The Ewish One Dollar
ELUL, 5738 I SEPTEMBER, 1978 VOLUME XIII, NUMBER 5 THE EWISH ONE DOLLAR CHOOSING THE REPRESENTATIVES M:1'l'i!:> OF THE ORTHODOX JEWISH COMMUNITY By Election or Selection? n~,nni -a symposium, featuring presentations n:iiu by Bernard Fryshman and Nathan Lewin PIETY, PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, AND PARENT POWER - an analysis by Dr. Jacob Mermelstein GROWING UP IN BRISK: REMEMBERING REB CHAIM ""~T - a reminiscence by Rabbi C.L. Ba/gley STRICTLY A MATTER OF PRINCIPlE - a report by Ezriel Toshavi ,q I SECOND LOOKS ' POST SCRIPTS LETTERS THE JEWISH BSERVER • THE JEWISH OBSERVER is In this issue published monthly, except Julv and August, by the Agudath !sra~I of America, 5 Beekman Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription: $7.50 per year; Choosing the Representatives of the Orthodox Jewish two year<:., $13.00; three years, $18.00; outside of the United Community - by Election or Selection? States, $8.50 per year. Single copy, A JO Symposium, featuring presentations one dollar. Printed in the U.S.A. by Bernard Fryshman and Nathan Lewin ........................................ 3 Piety, Psychopathology, and Parent Power, RABBI NISSON WOLPIN Or. Jacob Mermelstein ................................................................. 13 Ediror Growing Up in Brisk: Remembering Reb Chaim, Editorial Board as recalled by Rabbi Chaim Leib Balgley ....................................... 21 DR. ERNST L BODENHEIMER Chairman Strictly a Matter of Principle, Ezriel Tosha vi ....................................... 27 RABBI NATHAN BULMAN RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS Second Looks at the Jewish Scene JOSEPH ERIEDENSON Close Encounters of a Wireless Kind ....................................... 35 RABBI MOSHE SHERER Brave New Heroes I .................................................................. 39 Soviet Jews and Political Reformers, THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not assume responsibility for the an interview with Hermann Branover, by Daniel Wall .................
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