RAIL INFRASTRUCTURE AND IMPROVED PASSENGER SERVICE COMMITTEE INTERIM REPORT March 2006 RAIL INFRASTRUCTURE AND IMPROVED PASSENGER SERVICE COMMITTEE INTERIM REPORT March 2006 If you would like further copies of this report or a version in the following formats (large print, Braille, audio cassette or compact disk), please contact: Leanne Hatcher Rail Infrastructure and Improved Passenger Services Committee National Assembly for Wales Cardiff Bay CF99 1NA Tel: 029 2089 8429 E-mail:
[email protected] Committee Members John Marek AM (Chair) Wrexham Leighton Andrews AM Rhondda Eleanor Burnham AM North Wales Rosemary Butler AM Newport West Janet Davies AM South Wales West Lisa Francis AM Mid & West Wales Carl Sargeant AM Alyn & Deeside Secretariat Chris Reading Committee Clerk Sarah Bartlett Deputy Clerk Leanne Hatcher Team Support Contents Page Number 1. Introduction 1 2. Roles and Responsibilities 2 3. Strategic Planning 8 4. Key Issues 9 5. What happens next? 14 Annexes 1. Schedule of Committee Papers 2. Verbatim Record of Committee Meetings 3. Consultation Letter 4. Schedule of Organisations Consulted 5. Summary of Consultation Responses 6. Structure of Welsh Rail Passenger Industry 7. Map of Rail Network 1. Introduction Background 1.1 The committee was established, in accordance with Standing Order 8.1, by a motion (NDM2735) that was approved by plenary on 6 December 2005. This motion set parameters for committee membership, terms of reference and various other matters; including the requirement to report to the National Assembly by the end of March and to terminate on 19 May 2006. 1.2 The committee held its inaugural meeting on 1 February 2006 to agree various procedural matters, including the election of the Chair.