The Migrant 50:1
VOL. 50, NO. 1 THE MIGRANT A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY FIRST PUBLISHED, JUNE 1930 PUBLISHEDBY THE TENNESSEE OFWITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Founded at Nashville, Tenn., 7 Octoker 1915 A non-profi t , educational, scientific, and conservation organization. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor--Gary 0. Wallace, Rt. 7, Box 338, Sunrise Dr., Elizabethton, TN 37643 The Season Editor-Fred J. Aisop, 111, Rt. 6,302 Evergreen St., Church Hill. TN 37642 State Count Compiler-Richard Lura, 1903 Eastwood Dr., Johnson City, TN 3760 1 All TOS members receive The Migrant and the TOS Newslener, The Tennessee Warbler. The Newsletter carries information about meetings, forays. and club activities. Items for the Newsleirer should be sent to its Editor, Charles P. Nicholson, Box 402, Norris, TN 37828. OFFICERS FOR 1977-79 President-Kenneth H. Dubke, Rt. 1, Bax 13443, Ooltewah, TN 37363 Vice Presidents: East Term.--Paul Pardue, Rt. 23, Box 93A, Beechwood Dr., Knoxville, TN 37920 Middle Term.--Sanford McGee, P. 0.Box 475, Manchester, TN 37355 West Tenn.-Martha Waldron, 1626 Yorkshire Dr., Memphis, TN 38 177 East Tenn .-William Bridgeforth, 1 18 Belheade Circle, Johnson City, TN 3760 1 Middle Tenn .-Michael Filson , 1 67 1 Paradise Rd., Clarksville , TM 37040 West Tenn.-Mrs. John Lamb, Lake Rd., Dyersburg, TN 38024 Curator-James T. Tanner, Rt. 28, Box 155, Knoxville, TN 37920 Secretary-Bruce Wilkey, 106 Palisades Dr., Signal Mountain, TN 37377 Treasurer-Ray Jordan, Department of Biology, Tennessee Technological 1Jni- versity, Cookeville, TN 38501 Annuat dues, $6.00,Sustaining, $IO.OO: Life, $150.00;Student (under 18 years), $3.00, Family, $7.00;(chapters may collect additional fem to cover locd expenses).
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