Founder- His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR CONSCIOUSNESS (ISKCON) CELEBRATES ITS 50th ANNIVERSARY THE HARE celebrating 50 years

WHO ARE THE HARE KRISHNAS NOW? ISKCON’s Activities Around the World THE JOY OF DEVOTION Festivals, Food, Philosophy, Outreach 196 6 2016 Welcome

THE HARE KRISHNAS celebrating 50 years … is the offcial commemorative magazine treasures of a diferent religious backgrounds, celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the order, beyond tempo- but we share in an International Society for Krishna rary, ordinary pursuits. enthusiasm for life that Consciousness (ISKCON), Founder- The tradition, comes by knowing the Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. or the of devo- happiness that is found tion, informs us that within. It is not depend- EDITORIAL PANEL at our core we seek to ent upon the ordinary Executive Editors love and be loved. Our course of life’s activities, Mukunda deepest pleasure comes and it continues even Krishnarupa devi dasi not from possessing, after the end of this life. Project Manager Bhakta dasa We are all seekers of but from giving—not I hope you enjoy Design/Layout one kind or another. in controlling, but in reading this magazine Ramprasad dasa We seek happiness, sharing. It lies in mak- and learning more Writers/Editorial advisors a good bank balance, ing meaningful contrib- about ISKCON and the Anuttama dasa, Damodara Pandit dasa and a peaceful environ- utions by serving others. devotional tradition we Project Managerial Assistant Ultimately, it is to know, represent. We welcome Bhakti devi dasi ment. Some of us fnd love, and be loved by you to visit any of our Main Photographers pleasure in family and Ananta dasa, Trevor Gore friends, others via our the Divine. communities, read Copyright 2016 © stock portfolio, acts of The some of our tradition’s International Inc ( charity, a walk by the Movement, the Inter- great literatures, sample BBTI images used with permission. sea, or reading books national Society for our tasty, sanctifed © Copyright 2016 ISKCON Communications, by a favorite author. Krishna Consciousness vegetarian food, and International. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored In whatever way we (ISKCON), is a global join us in experiencing in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any try to fulfll this drive for community connecting the joy of devotion. means without the written permission of happiness, we all share to each other, the world the publisher. one thing—whatever we around us, and to Although the editorial panel and contribu- seek is elusive. Friends through service and the tors to this publication have made every effort to ensure accuracy at the time of come and go, family reciprocation of love. publication, ISKCON, the publishers, members pass away, As you will read in Anuttama dasa members of the editorial panel, and and fnances fuctuate. this magazine, we do so contributors involved in the preparation of Minister of Communications Our very physical health in varied and practical this publication shall not be liable to any Governing Body Chairman person for any loss or damage of any kind is subject to decay. We ways. Krishna devotees 2014/15 whatsoever including direct or consequential hope for stability, but are policemen, priests, loss arising from any errors or omissions time marches on! plumbers, homemakers, or from reliance placed upon any advice, statement, opinion, or conclusion in all or The wisdom tradi- professors, doctors, IT parts of this publication. tions found throughout professionals, taxi driv- the world ofer some ers, students, parents, Pronunciation solace. Collectively they and grandparents. Some of the names in this magazine are in the language. For information on inform us that human We come from diverse how to pronounce these words, see page 64. life is meant for seeking cultural, ethnic, and

Cover: Photo by Chaitanya Kapadia (of Naimi Sharanya and her father, Vishvambhar Sheth, USA) What’s Inside? 02 Master with a Mission How ISKCON began. 08 Centers of Devotion 55 Some of ISKCON’s beautiful temples worldwide. 12 What We Believe Just what do the Hare Krishnas believe? 17 Lessons to Live By Learning and the culture of education. 20 The History of a Movement 2 Is ISKCON a new religion? Dr. Angela Burt explains. 30 A Timeless Tradition A look at the roots of the Hare Krishna Movement. 34 The Kirtana Experience The worldwide kirtana music phenomenon. 36 Chaitanya, the Golden Avatara 44 God descends to teach spiritual practice for this age. 37 Temple Rising 52 ISKCON’s Temple of the Vedic Planetarium, India. 40 Back to Basics Devotee farmers: simple eco living and high thinking. 48 The Finely Tuned Universe Has science overstepped its boundaries? 52 Krishna Culture ISKCON members contribute to the arts. 55 Divine Forms Temple worship and its ancient principles. 58 Crossing Boundaries 32 Hare Krishnas help to bridge religious divides. 62 A Lasting Legacy Srila Prabhupada: Sanskrit scholar and prolifc author. 25 Plus: 06 Fifty Years of Achievements 14 Singing in the Streets 25 The Next Generation 26 A Festival of Food 32 Many Faces of ISKCON 43 Climate of War 8 44 A World of Festivals 60 for Your Well-Being 14

1 In 1965 an elderly Indian saint began a spiritual revolution. Soon after arriving in the USA, he was tirelessly traveling the globe, giving Vedic wisdom to a world dissatisfed with a life of material acquisition.

By Visakha devi dasi Master with a Mission n 1965, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhakti- I Swami Prabhupada, seventy years old, left his native India for the frst time aboard the cargo ship Jaladuta. He arrived alone in New York City with a mission to introduce bhakti-yoga, the revolutionary spiritual science of devotional service to Krishna (God). Over the next twelve years he would tirelessly travel, speak and chant Krishna’s name in kirtana (see page 34 for more on kirtana), and write numerous books to broadcast the joy of devotion and Vedic culture.

2 “I am impressed with how much the teachings of one man and the spiritual tradition he brought impacted themselves into the lives of so many people.” — Dr. Harvey Cox, Professor of Divinity, Harvard University

Srila Prabhupada’s two seminal classics, his trans- lations and commentaries on Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, form the theological basis of the Hare Krishna movement, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) that he founded. Scholars worldwide have praised his many books for their erudition and insight into authentic spiritual life. Tese and Srila Prabhu- pada’s other books form an extensive library of devotional philosophy, helping readers transcend mundane life and awaken their sweet, loving relationship with God. Photo: Bhargava dasa © BBTI God & Devotional teachings, immortalized in sacred Vedic hymns, have been handed down through millennia by a succession of self- realized teachers. When John Lennon from Te Beatles asked Srila Prabhupada, “How are we to tell who is a true master?” Srila Prabhupada replied, “It is not that you can go to just any spiritual master. He must be a member of a recognized [lineage of realized teach- ers], a particular line of disciplic succession.” A Genuine Holy Man Te potency of Srila Prabhupada’s message is due Photo: Visakha devi dasi © BBTI to his resolute loyalty to the teachings of this Left: In eleven years, ISKCON’s Founder-Acharya, His authentic, unbroken lineage. Dr. Tomas J. Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Hopkins, Emeritus Professor of Religious circled the planet fourteen times. Pictured here arriv- Studies at Franklin and Marshall College in the ing in Sydney, Australia, in the early 1970s. Top: Srila USA, said Srila Prabhupada was “a genuine holy Prabhupada met with reporters, clergy, and members person with enormous integrity and compassion, who had a powerful impact on those who met of the public wherever he traveled. Above: A television him. He never claimed authority and respect for interview with Srila Prabhupada in , 1975. himself; what he said and did was always in the name of Krishna.” Dr. Harvey Cox, Hollis Research Professor of Divinity at Harvard University, said, “When I frst met the students of Srila Prabhupada, I can remember thinking how surprised I was, and I

3 Photo: Bali Mardan dasa © BBTI “Srila Prabhupada remained and always felt himself a simple, faithful follower and representative of the sublime tradition of bhakti-yoga.” BBTI

Photo: Shyamasundar dasa ©

wondered what this meant. But as I came ISKCON had grown to a world- to know the [Hare Krishna] movement, wide confederation of more than 100 I came to fnd that there was a striking devotional ashrams, schools, temples, similarity in the essence of what they were educational institutes, and farming teaching and in the original core of communities. Everyone who has been Christianity—that is, living simply, not and will be touched by the far-reaching trying to accumulate worldly goods, culture of bhakti owes a tremendous living with compassion toward all debt to him. creatures, sharing, loving, and living By the eforts of Srila Prabhupada joyfully. and his followers, for the frst time “I am impressed with how much the in history this rich and life- teachings of one man and the spiritual style have been made available to tradition he brought impacted them- people throughout the world. BBTI selves into the lives of so many people. Yet despite his international success In my view Srila Prabhupada’s contribu- Srila Prabhupada remained and always

tion is a very important and lasting one.” felt himself a simple, faithful follower Photo: © He also remarked, “Srila Prabhupada and representative of the sublime tradi- Top: In 1971 Srila Prabhupada planted the seed of is, of course, only one of thousands of tion of bhakti-yoga. . devotion to Krishna in Moscow. Above: In May 1974 teachers. But in another sense, he is one in a thousand—maybe one in a million.” • Visakha dasi is a photographer, flmmaker, and Srila Prabhupada met with Cardinal Pignedoli, Pope Before Srila Prabhupada’s passing published author. For books by Visakha, please visit Paul VI’s secretary. Right: Disciples on a morning from this world on 14 November 1977, walk with Srila Prabhupada in Paris, 1974.

4 Photo: Bhargava dasa © BBTI Photo: Bhargava dasa © BBTI Fifty YEARS OF Achievements The number of ISKCON centers, temples, schools and colleges worldwide 516m The number of books and magazines published by 650 the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT), and distributed worldwide since 1966. 95,000 110 There are 110 Since 1966, Hare Krishna around 95,000 vegetarian devotees have restaurants taken formal worldwide. spiritual initiation (clerical vows). m It is estimated There are 3600 home study/ 9 that more than worship (Bhakti Vriksha) nine million people groups worldwide that meet worship at weekly. ISKCON temples 3600 each year.

6 These statistics were as correct as possible at the time of writing. billion 1.2m 1.2 million meals of More than three billion meals of sanctifed vegetarian sanctifed vegetarian food 3 food (prasadam) are (prasadam) have been distributed served daily to children globally since 1966. in India as part of the ISKCON Food Relief Foundation’s ‘Midday Meal’ or ‘Annamrita’ program. 65 212,992 There are sity-fve ISKCON farms/ eco villages globally. 6000 There are more than 6000 Krishna festivals held around the world Bhaktivedanta Hospital in Mumbai, India, one of nine every year in ISKCON. ISKCON affliated hospitals, medical clinics, eye clinics, and hospices in India, treated 212,992 patients last year.

Padayatra teams have walked 260,000km (161,000 miles) , worldwide visiting 52,000 towns and villages in 110 countries. 260Padayatra is a Sanskrit word meaning000 ‘festival cow protection, hold cultural festivals and or pilgrimage on foot.’ ISKCON’s Founder- make friends with all kinds of people at the Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta grassroots level. Swami Prabhupada introduced the frst One hundred and ffty padayatra teams, ISKCON padayatra with bullock carts in 1976, with approximately 10,000 participants, have in India. Many more followed on all conti- walked 260,000km (161,000 miles). nents, lasting from a few days to several years. This is almost 6.5 times the Earth’s A padayatra’s purpose is to spread the holy circumference. Padayatra Worldwide has names of God, distribute spiritual literature, visited 52,000 towns and villages in promote simple living, high thinking and 110 countries since its inception in 1976. 7 Centers of Devotion The places of worship or temples pictured here are not simply bricks and mortar, but hubs of devotional activity. They are artistic and spiritual expressions of the joy of devotion—places for spiritual upliftment, education, and culture. We invite you to visit a Krishna temple near you and be inspired by its atmosphere of peace and beauty.

8 Clockwise from left: Krishna temple in Spanish Fork, Utah, USA; ISKCON temple, Kathmandu, Nepal; of Devotion and Understanding, Penang, Malaysia; Krishna temple, Gabarone, Botswana; New Vrindaban, West Virginia, USA; Bhaktive- danta Manor, Hertfordshire, UK.


Far left: Srila Prabhupada’s memorial at Krishna Balarama temple, Vrindavana, India. Left: ISKCON’s Sri Radha Radhanath temple, Durban, South Africa.

Center left: Radha Krishna temple, New Delhi, India. Center above: ISKCON’s temple, Nairobi, Kenya.

Left: Interior of the Nova Gokula temple Pindamonhangaba, Brazil. Above: Exterior of the Nova Gokula temple.

11 What We Believe You’ve seen the Hare Krishnas chanting and dancing in the street, but what do you really know about them? Mukunda Goswami, one of the earliest members of the movement, flls in the gaps …

he International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) T is a worldwide community of devo- tees, or Vaishnavas, practicing bhakti-yoga, loving service to Krishna. Krishna is a name for God that means ‘All-Attractive.’ ISKCON is also known as ‘the Hare Krishnas,’ or the Krishna consciousness movement. It’s part of the Vaishnava, or mon- otheistic, tradition within Hindu culture. illustration by Harsha Ravi

12 Basic Principles Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Te following eight principles form Krishna Krishna Hare Hare the basis of ISKCON’s philosophy: Hare Hare Rama 1. By sincerely cultivating spiri- Rama Rama Hare Hare tual knowledge, we can be free from Chant the Names of God anxiety and reach a state of pure Te maha- (above) is composed happiness in this lifetime. of three Sanskrit names of the Supreme 2. We are not our bodies but Being: Hare, Krishna and Rama. Hare eternal souls, parts and parcels of God, addresses the energy of the Lord as or Krishna. Te soul transmigrates the supreme pleasure potency, Radha, into diferent bodies according to the who helps us in reaching Krishna, or consciousness at the time of death. As God. Both Krishna (the All-Attractive) eternal souls, we are all brothers and and Rama (the Source of All Pleasure) sisters, and Krishna is ultimately our directly address the Lord. common father. Tis chanting comes directly from 3. Krishna is eternal, all-knowing, the spiritual platform, surpassing all omnipresent, all-powerful, and all- lower states of consciousness—sensual, attractive. He is the father of all living mental, and intellectual. People from beings and sustains the entire cosmic all walks of life can experience spiritual creation. He is also known as God the and personal fulflment just by chanting Father, Allah, Buddha, Jehovah, and the names of God. Tis chanting can Yahweh. be done either as an individual prac- 4. Te Absolute Truth is revealed in tice ()—chanting quietly on beads the ,* the oldest scriptures in the as a personal meditation, similar to the world. Te essence of the Vedas is found recitation of the prayers on a Christian in the Bhagavad-gita, a literal record of rosary or on Islamic prayer beads—or Krishna’s words. singing more loudly in a group, which is 5. We gain spiritual knowledge from a called kirtana (see page 34). genuine spiritual master. 6. Practicing and ofer- The Essence ing all our food to God before eating Te basic concept of ISKCON’s purifes our consciousness, minimizes philosophy is the understanding that we the violence in the world, and frees us are not our material bodies, but rather from bad , or material reactions. that our true identity is the soul within. 7. All our actions should be done as ofer- You could say that the Krishna ings to Krishna and not for selfsh motives. consciousness movement is not ex- 8. Te best way to attain self- actly a religion, but an educational and realization and pure love of God in this cultural system that is open to everyone. age of quarrel and hypocrisy is to chant Admittedly, the complete philosophy His holy names. Te easiest method for is a detailed one. However, we all like most people is to chant the Hare Krishna to eat, sing, dance, and make friends! maha-mantra or the ‘great mantra’: Tese activities form the main functions Left: The body changes from youth to old age, of the movement and are performed in a spirit of service to Krishna, or God. . but the soul never dies. It takes another body depending on the consciousness at death. * Anything relating to the Vedas is referred Right: Krishna, or God, in His beautiful two- to as ‘Vedic,’ a term used throughout this handed form, plays His divine fute. magazine. image © Dario Lo Presti /Dollar Photo Club 13 Singing in the Streets

Most people around the world have seen and heard Hare Krishna devotees singing Hare Krishna and dancing in the streets—from Leningrad to Tokyo, Sydney to , New York to Kolkata. This singing of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra is recommended in the ancient spiritual texts of India as the best way to understand the Divine in this modern age.

14 Clockwise from left: The nightlights of downtown Tokyo and happy Hare Krishna devotees; youth chanting in the UK; spectators in Tokyo join in the congregational singing of God’s holy names; young ladies in colorful saris stand out against the grey skies of Moscow.

HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE 15 Clockwise from top: An elegant group chanting on a boulevard in Germany; creating a blaze of color, devotees weave through the holiday crowd in Byron Bay, stralia saffro roes ad i as entertain onlookers at a fair in Germany; the smile says it all—one of the Hare Krishna devotees during the popular Krishna ‘Polish Tour.’

16 Lessons to Live By Education is vital to the development of every society. Recognizing this, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) has established various seats of learning and educational institutions around the world for its members and their children. By Prana dasa

s ISKCON has matured since its of primary schools in the UK, the incorporation in 1966, schooling Avanti Schools Trust—which incorpo- A for its children and adult education rates elements of the Vedic, or Hindu, now have both increased in prominence. culture in its educational philosophy Hare Krishna schools around the and curriculum—has received high globe—from primary to tertiary—have a commendations from government strong focus on teaching good character agencies for its academic excellence. and behavior as well as the study of ISKCON’s communities located in the usual subjects found in mainstream Vrindavana, India, and Mayapur, schools. Electives include the perform- India, have both been long-standing ing and fne arts, philosophy, drama, providers of systematic and biology, chemistry, and physics. comprehensive education for both Recently, an ISKCON-afliated chain children and adults. 17 Homeschooling Another educational initiative gain- ing momentum with Krishna families is homeschooling. Whether in remote areas or big cities, the homeschool network in ISKCON is growing with the assistance of committed parents and other professionals in the feld of education. Of course, not all families go this route, but those who do have seen Photo: Parvati devi dasi signifcant academic results. Most ISKCON temples worldwide conduct Sunday school classes for children ranging from fve years of age to late teens. Tese Sunday schools allow the younger members to learn about spiritual life and the Krishna tradition, while having fun socializing and sharing experiences with their peers.

ISKCON’s Adult Education Adult education, both formal and informal, via seminars and university- linked curricula, is an important part of ISKCON. Te systematic study and teaching of the movement’s main texts— Today, ISKCON Mayapur ofers a tural roots and also satisfying National Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Te Nectar of traditional “heritage approach” Government board afliation standards. Devotion, Te Nectar of Instruction, and to formal education on one cam- As far as the under 18-year-olds go, Shri Ishopanishad—are frmly entrenched pus (Bhaktivedanta Academy) and a students generally like what they learn, as standard benchmarks throughout Cambridge Examinations stream on relate well with their instructors, and ISKCON internationally. another. Te heritage approach of do well academically in all three types Tere are currently numer- education is based on Vedic principles of of schools. ous providers of these studies, individualism. ISKCON Mayapur has In terms of higher education, many some of which ofer degrees via an also developed a National School that devotees now successfully hold doctor- online course of study. caters mostly to the local Bengali com- ate degrees, and ISKCON Hungary and Tese providers have been responsive munity. It is a model of blended holistic ISKCON Belgium provide university to the demand and requirements of an education, drawing deeply from cul- qualifcation degrees and diplomas. evolving ISKCON. 18 ISKCON & Academia By Shaunaka dasa, Director of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies aliated with ford niversity

oun estern men and women taking to Eastern dress and prac- tices was not the most unusual sight in the 1960s, but among them the are rishnas went that etra mile. ere was an almost total translantation of an orthodo ndian siritual tradition, and for the few schol- ars of ndian reliious traditions around at that time this was manna from heaven. r. homas . oins, Emeritus Professor Frank- lin arshall ollee, was one of the frst scholars to mae contact with S memers. r. oins reconied this audiya aish- nava movement, ut found that the devotees were a little unclear aout their historical, eorahical, and cultural identity. rofessor meritus oseh onnell 00, another of the early oservers, also found that they were unclear aout their roots. ithin a few years, the earliest devoteesmany of whom had attended university efore they oined S started their own inuiries. he hativedanta nstitute was formed, and later the atsya roect, which was aimed at microflmin aishnava literature in ndia, eventually develoin into the nstitute of aishnava Studies. n imortant motivation for Ss enaement with academia arose in the mid0s when the movement needed scholars to elain who they were, elanations Clockwise from top: At the Avanti school in the UK, teenagers that now defned the devotees. he relationshi etween study in a friendly atmosphere; the Queen and Prince Philip at S and scholars has matured to the oint where it is a performance by Avanti students; classes for adult learners; understood in S that scholarshi and devotion are imortant edfellows. Hare Krishna school sports days such as this one in Australia evotee scholars ained tenure at restiious universities still feature old favorites like sack races. and were awarded maor research rants. erhas most im- ortantly they are now systematically develoin a distinct Te institutions heading up the feld of audiya studies, the study of haitanya aharahu systematic study of the many books and is movement. written by ISKCON’s Founder- Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. See page 36 for more on . Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, have been the Vrindavana Institute for Higher Education, the Mayapur historical Sanskrit and Bengali texts; and Professional Development Institute, and the Mayapur Academy. to develop an extensive research library. As well as formal certifcate and degree Many antique scripts on palm leaves courses, ISKCON provides many adult Preserving Gaudiya Traditions and tree slivers from the pre-print era courses on contemporary topics. Tis An important new educational efort have been discovered or donated and are enables members to develop their skills is the Bhaktivedanta Research Centre. being preserved for posterity using ad- and serve their communities. Courses It was established in Kolkata, India, in vanced technology. Te research center range from Confict Resolution and 2009 to collect, preserve and dissemi- hosts scholars from around the world, Communication Skills to Leadership.. nate the ancient literature of Gaudiya allowing them convenient access to an ;* to perform research in extensive body of literature and artifacts. * For more on Gaudiya Vaishnava teachings, see page 20.

19 the History of a Movement Is ISKCON a new religion? Dr. Angela Burt gives an overview of how the Hare Krishnas began …

20 ar left ne of the rst Hare rishna kirtana events in the est ith rila rahupada in ompins uare ar, e or. eft Srila hatisiddhanta arasvati, rila rahupadas uru, ith ndias then ritish overnor. Below: hativinoda haura, the father of hatisiddhanta arasvati and one of the reat in the rahmaadhvaaudiya line.

producing high-quality books that appealed to the intellectuals of Ben- gal at that time. After his passing in 1914, his son Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Takura continued his eforts by forming his own preaching mission, the , in Bengal in 1920. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati was a renunciant and of formidable intellect and scholarly accomplishment.

Pathways Srila Prabhupada was born in Calcutta (now Kolkata), India, on 1 September 1896. His parents, who were

Photo: Courtesy Mandala Publishing devout devotees of Krishna, named him Abhay Charan De. Although only Abhay Charan later studied at fty years old Scottish Churches’ College in “ Kolkata. In 1922, he met the as an institution great Srila Bhaktisiddhanta in 2016, ISKCON Sarasvati and later accepted is part of the him as his guru, taking formal audiya aishnava initiation from him into the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition tradition that an in November 1932. e traed a Although Srila Prabhupada’s

to th entury Photo: © BBTI contact with his guru was infre- enal, ndia. quent, the relationship was a signifcant Photo: © BBTI Although only ffty years old as one, and he took his preceptor’s instruc- an institution in 2016, ISKCON tions deep within his heart. Bhakti- Te International Society for Krishna is part of this Gaudiya Vaishnava siddhanta Sarasvati’s most important Consciousness (ISKCON) was founded tradition that can be traced back to 15th order to him was to spread the teach- in 1966 in New York City by His Divine century Bengal, India. At that time, ings of Krishna in English. By extension, Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, later Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who is accepted this meant teaching Krishna conscious- referred to by his followers with the hon- by Gaudiya Vaishnavas as an incarnation ness—love for Krishna—in the West. orifc title ‘Srila Prabhupada.’ of Krishna acting as a devotee, spread Trough his extraordinary success Srila Prabhupada is part of a love of God by His joyous singing and in following the order of his guru, succession of gurus in the - dancing and pure devotion to Krishna. Srila Prabhupada takes his place among Madhva-Gaudiya lineage, a religious com- Inspired by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, other prominent spiritual masters in munity within the tradition of Vaishnavas a line of gurus continued until the the lineage of teachers in the Brahma- (devotees of Krishna). late 19th century when Bhaktivinoda Madhva-Gaudiya tradition. Tis succession of spiritual teach- Takura revolutionized the dissemina- In 1937, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sar- ers is vitally important within the tion of the teachings of Krishna. (Bhakti- asvati Takura passed away, leaving tradition because it is considered vinoda Takura was a recognized scholar his disciples to manage his preaching essential to hear from a guru in order of his time and a highly infuential mission. to understand the true meaning and magistrate during the British Raj.) After many years of family life, in purpose of life. He did this by authoring and mass- 1954 Srila Prabhupada accepted the


“... devotees married, moved out of the ashram environment, had children, and took up jobs in order to support their grow- ing families.”

renounced order and totally dedicated his life to the mission of his guru. In 1959 he formalized that renunciation by accepting the order of , forsaking the comforts of married life. After many years of preparation, he left India on 13 August 1965 and set sail for the USA with a free passage aboard the steamship Jaladuta. After a difcult voyage during which he sufered two heart attacks, he arrived in Boston on 17 September 1965.

Hippies into Happies Photo: Murlivadana © BBTI Not knowing what to expect, when Srila Above: rila rahupada tirelessly traveled around the orld, and ith reat ompassion uided Prabhupada settled in New York City his youn disiples in their efforts to serve rishna and his mission to uplift human soiety. he came face to face with the famous counter-culture movement of the After these humble beginnings, the a meeting with Te Beatles. Soon after, 1960s. Te counter culture ofered an movement’s mission to give Krishna they recorded chanting the Hare alternative to mainstream values, and its consciousness to Westerners fourished Krishna mantra with Te Beatles, which participants were known as ‘hippies.’ and expanded exponentially from then was released by . Te record Disafected American youths were onward. sold 70,000 copies on the frst day. questioning the material values that ISKCON Press was established in late Within a few weeks the devotees formed the basis of mainstream 1966, with the aim of publishing Srila appeared on the popular TV show Top culture and consequently attendance at Prabhupada’s translations of Gaudiya of the Pops, singing the Hare Krishna his classes gradually increased. Although Vaishnava devotional texts. mantra. ‘Te Hare Krishnas,’ as they had his following was relatively small, Srila Responding to an invitation from come to be known, had become a house- Prabhupada formalized his preach- some of his students, Srila Prabhu- hold name. ing mission by incorporating it as the pada went to San Francisco in 1967 to In September 1969, Srila Prabhupada International Society for Krishna Con- establish his mission there. visited London to see the progress his sciousness (ISKCON) on 13 July 1966. In San Francisco he led the public disciples had made in establishing the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra mission there. Exponential Growth: 1960s–1970s at the Mantra Rock Dance, a concert At that time he met George In 1966 Srila Prabhupada’s students organized by his disciples to facilitate Harrison and resided at John Lennon’s engaged in their frst public chanting this public chanting. Te event also country estate, Tittenhurst Park, where (kirtana) of the holy names of God, for featured some of the most popular he discussed spiritual topics with John which Hare Krishna devotees would American rock bands of the day. Lennon and Yoko Ono. later become famous worldwide. In 1968 Srila Prabhupada’s mission By the early 1970s Srila Prabhu- With the assistance of his spread to the UK, when he sent three pada had established centers all over the students, Srila Prabhupada rented in married couples to establish a Krishna USA and in the UK, , India, New York City, the frst location of note temple there. Drawing upon a com- other parts of Asia, South America, being a storefront at 26 Second Avenue bination of ingenuity, bravado and Australia, and Africa. Most of them in Manhattan. determination, in 1969 they engineered included ashrams where full-time

22 Photo: © BBTI Above: eore Harrison of he eatles hantin Hare rishna ith devotees in ondon, .

How is ISKCON Managed? The International Society for Krishna Con- projects within ISKCON, and pass resolutions sciousness (ISKCON) is governed by a group by majority vote. of senior devotees, men and women, called Often working under the GBC are regional the Governing Body Commission (GBC). governing bodies (RGBs) comprised of GBC At the time of writing, the GBC body has zonal secretaries and additional leaders members could reside in order to serve the mission. By this time, his followers thirty-two members who are individually within the region. RGBs undertake the numbered in the hundreds, with most responsible for overseeing the manage- supervision of ISKCON centers and projects members being in the USA and the UK. ment and spiritual standards of ISKCON on a region-specifc level, such as Europe, Te society now needed a manage- centers in assigned geographic regions. The South America, and India. ment structure to support it, so Srila governing body is administered through a According to Srila Prabhupada’s direc- Prabhupada assigned a temple president GBC executive committee (EC) that consists tions, all ISKCON temples are fnancially at each center. In July 1970 he found it necessary to form a governing board, of a chairperson, and frst and second vice independent, yet function under the ecclesi- which he named the Governing Body chairpersons. These executive posts are held astical management of the GBC. A temple Commission (GBC). for one-year rotating assignments, after president, who is responsible for carrying Tis governing body then comprised which time the chairpersons term of offce out the mission locally manages each twelve members who would assist Srila epires, the frst vice chairperson succeeds ISKCON temple and works toward achieving Prabhupada in managing the afairs of the chairperson, and the second vice chair- the goals of ISKCON as outlined by Srila ISKCON. In that same month, Srila Prabhupada established the Bhaktive- person succeeds the frst vice chairperson. Prabhupada. While working under the danta Book Trust (BBT), which became The governing body then elects a new supervision of their assigned GBC zonal ISKCON’s in-house publishing entity, second vice chairperson to join the executive secretary, temple presidents are encour- producing his commentated translations committee each year. aged to act with local initiative and are of Vaishnava devotional texts. GBC members also supervise specifc responsible for overseeing all functions of a projects, initiatives, and ministries. Following temple. Moreover, temple presidents have Back to India In 1970 Srila Prabhupada’s focus the instructions of Srila Prabhupada, the GBC the responsibility of maintaining in their turned to India when he visited body convenes yearly in Mayapur, West Ben- local center ISKCON’s spiritual standards as his homeland with some disciples, gal, India, for its Annual General Meeting. outlined by Srila Prabhupada. showcasing his success in convinc- They discuss proposals, specifc issues, and ing Westerners to become devotees of Krishna. Two years later, he would

23 In the 1980s ISKCON transitioned from an ashram-based institution to more community based, as many ISKCON devotees married, moved out of the ashram environment, had children, and took up jobs to support their growing families. Te 1990s saw a further change as more devotees returned to university. Some did this to improve their job prospects and support their fami- lies, and others to study the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition academically. Te latter change has given rise to a number of educational and academic Above: rila rahupada, ho as eaer for rishna onsiousness to e estalished in the initiatives in ISKCON, which have orlds maor apitals, is seen here visitin his disiples in ondon in the late s. facilitated devotees wishing to study and

Photo: © BBTI teach the tradition academically. Tese initiatives include the found- take the frst steps in the construction Recognizing Srila Prabhupada’s ing in 1997 of the Oxford Centre for of temples on land that ISKCON had prominence as a spiritual leader, Hindu Studies, which is now a recognised purchased in Mumbai (Bombay) and the the then Indian Prime Minister independent center of Oxford Uni- holy sites of Vrindavana and Mayapur. Indira Gandhi met with him in versity, and Bhaktivedanta College in In May 1971, ISKCON signed a August 1975. Also in 1975 he founded Belgium, which confers accredited contract with the Macmillan Publish- the Bhaktivedanta Institute, comprised degrees to its students. ing Company to print an unabridged of disciples who had PhDs in the sciences Other initiatives include ISKCON edition of the founder’s translation and other disciplines, with the aim of Communications, which now serves as and commentary of the Bhagavad-gita, challenging scientifc and intellectual an interface between ISKCON and the entitled Bhagavad-gita As It Is. paradigms that negated God’s existence. media, organises interfaith forums, and A month later Srila Prabhupada visited addresses issues of religious freedom Russia, and although his stay was tightly Preserving the Legacy among other things. regulated by the authorities due to the On 14 November 1977, Srila Prabhupada Tese later developments are just system of governance there, he was able passed away in India at the age of 81 and a few highlights of the many activi- to discuss Krishna consciousness with ISKCON was thrown into a deep state ties that have been taking place in at least one academic and one young of mourning. For many devotees, the ISKCON, some of which are covered in Russian man who became a disciple. thought of ISKCON without their guru this magazine. Tis was a small beginning, but it was unimaginable. Nevertheless, they later expanded into a movement that took it as their sacred duty to carry on in The Pivotal Person attracted many thousands of interested order to preserve his mission. It is in large part because of the spiritual seekers in a country where Srila Prabhupada had named the GBC organizational structure that Srila formalized religious and spiritual as the ultimate managing authority, Prabhupada set up, his commitment to practice had been suppressed. and that governing body as well as the high spiritual and moral standards, as well During the 1970s Srila Prabhupada rest of the managerial structure that he as the eforts of his followers to keep him remained very involved in overseeing had built since 1965 remained intact. in the center that have ensured that the ISKCON, but he increasingly delegated Tis, along with the dedication of his mission he began has not only survived, the society’s management to his most capa- disciples, ensured that his mission would but also fourished. . ble disciples. Tis allowed him to work on continue even in his absence. Addi- translating and writing his commentary on tionally, in accordance with his wishes, the Srimad-Bhagavatam, a voluminous some of his most senior disciples became devotional text of central importance gurus so that new members could have • Dr Angela Burt (Arya devi dasi) is a Postdoctoral for Vaishnavas. the beneft of a living guru. Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies.

24 The Next Generation Manorama dasa, ISKCON’s Minister for Youth, talks to Bhakti devi dasi about how young people are bringing Krishna into their lives. hati devi dasi Ho does the net summer and winter holidays. We take buses teachers, lawyers, builders, while maintain- eneration of youn adults, ho ere raised as with 50 youth, aged between 17–25, trave- ing their Krishna practices. A dentist friend Hare Krishnas, feel about the movement? ling across the USA, Canada and Mexico, of mine performs his daily japa meditation Manorama dasa (MD): Imparting your visiting temples, nature spots, and religious while commuting to work. With his sched- values, beliefs, and practices to your festivals. In addition to sight-seeing and ule and three kids, it’s the best he can do. children takes time, love, and patience. outdoor adventures, the youth engage in BDD: Do the younger Krishnas share their beliefs Tere’s no guarantee they’ll do as you do. service projects and put on festivals. Tis ith peers in the seular orld Some youth explore other paths, but for gives them a real sense of accomplishment. MD: Certainly they do. Some youth run the most part, they end up maintaining At the end of the day, they’d be like, “We Yoga Clubs at universities to share medita- their ties to the family of Krishna devotees. did it! Tat was awesome!” tion, yoga, and vegetarian cooking classes ould they raise their on hildren to e In Mexico, the youth put on a play about with fellow students and faculty. Just setting Hare Krishnas? the Bhagavad-gita, our main philosophical a good example for others can be a pow- MD: I recently flmed a documentary text. Afterwards, a hotel owner insisted on erful way to share your beliefs. People are about a Hare Krishna school. Tere were buying 200 copies of the book to put in fascinated by our alternative lifestyle, many third-generation children attending each of his rooms. It’s at times like these we Sanskrit names and exotic music, and want whose grandparents had joined ISKCON realize we have something special. to learn more. and whose parents were raised in the move- Ho do net eneration youn adults BDD: As the younger generation matures, will ment. I interviewed parents who had a real interate into the orld, and yet maintain they ontinue to e involved in the movement passion about the place. So, yes, a lot of their identity MD: Tey already are. Tey serve on next-generation parents want to give their MD: We’re seeing confdent young Krishna temple management boards, give kids a Krishna upbringing. devotees who’ve grown up in the move- donations, help organize festivals. Look- Ho do you inspire youth in their ment fnd their place in the world. Some ing ahead to the next 50 years, we’ll have faith ve heard aout the youth us tours are drawn to spiritual vocations as yoga thousands of Hare Krishna professionals MD: My wife, Jaya Sri Radhe devi dasi, and teachers, or temple managers and priests, who have a wealth of life experience, giving I volunteer with ISKCON Youth Ministry while others pursue careers as doctors, back to society at large and to ISKCON in to organize adventure camps during the business managers, IT administrators, ways we can’t imagine. .

Photo: Ravi Talsania 25 A Festival of Food

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) has been coined ‘the Kitchen Religion.’ If you have ever tried Hare Krishna cuisine, you will know why! By Damodara Pandit dasa “… I would walk the seven miles is Divine Grace A.C. Bhakti- vedanta Swami Prabhupada, across town every Sunday night HISKCON’s Founder-Acharya, was to get one good meal a week at an exceptional cook and a very gracious, welcoming host. the Hare Krishna temple.” Many of his early followers in New —Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple Inc York City’s Lower East Side describe Srila Prabhupada’s cooking as one of the frst things that attracted them to him in their spiritual search. In his frst storefront temple and ashram, Srila Prabhupada trained his young disciples not only in the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita, but also in the art of cooking delectable vegetarian meals. Srila Prabhupada used his excellent culinary skills to make delicious prepa- rations for the pleasure of Krishna and the young seekers visiting the temple. By eating this sanctifed food (known in Sanskrit as prasadam or ‘God’s Far left: A guest at Govinda’s restaurant in mercy’), they became further attracted Sydney, Australia. Top: At the University of to bhakti-yoga, or the science of devotion Florida, ISKCON has been providing student to Krishna. lunches for the past 38 years. Needless to say, everyone enjoyed those cooking lessons—especially the fnal test program or another one of ISKCON’s of tasting! Te way Srila Prabhupada many festivals (see page 44), you will exposed his young students to the devo- discover a unique community experience tional art of cooking was as important that is now a global phenomenon. for many as was the meditative chanting “Tere is a deep sense of connection and deep philosophy he taught. and camaraderie while eating a Krishna As ISKCON expanded, Srila Prabhu- feast,” says Alalanath dasa, coordinator pada encouraged his disciples to continue of the Sunday Feast program in New cooking and distributing prasadam. Today, South Wales, Australia. “Enjoying a the movement he founded has grown to a delicious vegetarian meal with friends and worldwide network of hundreds of fellow pilgrims follows a tradition that has communities and projects that together existed in India for thousands of years.” provide millions of sanctifed vegetarian Tere are also more than 100 afliat- meals each year. ed Hare Krishna restaurants around the world. Tey can be found just around Where to Go the corner from London’s Oxford Street; Hare Krishna food is available at temples, within a castle near the Ardennes’ foot- Krishna restaurants, catering venues, hills in Belgium; in the center of New and the movement’s free food outlets all York City’s lower east side neighborhood; over the world. Benefciaries range from and near downtown Buenos Aires—just patrons of ISKCON’s fne vegetarian for starters. Each restaurant has its own restaurants, to spiritual seekers attend- ambiance and adapts its menu to the ing the Sunday Feast at a local Krishna local culture, but all share in the unifying temple, to the poor and homeless who factor of providing delicious vegetarian receive nutritious, free prasadam meals meals cooked and served with love. from Hare Krishna food relief programs. Govindas Catering, another ISKCON If you visit a Hare Krishna temple afliated program, sends its trucks to during the famous Sunday Feast attend music festivals in many parts

27 of the world, providing wholesome vegetarian options to attendees. Says one catering crew member, Krishna Gana dasa, “I often hear our clients at music festivals say they’ve been waiting for us all year.”

Why So Delicious? What is it that makes Krishna food so tasty? “Te most important ingredient is that our food is carefully prepared as an ofering of love to Krishna [God],” says chef, author, and TV cooking star dasa from Australia. “It’s part of our meditation to carefully select top quality ingredients and prepare the most delicious meals we can, knowing that we’re not doing so just to eat, but as a spiritual practice.” Such meditation takes any drudgery out of cooking and makes it fun and even uplifting. Menus are planned with an understanding of the ‘six tastes’— bitter, sour, salty, pungent, astringent, and sweet—as explained in the ancient Indian health scripture, Ayurveda. A ded- icated cook learns how to combine these

tastes using many ingredients, such as vegetables, fruit, grains, spices, and herbs, to create an extraordinary experience that looks, smells, and tastes wonderful.

Why Vegetarian? Ancient Indian scriptures explain that a healthy vegetarian diet is sattvic—or in the mode of goodness—which increases the duration of life, giving strength, eating meat, fsh, poultry or eggs. eating meat requires killing innocent health, happiness, and satisfaction. From a medical point of view, there animals it consequently leads to bad Tere are many references in these are many modern scientifc reports that karma (or reactions to sinful actions). ancient texts confrming that only fruit, show clearly the link between meat- vegetables, grains, nuts, and dairy prod- centered diets and cancer, heart dis- Feed a Hungry World ucts are ft for human consumption. ease, and other serious human ailments. In 1974, when Srila Prabhupada saw Tus Hare Krishna devotees refrain from From a spiritual perspective, because village children in India competing with

28 HARE KRISHNA FOOD FOR LIFE Clockwise top: Children Hare Krishna Food for Life (FFL) has grown enjoying the lunchtime into the world’s largest vegetarian food relief program. It is appreciated by so many around prasadam that ISKCON the world, rich and poor alike. Here are Food Relief Foundation some of the testimonials that prominent and distributes; Nelson Mandela inuential people have offered dancing at a Hare Krishna Food “Another important building block for new for Life event; a happy guest with democracy is the love and goodwill we show plates of Hare Krishna food; to each other. That is the spirit of Masakhane, taste sensations—delicious of bringing one another together. It is also the spirit of today’s festival organized by vegetarian preparations found Food for Life.” in Hare Krishna cuisine; ISKCON —Nelson Mandela distributes free food in Tokyo, Japan; now that’s a pot! ISKCON Food for Life is an international, non-proft cooks for thousands. charitable organization that provides plant- based foods in over 60 countries around the world for malnourished people; people in disaster areas; wherever there is a need, they provide it … —Paul McCartney

“We don’t have education about how to eat. dogs over scraps of discarded food, Srila distribute meals to thousands of needy We are eating too much meat and people are Prabhupada, feeling great compassion, victims of natural disasters. getting sick all the time. We have to show to instructed his students, “No one within As well as this initiative, ISKCON Food the people what they need to eat. The doors ten miles [16 km] of our temples should Relief Foundation, or ‘Annamrita,’ distrib- are open for Food for Life. We are going to go hungry.” In response to this order, utes hot, healthy lunches to more than work together to get better food for our kids his disciples—later joined by volunteers 6000 schools across India. Since its launch into the schools.” worldwide—were inspired to expand in 2004, Annamrita has set up state-of- —Jose Mujica, Former President of Uruguay free prasadam distribution into a global the-art kitchens in eight Indian states network of kitchens, free cafés, and and provides 1.2 million meals every day “… though it may not get top mention on mobile units. to underprivileged school children. the nightly news, Food for Life is among the Since then, Hare Krishna Food Parasurama dasa, who distributes world’s most intrepid relief organizations, in for Life and other afliated eforts Krishna food to the needy all over at least one case delivering food to a war-torn have grown into the world’s largest Europe says, “Tese meals provide more region after the Red Cross and other agencies vegetarian food relief programs. Tey than just sustenance; they are a means gave up.” include mobile units that serve prasadam to share, connect, and ofer support and —Vegetarian Times, USA to the homeless within major cities and spiritual love to those who need it.” . 29 A Timeless Tradition

A look at the roots of the Hare Krishna Movement by Dr. Ravi M. Gupta. Te Chaitanya Vaishnava or Hare sweetness: a bluish-hued cowherd boy, The Origins Krishna tradition—also known as the color of a monsoon cloud, who It is the aspiration of devotees to re- —is famous for charms His friends and family with His establish their personal relationship its scholarship, refning the practice and beauty, sweet words, and the sound of with Krishna and recover their natural aesthetics of devotion into a sophisticat- His fute. relationship to Him. Tis becomes ed science. Tis devotional movement, Yet Krishna is concerned with only possible by the careful execution of daily the International Society for Krishna one task—to enjoy relationships of love devotional practice, according to rules Consciousness (ISKCON) was con- with His devotees. Every individual has laid down in scripture. structed upon a solid foundation of phil- a unique and personal relationship with Te Chaitanya Vaishnava tradition osophical argument and understanding. Krishna—as a servant, friend, parent, was founded in the early 16th century While all Vaishnavas worship — or beloved. by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu—Krishna hence the term ‘Vaishnava’—Chait- Te exemplars of service in these Himself—who descended to teach anya Vaishnavas repose their devotion relationships are the residents of Vrinda- human beings how to love Him by particularly in Krishna. For them, Lord vana, whose love for Krishna springs not personal example. Within a short Krishna’s (God’s) preeminence does from regard for His majesty, but from period of 48 years, He spread a wave not lie in His majesty, opulence or spontaneous attachment. Te topmost of devotion to Krishna throughout In- power, nor do these awesome attributes of these devotees is Radha, Krishna’s dia, particularly in Bengal, Orissa (now provide enough reason to love Him. Te beloved consort and personal energy, known as Odisha), and Vrindavana. (See Supreme Deity is above all the Lord of who is inseparable from Him. page 36 for more details.)

30 Although Chaitanya Mahaprabhu left only eight verses by way of written work, the movement He inspired produced an astonishing array of poetical, philosophi- cal, and ritual literature glorifying Krishna. Te famous six Gosvamis of Vrin- davana, who were given a mandate by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to systematize and expound His teachings, composed much of the movement’s early canonical literature. One of those Gosvamis, Jiva Gosvami, was said by renowned scholar of Vaishnavism and Bengali literature Janardan Chakravarti to be “One of the Top: Handwritten maha-mantra in greatest of philosophers that India ever Bengali by Bhaktivinoda Thakura. produced.”* Above: A handwritten copy of Chaitanya- Te tradition’s middle period—in the Charitamrita from 1760. 17th and 18th centuries—included such eft fre of ia osai said to e theologians as Vishvanatha Chakravarti, “One of the greatest philosophers that who wrote many books on devotional India ever produced.” aesthetics and poetry, and Baladeva Below: Bhagavat Purana from pre- Vidyabhushana, who wrote the tradi- print era written on palm leaves with tion’s frst complete commentary on the annotations said to be by Chaitanya Vedanta-sutra. Mahaprabhu.

A resurgence of Chaitanya Vaishnavism occurred in Bengal during the 19th and 20th centuries, with the prolifc writ- ing and institutional organization of the learned Bhaktivinoda Takura and Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Takura. Te Chaitanya Vaishnava movement soon spread globally, thanks to the work of ISKCON’s Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He was the specially empowered disciple of Bhaktisiddhanta Far left: 19th century painting showing the ancient Sarasvati Takura, and he translated Ratha-yatra festival at Puri, the same Dr. Ravi M. Gupta is Director of the Religious these canonical scriptures into English, festival ISKCON devotees now perform worldwide. Studies Program and the Charles Redd Endowed Chair of Religious Studies at publishing them with his erudite Above: The Bhaktivedanta Research Centre in Utah State University. A graduate of Oxford commentary. . Kolkata, West Bengal, India, where ancient and University, he is one of many Hare Krishna devotees who hold degrees in theology and * Quotation from the book Bengal Vaisnavism rare manuscripts, preserved using advanced tech- and Sri Chaitanya by Janardan Chakravarti. religious studies from prestigious universities Calcutta: Asiatic Society, 1986. nology, are made available to scholars worldwide. worldwide.

31 Many Faces of ISKCON by Bhakta dasa are Krishnas are not just people who in interfaith organizations; promote wear Indian-style dress and dance eco-friendly practices; support religious Hand sing on the street. Nor do the freedom initiatives; and participate in members of the International Society for government events. Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) all hail from a specifc ethnicity, country, Growing Up gender, or age group. Despite the challenges it has faced, Visitors to ISKCON communities ISKCON’s infuence has been greater fnd young people in jeans and t-shirts than its number of adherents would alongside middle-aged men in robes and suggest. Author Philip Goldberg states ladies of Indian origin in brightly colored in his book American Veda, “A number saris. It’s this diversity that helps many to of early Hare Krishnas became scholars feel at home. whose work constitutes a quiet but important stream of Vedic infuence.” Evolution He continues: “Te Hare Krishnas Since its founding in 1966, ISKCON have probably generated more interest has evolved from a small spiritual in and vegetarianism than organization to a signifcant global any other single source. movement. Observers characterize the “For more than forty years, they have transformation of ISKCON—including been drawing people of all inclinations its progression from a monastic to mostly to their colorful temples, festivals, feasts, lay community—as the sign of a healthy [and] restaurants.” organization that has weathered its frst ISKCON’s evolution was sparked ffty years and is here to stay. partly by changing needs and partly by Burke Rochford, a professor of an exodus of members in the wake of sociology at Middlebury College and serious challenges, including schisms author of Hare Krishna Transformed, and leadership crises, that arose after wrote: “It’s entirely possible these days the passing of ISKCON’s Founder, His that a Hare Krishna could be living next Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami door to you and you wouldn’t know Prabhupada, on 14 November, 1977. it ... Tey’re just now part of the culture “Speaking as a member of the frst in ways that the average person couldn’t generation, we made a lot of mistakes,” have imagined some 35–40 years ago.” says Anuttama dasa, Communications ISKCON’s congregations have Minister for ISKCON and member of been bolstered in many countries by ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission unprecedented numbers of people (GBC). [See sidebar on page 23.] of Indian origin who, looking for a “We were overzealous and failed to care place of authentic Vedic, or Vaishnava for the broader needs of our members, Hindu, worship have also found a home especially families and children. Tose in ISKCON. mistakes alienated many. We have since Krishna devotees of all backgrounds learned to balance our priorities and apply the principles of simple living and incorporate more accountability into high thinking in their lives. our leadership structures,” Anuttama In addition to a daily practice of concludes. chanting and meditating on the Hare Today, with monks and other members Krishna maha-mantra, they voluntarily more involved in mainstream society, refrain from eating meat, gambling, Hare Krishna devotees continue to intoxication, and sex outside marriage. live their lives in a mood of devotion Putting their faith into action, Krishna and service to the Divine in whatever devotees network with vegetarian and walk of life or occupation they choose to animal rights activists; take leadership follow. .

The Kirtana Experience

A proven way to calm the mind and nourish the true self, singing devotional songs, or kirtana, has emerged from India and found its way to the West. ost of us try some form of Kirtana is defned as the singing of The Origins meditation at one time or the holy names of God or devotional Kirtana has been a spiritual practice for Manother. It could be just a few songs glorifying the qualities of God. thousands of years in India. Just over minutes of deep breathing at a yoga Te most powerful mantra for this age 500 years ago Chaitanya Mahaprabhu class, or an activity as simple as sitting is the Hare Krishna maha-mantra: Hare spearheaded the renaissance of chant- still at the beach, watching the waves Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna ing the names of God (see page 36 for roll to the shore. Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, more). He popularized the spiritual Living in the current chaos of mod- Rama Rama Hare Hare. process of this chanting throughout the ern life takes its toll on our mental and Christine Stein, an Iyengar yoga whole of India. physical wellbeing, and increasingly we teacher of many decades in the USA, Sung with time-honored melo- are seeking ways to fnd long-lasting says, “My guru, Srila Prabhupada, frst dies in various tempos, kirtana is peace of mind. Silent meditation is one introduced kirtana in America as early generally accompanied by the mridanga way to relax the busy mind, but have as 1965, singing beautiful melodies to (two-headed Indian drum), kartalas you noticed that it can be difcult glorify the Supreme Truth. People all (small cymbals), and harmonium (key- to reach the stage when the chattering over the country took to this practice. board instrument), as well as by non- inside your head is fnally quiet? And now, ffty years later, those who traditional instruments, like the guitar Te ancient wisdom of India recom- practice yoga (asana and pranayama) or saxaphone. mends that silent meditation is not the have added another level—kirtana!” Kirtana is now part of our main- ideal method for attaining inner peace Like a bridge reaching across bounda- stream vocabulary. It embraces a broad and harmony in these times. In ancient ries of age, gender, religion, and social swathe of modern society as people Vedic texts, this era is known as the ‘age or economic status, kirtana is over- from all walks of life and spiritual of quarrel and hypocrisy’ or Kali-yuga. whelmingly popular. Its attractiveness beliefs fnd joy in group chanting. In short, self-understanding is difcult is due to the deep sense of personal in our turbulent world. spiritual happiness and a feeling of A Positive Encounter unity with others that it creates—a real Kirtana is potent on many levels. Tere’s Connection sense of community. the sense of community, singing with In the restless environment that most of us Carmella Baynie, one of Australia’s “one heart and one voice” age-old mys- experience, the practice of kirtana, the call leading practitioners of kirtana, began tical that purify and elevate the and response singing of mantras, is now a her singing career as a soloist in the soul. Although you can have a kirtana worldwide phenomenon, courtesy of His Latin Church choir at the age of seven. with just one or two people, the efects Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Surrounded by sacred music in her early of chanting in unison where no one is Prabhupada, ISKCON’s founder. years, this planted the seed of attraction just a spectator, but where everyone is a to spiritual sound. participant, is very powerful. “Yoga and meditation are becoming Internationally acclaimed kirtana pro- popular forms of stress release and tools ponent Shri attended his frst that help you detach a little from the kirtana at four years of age. He explains: outside world and discover the deeper “People are looking for tangible, posi- by Krishnarupa devi dasi self,” Carmella says. tive spirituality, and kirtana provides a By singing spiritual songs, the hard tangible, positive spiritual experience. work of silencing the mind becomes “Over the past twenty years, as easier. Te purity of these ancient chants people have become adept in yoga and flls our hearts and helps us reach an experienced the powerful physical and inner focus, free from the stresses of mental benefts of yoga practice, they modern living. have also become curious about the Christine Stein says, “Seekers have spiritual philosophy behind yoga. embraced the ancient practice of asana “Going into that philosophy through (yoga postures) and pranayama (yogic books such as the Bhagavad-gita, they breathing) to bring a natural balance to discover bhakti or devotional love as the the body and mind. However, the study perfection of yoga. Among devotional of yoga is not complete with just the practices, teachers of old have empha- physical practice. sized that kirtana is a most efective “Te age-old yogic texts advise spiritual practice. It involves calling out that we should understand the to the Divine in love, and the chanter A proven way to calm the mind and nourish the true self, singing devotional meaning of our life as well. Tey talk often feels touched by Divine grace.” about pratyahara (seeking inward), Kirtana is inclusive, not exclusive. songs, or kirtana, has emerged from India and found its way to the West. and dharana (concentration), and It’s for young and old, frail or ft. It dhyana (meditation) to experience who crosses the boundaries of religious we really are and to realize something sectarianism and wraps the participant

greater than ourselves.” in an unforgettable experience. . Photo: Antony Brennan 35 congregational chanting, ordering that the clay drums used in accompaniment be broken, hoping to discourage Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His many followers. But the movement soon took to the streets in an early example of peaceful civil disobedience. Hundreds of thou- sands turned out to protest the actions of the kazi. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu led the massive demonstration, and by His humility and spiritual arguments the ruler was convinced to allow the chant- ing to proceed, fnally decreeing that neither he nor his descendants would ever disrupt the sankirtana movement again. At twenty-four, Chaitanya Maha- prabhu accepted the renounced order of life (sannyasa) and spent six years traveling all over India, distributing His message of pure love of God. He spent His fnal eighteen years with His close associates in the holy city of Jagannatha Puri, Orissa (now Odisha).

Practical Process While most religions accept the importance of sacred sounds, hymns or mantras, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Chaitanya, the Golden Avatara ust over ve enturies ao, rishna appeared in the form of presented a complete theology and practical process based on chanting a perfet devotee ho spread pure love of the ivine y hantin Krishna’s holy names. Te process is simple ods holy names. y His Holiness ayapataa ami enough for anyone to practice, but also so powerful that it propels the practitioner n 18 February 1486, Chaitanya Te ancient Vedic texts predicted toward spiritual perfection. Mahaprabhu was born in the holy that God, or Krishna (Krishna means In Mayapur, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Oplace of Mayapur, West Bengal, In- ‘all-attractive’), would personally appear laid the foundation for what would later dia. For His frst twenty-four years, He in this age and propagate the chanting become a global movement. Mayapur resided in His place of birth, where He of the holy names of God. Chaitanya is therefore venerated as a place of deep quickly became a master of Sanskrit Mahaprabhu embodied these predictions spiritual signifcance by devotees of and philosophy. in full, thus He is not only accepted as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. At that time, many brahmanas a great saint and teacher in the bhakti (priests) focused on rituals aimed at tradition, but also as a complete incarna- Future Vision material advancement rather than spir- tion, or avatara, of God Himself. In the late 19th century, one of the fore- itual enlightenment. Tey promoted most exponents of Chaitanya Mahaprab- rigid caste traditions, saying that only Civil Disobedience hu’s bhakti process, Srila Bhaktivinoda brahmanas could perform religious Chaitanya Mahaprabhu began His Takura, had a spiritual vision of a great duties or chant the holy names of God. mission with small sankirtana groups at- temple. One of Srila Prabhupada’s cher- It was in this environment that Chait- tended only by His very close associates. ished desires was that his followers fulfll anya Mahaprabhu began His sankirtana However, caste-conscious brah- this prediction by constructing a unique movement (the congregational chanting manas and others envious of Chait- and wonderful Temple of the Vedic of God’s holy names). He taught that anya Mahaprabhu’s growing infuence Planetarium (TOVP) at the birthplace anyone, regardless of caste, creed or social complained bitterly to the kazi, the of Chaitanya, which would broadcast status, could develop their pure love of Muslim administrator of the region. the glories of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu God through this process of sankirtana. As a result, he tried to prevent the throughout the world (see opposite). .

36 Painting: Muralidhara dasa © BBTI Temple Rising irst predited more than years ao, the emple of the edi lanetarium is no manifestin in splendor near the holy anes iver in ayapur, ndia. rishnarupa devi dasi reports

he Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) ISKCON’s Mayapur project, located near the is a jewel in the crown of ISKCON’s burgeon- confuence of the sacred Ganges River and the Ting spiritual city in Mayapur, approximately similarly holy Jalangi River, began in the early 130km, or 80 miles, north of bustling Kolkata, 1970s with a small plot of land and a handful of West Bengal, India. Already visible from miles devotees—the only building being a simple grass away, the as yet unfnished structure is a surprising hut shared with myriad mosquitoes. It is now an sight amid the lush, peaceful countryside. international community of thousands. Te TOVP and its three imposing the line of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Te three domes, which are the domes powerfully dominate the skyline. Lord Nityananda, as he stood before his dominant features of the structure, are As an indication of its size, Premavatar window and looked across the Jalangi impressive even in their unclad state. Gauranga dasa, Construction Manager toward what is now ISKCON-owned Te central dome at 113m (approxi- of the TOVP, explains, “Once aviation land, had a spiritual vision of a great mately 370ft) has the greatest height and lights are installed on the top of the main temple rising, as described earlier. width compared to many famous dome dome, it is likely to be seen from as far as In order to fulfl these prophecies, structures worldwide, including St Paul’s Kolkata.” His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Cathedral, London, and the Taj Mahal in Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya Agra, India. The Background of ISKCON, often expressed his deep Above the TOVP’s central dome, Why build such an impressive, costly desire that his disciples build a unique a stainless steel kailasha crowned with house of God in rural India? Tere are “Vedic Planetarium” to present the a golden chakra, will be positioned. many reasons: it will cement in the Vedic perspective of life to the public. A kailasha is a traditional, distinc- minds of the many devout who travel to Currently there are approxi- tively shaped spire, and a chakra is the this holy region that their long-held be- mately fve million pilgrims who visit discus representing Lord Vishnu and is a liefs are worthy of such eforts, and it will the temple-rich area annually. With the symbol of protection found on all provide them with accessible information completion of the TOVP, this will Krishna temples. Tese will be covered on the culture and principles of Vedic increase exponentially as guests from in gold titanium nitride, an extremely wisdom (10 million visitors are expected India and around the world fock to see robust material often used as coating annually once completed). Ten there this spectacular building. to improve the substrate’s surface are the prophecies: Lord Nityananda, properties. It is said to last “forever,” Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s foremost A Sight to Behold in the words of the project’s Managing associate, predicted more than fve After many obstacles—including a Director, Sadbhuja dasa. centuries ago that a magnifcent tem- long architectural gestation phase— Te concrete domes will be covered ple would be built in this holy place of at the time of writing the TOVP has in highly durable, weather-resistant, pilgrimage. Ten, Srila Bhaktivinoda reached completion of Phase 1, with the custom-made, ‘robin’s egg blue’ Takura, the great saint and scholar in superstructure almost completed. ceramic tiles, with GRC (Glass Clockwise from left: An artist’s impres- sio of the fished Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP); international artists work patiently on intricate sculptures for the temple; one of the massive decorative cornices that will embellish the structure.

Reinforced Concrete) ribs and ornate from Vietnam will form three of the four Tis one-of-a-kind chandelier is a golden ceramic Fabergé-style decorative impressive altars. Te fourth altar will be moving 3-D model and in itself will work. composed of dramatic black granite and be a structural feat of engineering. In addition to the three domes, white marble with gold accents. Explanations and displays will also there are the eight chatris (‘umbrella’- be presented describing how these like structures) facing the diferent Pièce de Résistance movements correspond to the visible directions. Tese are designed in the When visitors enter the TOVP, they will universe and beyond. traditional Bengali architectural style view the world’s largest chandelier, a and will also be in robin’s egg blue with gigantic rotating model of the universe The Journey Continues golden embellishments. approximately 60m (196ft) high by 30m Te TOVP is a unique project, Two huge mosaics, depicting (98ft) diameter. Te ‘chandelier’ will combining ancient knowledge with Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord demonstrate the structure of the universe modern technology to serve as a lasting, Nityananda, respectively, will decorate with the planets moving through their inspiring reminder of the glorious the face of the front chatris. orbits according to ancient descriptions. traditions it represents. When completed, the TOVP will cover “Tis mechanical chandelier with Srila Prabhupada desired a state-of- approximately 30 acres. Grand gardens, articulated mechanisms will be a the art temple in honor of his spiritual fountains, ponds, and outdoor artwork grand cosmographic display and will preceptors and one that would draw peo- will enhance the beauty of the temple. function as an intricate timepiece ple from around the world to be given Te exterior walls will be clad in high- exhibiting the movements of the the opportunity for a spiritual education. quality marble and sandstone in shades heavenly bodies as well as a rep- It is indeed an undeniably ambitious of blue, white, and gold. resentation of the higher realms project, but, as Srila Prabhupada said, Inside the structure, royal blue of the cosmic manifestation,” says “My idea is to attract the whole world to marble from Bolivia and white marble Sadbhuja. Mayapur.” .

Photos: © TOVP 39 Back to Basics The modest things in life often make us happier than the complex trappings of modernity. Clean air, fresh food and water, good friends, and being in touch with nature lift the spirits, while mass industrialization and over-populated cities have created an ecological crisis. Kalakantha dasa explores some alternative solutions for our troubled planet. t’s clear that we are sufering from hazards such as pollution, climate Ichange, a worldwide fnancial cri- sis, an increase in the price of food, and a clear decrease in the biodiversity that nature ofers to sustain its inhabitants. Dr. Peter Doran is a renowned scholar in environmental law from the Univer- sity of Belfast. In June 2013, at a meeting we held at the university on ISKCON’s sustainability activities, he said in refer- ence to developed countries, “We be- lieved that simply by the exploration of other countries and fnancial speculation we would be in a good situation, but now with the [environmental] crisis we are not so sure.” Ireland, for example, bases its economy on exports and dedicates eighty per cent of its land to pasture grounds for the dairy and the beef industry. Only nine per cent of their soils are dedicated to crop production. Such policies contrib- uted to Ireland’s current economic crisis. But a change of behavior is possible— during crises, decision makers hunt for working models. For example, Cuba went through such a rethinking pro- cess during the oil crisis. Driven by city hunger, urban farming spread like wild fre and the practice survives to this day.

ISKCON & Sustainable Agriculture In the past 40 years ISKCON has celebrated as a highly branched out in several farming commu- sustainable eco-village in nities and eco-villages around the globe. Hungary. Many ISKCON members in the early Krishna Valley draws 1970s made the move ‘back to the land.’ 30,000 visitors and eco- One of the very frst ISKCON proper- tourists annually as they ties was New Vrindaban, just outside seek to connect with a Moundsville, West Virginia. community based on a “When New Vrindaban was found- peaceful, environmentally ed, we used ox carts for transportation, conscious lifestyle. just like people use in India. We grew Krishna Valley has devel- our own food and had our own dairy. oped varous aspects of the Later, however,” said Malati devi dasi, sustainable paradigm, such as holding its Clockwise from left: Cows, bulls, one of the early members of ISKCON, own currency, having a recognized cow and bullocks are protected from “the focus of the community shifted protection center, organic agriculture, birth to end of life in ISKCON; from agriculture.” efcient water and waste management volunteers in the vegetable patch Tis was a phenomenon that was as well as providing for child and adult replicated in various other ISKCON education. in Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK; farms as their main attention turned to Te community also cares for cows and cows resting in one of ISKCON’s other aspects of the movement’s mission. oxen, and is self-reliant in grains, vegeta- comfortable cowsheds; harvest However, a silent revival of ‘back to the bles, and fruits. time—working with the bullocks. land’ is taking place in many locations. Some European leaders see Krishna One of them is Krishna Valley, a 270- Valley as a model to fght many eco- hectare property only two hours drive logical and economical disorders. Teir from Budapest, Hungary. Tis farming example has inspired a farm conference community, established in 1993, is in Europe, now in its eighth year.

Photo: Urvasi devi dasi 41 Above: Govardhana Eco Village, Wada India. Left: Students of Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur, India, form close bonds with animals in their care.

family, so they established ‘Govardhana Farms,’ where they produce organic vegetables and supply part of the ISKCON Toronto community in Canada. Like them, there are many others around the world taking up such initiatives. Visionaries who are trying to show the benefts of a conscious spiritual life connected to the land and the cows— or ‘spiritual ecology’—are making this silent move. Eco-farming in ISKCON is grow- ing in focus. Across the globe there are many other active movements like Photo: Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur the permaculture network, organic Another eco-friendly farm is Gita and receives hundreds of visitors every farming, eco villages associations, and Nagari in Port Royal, Pennsylvania, USA. month who go there to study yoga, eco NGOs doing the important work of As the very frst certifed slaughter-free farming, leadership, and to receive bringing about a responsible conscious- dairy in the country, Gita Nagari’s Cream- spiritual guidance. ness. Terefore, ISKCON is currently ery is Grade B (raw milk) certifed by the In Australia, northern New South working to build a network to connect Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Wales, the 1000-acre ISKCON prop- with some of these endeavors. Tis means that it is legally allowed to erty called ‘New Govardhana’ is growing Sustainable Vaishnava Commu- distribute raw milk for public consump- food all year around, and the much-loved nities (SVC), headed by ISKCON tion within the state of Pennsylvania. cows provide rich, creamy milk. member Bhakti Raghava Swami, is one Govardhan Eco Village in Maharash- Tere is provision to stay for a short such network that invites leaders of these tra, India, is another successful com- visit or longer, with a popular interna- ISKCON settlements to join hands to munity. Te ffty-acre property lies at tional WWOOFer (Willing Workers on make the change. the foothills of the Sahyadri Mountains, Organic Farms) program in place like Many believe that if we can prove approximately 112km (seventy miles) many of ISKCON’s other rural commu- spiritual ecology on a local level, it will from Mumbai. Tey have helped more nities. Te farm’s WWOOFer program also work on a larger scale. As the cost of than 200 neighbouring impoverished hosts a number of young travelers who living becomes even harder to cope with, farmers to improve their standard and use the opportunity to become familiar more may see farming as the answer to an quality of living by teaching them how with a new culture and way of life. increasingly difcult life. to be self-sufcient through the practices Finally it’s the story of food cutting of organic farming. What the Future Holds across age, creed and cradle in a spiritual Govardhana Eco Village currently Tere are other examples on a smaller thread that sustains the path to a spirit- holds prizes on eco solutions, and has scale, but with equally dramatic efects. ually balanced existence. also established a community school, a Phil and Sukhayanti dasi, for instance, In the words of Srila Prabhupada, “Let temple, a retreat, a training center for are a new couple expecting their frst everyone chant Hare Krishna, eat nicely young monks, and a college. Te project child. Tey decided that the city was not and keep their bodies ft and healthy. promotes the culture of spiritual care, a place where they would like to raise a Tis is an ideal lifestyle.” . © kaninstudio / Dollar Photo Club 42 here are many discussions about and communities. It seems we have not Love & War climate change and the world’s lack yet evolved a system to handle such issues It is with that hope that these age- Tof environmental consciousness, but peacefully on a large scale. old scriptures give advice. Tese principles, equally troubling is the continual strife If we can create conficts, why can’t we motivated by creation of a better, of war. resolve them? What’s the problem? Ancient peaceful self and a better, peaceful world, However, unlike climatic problems Indian spiritual texts, such as the Srimad- can be ensconced within us. However, and their efect on the long-term health Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, ofer they must be established much deeper of the planet, war has always been there. four core principles to cure this warring than the counter principles of greed, It is nothing new. It was there ffty human condition: honesty, purity (lack exploitation, and hatred. years ago, a 100 years ago, and several of lust, anger, and greed), a simple life- Tese ancient writings propose two thousand years ago. Perhaps we just hear style, and compassion. deeper levels: soul and God. When we and see more on a daily basis due to Society can function properly when connect with the Supreme, the four communication advances. its members follow these four principles. principles are easily established in the Can anyone envisage fghting if both soul and spread to the mind, body, and nict Restin parties have truthful information, lack of action in the world. Operating in a group Since there are continuous wars, the lust, anger, and greed, a sense of simplic- of individuals, these core principles implication is that it is difcult to ity, and respect for all life? create the basis for a peaceful nation and prevent them. Even the United Nations As individuals we need to cultivate a peaceful world. itself does not have a successful record at these principles frst, so that in turn Tis also naturally creates a solution resolving conficts. they will also govern the countries where for the environmental problem: we no Wars arise from many causes: econom- we live. Te main problem of course lies longer act as the earth’s adversary, what ics, religion, nationalism, and the desire in implementing the principles within to speak of another nation’s. When we for proft. But behind these hide greed, us. However, we can learn to change respect the earth as well as all its fear, hatred, and anger of both individuals our habits. inhabitants, confict and war against one another and the exploitation of Mother Earth are no longer viable options. .

Climate of War By Bhanu Swami Global warming is a topic on everyone’s lips, but what about global warring?

43 A World of Festi vals

n the Vaishnava tradition that Hare variety that piques the interest of any biggest religious festivals in the world, it Krishna devotees follow, almost every newcomer. If you haven’t already been to is celebrated by almost a billion people I day can become a festival. Devotees one of these occasions, you are cordially around the globe. try to please God by ofering the best invited to attend one. Festivities begin before dawn and of everything with love. In a mood of continue throughout the day until mid- sharing, they organize many festivals for Krishna’s Birthday night, the time of Krishna’s birth. All everyone to enjoy. ‘Janmashtami’ commemorates the birth- but the young, infrm, or very old fast Most of these events are celebrated day of Krishna in this world. Krishna all day. Devotees celebrate with kirtana according to the lunar calendar and may is declared in the ancient Vedic texts of (singing God’s names) and japa (pri- fall on diferent days each year—a wide India to be God Himself. One of the vate prayer on beads); performance of

44 A World of Festi vals Photo: Keshava das Far left: At a festival in the Ukraine. Left: ISKCON’s Ratha-yatra parades feature in major cities around the world. Above: Kids love to dress up. elo e ors nestan ofer enjoying the festive spirit.

Around the globe, devotees of Krishna host wonderful festivals celebrated by people from all walks of life. By Bhakti devi dasi drama and dance; recitation of sacred scriptures; the special bathing of the deity forms of Krishna and Srimati Radharani, the feminine aspect of God (see page 55 for more on deity worship); decorating the deities in new clothing, jewelry, and fragrant fower garlands; and serving a multi- course vegetarian feast of sanctifed food (prasadam) eaten just after midnight.

45 Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Advent Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is an incarna- tion, or , who is actually Krishna Himself in the guise of a devotee. He taught love of God and emphasized that this love should be distributed to everyone. He appeared on earth in 1486, and those who witnessed His activities write how they saw Him dance and chant with ecstatic love for God, the likes of which had never been seen before. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu inaugurated the Krishna conscious- ness movement and encouraged every- one to follow this same process. His birthday, called ‘Gaura Purnima’— the golden full moon—is one of ISKCON’s primary annual festivals.

Radharani’s Birthday Radhastami is the birthday of Srimati Radharani, the eternal consort of Krishna. Radha is an expansion of Krishna Himself and the mother of all souls. On this day Radha and Krishna are usually decorated with Above: Festivals involve a great deal of planning and preparation behind the scenes. colorful clothing made entirely of fresh Here devotees and guests string garlands for festival decorations. fowers. Where jasmine vines are bloom- ing, the altar is decorated with Radha’s favorite jasmine fowers. As Radha is the date back thousands of years to Jagan- Kirtana Mela most dear to Krishna, on this occasion natha Puri, India. Te deity is seated on Kirtana, group singing of the names of devotees pray to Her to bless them with a gigantic wooden chariot, and a crowd Krishna, is popular and publicly recog- more service to Her beloved Krishna. pulls the vehicle with long ropes in pro- nized (see page 34 for more on kirtana). cession—symbolically pulling God back Each year many kirtana melas, or gather- Govardhana into their hearts and to Vrindavana. ings, are organized in ISKCON temples In this festival, especially popular with Ratha-yatra was frst introduced in and public venues around the globe. children, Govardhana Hill, which fg- the West by His Divine Grace A.C. Tese sometimes last from six hours to all ures greatly in Krishna’s pastimes on Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the day, and occasionally for several days with earth, is worshiped. Govardhana Hill founder of ISKCON, in San Francisco periods of intermittent rest. supplied the residents of the holy Indian in 1967. In various creative ways, ISKCON village of Vrindavana with all their needs Te Ratha-yatra festival is now cel- devotees organize such festivals to in the form of grains and grasses for ebrated in many countries, with free celebrate chanting Krishna’s name and the people and the cows. entertainment and exhibits at the end to increase awareness of the benefts In ISKCON temples, attendees of the parade, culminating in a delicious of the chanting. By absorption in walk, dance, and sing around a sym- vegetarian feast, often for thousands. chanting the names of God, hearts bolic Govardhana Hill, covered with and minds become purifed and all cooked grains and diferent varie- International Festivals of India participants experience their true selves, ties of sweets. Te food is ofered to Troughout the year, various Hare Krish- devoid of false ego. Krishna with love and devotion then na Festivals of India are held worldwide. distributed to delighted guests. Often they are linked with local public And There’s More events. ISKCON members showcase Te events described here are just a Festival of Chariots Vedic culture in a presentation of few on the devotees’ annual calendar. Te Festival of Chariots, or Ratha-yatra, theatrical performances, poetry, art, Other festivals include Rama Na- honors Lord Jagannatha, a manifestation song, and dance. Most famous of these vami, the birthday of Lord Rama; of Krishna. (Jagannatha means ‘Lord are the Polish Woodstock Tour and the Snana Yatra, when Lord Jagannatha of the Universe.’) Te festival’s origins Festival of India in the USA. is bathed with various liquids such

46 Left: In New York, everybody gets involved in the festivals. Below left: Festival goers at Poland’s Woodstock Festival get into the groove.

Above: Three young girls take time out for a quick photo as they prepare for a festival drama performance.

as milk, ghee, yoghurt, and honey; gather people together and share Diwali—the Festival of Lights—the the richness of spiritual life in Krishna celebration of the return of Lord consciousness. Rama to His kingdom; Go-puja, a spe- Readers are welcome to join festivities at cial day dedicated to honoring Lord their nearest ISKCON centre. Visit www. Krishna’s cows; and Srila Prabhupada’s and click on the ‘Connect’ Puja, the birthday of ISKCON’s tab for a temple near you. Regardless of Founder. Many temples also now educational qualifcations, background include Holi, the Festival of Colors, or religion, anyone can dance, sing, and as it gives devotees the opportunity to enjoy sumptuous vegetarian food! . 47 The Finely Tuned Universe Modern science provides evidence that numbers and ratios appear to be fnely tuned to enable life to eist in our universe. But Michael A. Cremo argues that it oversteps its boundaries when it claims to have answered questions about the origins of life.

here did we come from? life self-organizing from chemicals Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Today, the most common early in the earth’s history. wrote, “Te Vedic histories—the Pura- W answer to that important Darwinists say that humans like us nas and —relate human question comes from Charles Darwin came into existence between 100,000– histories that extend millions and mil- and his modern supporters. Accord- 200,000 years ago. Before this, they lions of years into the past.” (Srimad- ing to them, we have come into exist- say there were only more primitive Bhagavatam 4.29.42–44, purport). ence as a result of a purely materialistic apelike human ancestors. Te founder In Forbidden Archeology, a book process of evolution that began with of ISKCON, His Divine Grace A.C. I co-authored with Richard L. Tompson, I document extensive because of a process of knowledge ample, in the 19th century, gold was evidence in the form of human fltration that operates in the world discovered in California. To extract it, bones, human footprints, and human of science. Evidence that conforms miners dug tunnels into the sides of artifacts, showing that humans like to the Darwinian theory of human mountains, such as Table Mountain ourselves have inhabited the earth evolution passes through this social in Tuolumne County. Deep inside the for millions of years, just as the and intellectual flter very easily, but tunnels, in deposits of early Eocene age ancient Sanskrit writings of India tell evidence that radically contradicts the (about ffty million years old), min-

us. Tis evidence is not very well known Darwinian theory does not. For ex- ers found human bones and artifacts. © kojihirano/Dollar Photo Club “In other words, if the fats did ot ft the theor of human evolution, the facts had to be set aside, ad that is eatl what happened.”

consciousness and the mind may contin- ue to exist after the brain has ceased to function and the body is clinically dead.” © Where does the soul go after the death Above: In the 19th century gold miners dug into Table Mountain in Tuolumne County, of the material body? If the soul has not become completely God-conscious, it California, where they found human bones and artifacts in deposits of early Eocene will enter another material body, in the ae, aout fty million years old. (Photograph for illustrative purposes only.) cycle of reincarnation. According to Vedic knowledge, the soul can in the Dr. J. D. Whitney, the chief govern- a new explanation, an explanation based process of reincarnation evolve through ment geologist of California, in his on information found in the ancient diferent kind of bodies, achieving high- book Te Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Sanskrit writings and the teachings of er and higher levels of consciousness. Nevada of California, published by Srila Prabhupada. Te soul moves from one body to Harvard University in 1880, care- Before we ask, “Where did human another; it is not that the body is trans- fully documented the discoveries. But beings come from?” we should frst of forming. Darwin’s theory that the body we do not hear very much about these all ask the question, “What is a human is transforming is not correct. discoveries today. In the Smithsonian In- being?” Today most scientists assume stitution Annual Report for 1898–1899 that a human being is simply a combi- Intelligent Design (p. 424), anthropologist William Holmes nation of ordinary chemical elements. So there is an evolution of the soul, not said, “Perhaps if Professor Whitney had However, it is more reasonable, based an evolution of one kind of body from fully appreciated the story of human on available scientifc evidence, to start another. Material bodies are vehicles evolution as it is understood today, he with the assumption that a human be- for conscious selves, souls, in the world would have hesitated to announce the ing is composed of something more than of matter. conclusions formulated, notwithstand- the chemical elements. Within the body Tese vehicles are designed and ing the imposing array of testimony with is the conscious self. Matter does not created by God. If we study the bodies of which he was confronted.” produce this conscious self; it can exist living things on the biomolecular level, In other words, if the facts did not ft separately from the material body. we fnd a level of complexity that points the theory of human evolution, the facts Evidence for a conscious self to intelligent design. had to be set aside, and that is exactly that can exist apart from mind and Te conscious self, the soul, has its what happened. matter comes from medical reports of origin beyond the world of matter. It Although this kind of evidence for out of body experiences (OBEs). For is meant to exist in the spiritual world. extreme human antiquity contradicts example, in February 2001, a team But if a conscious self is not ft to the current Darwinian theory of hu- from the University of Southampton, exist in the spiritual world, there must be man evolution, it doesn’t tell us anything in the UK, published a study on OBEs some place for it to act in forgetfulness about the origin of human beings. Tese in cardiac arrest patients in the journal of its real nature. Tis suggests that the discoveries simply tell us that we need a Resuscitation (v. 48, pp. 149–156). universe of our experience should show new explanation for human origins. Dr. Sam Parnia, a senior research signs that it was designed by a higher fellow at this university, headed the intelligence for accommodating human The Truth of Humanity team. On 16 February 2001, a report life and other forms of life. In Human Devolution: A Vedic Alterna- published on the university’s website Modern cosmology does provide tive to Darwin’s Teory, I set forth such said that the work of Dr. Parnia “suggests evidence for this. Scientists have now

50 The cell is now understood to be an elaborate sste of olelar ahier that srasses a oder it i oleit —Richard L. Thompson © Paulista/Dollar Photo Club discovered that numbers, representing at least six fundamental physical constants and ratios of natural forces, appear to be fnely tuned for life to exist in our universe. Astronomer Sir Martin Rees considers six of these numbers to be especially signifcant. In his book Just Six Numbers (2000, pp. 3–4), he says, “Tese six numbers consti- tute a ‘recipe’ for a universe. Moreover, the outcome is sensitive to their values: if any one of them were to be ‘untuned’, there would be no stars and no life.” Tere are three main explanations for the apparent fne-tuning of the physical constants and laws of nature: simple chance, many worlds, and some intelligent providential creator. Many

cosmologists admit that the odds against ©lulu/Dollar Photo Club & © torwaiphoto/Dollar the fne-tuning are too extreme for a simple chance to be ofered as a cred- of the fundamental constants and laws Above: Evidence for a conscious self that ible scientifc explanation. To avoid the of nature are in fact diferent than those can exist apart from mind and matter conclusion of a providential designer, in our universe. oes fro edial reorts of ot of od they have posited the existence of an Te Vedic cosmology also speaks experiences. A report suggested that almost unlimited number of universes, of many universes, but all of them are osiosess ad the id a otie each with the values of fundamental designed and created by God for life. to eist after the od is liiall dead constants and laws of nature adjusted in We are not just machines made of t .JDIBFM " $SFNP‰BMPOH XJUI 3JDIBSE a diferent way. And we just happen to molecules in an accidental universe, Tompson (both ISKCON members)—is live in the one universe with everything as many scientists now believe. We are co-author of the book Forbidden Archeology, adjusted correctly for the existence of eternal conscious selves, placed in bodies which documents archeological evidence con- human life. in a universe designed by God to enable sistent with the accounts of extreme human But these other universes have only a us to do either of two things: act out our antiquity found in the , the Vedic historical theoretical existence, and even if their selfsh desires to exploit matter in forget- writings. He is also author of Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Teory. His most existence could be physically demon- fulness of God or act in such a way as to recent book is My Science, My Religion, a strated, you would further have to show restore consciousness to its original pure collection of 24 papers Cremo has presented at that in these other universes the values state, Krishna consciousness. . major international scientifc conferences. 51 Devotees of Lord Krishna deeply immerse themselves in an artistic lifestyle of spiritual music, dance, design, and drama. By Bhaktimarga Swami and Damodara Pandita dasa. Krishna Culture evotees of Krishna practice Founder-Acharya, passed away in bhakti-yoga, or connection to 1977. Today, Krishna devotees around DGod through spiritual actions. the world continue this powerful One of the many ways to express this phenomenon of engaging the arts to devotion is through the arts, such as promote spiritual awakening. painting, drama, poetry, singing God’s holy names, dancing—the list goes on. The Dramatic Arts Even in ordinary life we use the arts Te essential principle behind bhakti, to celebrate love and devotion. When or the yoga of devotion, is to channel family and friends visit we ofer them our talents and use them in a mood of the best cuisine, and most celebrations service to the Divine. Srila Prabhupada feature beautiful music and dancing. would recognize these diferent skills and Ancient Vedic literature describes the guide his disciples on how to use them spiritual realm as a place where “every in Krishna consciousness. For example, step is a dance and every word is a song.” he encouraged theater that portrayed Evoking this mood, Krishna devo- the messages of the great sages of India, incarnations of Krishna, as well as parodies tees endeavor to make the arts including the use of the comedic art. of modern life. Another show, ‘Te Mag- a part of their daily lives in an ‘Te Players’ troupe ic India Festival’ is now touring the world expression of love for God. was formed early in ISKCON’s and enlivening audiences from all walks Propagating ways of how to re- history. It presented a beautiful repertoire, of life with its medley of entertainment. ignite our original relationship with including a masterful rendition of the Such dramatic presentations convey Krishna (God) through the arts famous epic, ’s . In the principles of spiritual life in capti- has continued steadily after His the UK, ‘Te Bhaktivedanta Players’ has vating ways and show the relevance of Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta delighted audiences with classical and Krishna consciousness to contemporary Swami Prabhupada, ISKCON’s contemporary pieces portraying the audiences.

52 At left: A scene from a dramatic performance of the ancient Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, which features stories of Krishna and His devotees.

is gaining a diferent perspective of what constitutes art and spirituality.

The Art of Cooking Cooking is held in such high esteem that it is considered to be one of the Vedic arts. Inspired by Srila Prabhupada, who was a great chef and gracious host, ISKCON members have continued this tradition of hospitality with vegetarian meals that are healthy, tasty, and beauti- fully presented. Te hundreds of Krishna temples and Krishna restaurants world- wide are popular eating destinations for millions. What sets these meals apart is the fact that all the preparations are ofered frst to Krishna. Tus sanctifed, they become prasadam, or God’s mercy.

Design Devotees of Krishna could be called the ‘aesthetic’ ascetics. Traditionally yogis and sages generally lived in remote forests or caves, but bhakti-yogis use the visual arts and creative design to build pleasing environments for both Krishna and the many visitors to His temples. Many ISKCON temples re- fect innovative architecture (see page 8 to learn more about some of ISKCON’s purpose-built temples). Inside these temples you can view many striking paintings of Krishna and His transcendental realm. Tese paint- ings, created by talented devotee artists, Photo: David Crick are considered windows into the Dance Manipuri style dance academies also ofer spiritual world. In addition to kirtana (devotional unique presentations of spiritual culture singing) and theater, dance always while providing opportunities for the Writing & Poetry takes center stage at ISKCON festi- artists to explore their devotional talents. Te devotees of Krishna are always keen vals. Te various styles of traditional Te profoundly rich Vedic literatures to recite Krishna’s all-attractive qualities. dance, like Bharatanatyam, are taught have proven excellent source material Tey do this through song, poetry, and in schools such as the Bhakti Kalalayam where practically every page could eas- other recitations. Dance Academy of devotional dance in ily fnd its way onto the stage in some Tis includes studying the works of great Florida, founded by Anapayani dasi, a shape or form. Experiencing these arts devotee scholars and poets of the past, such lifelong devotee of Krishna. ISKCON’s of devotional performance, the world as the dramas of , whose

53 Clockwise from left: One of the beautiful paintings that decorate the walls of a temple in Hungary; the MOSA gallery in Florence, Italy, focuses on devotional artwork; traditional dance allows these devotees the chance to express their talents.

Yadubara dasa and his wife, Vishaka devi dasi, traveled the world photographing and flming Srila Prabhupada. Yadubara’s latest flm,

Photo: Bhakti devi dasi Acharya, documents Prabhupada’s life and legacy. Tese photographs, recordings, and Lalita Madhava and Vidhagya Madhava are flms are a valuable addition to the legacy considered artistic pieces of pure revelation. of the Hare Krishna Movement. Other documentaries include Modern Media Yadubara’s Vrindavana, Land of Krishna Bhakti-yoga is not limited to using and Rescuing the Stolen River, by Krisz- only traditional art forms as devotional tina Danka, which documents the eforts oferings. Srila Prabhupada taught that to save the sacred Yamuna River from everything could be utilized in the environmental degradation. service of God. As such, he was , a senior practical in employing modern means member of ISKCON, produced a popu- to help express the culture of devotion. lar series aired on Indian TV on the life Nowadays, ISKCON devotees worldwide of Srila Prabhupada called Abhay Charan. contribute devotional content in all forms With the proliferation of mass

Photo: Antony Brennan of modern media. ISKCON members media and the internet, numerous devotional oferings including cartoons, The Museum of Sacred Art music clips, short flms, and presentations The Museum of Sacred Art (MOSA) at unded chiefy y artin urvich are also available., for in- ISKCON’s Radhadesh, Durbuy, near (Mahaprabhu dasa), its founding direc- stance, is a live website based in Mayapur, Brussels, opened in 2009 with a focus tor, the MOSA collection has been India. It streams devotional activity on the traditional and living arts of India diligently built during his visits to India from all around the world. Te site also revolving around devotion to God. over the years. With work by masters records and stores festivals like Mayapur’s Set within the campus of a beautiful and young artists, MOSA has more annual Kirtana Mela, a four-day spiritual 19th-century chateau near the historic than 1000 works of art. There are music festival. Websites like Mayapur. town in the Belgian Ardennes, it now paintings, sculptures, photography, tv are also active distributors of the includes contemporary Indian art from and digital and video art in the col- devotional arts and share live feeds, across diferent siritual traditions and lection representing major spiritual footage, and fles to a global audience. faiths. The museum has also opened a traditions of the world. Gurvich notes: In all of the arts by devotees of branch in Italy at ISKCON’s Villa Vrinda- “I hope that interfaith dialogue will Krishna, whether it is dance, paintings, vana near lorence where a manifcent also be encouraged through the arts.” sculpture, drama, or cooking, the main villa is being transformed to house MOSA. ( focus is always to expand the glories of God in an appealing and artistic way. . 54 Divine Forms Since antiquity, devotees of Lord Krishna have worshiped deity forms according to ancient principles. Nrsimha Kavaca dasa and Antony Brennan explain why …

f you’ve been to a Hare Krishna temple What is Deity Worship? help those in the beginning stage of you may have noticed everyone paying Deity worship is a form of devo- spiritual practice to use their Iattention to what appears to be statues tional service, or bhakti-yoga, which senses in the service of God. Tey say the on an altar in the temple room. You may provides a means of using all of our following are the fve principal activities: have wondered what it was all about— senses in the service of the Supreme why are these fgures dressed so opulently Person, God. 1. Hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam (a pri- and why is someone ringing a bell and Te Vedic scriptures tell us that mary scripture of the bhakti tradition). waving objects, like fowers and incense, deity worship is the art and science of 2. Associating with persons advanced in in front of these forms? ofering various items as an act of spiritual life. Tis is deity worship or the worship worship to God, or Krishna, in His in- 3. Living in a sacred place. of divine forms, a practice rooted in the carnation, or manifestation, as the deity. 4. Chanting the holy names of God. ancient scriptures and culture of India. Deity worship is not idolatry. We do not 5. Serving the deity form of God with While this form of worship is common worship wood or stone. Te form of great faith. in India, deity worship is not isolated the deity is an authorized incarnation of to any one region of the world. We also Krishna and it is He who is the object of Practicing these fve items assures see the forms of Lord Jesus Christ and our worship. rapid advancement in devotional life, various saints in the Christian tradi- culminating in pure love for Krishna. Te tion being revered. Some branches of Why do we Worship Deities? spiritual predecessors explain that these Christianity also honor relics or items Spiritual predecessors in the bhakti fve principal activities have great power. associated with Jesus Christ or great saints. tradition describe many activities that Even without faith in these time-honored

55 practices, a person can begin to experi- ence love of Krishna by even a slight connection with them.

Can God be in a Deity? Krishna presents Himself before His worshipers in fve diferent mani- festations: His original form as Krishna; His expansions who create the universe; His various earthly incarnations; the in-dwelling Lord in everyone’s heart; and the deity. Because we have material senses we are unable to perceive the tran- scendental form of God. Terefore, to show compassion on us Krishna agrees to appear in an authorized form that we can serve—such as in stone, metal, wood, or even in a painting. Te following allegory explains how this is possible. If we place our letters in an ofcial mailbox on the street, we know our letters will reach their destina- tion. But if we place them in a box not

56 Clockwise from left: The deity of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in Mayapur, India; Radha Gopinatha in Sydney, Australia; children hai f i a deit festial ower etals are showering the deities in a special ceremony; devotees adorning the deities.

authorized by the post ofce, our letters will not reach their destination. Similarly, God has an authorized representation in the deity form, which is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord. God accepts our service through that form and is happy to

reciprocate in a loving exchange with us. Photo: Bhakti devi dasi

The Focus of Temple Life seen that by such services worshipers In 1969, Srila Prabhupada installed Life in ISKCON communities develop a very personal and loving ISKCON’s frst Radha-Krishna deities revolves around the deities. ISKCON relationship with their deities, (the forms of Krishna and His eternal con- devotees—whether congregational caring for them with devotion, ofering sort Srimati Radharani) in the Los Angeles members or those living directly in an them new clothing, food, and fnancial temple. Over a period of several months ISKCON temple—keep the deity as the contributions to be used in the deities’ Prabhupada intensively trained his center of their lives and spiritual practice. service. Many ISKCON devotees also students in all facets of devotional service, As much as possible, ISKCON worship deities in their own homes, keep- including deity worship and established devotees visit their local temple daily ing Krishna in the center of their lives. the standards of worship for ISKCON or weekly, where they ofer prayers and temples all over the globe. other services to the deities. Each day Deity Worship Standards Since that time, ISKCON has many ceremonies are held where the dei- Te Vedic art and science of deity established a Deity Worship Ministry ties are ofered a variety of articles, such worship was frst introduced by ISKCON to guide and inspire devotees to as incense, fresh water, and fowers. into countries outside India in 1967, achieve high standards of wor- Elaborate vegetarian meals are pre- when His Divine Grace A.C. Bhakti- ship. Most of these standards are pared several times daily in the temple vedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder- enumerated in the revered book, kitchen and are frst ofered to the deity Acharya of ISKCON, instructed his -bhakti-vilasa, which was written and then distributed as prasadam, disciples to begin worshiping the deity in centuries ago by the great scholar and or sanctifed food. Over time it is San Francisco. saint Sri . .

57 Crossing my prayer to my Lord whohasadopted thisdifferent emblemthatHemay increase my love toward Him…” God in a different form than that of mine … I bow down with prostration before His emblem as I see here and I offer we should stay there in a respectful mood, “When we have the occasion to be present at the place of worship of other religionists at the time of their worship, contemplating thus:

different creeds, writes The Hare Krishnas actively bridge the divide between Bounda —Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, ‘Here is being worshiped

Anuttama dasa. Introduction to ries my adorable Sri-Chaitanya-Siksamrita highest entity,

Photo: Courtesy of Marc Gascoigne of Lambeth Palace. oday’s news is full of gruesome the mission is the same—to lead people stories of interreligious persecu- to God consciousness … sometimes He Ttion, confict, and full-scale war. descends personally and sometimes He It’s enough to cause many of us to reject sends … His son or servant.” religion altogether. Who needs a set of Many great teachers, especially in the creeds that simply leads to sectarianism, Vaishnava lineage, have taught respect bigotry, and violence? and appreciation for the diversity of What is the Hare Krishna opinion on religions in the world, seeing them as these problems? Well, we don’t agree that diferent expressions of a spiritual search religions or religious values per se are in the awakening of spiritual identity. in confict, although there are certainly In ISKCON, we put this belief into many diferences between religious ten- practice in many ways, including our ets and beliefs. support of interfaith eforts globally. For We see that major conficts between re- instance, in Europe and the USA, ligions primarily arise when leaders mis- ISKCON members serve as leaders within use religious beliefs and practices to drive the international organization Religions wedges between people and incite rivalry for Peace. and confict. It is the drive for political, In Australia, members of ISKCON are military, economic, and other gains that active with the Faith Community Coun- leads to confict—not religion itself. cil of Victoria and serve as chaplains at local hospitals. In Argentina, devotees A Common Purpose participate in the Mendoza Interfaith Te Hare Krishna, or Vaishnava, Council. In Germany, they represent tradition teaches that the great religious at the University of Ham- traditions of the world have the shared burg’s Academy of World Religions. “ISKCON’s members are encouraged purpose of helping us fnd happiness In Washington, DC, ISKCON has to be respectful to people of faith from based on spiritual knowledge and self- hosted prominent scholars, priests, and other traditions and to see the need for realization and awakening our love of the ministers over the past twenty years at people of diferent faiths to work togeth- Divine. Te Bhagavad-gita, one of the an annual two-day Vaishnava-Christian er for the beneft of society as a whole.” main ancient texts that the Hare Krishna Dialogue and retreat. For the past fve Religious people and traditions have devotees study, explains that God comes years, ISKCON also played host at the great gifts to share with one another. to this world to reestablish the principles annual Vaishnava and Muslim Dialogue And we all face the same challenges of religion “whenever and wherever there event in Washington. and opportunities—that is, how to live is a decline in religious practice and a pre- Trough these dialogues and other together peacefully while sharing the dominant rise of irreligion.” eforts, we realize the import of Krishna’s gifts of the earth and seeking to under- In his commentary on this verse, His teachings in the Bhagavad-gita—that stand and serve the Divine. When more Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swa- God is in the heart of all beings and of the world sees this as life’s priority, the mi Prabhupada, ISKCON’s Founder- is working through diferent religious conficts that plague us will subside. . Acharya, explains, “Every avatara, or traditions, teachers, and spiritual practic- incarnation of the Lord, has a particular es to bring all people back to their eternal mission … in each and every incarnation relationship with Him. * For more details and to download He speaks as much about religion as can ISKCON’s ofcial statement: ISKCON’S interfaith brochure, please visit: be understood by the particular people ‘ISKCON in Relation to People of Faith under their particular circumstances. But in God,’* puts it this way: Interfaith%20Brochure.pdf

Opposite page: Temple President of Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK, warmly greeting the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Bishop of Bradford Dr. Toby Howarth. Top right: East meets West—two respected religious traditions are united here in this image. iht odo deotees reeie their ertifates for liial astoral are whih ertif the rofie in chaplaincy skills in providing pastoral care for people in need. Most of us occasionally suffer from stress and depression, and many experience these states frequently. Mantra meditation can play an important role in improving your well-being, writes Bhanu Swami. Meditation for your Well-Being t is estimated that between 10–36 per At this point many people turn to a cent of the world’s population suf- spiritual solution, which is considered Ifers from depression. Tere are many unconventionally unscientifc in a scien- types and causes, but the huge numbers tifc age. Tis of course is nothing new. indicate a serious problem in society. It Spirituality (something beyond scientifc is also by and large a modern disease, proof) has been a human quest through- caused in part by our lifestyles. out history and the basis of various reli- Here is a simple analysis of the cause. gions. Perhaps the acquisition of eternal Keep in mind that this article doesn’t happiness is also another human necessity. cover all varieties of mental problems, but it will reveal a pattern that could lead What is the True Self? to a simple solution. Te Vedas of ancient India give us an Te tendency of the modern world interesting explanation: the alterna- is to consider most things in terms of tive self to the body and its acquisi- what satisfes us —our bodies, our goals, tions is the atma or soul—the real self. other people, society, and the environ- Tis atma is eternal, with a capacity for ment. Our goals are thus centred on our experiencing eternal happiness. Its very individual comforts. Tis is reinforced nature is one of harmony, unity, compas- by constant media persuasion. sion, tolerance, and love—which are all eternal. Tus human beings are advised Change of Identity to cultivate awareness of this real self. Tis focus on an identity based on self- It is through this acquisition of ish ideals is at odds with an obvious self-knowledge that we can become fact: everything we strive for and gain genuinely happy and free from the for our physical and mental happiness anxiety created by present-day goals is bound to perish. Everything, includ- and activities. ing our bodies, is bound to be destroyed. Te sages of ancient India made an Although we tend to forget this fact, it important discovery. Tey learned that remains somewhere in our psyche and particular sounds or words—called causes us anxiety, dissatisfaction, and mantras—were endowed with special sometimes depression. We long for power. Te word ‘mantra’ literally means eternal happiness. ‘deliverance of the mind.’ Is there any solution? Despite mod- Tese sounds have the ability to ern progress, we have not succeeded in alter mental states in a positive way. By making eternal bodies or eternal objects. uttering or meditating on these sounds, Should we give up our urge for eternal we are able to easily activate the happiness, even though that urge for the qualities of that real self, and gradu- eternal seems natural and logical? ally free our minds and ourselves from

60 negative mental states. In other words, by chanting a mantra, we are able to uncover our real potential. Tis brings about a balance in the personality, with a basis in the real self rather than the pseudo self. Tere are more difcult practices in yoga, but this method is easy, safe, and efective. Mantra meditation is fexible—it may be spoken and heard or recited within the mind as meditation. It can be sung individually or in a group. We can chant it anywhere, at any time. Even chanting for fve minutes is benefcial, although it is most efective as a daily practice. To enforce the power of the mantra, we may contemplate positive qualities, such as compassion and tolerance and seek to emulate them. Tis can be understood through the example of a tree. A tree tolerates all kinds of weather and other disturbances and yet yields shade, wood, leaves, fowers, and fruit for others to use. Te sound of the mantra combined with the positive aspirations of the individual manifest remarkable results and bring a sense of happiness and peace, even in the midst of otherwise disturbing and depressing conditions. Te most efective mantra in this age is called the maha-mantra (maha means great). It is:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Te maha-mantra is free and available to all people of all ages and religions. If you aspire for eternal harmony, unity, peace, integrity, and joy, why not try this simple solution to a complex ailment in the modern world? . 61 The philosophy of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is based on India’s ancient Vedic literature. Among his many other attributes, ISKCON’s Founder, Srila Prabhupada, was a Sanskrit scholar. His published works contributed signifcantly to the world’s philosophical and theological body of knowledge. By Vijaya dasa A Lasting Legacy n 1922, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhakti- vedanta Swami Prabhupada, ISKCON’s IFounder-Acharya, then known as Abhay Charan De, frst met his spiritual teacher, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Takura. At that highly signifcant meeting, the importance of spreading the message of Krishna bhakti, or love of God, was frmly planted in Srila Prabhupada’s heart. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Takura re- quested Abhay Charan to spread this spiritual knowledge throughout the English-speaking world. He instructed, “If you ever get money, print books and distribute them.” Srila Prabhupada took this instruction to heart and when the time was ripe, embarked on his

62 Left: Srila Prabhupada, with some of his published works. Right: In cities around the world (shown here in London), Krishna devotees distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books.

remarkable mission to spread this Krishna consciousness to the Western world and to translate with commentary as many of the Vedic texts as possible. Former Prime Min- ister of India, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, said of Srila Prabhupada, “His books are signifcant contributions to the salvation of mankind.” As novelist and poet Christopher Morley wrote, “When you give someone a book, you Srila Prabhupada wanted his books to be don’t give him just paper, ink, and glue. You widely distributed, yet he also wanted his give him the possibility of a whole new life.” disciples to study them diligently. On a morning walk with some of his book distribu- East Meets West tors in Europe, he listened as they explained While still in India in the early 1960s, how his many books were being appreciated. Srila Prabhupada translated, printed, and Ten he asked the booksellers, “But are you distributed the First Canto of the Srimad- reading them?” He knew that if his books were Bhagavatam, the age-old Indian literature not studied carefully, his followers would not considered the cream of all Vedic knowledge. have the spiritual strength to continue distrib- After arriving in the USA and attracting uting them under often difcult conditions. a handful of initial followers, he focused on He wrote in one letter: “Our only motto in publishing more of the many volumes of the ISKCON is to read and distribute books.” Srimad-Bhagavatam and also the Bhagavad- And in a lecture in Los Angeles he instructed gita. Te books were then sent to ISKCON the devotees to: “Print as many books in as temples and inspired members began selling many languages [as there are] and distribute them door to door as well as at public venues [them] throughout the whole world.” such as concerts, universities, and airports. Srila Prabhupada’s followers have taken these In 1970, Srila Prabhupada established the instructions to heart. To date more than half Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT) to oversee a billion of his books have been distributed the publishing of his books. Te BBT soon worldwide. Srila Prabhupada’s desire was that became the world’s largest publisher of books at least one of his books would fnd its way in the feld of Indian religion and philosophy. into every home in the world. You, too, may By 1972, the members of ISKCON were have one sitting on your bookshelf! distributing BBT books by the thousands— His works have been translated into more and they continue to do so to this day. than eighty languages and are studied in university courses. His books have won praise Dedicated Author for their authority, depth, and clarity from Srila Prabhupada was a prolifc writer and professors at universities, including Harvard, wrote most of his books after the age of Oxford, and Edinburgh. seventy. He continued writing until his pass- In the fnal twenty years of his life, Srila ing from the world in 1977. While constantly Prabhupada translated more than sixty vol- traveling and visiting ISKCON temples world- umes of Vedic literature into English. In just wide, Srila Prabhupada would regularly rise at twelve years after he frst left India, he did 12.30am and write through the early morning so much that we can only marvel at his hours. During the day, he was busy managing accomplishments and dedication. the Hare Krishna movement by mail, writ- Srila Prabhupada considered his greatest ing many hundreds of letters a year, speaking success to be the books he wrote, which he widely and carefully guiding his burgeoning gave to the world for us to learn from and to

Photo: Bhargava dasa © BBTI international society. live by. . 63 in te nesatin o to . ind the nearest S temle, restaurant, or ecovillae. . ee u to date with festivals, events, and have your uestions answered.

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Most of the non-English words in this magazine are in Sanskrit, which is considered pada’ as ‘Prah-boo-paad’—usually with the accent on the frst syllable. The Sanskrit the mother of all languages. The Sanskrit ‘a’ is pronounced ‘ah.’ The Sanskrit ‘e’ is word ‘Sri’ is pronounced ‘Shree’. pronounced like the ‘a’ in the English word ‘pay.’ ‘Hare’ is pronounced ‘Hah-ray’— Generally, the names of Krishna and His various incarnations—and possessive usually with the accent on the frst syllable. ‘Krishna’ is pronounced ‘Krish-nah’— pronouns—are capitalized. usually with the accent on the frst syllable—and ‘Rama’ is pronounced ‘Rah-mah’ Spiritual Names or ‘Rahm’—usually with the accent on the frst syllable, if there are two. ‘Chaitanya’ ISKCON members receive names of Lord Krishna or His great devotees com- is pronounced ‘Chai-tahn-yah’—usually with the accent on the second syllable, bined with the Sanskrit word ‘dasa’ for men or ‘dasi’ for women. Both of these

photo: © djile/Dollar Photo Club ‘Radha’ as ‘Raad-ha’—usually with the accent on the frst syllable—and ‘Prabhu- words mean ‘servant.’ For instance, Krishna dasa means ‘servant of Krishna.’

64 You are Invited... Each Sunday ISKCON temples worldwide host a fabulous Sunday Feast. For your nearest center, please visit:

Back cover image: Kalasamvara dasa ocal S temle details are shown aove. Chant & Be Hapy!