A Re-Examination of the Lineage of Bost &
DESCENDANTS OF NORSE BOLSTAIJR?: A RE-EXAMINATION OF THE LINEAGE OF BOST & CO. Richard Cox INTRODUCTION The account by Nicolaisen in Scottish Place-Names of the Norse settlement of Scotland as seen from place-name evidence is a land-mark in the development of our understanding of that largely undocumented process. His analysis of the distribution of selected generic elements clearly plots the gradual but relentless approach of serial settlement, through the Northern and Western Isles, up to and onto the northern mainland and western coastal belt. The chronology proposed for the settlement generic-elements discussed, places them in the following order: 1. sta(Jr, 2. setr (and/or sretr) and 3. b6lstaor (Nicolaisen 1976. 87-94). The remarkable thing about the last of these elements, b6lstaor, is that, according to Nicolaisen, it has yielded a large number of different reflexes in modern forms of names. These include orthographic bist, bister, bust, buster, bast, pster, mster, bus, boll, poll, pool and bo (Nicolaisen op.cit. 94). There is general agreement here among earlier commentators, but there are some dissenters concerning one or two individual reflexes (Appendix 2). For instance, not all would agree that boll, poll or pool forms derive from b6lstaor. This in itself does not prompt a complete re-examination of the reflexes of b6lstaor, but there does seem to be a sufficiently compelling reason to undertake one. Enquiring into the form and derivation of shader-names over the west of Scotland (in Gaelic, Siadar ['fiaqdr] ['fid<;ldr] or final -seadar [,f aqdr]), the evidence suggested that an early group of these coincided chronologically with name-forms with the reflex bast, but that · another group of shader-names were of a slightly later stratum than bast-names (Cox 1990).
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