ICIP ACTIVITY REPORT 2020 ICIP ACTIVITY REPORT 2020 PRESENTATION 4 ICIP AT A GLANCE 8 1. The institution 9 2. Activities 10 3. Publications 11 4. Internal organization 11 INSTITUTIONAL ACTIVITY 12 1. The Board of Governors 13 2. Presidency and management 16 AREAS OF WORK 18 1. Memory, coexistence and reconciliation 20 2. Violences in non-war settings 27 3. Social and political dialogue 31 4. Security alternatives 38 AWARDS AND GRANTS 44 1. ICIP Peace in Progress Award 45 2. ICIP Alfons Banda Award 46 3. ICIP Hip Hop for Peace Contest 46 4. Grants 48 EXHIBITIONS AND AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTIONS 50 BOOK SERIES 56 LIBRARY AND DOCUMENTATION CENTER 58 SYNERGIES WITH OTHER ACTORS AND INTERNATIONALIZATION 62 EXTERNAL DISSEMINATION 74 1. ICIP website 75 2. ICIP e-Bulletins 75 3. Social media 76 RESOURCES AND ORGANIZATION 78 Tapineria 10, 3ra planta · 08002 Barcelona (Spain) T. +34 93 554 42 70 1. Resources 79
[email protected] 2. Organization 79 www.icip.cat Graphic Design: Talking ANNEX 81 Printing: La Gran Impressió ANNEX I: List of publications 82 D.L.: B 11044-2021 ANNEX II: ICIP in the media 86 © 2021 International Catalan Institute for Peace All rights reserved ANNEX III: Budget implementation 88 2 3 Our lives changed on 14 March 2020. Our institutional life also changed then, as PRESENTATION happened to everyone else. We had to reinvent many things, while locked up at home, to keep the Institute running and to meet the main objectives and goals in our annual action plan. And we can modestly say that we have done so with high marks.