty. But great. We thank Chairman l\i[,ao for sending us such the Chinese friends go through thick and thin with fine technical personnel." "From the bottom of our us. Our sweat and theirs fall on the same plot of hearts, we wish Chairman Mao a long, long life!" ,t '{ t . S. lmperiolism in Unprecedented Difficulties ot Home f\UR great leader Chairman Mao has taught us: "The war preparations have brought on disastrous conse- \-, imperialist system is riddled with insuperable in- quences to the economy a grave financial and mone- ternal contradictions, and therefore the imperialists are tary crisig stagnant industrial- production and an ap- plunged into deep gloom." This is exactly the position proaching economic crisis. As a result, the inter:ral U.S. imperialism is now in. U.S. imperialist policies of class contradictions in the United States have been aggression and war and feverish arms expansion and sharpening day by day. The revolutionary mass move-

24 Peking Retsieu, No. 48 lrent has been on the upsurge, and the movement inevitable result of U.S. imperialist aggression and ex- against the U.S. war of aggression in Viet Nam, in par- pansion abroad. A particulai'ly obvious sign of the ticular, has been mounting on an unprecedentedly large precarious position of the U.S. dollar internationally is scale. In the face of this situation, endless quarrels the fact that the short-term dollar bonds in the hands have broken out within the , and the Nixon of other capitalist countries, which are redeemable in government, still not yet in office a full year, is reaching gold from the U.S. government at any time, have the end of its tether. All of Nixon's and big reached $37,000 million, whereas the total amount of talk during the presidential election campaign have U.S. gold reserves sank to $11,164 million last Sep- turned into a soap bubble. tember, less than one-third the amount of the short- term bonds. Finonciol ond Monetory Crisis Worsening Doily In a futile effort to extricate itself from this crisis- ridden financial and monetary situation, the Nixon gov- U.S. imperialism's financial and monetary is crisis ernment has intensified the exploitation of the American an incurable disease, and is getting worse every day people by repeatedly extending the period of the 10 because U.S. imperialism has been stepping up arms per cent income tax surcharge. In fiscal 1970 alone, expansion and war preparations and carrying out ag- it increases taxation by $12,000 million, thus boosting glession and expansion abroad. total federal taxation to $190,000 million, an all-time Financial deficits have become chronic for U.S. high in U.S. history. In addition, the Nixon govern- imperialism because of continuous increases in military ment has also resorted to such measures as raising expenditures year after year. Almost every year in the the discount rate to make money tighter and "cutting" period from 1946 to 1968 showed huge finaneial deficits, administrative and military expenditures. Even in aggregating more than $120,000 million. For the first the view of American "economists," these "stop-gap fiscal year under Nixon, the military budget was raised measures" are not only incapable of solving the prob- to the post-war record of more than 984,000 million. lems of inflation and the international payments Although the Nixon government not long ago announced deficit, but are liable to bring down production and a $4,100 million "cut" in military outlays, this can in increase unemplo;rment, thus further aggravating the no way affect U.S. imperialism's arms expansion and crisis. Even Nixon has ha'J to admit that these "meas- war. preparations, since this amount can still be used ures" are "bi.tter medicine" which have to be swal- for military purposes in disguised forms. lowed. But this "bitter medicine" cannot cure the . A customary practice of U.S. ruling circles for U.S. economy of its ailment. squeezing the people is to issue bonds and paper money in large amounts to make up for the huge financial Rote of lndustriol Production Growth deficits. Consequently, eurrency inflation has con- Declines Constontly tinuously worsened and become an awful headache for U.S. industries have been afflicted by declining them. It is reported that U.S. paper money in circula- output or sluggish markets since the beginning of tion this lear has increased by $22,300 million as com- 1969. The Nixon government's effort to give produc- pared with last year to reach a total of mil- $203,800 tion a shot in the arm by additional military orders lion which is seven times the figure, far sur- lrre-war has produced little effect on the disintegrating U.S. passing the rate of growth in industrial production. economy. Spiralling inflation has sent the purehasing power The rate of growth of U.S. industrial production of the dollar plummeting and now one dollar is equi- has steadily dropped. It is reported that in the first haU valent to less than 38 cents in 1g3g, or a 62.1 per cent of this year it went down more than 50 per c€nt as devaluation. During the ten years since lg5g, the real compared with 1966. Reduced production or sluggish purchasing power of the dollar has deelined by 22 per sales has hit nearly every economic sector in the cent. In dismay, the President of the U.S. Chamber United States, including what are knorrn as the three of Commerce recently declared that the United States U.S. economy auto, steel and was heading for a "dime dollar.,, "pillars" of the the buitding industries. Auto production- by mid July Inflation has sent prices soaring. The had fallen by 8 per cent as compared with the cor- cost of living in the United States went up 4 per cent responding period last year. Ford Motor Company in 1968, and has been climbing at the speed of an an- production went down 18 per cent in the second nual rate per of 6.5 cent since Nixon's inauguration. quarter this year as compared with the same period The hardest hit commodities are daily necessities, of last year. The steel industry is in the same plight. which food prices gone have up I per cent in a year For example, sales of The United States Steel Cor- and vegetables 25 per cent, while student tuition fees poration in this year's second quarter sank by 14.8 have also increased by 8 per cent this year. per cent as compared with the corresponding period Another important sign of the deepening U.S. last year. Even worse is the situation in the build- financial and monetary crisis is that its international ing industry, which is operating at a rate 20 per payments situation is going downhill. A $b,500 rnillion cent lower than last year. House building projects in deficit was shown in the first half of 1969, and an addi- August had dropped by 29 per cent as compared with tional $2,500 million in the third quarter. This is the January this year.

Noaember 28, 1969 25 At present, the shadow of a simultaneous outbreak dentedly large scale, but also by the repeated occurrence of a finaneial and monetary crisis and an "overprodud- of sueh violent struggle methods as "forcible occupation tion" crisis is looming large and seriously threatens of school premis€s" and "rebellion with rifles." At the U.S. ruling circles. Full of anxiety, the monopoly ca- same time, there is an increasingly obvious tendency pitalists moan that "the recession, when it comes, will for this movement to integrate with the workers' move- be most difficult to reverse." Facing such an awful ment. All this has never happened before in student mess, Nixon has had to admit that this is the most movement. "difficult time in (U.S.) history." This year has also witnessed a big growth in strikes by U.S. workers. At the beginning of the year, 70,000 Shorpening Closs Controdictions, Mounting longshoremen and 40,000 coal miners took part in huge Moss Movements strikes. Of late, steel, building, airline, coal and rail . To get out of the crisis, U.S. monopoly capital has workers have gone out on a series of strikes, each strike intensified its onslaught against the American people involving more than 10,000 people. Since the beginning by constantly strengthening its fascist rule politically of October., the strike movement has spread to the and unabashedly trying to suppress the mass move- munitions industry. In the wake of the workers' ments. Economically, it ruthlessly exploits the broad strike at the Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing masses of workers and other labouring people and Company, a strike of 150,000 workers broke out in the plunges them still deeper into dire poverty. According General Electric Company, one of the biggest companies to greatly watered-down official U.S. figures, 25 million making war equipment in the United States. This has poor people go hungry in the United States and more dealt U.S. imperialism's arms expansion and war prep- than 10 million suffer from malnutrition. With the arations a harsh blow. economic crisis drawing ever nearer, unemployment has The American people's movement against the war become more and more serious. The number of unem- of aggression in Viet Nam has been mounting day by ployed rose to 3.2 million last Septemlrer, the sharpest day. A nationwide protest demonstration by more than monthly increase since 1960. According to U.S. press one million people took plaee on October 1.5. November statistics, the number of unemployed has gone up by 13-15 also found more than one million people in the 250,000 since Nixon took office. streets, strongly demanding the withdrawal of U.S. Aggravated class contradictions have given rise to aggressor troops from Viet Nam. Ttre bursting forth of successive waves of revolutionary mass rnovements. these powerful demonstrations in this short period Since the beginning of the year, the Afre-American shows that the awakening of the American people is movement and the student and worker movements speeding up. They have become even more clearly swept ahead like three mighff torrents, co-ordinating aware of U.S. imperialism's reactionary nature and with and supporting one another. ftey have dealt seen through Nixon government's numerous gim- hammer blows at U.S. ruling circles and demonstrated micks. On November 3, Nixon continued laying down the tremendous force of the revolutionary mass move- his "peace'l smokescreeu. However, his government ments. called out 40,000 police and troops in Washington to The Afro-American struggles developed wave upon suppress the demonstrators who were demanding an wave in the summer of this year. Major struggles end to the war of aggression in Viet Nam. This enables against violent repression took place five times, other the masses of American people to further realize that struggles nearly 100 times. The broad masses of Afro- the Nixon government's guns are not only pointed Americans have come to see more clearly the reaction- at the Vietnamese people, but also directly at the Amer- ary nature of the Nixon government, whieh is the same ican people. The interests of the American people are jackal as the Johnson administration. Nixon's promises identical with those of the Vietnamese people. Nixon in the presidential election campaign aimed at grabbing and the handful of the monopoly bourgeoisie and its votes have turned out to be a will-o'-the-wisp. Now, agents are their common enemy. dissatisfaction with the Nixon government is growing This movement is characterized by its broad mass and a new upsurge in struggle is in the making. The base, correct and unified slogans, the variety of forms Afro-American struggle against violent repression and of struggle and its nationwide scope. At present, the attacks by Black workers together with white workers movement continues to rise to a new high. against their common enemy, the monopoly capitalist Our great leader Chairman Mao has pointed out: class, are bringing the Afro-Ameriean struggie to a new "Irreconcilable domestic and international contradic- level. tions, like a volcano, menace U.S. imperialism every day. Since the beginning of 1969, the student movement U.S. imperialism is sitting on this volcano." Confronted in the United States has been mounting as never before. with a crisis-ridden economy, the fierce resistance of Centred on opposition to the U.S. war of aggression in the American people and the struggle of the world peo- Viet Nam, racial discrimination and the decadent educa- ple against U.S. imperialism, the U.S. monopoly cap- tional system, it spread to more than 100 colleges and italists and the ruling clique have fully revealed their universities and over 2,000 mcondary schools in the first paper-tiger nature, outwardly strong but inwardly half of the year. More than 2 miliion university students weak. Seething with multiple contradictions, the were involved in the struggtre. The 1969 student volcano is bound to erupt with tremendous force and movement is not only characterized by its unprece- completely bury U.S. imperialism.

26 Peking Reoiero, No. 48 strikes is estimated at over 1,000,(X)0 ROUND THE WORLD million lire. The Italian Labour Minis- try recently wailed that because of the strikes, September's industrial ITALY gressive youths broke through the production had gone down 2.5 per police cordon and stormed the town cent, and October's steel output had Generol Strike by 20 Million halI. They searched out and burnt dropped 32 per cent, compared with Workers large quantities of reactionary docu- the same months last year. town hall on fire Twenty million Italian workers and ments and set the The class contradiction between ar- employees in different trades welt on in protest against unjustifiable Italy's working class and the monop- persecution 91 demon- a 24-hour on November rests and of oly capitalist class is irreconcilable. reactionary author- 19. Demonstrating the strength of the strators by the It can never be resolved by small had been working class, this nationwide general ities. These demonstrators favours from the capitalists, the when strike left all Italy paralysed. Most arrested early last February ruling clique's armed suppression or station in factories, mines, shops and schools they occupied the railway by the revisionists' trickery. In the protest against forcing down of and government offices were forced the recent struggle, the working class price to close, the post and telephone and the of oranges by the monopoly has not only called for wage in- capitalists. telegraph service as well as land, sea creases, shorter working hours, the and air traffic were seriously af- The nationwide general strike on struggle against dismissals, and de- fected, and newspapers stopped publi- November 19 was a new climax in manded the safeguarding of their cation. the Italian strike movement which rightq it has also raised clear- The strike was set off to protest has been surging ahead wave upon cut political slogans: "Down with year. the ruthless monopoly capitalist class wave since the beginning of the the capitalist class," and "Power exploitation and oppression and the It is one indication of sharpening belongs to the working class." It is its sharp rise in prices and rents. class contradictions and class strug- legitimate to believe that through gle own experience and practice 'thousands in Italy. actual Thousands upon of working class In an attempt to shift the burden in struggle, the Italian striking workers and students in will realize rirore clearly that only by Rome and all other major cities that of economic and financial difficulties on to the labouring people, Italian completely overthrow-ing the rule day held gigantic protest meetings of monopoly capital and the canni- and demonstrations in which they ruling circles have, on the one hand, set out to merge more enterPrises balistic capitalist system can it win carried placards reading "Death to complete emancipation. capitalism," and 'oHouse for work- and introduced the so-called "ration- alization of production." At the ers." They fought heroically againsl FRANCE the police sent to put down the strike. same time, they have raised taxes at will and issued more bank-notes. Workers qnd Peosonts' In 1\Iilan, Italy's second largest This has led to spiralling infla- Struggle Surges Aheod cit5r, a demonshation was stagd by tion and the soaring cost of living, more than 3,000 workers and with food prices and rents, in partic- French workers have recentlY students. Police in cars drove wildly ular, climbing steeply. Rents in launched a new wave of strike strug- into the demonstrating columns, Italy have risen 20 per cent on the gles in protest against ruthless exploi- knocking down students. to Police used average in the past two years, eating tation by monopoly capital and truncheons tear-gas better and bombs to up 25-50 per cent of a worker's demand higher wages and suppress the demonstrating masses the same wages. The housing shortage of many working conditions. At mercilessly. Angrily shouting revo- time, peasants in many places, P&r- working people has become an acute lutionary slogans, students and work- ticularly young peasants, have held soeial problem. It is reported that ers overturned cat's and put up demonstrations to protest the vicious at the least there is a shortage of 12 street barricades. They heroieally fleecing of the working people bY struck back at the police, using million houses in the country. In the monopoly capitalist ruling clique stones, iron bars and clubs. They Rome alone, 70,000 people are foreed so that it can shift its finaneial and put up a fierce fight against the pe- to live in suburban shanties built economic crises. lice for several hours. One Western with cast-off materials. Over 15,000 dockers in Marseilles, bourgeois nelvs agency said in alarm On the other hand, this kind of Rouen, Bordeaux, Le Havre and that "fierce street fighting broke ruthless expioitation and squeezing many other major ports went on out" in Milan where the was air has aroused strong dissatisfaction and strike from November 15 to 17, de- filled with "the screams of . police . resistance among the Italian working manding wage increases and shorter sirens, explosions tear-gas the of class. The mounting strike struggle working hours and rejecting over- bombs, the crash of shattering win- has hit Italy's monopoly capitalist time work, night work and Sunday dows and yells of the fighters." class hard. According to Western work. This large-scale dockers' In Fondi, a town 80 kilometres bourgeois news agency reports, Italy's strike, the seventh since late Septem- south of Rome, large groups of pro- production loss in 1969 as a result of ber, paralysed all these ports.

Nouember 28, 1969 27 Beginning on the night of Novem- left smelling vilely after demonstra- In "welcoming" Sato, Nixon open- ber 18, gas and electricity workers tors had dumped unsold rotten fruit Iy said that he wanted the Japanese started a 24-hotsr nationwide strike and vegetables and spoiled milk and reactionaries to "play a key role" for higher wages and shorter work- lorry-loads of manure in front of and do their best in maintaining ing hours. They occupied more than them. In the northwest, more than Asian stability. On his part, Sato ten distribution stations and fought 700 peasants besieged the adminis- shamelessly expressed his willingness against reactionary police who had trative and police offices in Saint-Lo. to "make further active contribu- forced their way into the plants in tions" to implementing the U.S. im- Overnight a number of incensed an effort to break the strike. perialist policies of rvar and aggres- peasants at Salins-les-Bains in east- On the iron and steel industry sion. He blatantly said that closer ern France built a brick wall to help front, 1,300 workers of the Loire Japan-U.S. collaboration "will block the entranoe to the building of establish ne\M international Steel Works in Saint-Etienne struck to a the local tax office which, sucking order," and that Japan "should play and occupied the plant. In the the blood of the peasantry, exacted port a more active role than the United northern of Dunkirk, workers of exorbitant taxes and all kinds of a steel firm down tools States" in Asia. laid their levies. On the waII was the inscrip- and held three members of the tion saying that it had been built by In plotting a war of aggression management in their offices. China and Asia, Nixon and "discontented farmers," Some dem- against Workers at French atomic energy onstrating peasants held a govern- Sato laid special emphasis in their strengthening Japan- plants also stmck, protesting the ment minister for a compulsory talks on the IJ.S. "security treaty" system in an Atomic Energy Commission's plan to briefing and even forced the Secre- attempt to turn this treaty into a Iay off 2,600 workers in two years. Agr:iculture to tary of State for larger-scale military alliance. Nixon march road them. When the National Assembly along the witl and Sato 'howled that they "highly began the debate on the farm bud- vafue" the "role played" by the get in Paris on November 18, many NIXON.SATO TATIG Japan-U.S. "security treaty," an peasants hurried there from all over aggressive military treaty, and that petition the country to for a price U.5. ond Joponese Reoctionories they wanted to "resolutely maintain" rise in farm produce and to protest Step Up Militory Colloborotion it and "maintain close contact" con- the government plan to reduce the cerning its implementation. Sato not acreage of farmland and to m€rge U.S. imperialism's chieftain Nixon only agreed that U.S. imperialism medium and small farms. In fear of and its faithful running dog in Asia, could continue to use its'bades in a further upsurge in the peasants' Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Japan in accordance with this treaty, mass struggle, the French author- Sato, conspired behind closed doors but also pledged that Japanese mili- ities calied out large numbers of in Washington for three days ending tarism would take a direct part in "riot" police and police ears to patrol November 2l to strengthen U.S.- any war unleashed by U.S. imperial- the area around the National As- Japanese military collaboration. The ism and even attempted to lay hands sembly ready put building, to down joint communique issued by them on China's sacred. territory. Sato the demonstrators. revealed that U.S. imperialism, beset frantically clamoured that the south In the city of Nantes in Britanny, with difficulties at home and abroad, Korean Pak Jung Hi puppet clique's t'was 'western France, 1,500 peasants dem- will make the Japanese militarist "security" essential to Japan's onstrated the same day in the forces act as its advance guard and own security" and that "the mainten- downtown district to protest the serve the policies of aggression and ance of peace and security in the reactionary authorities' political war which it is pushing still more Taiwan area was also a most im- persecution of three young peasants frantically in Asia. portant factor for the security of rvho had been unjustifiably sen- Japan." tenced to imprisonment. Downtown U.S. imperialism has greatly step- traffic was brought to a standstill. ped up its mllitary collaboration Nixon and Sato also plotted the The demonstrators indicated that with the Japanese reactionaries since big fraud of the so-called returtr to further action would be taken if the Nixon took office. He intends to let Japan n'7972 of the administrative and government did not release their the Japanese militarist forces play a rights of Okinawa. The U.S. played up this class brothers. "major role" in his "new Asian Japanese reactionaries Okinawa's ad- policy" so as to press forward with so-called return of Earlier, peasants hact staged in an effort to his policy of "using Asians to fight ministrative rights one demonstration after another in Japanese Asians." On their part, the Japanese calm down the PeoPle's Toulouse, southern Franoe, and mounting anti-U.S. feelings. This is rcaetionaries dream of attaining their Montreuil Sur Mer, Bethune and designed to enable the reactiorr- expansionist ambitions by also Saint-Omer, northeastern France, "playing ary Sato government to grab a littld denouncing the government's agri- a major role" in this "new policy" political eapital. In fact, all this is cultural poiicy and calling for rvith U.S. imperialist baeking. The nothing but a sdteme for war' Thd higher prices for farm produce. Ad- purpose of the Nixon-Sato talks was ministrative and poliee offiees were to realize this criminal plot. (Continued on p.30.)

28 Pelci,ng Reoieu,, No. 48 manulacture this advanced machine ACROSS THE LAND tool. ry//////i/,/.//,//.,//////z/////////z////zz// This product has many Chinese features. Instead of using cutters, it processes metal by a new techno- Shanghai's iron steel workers Gold-Silver Printing Poste for by and logical method the electrolytic me- in implementing concretely Chairman Coyers ol "Selected Works thod. It can automatically- turn out Mao's great principle "maintaining workpieces with very complicated Ol Mao Tsetung" independence and keeping the initia- physical properties and in complex tive in our ovvn hands and relying on OLLOWING our great leader geometrical shapes, thus solving a our own efforts." Chairman Mao's teaching: "Break long-standing, difficult problem in down foreign conventions and follow Up to advanced technical standard, machining. It also contributes signif- our own road in developing in- 'this' steel.smelting converter was icanUy to the machine-building and dustry," the revolutionary workers buiit with greater, faster, better and national defence industries. of the Kaihsien County Paint Fac- more eionomical results by the revo- tory in Lidoning Province have pro- lutionary workers who followed duced two types of gold-silver print- .Chairman Mao's great teaching "Bo High-Grude Thin Paper lor ing paste for letterpress and intaglio prepared against wat, be prepared Speciol lndustriol Use printing of the covers of Selected, against uatural disasters, and do Works oJ Mao Tsetung. This has fill- everything for the people." It took A RMED with Mao Tsetung ed in two gaps in China's printing only 25 days to finish the whole job /r Thought, the revolutionary work- industry and provided new material of, installation, three-quarters' less ers of the Kashing Tungfeng Paper conditions in the large-scale printing time than that required to install the Mill in Chekiang Piovince have of Selected Works oJ Mao Tsetung. same type of converter early in the scaled a scientific and technological Great Proletarian Cultural Revolu- peak in paper making and recently This factory is small having less succeeded in manufacturing China's previously tion, and higher qualily was achieved. than 100 workers. It could first batch of high-grade super thin produce powder, only aluminium In the process of coustruction, the paper for special industrial use pig- which is an ordinary metallic broad revolutionary workers, fired "anti-revisionist paper." - ment. With boundless 1o1,s11, to with the great and lofty determina- Ctrairman Mao, the revolutionar5i tion to win honour for our great lnis kind of paper is considered a workers decided to trial-manufacture leader Chairman Mao and the great "trump card" in the world's paper- the paste tlrough their own efforts socialist motherland, displayed the making industry. It is an important as their contribution to the large- revolutionary spirit of fearing neither insulator indispensable in making seale publication of Chairman Mao's hardship nor death as they worked electronic computers and automatic guiding works for circulation throughout the day and night at the construction site. navigation systems, and in world. After overcoming a series of With the full support of the fraternal other advanced scientific and tech- difficuities and conducting over 100 units, they solved many difficult nical installations. This type of paper experiments in ten months of hard technical problems and finally suc- was imported in the past. The Tung- work, the revolutionary workers and ceeded in putting this converter into revolutionary workers of the cadres finally succeeded in trial- operation ahead of schedule. feng Paper Mili made up their minds producing the paste. These types of to make it through their own efforts paste have been produced in large so as to win honour for the great quantities and output basically meets leader Chairman Mao and for our the needs of large-scale printing of Automati c U niversal E lectrolyti c great socialist motherland. After Selected, Works oJ Mao Tsetung Machine Tool overcoming a series of difficulties, throughout the country. they lindly turned out roll after ro11 A CHINESE-DESIGNED automatic of this super thin paper with super- -t r universal electrolytic machine gt"ade calenders. tool has been trial-produced by the Huapei Metal Structures Plant. Help- Another Big Pure Oxygen ed by its revolutionary committee June 26 Medical lnsfiument and the P.L.A. Mao Tsetung Thought Top-Blow Converter Built Success{ully Produced propaganda team in the plant and A NOTHER big pure oxygen top adhering to the great principle of D)Y relying on invincible Mao / r blow converter designed and "maintaining independence and J) 1'ss1r.g Thought and by display- made by Chinese personnel has been keeping the initiative in our irwn ing the revolutionary spirit of daring successfully built in Shanghai and hands and relying on our own to think and to act, the June 26 put into operation. It has turned out efforts," the revolutionary mass€s medical scientific research group in the first heat of high-quality steel. there surmounted many difficulties Chengchow, Honan Province, sue- This is another new victory achieved and took only five months to trial- ceeded in producing ,an appliance

Nouember 28, 1969 29 known as the Junc 26 medical instru- also relieve neuralgia caused by facial the veteran workers and the P.L.A. ment. paralysis, chronic sinusitis, muscular medical personnel. To increase its strain and rheumatism. Thus a new effectiveness, the Chengchow Munici- Ttris portable instrument looks like road has been opened up for the pal Revolutionary Committee or- pocket-sized transistor radio and a of various kinds of neural- ganized a medical scientific research weighs only 0.2 kilogramme. Its treatment gia, including cases diagnosed by the group to work on it, a grouP com- production is both simple and inex- bourgeois as ('difficult." posed of the revolutionary workers pensive. Easy to operate, it can be "authorities" This new treatment is also very effec- and revolutiondry medical workers used in field or on a brick bed in the tive in handling infantile paralysis of the No. 153 Hospital of a P.L'A. a peasant's home. Used in conjunc- sequelae and hemiplegia caused by unit, the Chengchow Hospital of tra- tion with acupuncture, it can cure cerebral vascular phrombum and ditional Chinese Medicine and many diseases and ailments, thus cerebral apoplexy. the Chengchow Radio FactorY. In bringing together the efforts of both accordance with Chairman Mao's and doctors that through Western-trained doctors Statistics show instruction on health work issued on of traditional Chinese medicine. No synthesizing Western and traditional health aP June 26, 1965, "In medical and medicine is needed with the treat- methods in the form of this work, put the stress on the rural cost patient is paratus and the new treatment, re- ment and its to the areas," they relentlessly criticized the little. markable improvement has been renegade Liu Shao-chi's counter-rev- reg'istered for over 95 per cent of the the few monthg tens oi revisionist line in medi- In last patients suffering from various kinds olutionary thousands of patients have been cine and health. Proceeding from of neuralgia and over 80 per cent of treated with this kind of apparatus. desire to meet the actual needs those suffering from herniplegia. the Practiee shows that respiration can of tJ:e poor and lower-mid.dle be restored by this apparatus and its Many bed-ridden workers and peasants, they, for hundreds of times, new treatment in cases where brea- poor and lower-middle peasants who experinented on and imProved the thing has ceased due to cstain causes, suffered from neuralgia and hemi- respirator. Finally this apparatus so long as the heart beats, however plegia soon regaine their health was created to induce artificial res- feebly, and the nenres can still react after receiving this combined new piration and to iure many difficult to electricity. This is vaLuable in treatrnent. diseases. To further imPlement handling ernergency eases. By com- The June 26 medical instrument, Chairman Mao's June 26 instruction bining the skill of Western-trained originally called a respirator, was on health work, theY named their doctors and doctors of traditional produced by a young electrician at group the June 26 medical scientific Chinese medicine, the apparatus the Chengchow Power Supplying research group and their invention along with ik new treatment can Bureau'with the help and support of the June 26 medical instrument.

{Contirured trom p.28.) Iarge-sized rockets in order to help a faster pace than ever. When he talks show that U.S. imperialism Japan ar:rn herself with nuclear left Tokyo for Washington, Sato was will indefinitely retain its nuelear weapons. This time Nixon and Sato confronted by the Japanese people's base on Okinawa. This means that reiterated that carrying out this plan powerful anti-U.S. movement and it witl continue its military occupa- "is of importance to both" the U.S. was forneed to flee from ring upon tion there and can freely use this and the Japanese reactionaries. ring of encirclement by getting out nuclear base for launching wars of in a helicopter, escorted by tens of aggression, as well as for continuing The Nixon-Sato talks are an im- portant step U.S. and Japa- thousands of reactionary police on its war of aggression in Viet Nam. by the iatensifying land, sea and in the air. In Washing- Sato stated that Okinawa's role as a nese reactionaries in collaboration and ton, the American people "greeted" base "must still be effectively main- their military p1ot. prom- the uninvited guest Sato with tained in the future." He assured hatching a new war Sato Nixon that Japan would provide ised that Japan would undertake demonstrations. sufficient "defence forces" for more military commitments in this The counter-revolutionary anti- Okinawa. plot, which in fact means that Japan China, anti-communist and anti- would be tied more tightly to the addition, people acts of U.S. imperialism and In Sato assured Nixon U.S. war chariot and once again Japan would step the reactionary Sato government will that up its arms pushed on to the path of aggression expansion. U.S. imperialism signed c'ertainly end in a complete fiasco as aied war. an agreement in the zummer with a result of the firm opposition of the the reactionary Sato goveranrrent But today is an era in which im- world's people, including the Ameri- proneising to aid Jallan in developtg perialism is headiag for its doom at can aad Japanere PeoPle.

30 Pek'irt'g fuoi.eto, So. 18 PEKING REVIEW

Vo1. 12, No. 48 Published in English, French, Spanish, November 28, 1969 Japanese and German editions

THE WEEK 20th Anniversory of Estoblishment of Diplomotic Relotions Betw.een Albonio und Chino Wormly Celebroted Shooshon-Chingkong Mountoins Highwoy Opened to Troffic Chinese, Tonzonion, Zombion Governments Sign Supplementory Agreement on Construction of Tonzonio-Zombio Roilwoy ,i{ ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTS Codres Should Persist in Toking Pqil in Collective Productive Lobow-Renmin t Riboo editoriol 6 lnlinite Might oI Chairmon Moo's Thinking on People's Wor - Chien Hoi-chin 8 Chino Continues lts Succ$sion of Rich Horves8 10 Fly in the Blue Sky of the Motherlond-The Moturing of Women Fliers in on Air Force Unit of the Chinese People's Liberotion Army 12 Long Live the Militont Friendship Betreen Chinese ond Albonion Peoptes - Rearniz Riboo editoriol 15

Albonio's Revolutionizotion Movement Develops More Deeply Over the Post Yeor 16 Develop Revolutionory Wor to Eliminote Aggressive Wor 18 More Retplutionory Joponese People Study ond Apply Msrxism-Leninism-Moo Tsetung Ihought 19 Africon People's Anti-lmperiolist Armed Struggle Developing Doy by Doy 21

Seeds of Friendship-Chinese Agriculturol Technicions Help Build Rice ond Tobocco Experimentol Stotion in Somolio 23 U.S. lmperiolism in Unprecedented Difficulties ot Home 24

ROUND THE WORLD 27 Itoly: Generol Strike by 20 Million Workers Fronce: Workers ond Peosonts' Struggle Surges Aheod Nixon-Soto Tolks: U.S. ond Joponese Reoctionories Step Up Militory Colloborotion

ACROSS THE IAND A Gold-Sitver Printing Poste for Covers of "Selected Works of Moo Tsetung'r Another Big Pure Oxygen Top-BIow Converter Built Automotic Universol Electrolytic Mochine Tool High-Grode Thin Poper for Speciol lndustriol Use June 26 Medicol lnstrument Successfully Produced

Publiihed every Fridoy by PE(ING REVIAI Peking (37), Chlno Post Oifice Registrstlon No. 2't22 Coble Address Peklng 2910 Prlnlcd ln tho PeoPlo't Republic of Chloo

Nouember 28, 7969 31

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