February 2013 Dedicated toHisDivineGrace A.C. BhaktivedantaSwamiPrabhupada, Founder-AcharyaoftheInternationalSocietyforKrishnaConsciousness Srimad Bhagavatam:5.19.24 consciousness festivals forspreadingKrishna devotees oftheLord,andno trace ofVaishnavas, pure Personality ofGodhead,no the gloriesofSupreme no propagandatoexpand planetary systemsifithas to aplaceintheheavenly desire tobeelevatedeven follows: Oneshouldnot bhagavata confirmsthisas movement. Caitanya- consciousness This isthemissionof Srila Prabhupada: door-to-door. expeditions andsomewentout Saturday Weekendthe on Warrior Ireland. Manydevoteeswentout Manor distributingbooksacross There wasevenateamfromthe from Wiganand to Winchester. the country–fromExetertoEnfield of SrilaPrabhupada’s booksacross Marathon therewasthedistribution D Book DistributionSuccess uring t he Winter Book Distribution F or the pleasureof T urn highest in the world outside of India! Manor’s overallscorewasthethird books! Othergreatnewsisthatthe UK, bydistributingnolessthan2913 the highestscoreinwholeof resident Ananda Caitanyadasreached W were distributed. members tookpartand32,655books Srila Prabhupada,285community e to page5join thecelebrations are delightedtoreportthatManor Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter February 2013 Prashant Joshi feeds 1,000 in Hong Kong Recently Prashant Joshi, a Financial Services Advisory at Ernst & Young, has been living and working in Hong Kong. Taking inspiration from Seva Day in the UK, Prashant organised a huge food relief project in the region. Volunteers from Food For Life Hong Kong distributed over 1,000 meals to the underprivileged, primarily the elderly. Sponsorship for the project was provided by Deutsche Bank and the event was branded as a success by many in the City in Hong Kong. You can visit Prashant's blog at: leadershipindevotion.blogspot.hk

Public Transport Aspirations Svayamjyoti Krishnadas and Alpesh Patel are working with Mike Freer MP and other local MPs to explore ways of improving public transport to and from Holocaust Memorial Service Bhaktivedanta Manor. Indulekha Fawcett, representing thinking of communities less fortunate Bhaktivedanta Manor read a statement than our own..." at this year’s Holocaust Memorial Holocaust Memorial Day remembers Peterborough’s new Service in Hertsmere Borough Council’s victims of genocide and promotes unity sanga group main Chamber: "It's important that and tolerance in today’s multicultural we celebrate our differences, while society. A new sanga group has started in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, and is growing popular. The group started with eight devotees and now it has increased to 15- 20 weekly. For more info contact Gandhariddasi: [email protected]

7000 Hyacinths Every year 7000 hyacinths are planted on the Manor grounds and all of these beautiful flowers are used by the Temple. Community youth assist the gardens department with this huge endeavour .

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Krishna Club Sankirtan One wintry day 35 children, parents and teachers from Krishna Club braved the streets of London to join an initiative led by Sacinandana Karuna das to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books. They teamed up with devotees from ISKCON London and also sang and distributed prasad. Despite the cold weather, the children warmed the hearts of passers- by with their sheer enthusiasm to impart the spiritual message to others. Temple President of ISKCON Soho, Jai das, was deeply touched by the spirit Bhagavad-gita Maha Yajna shown and commented that adults An annual highlight in the Manor’s recited the verses. can learn so much from the young generations. winter calendar is Gita Jayanti, a An impressive 2500 Bhagavad Gitas celebration and study of the teachings of were sponsored. The new smaller, the Bhagavad-gita. Over a 6 hour period, printed version makes them ideal to a huge congregation recited all 700 be placed in hostels, hotels, hospitals, verses. The commentaries were given by prisons and schools. Rasamrita and Gauri das

Krishna Club had their own Yajna which was conducted by Kripamoya das, who encouraged the Holy Name Weekend children and parents to recite the 9th Chapter. It was a wonderful experience The Holy Name weekend on 2nd and 3rd January, which included Sivarama for all and the organisers have promised Maharaj and Madhava das, sang their hearts out and warmed up the Manor devotee it will be bigger and better next time. community on a winter’s weekend.

Srila Prabhupada's Garden Renovation As a 40th Anniversary project, work to restore and improve Srila Prabhupada's garden has begun. The paving stones are being levelled and the lawn will be levelled and re-laid. The annual bedding areas will be aligned symmetrically and then the Manor grounds team will plant a lovely flower garden.


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Course line-up from the College of Vedic 40th Anniversary Seminar by Studies (CVS) Garuda Das

Entering 2013 there are more courses Bhakti-sastri - than ever at the Manor. A study of the Bhagavad-gita and other The aim of CVS is to inspire and important texts enable people to learn more about the Bhakti Vaibhava - philosophy and practice of Krishna For those who have completed Bhakti consciousness. Sastri, this is a study of Cantos 1 through More information about these courses Canto 6 of the Srimad Bhagavatam, can be found on the Manor website, but accredited by the Mayapur Institute. some of the most exciting new courses One of the courses starting in April this include: The College of Vedic studies were year is “Improving our sadhu-sanga” Explore and Gita Life - delighted to host Professor Graham M which studies scripture and purports Schweig, otherwise known as Garuda Introductory module and a precursor to within the context of group discussion. das, for a series of talks at both the Bhakti Sastri For more info: [email protected] Manor and Soho Street Temple. The main seminar was a presentation of the posthumous publication of the late Educational Collaboration Tamal Krishna Goswami’s doctorate thesis: A Living of Krishna Bhakti. The talks were presented with humour and intellectual rigor. ‘The book is of tremendous theological importance to both the ISKCON and academic community. Garuda das presented a very dense study in the most enjoyable and palpable way" commented Ananda Caitanya das head of the college.

School Governors’ Training Members of the newly formed Leading representatives of Avanti Trust, teachers. Education agreed to Governing Body of the Manor School Goloka Education, Bhaktivedanta provide educational resources to the joined Governors of the Avanti Trust College (Radhadesh, Belgium), Avanti schools, according to the schools’ from across England for a 4 day training Bhaktivedanta Manor, ISKCON Ministry curriculum needs. session at the Krishna Avanti School in Leicester. of Educational Development met at Other areas of cooperation that were the Krishna Avanti School in Harrow discussed include placement of and the Manor with the purpose of Bhaktivedanta College graduates, discussing how to create synergy among a vision for future cooperation and their respective educational initiatives. educational development, and how to The meetings were rewarding in many better serve the educational needs of the respects. Bhaktivedanta College and ISKCON community worldwide, with Avanti Trust, for example, discussed to special focus on the younger generation, expand their partnership by committing as well as how to make the UK a centre to offer higher education courses in of excellence for education. the UK with the aim of qualifying

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The late Beatle George Harrison, who was deeply impressed by Srila Prabhupada, was concerned that the ISKCON temple in Bury Place near the British Museum was overcrowded. With overwhelming generosity he offered to donate a much larger property ‘somewhere in the countryside but within easy travelling distance from London’. From May 1972 he worked with the devotees to find somewhere suitable. In January 1973 Dhananjaya das saw that the Manor estate was up for sale and told George he had found exactly what he was looking for. George gave the go ahead and that day a hugely significant event occurred in ISKCON’s history. After the exchange of contracts, 25 enthusiastic devotees moved in and renamed the estate Bhaktivedanta Manor. Almost immediately they turned their attention to the task of preparing to install the deities of Sri Sri Gokulananda in time for Janmashtami. And so, on Janmashtami, August 21st 1973 in front of devotees from across Europe, Hindu leaders, pop stars and local VIPs, Srila Prabhupada personally installed Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda at Bhaktivedanta Manor. A great Temple was established, with a devotional legacy now spanning 40 years. Before we embark on a momentous year of celebrations to mark these 40 years we would like to say that we are honoured and humbled by all the wonderful service that so many devotees have given. ‘40 years of devotion’ at Bhaktivedanta Manor will begin with a grand Adi Vaas on Sunday 24th March this year – on this day we will be celebrating Gaura Purnima and Holi at our first public festival of the year. It’s certainly going to be a year to look forward to-- so stay tuned in!

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His Grace Jiva Pati das A Life of Dedication 27th December 1944 - 8th February 2013

On Friday February 8th at 10:22am, daily running of the His Grace Jiva Pati prabhu peacefully Deity worship at departed from this world after a life Bhaktivedanta Manor. dedicated to the service of his beloved Due to the constant Lordships Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda, engagement and full Sri Sri Ram Laksman , Sri absorption in his Sri Gaur Nitai and Srila Prabhupada. He service, it was not was surrounded by devotees. easy to engage him For the last two months of his life in conversation. He Jiva Pati prabhu had a persistent chest disliked wasting time. infection and was under the care of Even in between his two doctors. On being admitted to service, he was reading following Sunday. Jiva Pati’s body was Watford Hospital he was diagnosed as and hearing, utilizing every moment in brought to the Manor and hundreds of having septicaemia. This eventually led a Krishna Conscious way. When he did devotees were invited to offer their final to kidney failure and he was placed speak, it was usually for the purpose respects to Jiva Pati prabhu. on dialysis. Liver complications led of service, or to share an interesting At the crematorium, senior devotees to further organ failure and he was thought or realization that was often recounted his exemplary life, character placed on a ventilator. On Thursday 7th witty. and service. Gadadhara prabhu, the head February the doctors were still hopeful News of Jiva Pati’s condition and his pujari at the Manor, calculated that over of his recovery, but the next day they imminent departure spread not only the years Jiva Pati prabhu had offered told the devotees that his time was short. throughout the entire Manor community a staggering 7000 mangala aratis and Jiva Pati prabhu was born as John but also other parts of the world. His 5000 evening arati’s to their Lordships. Boehnen in 1944, Milwaukee, USA Grace Jananivas prabhu offered a Jiva Pati prabhu was the very epitome of and became an initiated disciple of special puja to Lord Nrsinghadeva in the quiet, dedicated priest and one of the His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Sridham Mayapur and His Holiness main reasons behind the high level of Swami Prabhupada in January 1977. Radhanath Swami dedicated his bathing altar worship at Bhaktivedanta Manor, After serving in the Chicago temple, in the Kumba Mela to him. Devotees at which, over the decades, has inspired he moved to Bhaktivedanta Manor in the Manor began in the temple thousands upon thousands of pilgrims. 1979 and was immediately engaged in room from the early morning and many At 68 years of age, he was the oldest serving Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda. It of the congregation took time off from male priest and the longest serving pujari was a service that he would engage in their daily duties to join the community in the Manor’s history. His Holiness diligently and faithfully for the rest of in prayer. Sivarama Swami commented how most his life. Jiva Pati’s passing away from this people like to depend on Krishna, but For almost thirty-five years, he lovingly world was just as glorious as the life Jiva Pati prabhu was the one devotee served the Deities for eleven hours a he lived. Upon departure, his body was that Krishna Himself depended upon. day – seven days a week! He would rise decorated with garlands, Tulsi leaves, Both loved and respected by everyone, at 1:30am, chant his rounds, wake the Nrsinghadeva oil, and other sacred his departure will leave an irreplaceable Deities, offer them Their sweets and the paraphernalia from Their Lordships. void. Nevertheless, his life of selfless mangala arati. Every evening he would Devotees streamed into Watford General service to the Deities and his spiritual put Their Lordships to rest, usually Hospital from 7:30am that day and master will serve as a shining example sleeping later than everyone else. It was a began the chanting of the Holy Name for all generations, for many years to common sight to see him busily engaged by his bedside all the way up until the come. in the temple room and altar, performing final moment. His Grace Jiva Pati prabhu ki jaya! a variety of tasks to ensure the smooth The final rites took place on the

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Dipen Popat Goodbye to another year Age: 20 Studying Accounting and Finance Pandava Sena waves goodbye to it rekindled the devotee’s love and Cass Business School yet another great year of service in appreciation for Srila Prabhupada. 2012 by showing gratitude to Srila It was simply a way to thank Him Prabhupada. for everything He has given us.’

Ravi Talsania, who organised Davina Rana organised this years the Prabhupada Tribute event Christmas Panto! A fun filled said: ‘This year we decided to evening starring Radha Vinod and hold a Srila Prabhupada Tribute Kavichandra as the main actors How did you find out about Psena? Festival which broadened the who were playing secret agents spectrum for ways in which we trying to solve a crime! I first of all found out about Psena through the could appreciate Prabhupada Krishna Consciousness Society at City university, at and His glorious pastimes.’ HG A hilarious evening of plays and the freshers faryre, this tall guy pulled me over and Dhananjaya Prabhu gave the videos, nicely rounded off by a asked me to sign up. Being from Kenya I had already opening lecture on ‘Prabhupada’s short summary of the year by HG learnt stories of Krishna but never really you knew Humorous side’. Then the Shruti prabhu, who kindly the deep meanings behind His wonderful pastimes. traditional Puja Book for So through KC Soc I met many people from 2013 which contained just over Pandavasena and really liked the people. ninety offerings from the members of the youth was presented. HG Ghanashyama Priya Prabhu What did you like about the events? and HG Nandagopa Prabhu facillitated a ‘Prabhupada Quiz’ I like pretty much everything about the events, which really got the crowd of 65 specially the devotees and prashad. In Kenya we young devotees interacting and don’t have such an organised youth group so I don’t learning about different aspects spoke to the audience after the have the access to like minded people my age. The show. devotees are so helpful, even with placements and uni work. Deenal Patel organised the annual Hopefully this year I will be going on the Senageta- New Years Eve celebrations and way Trip this year! After hearing so much about it, I hundreds of people came to take can’t wait to finally go on one! Darshan all night long. At midnight the Manor pujaris gathered to welcome the New Year with decorations on the alter of Sri What do you do in Psena? Sri Radha Gokulananda, Sri Sri Sitaram Laxman Hanuman and Currently, I live at the BACE in London with another of His Divine Grace. The winning 8 boys in Pandavasena and we have regular classes team were presented with Radha with the Manor bhramcharis who I Shyamasundara’s jewellery! really like and am grateful to spend time with, HG Kripamoya Prabhu lead a and enjoy learning more and more about Krishna magananmous Puja and Consciousness when the come. I also help in various kirtan which started in the temple services in Pandavasena and enjoy cooking for the room and travelled around the devotees. entire temple, before returning back infront of Prabhupada’s deity! A feast of 7 items was prepared including Prabhupada’s Sri Sri Gauranitai. Kirtans were famous Simply Wonderfuls! Ravi continuously going on throughout concluded that: ‘All in all the the evening. It was a splendid way festival was a great success and to start the year. Page 7 Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter February 2013

Temple Welcomes Council’s New Planning Framework Hertsmere Borough Council has community as a whole. recognised the special circumstances of “This decision means we can make Bhaktivedanta Manor by adopting a plans to improve our facilities in a way Supplementary Planning Document that is sensitive to our rural setting and (SPD) for the site that will guide any the Grade II listed status of the Manor future planning applications. It means itself,” said Gauri das, “We are grateful any future development will happen to the Council for the work that has gone in a managed and sustainable way that into this and to the local community who recognises both the special circumstances took part in the consultation process.” of the Manor and the needs of the local

Good news flows for River Yamuna Last September’s edition of the Newsletter reported on the Save the Yamuna campaign. That campaign included a variety of organisations and individuals from across the world who petitioned the Indian government to divert the flow of untreated sewage and factory waste away from the holy river. Braj Raj Sharan established the Save the Yamuna booth during last year’s Janmashtami festival at the Manor. Thousands of signatures were collected there, and on his campaign trail he collected over 67,000 signatures altogether. Bhaktivedanta Academy for Cultural Education Some progress has been made: the The first London Bhaktivedanta Academy of the best things about the house is Supreme Court have asked a panel for Cultural Education (BACE), a house we can all chant Hare Krishna together of experts to suggest ways how the where full-time students can cultivate before we go out for the day, and when government can close all the drains Krishna consciousness has opened its we come back we have a cooked meal leading into the river. doors. waiting for us, lovingly prepared by It is the heartfelt involvement of many The idea came from Manor monks devotees. “ devotees that Krishna has blessed the Ananda Caitanya das, Jankinath das and During His Holiness Bhakti Rasamrita campaign and caused this wonderful Ghanashyam Priya das, who saw the Swami’s visit, he spoke about the change of heart of the Supreme Court. success such student houses are having importance of cultivating good character, Now campaigners are pushing the idea in Mumbai and wanted to replicate it in especially given their new-found of a parallel canal to the environment London. freedom in living independently from experts. The nine resident boys have five floors their parents. He subsequently named and the building is installed with both the house "Govardhan", after Krishna’s February 2013 fibre optic internet and Gaura-Nitai sacred hill, encouraging the boys to Sat 23 App of Sri Nityananda Prabhu deities! Resident Shiv Dattani said "One become rock-solid both spiritually and (fast till noon) in their studies. March 2013 Thur 7 Vijaya Ekadasi Bhaktivedanta Manor Fri 8 Disapp of Sri Dharam Marg · Hilfield Lane Aldenham · Herts Sun 10 Maha Shiva Ratri, Mother’s Day (for sat-nav only, please use postcode WD25 8DT) Sat 23 Amalaki Vrata Ekadasi Sun 24 Gaura Purnima and Holi 01923 851000 www.krishnatemple.com (Festival at Bhaktivedanta Manor) Please send your news, photos and comments to: Disapp of Sri Radha Mohan das Wed 27 Gaura Purnima(fast till moonrise) [email protected] Fri 29 Good Friday

Page 8 © 2013, All articles & photographs copyright of Bhaktivedanta Manor