Carte Des Zones Contrôlées Controlled Area

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Carte Des Zones Contrôlées Controlled Area 280 RY LAKE 391 MYSTE Nelson House Pukatawagan THOMPSON 6 375 Sherridon Oxford House Northern Manitoba ds River 394 Nord du GMo anitoba 393 Snow Lake Wabowden 392 6 0 25 50 75 100 395 398 FLIN FLON Kilometres/kilomètres Lynn Lake 291 397 Herb Lake 391 Gods Lake 373 South Indian Lake 396 392 10 Bakers Narrows Fox Mine Herb Lake Landing 493 Sherritt Junction 39 Cross Lake 290 39 6 Cranberry Portage Leaf Rapids 280 Gillam 596 374 39 Jenpeg 10 Wekusko Split Lake Simonhouse 280 391 Red Sucker Lake Cormorant Nelson House THOMPSON Wanless 287 6 6 373 Root Lake ST ST 10 WOODLANDS CKWOOD RO ANDREWS CLEMENTS Rossville 322 287 Waasagomach Ladywood 4 Norway House 9 Winnipeg and Area 508 n Hill Argyle 323 8 Garde 323 320 Island Lake WinnBRiOpKEeNHEgAD et ses environs St. Theresa Point 435 SELKIRK 0 5 10 15 20 East Selkirk 283 289 THE PAS 67 212 l Stonewall Kilometres/Kilomètres Cromwel Warren 9A 384 283 509 KELSEY 10 67 204 322 Moose Lake 230 Warren Landing 7 Freshford Tyndall 236 282 6 44 Stony Mountain 410 Lockport Garson ur 220 Beausejo 321 Westray Grosse Isle 321 9 WEST ST ROSSER PAUL 321 27 238 206 6 202 212 8 59 Hazelglen Cedar 204 EAST ST Cooks Creek PAUL 221 409 220 Lac SPRINGFIELD Rosser Birds Hill 213 Hazelridge 221 Winnipeg ST FRANÇOIS 101 XAVIER Oakbank Lake 334 101 60 10 190 Grand Rapids Big Black River 27 HEADINGLEY 207 St. François Xavier Overflowing River CARTIER 425 Dugald Eas 15 Vivian terville Anola 1 Dacotah WINNIPEG Headingley 206 327 241 12 Lake 6 Winnipegosis 427 Red Deer L ake 60 100 Denbeigh Point 334 Ostenfeld 424 Westgate 1 Barrows Powell Na Springstein 100 tional Mills E 3 TACH ONALD Baden MACD 77 MOUNTAIN 483 300 Oak Bluff Pelican Ra Lake pids Grande 2 Pointe 10 207 eviève Mafeking 6 Ste-Gen Lac Winnipeg 334 Lorette 200 59 Dufresne Winnipegosis 405 Bellsite Ile des Chênes 207 3 RITCHOT 330 STE ANNE 247 75 1 La Salle 206 12 Novra St. Adolphe 210 nne 365 210 210 210 Ste. A 247 ford Landmark San 207 Richer Birch River 268 Berens River 266 Lenswood SWAN VALLEY MINITONAS- 279 WEST BOWSMAN 10 Bowsman 279 366 MOUNTAIN 268 588 Duck Bay Swan 6 275 River 272 10 Little Grand Rapids Minitonas Renwer 488 486 485 Cowan 487 Kenville 366 20 Camperville Controlled Area Map 83 Skownan Dauphin River 513 Mallard Durban 486 Sclater Jackhead Benito Carte des zones contrôlées Duck River 49 Rock Ridge 489 Princess Harbour 276 Waterhen 513 328 Pulp River 271 Pine River Gypsumville Matheson Island Legend/Légende 10 20 328 513 St. Martin Junction 234 ETHELBERT MOSSEY St. Martin 276 Control Lines RIVER 6 57 366 412 367 Garland Meadow Portage Pine Dock Zones contrôlées linéaires Winnipegosis Calders Dock 76.2 m 367 ROBLIN 364 Spence Lake Fairford Boggy Creek 269 38.1 m 83 367 269 GRAHAMDALE 366 Ethelbert 481 490 Toutes Crane River San Clara Fork River 269 Hilbre 274 Aides Red Rose 481 Control Circles Fishing River 364 273 Ukraina DAUPHIN 481 Steep Rock r 234 LAKESHORE ALONSA Fisher Rive Zones contrôlées circulaires 363 584 276 Faulkner 239 Grahamdale 364 Dallas 457.2 m Makaroff Sifton Rorketon GRANDV 267 267 IEW GILBERT 484 Dee PLAINS Venlaw 224 pdale Spearhill 20 304.8 m 593 Cayer 237 Harwill -RIVERTON FISHER BIFROST 237 Trembowla Moosehorn 152.4 m Roblin 591 584 Shortdale 491 366 Valley River 5 10 235 Bield 362 WEST INTERLAKE 6 Hodgson 274 Gull Harbour Hollow Water Reykjavik Seymourville 583 5 Grandview Ashville 325 325 Tummel STE. Ashern 17 234 482 Gilbert Plains 233 5 ROSE 481 RIDING 20 Hecla Manigotagan 68 325 MOUNTAIN 276 WEST 584 547 DAUPHIN Shorncliffe 8 304 Camper 233 366 Eddystone 0 25 50 75 274 Ochre River Ste. Rose du Lac Fisher Branch 10 5 Shergrove Sylvan Bissett Dropmore 5 68 278 592 582 480 Kilometres/Kilomètres 83 326 Riverton Lac 482 329 329 366 Broad Valley a Makinak Ste. Amélie Zbaraz Morween 222 Inglis Bacon Ridge Mulvihill 360 549 Vogar 233 Winnipeg Shellmouth 68 Arborg 304 Kinosota Hnausa 480 68 264 RIDING MOU RUSSELL-BINSCARTH NTAIN Laurier Eriksdale Poplarfield ROSSBURN 417 Silver NATIONAL PARK MCCREARY 278 ARMSTRONG 222 304 478 264 476 7 418 512 Rembrandt GIMLI Russell Silver Ridge Arnes 16 419 McCreary Deerhorn Alonsa Chatfield Harrowby Silverton VICTORIA 361 COLDWELL 8 45 Birdtail Lac BEACH Angusville 577 17 504 314 Millwood 419 Meleb Camp Morton Victoria Beach Waywayseecappo HARRISON PARK 462 419 579 324 Traverse Bay 478 Manitoba Lake Hillside Beach Olha 19 Lundar Rossburn 50 Narcisse 231 222 354 250 Wasagaming Norgate Fraserwood Binscarth 231 Alexander 478 li Fort 359 566 Onanole Gim Bélair 11 577 470 354 476 264 Vista ROSEDALE GLENELLA- Winnipeg 359 Kelwood LANSDOWNE 59 ALEXANDER ELLICE-ARCHIE 45 470 Amaranth Clarkleigh 229 16 PRAIRIE VIEW 261 Malonton Powerview YELLOWHEAD CLANWILLIAM- 5 462 9 alls Pine F St-Georges 41 ERICKSON Sandridge Grand Beach 12 Oakburn 261 Sandy Hook Foxwarren Elphinstone Rackham 262 Glenella Waldersee 519 Grand Marais 475 Sandy Lake Riding Mountain 229 Menzie 500 Silver Falls 45 Inwood 229 Winnipeg Beach 21 Tenby 315 575 D K 354 ST LAURENT 416 ROCKWOO Solsgirth elloe Erickson WESTLAKE-GLADSTONE Oak Point Komarno Great Falls Falls St-Laza 357 304 White Mud re 270 260 232 250 225 Beaconia 545 Birtle 472 Shoal Lake Mountain Road Birnie 11 42 Stead 42 BONNET 357 352 462 Lake 319 LAC DU St. Laurent 415 304 McArthur Falls MINTO- 415 Teulon ST Strathclair ODANAH Plumas Langruth iew 17 ANDREWS Thalberg 568 265 Polonia 265 265 Erinv 315 16 415 Netley 59 354 Clanwilliam 433 313 Eden Manitoba NTS 12 571 ST CLEME Newdale 10 313 e du Bois HAMIOTA 471 Gunton Petersfield Point 83 OAKVIEW 317 264 21 569 WOODLANDS Bethany Ogilvie u 502 Decker Lavinia 250 Basswood 262 Arden 50 Lake Francis Liba 317 McAuley 355 McConnell 6 Lac du Bonnet 520 Lakeland OKENHEAD Isabe 16A Balmoral Clandeboye BR Brokenhead Beulah lla 260 518 256 Franklin St Ambroise 320 355 355 Minnedosa Neepawa 411 322 41 Gladstone 567 236 PINAWA 16 Woodlands 7 9 Cardale 16 430 8 474 NORTH CYPRESS- 248 Ladywood Milner Ridge 214 Willen LANGFORD 242 Argyle 4 Pinawa 469 Hamiota 323 323 11 467 Woodside See Enlargement KIRK 211 PORTAGE LA SEL 435 Miniota Crandall 270 466 Delta Beach 435 Manson Arrow River 464 PRAIRIE 307 Hallboro Stonewall East Selkirk Cromwell Seven Sisters Falls 24 34 67 9A 307 467 24 465 Warren 59 Oak River Westbourne 227 67 WHITEMOUTH Rapid City 262 350 Stony Tyndall ons 354 230 Garson Sedd Oakner 352 227 227 Mountain River Hills 309 322 220 Corner 242 Oakland 44 44 408 Katrime Grosse Isle 321 215 Kirkella WALL 250 240 Marquette 321 202 ACE- Moore Park ST FRANCOIS 206 SPRINGFIELD REYNOLDS WOO RIVERDALE SSER WEST ST Beausejour DWORTH ELTON Macdonald XAVIER RO 6 Rivers 353 NORTH t PAUL 212 Wheatland Wellwood Edrans Poplar Poin 248 Meadows 204 Molson 1 Brookdale 5 NORFOLK Hazelglen 259 25 16 PORTAGE 26 221 236 High Bluff 430 409 EAST ST Cooks Creek Bra 26 Rosser PAUL 83 259 dwardine Justice LA PRAIRIE Whitemouth Kenton 10 Firdale CARTIER 213 Elkhorn Harding MacGregor 221 Lenore 250 1A 302 307 564 St. Eustache 207 Oakbank Hazelridge 21 Forrest 1 334 468 Bagot St. François 44 270 424 101 464 Austin 331 Fortier 101 406 542 Xavier Elma Hargrave Newton Oakville 1 HEADINGLEY Dugald Anola Southport 425 15 259 1 15 ian 463 Elie Viv Ste. Rita Hazel Rennie 254 351 Sidney NIPEG Kola WHITEHEAD Douglas 242 WIN 206 302 44 Virden 459 Chater 351 305 248 Dacotah 241 257 457 Cottonwoods 350 240 11 455 Carberry 312 1A 13 427 12 340 Arizona Rossendale 100 eld 256 Sprucewoods 424 334 Ostenf Kemnay CORNWALLIS 352 332 Alexander 110 100 1 PIPESTONE Shilo Lavenham SIFTON 1 34 Springstein TACHE Ross BRANDON GLENBORO- VICTORIA NORFOLK GREY Starbuck Medika West SOUTH C 300 207 501 301 Ebor YPRESS TREHERNE Lorette 501 507 Hawk 255 Oak Lake Griswold 2 ACDONALD 334 Oak Bluff Woodnorth Scarth 254 Fannystelle M 330 RITCHOT e Crom 21 349 405 Ste-Geneviève Lak er 255 506 Dufresne Falcon Lake Beresford 348 5 Culross Ile des Chênes Hadashville La Salle 247 75 200 E SOURIS-GLENWOOD OAKLAND-WAWAN STE ANN Prawda ESA 210 Ste. Anne 83 247 1 453 Sanford Landmark 207 augh 543 Rounthwaite 2 St. Adolphe W 250 247 59 Richer Elm Creek 332 3 Glenlea 206 McMunn ast Braintree 10 Haywood 302 503 E 340 Treesbank Treherne 2 St. Claude 248 Rathwell 334 Blumenort 2 HANOVER 311 308 S 530 Domain New 505 ouris Nesbitt Wawanesa Holland 305 DUFFERIN Brunkild 2 Carroll Stockton 244 305 iverville 311 503 344 305 305 N Bothwell Sinclair 242 12 Giroux Deleau 240 305 216 Randolph 210 338 13 Ste. Agathe Reston Pipestone 2 449 e- Osborne 346 Notre-Dam 52 La Broquerie TWO BORDERS 347 Glenboro Cypress River de-Lourdes 200 Mitchell 52 GRASSLAND 245 DE SALABERRY Kleefeld PRAIRIE LAKES ARGYLE LORNE Graysville Carman Homewood Sperling MORRIS Gra 541 BACH nd-Clairière 245 205 246 STEIN 342 34 3 Otterburne 303 Hartney 22 18 Cardinal 216 245 Roseisle McTavish 210 Marchand 256 Bruxelles 332 Rosenort Aubigny St-Pierre- 302 254 205 Carey Jolys LA Elgin 532 St. Lupicin 205 BROQUERIE 23 330 75 Underhill St. Alphonse Grunthal INEY 448 Fairfax 5 THOMPSON ROLAND 422 59 Sarto P 345 Margaret Belmont 336 205 345 Minto Ninette Swan Lake Somerset 338 Riverside Tilston Altamont Deerwood 404 Broomhill 23 Baldur 23 Dufrost 308 Lauder 21 Dunrea Rosebank La Rochelle 252 Miami Roland Morris St.
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