The Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan

The Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan was called

to order at 06:15 PM Monday, January 12, 2015 ______

Council: Reeve D. Nelson Deputy-Reeve J. Taylor Councillors: M. Burton; B. Clark & D. Hannah

Staff: Eleanor J. Rath, CAO Heather Scott, Clerk Bud Markham, Manager of Public Works



If there are any declarations of pecuniary interest at this time, Members should declare same if necessary or during the course of the meeting.


There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.


a) Agenda Adoption

Resolution: R01-2015

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That the January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting agenda be adopted as circulated without revision. Carried

January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting


a) December 1, 2014 Inaugural & Regular Council Meeting

Resolution: R02-2015

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That the Minutes of the December 1, 2015 Inaugural Meeting and Regular Council Meeting are hereby adopted as circulated without revision. Carried

b) September 23, 2014 Parks and Arena Committee Minutes

Resolution: R03-2015

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That the minutes of the September 23, 2014 Parks and Arena Committee Meeting are received as circulated without revision. Carried


a) Jeff Leal, MPP - brought greetings to the new Council from the Province. He also provided Council with information with respect to the Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) on how the grant is calculated.

b) John Downs - Nexicom - Coverage

Resolution: R04-2015

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor Clark

The Council of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan hereby supports the application of Nexicom Inc. to bring high speed internet services to areas in our township. We concur with Nexicom's assessment that the areas identified in their application are "underserviced." Carried

January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting


a) Monthly Public Works Report for December 2014

Resolution: R05-2015

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor

That Council receives the Monthly Activity Report for the month of December from the Public Works Manager for information; And That Council grants pre-budget approval and authorize staff to proceed with the tendering process for surface treatment as proposed in the 2015 draft Corporate Budget. Carried


Nothing to report or discuss


Nothing to report or discuss.


a) Livestock Report

Resolution: R06-2015

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Clark

That the Livestock Valuer's report be received for information; and further that payment of the claims in the amount of $2001.75 (Glen Isle Farms $955.50 & J, Harrigan $1046.25 be paid; and further that an application be made to the Province for reimbursement. Carried

January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting

b) Monthly Finance Report - Treasurer

Resolution: R07-2015

Moved by: Councillor Clark Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

Council hereby accepts the report by the Treasurer for information purposes. Carried

Resolution: R08-2015

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councilor Burton

Recommendation #2: Council hereby approves to write off all the taxes, penalty, interest and tax sale fee for roll #1506-010-002-04601 ($2,218.51) and 1506-010- 002-04602 ($1,583.25) up to the year 2014. Carried

c) Committee Approval Reports (October & November 2014)

Resolution: R09-2015

Moved by: Councillor Clark Seconded by: Councillor Burton

Council receives and approves the October 2014 Committee Approval Reports in the amount of $788,999.60 and the November accounts in the amount of $341,703.09. Carried


a) Development Charge (Indexing) - CAO Report

Resolution: R10-2015

Moved by: Councillor Clark Seconded by: Councillor Burton

THAT Finance Committee receives the CAO’s Report re: Development Charges for 2015 including the DC calculations as per Section 6 of the Development Charges By-law and Development Charge Information Pamphlet for 2015; AND THAT a copy of this report be provided to Council for information. Background Carried

January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting

b) Consent File B104-14 Zeppieri - Con. 9 Pt. lot 30

Resolution: R11-2015

Moved by: Councillor Clark Seconded by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor

That Council approves the creation of a rural residential lot as per Consent File B104-14 as it conforms with Sections 4.2.1 (General Criteria), 4.2.2 (Residential Severance Policies – more specifically b & f), 4.2.3 (Rural Severances – more specifically b, c & f) and 5.9.2 (Rural Non-Farm Related Residential Uses) of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan Official Plan subject to the following conditions: 1) That an entrance be constructed on Old Norwood Road to the satisfaction of Public Works 2) That $1,000 cash-in-lieu of parkland be remitted to the municipality Carried c) Economic Development Report - CAO

Resolution: R12-2015

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor

THAT Council receive the November/December 2014 Economic Development Status Report for information. Carried d) Planning Report - CAO

Resolution: R13-2015

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

THAT Council receive the November/December 2014 Planning Status Report for information; AND THAT Council receive the Official Plan modifications by the County of Peterborough and acknowledge the mapping correction by modification to the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan Official Plan on Schedule A Map 4 (Waste Disposal designation on Drummond Transfer Station). Carried

January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting

e) Engineering Services - Burnham Meadows (CAO)

Resolution: R14-2015

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Clark

THAT Council concur with the CAO’s recommendation to appoint Engage Engineering as Township Engineer for the Burnham Meadows Subdivision. Carried


a) 2015-01 Confirming By-law (Dec 1, 2014); 2015-02 Borrowing By-law and 2015-03 Planning - ZBA - Kloosterman

Resolution: R15-2015

Moved by: Councillor Clark Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That By-laws 2015-01 Confirming By-law (Dec 1, 2014); 2015-02 Borrowing By-law and 2015-03 Planning - ZBA - Kloosterman be given First Reading. Carried

Resolution: R16-2015

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That Council move into Committee of the Whole with the Reeve in the Chair for the second reading of By-laws 2015-01; 2015-02 & 2015-03. Carried

Resolution: R17-2015

Moved by: Councillor Clark Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That Council rise from Committee of the Whole and back into Open Council. Carried

January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting

Resolution: R18-2015

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor

That By-laws 2015-01 Confirming By-law (Dec 1, 2014); 2015-02 Borrowing By-law and 2015-03 Planning - ZBA - be given third and final reading and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and affix the Corporate Seal. Carried


a) Town of Pelee - home to home postal service

Resolution: R19-2015

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor Clark

That the Council of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan receives the correspondence from the Town of Pelee regarding home to home postal service for information; and further concurs with the Town of Pelee's motion that does not support the proposed plan to eliminate residential home to home delivery and herein petition Canada Post to reconsider this plan immediately and retain this valuable service for communities; and further a copy of this motion is to be sent to Jeff Leal, MPP. Carried

b) Township of - OPP Billing

Resolution: R20-2015

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That the Council of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan receives the correspondence from the Township of North Kawartha regarding OPP Billing for information. Carried

c) Professor Alan Slavin - Climate Change

Resolution: R21-2015

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

Council hereby receives the correspondence provided by Professor A. Slavin regarding climate change for information. Carried January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting

d) Peterborough Bicycle Advisory Committee - Bicycle Friendly Community

Resolution: R22-2015

Moved by: Councillor Clark Seconded by: Councillor Burton

Council receives the correspondence from Peterborough Bicycle Advisory Committee regarding "Bicycle Friendly Community" for information; and further supports the endeavours of the Peterborough Bicycle Advisory Committee. Carried e) Township of Algonquin Highlands - Policing Costs in Unorganized Townships

Resolution: R23-2015

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Clark

That Council receives the correspondence from the Township of Algonquin Highlands regarding Policing Costs in Unorganized Territories for information. Carried f) Arena Solar Project - Mike Owen, PUC

Resolution: R24-2015

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

The Council of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan hereby endorses the OSM rooftop Solar project for the Keene arena; and further directs the CAO & Clerk to work with Peterborough Utilities Commission in proceeding with the project. Carried

14 INFORMATION a) Ministry of Natural Resources - Wildlife; Waste Management Facility- Odour (Deputy-Reeve Taylor); AECOM - Jackson Creek Diversion Project; Keene United Church Concert Committee - Thank you; Twp - Thank you for use of fire vehicle; AMO - Prebudget Submissions; Recurrent Energy - Solar Project; and MPAC - Property Assessment Notices

January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting

Resolution: R25-2015

Moved by: Councillor Clark Seconded by: Councillor Burton

Council hereby receives all the correspondence contained in the information package for information purposes only. Carried


a) AECOM - Road Needs Study (Clerk)

Resolution: R26-2015

Moved by: Councillor Clark Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That Council hereby concurs with payment of Invoice #38176091 in the amount of $6,077.06 as final payment for the Road Needs Study pending receipt of the digital version of the document; and further acknowledges that AECOM has agreed to waive Invoice #38181645 in the amount of $5,319.09 in its entirety. Carried


Closed Session in accordance with the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 Section 239(2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees;(Administration) (Fire);(d) labour relations & employee negotiations (salary & benefits); (f) advice that is subject to Solicitor-client privilege including communications necessary for that purpose (Nelson Landfill) (specifics of the matter to be discussed are not being referred to because the release of information related to the individual's names would undermine the confidentiality that requires the matter to be dealt with in closed session)

a) Closed Session (In: 8:15pm)

Resolution: R27-2015

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Clark

That Council move into Closed Session in accordance with the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 Section 239(2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees;(Administration) (Fire);(d) labour relations & employee negotiations (salary & benefits); (f) advice that is subject to Solicitor-client privilege including communications necessary for that purpose (Nelson Landfill) (specifics of the matter to be discussed are not being referred to because the release of information related to the individual's names would undermine the confidentiality that requires the matter to be dealt with in closed session) Carried January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting

b) Closed Session (Out: 9:00 pm)

Resolution: R28-2015

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Clark

That Council rise from Closed Session and back into open Session with the following to report. Carried

Resolution: R29-2015

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Clark

Council hereby approves the following Board/Committee Appointments:

Library Board: Patricia Wood; Louisa Vatri; Elaine Trotter: Val Crowley

Parks & Arena Committee: Nikki Nelson; Nick Powers; Janet Dawson; Angela Lloyd and Linda Berry

Police Services Board (Municipal Appointee): Steve St. Jean

Livestock Valuer: Bill Lauchlan and Debbie Haigh

Community Emergency Management Program Committee (CEMPC): Ted Bryan, Fire Chief/CEMC, Chair; Dave Nelson, Reeve; Joe Taylor, Deputy-Reeve; Bonnie Clark, Councillor/Fire & Emergency Services Committee Chair; Eleanor Rath, CAO; Heather Scott, Clerk, Alt. CEMC; Barb Blackbourn; Leon Dorff; Brenda McCarrell; Cara Wood, Recording Secretary. Carried

Resolution: R30-2014

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

Note: Councillor Clark and Councillor Burton both declared a conflict of interest in as much as both have family members that are employed by the Township Roads Department. They did not take part in the discussion nor did they vote, and left the Council Chambers.

That Council accepts the recommendation of the Personnel Committee for a salary and wage adjustment of 2% for 2015 including: • Township pay grid for full time employees • Hourly rates including part-time/seasonal employees And further that the pay rates shall take effect retroactive to January 1, 2015. Carried. January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting

Note: Councillor Burton and Councillor Clark returned to the Council Chambers and the meeting.

Resolution: R31-2015

Moved by: Councillor Clark Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That Council accepts the recommendation of the Personnel Committee for a salary and wage adjustment of 2% for 2015 including remuneration for Fire Department including Volunteer Fire Fighters rates but excluding the Fire Officers Honorarium and that all pay rates shall take effect retroactive to January 1, 2015 with the exception of the Fire Department Volunteer Firefighter rates which are annually adjusted on April 1st. Carried

Resolution: R32-2015

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That Council remuneration be adjusted by 2% for 2015 as follows:

Reeve $15,471 Deputy-Reeve $12,593 Councillors $11,274 Carried.

Resolution: R33-2015

Moved by: Councillor Clark Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That Council accepts the recommendation of the Personnel Committee that Cara Wood receive an allowance as identified in the closed session report for 2015 in relation to additional Fire Prevention duties. Carried


January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting

a) Meeting Adjournment (9:10 pm)

Resolution: R34-2015

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That this meeting is now adjourned Carried

Reeve – David P. Nelson Clerk – Heather Scott