Mar 01 Manitoba --+
BROWNLEE'S INDEXED RAILWAY AND GUIDE maR 01 manitoba --+----- PUBUSHED tlQcQ¥vY OF THE PROVI4I.@~MENT. ----- A COMPLETE ENCYCLOPJEDIA -OF-- THE PRAIRIE PROVINCE. -- -+ --- +- ----. PUBLIEHED BY J. H. BROWNLEE, BRANDON, MAN., NORTH\\ .. " 1 AhEN 1 FOk "The Dominion Illustrated." II IN-~ENDING SETTLERS In Manitoba and the Northwest Territories will find it to their advantage to call at the Northwest head office of the Massey Man ufacturing Co., Market Square; Winnipeg, or at their permanent local offices through out the country, where they will in a few hours gain more reliable information about the surrounding district' than they could learn in weeks by ordinary methods. Wherever you Pitch your Tent Look up the Massey Agent. He can tell you all about the settlers, the kind of soil, wood, water, proximity to schools and churches, the average price of land per acre, where the Free Grant Government Lands Are located, the average price of horses, Oxen, Cows, Lumber, &c., &c., and If you don't like his Plows, Harrows, Seeders, Drills, Wagons, Mowers. Horse Rakes, Self Binding Harvesters, &c., profit by his experience. SEE THE BACK COYER. {jr.2J" Cons u I r your' fl'iencls ca nnot get this CUIDE supply it by rnail on ,'eceipt or ~5 <·ts. nevvs dealers, the Publisher vvill 1. H . BROWNLEE, Brandon, Man. The Glory of a Man is his Strength 1l'he Great Strength Giver It is· not a Illere Extract or Meat, but contai"ns all the nutritious and life giving eleIllents of Meat. ., '" I A PERFECT FOOD FOR THE SICK. L " A WARMING AND NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE.
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