PE 48 November 28, 1969 Gadres $hould Fensist im EekEreg Ferf, eA Im Golleetiwe Frodasefifrwe La&mur 4" Chine ComtEsiwes $ts Suseeessims? *$ Rich Hcrvests /e Long Liye the Milltaslt Frlenadsfuip Betweesl Ghilrese amd &Ehaarlaer Feoples -_ tn celebrotion of the z0ih onniversory of the -{k estqblishment of diplomotic relotions betwe,en Chino ond Albonio 0uotATroils Fnot 'f' GHIIRTTT HTO I$EIUTE Referring to tle comrades from the basic levels who were newly elected b the Ceatral Coirrmittee, Chainnan Mao exhorted r.rs duriry the Ninth National Congress of the Party to ..see to it that they do not divorce themselves from the masses or productive labour a4d that they must perform their duties." Going down to do manual labour gives vast numbers of cadres an excellent opportunity to study once again; this should be done by all cadres except those who are old, weak, ill or disabled. cadres at their posts should also go down in turn to do manual Iabour. Let the Parties and peoples of China and Albania unite, let the Marxist-Leninists of all countdes unite, let the revolutionary people of the whole world unite and overthrow imperialism, modern revisionism and the reactionaries of every country! A t new world without imperialism, without capitalism and without any system of exploitation is certain to be huilt. Revolutions and revolutionary wars are inevitable in class society, and without them it is impossible to accomplish any Ieap in social development and to overthrow the reactionary ruling classes and therefore impossible for the people to win political powef. ?!{E WEEK Albonian Ambassodor to China Gives Reception He said that the Great proletarian Cultural Revolution personally led by Chairman Mao took place in the Establishment of eonditions of socialist construction 20th Anniversary of and the dictatorship of the prole- Diplomatic Relations Between Albania tariat. It had further enriched the treasury of Marxism-Leninism and And China Warmly Celebrated had provided an inspiring example and experience for the revolutionary people who wanted to make revolu- fTOMRADE Xhorxhi Robo, Albanian years the relationship between our tion and build socialism. U o*b".rador China, gave a two Partieq two countries and two to The Ninth National Congress of reception on the evening of Novem- peoples has steadily developed, ex- the glorious Chinese Communist 22, warmly celebrating the 20th panded and grown stronger in the ber Party, he added, was a victory for establishment of political, ideological, economic, milit- anniversary of the Chairman Mao's Marxist-Leninist relations Albania ary, cultural and social fields. This diplomatic between revolutionary line. It had held stilt and China. relationship is a brilliant example in higher the red banner of revolution. upholding Marxism-Lerrinism and Present were Comrades Li Hsien- The firm implementation of the his- proletarian internationalism. nien and Hsieh Fu-chih, Vice-Pre- " toric resolutions of the Ninth Party miers of the State Council, and Comrade Robo said: The friend- Congress was turaing Qhina ials a Ieading members of various depart- ship between the two Parties, trro still more prwp€rqrs and powerful ments concerned including Comrades countries and two peoples! cr,eated by eountrlr. Today China had become Wang Hsin-tiag, Li Chieng, Wu.Teb, Chairrmn ti[ao Tsefimg arnrl Comrade an impregnable bastion of revolution Chiu Kuekrrang, tai Chi-fa, Ilirang hver Eo-ha, is a geuine, revolu- and socialism; it hd becorne the hope &ibyung; Chi Feng-fei, Chiao tionary and militant friendship, a of world revolution and progressive Kuan-hua, Esu Yi-hsin, Ma Wen-po, friendship which has been estab- peoples. Ilsi,eh Huai-teh, Liu Ta-;ru, Shen lished and strengthened in the com- In his speech, Comrade Chi Pen!- Cbien, Yang Yu-heng, Wang An-chu, mon struggle in revolution arrd for fei said: In the 20 years since China Tu Hsing-yuan and Wang Hsing. the cause of socialism. It has stood and Albania established diplomatic Nane Kutra, Deputy Chief sf the the test in the rwolutionarjr storms relations, our two Parties, two coun- Folitical Departrnent of the Albanian and heroic battles against our com- tries and two peoples have, in the People's Army, who is now in Chioa mon enemies imperialism headed - protracted strugqle against imperial- as leader of the visiting Albanian imperialism modern by U.S. and ism and revisionism and in our com- People's Army Art Troupe, and revisionism headed by Soviet revi- uron cause of socialist revolution and other Albanian comrades were sionism-and in the struggle to present. socialist construction, supported, en- defend and strive for the victory of couraged and learnt from each other, Robo Chinese Viee- Comrade and Marxism-Leninism. This friendship fought shoulder to shoulder, built up Minister of Foreign Affairs Comrade Y is unbreakable. an unbreakable militant friendship Chi Peng-fei spoke at the reception. i and won one great victory after I He said emphatically: "We are l The Albanian Ambassador said another. i determined to struggle to the end /) that the establishment of diplomatic against any enemy who dares to He said: "In their revolutionary relations between Albania and China invade our two countries until he is struggles, past and present, the Chi- 20 years ago opened a new stage in il completely defeated." nese people have always enjoyed the the history of close, fraternal co- energetic support of their Albanian operation between the Albanian peo- In his speech Comrade Robo comrades-in-arms. You have firmly ple and the heroic Chinese people warmly praised the victory of China's suppoited the Chinese people's just aad between our two socialist soun- Great Proletarian Cultural Revolu- struggles to oppose U.S. imperialism, tries. tion and the success of the Ninth liberate Taiwan and restore China's l,l He said: "We note with full Natio,nal Congress of the Chinese legitimate rights in the United Na- satisfaction tbat during these 20 Communist Party, tisns. When the,Ssviet modern revi- Nooember 28, 19ffi t- sionist leading clique whipped up fight and triurnph together with Maoping, Huangyangchi.eh, Pamien- fr-enzied anti-China adverse currents them, and strive together to bury im- shan and Shuangmashih, and aiso again and again, you fearlessly perialism, modern revisionism and Taehing in the Chingkang Mountains stepped forward in the face of brute their running dogs once and for all where he had once lived. tr'rom Shao- force and stood firmly with the and to build a neur world without shan to the Chingkang Mountains via Chinese Communist Party in ruth- imperialism, without capitalism and An;ruan, the brilliance of Mao lessly exposing and struggling against without any system of exploitation.'! Tsetung Thought is everywhere dis- the Soviet modern revisionist leading cernible. Now that the highway links clique in order to safeguard the up the various revolutionary me- purity of Marxism-Leninisra. You morial sites, the broad revolutionary On the evening have given us powerful support in of November 22, masses have greater access to them Keng Piao, our socialist revolution and socialist Chinese Ambassador to and thu.s will be able to study more Albania, held a reception in Tirana construction and especially in the effectively the great levolutionary Great Proletarian Cultural Revolu- to warml;z celebrate the 20th anni- activities of Chairman Mao and learn versary tion personally initiated and led by of the establishment of diplo- a great deal. our great leader Chairman Mao. You matic relations between China and have also highly appraised the Ninth Albania. The construction of the Shaoshan- Congress, Chingkang Mountains .Highway had Party which has a far- Present at the reception were reaching long been earnestly desired by the influence in the history of Comrades Haki Toska, Spiro Koleka our Party. This support and revolutionary masses. To build this help of and Abdyl Keilezi; Comrades Nesti youis your highway, leading members of the has fully demonstrated Nase, Kico Ngjela, Milo proletarian Qirko, Shina- Hunan and Kiangsi provincial revolu- internationalism and fra- si Dragoti and Ciril Pistoli, govern- ternal sentiments; it has encouraged rnent ministers; Comrade Dashnor us greatly. The 700 million Chinese Mamaqi, editor-in-chief of the Zeri i, -'*rI-aI, Reorganization" and "Ku- people never forget your sutrF will Popullit; and other Albanian com- cheng Conference": fn October 1927, Chair- port Harvest Up- and help, for which we extend rades. man Mao.led the 'lAutumn to you most heartfelt thanks." rising" forces in their march to the Ctdng- our kang Mountains. On the way, in Sanwan Comrade Keng Piao and Comrade Village of Yunghsin County, Ifiangsi Comrade Chi Peng-fei added: The Toska made speeches at the recep- Province, he reorganized the forces and relations between our two Parties and founded the First Regiment of the First tion, which was filled with the pro- two peoples are fraternal relations Division of the First Army of the Work- found revolutionary friendship be- ers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, of the truest kind. Our friendship is tween Chinese Albanian Party organizations were built up at precious, the and various levels in the army and Party rep- the most revolutionar5r peoples. friendship. Just as our great leader resentatives were incbrporated at com- pany level and above. T'he Front Com- Chairman Mao pointed out: "T[e ate mittee, with Chairman Mao as secretary, your true friends and comrades. And was established. In the army, the soldiers' you'are committees were set up to practise ours. You are not like thoso Shqoshon-Chingkong Mountoins democratic management. The rules of rev- false friends and double-dealers who Highwoy Opened to Troffic olulionary discipline for the people's have 'honey on their Iips and murder arrny were formulated. It was precisely on that the absolute in their hearts', and neither we, from that time leader- are The highway from Shaoshan, our ship of the Party over the army was Our militant revolutionary friendship great leader Chairman Mao's birth- affirmed and this taid the foundation for has stood the test of violent storms." place, to the Chingkang Mountains, building a new-type revolutionary army.
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