Report on Phase One Public Consultations May to October 2013 Contents

Community Stakeholder Interviews 2 Online Parcipaon 5 Cizen Workshops 7 Key Observaons and Conclusions 10 Appendix A 11 Appendix B 12 Appendix C 18


Phase One of the Rail Side Lands and Parcel Four Planning Iniave public consultaons process included three components: stakeholders interviews, online parcipaon, and cizen workshops. When combined, these three methods provide rich and meaningful direcon for the plan. This report will summarize the methods and findings of the three components and will provide key observaons and recommendaons emerging from the process to date.

1 Community Stakeholder Interviews

Twenty‐three individuals were interviewed in this component of the Phase One Consultaon. Those interviewed are not meant to represent an exhausve list of community stakeholders, and many others will be consulted over the next year through various forums and methods. Rather, these individuals were selected based on the proximity of their organizaon to the rail side and parcel four lands (i.e. neighbours) or their organizaon’s mandate to promote and crically analyze the revitalizaon of downtown . Aboriginal Council of Winnipeg The Asper Foundaon The purpose of the interviews was to solicit feedback about potenal land uses, Canadian Museum for Human Rights design consideraons, and approaches to the planning for rail side and parcel CentreVenture four lands. An interview guide (Appendix A) was used to provide structure to City TV the discussions. BIZ Economic Development Winnipeg Land Uses Entreprises Riel BIZ This secon of the interviews To iniate discussion interviewees were Exchange District Residents Associaon underscored that Winnipeggers hold asked about the previous water park Fergie’s Fish (Market Tenant) strong and somemes diverse views proposal for the Parcel Four lands. Inn at the Forks Foremost, nearly all expressed the about what The Forks is, and should be. Instute of Urban Studies opinion that there should have been Further, there is a high expectaon that Children’s Museum more public consultaon and careful and thoughul planning should Parks opportunity for dialogue before the guide any new developments on the Riverside Management (Shaw Park) project was proposed. However, there site. VIA Rail was no consensus about the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce appropriateness of the water park use “People have a sense of The Winnipeg Foundaon on the site. ownership of The Forks. What goes there should be a showcase Some said that a commercial water for the city. We need to have this park does not “fit” the site, elaborang [plan] be a model of ‘best practice’ for the city.” that it doesn’t complement the Community Stakeholder intellectual purpose of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights or reflect When asked what other land uses the historical and cultural significance should be encouraged on the rail side of The Forks. and parcel four lands, nearly all interviewees supported the sites being However, some said that The Forks is a revitalized with a mix of commercial modern gathering place with mulple uses, in addion to public and cultural/ aracons like the skateboard park and community spaces. Variety Heritage Adventure Playground. Those interviewees acknowledged that a high calibre indoor water park “could work” if it was well designed and accessible.

2 Nearly all interviewees suggested bringing a unique educaonal facility Some said they were unsure about the encouraging street‐level retail, with to the site or a centre that recognizes market demand for more housing in unique shopping and bars/cafés/ the Aboriginal history of The Forks. the downtown due to the recent restaurants with outdoor seang, to Others suggested a Waterfront Drive projects and projects create pedestrian acvity and an Millennium Park style water feature, a in the planning and development aracon unto itself. Some said this large outdoor ice skang complex, or a stages in other parts of the would provide amenies to retain giant ferris wheel aracon. downtown. They expressed concerns CMHR and Shaw Park visitors in the that housing at The Forks might downtown aer events and that the compete with other developments. Forks lacks enough acvity in the Although some also acknowledged evenings. Some expressed cauon that The Forks may be a locaon that that the retail should complement and could draw people who would not not detract from exisng retail at The otherwise consider living downtown. Forks and the rest of the downtown. Those interviewed were asked how “I think a restaurant and café much of the lands they think should configuration with a piazza and When asked specifically about mul‐ be developed as public space (i.e. fountain would enable people to unit housing development on the park space, green space, or open come to The Forks and stay lands, more than half of the space) versus commercial space. Only down there and dine and hear interviewees supported the concept. one interviewee favoured the lands live music, etc. Right now The Others either did not support housing being developed enrely as public Forks is completely dead after 6 or said they were unsure about merits space. Most others could not pinpoint p.m. except for one or two of housing at The Forks. a proporon of public space to restaurants.” commercial space, but rather stressed Community Stakeholder The most commonly cited reason for that the lands should have a mix of uses in order to draw a variety of Few interviewees suggested office support of housing was the asseron people there. Many said that without space to revitalize the site. Those who that a year‐round residenal other year‐round uses, acvies, or did said that it should be on small populaon would beer support reasons to be there, a park may be scale or that it should have a “unique” exisng businesses at The Forks and underulized and may feel unsafe, quality to it. For example, some would improve safety of The Forks site cing similar challenges with other suggested creave businesses or non‐ in the evening. Those who favoured downtown parks. All agreed that governmental organizaons (NGO’s) housing however, conveyed no clear quality, well‐designed public spaces that have a “synergy” with the consensus on the preferred tenure of will need to be an integral part the rail mandate of The Canadian Museum for housing, either condo or rental. Many side lands and parcel four Human Rights. placed different provisos on housing development, including that it must revitalizaon plan. Many interviewees advocated that have strong design aesthecs, must be some kind of aracon or a cultural/ high‐quality construcon, must be an “Making it all green space would be easy, but wouldn’t solve a community project should be located appropriate height and density, must more complex problem. A park here. However, there was no be unique in some way when would be covered in snow most consensus about the nature or compared to other projects, or must be inclusive with a mix of affordability. of the time. We have to content of that project. Some recognize that we are a winter suggested that the project should city. You won’t be able to draw A few interviewees did not support augment the Canadian Museum for people there with just a park.” the concept of housing at all, cing Human Rights, such as a centre for Community Stakeholder peace or a globally branded instute. that it does not fit the “public” Others talked about the value of gathering place theme of The Forks.

3 Urban Design Consideraons “draw” of The Forks should be leveraged Other common suggesons included: to the benefit of other downtown create a beer sense of arrival or entry Talking about design criteria in the aracons and amenies, through beer to The Forks site from the north; abstract was challenging for most physical connecons and access. consider and maintain key sight lines to interviewees. However, all said the the Canadian Museum for Human Rights; design of the rail side and parcel four “We are seeing the beginning of a add lighng to improve evening safety; lands should be of the highest quality, pedestrian network in our incorporate quality and unique public and that design standards should be downtown. We need pedestrian art; and ensure that that buildings are established and strictly adhered to. connectivity between our busy accessible to the public at street level. Many acknowledged that the “wow” downtown anchors like The MTS factor of the Canadian Museum for Centre and The Forks. How do we Interviewees were asked about whether Human Rights has “raised the bar” for get people to walk through this the development of the rail side and site to rest of the downtown - that other projects at The Forks. Some said parcel four lands should be disnct or is the question.” that the rail side and parcel four lands integrated. Many said that the two Community Stakeholder should reach for that bar, while some parcels of land don’t necessarily need to said they should maintain the character have the same “look and character,” Many suggested a trail, bikeway, and feel that exists with the original however the plan should ensure that promenade, or some kind of linear older buildings at The Forks (i.e. The they both complement and support the element through the site to draw people Forks Market, Johnston Terminal, needs of The Forks and the Canadian into the Forks and provide a pleasant Children’s Museum). Museum for Human Rights. Others way to explore from The Forks to the Exchange District and the rest of the noted that developing one parcel, while Nearly all interviewees talked about the leaving the other vacant, would not downtown. One noted that the development of the rail side and parcel create the “seamless connecon” that is Esplanade Riel has improved the sense of four lands as an opportunity to improve needed to beer integrate The Forks connecon between St. Boniface and “connecons” between The Forks and with the rest of the downtown. The Forks and that aenon should be the rest of the downtown. Those who paid to connecng through the lands to raised this concept conveyed, in one way . Several interviewees or another, that these vacant lands on suggested that way‐finding and signage the north, the two rivers on the south on the site could also help improve and east, and the CN main line on the orientaon from The Forks to other west have made The Forks somewhat of aracons in the downtown. an island within the downtown. Some described concern that people come to The Forks, but never visit other downtown areas. They said that the

4 Online Participation

The Rail Side Lands and Parcel Four Planning Iniave has established a website to provide informaon and solicit cizen feedback ( Cizens were made aware of the website through press release, newspaper adversing, and radio adversing. In addion, The Forks reached out to their 700 person mailing list, their 30,000 Facebook friends, and 9,000 Twier followers. From May to October of this year, there have been 4,500 hits on the website. Postal code tracking indicates that those who parcipated online reside in all quadrants of Winnipeg.

Public Space Images

A page was specifically designed to solicit cizen input into the public space component of the rail side lands and parcel four plan. Visitors were asked to select photographic images that best represent the types of acvies, feelings, and themes that they think should be part of the public space plan. Visitors were asked to select one image from each of four groups of images. Each group contained photos in five key themac areas to choose from. It was explained to visitors that the images were not meant to represent specific projects but more to show possibilies, ideas, acvies, and feelings.

Interest & Innovaon images depicted provocave or unique public art.

Nature & Environment images depicted scenes with nature and greenery foremost.

Social & Gathering images depicted scenes of people gathering for pubic events or casual encounters at cafes or restaurants.

Acve & Healthy Living images depicted physical or sport pursuits such as yoga, soccer, cycling.

Rest & Contemplaon images depicted images of people in solitary pursuits or commemorave monuments.

5 Just over one hundred people parcipated in this acvity. Of those who parcipated, nearly all selected images in more than one themac area, suggesng that variety in the public spaces is a desired outcome. The most frequently chosen images were those that depicted social and gathering and nature and environment themes. These were followed by interest and innovaon. Acve and healthy living and rest and contemplaon were less oen chosen. “A greenspace in the downtown core where people can go to Rest & Interest & relax, where people from baseball Contemplaon 13% Innovaon games, the museum, or The 18% Forks can escape the buildings and relax, and potentially learn Physical & about Manitoba landscapes as Healthy Living well. A restored prairie would 14% bring a piece of our history into the core, and potentially expose Nature & hundreds of thousands to this Environment unique feature that has helped 24% make our province great.” Social & Online Citizen Description Gathering 31% Public Space Images ‐ Online Results

Public Space Descripons

Website visitors were also given the opon to explain in their own words how they envisioned the rail side and parcel four lands public space. Just over ninety people chose to provide comments and ideas this way. The “A mid-to-high density thoughul comments through this forum provide valuable input into the residential neighborhood. Street planning process (Appendix B). retail and sidewalk eateries. Hidden laneways, full of Roughly one third of the comments describe a public space that is more park‐ surprises. Addictively walkable, like, with an stronger emphasis on open spaces or green, natural, or passive a new discovery at every turn - elements. charming, historic yet modern - playing off the railway theme - Slightly more than half the comments describe a mul‐faceted public space, distinctly "Winnipeg". It's time intertwined with a busy urban‐like environment, including commercial and to forge our own style. public street level acvies. Memorable. This land is 'ground zero' for future generations' impressions of Winnipeg.” Public art also figured prominently in the comments, with nearly half the Online Cizen Descripon parcipants nong a desire for this.

6 Citizen Workshops

Two cizen workshops were held on the evenings of June 19, 2013 and September 26, 2013. The June 19, 2013 was adversed in the , The Winnipeg Sun, The Grassroots News, La Liberté, The Metro, and community newspapers. The September 26, 2013 was also adversed on CJOB radio and The Winnipeg Free Press Online.

Sixty cizens aended the two events. The evenings were structured at round tables with facilitators to seek input into the public space component of the plan and to solicit preliminary feedback on various other potenal land uses for the lands.

Public Space Images

Similar to the online process, in the first exercise of the Following their inial photo selecons, parcipants were evening cizens were asked to choose four photographic asked to share with one another the reasons for their choices. images from a packet of ten. They were asked to select Then all tables assembled their photos and their notes on five images that best reflect how they would like to use the space, poster boards represenng the five themac areas. how they would like to feel in the space, and what values they would like it to convey. Each packet contained two images in In order to further understand the strength of peoples’ each of the five themac areas: Interest & Innovaon, Nature preferences, parcipants were then asked to begin to narrow & Environment, Social & Gathering, Acve & Healthy Living, their choices on the assembled poster boards. Inially, three and Rest & Contemplaon. yellow dots were placed by each person on their top three themac areas. Following that, two orange dots were placed Similar to the online results, cizens chose images in all by each person on their top two themac areas. Finally, a red themac categories, but with somewhat stronger preferences dot was placed by each person on their top themac area. for images depicng Nature & Environment, and Social & Gathering, although Rest & Contemplaon also figured As parcipants were required to narrow and eliminate some prominently. themac areas, they priorized Nature & Environment over all others. Acve & Healthy Living and Rest & Contemplaon

7 were abandoned by most parcipants as they had to narrow reacon to a variety of land uses. Parcipants in the second their choices. Social & Gathering and Interest & Innovaon workshop were asked to describe the pros and cons of various connued to figure prominently. land uses such as retail shops, cultural/educaon facilies, mul‐unit housing, office space, restaurants, hotel, services (eg. daycare, gym, pharmacy) and parking (Appendix C.). Rest & Contemplaon 15% Interest & Approximately three quarters of parcipants in both Innovaon workshops expressed support for retail development on the Physical & 20% site. The most oen cited benefits included that retail would Healthy Living create a “draw” or “desnaon” for people to the site and 5% contribute to the financial sustainability of The Forks. Most oen cited concerns about retail were that it might increase parking congeson on the site, or might negavely compete with other retail at The Forks. Many parcipants suggested Social & Gathering that any retail development on the site should aempt to aract unique, desnaon, or independent shops, instead of 20% Nature & Environment chain retailers. Between one third to one half of parcipants 39% saw merit in service oriented retail for downtown residents Public Space Images ‐ Workshop Results and workers (e.g. daycare, gym, pharmacy).

Land Uses Nearly all parcipants supported more cultural or community facilies on the site. Many said that arts and cultural As the final exercise in both workshops, parcipants were aracons are an integral part of The Forks and are a vehicle asked to comment on other land uses that could revitalize the to showcase the various histories of the site. Financial viability rail side and parcel four lands. Parcipants in the first and quesons about the popular appeal of such facilies were workshop were asked an open‐ended queson about their the only concerns raised.

Just under two thirds of parcipants expressed some degree of support for mul‐unit housing on the site, ranging from enthusiasc to condional. Commonly cited condions included, that it should be mixed‐use with ground floor commercial/public access, it should be affordable, or it should have a social or community building objecve (e.g. co‐op housing, green housing). The most oen cited benefits of housing included bringing a 24‐hour populaon to improve safety on the site and that residents would support businesses in the area. The most oen cited negave impacts included that housing would take up space and would be a private, instead of public use.

8 Less than one third of parcipants supported office development on the site. Those who did, expressed support for it on a small scale if it were local small businesses, human rights organizaons, or arsans.

Over three quarters of parcipants supported the idea of restaurants on the lands. Many described this type of development as “public” in nature, creang posive and vibrant interacon among people. Some suggested that local, independent, or ethnic restaurants should be the target and that large branded chains should be avoided. Similar to retail shops, some parcipants expressed concerns about parking congeson from restaurant development. They also quesoned whether there is enough market in the area for more restaurants.

Between one third to one half of parcipants supported the concept of hotel development on the site. The most oen cited reason included support for tourism and financial benefits to The Forks (i.e. patrons for Forks Market tenants). Some quesoned whether there is enough market to support another hotel at The Forks. Some suggested that it should have a niche focus such as hostel or bouque hotel.

Nearly half of all parcipants expressed support for parking development on the site. Most of those noted that parking can be unaracve and can displace other higher and beer uses. Therefore many suggested that it be done in an innovave way, hidden, or out of sight. Many of those who did not express support for parking described it as an “unfortunate” or “regreul” necessity in Winnipeg. Many suggested that the development of the rail side and parcel four lands should try to encourage more acve‐ transportaon or transit ridership, with unique bus shelters, a rapid transit hub, pedestrian malls, or bike paths.

The graphic to the right depicts the frequency of words used by workshop parcipants to describe the aributes of the photos in the top three themac areas of: Interest & Innovaon, Nature & Environment, and Social & Gathering.

9 Key Observations and Recommendations

Imperative Character Multi-Unit Housing

Few parcipants said that the lands The rail side and parcel four lands should Mul‐unit housing should be considered should be le alone. Most said that the strive to replicate/enhance the as a potenal land use for the two two surface parking lots, parcularly pedestrian‐level acvity and bustle that parcels. Many parcipants said that a parcel four, have a negave impact on currently characterizes The Forks site. residenal populaon would improve the overall Forks experience and are While some suggested that the lands safety and the viability of The Forks. undesirable land uses. The development should “mirror” or be an “extension” of However, there is a high expectaon that of The Canadian Museum for Human the Canadian Museum for Human housing at The Forks should strive to be Rights has further increased the Rights’ “contemplave” experience, this innovave or a “showcase” in some way. imperave for revitalizing the rail side is not a widely held posion. Most Ideas included unique architectural and parcel four lands in the minds of parcipants characterized their vision for design, unique mix of tenure and many. the lands as one with mulple acvies incomes, or unique building technologies and experiences, more celebratory in (e.g. green). Mixed-Use nature, similar to what currently happens at The Forks. Culture and Community The majority of parcipants in the phase one public consultaons support the Natural Elements There was a strong desire expressed by lands being developed as mixed‐use parcipants that The Forks connue to environments, with public and The public space component of the plan grow as a place that interprets history, community spaces and commercial uses. should establish green and natural showcases contemporary culture, and While some parcipants advocated for elements as the central organizing provides a focal point for the broader the enre lands being developed as a feature. While an “urban experience” community. Many said that the rail side park space, this is a minority held was preferred and advocated by most and parcel four lands should house a posion of those consulted. parcipants (e.g. plazas, public art, new cultural or community project of cafes), many do not want green or some nature, although no consistent Connections natural elements to be sacrificed in suggeson emerged, and it will take me order to achieve an urban experience. to narrow and implement the best ideas. Parcipants advocated that the two Ideally, the plan should strive to achieve Therefore it is recommended that a parcels should be developed in both urban and natural elements in poron of the lands be “banked” for partnership to ensure that they both harmony. such a future project. enhance and strengthen the physical connecon between The Forks and the Street Level Retail and Design Guidelines rest of the downtown. For example, this Restaurants could be accomplished by designing the Specific design guidelines for the rail side main public space in such a way as to Nearly all parcipants in the phase‐one lands and parcel four iniave should be provide a north‐south linear connecon consultaons supported retail and created and strictly adhered to. Most (eg. pedestrian promenade or green restaurant development on the lands at parcipants acknowledged that The corridor) from northern end of The Fork street level. Many said that if Forks is trustworthy and has to its heart (i.e. The Port and Forks incorporated, they should be unique or accomplished a high design standard for Market). have a “desnaon” quality to provide public spaces, however concerns exist more reasons to visit The Forks. that commercial development on the site may not live up to those standards without a clear framework.

10 Appendix A. Community Stakeholder Interview Guide

• In 2011, the City of Winnipeg announced that it would sell its rail side lands to develop a hotel and waterpark. Some people reacted quite negavely to this. What do you think the main reasons were for that?

• At the me, what was your reacon to the development of a water park on that site?

• What types of uses do you think should be encouraged to locate on the rail side lands? Are there types of uses that you think should be discouraged?

• What do you think about housing being incorporated in the project?

• The Forks and the City of Winnipeg have agreed that they would like to see the rail side lands developed to a high standard of urban design. What would that include in your view?

• What are some the design criteria that should be used for the development?

• When looking at the space, how much of the site do you think should be developed as park/open space?

• Do you think the development of these two parcels should be disnct or integrated, in terms of look and character?

• What do you think are going to be some of the key challenges facing the development of this site as it goes along?

• Are there things that you think the City of Winnipeg and the Forks can do to beer ensure success?

• What do you think is the best way to engage the public in the dialogue on the project?

• Are there any other concerns or thoughts you have about the development of the rail side lands or a unique perspecve from your organizaon?

11 Appendix B. Online Public Space Descriptions

“Acve space that connects the market to “Residenal/commercial along the railside because I would like to see dense areas of the museum and the baseball park (Those lot. Requires acve transportaon/transit pao eateries giving the feel of a bustling can be 'desnaons.' I think this space oriented. Incorporang green space in the area. I chose the third picture, again to should be more about keeping people design for parcel 4 as The Forks as lost so emphasize the importance for the need for acve and interested while moving from much green space to commercializaon.” outdoor space to allow for paos and a one desnaon to another).” dense urban feeling. I chose the fourth “A Mid‐to‐high density residenal picture in hopes for innovave, modern “I would like to see a combinaon of neighborhood. Street retail and sidewalk lighng and public art to showcase our city outdoor space and restaurant/pao type eateries. Hidden laneways full of surprises to the millions of visitors that will be space.” (see Melbourne). Addicvely walkable, a flocking to the area. We want all our new discovery at every turn ‐ charming, visitors leaving wanng to return with “Unique, excing, different, cung edge, historic yet modern ‐ playing off the other friends and family to share their peaceful, open to everyone, sit, relax, railway theme ‐ disnctly "Winnipeg". It's memorable mes in our city. Developed reflect, future, forward thinking, art me to forge our own style. Memorable. buildings should include ground level installaon, pao, coffee, snack, open, This land is 'ground zero' for future eateries, shops, and commercial. Upper free, green, colourful.” generaons' impressions of Winnipeg.” stories should include parking, office and residenal. A height restricon of 25 “I envision green space, with landscaping “As this is the last undeveloped site at the stories, but maximize the amount of and architecture that reflects the fact that forks, it is imperave that this area is towers to include as many residenal units there is a human rights museum across maximized to its fullest potenal. I agree as possible. (1000+ units for both parcels) the way. This space would provide guests, mixed use is the way to go. I believe the City taxes are collected for people living up residents and others a space to reflect space needs to be both green and above in the air without the costs of annual aer their visit. However, there should sll ground development. First: Parking is infrastructure/ service costs to the city be enough green space to accommodate important. We need to replace, and likely budget.” for acve living acvies like those shown add, parking to this area considering the in the picture, with a bike trail, enough opening of the museum. Parking should be “A strong place for public interacon with open green space for yoga in the park or in a structure similar to the garage that public art suitable for aracon of tourists those having lunch breaks from work. No currently exists as it blends into the green from the nearby forks which would act as maer which opon, bringing back more space next to it. As this would be build a place of transion into the nearby green space to the forks is important and a running north‐south next to the rail line, it exchange east and west districts.” key component of the development in my could be slightly larger than what is mind. If there is private development near currently there. I think a parking lot would “The Forks has a great many spaces that the site, that could house any commercial make more sense on the city owned serve a variety of purposes – mostly or retail space needed. If so, that should parcel. Second: I think the noon of catering to tourists, both foreign and be kept to the edges, maybe along the rail condos/apartments would fit with the domesc. As a resident living a five‐ side.” mul‐use vision that the forks has. Again, minute walk away from Parcel 4 – passing this would occur on the rail side, and it as I bike to work every day – I would love “Do a google images search for pentagon wouldn’t be built more than 4‐5 stories to see installaons and acvies that row. I know it's not really my own and should be built as such to blend into create a larger sense of community . A words...sorry for that.” the green space. Third: Along the river flexible place where like‐minded locals can side of these parcels of land we need to consistently gather to be inspired and “Well integrated with properly designed ensure green space is available. This will fit energized by one another. The skate park urban neighborhood.” with the vision of the forks intended.” is one such example, however it's applicability is somewhat limited. Create “Lots of public art (fountains, sculptures, “Green space ‐ a beauful spot for walking space for a real grass 18‐hole pung interacve pieces) where people can and relaxing and playing sports. course like the City of Edina's Centennial gather. Outdoor eang areas (paos) and Restaurants & Cafes that are open late! Lakes Park that can be converted to a markets. Possibility to extend skang trail More nightlife as well as great places to winter course as well. Integrate rapid through the area.” take guests for a sunday aernoon lunch.” transit to facilitate access to the new Museum. Allow outdoor kiosks for local “I would like people to be able to DO “I envision green space for acve use with business (Mountain Equipment Co‐op, the things at the public space. I want people arsc and natural designed space. I'd also Zoo) to interact with the community, and to be able to gather, and parcipate, and like to see cafes or some such stopping create space for food trucks. Have a occupy the space. Public art is another space but am uncertain how well that natural amphitheatre to facilitate Sport interesng choice, but I think it can be too would work out in reality given the Manitoba demonstraons. Art installaons divisive. I don't think we need it as green squealing brakes of passing trains.” with interacve elements. Equally capable space, per se.” “I chose the first picture because I would of hosng a lumberjack compeon as a like some park space incorporated in the group yoga event. It must encourage overall design. I chose the second picture alternave transportaon. It must be an 12 interacve space – not a monument or art be prey useful too. Ideally it would “Mixed use development with installaon. It should always be in flux. It include at least some smaller (local flair opportunies for public use, cycling, should be a place neighbourhood people rather than big chain) restaurant/food and walking path linking the different sites at regularly visit to see what's going on that beverage take‐out places, for convenience. the forks. vibrant public spaces with prairie parcular day. As the bridge between the Or a "food court" area where a few food landscaping and public art...celebrate Forks and downtown, it should bring in the trucks (like those that operate on manitoba plants, arsts, student art local community.” in summer) could set up compeons to "furnish" the space. Mixed seasonally. With the redevelopment of income housing for students, seniors‐low “I would like to see a mixed use building. this space, what will be done to provide rise and integrated with the public use Parking structure on the lower floors, then adequate, affordable parking for events at aspects‐commerical on lower level office topped with a slim hotel/condo the ball park, and visitors to the Forks? featuring independent businesses and tower. A tall and slim tower is important ‐ While promoon of acve transportaon restaurants.” the Vancouverism model, even green or transit is important, the reality is that coloured glass. The rail line can be loud, some areas of Winnipeg are very difficult “Winnipeg needs more space to gather, so condo/hotel should be on floors 8 or to get to and from by transit or acve share ideas, join together for healthy higher. The public space I would like to transportaon, and I see this as a site that community acvies, and relax in an arul see a wide elevated walk‐way like the should connue to be very accessible and place. It can only be good for the area! The High‐Line in NYC connecng Portage/ family‐oriented.” space should represent more of 'what's Main/Winnipeg Square to the Forks. Parts “A series of urban plazas and spaces that happening' at the Forks, in a place that has of the walkway should be enclosed or pass introduce both hardscapes and soscapes more of the same vibe as the park behind through buildings so you can warmup in that compliment the commercial at grade the Millennium library. The Forks has been winter.” development along with being public my favourite place in the city ever since I space to be used by residents on locaon. was a child. I hope it will connue to grow “Aer seeing these pictures, the idea of a Forming an urban pedestrian street that in the same direcon that it has been. green space that encourages and links the ballpark, waterfront area, CMHR Your programming is great, educaonal, incorporates physical acvity while and forks development as nodes around and promotes healthy living. The acve connecng with nature would be a great the periphery.” transportaon paths and link‐ups are use of this space. I liked the outdoor gym always used on my way to or from work (it in the Group 3 pictures, and would find “Inving, a place that draws you in, a place seems no maer what area of the city I'm that a really great place to go in Winnipeg where you want to spend me. Nature, going to, I always pass through the Forks to get some fresh air as well as physical lots of trees and plants, integrated into its on the way there!). Public Art is a growing acvity. If nature and acvity could be surroundings, paos, inving and beauful trend in the city, and it would be fantasc connected in an acve green space, that all year round. Sustainable and efficient. to see more of it, especially in the would be great! It would also promote Medium density buildings, not too huge, downtown core. It would also be great if visitors to increase their physical acvity not too small. More than one story high, there were more public fitness classes and they would connect with nature as four stories or more even. Residences as hosted in partnership with the Forks. And, well. A calm, outdoor, judgement‐free well as businesses. Connecvity to the rest as per usual, your outdoor concerts, Salsa zone to engage in physical acvity... it of the Forks, to downtown, and to the rest Sundays, and hosng of Pride, and many would be awesome.” of the city. Connected to pedestrian First Naons events make the Forks a very paths, bike paths, and transit.” special cultural grounds. Staying true to “Prior to the CMHR's construcon, I saw that nature is incredibly important. Good the Forks as a truly mul‐purpose site, “Mixed use, acve all year round, public luck with your decisions! As a total side where people can enjoy nature educaon, art, collaborave creave space, plaza, note, I also heard about this great dog free concerts or presentaons, or just paos, people living gathering engaging. If park in the states with a restaurant (for relax, soak in the sun, and read a book on designated a green space, needs to be humans and pets), water slides for the their lunch break. Ideally, this area would animated in winter months. Not a dogs and a large fenced‐in play area, and be an expansion on that theme ‐ a place memorial, but respecul of the lot of rec space for their owners. That where people can go to sit, relax, and juxtaposion next to a museum. A would also be great.” experience a bit of nature in the otherwise persistent connecon between Main mainly concrete downtown area. To Street and the Forks.” “Green space, green space, green space. promote a resul environment, a sound When I was a kid and visited the Forks, it and visual buffer between this area, the “Maybe a public space with a large scale was an island of green space in the railway and major thoroughfares would be art installaon, similar to CloudGate in downtown area. Huge wide‐open lawns, important. Perhaps this could be a berm, Chicago, or Spoonbridge and Cherry at the enormous trees, gardens here and there. or a wall with vines and plants to cover the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. Would Coming back ten years later the whole base wall structure. If the area included have to work well with the Museum, with area seemed to have been sucked up by low‐maintenance gym equipment like in the skyline in the background as well.” one development project or another. Group 3, Opon 1, or a small exercise area Some have been good for the downtown, for (quieter)outdoor exercise, that would but others seem like a waste of space.

13 Gone are the green areas, pushed far away to be fit, perhaps play games and join in “Beaufully designed post‐modern landscape from the main buildings. I'd like to see more community building.” that complements the dramac architecture public green space rather than a concrete of the human rights museum.” jungle‐gym. When I see how the new library “I would like the space to be open to a variety park, Memorial Park, Vimy Ridge etc. are used of uses that aren't "programming “An open area but not simply another empty for public fesvals, exercise classes, picnics, dependent," meaning I don't think it should field with a bike path, I would like to see large bike rides and walks, it makes me wish the be a stage or classroom, more a space that scale art installaons and space for outdoor Forks had more spaces that were welcoming invites people to use it on an individual or dining etc.” like that.” group basis. It should be able to be used by people having lunch during the work day but “A rec centre. Hockey rink with stadium style “It should be an all season indoor/outdoor also have ulity during the evening. I think it seang comparable to the Max Bell arena. park Similar to the conservatory at should have some kind of "hub" component People can watch as they walk by like at west . People need a place to go like a bus stop or a bike rack, which enables edmonton mall. Indoor pool, soccer field. during the 8 months of winter where they can people to congregate en route to other things Restaurants and shops. Underground free be exposed to nature again, tress flowers in the area but also some kind of aracon parking.” ect....Maybe even some arficial sun light to like a piece of art or a fountain that might fight off the winter blues. Let's face it we get encourage people to stay awhile.” “I'd like to see something that, as a more winter than summer and all our parks Winnipegger, I would be proud to bring an and public spaces are mostly accommodang “A cool green space where relaxaon, out‐of‐town guest too. That would mean summer condions, because we love learning and exercise are possible.” something iconic, or close to it (there are summer. Why not have a summer garden we already iconic items in the area, so we don't can enjoy during the winter.” “I would use part of the space to build a need to spend a tonne to compete with that). second parkade for the forks/museum/ball Something that complements the world‐class “This area should be used as a public square, park that operates on the same principles as facilies and amenies that are there, similar to the types we see in or Asia. the exisng parkade. This would help to including the CMHR. I would like to see an A large open plaza in the center surrounded provide enough parking for days when there commercial component to help the economic by various shops, cafes and restaurants. An are large events taking place in the area, but sustainability of the area. I would like to see area where paos and outdoor dining is a also help to keep other areas of land free for something that we can afford to maintain in feature. The plaza should have a very inving other, more enjoyable uses. This parkade the future as a world‐class area.” centre piece such as a large fountain. This would be best placed at the end of the land would create a link between the business closest to the museum and ball park. I believe “A greenspace in the downtown core where centric area of downtown with the relaxing the rest of the land should be used to create people can go to relax, where people from seng of the Forks. It could become a useable greenspace area that helps to e games, the museum, or the forks can escape Winnipeg's version of Singapore's Carke Quay the designs of the museum and forks the buildings and relax ‐ and potenally learn which is extremely popular among locals and together. A space that es in the arsc and about Manitoba landscapes as well. A tourists alike. Along the rail line behind some useable ideas from the picture above would restored prairie would bring a piece of our of the future buildings a space should be make the most sense, while also keeping the history into the core, and potenally expose reserved for future rapid transit line to be area from looking too commercialized. I do hundreds of thousands to this unique feature built. In aggregate this parcel of land could not think there is any need for more that has helped make our province great.” become a huge draw to the downtown restaurants or businesses to be built in the masses and make the whole city centre more forks area.” “Open space and or green space with a fancy appealing for the people , by adding a very type of high tech art that draws people in inving place for people to go aer work or “The parcels are prey noisy (rail and vehicle from all over.” for lunch, or to go and enjoy a relaxing day off traffic so I'm not sure contemplave sing on the paos.” greenspace would work. Anything that “Community space to bring people together. breaks up the industrial and integrates with NEED restaurants and bars waterside in this “I would like to see the space used as a place The Forks/Museum is ideal and doesn't act as city.” for rest and contemplaon. I would also like it an extension to the ball park even beer.” to contain public artwork that could be iconic, “Ulmately, you can't focus on people sing “The art and fitness aspect appeal. We have such as the Bean in Chicago.” on grass as we are winter bound too many no area in Winnipeg where iconic art is a months‐‐ so it must include buildings, hard all large part of the aracon and with some of “I'd like to see a green space to connue on weather surfaces, and yes, some public the features already at the Forks, this could with the theme at the forks. plant grass and gathering spaces. It needs to include be built upon. Allowing for outdoor theatre is trees, add some flowers, a fountain, maybe commercial, residenal and whatever else is similar. Exercise space is in short supply some picnic tables and chairs...a place for required to pay the freight!!!! Parks and birds downtown, so the ability to do yoga, senior people to sit and eat. My 2nd choice would don't contribute cash.” exercise circuits, and other more passive be some sort of botanical gardens. it should exercise (as opposed to play fields with on be something to make you feel like you’re not “It should be a combinaon of green and lookers) seems a good fit too.” in the city.” commercial areas integrated with a fine‐ grained urban development. That is to say, “The public space needs to encompass “Health and wellness are my visions priority. not a block of parkland, but a supporve, parking, entertainment, restaurants, and giving back to the people with a public green conduit that threads through the shopping to add to the theme of the area garden. giving back to nature by planng neighbourhood.” already. Connecng to the transit corridor trees for the future. a place people can gather

14 would also be beneficial to reduce the “A place with very low development be ideal. I believe a combinaon of art, demand for parking.” integrated with a peaceful arul place for fitness, natural organic terrain and a place reflecon and solitude in keeping with the to celebrate music and culture would help “A combinaon of green space, inving CMHR experience.” people rejoice and feel a sense of walkways and quiet spaces for reading or togetherness.” reflecon. An interpreve element or “A locaon that becomes a desnaon for some display (be it sculpture or other art people with things to do, places to visit ‐ a “It has to be go with the original landscape forms, or informave displays) regarding people place not a passive park (there are but offer things to do or spaces to use. the significance of the area.” lots of those in the City).” MUST HAVE PARKING FOR FORKS AND MUSEUM.” “A green space with amenies such as “I would like to see large, eye catching garden plots, public art, bike staon and public art and a number of paos and “An inexpensive place to go for all age adult workout/'playground' set up.” cafe's to infuse street life into the area. Of groups to enjoy a variety of experiences ‐ course all of this in front of mul‐level project involvement (as seen in the street “A mix‐use space with restaurants, shops residenal and commercial. I would love to art ‐ group 1, acon 5 photo); public and public green space.” see some type of ered buildings 5 to 15 entertainment; strolling and people‐ stories in height along the rail line above watching, a place to stop for an alcoholic “When the Forks came into being the some type of parking structure. We have and non‐alcoholic drink and snack.” public were told it would be for family enough green space at the Forks and the recreaon, but me has shown it is lile Museum.” "Mul use" is probably over used these more than a commercial venue. This could days but that's what this ought to be. be the opportunity to create the kind of “We are losing too much of our green Heavy weight on residenal component as space many people thought we were spaces downtown. No where to sit and it keeps people there 24/7. I envision geng. It should be non‐commercial for think surrounded by green. These spaces something like the Harmony Village in relaxaon and family me!” can be enjoyed by all ages.” Barrie ON. It seems to bring a bit of every thing together to create an acve, living, “My choices above are all based upon my “Natural vegetaon walking and cycling urban type village. hp:// view of The Forks as a 'meeng place' paths on the periphery, a central” where people of all backgrounds can get pedestrian and cycle promenade, leading together and celebrate simply sharing the to a green common, and housing an art “It should be throughly excavated for any same space. I see The Forks as a meeng space such as small concert facility/ archeological value before it is considered place of cultures, community, diversity, gallery.” for further development.” arsc talents, events and so much more. I recall being in Montréal during some sort “A mixture of residenal and non‐ “I would like to see a mixed use with green of event where streets were closed to cars residenal uses, with public open spaces space, trees, cycle paths and a water and street performers lined the roadways. in the form of public plazas which could be feature... also some small unique shops It was an upbeat happy fesve spirit that I used for entertainment or events. Includes and food venues with licensed think would be great in one of Winnipeg's housing and small scale commercial uses paos....over top of an underground most well known landmarks and tourist to serve the daily needs of residents plus parking lot connected by tunnels to the desnaons. Restaurants with giant invites non‐residents to use the public ball park, the human rights museum and outdoor paos. I think it must be kept in spaces shared with the residenal uses. A the Johnston terminal. Down the road I mind that ours is a city of some colder pedestrian‐oriented right‐of‐way where no would like to see a tunnel connect to months as well, so care should be taken in cars would be allowed like the Nicole portage and main... similar to the allowing the space to funcon in the Mall in Minneapolis, but on a much Montreal underground system.... Parking middle of our somemes endless feeling narrower scale and with shorter buildings fees and commercial stall rental inside the winters. Nonetheless I think whatever gets framing the space. Innovave, invenve, underground tunnel system could pay for people out to enjoy themselves, while public art would be showcased to aract it all...” bringing in as many tourists as possible is visitors and acvity. Water features would what would be best for our Great City.” be appropriate with many places to sit “My vision for the public space component informally to eat an ice cream cone or of the rail side and parcel four lands is one “I would like there to be people in/on it. people watch. Try to limit the amount of of community parcipaon. While I So programmed with a diverse range of private space that only paying customers believe green space is needed in our city, if acvies or purposes. Art. Residenal or patrons are allowed in; it should be le too empty, it risks provoking only mixed use. Interesng landscaping like the open to public use.” individual acvies. Winnipeg needs Hi‐Line in NY or the Promenade Plantee in density, and this excitement must be Paris. It would be great if there was a “The public space will need to be safe for generated by a collaboraon of the park design that somehow bridged the rail line all people. The core area has received a atmosphere with more specific suggested to connect the locaon to downtown.” bad rap and so any opportunity to change "group" acvity ie. providing outdoor that percepon and stand against it would paos, encing equipment for group

15 workouts (group 3, opon 4), having the the area, not have to bus or drive to a can shop, play, embrace history and opportunity to walk through arsts as they different part of downtown or Osborne/ culture, go to museums, and enjoy the work in the public realm, and having Corydon. Feel free to respond by email :)” river at the Forks...but what has been design installaons that they can directly missing and sll missing is can we Live at interact with. These acvies embody the “Outdoor acve living transion between the Forks! I'm not talking about hotels. noon of progress and encourage a the concrete jungle of Downtown and the Can we actually live and eat at the forks, a "oneness" for dwellers in the city. People more natural areas closer to the rivers.” mixed‐use centre of residenal and want to feel like they can both belong and commercial component is missing. be lost in a sea of other people. Once a “A dining, entertainment and leisure area.” Imagine the Forks of the Future...Shop, space is intriguing enough to draw in many Eat, Play, History, Culture, and NOW LIVE people, society will idenfy it as a fun “Landscaped: Trees, Gardens, Grass; Non‐ AT THE FORKS.” space to experience on their own as well. I vehicular Transportaon and access; Public don't just want the site filled with an Art/Performance; Safe: Well‐lit, well “My priories for this space are 1) object, I want the rail side and parcel four marked; Non‐permanent Retail/Restaurant interacve public art (Like the splash lands to provide an interacon; one of Kiosks/Huts; Parking with Green roof/ fountains in Chicago or Dallas) but nature, community and play.” space (see NYC's Highline).” something that offers winter interacon as well 2) open gathering space that can be “It needs to have some sort of unique art “In my opinion the space adjacent to the used in a variety of ways and naturally installaon that Winnipeg will be Museum should take on a park like quiet compliments the CMHR and Stage areas renowned for. But also a space where seng with site lines that will help people for large events 3) GREEN ‐ as in grass, people will actually congregate to. reflect on their experiences at the trees, paths, bike friendly, supports Outdoor plazas are all well and good but museum. Perhaps sculptures could be walking. Services like parking and food when they are deserted all the me which commissioned and an enclosed path could should not be in this space ‐ but close by. is generally the case in Winnipeg it be created to augment the experiences We also need safe public washroom becomes useless. Many cafes/restaurants offered across the street. A beauful, access ‐ like the small single‐ pay units with outdoor seang along a plaza would green space with tall trees a feeling of they have in Europe. There will be many be ideal” safety. Maybe even a dynamic space with people and we need to support access to new sculptures exhibited annually.” rest rooms easily.” “It would be nice to create a visual and sound barrier to obscure the unsightly “Pedestrian Friendly green space with “The space has to be vibrant, acve and tracks. I would prefer a space that is busy sidewalks, bike paths, flowers seang and connually aracve to encourage use and offers something of a life‐affirming picnic areas.” through all seasons and all mes of day counterpoint to the themes explored in and night. And also so it discourages the CMHR. It would be nice to have some “A space that promotes the physical fitness vandals. It should be a mix or art, eateries public art in this space.” of downtown residents and visitors. So we and open changable space. It should sll don't require a car trip to a city sports field be a place that the public can enjoy and “I truly believe that the proposal from a located on the peripheral edges of the city, not be excluded. If a poron is for condos few years back for this area was perfect. in order to be acve outdoors.” that is fine, but the majority needs to Taller residenal units at the back (along remain as open public accessible usable tracks) would bring in the necessary “My vision is to mimic in New space.” crical mass of people to beer connect York and reserve the area to be as park‐ downtown and the forks, while also block like as possible w/ a variety of green‐space “Transitory, shaded, with winding paths out some of the train noise. In front of the acvies. The neighboring area around and space for collaboraon, fesvals and residenal have commercial space with the Forks is already being developed w/ works of art as you move from one poron plenty of shops, cafes and restaurants with urban residenal housing, office towers, of the forks to another. A space to be used pao space in the summer. The reason I etc. The Forks could be our Central Park, by the people for spontaneous gatherings, chose the pictures I did was because we and it stays inline w/ the serenity & with a mix of amenies including food, need to have a mix of uses for day to day peacefulness break from the hecc city housing and paos. The site should remain and special events, and you need a reason life.” low profile (one story with the excepon for tourists to come. This space should not of trees) to allow sweeping views of the become greenspace, the Forks already has It should be le alone. You have already museum and downtown from anywhere in tons of it. Tourists do not come to a city to torn up too many ancestral graves and the forks. From the museum, the site sit in its parks, they come to spend money ancient meeng and ceremonial places. should appear as a canopy of trees. The and see cool areas. Group 1 opon 2 is When will this stop?” site should model central park or amazing. Families out, paos and shops Brooklyn's Prospect park. The space lining the streets and lots of people! Its “None of the above opons quite depict should be pedestrian and bike oriented, almost like St. Catherines in Montreal, and my vision for parcel 4 and rail side with mul‐level parking developed in an would be perfect for the forks! When the lands...there needs to be a residenal architecturally appealing way. Parking CMHR opens, people will want to explore component to the forks...currently, you should be out of the way and virtually

16 unnoceable (parally underground). The site should include a disnguishing feature “I believe that a freshwater aquarium at the north end to welcome people from would be a good fit for the site across from downtown and move them towards the the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. I museum, St. Boniface and the forks (also envision the facility to be located below leading to the river trail and winter river grade, with a park above. The serenity of trail which is a transitory route towards an aquarium and a park would be Corydon and Osborne.” welcome foils to the somemes disturbing content of the Museum. An aquarium “I picked Group 1 opon 1 for its organic would also be an excellent teaching and living art. Giant sculptures tend to research vehicle, providing informaon on become dated and I believe many don't the many species of aquac life in appreciate modern monuments because Manitoba, including the Beluga whale, their meanings are lost. Group 2 opon 5 ‐ (though I appreciate a Beluga display may not that I like this opon but feel the well be problemac).” others are out of place ‐ concrete monolith sculptures age quickly, bars/restaurants “There should be archaeological museum are already present at the forks and more and learning centre that focuses on the development like that should be directed pieces found at the site. You could have to the core of the downtown west of main cut out of the buildings in the ground st. The big bear sculpture (or the rooster covered in glass showing pieces in London UK) sck out like a sore thumb undisturbed. There could also be a public and clash with the "natural feel of the farm and huge public water piece or forks." Group 3 I picked opon 2 I wish the pond.” forks site had the grand trees of other areas of the city ‐ too much concrete feel ‐ We are the city of Elms ‐ showcase that. Group 4, no to 1 (already have Scoabank stage) 2 again with modern art that reflects one arsts vision and usually just causes controversy 4 and 5 repeat other areas already at the forks ‐ 3 gives the idea of open access whether pedestrian or cyclist (non motorized). Of the above group 1 opon 1, Group 2 opon 5, group 3 opon 2 and group 4 opon 3 could all work in harmony or be ever changing keeping it fresh and lively.”

“Large scale public space that is also busy and engaging on a human level, but then also goes on to create even smaller unique inhabitable environments that are awaing discovery through engagement.”

“People are always looking for things to "do" ‐ things that go beyond passively watching or listening (those are good too). Creang spaces that invite acvity, (a place to create art, to garden, or to exercise) makes the space physically engaging and dynamic. There are many inner city NFP and other organizaons that c/would take advantage. The community garden (as I interpret the one photo) is aracve because it can be very funconal and educaonal. My last choice is a nod to also incorporang space that simply "is" and where one can simply "be."

17 Appendix C. Citizen Workshop Results Land Uses



already have shops at the Forks, takes away from higher and ‐ beer uses

takes up space where there could be acvies others would draws people with a purpose, good for winter traffic like to enjoy, usually involves parking

permanent revenue support not flexible, will require servicing and infrastructure

would help out with the economy and provide jobs ‐

‐ already enough [at the Forks]

‐ disposable, momentary, shallow, short term

downtown sector [outside Forks] is also in need of small indigenous retail opportunies, local wares business, The Forks should retain history

brings developers/sparks interest, brings a certain lots of retail at The Forks, ecologically insensive demographic, brings $$, local [retailers] would be good

there already is enough commercial in different areas of the brings people to the area for a specific purpose Forks

‐ already have retail, takes up public space and green space

desnaon already plenty at the Forks

greater social gathering and revenue congeson due to overcrowding

$ income some may feel it’s too commercial and excluded financially

fun, acve, economically sustainable for The Forks, urban, ugly, empty storefronts if they are unsuccessful and don’t supports neighborhood sell‐out

shopping = [people] traffic needs to be original kinds of retail to draw traffic

bigger chain chain store may not be beneficial as it might take more social interacons, generates local economy over local stores

convenient, essenal services are beer not a place to stay for long periods

brings people to the area if it is something unique Forks has a lot of shopping already


always a good, brings tourists, what can we do to bring may only appeal to a small percentage of people people there in the winter me

would provide depth to the project ‐

historical/agricultural, pre‐colonial arfacts, tourism/self‐ ‐ sustaining

enduring, enriching, people, social

flexible expression, always needed, history/environment

rich with history, archeological, cultural, inclusive of pre‐ ‐ colonial, potenal interpreve centre

educates youth/public, shows history of the site, lack of human rights museum already next door, lots of other public schools in the area instutes already in the area

educaonal ‐ all ages can use the site ‐ importance of pre‐Winnipeg heritage, thousands of years the ‐ site was used as gathering space, not recognized today

rich experience, more variety of acvies, all ages benefit less profit, require government funding

can be a very rich project could be underulized

portrayal of the diverse culture of the city duplicaon with other cultural projects/acvies

inclusive, honouring past+present less economically viable

honours historic site, brings in people, appropriate for this the museum takes of this need, we need supporve uses, not historic place duplicate

central, accessible overkill given recent capital campaigns

informave, historical, expose cultural shis (what do we ‐ value now vs. many years ago?)

more events that let others (tourists) experience the place ‐

variety, niche lots of educaonal/cultural facilies have spaces already

‐ The Forks already has some of these things



could facilitate sustainability of The Forks, residents would reduces green space shop at The Market would help commercial shops, increase safety (more people too near railway yards, ball park, etc, promotes heavy traffic, around) too much traffic now

would take a lot of space, The Forks should be a place for small scale maybe culture, fun, relaxaon

‐ not appropriate for the locaon

adds sorely needed housing for the city less shared space, sense of intrusion hence resentment

‐ downtown yes, but Forks no, not on a historic site

“eyes of the street” Jane Jacobs, apartments are needed in could lack environmental and historical in design the city not condos, increase density of the downtown

‐ doesn’t fit the idea of The Forks more eyes on the street, accessibility for residents, fills need, densificaon of the downtown, more culture compared to not public gentrified exchange los

city needs it (increase density), eyes on the street increases controversial safety, more people on the site 24/7

reduces homelessness possible fricon between diverse backgrounds in housing

keeps people there not a public use

24 hour acvity, more people downtown is good, great if it need a balance of private versus public, percepon of can be reasonably/appropriately priced unfairness, design challenge with the railway

more traffic downtown keeps it safer families seem to prefer suburbs [for housing]

brings in a new demographic, makes for a safer area, more takes away for the public space because it private welcoming

generates more density and mores social parcipaon less desirable place to live (noise, train tracks, safety)

mul‐family could create variety not affordable, families with kids would not live here

more people living in the area would begin to actually form families may not want to live in the area the area into a neighbourhood

requires infrastructure, requires services, bias to certain revenues and taxes people, security



‐ not public

good source of revenue, could be a very rich architectural project, high quality space could bring more business to the controversial, people could be disappointed city

depending on the nature of the offices it may create a sense good source of income of insecurity

$income not public use good as part of a mixed‐use site, probably would be a greater ugly, empty buildings if it is unsuccessful revenue generator

more traffic downtown keeps it safer a lot of downtown office space is underulized currently

if for small businesses, smaller spaces for rent, could create would make this area into another Main Street, no one wants unique interacons between business owners and regular to hang out on Main Street public

generates more businesses unnecessary for a space that is used for social gatherings

good if mixed‐use the [office] people go home at 5:00

already a lot of office space north of the site, people go home small offices would support small businesses aer work

wrong spot for this type of use, can be on any piece of provides revenue pavement

‐ ‐

good for revenue, it would mean workers in the area all year The Forks should remain a park first and foremost, a sacred round place, don’t over commercialize

should be on a limited scale ‐

‐ not appropriate for the locaon, invasive

‐ exclusionary,

opportunity for innovave green technology that protects the downtown has an abundance of alternave opportunies and does not disturb the precious sit beneath for space

more jobs in the city and downtown the area has a lot

not aesthecally pleasing for area, already have office space ‐ downtown



more acvity at night = more safety only one funcon, consumes greenspace

people love food, more services means more people living in are plenty of restaurants around the area

congeson due to overcrowding and possible crime rate greater social gathering and revenue increase

$ income, public use, but should be affordable to low income oen over priced, this excludes many

public, fun, cultural, desnaon, beauful space, interesng, need to control alcohol consumpon huge potenal success

people need to eat, food=[people] traffic lots of downtown restaurants already

brings in more people, more variety, fun environment, night big chain restaurants [negave] life, local restaurants

big chain restaurants may kill the local restaurants, no big gives vibrancy to the environment chain restaurants

people gathering, stay longer, profit for maintenance [of The less characterisc, no chains Forks]

healthy opons no chains

unique food opons, small The Forks has a lot of these opons

support [revenue] for the area, needs to be flexible requires parking, bias to certain people

if unique small and speciality coffee and food shops, mul‐ chain or large format restaurants not compable in the area ethnic restaurants

always needed where people gather, will bring people in all not a lot more needed in the winter me year round

would aract more people to visit the places, mul‐cultural ‐

‐ not enough parking in the area

potenal for cultural sharing redundant, socially limited

restaurants are only ulized by certain class of people/ ‐ tourism

good lunch desnaon for downtown workers do we need more, area has a lot

a meeng place for people ‐



only one use, wasted opportunity, ecologically barren, empty, ‐ less safe

Winnipeg has way too much parking already, should be Winnipeggers love their parking encouraging alternave modes of transportaon

good quiet use of the area unfair advantage to elite who possess vehicles parking is necessary, must be affordable or free to the general can be disrespecul of the Aborignal history of the site public (should have a monument to it)

convenient, parking is needed for ballpark/museum bad if it overwhelms the site

needed for development, provides access for people, takes away greenspace potenal, aesthecally unappealing encourages visitaon

makes more people willing to come and visit from other parts ‐ of the city

it become a dead space when it is not being used, it has ‐ already used up a lot of greenspace

use of surface parking here would be a lile bit of a waste of good for driving accessibility this great place

accessible, buffer for the industrial dead space

‐ already a lot of surface parking in the downtown

unfortunately needed, could be permeable, most likely pavement/gravel/space requirement stacked

need parking for Forks and baseball stadium, acts as a buffer detracts from the area along the railway

having more parking would be convenient for visitors ‐

leaves land less disturbed underneath [archeology], full bus barrenness terminal would make the Forks more accessible

meaningless, wasteland, promotes use of vehicular transport, perhaps necessary less green

drivers have to make a choice, make it more difficult, public ‐ transport must prevail

Winnipeg has an insane amount of parking downtown, no $$ for the developer more needed

‐ the space is already parking, not mul‐funconal



gives tourists easy access to The Forks and downtown, already have one, redundant increased business and economy

increased density, great mixed use opportunity controversial

boast tourism and revenue for Forks businesses congeson due to overcrowding

archeology needs to be properly and fully explored before ‐ development

signature locaon design is crical, can’t be ugly

encourages tourism is another needed in the downtown?

Inn at The Forks is already there (no need for another one), tourism, ideal locaon unnecessary use of space

aract tourists to the area more than enough? convenient for visitors, aracve environment for guests, tourism vs. local culture, may effect usage for local people unique hotel

‐ lots of hotels around

‐ already two hotels in the area

revenue/taxes wrong space for this type of facility

‐ uses the potenal for greenspace

would increase tourism ‐

‐ already enough in the area

‐ exacerbates sense of over development in the area

new hotel already exists on site and in mulple locaons leave hotels to the SHED district downtown

if there is demand ‐

would bring tourists to the area already has enough hotels in The Forks vicinity

24 SERVICES (i.e. daycare, gym, pharmacy, etc.)


increases the variety of amenies consume green space

this requires people in the area to support the services, not a ‐ whole lot of people live in the area

wrong spot for this, should be more in the distance for the provide permanent revenue site

displaces higher and beer uses, should use exisng built up ‐ areas

needed only if mul‐family housing is implemented housing not a good idea great opportunity for this, services are greatly needed, would can be difficult to sustain be a popular idea

can be used by workers that work there services are usually associated with urbanizaon

important for building a neighbourhood this site is too important to be just an ordinary site

encourages downtown living capacity ‐ is this the best use of the space? can work well in relaon to things like hotel and mul‐family, ‐ needed because everything else is so far

provides convenience it is not a facility to be provided

would take space instead having areas for culture, fun, and should be a limited scale enjoyment

‐ enough in area

perhaps a daycare space not necessary

‐ can be located on Main Street

more daycares always good, might increase families in the lots of gyms at Portage and Main area

not accessible to commute to services if not already would be useful for people in the area downtown