Comrade Mao Tse-Tung's Message of Greetings to 5Th Gongres$ of 4 Albanian Party of Labour

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Comrade Mao Tse-Tung's Message of Greetings to 5Th Gongres$ of 4 Albanian Party of Labour PE 46 November 11, 1966 il[ Comrade Mao Tse-tung's Message of Greetings to 5th Gongres$ of 4 Albanian Party of Labour A Choirmon Mao Reyiews Mighty Army of Cultural Revol ' ution .ru For 5th Time Nov. 11, 1966 PEKING REVEEW Vol- 9. No. 46 Published in Engtish, French, Sponish, Joponese ond Germon ditions t ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTS Comrode Moo Tse-tung's Messoge of Greetings to the Fifth Congress of the Albonion Porty of Lobour Choirmon Moo Reviews Mighty Army of the Culturql Revo- Iution for the 6th Time 6 Comrode Lin Pioo's Speech ot Peking Moss Rolly 10 C.omrode Lin Pioo Wdter lnscription for the 2Oth Anniversoqr ol the Norning ol the 'Jvho Ise-lung Locomotire" ll C.P.C. Ceiltrol Conrmit*ee Greets 25th Annirerory ol founding ol Albonion Pofi of Lobour 12 ' Congrotulotory Speech by Comrode Kong Sheng, Heod ol the Chinese Commu- nist Porty Delegrotion 13 . Fifth Congress of Albonion Pcrty ol Lobour Opem 16 ' More On Promoting the Contept of Jielangjun Bao editoriol 18 'Public" - Chino Will Remoin Red For Ever 21 Nurtured by Moo Tse-tung's Thought, Chino Grows Young 21 Itolion Morxist-Leninist Communist Porty Founded 22 Itolion Guorterly Vento DeLl' Est Wormly Proises Moo Tse-tung's Thought 22 Chino's Greot Culturol Revolution Tokes lts Ploce by the Side of the Poris Communs 23 Peking Welcomes Anti-Revisionist Fighters Returned From the Soviet Union 23 Choirmon Moo's Greot Concern for Anti-Revisionist Fighters 24 The Robber's Neck ond the People's Nooses - Observer 25 i Johnson's Bod Luck Renmin Riboo Commentotor 27 World's People Rejoice- Over Chino's Successful Guided Missile-Nucleor Weopon Test 28 Moo Tse-tung's Thought Shines For ond Wide 30 i, Deepest Love for Choir.mon Moo's Works ond Firmest Belief in Moo Tse-tung's- Thought Chong Kuei-mei 32 - fl $J THE WEEK Choirmon Moo Receives R,D. Senonoyoke; Peking Rolly C'elebrotes Albonion Lobour Porty's 25th Anniversory; Chen Yi Reiterotes Chino's Firm Support for Viet- nomese People; Greeting the Soviet People on 49th Anniversory of October Revolu- tion; lndion Concocted Stories About Chinese "lntrusions" lnio Bhuton Refuted 35 ROUND THE WORLD South Vietnom: People's Wor: Unlimited Power; Jopon-Chino People's Friendship: Soboteurs Cost Aside; Guineo: No U.S, Norrsense Allowed; Tonzonio: Answering lmperiolist Provocotion g7 Published eve*y fridoy by PEl(lNG REV'|EW PeIing (3{, C-}rim flcsl Offire Segis{rotirm No. 2-9?2 Cob'le Addms: Peking g91O Prinled in the People's Republic of Chino 'l' I I I i, r,, :: : :, 1 ,.,ii,.'..,ii. i ii i 1..,,1..,,.,,'tt1,.....",.1 t .,..,i.,' .,.....r1 ....i'..,',,.......,'",...'= I :::::::]:]lij:i :]iiiii I.l,;.r xii .,i l::i:!:!:!i:! ll On the Tlen An lUen tostrum, Chalrman Mao Tse-tung, the greatest prole;tarlal revolutionary and our most respected and beloved lcadel, reviervs tlae revolutioa- ary studeqts, teaehers a:rd young Red Guards from ali parts of the country Gormrade Evtao Tse-tung's Message C$ @ree&ings Te the Fi$eh Cemgress o$ the Albanian Party o$ Labour The Fifth Congress of the .A.lbanian Farty of Labour The truth of Marxism-l,eninism is on our side. Dear Comrades: So is the international proletariat. So are the op- The Communist Party of China and the Chi- pressed nations and oppressed peoples. And so are nese people send their warmest congratulations to the masses of people who constitute over g0 per cent the Fifth Congress of the Albanian Party of Labour. of the world's population. We have friends We wish your Congress every success! all over the world. We are not afraid of The glorious Albanian Party of Labour headed being isolated and we shall never be isoiated. by Comrade Enver Hoxha is firmly holding aloft We are invincible. The handful of pathetic crea- the revolutionary red banner of Marxism-Leninism tures who oppose China and Albania are doomed while encircled ring upon ring by the imperialists to failure. and the modern revisionists. We are nolv in a great new era of world rev- Heroic people's Albania has become a great olution. The revolutionary upheaval in Asia, Africa beacon of socialism in Europe. and Latin America is sure to deal the whole of the The revisionist leading clique of the Soviet old r,vorld a decisive and crushing blovr.. The great Union, the Tito clique of Yugosiavia and a1l the victories of the' Vietnamese people's rvar against other cliques of renegades and scabs of various U.S. aggression and for national salvation are con- shades are mere dust heaps in comparison, while vincing proof of this. The proletariat and working you, a lofty mountain, tower to the skies. They people of Europe, North America and Oceania are are flunkeys and accomplices of imperialism before experiencing a new awakening. The U.S. impe- which they prostrate themselves, while you are rialists and aI1 other such 'u,ermin have already dauntless proletarian revolutionaries who dare to created their own grave-diggers; the day of their fight imperialism and its iackeys, fight the world's burial is not far off. tyrannical enemies. Naturally, the road of our adl,ance is by no The Soviet lfnion, Yugoslavia and e.rery other means straight and smooth. Comrades, please rest country where the modern revisionist clique is in assured that come what may, our tlvo Parties and power have either changed colour or are in the pro- our two peoples will always be united, will always cess of doing so. Capitalism has been or is being fight together and be victorious together. restored there, and the dictatorship of the proleta- Let the Parties and peoples of China and AI- riat has been or is being changed into the dictator- bania unite, Iet the Marxist-Leninists of ali coun- ship of the bourgeoisie. Against this adverse cur- tries unite, let the revolutionary people of the whole rent of counter-revolutionary revisionism, heroic world unite and overthrow imperialism, modern re- socialist Albania has stood firm. Persevering in visionism and the reactionaries of every country! A the Marxist-Leninist, the revolutionary line, you capitalism have adopted a series of measures of revolutioniza- new world without imperialism, without certain tion and consolidated the dictatorship of the proleta- and without any system of exploitation is riat. Taking the path of socialism, you are build- lo be built ing your country independently and have won brilliant victories. You have contributed valuabie MAO TSE-TUNG, experience to the history of the dictatorship of the Chairrnan of the Central Comm,ittee proletariat. of the Cornmunist PartY of China "A bosom friend afar brings a distant land October 25, 1966 near." China and Albania are separated by thou- The message of greetings of the Cenffal Committee sands of mountains and rivers but our hearts are o! the Chinese Comrnunist Party signed bg Chairman closely linked. We are your true friends and com- Maa Tse-tung uas read at the Sth Congress of the A[- rades. And you are ours. You are not like those banian Pat'ty of Labour on lioxember 2 bg Comrade false friends and double-dealers who have "honey Kang Sheng, Leader of the Chinese Communist Party I on their lips and murder in their hearts," and nei- Delegation, Member of the Standi,ng Committee of the ii ther are we. Our miiitant revolutionary friendship Potitical Bureau and of the Secretario.t of the Central has stood the test of violent storms. Committee oJ the Chinese Communist Party. Nooember 17, 1966 A Quotation From Chairrnan Mao Tse-tung The big-character poster is an extremely useful new type of weapon. It can be used in cities and the countryside, in factories, co-operatives, shops, government and other organizations, schools, army units and streets, in short, wherever the masses are. Nolv that it has been used widely, people should go on using it constantly. (Apri,l 7958) -"Introduci,ng o Co-opera,titse" 75, Choirmon Moo Reviews Mighty Arrny Of the Culturol Revolution for The 5th Time Comrode tin Pioo points out in his importont speech: Under the guidonce of Choirmon Moo's correct line, the brood revolutionqry mosses of our country hove creoted the new experience of developing extensive democrqcy under the dictotorship of the proletoriot. This extensive democrqcy is c new form of integroting Moo Tse-tung's thought with the brood mosses, q new forrn of mass self-education. lt is o new con- tribution by Choirmon Moo to the Marxist-Leninist theory on proletoriqn revolution ond proletoricn dictotorship. AN November 3, at a time when the proletarian rev- rally. Nine times Chairman Mao walked with firm (J olutionary line represented by Chairman Mao has steps to the east and west sides of the Tien An Men won a great victory, our great teacher, great leader, rostrum and warrnly waved to and applauded the cheer- great supreme commander and great helmsman Chair- ing crowd. When the young revolutionary fighters man Mao reeeived revolutionary students and teachers marched through the square, they leapt for joy and and Red Guards from all parts of the country in Pe- endlessly shouted: "Long live Chairman Mao! Long king, the capital and the centre of the g::eat proletarian life, long, long life to himl" In boundiess excitement cultural revolution. Including the National Day raliy, they declared: "Our Chairman Mao and Comrade Lir-r this was the sixth time 'utithin something over trvo Piao are in excellent heelth. This is the greatest happi- months that Chairman Mao received revolutionary stu- ness for the people of China and throughout the wirole dents and teachers from all parts of the country.
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