WGU Commencement.Qxp WGU Commencement 1/23/17 10:24 AM Page 1
2017 WGU Commencement.qxp_WGU Commencement 1/23/17 10:24 AM Page 1 Commencement d S ATURDAY , F EBRUARY 11, 2017 L AKE B UENA V ISTA , F LORIDA 2017 WGU Commencement.qxp_WGU Commencement 1/23/17 10:24 AM Page 2 Member Governors Alaska Nevada e Honorable e Honorable Bill Walker Brian Sandoval Arizona New Mexico e Honorable e Honorable Doug Ducey Susana Martinez California North Dakota e Honorable e Honorable Jerry Brown Doug Burgum Colorado Oklahoma e Honorable e Honorable John Hickenlooper Mary Fallin Guam Oregon e Honorable e Honorable Eddie Baza Calvo Kate Brown Hawaii South Dakota e Honorable e Honorable David Ige Dennis Daugaard Idaho Texas e Honorable e Honorable C. L. “Butch” Otter Greg Abbott Indiana Utah e Honorable e Honorable Eric Holcomb Gary R. Herbert Montana Washington e Honorable e Honorable Steve Bullock Jay R. Inslee Nebraska Wyoming e Honorable e Honorable Pete Ricketts Matt Mead -2- 2017 WGU Commencement.qxp_WGU Commencement 1/23/17 10:24 AM Page 3 Board of Trustees C HAIRMAN e Honorable Jim Geringer Director, Policy & Public Sector, ESRI; Governor, State of Wyoming (1995 – 2003) John W. Bluford III Tammy Johns President, Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute; CEO, Strategy & Talent; Former President, Truman Medical Centers Former Executive, Manpower Group Cole Clark Dr. Robert W. Mendenhall Executive Director, Higher Education Client Relations President Emeritus, Deloitte Services, LP; Western Governors University Former Global VP for Education and Research, Oracle Corporation Lenny Mendonca Director Emeritus, McKinsey & Company Dr. erese (Terry) Crane President, Crane Associates; Scott D. Pulsipher Former Executive with Apple and AOL President, Western Governors University Dr.
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