2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST If there are any declarations of pecuniary interest at this time, Members should declare same if necessary or during the course of the meeting. 3. ADDITIONS TO OR DELETIONS FROM THE AGENDA


5. MINUTES 3-15 a) Regular Meeting, September 10, 2012 16-25 b) September 24, 2012 Public Meeting Meetings & General Committee/Planning Meeting



8. ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS 26-28 a) Monthly Report for September 2012 (Manager of Public Works) 29-30 b) Sand Tender (Results & Recommendation)

9. BUILDING, PROPERTY & BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT 31-32 a) Building Report 33-34 b) Property Report



Page 1 of 51 Page

11. FINANCE 35-38 a) Monthly Report (Treasurer)


13. BY-LAWS 39 a) 2012-55 Confirming By-law (Sept 10 & 24, 2012) 40-42 b) 2012-56 Application to Amend the Parcel Register (LT) – 3071 Wallace Road

14. CORRESPONDENCE 43 a) Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Provincial Policy Statement Review

15. INFORMATION 44-49 a) Municipal Waste Management Committee - Newsletter

16. OTHER MATTERS 50 a) Woodview School - 934 highway #7 - Entrance clarification (MTO) 51 b) Sale of 1989 Tanker (Surplus)

17. CLOSED SESSION In accordance with the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 Section 239(2) (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposal of land by the municipality or local board. (Keene Drive) 18. ADJOURNMENT

Page 2 of 51 ... Agenda Item # 5a)

The Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan

The Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan was called to order at 06:00 PM Monday, September 10, 2012 ______

Council: Deputy-Reeve J. Taylor (Presiding Officer) Councillors: M. Burton; D. Hannah & S. St. Jean

Absent - Reeve D. Nelson

Staff: Christine Wright, CAO Heather Scott, Clerk Ted Bryan, Fire Chief Bud Markham, Supt. of Public Works Wendelin McConnell, Treasurer

Peter Josephs, Township Planner


(Deputy-Reeve Taylor assumed the role of the Chair in accordance with the Township's Procedural By-law, Section 14.4)


If there are any declarations of pecuniary interest at this time, Members should declare same if necessary or during the course of the meeting.


There were no additions or deletions to the agenda


Regular Meeting, September 10, Page 3 of 51 2012 ... Agenda Item # 5a)

September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting

) Agenda Adoption

Resolution: R286-2012

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That the September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting agenda is hereby adopted as circulated without revision. Carried


a) Regular Meeting, August 13, 2012

Resolution: R287-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held August 13, 2012 are hereby adopted as circulated without revision. Carried

b) Special Meeting, August 27, 2012

Resolution: R288-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That the Minutes of the Special Meeting held August 27, 2012 are hereby adopted as circulated without revision. Carried.


a) Kerri Kightley, & Suzanne Galloway PCCHU - Peterborough Drug Strategy Recommendations and Next Steps / Municipalities & Alcohol: Reducing Alcohol Related Harms and Liability

Resolution: R289-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That the presentations from City Health Unit representatives regarding Peterborough Drug Strategy Recommendations and Next Steps and Municipalities & Alcohol Reducing Alcohol Related Harms and Liability are received for information Carried

Regular Meeting, September 10, Page 4 of 51 2012 ... Agenda Item # 5a)

September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting

Resolution: R290-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

Staff are directed to prepare a draft municipal alcohol policy for review. Carried

b) Peter Josephs, Township Planner - Godfrey - Removal of Holding Symbol

Resolution: R291-2012

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Councillor Burton

Council hereby receives the email dated September 6, 2012 from Ms. Hilary Wear expressing her concerns with respect to the Godfrey proposal and removal of the Holding provision for information. The concerns raised were directed towards the impact on the wellbeing of the body of water in particular the shoreline and wetlands. Carried

Resolution: R292-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That Council receives Peter Josephs, Township Planners report for information and further that the By-law 2012-50 be moved to the by-law section of the meeting. Carried



a) Monthly Report - August

Resolution: R293-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That Council receives the Monthly Activity Report for the month of August from the Public Works Manager for information; Carried

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September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting

Resolution: R294-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That Council directs Public Works to enter into an agreement with BSMwireless to replace the DataCom GPS system in the Public Works Fleet. Carried

b) Parkhill Estates - Campground Recycling

Resolution: R295-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

Council receives the email from the County of Peterborough dated August 14, 2012 requesting whether Council would encompass Parkhill Estates and Fraserville Glen into the Campground recycling for information, and further defers decision pending review and recommendation by the Waste Committee Carried


a) Site Plan - Godfrey

Resolution: R296-2012

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That Council approves the site plan agreement including the attached site plan dated May 11, 2011. Carried


a) Fire Project Update

Resolution: R297-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

Council hereby receives for information. the Fire Chief's report #DFES 12-006 dated September 10, 2012 advising that the project purchasing is temporarily suspended pending project development Carried

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September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting

b) Fire Tank 1 - Repair

Resolution: R298-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

Council hereby receives the Fire Chief's report #DFES 12-05 dated September 10, 2012 regarding the major repair of fire tanker #1 for information, and further that Council concurs with the direction for the emergency repair of fire tanker #1 and the funds are to be drawn from the fire reserves. Carried


a) Committee Approval Reports - May, June & July 2012

Resolution: R299-2012

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Councillor Burton

Council hereby receives and approves the following Committee Approval Reports: May - $644,383.74; June - $1,457,703.54; July - $491,648.30 2012, as circulated. Carried

b) Livestock Report

Resolution: R300-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That the Livestock Valuer's report be received for information; and further that payment of the claims in the amount of $4559.00 be paid; and further that an application be made to the Province for reimbursement Carried

Regular Meeting, September 10, Page 7 of 51 2012 ... Agenda Item # 5a)

September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting

c) Monthly Report - Treasurer

Resolution: R301-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

Council hereby accepts the report by the Treasurer for information purposes. Carried

Resolution: R302-2012

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Councillor Burton

Council hereby agrees to accept BFL Canada Risk and Insurance Service Inc's proposal of $160,639.00 plus applicable taxes to cover September 17, 2012 to September 17, 2013. Carried

Resolution: R303-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

Council hereby approves a $300.00 donation to Stewart Hall Resource Centre which will come from the Donations Expense. Carried


a) Consent File B64-12 James Devlin (amended application)

Resolution: R304-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That application 64-12A is approved as filed, as it conforms to Section 4.2.1(a), 4.2.3(b)(c) of the Official Plan. Further that the severed parcel be zoned to Rural Residential, and further that $1,000.00 cash-in-lieu of parkland be remitted to the municipality. Carried

Regular Meeting, September 10, Page 8 of 51 2012 ... Agenda Item # 5a)

September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting


a) 2012-46 Confirming By-law (August 13 & 27, 2012) / 2012-47 Agreement - Road (Bellemere Winds) / 2012-48 Agreement - Mitigation Measures - Steele / 2012-49 Agreement - Site Plan (Godfrey) / 2012-50 Holding Symbol Removal (Godfrey) / 2012-51 Agreement Amendment - Boundary Road (Douro-Dummer (By-law 2010-74)

Resolution: R305-2012

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That By-laws 2012-46 Confirming By-law (August 13 & 27, 2012) / 2012-47 Agreement - Road (Bellemere Winds) / 2012-48 Agreement - Mitigation Measures - Steele / 2012-49 Agreement - Site Plan (Godfrey) / 2012-50 Holding Symbol Removal (Godfrey) / 2012-51 Agreement Amendment - Boundary Road (Douro- Dummer (By-law 2010-74) be given first reading. Carried

Resolution: R306-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That Council move into Committee of the Whole with the Deputy-Reeve in the Chair for the second reading of by-laws 2012-46, 2012-47, 2012-48, 2012-49, 2012-50 & 2012-51 Carried

Resolution: R307-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That Council rise from Committee of the Whole and back into open Council. Carried

Resolution: R308-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That By-laws2012-46 Confirming By-law (August 13 & 27, 2012) / 2012-47 Agreement - Road (Bellemere Winds) / 2012-48 Agreement - Mitigation Measures - Steele / 2012-49 Agreement - Site Plan (Godfrey) / 2012-51 Agreement Amendment - Boundary Road (Douro-Dummer (By-law 2010-74) be given third and final reading and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and affix the Corporate Seal. Carried

Regular Meeting, September 10, Page 9 of 51 2012 ... Agenda Item # 5a)

September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting


a) Generation - Solar Res Inc. - Tony Ambler

Resolution: R309-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

Whereas Tony Ambler (Yorkshire Farms Ltd.) (the "Applicant") proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar (the "Project") on 1055 Duncan Line, (the "Lands") in the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan under the Province's FIT Program:

And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property:

And Whereas pursuant to the rules governing the FIT program (the "FIT Rules"), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts:

Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands.

This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. Carried

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September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting

b) Generation Solar Farms Res. Inc. - Thomas Ahrens

Resolution: R310-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

Whereas Thomas Ahrens, (Betolianni Solar Ltd.) (the "Applicant") proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar (the "Project") on 837 County Road 28, (the "Lands") in the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan under the Province's FIT Program:

And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property:

And Whereas pursuant to the rules governing the FIT program (the "FIT Rules"), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts:

Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands.

This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. Carried

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September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting

c) Global Point - Solar Project

Resolution: R311-2012

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

Whereas Gordon Wood the "Applicant") proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar (the "Project") on 1233 Settlers Line (the "Lands") in the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan under the Province's FIT Program:

And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property:

And Whereas pursuant to the rules governing the FIT program (the "FIT Rules"), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts:

Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands.

This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. Carried

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September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting

Resolution: R312-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

Whereas Rudolf C. Braat & Kimberley D. Heise Braat (the "Applicant") proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar (the "Project") on 171 County Road 2, Bailieboro (the "Lands") in the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan under the Province's FIT Program:

And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property:

And Whereas pursuant to the rules governing the FIT program (the "FIT Rules"), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts:

Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands.

This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. Carried

d) Peterborough Utilities - Arena Solar Project

Resolution: R313-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

Council receives the letter dated September 5, 2012 from Peterborough Utilities Inc. for information, and further concurs with the direction that PUI is taking in looking at opportunities to successfully secure a FIT contract for a rooftop project by investigating several partnership strategies in order to gain additional priority points Carried

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September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting


a) Peterborough County OPP - Community Satisfaction Survey

Resolution: R314-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That the correspondence received from the Peterborough County OPP regarding the community satisfaction survey results is received for information. Carried

b) Canada Post - Changes

Resolution: R315-2012

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That the correspondence received from Canada Post regarding upcoming changes is received for information, and further the CAO will keep Council apprised of any further information received. Carried



In accordance with the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 Section 239(2) (b) personal matter about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (Wallace Point Road property)

a) Closed Session (In 7:55 p.m.)

Resolution: R316-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That Council rise from open session and into closed session with the Reeve in the Chair in accordance with the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 Section 239(2) (b) personal matter about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Technology Drive); (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (Dunford & Vollering) Carried

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September 10, 2012 Regular Council Meeting

b) Closed Session (Out 8:25 p.m.)

Resolution: R317-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor Burton

That Council rise from Closed Session and back into open session with nothing to report. Carried


a) Meeting Adjournment

Resolution: R318-2012

Moved by: Councillor Burton Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That this meeting is now adjourned Carried

Reeve - David P. Nelson Clerk - Heather Scott

Regular Meeting, September 10, Page 15 of 51 2012 ... Agenda Item # 5b)


PUBLIC MEETING - Section 45 Committee of Adjustment

Council of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan held a Public Meeting At 06:00 PM on Monday, September 24, 2012 in the Council Chambers in The Municipal Office, Keene


Council: Reeve D. Nelson Deputy-Reeve J. Taylor Councillors: D. Hannah; S. St. Jean

Absent: Councillor M. Burton

Staff: Christine Wright, CAO Heather Scott, Clerk

Peter Josephs, Township Planner



Davenport - Township File No. A-01-12: Part of Lot 27, Concession 10 - Otonabee Ward


Davenport - Planning Report (Peter Josephs, Township Planner)

Purpose A minor variance/permission is requested under the provisions of Section 45 of the Planning Act as follows;

 To permit the storage of museum collections related to a museum operation located elsewhere, as a permitted use considered similar to a museum" permitted by the zoning on the property.  A "museum" is a permitted use on the subject property under the existing Community Facility (CF) zone that applies to a this property. The application is intended to specify that a "museum" use may include a building in which the primary use is storage of museum collections related to a public museum that is not located on the subject property.

September 24, 2012 Public Page 16 of 51 Meeting Meetings & General ... Agenda Item # 5b)


 Otonabee Conservation - September 21, 2012 - No objection to the proposed minor variance  Murray Davenport - In attendance in support of his application. Mr. Davenport clarified that the building will be a museum storage facility and that the old structure would be removed and replaced with a new facility.  Kim South - concerns expressed with respect to the access road  Margaret Hazlitt - Concern expressed whether there would be bright lighting and security  Bob Holgan - concerned about the access road  Bill Hazlitt - request the applicant to look at an entrance off Lancaster Road


Council Motion

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That the Council of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan hereby receives Peter Josephs, Township Planner's planning report dated September 20, 2012 for information; and further Council concurs with the Planner's recommendation that the minor variance application be approved; and further that the Applicant is to file a site plan with the Township. Carried


Meeting Adjournment (6:30 pm)

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That the Public Meeting - Section 45 Committee Adjustment is now adjourned. Carried

Reeve, David P. Nelson Clerk, Heather Scott

September 24, 2012 Public Page 17 of 51 Meeting Meetings & General ... Agenda Item # 5b)

September 24, 2012 Public Meeting - Section 34 - Zoning By-law Amendment

The Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan

The Minutes of the Public Meeting - Section 34 - Zoning By-law Amendment of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan was called

to order at 06:00 PM Monday, September 24, 2012 ______

Council: Reeve D. Nelson Deputy-Reeve J. Taylor Councillors: D. Hannah; S. St. Jean

Absent: Councillor M. Burton

Staff: Christine Wright, CAO Heather Scott, Clerk

Peter Josephs, Township Planner



Wood/Hanak Zoning By-law Amendment - Pt. lot 18, Concession 9 (Otonabee Ward)

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment applies to part of a property that is located in part of Lot 18, Concession 9, in the Otonabee Ward of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan. The subject property was created through severance application file B27-12. The property abuts Providence Line.

Mattless Zoning By-law Amendment - Pt. lot 1, Concession 6 (South Monaghan Ward)

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment applies to a property that is located in part of Lot 1, Concession 6, in the South Monaghan Ward of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan. The property abuts County Road #28.

September 24, 2012 Public Page 18 of 51 Meeting Meetings & General ... Agenda Item # 5b)

September 24, 2012 Public Meeting - Section 34 - Zoning By-law Amendment


Wood / Hanak Planning Report

The proposed zoning by-law amendment is required as a condition for consent (severance) application B-27-12.

The proposed Zoning by-law amendment applies to the severed parcel of the land severance application. The parcel has an area of approximately 0.405 hectares, with a frontage of 66.41 metres on Providence Line.

The lands affected by the Zoning By-law amendment are currently zoned Rural (RU) in By-law No. 2010-65 of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan.

The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the subject lands from the Rural (RU) zone to the Rural Residential (RR) zone. The Rural Residential (RR) zone will apply only to the severed parcel of severance application B-27-12, and will permit this lot to be developed for a single detached dwelling and accessory uses in accordance with the provisions of the Township’s Zoning By-law No. 2010-65.

Mattless Planning Report

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is required as the property owners propose to build a storage building under the Home Industry use, with a building size of 4,000 sq. ft. Zoning By-law #2010-65 allows a maximum building size as set out in Section 4.16.3 of 2,475.8 square feet.

The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the subject lands from the Agricultural (A) zone to an Agricultural Exception Zone which would permit the construction of the storage building with a maximum size of 4,000 sq. ft.

The proposed Zoning By-law amendment applies to the Agricultural (A) zoned portion of the land and does not affect the area which is zoned Environmental Protection (EP) in By- law No. 2010-65 of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan.


Wood/Hanak – Otonabee-Region Conservation Authority – September 12, 2012 – no objection to the proposed zoning by-law amendment

Mattless - Otonabee-Region Conservation Authority – September 12, 2012 – no objection to the proposed zoning by-law amendment

September 24, 2012 Public Page 19 of 51 Meeting Meetings & General ... Agenda Item # 5b)

September 24, 2012 Public Meeting - Section 34 - Zoning By-law Amendment


Wood Hanak

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That Council hereby receives Peter Josephs, Township Planner's report and draft zoning by-law for information; and further defers zoning by-law 2012-52 to the by-law section of the Regular Meeting for adoption. Carried


Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That Council hereby receives Peter Josephs, Township Planner's report and draft zoning by-law for information; and further defers zoning by-law 2012-53 to the by-law section of the Regular Meeting for adoption. Carried


Meeting Adjournment (6:50 pm)

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor

That the Public Meeting is now adjourned. Carried

Reeve, David P. Nelson Clerk, Heather Scott

September 24, 2012 Public Page 20 of 51 Meeting Meetings & General ... Agenda Item # 5b)

The Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan

The Minutes of the General Committee Planning Meeting of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan was called

to order at 06:00 PM Monday, September 24, 2012 ______

Council: Reeve D. Nelson Deputy-Reeve J. Taylor Councillors: D. Hannah & S. St. Jean

Absent: Councillor M. Burton

Staff: Christine Wright, CAO Heather Scott, Clerk

Peter Josephs, Township Planner


DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST If there are any declarations of pecuniary interest at this time, Members should declare same if necessary or during the course of the meeting.


Addition: Section 12. Other - Stewart Hall Signs (replacement)


Agenda Adoption

Resolution: R319-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor

That the September 24th, 2012 General Committee Planning Meeting is hereby adopted as amended. Carried

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September 24, 2012 General Committee Planning Meeting

DELEGATIONS - There were no delegations

REPORTS – there were no reports for information or discussion

FINANCE – there were no reports for information or discussion


B79-12 Allen Severance

Resolution: R320-2012

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That By-law B79-12 be approved as it conforms to Section 4.2.1 (d) of the Official Plan. Carried

Coldsprings Annexation - Service Coverage

Resolution: R321-2012

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That the CAO's report dated September 13, 2012 regarding the annexation of the Coldsprings area is received for information. Carried


2012-52 Zoning By-law Amendment - Wood/Hanak; 2012-53 Zoning By-law Amendment - Mattless; 2012-54 Agreement - Mitigation Measures - Minion

Resolution: R322-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

2012-52 Zoning By-law Amendment - Wood/Hanak; 2012-53 Zoning By-law Amendment - Mattless; 2012-54 Agreement - Mitigation Measures - Minion be given first reading Carried

Resolution: R323-2012

That Council move into Committee of the Whole with the Reeve in the Chair for the Second reading of By-laws 2012-52, 2012-53 and 2012-54. Carried

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September 24, 2012 General Committee Planning Meeting

Resolution: R324-2012

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That Council rise from Committee of the Whole and back into open Council. Carried

Resolution: R325-2012

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That By-laws 2012-52 Zoning By-law Amendment - Wood/Hanak; 2012-53 Zoning By-law Amendment - Mattless; 2012-54 Agreement - Mitigation Measures - Minion and 2012-50 Godfrey's Holding Symbol removal be given third and final reading and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and affix the Corporate Seal. Carried


Peterborough-Hastings Trans Canada Trail - Request for support

Resolution: R326-2012

Moved by: Councillor St. Jean Seconded by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor

That Council hereby receives the correspondence from the Peterborough-Hastings Trans Canada Trail for information; and further requests that the appropriate by-law be drafted to execute the agreement with the Eastern Trails Alliance with respect to the Peterborough-Hastings Trans Canada Trail for the October 1, 2012 meeting. Carried


Minister - MPMP

Resolution: R327-2012

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That the correspondence from the Minister regarding the Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) is received for information. Carried

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September 24, 2012 General Committee Planning Meeting


LED Sign Project - Update

Resolution: R328-2012

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

That the memo prepared by the CAO dated September 18, 2012 regarding the LED Solar Project update is received for information; and further that the CAO is to prepare a draft letter to the residents for comment. Carried

Peterborough Solar LP - Rooftop Solar Project

Resolution: R329-2012

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

Whereas Peterborough Solar LP by its GP, Peterborough Utilities Solar Inc. (the "Applicant") proposes to construct and operate a rooftop solar project (the "Project") on Otonabee-South Monaghan Arena, 21 Fourth Street, Keene, ON (the "Lands) in the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan under the Province's FIT Program;

And Whereas the Applicant has requested that Council of Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property;

And Whereas pursuant to the rules governing the FIT program (the "FIT Rules"), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts;


Council of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the lands.

This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. Carried

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September 24, 2012 General Committee Planning Meeting

Stewart Hall Municipal Signs

Resolution: R330-2012

Moved by: Deputy-Reeve Taylor Seconded by: Councillor Hannah

The Manager of Public Works is hereby directed to replace the 2 Stewart Hall signs in the current year should the funds exist otherwise it will be a 2013 budget item (approx $425.00/ sign incl posts) ; and further that the County of Peterborough is to be contacted to request reimbursement for one of the signs as it was damaged by the County plow. Carried

CLOSED SESSION – There were no items for Closed Session.


Meeting Adjournment

Resolution: R331-2012

Moved by: Councillor Hannah Seconded by: Councillor St. Jean

That this meeting is now adjourned. Carried

Reeve - David. P. Nelson Clerk - Heather Scott

September 24, 2012 Public Page 25 of 51 Meeting Meetings & General ... Agenda Item # 8a)

The Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan


TO: Council

DATE: October 1, 2012

FROM: Bud Markham, Public Works Manager.

SUBJECT: Monthly Activity Report.


RECOMMENDATION: That Council receives the Monthly Activity Report for the month of September from the Public Works Manager for information; And; That Council directs Staff to respond to the request for a four –way stop at Jermyn Line and Division Road by Jackie Burfield be denied as recommended by the Otonabee-South Monaghan Roads Committee and representatives from Douro Dummer. And; That Council grants pre budget approval for the Manager of Public Works to issue a Request for Proposal for the replacement of the 1992 Case Loader.


ACTIVITY STATUS/LOCATION INFORMATION Grading Various Roads Grading being done as needed due to pot holes and washboarding. Roadside brushing David Fife Line Brushing being done for sight line improvement and safety.

Monthly Report for September Page 26 of 51 2012 (Manager of Public Works) ... Agenda Item # 8a)

The Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan


On September 20, representatives from the Otonabee-South Monaghan Roads Committee, Chairman Hannah, Reeve Nelson and Manager of Public Works Markham met on site with Clerk /Planner Moher, Councilor Landsmann and Public Works Manager Nelson representing Douro-Dummer at the intersection of Jermyn Line and Division Road. The meeting was to look at the concerns expressed by Jackie Burfield and her request for a four-way stop proposed in her letter to Otonabee-South Monaghan received by Council in August. After observing the intersection and also looking at the intersection at Indian River Line and Division Road which was suggested by Ms. Burfield in her letter suggesting that the current three way stop could be taken down to improve traffic flow if the Four-way stop were to be granted. All members returned to the Keene Municipal office and were joined by Clerk Scott and CAO Wright to discuss the request and make recommendations. The unanimous recommendation from the members present was that the request for a four-way stop at Jermyn line and Division Road be denied and that the intersection at Indian River Line and Division Road remains a three-way stop intersection. Staff was instructed to report the decision to Council for discussion and if approved a letter will be sent to inform Ms. Burfield of the Committee’s decision and also to include the results of the OPP patrols on Division Road as requested by OSM Staff. Inspector Anderson reported that they had 4 patrols on Division Road the week of Aug. 14 -23 during peak times. No chargers were laid and only one vehicle was clocked at 100 kph and was a local resident. He also reported that the OPP will have the speed sign on Division soon and will report the data to the Township. This information will also be forwarded to Ms. Burfield.

Manager of Public Works Markham reported to the Roads Committee that Mechanic Rob Adams had indicated that he had several concerns regarding the 1992 Case Loader. The bucket was paper thin in several locations and will need significant welding. He also noted that he was recording large pressure fluctuations in the transmission which usually indicates gear wear and makes the reliability for this unit questionable. He estimates that $15,000 to $25,000 would be needed to be invested. This unit is scheduled for replacement in 2013. Staff is proposing to Request for Proposals for a previously owned loader from local dealers. The unit will have less than 1000 hours and would be inspected for tires, engine condition etc. The ten year Major Equipment schedule has set the estimate for replacement at $200,000. The RFP would be structured to allow the Township to receive the loader in December but full payment will not occur until 2013. The inclusion of the 1992 Case loader for trade in value will be reviewed by staff and may be sold by tender if low or no value is proposed by the dealer.

Monthly Report for September Page 27 of 51 2012 (Manager of Public Works) ... Agenda Item # 8a)

The Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan

COMMENTS: The loader is a very valuable piece of equipment especially for winter operations such as loading sand and snow removal. As this unit is scheduled for replacement in 2013 and reliability is a concern Staff recommends that the unit be replaced and that the repairs suggested by the mechanic be deferred at this time.

Transfer Station

September was a very busy month with 5 loads of demolition and construction waste diverted for recycling. Approximately 4 tonnes of electronic waste was shipped for recycling as well. Staff will review the current rates being charged at the transfer station for services and report to the waste committee. Operator Chris Post has stated that rates have been the same for over 5 years and some items such as having the Freon removed from fridges etc. is costing as much or more than we charge. Tipping fees should also be reviewed to ensure that the disposal costs are being covered. Staff will consult with other Township’s that operate transfer sites and compare the fees that they charge for services.

Bud Markham, Public Works Manager

Monthly Report for September Page 28 of 51 2012 (Manager of Public Works) ... Agenda Item # 8b)

The Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan


TO: Council

DATE: October 1, 2012

FROM: Bud Markham, Public Works Manager.

SUBJECT: Results for Winter Sand Tender # 2012-06



That Council accepts the Tendered quote from Doughty Aggregates to supply approximately 3,000 tonnes of screened sand for the amount of $6.45 / tonne to the Otonabee yard and $7.90 / tonne to the South Monaghan yard.


Tendered quotes were received at the Municipal office until 11:00 AM on Wednesday September 26. Invitations to tender were sent to 4 local contractors and the invitation to quote was placed on the Township’s web site. Tenders were opened by the Public Works Manager, Markham and Clerk, Scott. Representatives from Kawartha Capital and CBM were at the opening as well.



Sand Tender (Results & Page 29 of 51 Recommendation) ... Agenda Item # 8b)

The Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan


Staff recommends that the tendered quote from Doughty Aggregates be accepted. Doughty has supplied a quality product to the Township over the last several years. The contract amount of $20,865 is within the existing remaining 2012 winter control material budget of $47,102.

The 2011 tender prices were $6.23 for the Otonabee Shop and $7.68 for South Monaghan for a total of $20,178 or approximately a 3.1% increase.

Bud Markham, Public Works Manager

Sand Tender (Results & Page 30 of 51 Recommendation) ... Agenda Item # 9a)


DATE: September 25, 2012 MONTH: Mid July to September 25th ATTACHMENTS: none


Building permit fees collected from January 2012 to September 25, 2012 total $118,345.35 with a construction value of $8,895,912.91

The permit breakdown is as follows:

Total number of permits issued: 92

Agricultural permits: 11 Additions / Renovation / Plumbing works / upgrade permits to dwellings: 25 New dwellings: 6 Multi Residential: 1 Garages and accessory buildings: 16 Demolition permits: 2 Industrial buildings: 1 Commercial Buildings (renovations): 3 Institutional:1 Pools: 13 Decks: 6 Wood stove: 3 Solar Panels: 4

The Building Department has issued 92 permits thus far as compared to 67 for 2011. Building permit fees collected in 2012 up to this date are $118,345.35 as compared to $188,385.55 with a construction value of $8,261,385.55 in 2011. These two numbers are very close which as predicted I felt that 2012 would be a similar year to 2011.

Site plans

(1) McCloskey International: The site plan for the McCloskey site has been received and application has been made. Circulation sheets have been sent out to the applicable commenting agencies. The addition between the two buildings for the second paint booth will be constructed next year. The site plan also reflects the large building of 300,000 sf is reflected on the newest site plan.


Building Report Page 31 of 51 ... Agenda Item # 9a)

(2) Ultra Mar: The project seems to have stalled at this time. I have been awaiting storm water management plans, revised site plans and other documentation from the owner’s engineer. (3) Kawartha Trails: On hold (4) Former A1 Convenience Gas Bar: Site plan is being prepared to be submitted.

Other general work I have attended a meeting at McCloskey’s to meet with Allen Wilson. He is the new contact with the company and seems to be willing to meet all the requirements of the Township with regards to paper work and cleaning up old permits.

We continue to clean up older permits and have sent out three years worth of letters and have finalized many permits through this process which is good for us liability wise and to have more permits complete.

We continue to complete inspections on a timely manner and provide the best possible service to the residents of the township.

Respectfully yours,

Barbara Waldron

Barbara Waldron


Building Report Page 32 of 51 ... Agenda Item # 9b)


DATE: July11, 2012 MONTH: June to mid July ATTACHMENTS: None


General Maintenance We are responding to the calls from the user groups of the buildings and looking after minor repairs quickly.

Lions Building The hardwood on the stage and carpet will be the are being completed at this time.

Kawartha Credit Union No work has been required

Bailieboro Library New lighting is being installed in the foyer and the old Remax office. The existing lighting will remain as it is part of the building. The lighting going into the old Remax office will be fluorescent.

Keene Library Dealing with the on going assessment of the air quality issue. I have had a heat designer in to identify the issues that we have and there are a number of big issues that will be costly. We are trying to now work with the contractor to determine the cost of correcting this issue.

Medical Centre No Work has been required

Stewart Hall Interior work in the basement for framing and insulating has begun this week.

Villiers No work has been required

Municipal Office No work has been required

Respectfully yours, Barbara Waldron


Property Report Page 33 of 51 ... Agenda Item # 9b)


Property Report Page 34 of 51 ... Agenda Item # 11a)

Financial Report from the Treasurer Oct 1, 2012

Recommendation #1:

Moved by: Seconded by:

Council hereby accepts the report by the Treasurer for information purposes. Recommendation #2

Moved by: Seconded by:

Council hereby allows the Treasurer to submit an expression of interest for the MIII funding opportunity for creating an Asset Management Plan for the Township.

Recommendation #3

Moved by: Seconded by:

Council hereby allows the Treasurer to invest any surplus monies at the best rate available at the Kawartha Credit Union in accordance with the Township Investment Policy.


 To provide Council with an update of day to day activities and issues concerning finances of the Township


Monthly Report (Treasurer) Page 35 of 51 ... Agenda Item # 11a)


Recommendation #2:  It has been announced that all municipalities must have Asset Management Plans in order to qualify for future Provincial funding opportunities.  There is a current funding opportunity which must be applied for prior to October 22, 2012 to assist municipalities in creating and implementing an Asset Management Plan.  One other requirement is to have the 2011 FIR completed and filed which we are already in compliance with the Ministry.  I have reviewed Guide for Municipal Asset Plans put out by Ministry of Infrastructure to see what is required by the Province.  Maintaining roads, bridges, water, wastewater and social housing is their top priority but the Asset Management Plan (AMP) should include all assets the Township owns.  The funding is targeted to small municipalities < 20,000 in population and funds will be distributed based on overall demand for funding along with using a formula that combines a base amount along with an increment reflecting the value of the community’s roads, bridges, water and wastewater system(s) as reported on the 2011 FIR.  Funding can be used for: o Hiring a consultant / new staff specially for work related to asset management planning o Purchasing asset planning software o Conducting building condition audits or assessments o Creating tools to identify long-term capital needs  No matching of funds is required.  Any approved funding will be advanced prior to March 31, 2013.  I will be attending a meeting of all County Treasurers Sept 26, 2012 and will see if any further information is passed along there.


Monthly Report (Treasurer) Page 36 of 51 ... Agenda Item # 11a)

Recommendation #3:

 Each year I review any surplus monies in all bank accounts that would be able to be invested for the township to ensure that maximum return and that investment revenue is capitalized on.

Report :

 Tax sale tenders will be opened Oct 3, 2012 for 2 properties  We received the aggregate resource monies last week and we will see a surplus of almost $30,000 in that revenue.  All the paperwork concerning Monaghan Court has been signed and it has been registered on title.

Respectively submitted,

Wendelin McConnell, AMCT Treasurer Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan


Monthly Report (Treasurer) Page 37 of 51 Monthly Report (Treasurer) ... County of Peterborough - 2012 Estimated Tax Installments Schedule E - By-law #2012-31 Estimated 2012 County Installments - By-law

Less Recycling Recycling March Due Due Due General Curbside Depot Hospital Total Installment June 30 Sept 30 Dec 15

Asphodel Norwood $ 1,062,785 $ 40,742 $ 5,440 $ 35,420 $ 1,144,387 $ 281,739.58 $ 290,453.92 $ 286,096.75 $ 286,096.75 $ 3,924,003 $ 150,428 $ 27,650 $ 130,777 $ 4,232,858 $ 1,015,261.16 $ 1,101,167.84 $ 1,058,214.50 $ 1,058,214.50 $ 2,862,691 $ 109,742 $ 13,046 $ 95,406 $ 3,080,885 $ 770,926.53 $ 769,515.97 $ 770,221.25 $ 770,221.25 Douro Dummer $ 3,414,126 $ 130,880 $ 24,057 $ 113,784 $ 3,682,847 $ 902,888.72 $ 938,534.78 $ 920,711.75 $ 920,711.75 Galway-Cavendish-Harvey $ 6,011,755 $ - $ 42,363 $ 200,356 $ 6,254,474 $ 1,501,206.06 $ 1,626,030.94 $ 1,563,618.50 $ 1,563,618.50 Havelock-Belmont-Methuen $ 3,291,967 $ 9,373 $ 21,474 $ 109,713 $ 3,432,527 $ 821,585.68 $ 894,677.82 $ 858,131.75 $ 858,131.75 Otonabee- South Monaghan $ 2,186,048 $ 83,802 $ 15,402 $ 72,855 $ 2,358,107 $ 580,105.99 $ 598,947.51 $ 589,526.75 $ 589,526.75 Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield $ 7,757,540 $ 297,383 $ 54,668 $ 258,539 $ 8,368,130 $ 2,060,259.19 $ 2,123,805.81 $ 2,092,032.50 $ 2,092,032.50

$ 30,510,915 $ 822,350 $ 204,100 $ 1,016,850 $ 32,554,215 $ 7,933,972.91 $ 8,343,134.59 $ 8,138,553.75 $ 8,138,553.75 Agenda Item # 11a) Page 38 of 51

... Agenda Item # 13a)



Being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Meeting, September 10, 2012 and the Public & General Committee Planning Meetings, September 24, 2012 ______

The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan hereby enacts as follows:

1. That the action of the Council at its Regular Meetings held on September 10, 2012 and Public & General Committee Meetings, September 24, 2012 with respect to each motion, resolution and other action be passed and taken by the Council at its said meeting, are except where prior approval of The Ontario Municipal Board is required, hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed.

2. That the Reeve and proper officers of the Township are hereby authorized to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action or obtain approvals where required, and to execute all documents as may be necessary in that behalf and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the Corporate Seal to all such documents.

Read a First time this 1st day of October, 2012 Read a Second time this 1st day of October, 2012 Read a Third time and finally passed this 1st day of October A.D. 2012.

______Reeve David P. Nelson

______Clerk – Heather Scott

2012-55 Confirming By-law (Sept Page 39 of 51 10 & 24, 2012) ... Agenda Item # 13b)

The Corporation of the County of Peterborough

By-law No. 2012 - 56 ______

A By-law to amend the parcel register for 3071 Wallace Point Road being Part Lot 12, Concession 17, Geographic Township of Otonabee, Part 1, Plan 45R- 7701, being all of PIN 28028-0154 (LT)

Whereas at the County Council Meeting of February 1, 1989, County Council passed By- law No. 12-1989, being a by-law of the Corporation of the County of Peterborough to authorize the Warden and Clerk to execute the necessary documents to effect the purchase by Floyd George Dunford of property, being Part of Lot 11, Concession 17, Township of Otonabee, County of Peterborough, designated as Part 1 on Plan 45R-6757;

And Whereas County By-law No. 12-1989 was registered in the Land Titles Office on May 1, 1989 as Instrument Number R507061;

And Whereas the Merger Agreement between Floyd George Dunford and the County of Peterborough and the Township of Otonabee was registered in the Land Titles Office on May 1, 1989 as Instrument number R507062, which Agreement had the effect of merging part of lot 11, concession 17, being part 1 on Plan 45R-6757 with the East half of Lot 12, concession 17 as well as part of the south east quarter of lot 13, concession 17, geographic Township of Otonabee;

And Whereas in the recitals to the Merger Agreement, it was the intention to merge part 1 on Plan 45R-6757 with other lands owned by Floyd Dunford to the north, which other lands of Floyd Dunford would also have been North of Wallace Point Road;

And Whereas seemingly, the intention was to merge Floyd Dunford’s property on the north side of Wallace Point Road;

And Whereas Floyd Dunford also owned a triangular shaped piece of property which was subsequently surveyed as Part 1, Plan 45R-7701, found within part of lot 12, concession 17, geographic Township of Otonabee, bounded on the north west border by Wallace Point Road, on its south border by the road allowance between concessions 11 and 12 and on its east border by the road allowance between Lots 16 and 17, being 1.65 acres in size;

And Whereas Mr. Dunford approached the Township of Otonabee about re-zoning the triangular shaped piece of property lying south of County Road 28, also known as Wallace Point Road in order to proceed with a real estate transaction;

And Whereas the triangular shaped piece of property was zoned general agricultural (A2) in the Township of Otonabee enacted by By-law 17-1989 on July 10, 1989 which changed the zoning on the subject property from general agricultural (A2) to rural residential (RR);

2012-56 Application to Amend the Page 40 of 51 Parcel Register (LT) – 3071 ... Agenda Item # 13b)

County of Peterborough

Application to Amend the Parcel Register (LT) – 3071 Wallace Road

By-law # 2012 - 56 ______

And Whereas the triangular shaped piece of property was sold to Glen James Elworthy and Susan Michelle Elworthy by transfer registered on September 6, 1989 by Instrument Number R515191;

And Whereas the Township of Otonabee processed a zoning by-law amendment to make the triangular shaped piece of property a free standing lot, suitable for the issuance of a building permit for a single family residential home;

And Whereas the solicitor for Kara Rutherford, the registered owner of 3071 Wallace Point Road, being Part Lot 12, Concession 17, Geographic Township of Otonabee, Part 1, Plan 45R-7701, being all of PIN 28028-0154 (LT) that closed on August 31, 2012 has requested that the County of Peterborough and the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan pass a by-law to authorize the removal of Instruments R507060, R507061 and R507062 from the Parcel Register;

And Whereas at the County Council Meeting of October 3, 2012 County Council received the County Solicitor’s letter dated August 31, 2012 concerning 3701 Wallace Point Road and directed the Clerk to prepare the necessary by-law consenting to the deletion of the incorrect entries on title, namely Instruments R507060, R507061 and R507062;

Now Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan enacts as follows, that:

1. The Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan consents to an application being made to amend the Parcel register for Pin 28028-0154 (LT) to delete instrument numbers R507060 and R507062 from the parcel register.

2. The Reeve and Clerk be authorized and instructed to execute the necessary documents on behalf of the Township and to affix the corporate seal thereto in order to effect the deletion of the aforementioned instrument numbers.

3. This By-law shall come into force and effect on the date of final passing.

Page 2 of 3

2012-56 Application to Amend the Page 41 of 51 Parcel Register (LT) – 3071 ... Agenda Item # 13b)

County of Peterborough

Application to Amend the Parcel Register (LT) – 3071 Wallace Road

By-law # 2012 - 56 ______

4. That this By-law shall be commonly called the “Application to Amend the Parcel Register (LT) – 3071 Wallace Road”.

Read a First time this 1st day of October, 2012 Read a Second time this 1st day of October, 2012 Read a Third time and finally passed this 1st day of October A.D. 2012.

______Reeve David P. Nelson

______Clerk – Heather Scott

Page 3 of 3

2012-56 Application to Amend the Page 42 of 51 Parcel Register (LT) – 3071 ... Agenda Item # 14a)

Ministry of Municipal Ministère des Affaires Affairs and Housing municipales et du Logement Provincial Planning Policy Direction des politiques Branch provinciales d’aménagement 777 Bay Street, 14th Floor 777, rue Bay, 14e étage Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Tel. 416 585-6014 Tél. 416 585-6014 Fax 416 585-6870 Téléc. 416 585-6870

September 24, 2012

Dear Clerk:

RE: Provincial Policy Statement Review – Draft Policies

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, together with other ministries involved in land use planning, is reviewing the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), as required by the Planning Act.

The PPS is the statement of the Province’s policies concerning land use planning and development. It provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest such as building strong communities, the wise use and management of resources, and protecting public health and safety. The Planning Act requires that decisions on land use planning matters “shall be consistent with” the PPS.

We would like to thank those who participated in the initial consultation for the PPS Review – your input has contributed towards improving the PPS.

A discussion document containing the draft revised PPS is available online at The document includes highlights of the proposed new policy directions, questions for your consideration, and information on how to provide comments. If your municipality has any feedback on the questions contained in the consultation discussion document please provide them to us by November 23, 2012.

Further information about the PPS and the Review is available online at You can also visit our posting on the Environmental Bill of Rights Environmental Registry at

If you have any questions, please contact Darryl Lyons, Team Lead, Provincial Planning Policy Branch at 416-585-6014.


Audrey Bennett Director Provincial Planning Policy Branch

cc. Municipal Services Offices, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Page 43 of 51 Housing - Provincial Policy ... Agenda Item # 15a)

MWMC 2012-002 County of Peterborough

September 2012 Environmental Services Update Municipal Waste Management Committee MHSW 2012 Meeting and Newsletter Schedule 2012 Hours

Please be sure to add the following dates to your Fall Hours are now in effect at County MHSW Calendars: sites, running until Thanksgiving:

Oct. 4 Newsletter responses due! Day Hours Site Township Oct. 15-19 Waste Reduction Week Wed 9am-noon Anstruther NK

County – City th Environment Day Fri 9am-5pm 6 Line HBM Bensfort Road Landfill Sat 10am-2pm Hall’s Glen DD Oct. 19 Join us for our regular Environment Day Sun 12-4:30pm Buckhorn GCH festivities, with the added bonus of mattress and carpet recycling! Contact us for details! Many thanks to all Township staff who made Meeting at 310 Armour Road, our summer staff feel Dec. 6 EMS Boardroom welcome. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Waste Management Master Plan School Program Update

Sections 1-5 of the WMMP have now been drafted.

The priority suggestions for diversion are:  County-wide Waste Management By-Law (2 bags or less) – drafting currently (delayed due to summer activities)  Leaf and Yard Materials Curbside Collection (urban areas and at depots)  C&D Collection (depots)  Ongoing and enhanced promotions and outreach  Working with Townships on: Depot efficiencies (materials, sites, training, and equipment) and Communications with residents Coming to a school near you!

For future disposal a variety of options are reviewed and the document directs the County/City to complete a Peterborough Green-Up is working on the full Environmental Assessment. This is planned to start regional school program, starting on st in 2013 and will be a long process (likely 5 years). October 1 . This is a great kick off to Waste Reduction Month. The Recycle Next Steps: Rangers will be visiting grades 3, 4 and 5 in  Drafting of Section 6: Implementation Plan and the County and City of Peterborough as timelines, Executive Summary, and additional well as Northumberland County and City of appendices including a page on “what has been over the course of the done since 2010” 2012/13 school year. The program  Presentations to Township Councils - Fall includes a waste reduction challenge.  Central Public Meeting (Lakefield) – Fall Students will perform a waste audit prior to  County Council Presentation and Formal and after the visit to see the how their new Approval - December status as Recycle Rangers changes the composition of the garbage and increases For more information, please contact Laurie at diversion. [email protected] Please contact Lily [email protected] for more information.

Municipal Waste Management Page 44 of 51 Committee - Newsletter ... Agenda Item # 15a)

MWMC 2012-002 County of Peterborough Recycling Collection Holiday Schedule

 October 6-8th: Thanksgiving Weekend! Recycling collection will be as usual for Monday.

 October 6-8th: Thanksgiving Weekend is also the last chance to drop off materials at County seasonal MHSW sites!

 December 25th and January 1st: Christmas Day and New Year’s Day

Recycling Collection will be shifted during the weeks of December 24th and 31st. Collection will take place on Mondays as usual, however all other days will shift one day:

Tuesday material collected Wednesday Wednesday material collected Thursday Thursday material collected Friday Friday material collected Saturday

Bridgenorth Organics will also be collected on Saturdays for those 2 weeks.

The County of Peterborough office will be closed over the Christmas holidays. Please forward any resident concerns directly to BFI at 705-742-4268.

Thank you, and Happy Holidays!

Garbage to Garden Backyard Composting Program

This spring the Environmental Services Division launched a free pilot backyard composting visit program for all County residents. The program was a huge victory for waste reduction, estimated to divert at least 7.5 tonnes of organics from the landfill per year. Visits were made to over 60 residents, installing over 75 digesters and composters within the County of Peterborough!

Visits included:  Delivery of purchased materials (payment required upon delivery)  Installation of composter and/or digester  Fixing of existing composters onsite that were not working properly  Tutorial on best composting practices  Information on waste reduction and diversion  Removal and proper disposal of old/broken composters  Follow-up phone call

Township Number of Visits Asphodel-Norwood 0 Cavan-Monaghan 11 Douro-Dummer 1 Galway-Cavendish-Harvey 22 Havelock-Belmont-Methuen 1 North Kawartha 5 Otonabee-South Monaghan 9 Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield 12

Total 61

A big thank you to OSM, SEL and GCH for installing digesters at their Township offices and helping to spread the word on backyard composting!

Any feedback or suggestions for the program are welcomed and appreciated. Please contact Stephanie at 705-775-2737 x 335 or [email protected]

Municipal Waste Management Page 45 of 51 Committee - Newsletter ... Agenda Item # 15a)

MWMC 2012-002 County of Peterborough


Curbside Organics Depot Organics Collections Bridgenorth

This summer County staff went door to door In June 2012, Moloks were installed at the in Bridgenorth to promote our pilot curbside Anstruther Transfer station. Additionally this green bin program. summer, depot organics were promoted at the 3 existing sites with Moloks systems: Residents who were using the program received a “gold star”, free organics stickers  Buckhorn and a $10 coupon for waste reduction tools  6th Line Belmont sold at the County Armour Rd. Office.  Hall’s Glen

Door hangers were put on households who The results… did not have green bins set out, with helpful tips on successful organics recycling and a Tonnages are reminder to new residents that the program exists. up!

Residential feedback was great and aided in ~ Free ~ learning what common barriers residents are facing with curbside organics. To date: 43 tonnes Tonnage has been increasing steadily since collected in 2012, which promotions began! is up 11 tonnes from 2011

A 34% increase!!!

Waste Audits

The County performs waste audits annually in order to obtain information pertaining to the garbage and recycling composition and how we can improve diversion. Audits are performed both at depots and curbside.

Depot audits to date have been performed at the following sites:

Anstruther (2011) Buckhorn (2011)

Cavan (2011) Hall’s Glen (2011)

Belmont 6th Line (2012) Cavendish (2012)

Throughout 2012 and 2013, curbside waste audits will be completed once per season. This will aid in evaluating seasonal influxes of waste, determining areas to educate and will allow comparison of past audit data to current information. The County is working on these audits with the Continuous Improvement Fund (CIF) and Stewardship Ontario (SO) as part of a province wide auditing program.

The same 100 households will be evaluated over 2 weeks every season. They are spread throughout 5 of the 6.5 townships that provide curbside recycling and garbage collection.

Municipal Waste Management Page 46 of 51 Committee - Newsletter ... Agenda Item # 15a)

MWMC 2012-002 County of Peterborough

Educational Outreach

Cottage Association Depot Attendants Day Visits th September 11 saw 23 staff members from all 8 It was another successful Townships gather together for our annual year for cottage association information day. After a light lunch, an visits. A total of 8 visits were enlightening presentation from Keith Jamieson made in Galway-Cavendish (our local MOE Representative), and an update & Harvey, Havelock-Belmont-Methuen, North on County programs we all headed over to the Kawartha, and Douro-Dummer. This year the talks gave a general program overview with an emphasis Material Recycling Facility for a plant tour! on the 2 blue box system, hazardous waste/electronics and options for organics. Over the Thanks to everyone who joined in! last 2 summers Environmental Services staff have visited 13 lakes in an effort to reach our seasonal residents. In 2013 we will focus on developing an efficient rotating visit schedule to maximize our outreach opportunities.

2012 Diversion Update

The Waste Management Reports sent to townships in August are a reflection of what is actually happening whether it is at the curb, at a depot or a landfill. The reports are to create awareness as to what is happening with waste overall in each township.

Coming up for 2012: A chart depicting each township’s rank with respect to diversion.

Well maybe not, just thought I’d see if anybody was reading this …

Anyway, with all seriousness 2012 is shaping up to be a good year with some very good news stories in many townships. I am looking forward to seeing a shift in all of the diversion numbers for 2012. The chart below shows the decrease in garbage and increase in recycling for the first half of 2012.

Year Garbage – Garbage – Recycling – Recycling - (Jan to June) Depot Curbside Depot Curbside 2011 3169.13 3224.74 691.53 1675.20 2012 3083.05 3205.88 695.76 1715.30 Difference (T) -86.08 -18.86 +4.23 +40.1 % Difference -2.72% -0.58% +0.61% +2.4%

What’s so remarkable about the recycling numbers going up, you may ask?

A large portion of material is plastic, product packaging is shifting from glass to plastic packaging, and there are fewer newspapers and magazines. The fact that the numbers are rising is unusual and…

Congratulations to all in your continuing efforts whether it is implementing a new Waste Management By-Law, enforcing the one you have or implementing a new diversion activity at your transfer station or landfill. You are making a difference and it will reflect in your 2012 Waste Management Reports.

Questions or comments may be directed to Catrina at [email protected]

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MWMC 2012-002 County of Peterborough

Winter MHSW & WEEE Collection Events

Several Townships expressed an interest in having WEEE events following Christmas in the hopes of capturing electronic waste before it ended up in the landfill. Overall, a total of 20.8 MT of WEEE was collected from very appreciative residents of the following communities:

Lakefield Hall’s Glen Bobcaygeon Buckhorn Norwood Millbrook January 14th January 21st January 28th MHSW n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.9 T 2.5 T WEEE 3.6 T 2 T 7.6 T 2.2 T 5.4 T

The County of Peterborough Environmental Services also wanted to determine if collecting Hazardous Waste during the winter would prove to be as successful. The final day of winter events collected MHSW at the Norwood Arena and the County’s Public Works yard on County Road 10. The weather was terrible but that didn’t deter our residents – 3.4 MT of MHSW was collected!

If interested in arranging a winter collection for your residents, please contact Mark at [email protected] Environment Days

Throughout the spring and summer, 5 more Environment Days provided residents with the same opportunity to properly dispose of their hazardous waste and waste electronic materials. New this year, these events also included 2 additional waste diversion opportunities: Durable Plastics (such as lawn furniture, children’s toys and rigid pools) and Polystyrene. These collections were a resounding success!

Smith Hall’s Anstruther 6th Line, Galway Totals Glen HBM Fri. May Sat. May Sun. June Sat. July Sat. July 11 26 3 21 28 Cars 252 138 156 98 120 764 MHSW 7.6 3 2.3 2 3.2 18 T (MT) WEEE (MT) 3.4 4.2 1 2.5 1.7 13 T Durables 1030 730 1150 1100 230 4.2 T (kg) Polystyrene 6 bags 3 bags 8 bags 6 bags 1 bag 24 bags

WEEE Collections MHSW Depot Vehicle Traffic (as of August 2012)

Our MHSW season will soon be coming to a close. In June 2011 a permanent Waste Electronics bin With a couple of weeks still left before final numbers was placed at the Transfer are calculated, most sites show a significant increase Station for residents to dispose of their in vehicle traffic from June to August 2012 electronics during regular site hours. Since then (compared to the same time period in 2011). the Transfer Station has collected an impressive 19.87 MT of material! We look forward to Depot Tonnes Cars Traffic Change collecting even more in 2013. Anstruther 6.6 403 +87 (21%) Collection bins were also placed at Buckhorn, 6th Buckhorn 11.9 725 -22 (3%) Drummond 9 n/a n/a Line and Hall’s Glen Transfer Stations during the Line summer and will remain on-site until Hall’s Glen 4.9 205 +6 (2%) Thanksgiving. These bins are open to residents 6th Line 8.7 700 +197 (25%) during the operating hours of the hazardous waste depots located within these sites. So far, the combined efforts of these locations have collected a remarkable 12.5 MT of waste electronic equipment! As more and more residents learn about these diversion opportunities, volumes and weights will most certainly increase!

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MWMC 2012-002 County of Peterborough

Feedback Requested for Construction and Demolition Waste

The Waste Management Master Plan (WMMP), currently in draft form, recommends the diversion of Construction and Demolition (C & D) materials from landfill. Estimates, based on three locations and 2011 data, indicate 975 tonnes total (includes the Peterborough County/City Waste Management Facility (PCCWMF)), was diverted. As with all materials for diversion, the County verifies the end market and if it cannot be verified the material is not included in diversion.

C & D wastes may include drywall, clean wood, fixtures, porcelain items (toilets and sinks), roofing materials, and concrete. Many of these items may be collected and transported for recycling using a local hauler and recycling facility.

The County is interested in learning more about how C & D wastes are managed at the Township waste sites and hopefully will be able to encourage participation in this important diversion activity.

Please fill out the form below and return by October 4, 2012 to Laurie Westaway at [email protected] or by fax to 705-749-2551. ------

Township ______Staff ______

Do you currently collect C & D to be recycled? Yes No Proceed to 1 Proceed to 2

1. If Yes, What company do you use? ______

Bin Size ______Materials collected

Do you know where the material is taken? Yes No If yes, Where: ______

Do you charge a tip fee at the gate for C & D? Yes No If yes, amount of fee: ______

Taking into consideration the tip fee charged to residents, the fee for hauling/processing/recycling and the reduced loads hauled to the PCCWMF (as applicable), does your C &D program:

Lose Money Break Even Make Money

If losing or making money, approximately how much? ______

Number of Tonnes of material collected and year ______

To encourage continued diversion, would you consider participating in a County facilitated program (tailored to current operations), whereby the County would pay a per diem per tonne of C & D material collected with proof of diversion?

Yes No

2. If No, Does your current C of A for your waste site(s) allow the separate collection of C & D Materials? Yes No

If No, would you work with the County to have an amendment to allow for the collection of C & D materials and other recyclables as may be applicable for special collections?

Yes No

To increase diversion in your Township, would you participate in a County facilitated program whereby the County would pay a per diem per tonne of C & D material collected with proof of diversion?

Yes No

Thank you for providing the information above and we look forward to continuing to work together to increase diversion in 2013!

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The Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan

September 26, 2012

To: Reeve and Members of Council

From: Heather Scott, Clerk

Re: Woodview School – 934 Highway 7 – Entrance

The following is an excerpt from an email received by Mr. Davenport from Cheryl Tolles, MTO Corridor Manager regarding any entrance off of highway #7.

From: Tolles, Cheryl (MTO) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 3:07 PM To: 'MJ Davenport' Cc: Lawrence, Donald (MTO) Subject: RE: Woodview School, 934 Highway No. 7 East, Peterborough

MTO permits one entrance per parcel and no highway access is permitted when municipal road exists. This property clearly has access via Burnham Line.

Hopefully this clarifies the entrance matter.

Woodview School - 934 highway Page 50 of 51 #7 - Entrance clarification (MTO) ... Agenda Item # 16b)

The Corporation of the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan

September 26, 2012

To: Reeve and Members of Council

From: Christine Wright, CAO on behalf of Fire Chief Bryan

Subject: Surplus GMC Tanker

At present the municipality owns a 1989/90 GMC Top-Kick Tanker which is surplus to our needs. A new Tanker was recently delivered and the 1989/90 model was taken out of service.

Fire Chief Bryan is on vacation until the middle part of October and was recently offered $15,000 from the Township of Madoc to purchase this vehicle. Fire Chief Bryan had a recent discussion with our Chief Mechanic who confirmed that the vehicle is not worthy of repair, and that a sale price of $15,000 should be accepted.

The revenue from this sale will go toward repair/maintenance costs incurred in 2012.

I had an opportunity to speak with the Fire Chief today and advised that I would place this memo on the October 1st agenda with a request for council’s approval to sell the tanker as outlined above.

Recommendation: That the 1989/90 GMC Top-Kick Tanker be sold to the Township of Madoc for $15,000.00 in an “as-is uncertified condition”.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Wright, CAO

From the Office of the CAO

Email: [email protected] (705) 295-6852 or (705) 295-6405 fax

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