
i cloudy wtth ^ ^yWtte or MOW IMe today «od part el 25,375 ^t. CktTiBg.wbwJyudmuch Red Bank Area/f eaMtr toward tomorrow morn- ing, tow 2S-S. Tomorrow fair Copyrighl-Tha Red Bank RegUter, Inc., 190. windy «od cold, high in J9i. MONMOUTH COUNTTS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 88, NO. 137 SffiS? FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, J968 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE But Nothing Is Set to Roll Wirtz Exerts His Influence in Strike Parley By WILLIAM HENDERSON . Earlier, Mayor Lindsay, a Republican, had The secretary went directly to City Hall where NEW 'YORK - The federal government used tossed partisan feelings to the wind and phoned he met with the mayor, Harry Van Arsdale, head its powerful influence last night In an attempt to end the Democratic president, asking for Help in:ending of the strong Central Labor Council, and others. the transit strike which has choked off subway and the city's crippling strike, now in its seventh' day. A barrier, for the first time, was set up, and ' bus travel. ...'"'• • "The President was very helpful and co-opera- newspaper reporters, and television' and radio men Armed with a message from President Johnson, . tive," Lindsay said. were kept out of the area near the mayor's office Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirti told Mayor Mr. Johnson immediately dispatched Mr. Wirtz, where they always had carte blanche. John V. Lindsay, TWU heads, and other labor leaders although he already had planned to do so if neces-' The mayor later went to the Americana Hotel that the "deadlock must end," The Register learned. aary, on Wednesday. where Douglas MacMahon, international vice presi- This newspaper exclusively revealed yesterday The secretary was accompanied by Assistant dent, of the TWU held forth in the absence of the that President Johnson would act in the crisis and Labor Secretary James Reynolds. ailing Michael J. Quill. send help here. • Mr. Wirtz hoped to fly back to .Washington today . MacMAHON WANTS CASH , When strike negotiations were still bogged down to meet with President Johnson and give him a run When MacMahon was assured Secretary Witrz late yesterday afternoon, LBJ met briefly with down on the problem which caused the mass walk- was on the way }•« exclaimed: REPORT ON TRANSIT STRIKE TALKS — Mayor John V. Lfndwy, left, reports on Secretary Wirtz and ordered him to fly here. out. (See >NfcZ, Page 3) two-hour masting with labor Secretary W. Willardi Wirtx. right, early today, Mr. Wirti «aid he knew of ho federal funds available to aid the strike settlement. Leader Assails Harassment of Council (AP Photo) 1965 Bills Are Added Up Pries Tag Set

LONG BRANCH - An embry- Councilman Henry R. Cioffi, it in a number of other com- The league, meanwhile, is also 1967, because at least 75 days By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON , of a written and, or, oral examination, seven onic organization determined to one of the members of the gov-munities. preparing plans for voter "edu- must elapse between:the refer- FREEHOLD — The practice of law for the parts. . .' • • • : preserve council-manager govern- erning body who concurred with Mr. Cioffi said he wants to cation." . endum and the election, and the County, of Monmouth was at least a $50,000 . The board has toyed for at least a year ment last night started formulat- Miss Camassa's decision, said see if government under mayor- If the referendum passes, vot- waiting period would not have' business; in 1965. with the idea of naming assistant county ing plans it hopes will defeat this morning he would visit Vine- council is more economical than ers on May 10 will select five been fulfilled by the May ft elec- .. This is the figure County' Counsel John M. counsels and absorbing some of the ordinary efforts to change the government land soon to observe plan A of under the council-manager form. at-large councilmen and a may- tion day. i •, • office work of lawyers on county business. in th« Feb. 23 referendum. the mayor-council form in ac- Mapping Campaigns or who would assume office If a suit is effective-in getting Pillsbury and the Board of Freeholders will July 1. . ,have to consider as. Mr. Pillsbury undertakes But no action has been taken. • Luther B. Jordan, president of tion. Mr. Jordan said his group, a restraining order against use the Best Government Association, Vineland is. the only munici- whose composition has not been Had Miss Camassa ordered the of city funds to hold the refer- • .study" for the board 6t whether a full- . An inspection of county payroll records, endum, the league -would still fledged legal department-should be created. however, indicates that'in addition to Mr. said his group would present the pality in the state to have disclosed, will begin its "edureferendum- ' held after' Feb. 23, public with tacts on the council- adopted the plan, although at- cational" campaign in a week the election of officers would be.able-to proceed,with refer- A.resojutipn adopted by the freeholders at Pillsbury the county retains the services.of tempts were made tb embrace to 10 -days. ' have had to wait until May' of(See LONG BRANCH, .Page. j) 7f0r 'organization meeting Monday directed. at-least two other lawyers and'the county manager form and its progress • /Mr.. Piilsbury to determine the'needs of all : Welfare board, three. .: • ' in spite of the fad that the county departments.boards, and agencies for- •Mr. Pillsbury received «,000 as his re- present government has been ha- legal services and to submit his conclusions. tainer for attending meetings and conferences rassed in every conceivable man- ''''^£HttU>£ltSlNtERESTEp and rendering legal advice,1 and $2?,658 for ner." ,That the freeholders are all all additional services in courts, hearings, .and Funds will be available to Middletown GOP SpUt ^warg^ottSjijzlitioh *fcjk' legal,;' _ »tfierever else directed-to appear by the board. mount a significant campaign, he •: .'• The attorney was •frequently aided by his. added. is Indicated in the lateft-Job announce! .• lawjiMbciate,William SaMell, juj.^flj%«ittji^ _ _ _ m bulletin of the: state CivitjServic« Commission; business. -.. ' " • I" titewake ol City ClerFSanlta j; Foulks Joins Attack on Burke .;, 'Bje Jirtlette- MM tSat fte commissions at . Thomas J. BaldiwvLong Branch, received Camassa's certification of refer- th« county's request, will coiifljict an examina- J3,7«.94 as counsel for County Adjustor Robert endum petitions Vedntsday and MIDDLETOWN — Republican for (petition) signaturei for a ber that hft wai a member of Mr. Foulks said the goi her establishing of the referen- ranks split wider yesterday as government .change, has every last year's committee and in a ment ehingt Issue, Is "entirely tioa.for the position of, legal assistant in Mon- C. Wells. Ross Brown, Spring Lake, get 51,500 1 &KC;at•••« s»|ary of $5,009 as attorney for the Children's Shelter. • dum date. another official attacked Town- right,to do so. -However, I want position to point out any short- up to the'peopje,'th!:.'••••..• officials said the paratroopers tinue their new violence in thethe five-year period extends from Board's. ly" for. such iecommendatiops, • Saigon' with • the biggest plastic Noting that ha does not favor contained in the borough's con- He- cited as one of his rea- bomb ever used in the capital would be kept in the area to de- capital until the four-day cease- the date of the referendum in a government change, but "will The revelation: The board's troversial master ' plan, said stroy Communist supplies. The fire they have proclaimed for 1960 rather than from the date sons, the "diversion of- certain Intelligence agents of the na- not actively campaign against Citizens Advisory Committee on Councilman Robert M. Earle, a areas from single family dwell- tional police, seized six terror- Vietnamese troops will be with Tet, the lunar New Year, Jan. 21-the government assumed office, it," Mr. Foulks said: July 22, 1964, recommended con- board member. drawn. 24, Viet Nam's national holiday. July 1, 1961. ings to so-called cumulative sec- ists" .two and a half miles north "Mr. Burke, in making a pitch struction of garden and high-rise He moved to have the citizen tions." :'.-' • of Saigon as Hiey were bringing Since the V.. Si', Vietnamese, Warning that the period before the lunar New Year was the right unit's document — heretofore a Attempts by board member Al- a 255-pound plastic bomb in a Australian and New Zealand sol- Want Eagier Plans for Schools "private document"—made pub- fred F. Katz, Mr. Walder and large water tank into the city. diers began the operation neai time "psychologically" for the lic. Ralph Curren, a member of the. Two of the terrorists were armed Bap Trai, 35 miles west, of Sa terrorist attacks a police official said: ' Recommendations Rejected' audience, to quash public dis- with .45 caliber automatics. goh, on .New, Year's Dtiy, thej ' Stressing , that. the Planning tribution of the citizen' unit's Officiate ;bifiralready warned have turned lip nearly three tons Right Next Door Board-and Borough Council sub-' recommendations failed. Rest- - the capital to expect a new of fertilizer, nine tons of Hce, "The Viet Cong are operating Marlboro Planners Slate seqiiently had rejected most of dents Edward Hymoff and Mrs. onslaught of terrorism in the next about -5,000 documents/ nine gre-right at the city's edges. • This the committee's recommenda- Claire Crawford advised the two weeks before the Viet- nade launchers, five . machine gives .them- and their liaison tions—advocating garden apart- board that it would' benefit the ' namese; ne*r year-Tet-on Jan. guns, ammunition, booby traps, agents "an easy time of it to get njents'in three separate priii\e public '"to-haye all the: facts '21 Last night-ttiey-,arrested five radio equipment and medical sup- into and out' of Saigon. Once the residential areas- of the east side and correct the miscoficeptions Vietjamese, ag# 16 tb 37, :n plies, officials reported. Viet Cong terrorists had-to slip aw of town and high rise projects here, due in large part to a an. Investigation ei two , explo- At the expense of light casual into Saigon, but now they just In three other high-priced areas lack -of communications.". ilonj an Hour 'apart at the mill- ties, die. Allies claimed 243 Vjet Walk in.. It's • so easy, it's just MARLBORO — Less stringent at a public hearing on the zone put the board's views before the of the east side, including the "Now that we have an, ex- urf entrance to the Saigon air- Cong killed, 52 captured, K4 sus.like going -next door." equipments in school building law. Wednesday, Dec. 29 that planners In a letter to their at- hill section-Mr. Earle stated: planation of why Brown and An- port and across town at a po-pects detained and the capture Authorities' gave no details' of plans, urged by the township present requirements would torney, Harry E, Bernstein. "the facts should be known thony (the board's planning con- lice substation of 41 individual weapons and 1 how they learned of the bomb Board of Education, and three force undue expense on the Advice Not Received that the Citizens Advisory-Com- sultants)., included these .in the • 4 Americans Hurt crew-size guns. plot, one of, the few they have other changes In the new town- school board. At a meeting Monday, Dec. mittee did have something to saymaster plan, I' think it would ' The blasts killed one Vietnam- The explosives seized on Sai-ferreted'out. ship zoning law were proposed Mr. Youngman said that the 27, the planners noted the school in the planning stages of the be wrong, for us to distribute ese and Injured' U persons, In- gon's jungle outskirts exceeded Police sources said the target by. the Planning Board' last board would have to spent $25,- board objection and recom- master plan." the letter since considerable cluding four American service- In destructive .power the 250wa- s the,. Bui Vien billet, ....o night. 000 perfecting plans prior to a mended that the township coun- Edward G. Walder, chairman changes have been made since blocks from the Metropole Ho- On the school Issue, the board referendum and that, if the ques- cil make a change before the of the Citizens Committee, and the citizen committee recom- men. pound bomb used by the Viet 1 mendations , U. £.military commanders an-Cong to blast the eight-story tel. Vjet Cong commandos aboard heeded the contention of Law-tion was lost, the money would zoning law was adopted, How- Dr. Milton J. Clark, a member, were made," Mr. MetropoJe Hotel, an enlisted a taxi and motorscooters were rence Youngman, a member of have been wasted. Vincent C. ever, the council never received on several occasions, have con- Katz argued. .iwuniefl," wewwhHe, that the tended publicly that the commit- (See APARTMENTS. Page 3) 0. S. "Wii Airtorna Brigade men's billet, on Dec. 4. Th- (See CONG, Page 2) the school board, who contended De Malo, school board attorney, (See MARLBORO, Page 3) would continue'operations in theattack killed two American*,.; tnarahy plain of Reeds west of tie// Zealander and eight Viet- Salgod^where^ P| namese, and injured more than State 'Trouble-ShooteP Seeks Negotiation hive MM slogging through mud 100 otners. apd t®»-after'the Viet Cong The blast was part of a wave for th* past week. It is the first of srenade-throwings and other big American invasion of the terrorism marking the fifth an- northern fringe of the Mekong niversary of the Viet Cong Usi Raritan Teachers, Board in Salary Fight By FRANK W. HARBOUR $3,358,922 budget, that for two get was Introduced, went Into and threatened td "take steps" if Originally the teachers sought RARITAN TOWNSHIP- The weeks the board has refused to caucus and refused to let teach- negotiation* are wt resumed. approximately J5J,MK) more — Todafs Index anti-salary-ralse thinking which negotiate with the Teachers As* ers in the rpom. They permit- The1 boa"W. %•' three previous mainly a $300 salary guide hike. Page Page started a year ago with I seg- soclation salary committee. ted Mr. Bertolina to enter, but negotiating/', seisions prior to the The board, concerned about EvenUof Years Ago.. I ment of the Board of Education The board again refused last made it clear there would be holidays, agreed to grant teach- another steep tax Incresss this A&i*etnenti Herbloek „.„•.,... •„, I culminated last night in a teach- night, but, finally agreed to a "no negotiations. "• ers a $107,700 pay hike package. year, compromised at $100. < Horn* and Garden ..._. The association now appears -i.- A • t er-board fight which may leave talk session Tuesday.. Members bl the, teachers' com- It Includes a |100 across-the- 1 e^rtN Obituaries willing to settle for a package I 4 scars here. The 22^-teacher-membera of mittee, Including 'the association . board Increase of the salary Jim Bls 14, It marks the first time In the the association brought In a president, Alex Baslsta, rappeV . guide and Blue Cross-Blue Shield of about $10,000 additional. Sylvia Porter'. . | history of this school district that trouble-shooter from Trenton, the board for what, was termftdV • : insurance benefits. . (See RARTTAN. Page 3) Sports :„, ,„_;. -Jill teacher-boon) • relations bare Jack i. Bertollna, field repre- Us "penny-pinching" attitude Open To Tbt Public Stock Market „. Steak Lunch-Mc ' It been on a "battle", footingi sentative of the New Edu- . . Automobile Sizzling broiled steak, salad, The new Old Orchard. Reitni-, Successful iBvestioa ... .«i It was revealed in ; . tion for two years. ner for boys, and Nancy Graham, first place girls winner, both seniors at Rumson- Mr. Oakley declared last night that "it is Mr. Fahey contended that the four Vwleie Against Shift votes were purely political. "V/, The prosecutor's office said Fair Haven Regional High School; Peter E- Berg, boys second p|ace winner, and Laura known that I would favor a change to the that another of the three defen- post." - .•..'.-•.. , •••...... Mr. Langan and Mr. Varlese had heated dants in the attack on Michael Of Program Jean Zeisel, second place girls winner, both seniors at Red Bank High School. ' He declined, however, to answer charges words for each other during the Tuesday meet- Ing. Mr. Langan asserted that he it Bred ft Abarbanel, 1513 Rustic Dr.. Oak' WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- made by Mr. Varlese that he (Mr. Oakley) Mr. Varlese "banging around at meeting!." hurst, on July 17 had been the dent Johnson reportedly has Contestants Are 'Outstanding' was "interfering" with the board. Mr. Fahey said last night he "presumes He charged the board bis attracted-ad- decided against shifting the board members Andrew W. Schtpp, JunM vene publicity and accomplished nethinjg, Seek Boost community action part of his McCarthy, and Eugene Manchek vojed for Mr. Fahey declared that "I «m oo the antipoverty program to the new me." . .-•... • '• '," •••••.•••:•: board to do a job for' the. borough and fti Department of Housing and Ur- Cited for Leadership Despite an argument between Mr. Varieae citizens, not to express my-political views."' In Police ban Development. and Councilman William J. Langan, board, By implication, he charged Mr, Varlese with political motivations. But he still has not made up RED BANK - Winners of the David Sauvage, first place win-; Princeton Universities. -member, Mr. Fahey said.Mr. Langan voted Mr. Fahey said it was Mr. Varleie "who Salaries his mind when to appoint a sec1966 Elks Leadership Awards for ner for boys, is the son of Mr. Nancy Graham, first place girls with "the group." ; retary to head the new urban "The group" is made up of Organization convinced me to become a board member." WEST LONG BRANCH — Bor- high school students were an- and Mrs. Vivian Sauvage of 17winner, is the daughter of Mr. agency. Democrats on the board. Mr. Varlese is presi- He was appointed by the then Mayor Oakley ough Council last night intrd- nounced yesterday by Patrick Elmwood La., Fair Haven. A! A high administration source and Mrs. Martin Graham of 50 dent of the organization group. in January, 1964. •• duced an ordinance raising Vacearelli, chairman of the youth Rumson-Fair Hayen Regional reported Thursday that Johnson Ridge Rd., Rumson. She is editor- On the board are Councilmen Langan and He said he was nominated for chairman! ' policemen's salaries $250 and set' activities committee of the Red senior, young Sauvage is presi had rejected a recommendation Bank Elks. 'dent of the Student Government in-chief of the Regional's year- Philip J. Ctssidy and Mayor Alfred T. Hen- last year when the board was teorginlzlng, ting a higher pay scale. Another but declined the nomination. to shift the community action Mr. Vacearelli characterized Association and ranks first in book, "The Tower," and ranks nessy, Jr. ordinance introduced would ex program made two weeks ago pand the planning board. this year's contestants as "outhi- s class. He has applied to 19th in her senior class of 219. by his special task force which standing." Harvard, Brown, Lehigh and The salary ordinance's highei studied the functions and organ- She plans to attend either Doug- Boon For Young GOP pay scale starts $250 above the ization^ the department which lass College or Montclair State present maximum which all mem- came into being Nov. 8. • College for teacher training. • bers of the police department now Births The source said Johnson Meeting Slated On are earning. Peter E. Berg, second place backed the position of Sargent The new scale would be: the winner for boys, is the son of| Shriver, director of ths antipov- RIVERV1EW chief's salary, $7,350 to $7,950 Mr. and Mrs, Charles Berg of 81 Smith WUl Lead erty program, that this was a lieutenant, $6,450 to $7,050; ser- District Court Site Silverside Ave., Little Silver; A' Red Bank bad time to consider such a senior at Red Bank High School, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grover, geant, *6,1M to $6,750; and patrol- switch, although it might be fea LONG BRANCH - Acting city second floor of City Hall to the he is president of the Student (nee Patricia Raszka), 39 Nave- men, $5,050 to $6,350. sible later. Manager Jacob Rand will meet county for use during the week. Government Association and a sink Ave., Atlantic Highlands; ZonersinHolmdel The new Planning Board ordl There was no indioation with Freeholder Benjamin Dan- However, the court has found fa nance would expand the board member of the news staff of son, Wednesday, whether Johnson would name a slan today to discuss "final tilities inadequate. HOLMDEL — The Young GOP added another feather to from five to seven members "The Buccaneer," high school secretary and announce specific, terms" concerning building Dis- The City Council decided to re- Mr. and Mrs. James Corcoran its political cap last night when Edward W. Smith was elected Members would be appointed by newspaper. decisions relating to the newtrict Court facilities in the city. appoint Michael J. De lisa to the (nee Marian Doorly), 69 Foster chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. the mayor in three categories: Cabinet • level agency before Mayor Vincent J. Mazza said Sewerage Authority. Presently He ranks ninth in his class and St., . River Plaza, daughter, Mr. Smith, a dark horse to former chairman Peter Geno- one would be an official of the Monday's opening of the newHie city and county are near ac- chairman, he will be officially ap- has applied to the University of Wednesday. vese and now vice-chairman Norman Schantz, was nominated borough, another a councilman, congressional session. cord on their respective proposals pointed to the five-year term at North Carolina, the University of Mr. and Mrs. John faraskevas by fellow* Young GOP member'Warren E. BaUmgartner. plus four residents with four-year concerning rental fees for thnexe t Thursday's meeting. ' Connecticut, and Pennsylvania (nee Audrey E. Elder), 233 Riv- William Potter, board secretary, nominated Mr. Schantz, terms. The mayor would be an In the meantime, housing ad- ministrator Robert C. Weaver, a court.' The council approved an inState University. erbrook Ave., Lincroft, daughter, but failed to draw a second. ~ '' ex-offioio member. terim budget for the first quarter Laura Jean Zeisel, second place Negro, continues to run the de- A new building would be re- Wednesday. Mr. Baumgartner, appointed to the board Monday by the The borough official's term on on 1966. It will be introduced next girls winner, is the daughter of partment. Officials say private-] quired, the mayor said. There, is Mr. and Mrs, John E. Nicholl, Township Committee, then offered Mr, Smith's mine. Mi. the board would expire when the Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zeisel ofj iy it is stalled on dead center, strong possibility that the build- Jr., (nee Annie S. O'ConneJ), 213 Potter seconded the nomination. '. mayor's term expires. Tie coun- and there are morale problems Mayor Mazza said work on the!182 Fox Hill Dr., Little Silver. Fourth St., West Ke+raburg, son, He was1 elected by a three-vote margin, with Mr1.1 Schantz cilman would remain on the ing would also encompass a new She ranks' first in her senior class and delays in starting pro- city hall and city offices/ city jjudget would begin in about] Wdda • abstaining antfrMr. Genovese absent ' '•-••;"' board for his term as councS rams. ; •• | two weeks. Efforts have been of 34»'at Red Bank High School, man. ' The city presently leases the Mr. and Mrs. Edward DeFelice This marks the fifth political plum the Young GOP hat The new secretary will1 have hampered up to now because arid has already won acceptance received this week. at Smith College. Co-editor of (nee Agnes Harmyk), 441! Red . PubHc hearings for both ordi to make a case before Congress prior to Dec. 23 there had been Commltteeman William H. Menges was sworn in Monday, "The Buccaneer," she Is a mem-Hill Rd,, Middletown, son, yes- ..." nances will be held at the next early' in the 'new session for no city manager. and was appointed to the Planning Board, Larrabee M. Smith meeting Jan. 20. Tax Policy ber of the National Honor Society! terday. •, • . . funds to begin the new rent sup- The council met with police 1 was named to fill a six-year term on the same board by Mayor and served as hostess for an Mr. and Mrs. Roger Thompson Council approved changing the plement program. Congress representatives concerning a Alfred C. Poole, and Mr. Bauriigartn'er was appointed to t!i« date of planning iward meetings salary guide, the mayor said.' African exchange student. (nee Neta Harvey), Riverview ! 1 decided to delay funding it last! Unit Urges PI., Sea Bright, son, yesterday. Zoning Board. •' ''"<;' from the first lyesdayof the October as confusion over the! Siontfi'to the fourth Tuesday; The : program's administration arose [ MONMOUTH MEDICA1I : board requested the change to after Weaver-'was-j questi'priedl j allow more time for maps and about it by a Senate approprit Ordinance Requested--Mrb and- Mrs/ Richard GaskiU Noi*IHtttini8tratM>ii Reaction " applications to reach council .TRENTON,:.N i- The tibns subcommittee. State tax Policy Commission (nee Karen Copple), 65 Newman after board meetings. The only thing Johnson has Springs Rd., New Shrewsbury, \, Also approved was a request has recommendet d tax exempt On Williams Siibsidy Plan said about a possible secretary| To Curb Cat Capers son, yesterday. ;' made by the City of Long Branch tions for railroads that would! (AP) - The Kohl said the agency'* posi- is that he wants- the best man WEST LONG BRANCH - referring to the three neighbor- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sver- WASH! I to the State Highway Department available. Among the newest leave them a total yearly tab idea of a federal subsidy to op- ion against operating subsidies f, to prohibit parking on Norwood Ivar Nordin of 28 Fulton Ave. hood cats. "I don't think its causki (nee Linda Harrod), 135 names being mentioned in spec- of $8 million compared to pre- fair to have someone else's pets Seventh St., West Keansburg, erate rail and bus commuter lates'to the 1961 transportation "• Ave. from Cedar to Park Aves, ulation are two Republicans, asked the Borough Council last lines runs counter to the historic . The highway department said vious tax slices that ranged win my property." daughter, yesterday. nessage to Congress of then New York Gov. Nelson A. Rock- night to help him with a prob- 1 thinking of federal officials who Mr. Nordin then described his Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lemley (nee , In a letter to the council that it efeller and Baltimore Mayor around (16 million. landle the mass transit pro- President John F. Kennedy and lem—cats. unsuccessful remedies: Doris Wetherholt), 43 Bay Ave., , approves, of the request but Theodore R. McKetoin, a for-The Commission urged the ram. lasn't been changed since. since part of Norwood Ave. runs "My lawn is the meeting place Tried and Faded East Keansburg, son, yesterday. mer Maryland governor. state to continue its annual sub- But the Johnson Administra- He added, however, that there > into the borough, it needs the for cats. . .I've had my plants, "I tried lemon powder, guaran- Mr, and Mrs. John Moore (nee sidy of from J7-J10 million for teed to keep cats off lawns, on has taken no official posi- jas been no' serious diicustJon « council's approval before taldng my, shrubbery damaged by cats. Dorothy August), 245 Pinewood 3 action.. the railroads. but the cats licked it up. I ion as yet on a plan outlined >f the policy within.the agency Weather My lawn has been ruined," he Ave., Oakhurst, daughter, yester- yesterday by Sen. Harrison A. n recent months. 5 Councilman George M. Conway bought a cresote rope, guaran- day. New Jersey: Partly cloudy] Sate Sen. Wayne Dumont Jr., told the council. teed to keep them away. Only, Williams, Jr., D-NJ. calling for He noted ithat an operating ; reported that he will meet today today, high in 40s. Chance of chairman of the Commission, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Finn in operating subsidy as part of with officials - from the State Mr. Nordin asked for a catthe cats jumped over it." lubsidy contrasts with the fed- t few sprinkles or snow flurries; said Thursday-unless the rail- Why do the cats have such an (nee Jane Hopkins), 34 Shelbern in expanded 10-year mass tran- ral aid approach spelled out in Highway Department -and county late today and part of .tonight. ordinance, similar to the dog Dr., Lincroft, son, yesterday. sit program. j to try to find a solution to the roads get some tax relief they'll irrespresslble urge to visit his ihe 1964 Mass Transit. Act which Partial clearing windy' and much one, to prevent cats from run- lawn? "Well, if ohe cat comes'to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Kardah The subsidy would cover up to limits- federal grants to the pur- <• traffic problem at the intersec colder toward tomorrow morn- be unable to function much long- ning loose. » tion of RU 36 and Broadway. your lawn to dig holes, they all (nee Rodett Clausen), Rd 2, Rt. wo-thirds of a commuter line's :hase of equipment and, facil- ing. Temperatures dropping to er. I've lived in the borough for seem to follow," he said. 537, ColU Neck, son, yesterday. out-of-pocket operating deficits. ties. mid teens and low 20s. Tomor- The Commission's recommen- 19 years and now have a prob- Councilman Ralph Ardolino, John C. Kohl, assistant ad- 1 FITKTN : Men 48 and Over row fair windy and cold, high dations call for an immediate lem I can't handle," he said. Jr., suggested Mr. Nordin find ministrator for transportation of Middletown Frogh in upper 20s to mid 30s. total 'tax exemption of $2.2 mil- a peaceful way to settle his Neptune the Housing and Home Finance TIDES ion a year for all railroad prop- problem before the council con- Mr. and Mrs. Emile Surgent Agency, said the government Club Matawan, 79-45 | Learn to Swim (nee Mary.Castronova), 335 West !• ASBURY PARK - Swimming TODAY - High 8:06 p.m. anderty used for passenger and Cong siders a cat ordinance—mainly; tince 1961 has opposed the use LEONARDO - Middletown low 2:12 pjn, commuter service. A further; because ordinances are expen- Main St., Freehold, daughter, of federal funds to offset, com- i instruction for men 48 years old (Continued) yesterday. Fownship Higtts undefeated r and over will once again will TOMORROW - High 8:24 a.m.(3.4 million tax cut was pro- sive and the one needed to con- muter operating deficits. 'reshman basketball team (M) and 9 p.m. and low 2:12 a.m. posed for such property as to shoot up the military post at fine and license^ cats could cost This would involve the feder- • be held this winter at the Shore the front of the billet while a lefeated Matawan Regional, 79- \ Area YMCA pool. and 3 p.m. freight stations and docks as $1,000. al government in local manage- IS, Tuesday. SUNDAY - High 9:18 a.m. soon as adequate state funds be- truck carrying the bomb was was that Mr. ment decisions such as stan- ; The sessions will be held each being parked at the rear. The outcome See Soviet The winners put four men in • Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. andand 9:54 p.m. and low 3:06 a.m.come available to replace the Nordin will ask a policeman to dards of service, fares, wages The Communists used similar louble figures, Tom Burdyl (25), j will feature instruction for men and 3:48 p.m. lost revenues for municipalities. visit the owners of the cats in and routings," Kohl said. "This tactics to blast the Metropole oe Hoffman (14), Tom Beatty • at the beginner and intermediate For Red Bank and Rumson hopes they will train their tab- Eyeing Base i a ball of local wax that's The railroads have already re- as well as the Brink Hotel, the 11) and Ken King (11). •kill levels. Irving Lavinthal, bridge, add two hours; Sea bies to use their own lawns. rapped up in operating ex- ceived a $2.3 million tax break main U. S. officers' billet in Sai- certified water safety instructor, Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long A dog would seem the most penses. under a law which went into ef- gon, on Christmas Eve 1964, and In Singapore will direct the program. Branch, deduct IS minutes; High- practical solution, but then Mr. Not Reviewed fect last Saturday abolishing the U. S. Embassy last March KUALA LUMPUR, -Malaysia, The class will be informal, with lands bridge, add 40 minutes. Nordin has one. "He just walks Kohl aaid however, that the MARINE levies on rolling stock and main- 30. A 2MH>ound bomb blew up at (AP) — The Soviet Union may • personalized instruction available line real estate. up to the cats and wags his Williams proposal had not been] j for each student. The class will Cape May to Block Island: the Brink Hotel, killing two tail," the frustrated gardener be seeking a base in Malaysia reviewed by his agency and no| Small craft warnings displayed! Dumont, a Warren County Re- Americans and wounding 107. ] continue through June. publican, said the Commission, said. and Singapore for its campaign official position bad been taken for northwest winds 15-20 knots The explosion of a 225-pound HI it. Further information may be ob- considered the idea of abolish- to increase its Influence in Asia today increasing to 20-30 knots bomb at the Embassy cost 20 "He did not consult us;" Kohl A tained from the "Y," 600 Main St. late tonight and tomorrow. Visi- ing all railroad property taxes lives, including those of two at the expense of Communist • Cryl.e libar but discarded it because the idded. bility about five miles. Partly Americans, and injured 175 Viet- Long Branch China. In outlining the proposal at a O€MSTRAN> cloudy today. Chance of show.: railroads who needed the taxnamese and Americans. (Continued) ORDER FUEL break most would get short More than a year ago, a cor- lews conference Thursday, Wil- NEW ACRILAN ere or snow flurries toward eve- Plane Explodes endura plans by posting a cash iams said the program was orig- changed. Outside the capital, a U. S.bond, which it reportedly pre- respondent for the official So- CARPETING in a ning and part of tonight. Partia viet news agency, Tass, visited inated on Capitol Hill and not NOW & SAVE clearing late tonight and tomor- Immediate exemptions recom- Air Force O130 Hercules trans- pared to do. rainbow of colors. mended by the Commission the country, He was the first by the administration. He plans row. port loaded with 31,000 pounds of League hopes have been giv- o introduce it in the Senate AUTOMATIC would save the Erie-Lackawan- bombs and "ammunition exploded en a boost virtually every week member of the Soviet Commu- On DUplay at SATELLITES na Railroad $793,800 a year; the next* week or the week after. ECHO I at 6:21 p.m. today; as it was landing at Pleiku, in since James F. Roosevelt re- nist party allowed to travel In DEPENDABLE Pennsylvania, $768,027; the Jer- Asked if he had any opinion of MONMOUTH 4:56 and 6:57 p.m. tomorrow, the central highlands. All five signed the city manager's post the rich Southeast Asian penin- « Williams plans, Kohl said INOUIM AIOUT and 5:30 p.m. Sunday, south, and sey Central, $44^,959; the Penn- men aboard were killed, a mili- Oct. 1. sula. He is due back to open an CARPET sylvania — Reading Seashore my expression now would be OUR IUDOIT PLAN north and south, and north of tary spokesman, said. Intra-council spats, the inaoffic- e in.Singapore this month. jefore the fact. He said the1 HWY. 35, OAKHURST New York City, 83, and 63 and Lines, $9,678; the Reading, $3,- Two explosions ripped the bigbility to successfully hire a city MIWtlD DILIVUIIS 375, and the New York Susque- A Soviet trade expert has ap- igency might be asked for Its — PHONI — 47, and 86 degrees above horl four-engine turboprop plane.at 1,- manager and* failure to appoint plied for permission to visit. hanna and Western, $2,078. an acting manager until Dec. 23, lews' later when the actual leg- 24-HOUR SERVICE ion, respectively, moving SE 500 feet just short of the run- Approval of his trip is expected. islation reaches the Senate ltllVl «r |»-340I Nearly all of the money is in the eyes of some political ob- each time. way at Camp Kolloway, outside Banking Committee. ft Skta at Hene Itrvlc* FREE ESTIMATES owed to municipalities which servers, have eroded the elec- "Why not?" some officials ECHO II at 6:15 p.m., today; •Pleiku, where the U. S. First say privately. "Russia is one of 4:33 and 6:20 a.m. and 5:39 p.m.have class 2 railroad property Air Cavalry is encamped 240 torate's < confidence in the gov- such as stations and other facil- lernment. our biggest rubber buyers. Why tomorrow, and 3:57 and 5:45 miles northeast of Saigon. not sell to them directly?" Oil Delivery a.m. Sunday, east, and north, ities for commuters. South Korean Marines and gov- Mr. Jordan, however, last INC. and west twice, and east twice, The longer range tax cuernment t troops continued to flush night expressed confidence that While Red China 'has been HIGHLANDS LOBSTER POUND ? 2, and 52, 21 and 11, and 45 andwould be replaced by revenues small Viet Cong bands from un- despite .the league's 3,191 signa- frightening Western - oriented t 741.0610 3! degrees above horizon, re- derived from a broad-based tax derground hideouts in the hills tures, the bulk of the voters Hill Asian nation* with its militant supported the city government's propaganda, the Soviets have open year round 3HERKRTST..REPBANK spectively, moving SE, and NE while the municipalities could south of Tuy Hoa, along the twice, and SE, and NE twice. be paid back for the .immediate coast 240 miles northeast of Sai present form. been quietly building trade. cut from surplus funds in thegon. They claimed they killed an- •LIVE LOBSTERS : State Treasury, Dumont said. other 17 Viet Cong yesterday, •;^| -|MP6ltTED- The' Commission proposed a. 3 raising the reported enemy toll FURNITURE CO. • SHRIMP per cent sales tax in 1963, butIn the weeklong operation to KEYPORT, N. J. the measure was never enacted more than 350. WEST •CLAMS Democratic Gov. Richard J The Allied troops, helped by 264-0181 Hughes has talked of proposing U. S. naval•• artillery and air •FRESH FISH a state, income tax to yield strikes, blasted scores of caves, about $180 million a year. several huge tunnels and fortifi- •SltAMBB ^ Hughe; has not commented on cations in rock formations, Foot of Atlantic St. Hlghlandt the Commission's latest plan, spokesmen said. He has said, however, that the White the guerrilla vat showed (OffBayAv*.) 872.98*1 «t«te is assessing all railroad no aign of letting up in the couth, DOWNTOWN ,tuei and may establish.a new the suspension of DM :* TOE DA&Y JtEGISTER Imvty 7, **. .1.1 OKs Development Subdivision Ownership MARLBORRO — AlthougAthough the andards prior to the proposed tojphijpshi p PlanninPli g BoarBdd was noi ihangea. in Manalapan &SJ about it** decisiodecisionn , it The zoning ordinance now calk M '•f*y«abry recommended or one-acre develeopmeift bui MANALAPAN - Present and reviewed by the Planning Board.days, said Norman A. Cohen, TownshiThi p CCouncil last night that was half-acre when approval WE* future ownership of subdivuioiu Abe Magid, Chesapeake Dr., Pert"""h• Amboy'-1—• , Mr**• . Migliore'•"-"--•-s at-•- two applications for home devel- given. became a matter of concern last asked repeated questions about torney. opments be, approved. The resolutions stated that thr night as more than 1,500 lots, at the ownership of the various sub- The complications result from The reluctance was emphasized proposed development did not varying stages of approval, were divisions. the fact that the board has pre- viously has classified a different to.the resolutions which stated conform with the existing zoning Upon learning that some were subdivision on the same property that die board had no legal basis ordinance and. that it was con owned by corporatibns, Mr. for Frank DeAngelis. for withholding the applications sidered, substandard 'according to Two Drivers Magid asked whether the Plan- since til requirements were met. the master plan, and recentJ> ning Board knew the names of Never Had Contract The Sword of Damocles hang- idopted zoning ordinance. the corporation officers. Mr. Slade told the board that ing over the,board's head was a Since the builder, Atlantic Sea Are Injured Mr. DeAngelis never had, a con- board Home Development Corp. Board attorney, William O'Hag- Superior Court decision Feb. 19, OCEAN TOWNSHB> - Driv- tract to purchase the property. hid obtained preliminary epprov an, Jr., explained that there was 196$, which stated a municipal- ers of both cars Involved in a He said that Mr. DeAngelis had al in 1983; before an interim ion no legal need for the planners ity tiigt was upgrading its zon- collision on Deal Rd. at Whale- hoped to have his subdivision ing law was adopted early las o learn the names of corpora- ing by was still bound to sane- pond Rd. at 9:30 last night suf- tion officials. plans approved before he con- approved under lower irear, the board had no choice but fered minor injuries. tracted for the property. to pass the applications to coun Mi,, OIHagan also explained OharlM V. Marrone, 21, of 101 when property which had final Board secretary Mrs. Constance ca. Seventh St., Woodbridge, was re- approval was sold the approval Dreyer said that Mr. DeAngelis Lions Slate The developer Is seeking fina leased after treatment at Mon- and conditions would then apply has promised the board a letter approval for 168 lots in Section I mouth Medical Center, Long to the new owners. asking that the classification be and 34 lots in Section I-A of their Branch', for hand Injuries. Patsy nullified, but the letter has never 1 Mr. Magid said after the meet- Busy Year In 820-lot development on the south UNUSUAL WEATHER — A heavy snowstorm bit Dunimuir in northern California J. Conte, 51, of 210 Bmwood ing that he was concerned that been received. west corner of Rt. 79 and School this week and before it ended Duntmuir and itt 3,700 residents were without electricU Rd., Oakhurst, was treated and many of the subdivisions now After discussion and a brief ex- Rd.West. released M the same hospital receiving approval here are to be ecutive session, the board agreed Sea Bright ty for two days. Then it started to rain alid buildings cellapted. Here men are busy Cor multiple outs and braises. Other* Delayed sold to Levitt and Sons. to accept Lily Pond Estates for - At its first Two other application* from the shoveling snow from top of a downtown building, Decorations itill hang to remind (Police said Mr. Marrone was Levitt has received tentative classification, and instructed Mrs. meeting of *e year last night, developer for the village homes citizens ther* had been a Christmas. IAP Wirephoto) traveling west and Mr, Conte approval on Monmouth Heights, Dreyer to write Mr. DeAngelis the local-lions Club outlined its project were delayed for either was driving east on Deal Rd. a 688 development on Rt. 9. and ask him to send the promised 1986 program. more study or additional data. when the accident occurred. Monmouth Heights came before letters. Hie dub will underwrite Daniel C, Soriano, Jr., ril Patrolman Albert Mansfield Is the Planning Board for final ap- Other Board Action various program? for the summer SomerviUe, attorney for the de- Raritan Gives Morgan to Give l/p investigating. proval last night and was re- The board took action on these veloper, agreed to a 90-day delay additional subdivisions: enjoyment and recreation of area IX . "1.1 Tli O • 1 ferred to engineer Donald Barr residents, their children, and the though he preferred only a 30-day for review. —A five and a half-acre prop- extension for the Section II plans. Health Post nests. Weekly band concerts, Ownership was also an Issue «tyon iron Ore Rd. to be Marry E. Bernstein, board at- Urban Renewal Post Price lag daaces and beauty contests are whehsn LilTJlyv FonPond Estates asked ^ided into 7 lots by Edward torney, said if the plans could be (Continued) among contemplated events. ATLANTIC Mr. Tracy would do a good job for classification. Perdek, Englishtown, was ac- acted upon sooner than 90 days. Olinsky Mr. Kiernan was represented Although the local club is small, This Js a 21-aora property on cepted for classification. The board would try to aoconv RARTTANTOWNSHIP - Af- Former Mayor Russell W. Mor- and an objective one. after taking office by Joseph F. recent growth dn members makes Gordon1! Corner Rd. which is —Wood Glen Estates received modate .the developer. gan will relinquish his post as Although last night's, board Mattice, Asbury Park, and Art Katims, president, feel the er Commltteeman James J. Mc- being proposed as a 30-lot "We are not trying to pressure whether he submitted any vouch- burden of planned activities will Kay, Jr., refused nomination as executive director of the. Local meeting was called to discuss division, you," Mr. Soriano said, "but we er .for payment was not known. be' a challenge to its member- Public Agency In three months. complaints • and questions on rite The owner now is Milton Slade. Hill Rd., owned by Moe Green gave a 90- and a 45-day extension president of the Board of Health $16,000 for Welfare He has a contract to sell the and Gary Kneler, both of Manal- previously; ast night, Mayor Marvin Olin- That was the announcement proposed master'plan, many real- The welfare board authorized property to Silvio Migllore, and aDa" ''A nan who does nothing nev- "We will grant a 90-day exten- sky was unanimously elected jo ast night by Mayor Jay M. Kel dents' inquiries and protests wan- $16,000 as retainers for its coun- -Monmouth Village, 11 lots on er has time .to do a thing:," thesion but we feel it is unreason- the post. [era at a jam-packed meeting of dered into the area of urban re- sel — S. Thomas Gagliano, J8,- the sale is to be dosed in a few Rt 9 for the construction of president remarked, "but ask a able," he added after consulta- the Planning Board. t00; and assistants Raymond De- to do something, and Mr. McKay said after the newal. model houses for Levitt's Mon- tion with two representatives . Former Democratic Council- Mr. DeGenito challenged board Ridder, Red Bank, and Melvin mouth Heights,.received sketch from Atlantic Seaboard, • board's organization meeting that man Allen J. Tracy will be Zlotkin, Freehold, $5,000 each. Wirtz members to fay where they plat approval. Mr. Bemsteih replied that the he. declined the post became of named to the position, after a All of the. attorneys draw upot (Continued) -Old Battleground Village, 332 board engineer would have to a .lack of experience in board three-month training period as stand on the Issue of urban re- their own private offices for vir- "I hope he Is bringing the main lots on 209 acres on Pine Brook Bnai Sholom review the overall drainage {dans assistant director, the mayor dis- newal. Member George Rich said tually aU clerical work, libraries, and Union Hill Rds., received matters. and file areas. ingredient — money — with and that technical errors in the Stephen J. Filardi was elected closed. he favors "some-form of revital him." sketch plat approval. The prop- map would have to be corrected. In addition to salaries for per- •It was, Mr. Tracy who firstzation of First Awe., but I may Newsmen asked Wirtz if the erty is owned by the Old Tennent OK's Financing He added that this could not be vice president by a slim 3-2 vote. proposed, a borough master plan sonal services, a county .legal de- be against It (urban renewal) strike had a. bearing on the na-Village Co. done in 30 days. Mr. McKay and his- Republi- study, in I960, during the Demo- partment would have to provide tion's security. -Alda Estates, a 318-lot sub- The suit that caused this reluc- can colleague, Committeeman cratic administration under for- iT the study comes up with a for a clerical pool, books, files, and space to put them all. "I wouldn't say that, but It division on 239 acres on Union tant adoption was one filed by Joseph, A; Morales, -registered mer Mayor Robert S. McTague. antastic plan." has an effect on every large Hill Rd., was granted tentative ; LONG BRANCH - We Con- U. S. Homes and Development DeGenito Objects The county maintains a law. li- negation Bnai Sholom of 130 no" votes. Chairman Fannie MoCallum city," lie stated. approval, Alda Estates is owned Corp. which had a 30 million •we" The mayor's announcement brary In the County Court House, A key to the possible settle-by Commercial Factors Corp., a Morris Ave. has approved financ- housing program tied up from Mr. McKay said he said she could not say whether but it is situated in a room far ing construction of Ks new (300,. should have had the vice presi- triggered, a negative reaction she is "for or against It Until ment of the strike was seen in Canadian corporation. 1963 to 1985 when.. Superior Court ; from Thomas A. DeGenito, one too small for a legal department. , OQMetnple on Lenox Ave. Con- Judge Gene R> Mariano handed dency... .'••,,, the study is completed." Furthermore, the library I* in-the proposal made by Mr. Van -Yorktdwne, Sections 24, 25, Mayor Olinsky asserted .that of the Anti-Master Plan Com- Only In Private Arsdale. He demanded that lo- and 26 were presented for final struction is expected to start in down his decision;., mittee's publicity chairmen, tended for use by all members two weeds. the, board' presidency vwai- of- Member Alfred F. Katz, Indi- of the bar. cal TWU vice president Mat- approval and were referred to fered to' Mr. McKay during a "I've spoken to Mr. Tracy," thew Gulnan and seven othei1 ^ township engineer for review. The members unanimously ap- caucus session. He noted that cating he has "strong opinions Current office facilities and he contended. "And he told me union officials who went to civil jj,e tnree sections of the Hovnan- proved terms of a mortgage con- he refused the post. he Is 100 per cent in favor of oh the subject," said he would clerical personnel already are tract -with the Howard Savings Apartments be "glad to express them In pri- jail last Tuesday with Quill on lan Brothers subdivision 'include The board will meet the fourth urban ienewal," overtaxed. "This- is one reason contempt charges, .be released Institution in Newark for the 150- .':. v(Continued) • vate." the freeholders have advanced 100 lots on 65 acres on Gordons Thursday of each month at 8:30 "Do you think It's right to : i family, .congregation new home, .While; admitting thatpublic Several times during : thefor creating » new personnel de- today. 5 .' • - - • • Corner Rd. -Jtti'V'' '• ' '•'• . . " •. put. a man. In that 'Job who Is CiU* Them Nseded . The planned temple will have presentation' of • the master plan partment which will take over M&yor Olinsky said the Town for urban renewal if this Is just lengthy meeting^ the audience 'They are'-needed to carry on a sanctuary, social ha!l,.xlass. to date has been "handled bad- tjil' hanillng personnel ship Committee will, decide on an urban, renewal; he was reminded by the.board.nitrn- negoairtions," Van Awdale room;, youth lounge, kitchen, rab- ly" and that the. plan needs, re- ; matters, and ft: increasisjgnib* |«tjfor dog-li- bfff that the, Planning Board Undsay. The mayor Is Afai»tudy/, and otficfS.. ;j view and PeWtjfn Jeard ntem- censes, artd -that art -ordinance has no jurisdiction over the of the Board of '• The congregation also has hired bers denied Mr. Curren's ccharges fair and objective study If his Ham L, Ulrich. sympathetic to the release. should be ready for Introduction mind is already made up?" ough's urban renewal study.. The union's second string team Mrs. Judy Soldier as leader jof that planners, had met oaiypnt Mr. DeGenito, noting that the at next Wednesday's meeting. The mayor, replied he believed has replaced (lie jailed leaders itte UnkSd Synagogue Youjh and with the citizens unit. master plan does recommend ur- pre-USY groups.- around the bargaining table. ( Meetings Held ban renewal for the First Aye. Burke business district, termed the pro- The Supreme Court today will Mrs. Fannie. McCailum, whe Raritah (Continued) decide whether to fine the TWU earlier in the meeting was unan- posal "un-American." government. It was not intended for its strike procedure. The fined on Officer imously elected chairman of the (Continued) "I'm against the concept of thenor do I believe that it im- matter was postponed yesterday. board, said this: It wants a 14th step added to bers, "There 1» no need for fur- government's eminent domain," plies any reflection on the in- Reports i flooded the city "We have met six times witJ the salary guide — which would ther negotiations." he stated. "If one of our neigh- tegrity or efforts of officials In yesterday that Quill's Condition Assault Charge the citizens committee, an< mean in'additional (300 incre- "You can, never, cut off > bors la Atlantic Highlands has either political party. in Bellevue had become worse. \ MIDDLET6WN' - Magistrate would have met more often ment for the 21 teachers who nations," shot back Mr. Berto- to be moved under urban renew- Anger Unfortunate The hospital denied the rumor, the members had accepted oui al, it has to be for a good rea- ffcymour Kleinberg In Municipal would be eligible (those who lina. "To say that nothing more "It Is unfortunate that the saying the union boss was hold- ,Court yesterday found Gary iavitatioBs." • ' ibaVe had more than 13 yean' can be accomplishe, d is. Oie kindI son, auchaj a.new well, sewer mayor and Mr. Foulks reacted Ing his own. He spent part ofj ,

Waldron P. Smith , ; MEMBER FREE INSTALLATION John E. Day Federal Saving* and Loan Insurance Corporation Corneliui J. Suiney, Jr. Federal Home Loin Bank Syitem FUNERAL HOME John A. Behrt 874 HIGHWAY 35 (Branch) 85 Riverside Ave. . Red Bank lit AVE. and RT. 36 J. Crawford Campion, Jr. MIDDLCTOWN, N. J. C. SIDUN, Mgr. .747.0332 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ( Ralph H. Sweeney 671-2400 291-0100 Oppoiltt Mally Mhliir In r Cbtrtei B»rteT, ffr. mi Wn. pool, Mr, «*J Utt, %iJ*s hosting a New Yew* Eve THE DAILY BEGISTER Friday, January 7, 1%6~5 wnij Uim>pt, Mr. i«J Mw. Mr, *r4 Mn. Wi'Jliam Jactq, Mr. lad Mn, In/fag goto* iM Mr. jitrty were Mr. taj Mn. Gfno Gterjfe, Mr. vA ito. Hw« to spend tfce y A MM, Gitotrt Unger, Mr. ind 0Psoli, n KuMw/A X». TMt Mr. «yi Ittt. Red Ear*; t/4 Mr. *tA Mn. CtrtoU, Mu'UA • lAri. their jartjiU ,w«t<£ Mr. (AdMm* M»l Jflfin Borneo, Mr. tjA M«. Birdtjvood Ct. guesu w^i&fA Mr'. aa<) Un. 4S GJewood Or., entertained Mr. Robert Hctofi, We*t Long Brtnclt. Mras, Mr.; eid.MxJ. Uw- Gordon iftlyprm tad'iieir •«, Fred Bodhoit and Gregg Boctbolt, »Jiymrx)A Wngtrf, Mr. «ad Mrs. aad Mrs. Gerald Kenneyi Ut. mpsodi Wr; and Ml*.Kevin, Delaware, Ohio, Thty arare New Shrewsbury; Lt. Col. and A gWMP of jKt&hboiv in Royal Keith Olson, Mr. and Utri.-Ud Wm thirlton, Mr. and Mn;the children ot Mr. and MrsMrs. . ; George Witlets, Middle- Ga; and MrsrWilBam Duffy, Mr. and •*»»*, Jr.,* # Wellington Dr.; trdens got together Sew Year's ard Silverstein, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jofu Ewald, Mr. Walter Grunpe and Mr. and Nils Halvorsen, *ater St., and town; Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Bar- Mrs. John Rommel, Mr. and Mrs. entertained at a New Year's Eve Eve (or a progressive dinner Dale Manigold, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Pursell and Mr. Mrs. DonalS Wissell. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stosilc, 17 bieri and Miss Tirrell Barbierl, Vincent Roache, Mr. and Mrs. party. Among their guests were party. Participants included Mr. Peter Xefteris, and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Dr. West Long Branch, and Miss William Suter.Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Howe Allnutt, New Mr. and Mrs. John Fagan, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Beers, Mr. andLouis Bernard, New Shrewsbury; Marsha Posselt, New Brunswick. Kenneth Roonan and Mrs. John Shrewsbury; Mr. and Mrs. Lester and Mrs, Geoffrey Wood, Mr. Mr.' and Mrs. Harry LaTowsky, Mrs. Richard Morris, .Mr. andMr. and Mr3. Joseph Harris, ! Clooney, New Shrewsbury; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sidoric, Mr. A New Year's party was giv- Mrs. Charles Lusteck, Mr. andHolmdel; Mr. and Mrs. John Evans, Mala wan; and Mr. and Jr., 64 Neville Dr.,, were hosts and Mrs. James Moss, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fox, Mr.° and to their bridge club at a New en by Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bod- After spending the holidays Mrs. William Charlton,-Mr, and Wilson, West Long Branch; Mr. Mrs. Malcolm Markendorf, lin- and Mrs. Charles Louden, Mid- MM. Lawrence Singer, Mr, andYear's Eve party. Uieir g«ests holt, 6 Carlton Dr. Joining Ithe' m with their parents, Mr. and MrsMrs. . Robert Hill, Mr. and Mrs.and Mrs. Robert Roche, Wayside; dletown; Mr. and Mrs. Julius croft; greeted the New Year at Mrs. Kenneth Roonan, Mr. andincluded Mr. and Mri, .Charles were Mr. and Mrs. William Bod Fred Bodhoit returned to Talla- Allen Koppes, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Graulich, Christensen, Shrewsbury; Mr. a party in the home of Mr. and Mr«. Lee Walsky, Mr. and Mrs.Forbes, Mr. and MM. William holt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sto- hassee, Fla., where Mr. Bodhoit seph Goodspeed, Mr. and Mrs.Oakhurst; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jack Fritts and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Bernard Sherman and Mrs, Joseph Bechtle, 12 Kent Walter Uckt, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-Long, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Badeuf sik, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wat is in his final year at Florida Ronan, Fair Haven; and Mr. and Robert Gsgnon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kroning, leph Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. R. W.Chap- lin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thome, State University. Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Paul Benoit, West Deal. PI.



There1! a great assortment of styles to , Envelopes, swaggcn, pouches, shoulder*, These Orion* acrylic -lined beauties That is luscious, creamy, superhly supple choose from. Dacron* quilt-lined, t, satchels, smooth, grainy, suedes, cloths, have hoods or pile collars. They come in luede, double-breasted and tailored to per- with an outershell of 100 fo . Blue fabrics, llacb, browns, tam, navy, reds, ' , corduroys, cotton suedei and ' fection. And the male mink skins are th» or black, sizes S-M-L-XL. jtuuPont B«. m grays, top domestic and import names. more. Lodens, camels, browns, navy. 8-18. kind you've dreamed of. Taupe, 10-16. MM'I Sportiweai, Mall Ltvtl Handbogi. Moll Uvtl Ladles' Coal*. Mall Uvel Sued* and Uartiir Shop, Mall Uvtl


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SPORT SHIRTS SAVINGS FOR THE HOME KIDSKIN GLOVES LONG-SLEEVED—IN COTTON, DACRON*- STEAM-PRY IRON ALMOST-ELBOW LENGTH WITH AND-COTfON AND OTHER FABRICS OUR OWN MACY BRAND SUPREMACY LINING—IMPORTED FROM ITALY IRON WITH ACCURATE FABRIC GUIDE S TRIPLE WIDTH NO-IRON, WASHABLE, $ 3 tp "1Z Reg. $5 fo 14.95 9 NjulflHy$14 WHITE HOMESPUN GLASS41 Astqrled patterns, colon. S, M, L, XL. Luxurious lining adds warmth and_com- fort. Black, brown. 6 to 8, ' (DtiFont T.I1. for nolreiter fiber. Regulorly $30 Lightweight, uses ordinary tap water. Has dial temp selector. < ' 144" wide to pair, a full 12'; 90" long. Drip dry in 7 minutes. STRETCH SOCKS qtPlttaburih Pitt. Olui Co. T.M. PANTS NATIONALLY FAMOUS ANKLET LENGTH TRAY DEFROSTER STRETCH NYLON 1x1 RIB SOCKS PROPORTIONED LINED WOOL PANTS BIG HASSOCKS FITS INTO CUBE TRAY, DEFROSTS WITH SLIM CLOSING SIDE ZIPPER REFRIGERATOR IN A FEW MINUTES O pn. Z.O\) *1 pr. Orig. 1.50 pr. LEATHER-LOOK VINYL IN PERSIMMON, GREEN, WHITE, BROWN, BEIGE ^8 Originally $12 Clearance. Black, gray, brown, navy. Ono 2.99 Regularly 4.95 lire fits 10 to 13. Regularly $7 Camel, brown, cranberry, loden, black in- No more waiting for ice to melt Slim line cluded. 8-20 in group. < - Round pr oblong, stuffed or with walnut- style, nylon bandies. SAVINGS FOR CHILDREN finished legs.


*10 Regularly $15 3 for 3.50 Rej.3for$5 Regularly $12 23.88 R«gu!ar)y 26.88 Choote from a wide variety of colon. 4 to Misses' lite* small, medium and Large, gay 6,7 to 10,12 to 14.' Urethane-backed cotton. Black/reel, green Lightweight. Swivel noule, vinyl bumper, -'colon. •' .' ' ' Mot it Usrrbttwn, Plitoll.Id, Princeton. gold, brown or white. easy-empty dirt cup. "^ Bainberger's from 10 A.M. till 9:30 PM., Including Saturdays "Any Chance Of A Ce we-Fire Over Hcrer Jim BUhop; Reporter The Register's Opinion the Interview ys. The young man wai polite and insistent. He stood at the 'Development Not Destruction' •-I don't have But the approach the mayor has shall be no halt to progressive plan- much time, myself—and he wants to bet me you will think I'm a nut taken in charting the future of his ning. Adjustments must be made to A. I don't know you well enough. Q. Well, let me put.it administration is one that, if followed, meet the changing times." And he this way, what is a man without a woman? A. A man. Don't could assure progress and peace for listed several "high priority" projects, you face military service? Q. Depends. If I get married and Atlantic Highlands. including the revitalization of the First we can have a kid quick, maybe no. A. You don't want to serve your country? Q. I'm no flag waver. I could get a lot The reaction to discussion of the Ave. business district "through proper of free publicity by burning my draft card. master plan and urban renewal has planning—preserving that which has * * * been no different in Atlantic Highlands value and divesting ourselves of that A. YOU COULD ALSO get a lot of time to think about It. than in many other communities across which is undesirable, unattractive, and Q. Let's get back to women. This chick is a pretty good secre- tary, She gets $60 take home, and I figure we can shack up the nation. costly." in a furnished room off the campus. Now what's so awful Many people immediately begin The days ahead will not be easy about that? A. You sound as though you just discovered seeing their homes torn down and for Mayor Kellers and the official women. Q. How old were you when you got married? A. 22. • Q. See? It's okay for you, but not for me. A. I had a job as great changes being made in their boards in Atlantic Highlands. There is Sylvia Porter: Your Money's Worth a cub reporter. I understood the joys of marriage and, from, municipality. Minority groups fear much work there that must be done what I had seen at home, I also knew the responsibilities, the they will be displaced and, for ob- to bring out the full potential of that defeats-. Q. Who you kidding? A. Not you, obviously. vious reasons, wonder if they will be diverse municipality, which Is fortu- 5 Q. Truthfully, how many times have you been In teve? A. I wish I knew what business this is of yours, but I must get able to find new dwellings in which nate to have so many natural assets. 'Trading Up to Eating Out back to the typewriter, so I'll say three times. Once when I to live. The fact that careful planning will As your cost ol living climbs relentlessly increase and as the National School Lunch was 17. She was a high school chemistry major, and shs Those officials of Atlantic High- continue to be employed is encour- - to all-time highs in 1966, keep in mind that Program expands. More than i7 "million made her own clothes; Q, You mean that's an asset? A. Yes. Then there was Elinor Dunning, whom I married. When she> lands who inaugurated master plan aging as Atlantic Highlands prepares you yourself are responsible for part of the school children now get free or low-cost rise in your costs. It's your own voluntary school lunches under this program. died, love died too. Women didn't. Love did. Then I began and urban renewal studies have done for tomorrow. "trading up" In your purchases which is -Companies and government agencies to date Kelly, absorbing an Increasing are Installing cafeterias and other eating Q. Is that the blonde who brought the coffee? A. That's the share of the extra dollars facilities at a record clip to offer employees one. Q. Some number. A. Thanks. Q. You fell in love with her? GI Bill for Good you earn. It's your own de- low-cost or no-cost lunches. It's now esti- A. Deeply eternally. Q. Am I too personal? A, Yes. Q. How Long-stymied efforts to enact a turn in taxes from the men and wom- liberate spending on higher mated that more than half of all workers can I write this paper unless I understand.you? A. I'll stop quality, and thus naturally eat at least one meal each workday away when I think you're going too far. new GI Bill of Rights are expected en who used the educational provi- more expensive, things and from home—either In the company cafeteria * * * '' to succeed early in this year's session sions of the first GI bill is expected non-things which — coming or in nearby eating places. Says one spokes- Q. WHO ARE your personal heroes? A.. The people I ad- of Congress. The administration and to total 2>/ times the $14.5 billion on top of the generally ris- man of the "industrial feeding" industry:: 2 ing price level—helps ex- "The lunch pail has been replaced by the mire most are my father, who lives with me; Bob Considine; its spokesmen in the House reportedly governmental outlay. But more im- plain the pocketbook pinch coffee break and plant cafeteria." Arthur Schlesinger; Rose Kennedy; Lyndon Johnson; Walter have relaxed their opposition to a portant are the services supplied by you feel. Schirra; Cardinal Spellman; Burris Jenkins; Jackie Gleason V. AH off measure already passed by the Sen- the doctors, dentists, teachers, law- Nowhere is this more PORTER obvious than In the power- restaurants, airline meals, restaurants In air- ate to grant education and home loan yers, clergymen, businessmen, trades- ful trend toward eating out. line and bus terminals, in resorts and na- talent? A. Pure faith. It can't benefits to men who have served in men, and thousands of others who got tional parks. One quick-lunch outfit is selling be cultivated. Q. Is that a tape recorder you have going? You, the average American, are now A. Yes. Q. Are you Interviewing me? A. Nope. Just keeping the armed forces since the Korean their schooling with the aid of the spending %\ in $5 of your food dollars and around 150 million hamburgers a year. Food vending machines are sprouting in office a record on your accuracy. Q. I must have been in love 12 War 01 bill expired in 1955. law. $1 in $20 of your after-tax dollars for eating out—an average of more than $400 a year buildings, shopping • centers, gas stations, times already. A. Doesn't this make you suspect the quality It was the most extensive federal schools, factories. of your emotions? Q. Why should it? I may )iave more to The administration blocked the leg- for each U.S. family. give than' you have. A. You jUst went too far. aid to education program in the coun- As a nation, we are now spending more —Our nationwide concern for health and islation in the past because of its cost, than $20 billion a year for food away from medical care translates into more meals in Q. You and my old man are on the same wave-length. which is not a sound reason for op- try's history, which makes continued home, quadruple the sum we spent in the hospitals, mental institutions, nursing homes. I told him I could shack with this, girl with no marriage. A. carping about the "threat" of such late 1940s. Our spending in a whole range Medicare will add thousands of elderly citi- If you will excuse me for getting personal for a moment, I posing a program which would be as suggest that she too is emotionally immature If she agrees federal aid the more difficult to un- of eating and drinking places is increasing zens to today's peak hospital population and much in the nation's interest as that at a rate of 9 per cent a year, about double mean more meals for them. The rise in to it, or else she,has no moral values. In either case, you of its individual beneficiaries.. The "derstand. Still, that is no harder to the rate of rise in amounts we spend on our elderly population also means more lose. Q. How? A. It she is immature, she is an emotional child. When she^grows up, she will be a different person and will change in attitude apparently arises 'understand than arguing against a food for eating at home. restaurants and food-catering services in re- # * * tirement communities and more precooked see you for what you are. Q, What's that? A. On the other from the political climate generated1 by ; new bill on the grounds that it would hand, if she is mature, then she is immoral or amoral, and EATING OUT has rapidly developed into "meals on wheels" lor those who live at the increasing hazard to U.S. service- cost too much. home. , she will bounce from you to someone else, and then someone one of the biggest businesses in the U.S. else—. men in Viet Nam, which is not the By the same token, there is no and it will become even bigger in the years —The ever-climbing total of working Q. I dtfh't want to get in an argument in your house. A. best reason for adopting the program. need to justify support for the legis- directly ahead. Consider these facets of the women and working wives is an extremely boom: important factor. The working wife eats out You asked the question. Q. I don't like the answer. You don't lation as a Vietnamese War GI Bill of even know Lois. A. I know a hundred Loises. I know a hundred There is no better argument for a —Restaurant eating and hotel-motel liv- during the day just as her husband does, Rights. Regardless of whether the ser- ing have soared along with our rising income, of course—and the two often have dinner kids like you too. Q. Meaning? , new GI bill than the experience with vicemen fighting in the jungles there end use of credit cards, lengthening week- out as well. The income the working wife A. Not much. Not much. Now, if you'll excuse me ... the original one fo"r the veterans of merit a reward, the return on invest- ends and vacations, superhighways and auto brings in also goes for, family splurges in World War II. While It was conceived ownership. Traditional "eating and drinking restaurants. ment is so promising that the nation places" account for three-fourths of our Clearly basic to the whole eating-out primarily as a way to reward the mil- can scarcely afford to pass it up for spending to eat out—and city families in splurge is your trading up. Millions of you Events of Years Ago lions whose lives were interrupted and its own sake alone. the $15,000 and over after-tax income bracket don't "need" to spend the additional dollars permanently changed by that great actually spend one-third of their food dollars eating out; you could shop the food stores Instead of passing a Vietnamese on eating out. for the best bargains, prepare all meals at struggle, the nation as a society; got War GI Bill—as there were GI bills —School lunches and school cafeterias home. But you "want" to eat out—and there's 50 Years Ago a great deal more out of the program after World War II and the Korean are multiplying as enrollments at all levels one key reason for your pocketbook pinch. than it put in. War—Congress ought to pass a perma- A. J.-Hopkins of Hornerstown bought a large otter skin In terms of dollars alone, the re- nent GI bill. from William C. Parker and Brazille Oakerson. Otter were sel- John Chamberlain: These Days dom teen in the area. Dogs killed 14 ducks and two geese on the pond of the Robert S. Allen, Paul Scott: Inside Washington Spring Lake power house, where the fowl had been taken for Department>s Bourbon the winter. Drilling a 900-foot artesian well, at William A. Jamison's Secretary of Labor Willard Wirtz, who, ous losses of crops suffered by our farmers, farm in Holmdel, workmen unearthed petrified wood and other like the Bourbons, neither learns nor forgets, the thousands of acres of vegetables never traces of vegetation which grew thousands of years ago. LBPs Congressional Challenges has evidently decided to brazen it out in this planted, the exodus of many farmers seeking Congressional leaders are making It WHO'S CALLING THE SHOTS-In rais- business of compelling American fruit and new locations in Mexico, and the increase in bluntly clear President Johnson faces a very ing the question of financing the Viet Nam vegetable growers to hire only American wholesale and retail prices." 25 Years Ago different attitude and atmosphere on Capitol conflict, Senator Hartke cited the pronounced citizens for work on their There are several injustices in the way Hill than in the 1965 session. difference between the fiscal policy pursued farms. He has indicated the Department of Labor has applied the that there will be ho holds law which allows it to forbid foreign bracero The monthly meeting of the Monmouth Baby Beeves 4-H In effect, it would appear that remark- in World War I and World War II. Club was held at the home of Peter Moreau, near Holmdel. ably long "honeymoon" is "World War I was financed with Liberty barred in 1966 in the strug- workers to enter the United States for the over. bonds paying 6 and 7 per cent Interest," he gle to force his theories on crop season. Sen. Murphy doesn't object The Shrewsbury post office, in the center of Sycamore Even before the new said, "and a decade later there was the the embattled orchardlsts when Wirtz promises Florida some supple- Ave., was slightly damaged when it was hit by a truck session has convened and great depression. World War II was financed and tomato growers of mental "off-shore" labor for sugar cane fields loaded with scrap iron. the President has presented with 2 and 2Vj per cent securities, because Florida, Arizona, California in 1966, but he insists that his own state his State of the Union and Roosevelt insisted he did not propose to and other states where agri- should get similar treatment. Patrolman John Connett of the Rumson police was retired budget messages, influen- fight a war that would be followed by a culture creates a good por- Then there are the enforced wage differ- after 22 years' service. tial lawmakers are raising depression. He kept interest down and the tion of the Gross National entials—$1.40 an hour for California agricul- issues of a sharply critical the cost of the war was not disproportionate. Product. tural laborers as against (1.15 an hour for nature. And there was no depression. CHAMBERLAIN Lest it seem that I am Arizona and Texas. Again, the anti-bracero Cynic's Corner By Interlandl Significantly illustrative "Truman adhered to the same policy persecuting Mr. Wirtz, let me say that I programs help monopolistic agriculture at of this eventful change are In the Korean war, and with the same sound think his idea of getting Americans off the the expense of the small-time orchardist or ALLEN barbed questions being results. What is being done in the Viet Nam relief rolls and putting them to work is high- tomato grower. Only the big farmers can asked about key aspects of the Viet Nam war? Are we making the mistakes of World ly commendable. But, to adapt the phrase afford the new mechanical tomato pickers. conflict by Senator Vance Hartke, D-Ind, War I all over again? Are we going to fight beloved of Graver Cleveland, Wirtz is faced A queer cross ripple in this business of a ranking member of the powerful Finance this war with high interest rates, to be fol- with a condition, not a theory. The fact is small-versus-big is that Secretary of the ¥< Committee with jurisdiction over all revenue lowed by a tragic depression? What is the that American citizens don't like to pick Interior Udall has been talking about invok- legislation. policy and who is making it?" lemons and apples or harvest lettuce, no ing an > ancient law of 1903 which would ft Although in general an • * • matter what the financial inducements may limit federal irrigation water to farms of administration supporter, POINTING DIRECTLY at President John- be. That was the reason behind Importing 160 acres or less. Could be that we'll wind Hartke is forcefully dis- son's four top advisers, Hartke bluntly ex- Mexican braceros in the first place, and the up with no farm labor and the mechanical playing a "show me" atti- pressed doubt they are "communicating with reason is still good. pickers in the wrong place. tude on issues certain to each other." Statistically, Mr. Wirtz is claiming a big * • * .,,,,, y^ arouse prlotracted and "A month ago, the Federal Reserve victory for the past year in his anti-foreign IN THE APPLE orchards of New Eng- fc'YW* «• jtormy discussion^ in both Board Increased the discount rate," said labor program. But Sen. George Murphy-if land at least one fruit grower has found it branches of Congress. Hartke. "That was widely and heatedly de- California disputes the relevance, ol the De- necessary to go to Puerto Rico to recruit • * * nounced. When Chairman Martin put that partment of Labor figures, and *Wjra has his apple pickers for the autumn. AS SUMMARIZED by through, did he know the Viet Nam war yet to meet Murphy in signific debate, "It is impossible to get domestic thelp Hartke, they are: would be expanded? Did Treasury Secretary According to Murphy, when ays do- today to pick apples, peaches and pears," so SCOTT "How is the Viet Nam Fowler know? And If they didn't know, mestic farm employment In ii ,rose John. Mark Bishop of the Bishop Farms in war going to be financed? la there going to why didn't they? . . ." by some 20,000 or 25,000 jobs In 196ty, he Connecticut writes. Then, apropos a column be a repetition of the mistakes and scandals conveniently forgets that he is counting 35,000 which I wrote recently in Puerto Rico, he of World War I, which led to the great de- socalled green-card workers (Mexicans here says, "We have been going there for the pression of a decade later?" THEMILY on general permit) as "citizens," not to men- past eight years for our vacation and to get "Are the four top advisers of the Presi- T tion large numbers of "wetbacks" who en- out boys to pick apples. They /come from dent—Secretary of State Rusk, Treasury Sec- tered the country illegally, in his sum total. a small town, Buena Vista, near Humacao retary Fowler, Defense Secretary McNamara FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1966 * * • on the south shore. Without this help we ud Budfett Director Schultze—communicating ii-a Brota St., Red Buk. N. I. STATISTICS may not lie deliberately, but would never get our apples harveited," with each other? Are they keeping each other IN HI, 15, Mlddlflown, N. J. what good are .they when they can't distin- California and Arizona, however, can M EM Mill SI.. Freehold. N. J. fully Informed of what is being done and 11» Broadmr. Lou Bruch, N. i. guish between an illegally employed Mexi- hardly afford to go all the way to Puerto Rico Whit Is Hfely to happen? And do they con- EiMb. ISTt b/ Jsha H. Cook «im Henry Clijr can wetback and a high school student for help. The southwestern states might lult With Federal Reserve Chairman Martin?" brought to California from the Midwest for legitimately ask Secretary Wirtz about his From the tone and Import of these pene- rubllihed br Tin KM Bull Btiltler Incorporate* the summer? And how does one explain that attitude toward the spirit behind the provision trating question*- It Is evident strongly-held II. IIAKOLD KBU.Y. Fohlllher uid Ouunl tluuer the stuff put out by Wirtr In Washington in the new immigration law which says that ^ doubts eklit regarding administration policy '•1;' '•'• Arthur JL Ktnriai Editor about vegetable prices is contradicted by we should encourage newcomers who have •Resolution for '66 — to be less critical !l»l problems, what hit own Bureau of Labor Statistics re- special skills. The Mexican braceros have m*i J.JM* ffUUun r. •aadlnt and just accept the way man ore running for -vigorous AilocM* Editor ports about prices In California? Wirtz, ac- •peclal agricultural skills, even, (hough they\ ectiltv. Bailor .Ctulet A. Jobiilw the torldi"- HUdMtomBitnui KIT. FMhld BUIIIU Mir. cording to Sen. Murphy, overlooks "the strl- may not technically qualify at Immigrants. THE DAILY BECI5TEH TriAty, Jimttf % b«a tvni luA- ta*t# DAftY CROSSWORP Conservation Donations f isttu tofonsatioa « «*rt«t Now May B4 Deductible gardening proce&m; promoM* «*» By GEORGE BELKE tur&l beauty. cotuemtioB practicep* * tfefh 6. Sycophant Segbter WaiUngton Boreau "In addition to outright gifts education, amps, andd icbdar- 10. Cubltua T. Yearly: ships; sponsors teacher*' wort 1L Wandered WASHINGTON - If you've do- of land^deductiong are permit- abbr. y shops in gardening and conserva- 1Z Western 8. Nocturnal nated money, property or land ted tor flfe. value of scenic ease- 26.Tovmc< tion practices at college. (ami carnivore '- ater rights in the cause of natural menu donated to federal, state, position of regional vice presi- -An organization under state dent of the N.J. State Home 14. Piece out 11. Radical 28.Qnefc beauty, you may be able to take or local governments." Shore Builders to Install 15. Suitable 13. Sharpens, letter control, organized for the pur- Builders Association. federal income tax deduction The bulletin gave some exam 18.,BudaeMi M a razor 30. Sniffs pies of organizations qualified pose of securing and developing, The state builders will convene lor your contribution. abbrevU- IS. Pelt 31. Color 38. Sheep cry for deductible charitable contri- for the education of the public, Fabiano As 1966 Presiden at Atlantic City Feb. 24-27. Uon 18. Not 32. Taxes 39. Worker Uncle Sam's tax collectors put butions: a tract of forest land to be re- LAKEWOOO-Joseph Fabiano, be sworn in as treasurer end 17. Ruin permanent 35. Female of a sort special item in their "Inter- served as a sanctuary {or wild 21. Auricle 19, Knock 40. Low New Shrewsbury builder, will be W. Robert*, Brielle, will becom aheep nal Revenue Bulletin" to call at- —An organisation that main- birds and animal*. . sworn in as president of the N.J. secretary. 22. Wild cry tains a free library or materials 9-Lot Tract 23. Rascal tention to the possibilities. Shore Builders Association for on gardening and allied sub- Slated to be installed as men 26. Across: % 'Taxpayers may be entitled to 1966 at the' organization's inau> 'A ject*; gives lectures and free ad- berg of the board of directot . prefix income tax deductions for their gural dinner dance at Fairmont vice on conservation of trees and arj Toms River builders Alvi To Be Sold 27. Refer to % % contribution to programs de- Hotel, here. Tuesday. repeatedly %lii. plants; makes awards to chil- S. Brown and Alfred J. Sica " signed to conserve the nation's dren for garden achievements. Sen. Richard R. Stout ( Norman Goldstein, CJifton, Vii 28,"Ul«lume" n natural beauty," the bulletin In Oceanport author 14 ft. —An organization that main- mouth, 5th) will officiate at thecent J. Russo, Rumson builde says. "Both corporate and indi- NEW KITCHEN FAUCET OCEANPORT - Borough Coun- 2». Protest % tains a clearing house for the installation.' Roy Fleidner, Long Branch, an 17 vidual taxpayers may qualify for Swivtlil Sprayd Atrefttf cil wiH advertise tor tale of a M. Pronoun • h exchange of information on gar- income tax deduction oh gifts of Kevork S- Hovnanian, Manal- incumbent' Marvin K. Brodei nine-tot Pocahontis Ave. tract. 3S.NJS.fern dening; encourages roadside ColU Neck. root l\ money,, land, or other property apan builder, will be installed as Tile governing bod/ last night beautifioation; educates the pub- 36. CUp % % to governmental agencies or to first vice president, while John A floor show and dancing wi received a $4,500 bid for the prop- lic by means of radio, television, 87. Indian IS qualified private organiza- L. Fitzgerald, Rujnson builder, follow dinner and the installatio erty from P. R. Mazzel of 282 a and lecture programs; makes babies $ tions engaged in fostering na- will be seated as second vice ceremony. liberty St., Long Branch. The 39. Walk it •k awards for civic achievement in president. Mr. Fabtano, the new pres sale will take place Friday, Fet) slowly % % conservation and horticulture. » 51 51 J. Otto Johnson, Navesinfc, will dent, has been nominated for th 41. Infrequent » -iAn organisation formed for 42. Christmas Council received a recommen- J* Fair Haven conservation and protection of 43. Speaks native wild flowers; encourage- dation from the Planning Board % % 44. High, % 40 ment of civic planting; preser- to vacate an unnamed paper rocky hill* n 59 Zoners Elect street adjacent to the Wood Boat DOWN vation of scenic and historic lo- Works, Portaupeok. The issue 1. Strangle \\ 42. calities; encouragement of gen- STEPHEN J. GROSS, INC was referred to Charles W, Jones 2. Washes % Boyd, Grimmer eral participation in all activi- V, 44 numbing and HMHIIJ borough attorney. 3. Familiar TheZomn g verb form I , hancement of aesthetic and sce- 19 Newman Springi M. The Central Jersey Bank and Board of Adjustment unanimouslly nic , of urb d b Pbon* 747-3300 Trust Co. was named joint of- elected Tyra M. Boyd its new1 ficial borough depository. The chairman last night, and Clifford •CwnkSm New Jersey Bank and Trust Co. trimmer its vice-chairman. was named depository New Red Bank Area MLS Lists James G. Ham, 91 Harvard RMT (CUNJ Year's Day. Rd., was sworn as the new mem- Council also approved three taxi Eight Closings for Week ber. He was appointed New Year's •tend MM* Day by Mayor Eugene M. Ma- licenses for Paramount Cab, Inc., RED BANK - Eight title clos- oved to Cherry Hill. Mr. Smith gee to fill the vacancy created II Long Branch, to operate in this ings were reported this week by plant manager for Rheem, when former chairman James T. I community. - members of the Red Bank Area ic., in Linden, and was trans- Buckley, Jr. became a council-|| Multiple listing Service, jrred here from Chicago. The; roan. FUEL OIL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Tur- ive a daughter and a son in Phalanx Farms The newly organized board Jastll chan of Garden City, N. Y., pur- allege. The sale was made b; night heard the application of I chased a new home on Broad- :aymon contain eight office suites. Prin- from Cliffside Park have pur- lary Ella Gaunt of the Redder, CUM OP MorrsAOi FOSSISSION Land, Inc. cipals in Elberon Builders are chased a home at 11 Highland gency, Red Bank, handled ar- ' Miss Grace E. Markthaler, Lester R. Schlesinger and Fred AT GARDEN STATE PAIKWAY KIT 10OA—IBS THAN Ave,, in Rumson, from Mr. and ingements for the sale. Weininger. 3 MILES TO A51UKY PAK* BOARDWALK & OCEANI Riverdale, N.Y., has purchased Mrs. Prescott Beach, who have a wooded one-acre lot on Bris- • 53 DOUIU IOOMS • 2 CONHMNCI IOOMS • HUM miles ahead of moved to an apartment. Mr. IANQUIT HAU • COCKTAIL IOUNOS • DININO KOOM • bane Hill Dr., and is planning a Whyte is with the law firm of DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketchum - a rUUY fQUIPKD KITCHINI •71' HIHM0 »OOl •••••••••••ee**e contemporary ranch house for Bower, Btigosian and Whyte in IDEA! FO« INSTITUTIONAl USES spring construction. Miss Mark- Union City. Mrs. Elizabeth T. /mpecflom Doty ( Sondojr from 1-4 tM. thaler is an engineer with Bell Randall, Ro'ston Waterbur/s anything! Telephone Laboratories. Th« office, Red Bank, handled the SA1I en Pr*mli*lt SAT., JANUARY 92 at 11AJW. sale was negotiated by Donald • 15% Depottt at Sil»-Reque*Ullu»trat»d Bfoehur* sale. •••••• Luxurious apartments just steps away from schools, Roche, of theJVD. Roche Agen- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Friedman shopping, and commutinq. Each, apartment features" cy, Colts Neck. KELVINATOR refrigerator-freezer, oven and range, of Red Bank have purchased the individually-controlled heat and air-conditioning to former home of Mr. and Mrs. REAL ESTATE BROKERS-AUCTIONEMS suit your mood. Color-matched ceramic tile bath- Quixley Joins Edward Nebesky, 71 Garden Rd. Little Silver. Mr. Friedman' is 111* Spruu StrtM, FW1«, H. 21M1 KUJ0O room fixtures. Built-in clothes hamper. Master TV associated with M. Silberstein, antenna system. Built-in sound barrier insulation. Utility Firm Red Bank upholsterer and deco- Set HAMILTONIAN AT SHREWSBURY today 111 BRADLEY BEACH - Charle: A. Quixley, 213 Lake Ter., ha:rator. Kenneth L. Hahn, Walker joined Jersey Central Power & Walker, Shrewsbury, negotiated Light Company as a claims rep the sale for the Nebeskys, who 435 resentative. Mr. Quixley wi have moved to Sudbury, Mass. work in the utility's Asbury Par Bruce E. Ender, director of rooms office. sales and catering for the Statler Now we're open A native of Bradley Beach, h< Hilton Hotel, New York City, ha: from is a, graduate of the Universit purchased a home at 120 Fish of Florida. Prior to joinin, Hawk Dr., Oak Hill, Middletown JCPL he was employed by Jo-formerly owned by Mr, and Mrs seph M. Cashin Associates, Free- Ralph B. Williams, who have hold, moved back to Atlanta, Georgia. 12 hours *114 Mr. Quixley Is a member The sale was made by Donald mCLVDWG: HEAT, HOT WATER, the Bradley Beach Board of Ed-H. Babcock ot Applebrook ucation. '--•-.- -- Agency, Middletown. Mr. and Mrs. Hawy Oscar Smith have moved Into their home at 209 HamUtqnian Dr., Middle- a day Egg Market town, which they purchased from NEW YORK (AP)-(USDA>-Mr and M«. Thomas Seely, who Wholesale egg offerings ample. MiS •• • • Demand fair yesterday. Stonehurst Adds Daily 9 AM - 9 P.M. New York spot quotations: Whites: Extra fancy heavy Colonial Model hamlltnnlan weight 40^5-42; fancy medium FREEHOLD — The resurgence Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM 35!4-37; fancy heavy weight 39- of the two-story Colonial model 40%; medium 34^-35^; smalls as the most popular home style J3-34. with the buying public was un at Shrewsbury Browns: Extra fancy heavy derscored at Stonehurst-at-Free- Come see us any time during the day, in the OFF SHREWSBURY AVE. SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP, N. J. weight 39V4-41; fancy medium hold, the home and apartment 351/4-35W; fancy heavy weight 39- community rising on Stonehurst evening, or on your way home from work. Directions: N«wm«n Spring* Rd. to Shrewsbury Ave.; left fo 40; smalls 33-34. Barker Ave.; right 100 feet, then left on Crawford St. to model. Blvd. and Schanck Rd., off Rt, 9, this week when builder James We'll be here to help solve your insurance Agent: BRITE REALTY, Inc., Broker — 264-0666 / 741-3636 House Hunting! It's open so* D'Agostlno unveiled the Model Apartment. 542-0893 problems. We can show you how to get top- son in the Daily Register Classi- a Colonial adaptation featur- fied now. ing four bedrooms. quality protection at low cost on Auto, "In today's high-land-cost build- Homeowners, Accident & Sickness, Life In- ing economy," says Mr. D'Agos- tino, "the Colonial offers the surance—practically any kind of policy you builder an opportunity to create need. PREVIEW FOR 1966!the most square feet of living space per square foot of land We'll give you facts, not fancy talk. You're invited! This weekend tee the most exciting covered. It follows that the high er the land costs the more sense Chances are good we can save you real fold- new luxury homes in New Jersey — at prices that it makes to create a home which ing money, too. That's Allstate's way of may never again be duplicated. See them this week allows maximum use of the land. before they are advertiied widely throughout the This was the reasoning behind doing business. our decision to create a new state and in New York. Six magnificent models on Colonial model for Stonehurst. See us soon, or phone and we'll gladly wooded lots in excess of one half acre on picturesque come to your home. Allstate Insurance Colts Neck Rd IRt. 537) In Freehold Township. SENTENCE SUSPENDED LONG BRANCH - Richard'D. Companies, Home Offices: Skokie, Illinois. We haven't put tome of the touches on the Reid, 23, of 315,Chelsea Ave., "May we help you?" homes yet, but if you have an eye for value you'll was given a one-year suspended YOUR MONEY NEEDS A sentence by Magistrate Stanley want a first choice of lots in this beautifully planned Cohen yesterday after pleading new community. guilty to illegal possession of STEADY JOB barbiturate*. Reid,' who was RED BANK AREA OFFICE 6 MODELS $22,790 TO $30,000 placed on three years' probation was arrested Dec. 6 and charged —So Put It To Work 437 Broad St. (Highway 35) 10% Dew* H QwllH«d Kyw-CITY WATER, CITY SIMMS with possessing 66 Seconal cap- In An Insured Safe sules. Shrewsbury, New Jersey Fined for careless driving were Savings Account Robert Eggiman, Cedar Ave., ((J tlllMHIUll Phone: 741-2400 $15; Bobby Ivie, Fort Monmouth, $15, and Imanta Seperis, 128 Comanche Dr., PortaupecK, $10. v Jaime Ntigron, 6S5 Buttonwood Bed Bank ou're In good hands with Ave., was fined $15 for driving without a license and • similar '^ Corn Neck Rd., Model PHPM: amount for (ailing to keep riflht. AND 1OAN ASSOCIATION ALLSTAT FTMIMM Twp., NJ. 462*1821 Need Money? Sell those thing* 747-0330 10 Broid Street UeeHwr Rr. 137 (Ctlti Model open Suhday you really don't need with a Neck M.) iw« MIIM *«t Dslfy'' ttefeutw Oiidfied; Ad. Yo-s Sav> Dot, Mali* a •f hwteM.

:. j '-k& THE DAILY v

EVERETT"*-*'tS ertWMWHrt Auxiliary t Miss Virginia Susan Beni. to fames E. Fiscter, Hofleltw», it mnounced by her parenU ,Mr. Elects Slate md Mrs. John Beni, Jr., Everett MIDDLETOWN-The FairView First Aid Auxiliary re-elected it a. ' slate of officers at its dinner Miss Beni, an alumna of Mid- meeting in The Cobblestones dletown Township High School, is Mrs. Charles Moore is president Mrs. Switz Is Chairman a bookkeeper at Fords Radio and Mrs. Sherwood Newell, via TV Service and Sales, Fords. president; Mrs. Joseph Mercer, Mr. Fischer, son of Mrs. Doro- secretary, and Mrs. Raymond by Fischer, Tarpon Springs, Boeckel, treasurer. "la., and the late Elner Fischer, Also elected were the follow- Benefit for Bonnie Brae s a graduate of Edison High ing trustees: Mrs. Edwarc School and served four years in of the Court of Common Pleas in Seele, one year; Mrs. Charles NEWARK - Mrs. Paul F. niversary-year, is assisting Mrs. :he U. S. Marine Corps. He is Essex County. Harry V. Os Dosica, two years, and Mrs. Car Switz, Blossom Cove Rd., Mid- Switz with the luncheon arrange- i truck driver for John Almasi borne, Jr., a Newark lawyer Bladner, three years. dletown, and the Hotel Carlyle, ments, which will have a gold "rucking Co,, Woodbridge, and with Osborne, Cornish and The auxiliary will hold t New,York City, will give a pre- decor, including crystal candela- i member of the Loyal Order Scheck and a resident of Cran- homemade clam chowder sal< matinee luncheon for 300 guests bras on each table with gold it Moose, Perth Amboy Lodge ford, succeeded his father as Jan. 20 at 1 p.m. in the firi in honor of Bonnie Brae Farm lamp shades, gold place cards 1360. house, Rt. 35. for Boys' 50th Anniversary and for dessert, individual president of the farm's board of Mrs. Boeckel will be hostess Saturday, Jan. 22, in the Hotel Glaces Anniversaire with a cut- managers in 1952. it the next meeting of the aux- Americana at Sixth Ave. and S2d out numeral 50 in gold.\ As a Mrs. Switz'' guests will include freehold ADDRESSING ENVELOPES for the telethon for United Cerebral Palsy to be held St. in Manhattan, memento of this occasion and of iliary Jan. 13 at 8 p.m. in he Mends of Bonnie Brae who have Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomp- home at 69 Sleepy Hollow Rd. Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 15 and 16, are, left to right, Mrs. James Conlin and Mrs. Bonnie Brae Farm, in Milling- Bonnie Brae's 50th Anniversary, attended the farm's annual thea- the women guests will «ach. re- son and sons, Larry and Ray- Lionel Hicks, both of Long Branch, and Mrs. William Mulligan, Naveiink. All are of- ton, is a home and school for ter benefits over, a long period mond, 11 Morris St., spent the House Hunting! It's open sea ceive a small pin with the farm's boys with emotional and fam- of years and members of the holidays visiting with his broth- son in the Daily Register Class ficers of the Monmouth and Ocean Counties Auxiliary to UCP. The telethon will be insignia, an el€,piper;, engraved ily problems. board of managers, including ;r and sister-in-law, Mr. and fied now. telecast over WOR-TV, Channel 9. Contributions made from the two local counties After the luncheon the guests in gold on a royal blue back- Mrs. William G. Wrlghtson, Jr., ground. rfrs. Clarence Thompson, South- will remain in Monmouth County to assist cerebral palsy children and adults at the will attend Bonnie Brae's annual of Rumson. ern Pines, N.C., formerly of January theater benefit, which Mrs. Switz' luncheon will be Treatment Center in Long Branch. • Other Monmouth County guests Freehold. They also visited with this year is "On a Clear Day the first of a number, of events will include Mr. and Mrs. Don other former Freehold residents You Can See Forever" at the planned during 1966 to celebrate aid Cleverley Stone, Fair Haven; vho reside there now. Mark- Hellinger Theater. the founding ol Bonnie Brae A. H. Borden and Mrs. Walter Farm for Boys in 1916 by the Mrs, Arthur W. Herrmann, of C. Pitman, Jr., Rumson; Mr. Mrs. I. J. Mitchell, Bowden, DAR Unit Celebrates Anniversary Mountain Lakes, co-ordinating late Hon. Harry V. Osborne, and Mrs. George E. Miller, Sea Ga., spent the holiday weekend chairman for Bonpie Brae's an- while sitting as president-judge Girt, and Mrs. Paul Busse and SHREWSBURY - Shrewsbury th with her son-in-law and daugh- ie patriotic theme in decora- ter DAR, was a guest at the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Schnei Towne Chapter, Daughters of the ter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wool- tions. luncheon. Mrs. Reed presided der of Shrewsbury. American Revolution, celebrated Mrs. Walter Woolley. Long while the regent, Mrs. Smith ford, and Mrs. Helen Woblford, its 31st anriiversary Monday at Branch, was chairman of the presented the program "Citizen Monmouth Ave. Dinner guests, a luncheon here in the church luncheon, assisted by Mrs. Har- USA," a talk on Alaska and.its Surprise Party m the holiday also included Mr. house of the Presbyterian ry Morford, also of that city; citizenship and native problems. ind Mrs. Jacob Storer and Mrs. Church. A three-tier birthday Mrs. J. W. Sterner, Locust, and Mrs.' Smith, who lived for 10 or Petty Officer >dia Campbell, cake baked by Mrs. Edwin Reed, Mrs. George Gunderson, Atlan- years in Alaska with her hus- FORT HANCOCK - Frank Mr. and Mrs. George Saker Shrewsbury, first vice regent of tic Highlands. band, who was at that time in Armaretti, chief petty officer of ind soil, Glenn, of Conover St. the chapter, was a highlight of Delegates and alternates were military Service, illustrated her U. S. Coast Guard, here ipent the holidays visiting with elected loathe April Continental talk with color slides taken by was given a surprise birthday her brother and sister-in-law, Congress. They are Mrs. Aubrey the couple before they came party Sunday in the Non-Com- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Davison, "Rigtrdliu of whit typ» of Hand-Wrought M. Smith, West Long Branch, back to this area in 1938. Mr. missioned Officer's club. Cocoa Beach, Fla. propertyiroptrty youryou'rt looking for .. . regent; Mrs. Sherman Strong, Smith is now retired from mili- Mrs. Armaretti entertained Brown Realty will find !« for Silver Displayed Shrewsbury, delegates; Mrs. tary service. with piano and vocal selections. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Dugan, you." Reed, Mrs. Robert Smith, Rum- Hull Ave., had as weekend LITTLE SILVER—Silverware • Mrs. Stewart Van Vliet, Guests were Mr. and Mrs, son; Mrs. Rachel Mount, Middle- guests, Mr. and Mrs. Earl B«d« handwrought by Henry Petzal Shrewsbury, will present the Ihester V. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. BROWN ASSOCS. town, and Mrs. Woolley, alter- and Ralph Beede, DeUnd, Fla. of New Shrewsbury is on display program at the next chapter ohn Taylor, Mr.'and Mrs. Sam REAL ESTATE nates. Mrs. -Beede is Mr. and Mrs. Du- this month at the Littie Silver meeting Feb. 7 at 1:30 p.m. in Morea, Mr. and Mrs. Robert f Whifa St. FUd Bank gah's daughter. 741-2525 Public Library, Mrs. Otto Kratovil, Red Bank, the church house. Her topic will Burton, Mrs. and Mrs. Donald A retired businessman, Mr. regent of the Monmouth Chap- be "Early American Music." ,iedy, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Terry, Some good cooks like to add Petzal.is self-taught in his hob- Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Kaufman „ suspicion of boiling water to by and fashions the pieces in Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr their hard sauce for winter-tim« DRUG FACTS a specially built workshop in his > Little Silver Woman nd Mrs. Richard B. Pappas, steamed puddings. home. He works from penciled Miss Finn Morea, George Day, MY PRESCRIPTION ^ designs, using "sticks" (silver- Miss Ann E. Genovew Miss Sandra Lee Prascsak Herschel Davidson, Ralph Cain smiths' anvils), hammers and CALLS FOR ONE OF •at McGreevy, Robert Harwell, torches. Patience as well as skill Marine Institute Aide .11 of Fort Hancock; Mr. and ..DANCE.. THE NEW DRUGS...... is, required for his work. A BRIEIXE - Mrs. William Mrs. Andrew Soyka, Mr. and t COT ITFILLEp AT small covered candy dish takes Announce Engagements Mrs. Stephen H. Faller, Miss Sumpf, 12 Silverwhite Rd., Little Enroll Now a full 40-hour work week to Silver, has been named execu- Betty Kehoe and Joe Magin, FAMILY finish. tive director of the Summer In- HOLMDFX - Mr. and Mrs. MIODLETOWN — Mr. and Highlands. for Included in the exhibit are sil- stitute of the Manasquan River Vincent James Genovese, Union Mrs. George M'chael PrascsaJt, PHARMACY ver bowls, salad servers and a Marine Laboratory, here. Ave., announce the engagement 56 Fairview Dr., announce the covered shell dish, a pewter por- Spring Term The institute will offer pro- of their daughter, Miss Ann Eliz- engagement of their daughter, ringer and a covered dish and DOROTHY TOLAND OP COURSE.' grams in marine biology, ecology, abeth Genovese, to Ernest Jo- Miss Sandra Lee Prascsak, to ash tray of bronze, all bearing and related art fields for stu- seph Colavito, Jr., son of Mrs. Charles L. Castles, Jr., son of Mr. Petzal's own hallmark. DANCE STUDIO dents of high* school and early Catherine Colavito, 718 Holmdel Mr. and Mrs: Charles Castles, Library hours are: Monday college age. It is being initiated Rd., Haslet, and the late Ernest Sr., 38 Bay Ave., East Keans- through Friday, 10 a.m.. to noon by Morris B. Emmons and.Ed- J. Colavito, Sr. • burg.. ' • ' and 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, 10 ; : ward Irre, both of Point Pleasant An Aug. 27 wedding is planned. The bride-elect and her fiance a.m. to noon; Monday evening, and both science teachers at The bride-elecV is a graduate are graduates of Middletown 7 to 9, and Friday evening, 5 Southern Freehold Regional High of Red Bank High School and is Township High School. She also to 9. . ... School, who operate the labora- employed' at M k T Chemicals, is a graduate of Asbury Park tory. , Matawan. Busfness ^Hege,: Asbury Park, • Ballet • Tap % C*Mrs. Sumpf is a biology teach- Mr. Colavito, an alumnus pt '*••' 'fs' e^>l?yed~ as' a secretary er'at Southern Freehold Region- . .!*%e Radio Propagation • Toe • Acrobatic MATAWAN - Former Magis- Keyport High School, is em- al High School. She previously ployed in the Signal Department Division at Fort Monmoutti. trate James H. Martin was hon- was science textbook editor for • Baton • Jazz ored at a family birthday party of Jersey Central Railroad, Eliz- Mr. Castdes, a draftsman with D.C. Heath and Co., Boston, abethport. He also is attending Western Electric, Newark, is at- 'TEENS TO ADULTS in celebration of his 69th birth- Mass. She is co-author of two day in his home, Rt. 34, Lochs- Electronic Institute of Eat- tending Monmouth iCollege, West SPECIAL TOTS CLASSES books of science projects, "Now ontown. Long Branch. lea Heights. Try This . . . ", meant for use Mrs. William Sumpf Attending were Mrs. Martin, in the seventh and eighth grades QUALITY LESSONS AT Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon and published by D.C. Heath and radio wave propbgation. He did Club Donates At Institute LOWEST PRICES Martin and children, James, Mi- Co. graduate work at Rutgers Uni- NEW YORK — A Monmouth chael, Nora, Thomas, Ann Pa- Mrs. Sumpf received her bache- versity and Trenton and Mont- To Hospital county, resident, enrolled at the tricia and Therese; Mr. and Mrs. lor's degree from Hunter College clair State Colleges. 1 HOLMDEL - Mrs. Edwin F. State University Maritime Col- Harold F. Martin, Keansburg, Leah Mauer and did graduate work in biology Mr. Irre designed experiments O'Hanlon and Mrs, Carleton R. lege at Fort Schuyler, Bronx Classical Ballet Techniqus and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. SCHOOL OF DANCE at Brooklyn College and in an- and measurements in the iono- Wharton, president and treasur- l attend the National Trans Contemporary Jazz George Gray, Matawan. thropology at Columbia Univer- portation Institute at the Wai 37 EAST FRONT ST. spere for > the Zlmney Corp., er, respectively, of the Keyport Tap-Acrobatic-Too sity. Monrovia, Calif., where his work Literary Club, recently presented dorf-Astoria Hotel, Wednesday. RED BANK She taught biology in the New ncluded the design of systems to a $250 check to D. Louis Tonti, Cadet Thomas F. Flyhn, son 20i East Bergen Place York City school system for six measure radiation distribution in president of the Bayshore Com of Mr. and Mrs, John F. Flynn 741-2208 747-9552 "The Last of The Mohicans" years and served as program di- underwater nuclear explosion. He munity Hospital. I Valley Dr., Atlantic High rector and division head for the designed and built small sound- The money will benefit the lands, will represent the col- WOULD HAVE ORDERED HIS New Jersey "Y" Camp, Milford, ing rockets fired at Wallop's hospital building drive. lege's student body at the insti- PICTURE FRAMES FROM ... Pa., for four years. Island, Va., a National Aeronau- The funds were raised through tute. ' A 1963 graduate of Red Recreation Aide tics and Space Agency facility, club projects under the Com- Bank Catholic High School, he is That little Old Frame Maker Mrs. Sumpf was director ot the and the Pacific and White Sands munity Improvement Program a junior marine transportation after-school recreation programs Missile Ranges. He also was em- sponsored by ths General Fed- major at Maritime and vice at Croton-on-Hudson and Forest ployed for three years by the ACF eration of Women's Clubs. president ot the student council. Hills, N.Y., where she lived be- Industries, Bladensburg, Md., in fore moving here. the electro-physics laboratories. LOU COOPER Other staff appointments at the Mr. Emmons, also a biology This Holiday Season Say It With ... . 483 SHREWSBURY AVE. 747-1975 SHREWSBURY teacher, is a graduate of Upsala Summer Institute will be an- College. He was a National Sci- nounced. Enrollment is limited ence Fellow in marine biology at to 100 students. Further informa- HONEY BEE FLOWERS Bowdoln College, Brunswick, tion is available from Mrs. RUSSELL T. HODSKISS Main. Sumpf. 464 BROAD STREET HEALTH NOTE ... He is owner of the Emmons SHREWSBURY We carry » ol Hypo Allergsnic Marine Biological Supply Co., Democratic Club Preparation here, one of the largest suppliers ONE DAY ONLY - SAT., JAN. 8-8 A.M. to 1 P.M. Alo Coimetici— of marine biological materials in To Meet Tuesday 741-4020 Almay Hypo Allergenic Coimetici— the country, which has Seasonal LITTLE SILVER - The Little Ut'i get acquainted with MVRURGIA P«r- kilobit Slsct 1M7 facilities in Maine and is develop- Silver Democratic Club will fumei—Soapi, fragrance!—Maja, Flor De NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ing a branch in Miami, Fla., in meet Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in BY WIRE ANYWHERE Blieon, Joya—For Men: SI Senor Cologne. addition to its local operation. the home of Lester A. Gimpet 1 FREE DELIVERY Mr. Emmons was curator of son, 15 Alwin Ter. LADIES CHARGE ACCOUNTS WELCOME the former Marineland at Asbury New officers will be nomi- Park. An accomplished skin diver, nated. There will be preliminary he selected specimens, was re- consideration of candidates for THE sponsible for their care and feed- municipal office in the 1966 elec-, Raincoats • Car Coals ing, and trained porpoises. tlons. Prospect at Markham Place, Little Silver. N. J. Was Instructor Councilman Gordon R Litwin, AH Weather Coats He was a pre-flight training successful Democratic contender instructor with the Air Force and for a council seat last Novem- formerly was employed by the ber, will speak oh his campaign Colorado Empire Division of the experiences and will discuss his New Jersey Zinc Co. ideas for the future. Undersher Mr. Irre, a physics teacher, Is iff P. Paul Campl, county Demo- FACTORY FIRST QUALITY a graduate of Purduo University, cratic chairman and a former TRADITION Lafayette, Ind., where he worked mayor here, also will address SECONDS DISCONTINUED after graduation in ionospheric the group. ATTACHMENT TO Flowers make an impres- $25 to $50 Values NUMBERS THE HARD OF HEARING! sive gift, anytime..., ask Retailed at $25 to $40 Aeotuflcen not dtvoftd a portion of In advcrtiiing dollar! RUMSON READING INSTITUTE 00 •• purthaM then teltvliion or radio attachmcnti o> a frank any girl! You're sure to . mo»» on our par! to gain the good will of the hard of hear- after-school supplementary classes in $|Q.OO ing In thli arts. win her admiration when FOR THE HARD OF HEARINGI Hear TV and radio much READING - ENGLISH • MATH to clearer! You will certainly welcome this marvoloui attachment you gift her with the beau- fcr your TV wt or radio. First grade through college ty and grace of flowers. 00 Obviously, wo would prefer that only the hard of hearing oik IACH far rhlt frM attachment. Juit fill out and mall the coupon 20 IACH htlow with $1 to: $4.95 value. THE RANNEY SCHOOL Acousficon Hearing Aid Center Full-time private school 341 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park Phone 747-1832 No Charges, Uyaways, or Returns—Cash 'n tarry PRoipecr 4-2208 • Name Russell G. Ranney, Director ;j Street Send for bulletin LITTLE SILVER BRIDGE SPORTSWEAR '•\W.-/. .. »State -Zone of count Avenue of Two Rivers, Rumson 842-1650 247 BRIDGE AVE. RED BANK X -mm OCIANKUT AVL UTTUSILVII L Jttfwnt Ui School THE BAttY MCWTtt VAhy, Wry t, -Miss Paula £»• daughter of Mr. and Club Holds Annudf T<§a Mrs. William tagroaeria, 6 For- By CECILY BROWNSTONE RUMSON - The Fair' Haven The group will meet again SALAD DRESSING rest Ave., returned Sunday to St. Astoditld Press Food Editor c cup salad oil in the Women's Community Club held Jan. 20 in the home of Mrs. Wil- tablespoons each wine vinegar Presidential Room of the Molly fwd* Hospital School of Nurs-its annual Christmas tea in the liam J. Russell, Jr., 272 Dart- HAM SALAD held DO lure for Pitcher Inn, Red Bank, Satur- Ing, Trenton, after spending the home of Mrs. J. Charles Harken, mouth Ave., Fair Haven. The us until-we tried this redpe from and catchup day, F«b. 5. Christmas vacation with her par- 12 Tyson La. Mrs. Hal John- program will be "Winter Vaca- . a Southern friend. It's chunky i teaspoon each salt and Wor- ents. A first-year student at St. A "Dutch-treat" cocktail hour son won a prize for the most un- tion Time." Members will bring with ham and celery, bright with cestershire sauce Francis, Miss Lagrotteria is a will precede the full-course din- usual gift in their, members' gift pictures of scenic areas they pimiento and green pep- small glove garlic, peeled graduate of Rumson-Fair Haven exchange. have visited on vacation. . per, spiced with sweet pickle can (J ounces) chopped mush- ner and an orchestra will pro- vide the music for dancing. Regional High School. relish and mustard. Now we're rooms, drained . . - Members brought books, puz- Tickets may be obtained from zles and games for children in Making egg salad sandwiches as enthusiastic as our donor is Jn a jar, thoroughly shake to- Mrs. Maris Gultnieks, I Pros To vary the flavor in a cheese Riverview Hospital. A donation for lunch? Add chopped sweet ebout.it. . gether the oil, vinegar, catchup, ; pect PI,, or from Mrs. Robert sauce, sometimes add grated also was sent to the Newark pickle along with diced celery "Just the thing," she says, "to salt and Worcestershire. Halve Brown, 7 Ferris PI., both of Parmesan cheese instead of the and mayonnaise. Season to taste.. stuff inside a biscuit." News Christmas Fund. garlic and Impale on each end Matawan. usual cheddar. of a toothpick; add to jar with SOUTHERN HAM SALAD mushrooms. Cover tightly and WM»MIMMIM>MIIMIMMMIIMMIMIIII % cup mayonnaisa dressing refrigerate for several hours or 2 tablespoons yellow mustard overnight. Remove garlic Shake 1 tablespoon finely grated onion, thoroughly before using. Refrig- HUFFMAN & BOYLE'S pulp and juice erate any leftover. Makes aboul LIQUIDATORS Salt to taste cup. Special Bedding Section . . . yt teaspoon white pepper 69 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD., SHREWSBURY 4 cups cooked diced ham, %-inch P«t dogs and oats gobble up cubes $600 million Worth of commer- Great ravings on one-of-a-kind quality mat- 1 cup sliced celery cially prepared pet foods each tresses and boxsprings from famous makers FABULOUS BARGAINS 1 cup diced green pepper year. y, cup India-type sweet pickle relish, undrained Route 35 Circle • Eatontown • 542-1010 Imports

.resident; Rabbi Albert B. chwarfz, Perth Amboy and Rab- State Rabbinical Council Arnold Heister, Jersey City, vice presidents; Rabbi H. tall Installs Shmidman Sunday Horowitz, Bound. Brook, trea- urer, and Rabbi. Solomon Wein- ASBURY PARK - Rattx Mar inquency of the Monmouth Coun- erger, Passaic, recording sec- ris A. Shmidman, spiritual leadei ty Court. retary, i ' of Congregation Sons of Israel Rabbi Shmidman earned his here, will be installed as presi B.A. degree at Brooklyn (N.Y) dent pf The Rabbinical Council o College and his L.L.B. degree Lovable Pets New Jersey at ceremonies hen from Brooidyn Law School. He Sunday night. was ordained by the Rabbinical Rabbi Rafael G. Grossman College, Meslvta Tiferetti, in • spiritual leader of Congregate Jerusalem. Brothers of Israel, Long Branch He was a faculty member of will be installed as correspond Brooklyn College from 1947-50, ing secretary. when he accepted the pulpit here. The installation will be heldii He edited the 1965 Sermon manual Congregation Sons of Israel, '41 Of the Rabbinical Council. His Asbury Ave., at 8 o'clock. Rabt articles have appeared in Brook- step up to Israel Miller, president of th lyn Law Review and Jewish Par- Rafohimcal Council of Americ ents Magazine. and spiritual leader of the Kingi Toured Russia bridge Heights Jewish Centei Bronx, N. Y., will be the install Rabbi Grossman was one of ing officer and principal speake nine orthodox rabbis who toured • Helped Found School the Soviet Union last summer. Rabbi Shmidman is a forme He is a member of the national vice president of the SabUnici executive board of the Rabbinical Council of New Jersey. He is Council of America, chairman of founder and dean of the HilU the council's committee on social School of the Shpre Area, Wane service and philanthropy and its massa, a Hebrew day school. H national Talmud study ^i serves «s a trustee of the Chi lion, and a member of its inter- dren's Psychiatric Center, Inc national committee. Eatontown, and is a member « the committee on Juvenile di He is chairman of the legisla- tive committee of the Rabbinical Council of New Jersey, a mem- ber of th« national youth commis- sion of the Union; of Orthodox Jewish Congregations and the executive board of the Religious con Zionists of Ameriost. Rabbi Grossman serves on th board of trustees of the Mo» REDUCE! mouth Community Action Pro WanHolcia IS gram, Inc. pound* In |uit Deposits Received Up To January 10th He received his bachelor Everyone admire thi 30 diyt? You can arts degree in sociology from charming cover • even baby wil If you call Chaek the University of Kansas and hi sit up and take notice. Will Praw Interest From January 1st master's degree in social work INTEREST lack now. Easy filet crochet cover « from Columbia University. He Wa guinntit a specific pets. Pattern 915: directions; was ordained by the Netzach chart of carriage cover 27x38 Ii lieh and waijht loii Israel Rabbinical Seminary, In writing. Call for No. 50: crib cover 41x55 lnchei PAID QUARTERLY where he was visiting, professor in string. InfeimaHtii of homiletics. His most recen book, "A New View of Judaism' THIRTY-FIVE CENTS to colni will be published soon by Llvin, for each pattern — add 15 cent) Books. for each pattern for lst-clan mailing and special handling Others to be installed are: Rab- Send to Laura, Wheeler, Th< bi' Leon Katz, Passaic, honorary Daily Register, Needlecraf Dept., Box 161, Old Chelsea Sta REGULAR SAVINGS Spaghetti Dinner tion, New York, N.Y. 10011. Prta PATTERN NUMBER, NAME LONG BRANCH-A spaghetti ADDRESS, ZIP. Needlecraf dinner by the Columblettes of Spectacular — 200 designs, 3 fr« Long Branch will be held Tues- patterns In new 1966 Needlecraf day from 5 to 8 p.m. in thCataloge . Knit, crochet, gar • Regular Sayings May Be Withdrawn at Knights of Cojumbus Home, ments, slippers, hats, toys, ltn Third Ave. ens. Send 25c. NEW! 12 re SLIGHTLY SPICY Mrs, Anthony Grieco, Asbury markable American quilts — du Any Time i ark,1is chalmjan of the event, plicate them exactly from com asisted. by. Miss Anna Buono plete patterns in colo~ r in nev md Mrs. Angelo Cieri, both of Museum Quilt Book 2. Maul] his city; Mrs. Patsy Conte, Oak- 2, 3 patches. Quilting motifs lurst, and Mrs. John D'EUetto, 50c. Send also for Qu/lt Boo) Vanaraassa. Mt complete patterns.; 50c. • Interest Is Paid On Full Balance In All

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located In Lone Island sub- Cage Picks NEW YORK (AP) - Square Garden. Scarcely Wilt Chamberlain in' the our fens," be marvelled. postponed Hs Monday game Hockey fans emerged today more thin 3,000 fans' showed seWnS gaste. On an ordf. "They're fte.best Black- against Hofstra until next urb of Weitbury, wai tak- After a highly, successful initial attempt at basketball predic- as this city's most tenacious up for the game. nary night the attraction outs, strikes, it doesn't mat- Monday because of the ing on an almost deserted • tion! Tuesday, we're off again to take a shot at tonight's IS games sports faithful in the wake Almost • Sellout WoaW draw 15,000 or so but ter to them. They get here strike. look. and the one for tomorrow afternoon. of a crippling transit strike The next night the New only halt - .that, Iwmber one way or aaother," Fight Tonight Lull at Trotters that is almost one week old. Of the 15 games last Tuesday, we correctly picked 13 of the York Rangers of the Nation- showed upr- , ..,•., •;•,-. The Garden wasn't the Tonight the Garden ha« a The big harness racing , Folks have been walking, al Hockey League .played In • Yesterday ft ww Allege boxing show scheduled with tilts for an .867 percentage. Hie two results preventing a perfect only: spot' feeling the' transit plant, battled the stjik* record. were Brick Township's, 96-61, victory over Monmouth driving and cycling their the same arena against the basketball's turn. A double- light heavyweights Harold #**, ;.':: ••'••• •••••: with a fleet of charter busses Regional, and Point Pleasant Beach's, 54-43, triumph over Cen- way around town since last Montreal Canadiens and header which had NYU- : Only 300 fans showed up Johnson and Johnny Persol tral Regional. Saturday but, except for cams within 2,000 fans of a West Virginia., as its fea- battling i» the 10-round from the city and drew 234,- : for Siena College's basket* Heading tonight's schedule is the dash between Si. Hose, hockey, they don't seem to sellout, drawing better than ture attracttbn following an bait game against St. Fran- main event. 000 the first night of the" Belmar, and Christian Brothers Academy at the letter's home be going out of their way to 13,000. lona-Duquesne opener orew . cis at Bishop' Ford High The fight will go on strike walkout. But the crowds, court la Uacrofi get to sporting events. The Garden switched back 3,251. . ;•.:; "••••; : School in Brooklyn, And or not, says the Garden, but gradually diminished to a . Both squads are currently sporting «-I records. The two The strike broke last to pro. basketball Tuesday GM Plays Tribute because of trayeling diffi- without subways, to carry low of 11,635 last nighti al- betes wtre by a total of Ibree point*. CBA was defeated by Saturday and that night the night with an NBA double- Ranker General Manager : culties, St. ]FranW 'gaaw- the, boxing crowd into mid- though a steady drizzle ami Weequahlc, S2-50, in the Essex County Coaches' Association National Basketball Associ- header. San Francisco . Etnile Francis' pifi'Jribute • i against Queens College town, the huge arena could chilly air was hardly condu- 1 Christmas Tournament, while the Purple Roses were nipped, ation New York Knicker- played Baltimore in the. "to his club's followers • afc." scheduled for Saturday was be as empty as the New cive to watching the trot-. M4t by Neptune after an overtime period In a ieml-llnal round bockers played the Cincin- . (first game and the Knlcks ter Sunday night's game. canceled. York Mats' trophy case. ters, transit strike or not. gam* of the Holiday Basket-Bowl Jubilee. nati Royals in Madison entertained Philadelphia and "You've got to hand it to Earlier, St Francis had Even Roosevelt Raceway, Tomorrow's lone game will pit undefeated Neptune (8-0) •gainst Asbury Park (2-4) at Convention Hail. The UK will start at 1 p.m. - With home teams in capital letters, here go the selections. > CBA over St. Rose—Colts have home court advantage and the "magnificent Kirk Robinson'. : '•• Middletown over RED BANK-Lions should roar. Ragan, Opperman Lead LA. Opeii MONMOUTH over Freehoid-Both teams off to slow starts, but Falcons have better over-all record. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Dave shot a 38. on the first side but were Doug Sanders, Bob Goal- But the ball bounced onto the putts of 10 and 25 feet account- TOMS RIVER over Long Branch—Gene Gallun & Co. should Bob McCillisttr Ragan, a big belter from Flori- rallied with four birdies on the by, Jack Fleck, Bob McCalllster, green 15 feet from the pin. To ing for two of them. Buster Cupit prove too much for visiting Branchera. da, and young, unheralded Steve back nine for a 32 and 70, tied Buster Cupit, South Africa's Bob the howls of the gallery; he "I was very pleased with the Henry Hudson over RARITAN—Admirals' all-winning ways, Oppermann of San Francisco, with seven other pros. Verwey and Gardiner Dickinson. holed the putt- for par, which round," said Casper. • Oirdiner BidftMon eight straight victories, should continue. Randy Glover ..—. knocked out four-under par 67's Palmer, whose hopes all but Paul Harney, seeking a third made 11 straight holes of par "1 feel like I'm playing better ' - Matawan over SO. FREEHOLD—Rebels could surprise here yesterday to take the l«ad in melted when he took bogeys af- ;olt. ; ', than I was," Palmer said. after losing by only seven points to undefeated Maaasquan. straight victory hi this event; the first round of professional ter missing three putts of four settled for 37-34-71, • Oppermann had some luck on Arnie Rumson-FH over KEYPORT—Bulldogs should get untraeked golf's $70,000 Los Angeles Open. feet and under, beginning on the ranged from five, feet up to against wlnless Raiders. Tony Lema, one.-of the gallery the fifth hole, also. His tee shot . Leaving the more publicized third hole,- pulled his game to- headed to the left, bound out of t»ir from 20 away, Maaasquan over SHORE—'Sqoan needs victory to keep pace Bill Casper, Jr., and Arnold Pal gether and came on with 38-34— favorites, had 36-36—72, and Ma< son Rudolph, after a first nine bounds. But the ball hit a tree Ragan said he was hitting the with Henry Hudson. mer to bask a few shots behind, 72. and back on the fairway and he ball fairly straight. LAKEWOOD over Pt. Beach—PIners' express should roll. the 30-year-old Ragan, from Or- 34, came back in 37 for 71 and Of the three bogeys, Palmer a log Jam in that bracket got Ms par four. "But," he added, "my.putting WALL over Southern-Visitors still looking for initial win lando, finished in mid-afternoon said: after five games. with a 36-31—67. But the surprise of the after- As an amateur, Oppermann in "I hadn't hit a bad shot and noon was Oppermann, a young 1963 was runner-up for the Na- Leaders after the first round Pt. Boro over JACKSON—Panthers need win to climb over The 23-year-old Oppermann, there I was three over par." of the $70,000 Los Angeles. Open ,500 mark. man who turned pro only two tional unnoticed until he shot a 31 on Ken Venturi, the 1964. U.S. years ago. Golf Tournament: SAYREVILLE over R. B. Catiiolic-Host team real hot, win-the back nine — which he played Open champion who has been ship, and he won* the California State and Western Amateur Stevt Oppermann , fling three of last four games after gaining finals of Middlesex first — come in with an identi- badly handicapped by a circula- His best previous finish was Say. Brewer County Holiday Festival. cal 36-51—«7. tory ailment of the fingers, laid third in the Texas Open last year Chuck Courtney 1 Dave Marr SETON HALL over Mater Dei-Visitors off to slow start. Playing in bright weather over he felt fine and he played like in which he shot one round in : St Joseph's (TR) over ST. JOSEPH'S (Hammontoa)—Toms the par 36-35—71 Rancho Muni- it. He shot 37-34—71 and de- 29, tying the year's best single the, last nine, with goiu River squad has shown great improvement in recent games. cipal course, Ragan and Opper- clared: day mark which Fred Hawkins Neptune over ASBURY PARK-Undefeated Fliers should have mann go into the second round "I felt like I was playing su- got in the Memphis Open. little trouble with Bishops (at Convention Hall.) with a two-stroke lead over three per-golf. I didn't mind if I got Opperrnann's brilliant round al- BASKETBALL NOTES—Neptune's Steve Cutillo became the challengers, Dave Marr, Chuck a bogey, I knew I'd make it up most came to disaster on the fi- Hrst Shore area eager to reach the M0-point plateau for the sea- Courtney and Gay Brewer. on the next hole." nal hole. His approach to the son when he netted 25 markers against Freehold to bring his Casper, a consensus favorite, Deadlocked with Casper at 70 green sailed into the bleachers. leading tota) to 20». He Is averaging 2S.1 points per game. -Wil- lie Hendrlcks of Henry Hudson personally outschored Rumson- FH la the third quarter Tuesday night. He netted 18 points, while Bowl Games the Bulldogs managed 1«. —Brick's Joe Morris was Tuesday's Individual top scorer as he netted 11 points. —Lakewood's Pete DeCausey should become the next player to reach »0 points. He now has 171. Pete jumped from seventh to second With a &polat effort agaiatt Point Pleasant Bore. Garrett9GrabowskiHula HONOLULU (AP) - Al} Amej. guard; Gfen Ray Hines, Arkansas Texas Tech's Tommy Wilson lea backs Jim Grabowsti of Illin tackle; and Walt Barnes, Ne- starts at quarterback for the ois and Mike Garrett of Southern braska tackle, each an All Amer- South with Anderson, Garrett and California run for opposing foot- ica. Ray Handley of Stanford in the ball teams a second, straight week In dividing the squads, the backfield. Kurt Altenberg, a tonight when the North battles Mason-Oixon line was bent more UCLA Rose Bowl star, goes at ty ^e ,20th Hula Bowl one end' with Iowa State's White FRIOAY, JANUARY 7, 1966 than slightly. Barnes and his Ne- 10- gam?... .;.' „,,' braska teammate, end Freeman at the other; Last 'Friday, Garrett and the White, plus Iowa State center Since the squads have practiced West beat Grabowski and the Dick Kasperek all are playing only a week, they're both ex- Seeking Frostbite Sailors East 22-7 in the East-West game for the South, a team coached pected to use a wide open of- 'ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Club, are behind the move to at San Francisco. by Bob, Devaney of Nebraska fense to offset the advantage the Rugged sailors interested .li get "frostbite" sailing activity The South, with Garrett and and J. T. King of Texas tech. defense usually has in all-star terming, a' frostbiting sailinj going in: the area. five other All America stalwarts, Jim Owens ot Washington group,' are urged to attend-' Mr. Melta Mid yesterday, that goes inti o thithis game favorefd over Jerry Burns, former Iowa, ineii- Thirty-two schools are repre- WHIPS ACROSS PARALLEL IAR — Henry Hudtort^Regional'i-Rick McCurdy whips Interested persons need&ct be Graftowski and Co. sented enthef'squnis and a-ca- meeting tonight at 8:30 at thi Au tor, coach the North. In addiBSn acron parallel bar during winning performance^ He alio won on tho still rings and Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club a membSi' of thefAHYC to par- *"- •*••" *-- —• to Grabowski, the squad has Allpacity throng of 24,500 is-expect- ticipafe. The meeting tonight is tion to Heisman Trophy winner ed to 'watch the battle in Hono- pWiid seconcFJn; tumbling: fp \«(n §6 point* for hlfi«am^fhV Admirals w Al Santanielto, Atlantic High Americas Steve Juday, Michigan i lands Yacht Club, and Vic Melin to discuss location, possible class Garrett, are Tommy Nobis, Texas State quarterback, and Aaron liihl Stadium. ever Wall Township, 60-36. • • : ;> J= H •.', a., member of the Keyport Boa of boat and other circumstances Brown, Minnesota end. Involved In forming the group. Ray Palm of Oregon and Tom In areas in WestcheSter and Surf, Field and Stream Shrewsbury 5 Barrington of Illinois are slated Connecticut, frostbite sailing is FOR LOW COST to start in the backfield with very popular with some 60 boats Grabowski and Juday, giying HOSPITALCATION taking parts In competition. Beats Deal the North plenty of power. ACCIWNT mi HEALTH SHREWSBURY - A 19-12 scoring edge in the middle two Bill Maiinchak of Indiana and Karl Noonan of Iowa are ex- Perch Showing Up at Banieg^t AUTOMOIILI periods sent Shrewsbury Gram- St. Anthony's mar School to a 23-20 Victory pected to be on the. receiving HRE over Deal.in a grammar school end of Juda/a passes when the ByDICKKKER of Highlands, were some of the happy anglers oa board the High- basketball game on Monday. North takes to the air. FANATIC FISHERMEN needn't sit at home by the fire lander when it docked Sunday' afternoon at Johnny's Landing fin ••.- and Wins 3d Tilt waiting for the striped bass season to reopen on March 1, nor do Highlands. . \ . J •• '.•: RED BANK - St, Anthony's Deal took a 5-3 lead in the first they have to settle for ice fishing. Large schools of white perch v ' .- •.':•..•#'*•• , . • 1% UFE led. from start to finish yester- quarter, but Shrewsbury's scor- running a pound or more are. showing up in Barnegat Bay and ing spurt gave the winners a 22- Ocean Frosh UPLAND GUNNERS have apparently hung up their scatfer- day to defeat St. Dorothea's, Ea- should provide plenty of action well into May. These scrappy guns for the season. A drive into western parts of the county tontown, 62-45, in Northern Divi- 17 lead after three periods. Deal little relatives of the striped bass take up winter quarters in the v INSURANCE outscored Shrewsbury, 3-1, In found very few hunters afield.; Quail hunting is still good and this sion, game.. .6i - the .Monmouth Beat St. Rose deep holes of the rivers and bays at this time of year. unusually warm weather should keep the action going. Lack-of County CYO Basketball League; fourth session. * * * • • , • . Photo 741-2240 OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Qcean snow hasf kept the grouse' hunting at its best. The Bow]: gabies St Anthony's is currently 3-1 Jack Connors and Bob Morse • THIS SALT WATER PANFISH responds best to live bait in art Over and winter's snow apd ice are coming fast, so get %t each scored eight points to pace Township High's freshman cagers on the season while the losers posted their third victory in four the form of kiltifish, but worms, bits of shrimp, aad a variety of in the fields and woods while you'can. Your town clerk haklftS Weart-Nemeth are 2-3. the winners. Jack Meadows was small spinner lures will also give good results. Use your lightest hunting and fishing licenses-available. ^ , .' :' : high for Deal, with seven. starts yesterday by downing St. The winners' Greg Figaro took Rose, 6743. fresh water spinning rod and reel if you want a fight as these fish ..''''•••• '* *' *: , •,'••- •:;. Shrewibury (23) Deal (10) rarely go above .two pounds. An assortment ot small hooks, some Agency individual scoring honors with O FP G TV Tfae winners took the lead for LAST WEEK'S COLUMN brought a quick telephone call from Glen Oampanella Connon « 0 S Lawnnci 2 18 split shot, a few bobbers and your bait bucket-form a complete 21 points, NIU 0 0 0 Silver the first time In the second pe- BUI McVitty, Fair Haven duck hunter. Jill felt, that I fuA glvefca 102 W. Front St., Rtd Ink added, 10. Bruno 1 .1 3 Meadows kit for some fast fishing similar to the kind:you get during file wrong picture of the black duck population In southern Jersey.,A Buflse 0 Mllmot riod and were never headed Uorie t Elhart again. early summer when the bluegills are hitting well. percentag'---e "figur e •I gave •'In- "-th-e colum— •-—•--n wa- -s incorrect• •- , and. <.._,••_•.„- Morgan 1 1 Kremaa 3 0 • * *• Wllcoxen 0 0 Joe Pateo led Ocean Township Bill hunted there'were more black ducks and brant that last year. Rubemteln 0 0 with 16 points. Dick Hutdhinson BUNDLE UP YOUR BOY and take him along If the day Is This wasn't the picture.in all parts of south Jersey. Unfortunately, and Bill Woolsey each added 15 not too cold. No boat Is needed, so you won't be far from the car.In a once a week column, the stories must be "telegraphed", there JANUARY PANELING Shrewsbury Dei! i and Don Blankly had 12. Head for Barnegat Bay and watch for fishermen standing along just is not enough room to go into great detail. I the edge of a man-made lagoon In a summer home colony or they • • • • * * • ••';• may be along the banks of one of the streams feeding Into the DUCK SEASON WAS NOT A FLOP In the sense that there CLEARANCE bay. The odds are excellent that they are "perching" and there was.a lack of birds. Slow shooting was caused priclpally by "blue- Racing Roundup may be quitq e a crowd of warmly dressed whiter fishermen work- bird" weather conditions which prevailed during most of the due* all prcflnhhtd •— 4'x8' thtets ing over a school of perch. The fish may be feeding deep, close season. This was an average year for black" ducks with to the bottom, so be prepared to fish a long line. The white perch NEW YORK (AP) - The open- The $25,000 Dade Metropolitan blacks counted between Manahawkin and West Creek last Monday. per theft j l b an excellent fish to bring to the dinner table, so take your catch ing of the 1995 major Eastern Handicap for 3 y earolds at Trop- Last yew there were 61,000, or JO percent more blacks ln.the safin home with you. • Tropical Beach 3" season at Bowie and the running ical Park, the $7,500 Pan Zareta counting area on the same day. Warm weather probably kept more of the $50,000 San Carlos Handi- at tihe> Fair Grounds In New Or- * * * than the usual number of blackles in New England and the over- cap at Santa Anita feature thor- leans and an allowance purse PLENTY OF ACTION is the word for the man oa the beachi all picture on black ducks throughout the Northeast is very gootl. • Tahitian Walnut 4" oughbred, racing tomorrow. at Florida Downs round out the at night. Surf fishing Is bringing In good catches of medium sized The brant count was 150,000 on hand, only slightly less than list Wide To Right in the $10,000 weekend racing picture. whiting. Armand Glgllo of Long Branch, took X of these tasty fish year and still far above the 14 year average. Total waterfowl conat t Colonial Cherry I* Verna C. Purse and Old Daddy Gary G. under 123 pounds; In the Sea Bright surf last week, while his brother Robert did even last Monday wai 235,000 birds,u compare^ with 251,000 waterfowl better froslfbhing at Monmouth Beach. Hook and ltoe fishermen in the $10,000 Easlon Purse are heads the probables for the Dade, g k d sheme tatJW. O! specia. l Interest Is a reporr t fro_m .Abjeco „n Bay tha_t. • Antique Oak 5" the likely favorites In the co- the first big race this year lor, havh e no problem with bait, If Mlrrorlures fall to take fish, apiece visiting Monmouth Coiuty hunters from Red Bank, Fair Haven and feature races that highlight Bow- derby-age colts in Florida. Wil- of pork rind will do. Frostflshermen as well as surf anglers will Rumson accounted for the lions share of the 1800 brant taken thete • Ermine Walnut 5" ie'a opening card. llamstown Kid, at 120, along with do best if they fish the top ot the tide and down th« back aide for a daring the seuan. Native Diver, under top Rehabilitate, Blue Skyer, Abe's couple of hours. Cold, crisp nights are best and northwest winds # * * • Parisian Walnut 6" weight of 1312 pounds, is the early Hope, War Censor and Social bring fish on the beach add In the wash. THE EARLY MORNING BEACHCOMBER can sorosftnp favorite for the San Carlos Song also are expected to com- * • * strike it rich at this time of year. A strong easterly, sea may leave • Alaskan Birch 6" against a field expected to in- pete in the 1 1-18 miles race. PARTY BOATS CONT1UE to provide action for ling, cod andthe beach littered with ljv* blue claw crabs torn from the ocean's clude Hill Rise, at 126 pounds; Demon Doug, Faultless Light whiting fishermen with no slowing down in the fish take. Sunday bed by heavy swells and waves.;The crabs are dormant and 'cwnod ' Sledge, 12fc Hoist Bar, 117, and and Red De Plumbum are among saw heavy ground swells that brought the head boats in early, crawl back into the set. Occasionally, as rnany as two bushettif • Williamsburg >t: 7" Quita Dude, 115. Native Diver those likely to test Wide To Right yet fish bags were well filled. Most fishermen had 40 or 50 whiting crabs have been picked up on an early morning, cruise, qt'. won the San! Carlos a year ago in the six furlongs ot the Verna mixed with ling in the bag and the ling were mostly three and four Sandy Hook beaches. You. will h»ve to raqe the gujtlav for "the «' • Colonial ^".r 7* under 126 pounds. C Puns at Bowie. pound fish. Joe and Keith Sablak, Bill Knight and Bob Nelson, all but a pot full of boiled; crab, claws Is well worth the trouble-? • Antique Birch 8" • Golden Mist Birch 8" Here's Where the Action Is ICE FISHERMEN - Lake Hopatcong, Greenwood Lake, old - PARTYBOATERS - No changes apparent, best fishing ap- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Lake Waywayanda and Swartswood Lake present best chances. • American Walnut 8" Check on Ice conditions before making the long trip upstate. pears to be oil Sandy Hook tor whiting,and ling. , ,7 Plftn Many, Many More TO POLICY HOLDERS AND COMMUTERS PERCH FISHERMEN — Drive from Toms River to Forked UPLAND. GUNNERS - Quail good Ocean'County south to River with an eye open for perchera- on the summer home lagoons. Cape May. Grouse stilt good in Warren'and1 Sussttt gourdes.K" DELIVERIES ALL SHREWSBURY-RED RANK OFFICE FREE DAY SATURDAY WORLD'S IAR5KT TOWIN«, tourm, iiNsracTiod ' ALLSTATE AUTOMATIC 100 INSURANCE TRANSMISSION LMMW MARINE LUMBER co. SPECIALISTS NONIH I Hat tf *4t.y«nr»Hf nattrMs for hem*.** fce«f 437 IROAD ST. - HIGHWAY 31, SHMW3IURY nmwim, <*• IfMBtt hW|*< MHir. TIAK, OAK W MAftM> nrwoOpi 741,2400 LIKTIMI mwin •• 6UARANTEI Frmk Porter'i WILL BE OPEN DAILY • hi MR. Ofrn Avt., S*a Bright 842-3355 AVAILAIU .AAMCO; AM. H IIIO mi tat. | A,M.' t. I F.M. 9 a.m. to>9p»nv r IASY CMDIT • TWUttMIMrOWjj V r WATMIMI em SUM. t TO NOOH SATU«DAY1A.M.»pSr.M. Lfc*. By DICK STEADMAN The Monmouth College iwimmtag team meett Seton Han UniversHy tomorrow «t j „.„,. at a,, Hawks. ^ g^ totnB are buUding for the future and are evenly matched which Trained by Sue Dollinger should indicate a close meet. Seton Hal!, coached by Jim Fetten, who Is la his 8th year, has a record of 1-4. K beat St Peter's By HY CUNNINGHAM mare has almost identical looks sing. "At a short distance they Quarter horse racing is catch- and then lost to atrong teams from Queens College, Temple Sportx Editor of her first one. can out run the best of thor- ing on and Florida is one of the University, St. John's, and West Chester State Teachers NEW SHREWSBURY - Popu- Sue works for her parents at oughbreds," says Miss Dollin- top 10 states in this sport. "Why, College,': -,. • • . . . lar ia other states, but not too the Shore Motel in numerous ger. do you know quarter horse rac- jobs from switchboard operation ng started before thoroughbred The high scoring swimmers for Seton Hall are Tom Bat- well known for racing and This type horse is known lor breeding in Monmouth County, to working in the lounge. While turning on a dime which makes racing," declared the horsewom- tista. in the 20»-yard and 500-yard freestyle. Jim Pyhal in the. the quarter horse, e rugged all motel chores are going on, them ideal for cutting and work- an. "They even raced in Colo- . 50-yard and JfJO-yard freestyle, Don Bongurino. in diving, Ed nirotl. she still has her mind on her ing cattle. The horse works cat- nial times," stated Sue. Dillejt Jo butterfly.^ndBM Jasinski in the breaststroke. Their horses. And her parents, they'll tle himself. most outstanding swimmer is Frank Campane, who swims the The quarter horse is not mo- Miss Boo, her pride and Joy, tionless now. Sue Dollinger, 21, have nothing to do with horses. Sue originated from New York who has never been beaten in a backstroke and the individual medley. Campane has posted a of the Shore Motel, Asbury Miss Dollinger is building her and later moved to Florida. private race, has as sweet a fine time of 2:20.6 in the 200-yard backstroke. Park, is probably the youngest stable, and at the present time From the sunny South it was temperament as Her "boss." Mopmouth which has a record of five wins and two losses breeder of horses in this state she has two animals which she back and fourth to the North, af- The mare's ears pop straight up has scored victories over St. Peters, New Palte, Bronx Com- md others. Sue has her horses is prouder to own than the lat- ter a 10-year stay. She recent- when she hears Sue's voice, and munity College,.Howard University and Morgan State College QUARTER HORSE BREEDER — Miss Sue Pollinger, 21, a bartered in Charles China's est sports car. Miss Boo, the ly moved to Asbury Park from the young trainer reciprocates while losing to Pordham and St. John's Universities. breeder end trainer in her own right, showi off seven- itables on Shrewsbury Ave.. Newmare, and a spirited colt called New York, and made connec- with kindness." Monmouth will be depending upon sprinter* Henry Grass Shrewsbury. Miss Dollinger Sin San, are her string. She tions at Cluna's through a friend. Miss Dollinger is just starting and Spencer Ryan, distance men Steve Park, Ross Dennis and year-old' mere Mils' Boo, while her high spirited colt, couldn't find a better home. Mr. showed me how spirited her colt Interest in quarter horses to break the two-year-old colt, Larry jilnrichsen, breaststrokera'Alan Lewis, who has shown Sin San, enjoys the goings on from his stall. Miss Dol- China, operator of Cluna's bar Was when she turned him loose started for Sue four years ago using the Dollinger training fine improvement, and Murray Simon, divers Dave Matthews, and restaurant, Is one of the au-from his stall with a pinto for a linger, is training the quarter horsts for shows and riding in Florida where she watched method. She will use both the Peter Bruakmaa and Viidb Polikarpus. with support also com- thorities on thoroughbred racing playful session on the Cluna them working at horse shows. colt and mare for pleasure and ing from Bob Cooper, Gary Falk, Bob Lockwood, and Andy instruction. . and breeding. t icres. Not a licensed trainer, but oneworking. '. Stevens who showed up so well in the backstroke at Morgan Miss Dollinger is as much at This smaller quarter horse Is with tremendous experience for An experienced judge of'horse State. . ome with a horse as she is quite the animal. It is trained a gal of 21, Sue competed in bar shows, Miss Dollinger also teach-' The work horse for the Monmouth team has been Keith applying nail polish. The youth to work without the assistance rel racing, and says the quarter es riding, English and western, Fitzgerald, a former star swimmer at Peekskill Military Acade- ful gal who would make any of the rider, that is, the horse horse Is excellent for this type and right at Cluna's. my. Keith's a good all around swimmer and is oapable of Rutgers' Lloyd horse "nuzrle," took to horses does the work in its ranch du sport. ; She claims in time Mr. Cluna, also interested in swimming til strokes and swimming them well. The final out- from the first time she climbed ties. The horse is trained to go events, the quarter horse is ter> breeding, is as happy as a lark come of the meet will be decided by the team with the most into a saddle on a pony at 2'/j in the middle of a herd without rific on short distances. watching breeder-teacher Miss strength in the relay events. This will be the final appearance yean ol age. It wu like a duck disturbance, and work a calf Miss Dollinger has done some Dollinger work. away from the herd and stays for sprint star.-Spencer Ryan of Little Silver, as he will gradu- taking to. water, and since that quarter horse racing, but on the Quarter horse racing Is grow- Still Scoring early age, she is still taking to with it until its job is done. The light side. She stopped racing ing and it will reach the county ate from Monmouth at the end of the month. Spenee has always rider, he just rides. shown fine potential as a swimmer and it was unfortunate for the stable. and started showing at horse eventually. It has to come. This him that the new pool at Monmouth was not available t few This young trainer was 10 The quarter horse is a stock shows. Reason for this is the sport has seen one race with a years old when she owned her horse and its major use is fact that Sue found it very ex- $400,000 purse. When purses hit years back. The team will miss Spencer Ryan. pensive moving horses to racing that figure, the sport Is bound The officials for this meet will be the coaches of Wetrtfield At Rapid Pace first mare, and she 1s really ranch working, although racing of this breed is rapidly progres- sites from this area. to grow. • • • High School Championship team, Joe Delia. Vadia and Bill pleased now because her present Cant, and Al Neuschaeffer, Jr., swimming coach at Trenton NEW YORK (AP) -* Dave and Tennessee in defense with Junior High School Schellhase ol Purdue, seeking to 52.6. North Carolina, heads the become the first player fro• m a 'in field goal percentage, Big Ten school in 18 years to .559; Lafayette in free throw win i major-college basketball accuracy, .786, and Detroit in re-CmciniiatiandPhiladelphiaWin Southern Illinois 5 scoring title, holds a slim lead bound percentage, .699. O FO FT PtJ. Avf. over North Carolina's Bob Lewis 1. Dire Schillhim today. Purdue _»10» TO 2S8 32.1 2. Bot Lewll Statistics compiled by the North Carolina ..10 113 M 318 31 Tops Smajl Colleges 3. Dave Bine In NBA Amid Confusing Riddle NCAA Service Bureau through SyracilK .10118 T8 814 SI, NEW YORK.(AP)-Th* South- 4. Jim Walker Central State of Ohio slipped on last Saturday's games showed Providence „» J8 68 299 SI, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Robertson was. high for the trailing, 81-53, at, halftime but lain netted 41 points «nd grabbed em -Illinois Sakikis hive' taken notch ,to fourth despite two vie that ScSMlhase has a 32.0 point Cl Ruiaell None of the teams represent- game with 29 points, followed by couldn't quite make. it. Poor foul 28 rebounds. Hal Greer contrlt Hidiiian v 10 lot <4 213 si.] over first' place tfpm slumping tories last week. average on 288 points in \ nine 0. Dick Inyder ed the cities where the games teammate Jerry Lucas with 21 shooting-only 2? of 55—cost the buted 37 points to die 7«efs' Evansville in the Associated Akron, undefeated In ceve games. Lewis' mark is 31.8, the Blvldlon - _U 11T T3 SOS 37. were played, and the results most Eddie Miles led Detroit with 20. Bullets the game, cause. Ous Johnson led Baltimore 7. BUI Melchlonnl 1 : Press small-college baiketball games, advanced one notch result of 318 points in 10 games. Vlllanov* . * 10J U 260 27. likely caused some uneasiness in Baltimore fought back after Pihildadelphia' ! Vilt ChamJjer- with 25. ..,.: •:" :; - poll. 5. Don Freeman fifth. North Dakota Is sixth fol , Weir Last One Illlnoll HIM 77 JTT 37. Boston. White the.Sa1uk.is were idle lowed by Youngstown, Arkansas >. Mai Graham This riddle is the result of last ; last week, the Aces dropped their Murray Weir of Iowa was the NTO 1 S3 S3 249 27. State, Mt." St. Mary's and Nort ast player from a Big Ten team 10. Bob Lloyd night's edition of the National third game of the campaign, 80-74, era Michigan, Rutgera .10 IS 77 273 37. Basketball Association's road- to Kentucky; Wesleyan. Evans- to capture the Individual scoring Northern Michigan is the on' crown. That was in 1948.' show. Heroes Aplenty Slated ville has won seven while South- new team in the Top Ten. It ha: The Cincinnati Royals defeated ern Illinois, .which was idle, has Dave Bing of Syracuse is third lost two games, but both were Casey Frosh Nips the Detroit Pistons, 109-97, at won six games And lost only one. this season with a 31.4 mark. He major opponents, Bradley iai followed by Jim Walker of Toledo, Ohio, and the Philadel- In the latest vote by a special Wyoming. Abilene Christia Providence, 28.3, and Caizie Rus phia 7fers beat the Baltimore panel of W regional experts based which lost to New Mexico State, sell of Michigan, 28.2. CBA Yearlings Bullets, 133-m, at Syracuse in on games through last Saturday, the league's only games. For Senior Bowl Action dropped'Out,of the rankings. Rick Jones of Miami, Ha., has RED BANK -Dick Rusnak' MOBEE, Ala.. (AP) - Heroes Heading the. North's attack 1965 standouts, including All- Southern Illinois pitted up five The victories boosted the Roy- America end Charle* Cany, i : taken over the lead in free throw basket with 30 seconds remainln] of New Year's Day Bowl games will be quarterback Gary Lane vot|^/|fefi9t'jlaee/and' 'lU J..Southern Illinois (5) 6-1 als to within one-hatf game and of Missouri, flanker back Tony Florida, quarterback SUve Sloan accuracy. He bwpjWt on 37rf In. the: game, gave Red Bank and % small-college. passing J.._,^r „„ was named 2. EvansviUe (1) 7-3 the 76ers to within 1V4 games of standout who already has shown Jeter of Nebraska,] All-America of Alabama, fullback Steve Bow- the top ie»m' on only one ballot 3.;Grambling (2) -10-0 39 for a .949 average.: Holdover Catholic High's freshman cage pace-setters are Doug McKto- the Eastern Division-leading Bos he can play with the big boys end Howard Twilley of Tulsa, man of Alabama, and tackle and garnered 93 points .on a basis 4. Central State, Ohio 7-1 squad a 59-57 victory over Chris- ton Celtics. will meet in the 17th annual Tulsa quarterback Bill Anderson Sam Ball of Kentucky. Randy of 10 ppihts^for a first place vote, 5., Akron (J) ''7-0 dricfc of Rice in field goal ac- curacy with .658 and Jim Ware of tian Brothers Academy Tuesday, Happy Hairston scored 13 points Senior Bowl game tomorrow. and tackles Butch Allison and Johnson of Texts A *'• ope of 9 for secoiid etc, . •...'.' •'V 8.; North Dakota 9-2 for the Caseys fifth straight wli The game will be televised na- Francis Peay of Missouri and the few small college players In- Grambling, unbeaten 7.. Youngstown (2) Oklahoma City in rebounding with and Oscar Robertson 11 as the 21.7 a game. .;,.,.. , -without a loss. Royals outscored the Pistons, 36- tionally by NBC, starting at 2 Karl Singer of Purdue. vited to the bowl, is expected games,; moved .W. p.m. EST. The South- also Is, loaded with, to carry the burden' of the quar-; Among teams, Syracuse leads R. B.'Catholic led by as much 23, in the last quarter. ! 14 In offense With a 101.3 average —'•—""*" terbacking' chores for the South,' Vi«w tnifr Iimoyne- iait *eek. lO.^Northtm Michigan (1) 8-2 as nine points, holding a 21-12 id- just as be did two weeks ago vantage;, at ,, 174-COS; Monmouth led, 39-28, at half- 41 of 91" shots. Monmouth only Tony « Barter SKop LeU Frtdertck l«0, 1M,. lM-W); The Atlanta Falcons of the Na- King's College, a 72-70 loser to XH\fl Barbir «h»p time, «nd 41-32, after the first took seven foul shots, converting Marist last night. Uvula Outrrlirl OMUL ..—11 Laurie Mantlei 1W. 1M. IH-m: RuH) tional Football League will be .. two minutes of the, second naif. five. Hudson, Freehold (HO Strlta: HHarra y Svanacn «Z5, Ken- Blond 1«3, ISO, M7-oOl. watching the South's offense Monroouth FfttenoB H. <«> B««h ClClarkk * <01<01. 300 Club: Jem Allen 238, 230; Millie closely. Johnson'a favorite pass-, The Hawks «hen scored the next The Pioneers managed only a TV 0O FrPr 208 Club: Harry Swnara m,m, 31310; 1 Andrew! 115 Rlclurdion Johhn Smtowltol u 211211 . KiKi n CltrkCltrktt 321321, Ra.pp 310, Loll Oetta 301 Jean Pojrur ing target in drills has been Ca-; eight points to take a 49-32 mar- 307 percentage from the floor, Kobb 3 0 1 Clancy 1 HI Bob Clarlu 331, Rud> laatna »1, Jolu 303. . >.. ' . ' gin on a pair of buckets by Paul 16 for 62. They were W for 21 Kornerty 8 2 20 DtStefano 2 it Dunn 218, Fr«d naming TH, Louli KEVfORT BCUNBSSMEirS LEAGUE sey, and both have signed to Mclntyre 11 0 21 Nlcholi Gutrrlirl 311, Tom Oallney JQ7. Nor- Kobb and one each by Lou Snie- in foul shooting. 3 0 4|Yaro« 0 2 Win Gym Meets MMaletmra jMtam play with the Falcons next fall., mad Wagner 202, Tony Lucanegro 203* 1 Snlezek 1 B 7 L Ha»a ! 0 11 Faxon ' Al Merrtll 231. .•. • - , All ,54 players in the game zek and Jim Mclntyre. Paterson is currently 1-7 on the 3 1 7 —37 11 McCor'ack 3 3 J I Hanu 0 D 0 Avli Rent A Car ' With 10 minutes, left in the season. Qatea • 0 0 0 I Wynn Henry Hudson Regional andi Henry Hudson defeated Wall Mantali Diner • .._. 2H4 were drafted by. professional' 0 0 0 KI.NO8 * QUEENS MIXED LEAGUE Keyp contest, the Hawks, held a 62-41 Byer 1 0 2| Freehold Regional posted easy Township, 60-M; Freehold downed Al. Hahdi. Bee. teams,;and Sloan —;sought, try; . Molntyre led all scorers with Berier 0 0 0| BuotrSirtlUfBk l ...„...... '...- 33 ' 25 margin. They, then sent '11 (pn- 22 points. Ron Kornegay added Brejln 3 0 0| victories and Monmouth Regional Rumson-Fair Haven Regional, 76- , W L Ulddletown Lanef.«. , 22. 20 Atlanta — is the only fnajbr fibld-', 0 0 Oj Caruao Eaao . -. —31(4 MV Circle Chevrolet .'._; .21 27 secutive points through the nets 20, while Pete Andrews chipped tied East Brunswick yesterday 18, while Monmouth and East Atlantic Vending. „,.-. JO IS Scott'f Funeral- Home ^_.;.20(4 27*4 out. He has said he will ajgh" to command a 73-41 bulge. in witii 15. , 41 6 ST I U IS 48 in die three scheduled gymnas- battled to a 4&M8 standstill. Mioliriaeo CoMtructlon , 30 It Qlll Travel Agency ..... J17 31 wittfthe Falcons or an Ameri- Monmouth )» u-t; MorteMon * Coutta . 2S 23 «00 Serlei: Al Borer ITS, 199, 344- Monmouth held a clear ad- John Richardson paced the Pattraon St. ...28 20-41 tic matches. Rick MoCurdy starred for Hen-HaldtM' Linoleum 3b 23 can Football League team after ry Hudson, earning 18 points by LAC Industrial Supply X, 33 200 Club: Id Pent 303, Dour Kea- the game. . . ; ; Fleldliusj Plumbing k Htff. J&V» 25^ ner 210, Al Boyer 2*4,, Bob Kcnner 101. winning on the still rings and AUentio Recreation ...a 31 Jack Ward 303, Al Baulckle 302, John The South would. appear Plata bunch k Bake Shop JJ M Davlno SB, John Uoratkl 215, Ira parallel bars and placing second Rldiarda HO, Ed Bahr 215, Larry Scott have ah edge in the running behind teammate Jay Kellers in 294, Phil Bommer 309, Herman ochmtdt tack with Bowman available. SSSfSL gVS* 2111. ••• Colts Are Favored in Playoff Bowl tumbling. sfc'a BICJCU «»p _w—WA XV, The fleet fullback: shreddediNi- 10 Club: D. Worth 301, 3m: A THUB8DAY NIOHT BCSKESSMEJi'S Rick Muntz took three first ends 301, S. WelMoborn 301, c. braska defenses in the Orange Maadla *», Val Smith 3U, Dee Oaapef LEAGUE Bowl, and was the leading rush- places for Freehold. He won on Harmony Bowl the parallel bars, long horse and W er in the Southeastern Confer- MIDDLETOWN "A" LEAGUE Irlah Uafla i. ...J7 11 in tumbling. Bob Koeniz won on Mlalletawn Hidden Hllli X 20 ence. .'..•'!'• Despite Present Of Dallas' Hayes ffiberhard Floor Covering ...2.277 21 the side horse and high bar, _ , Point! Running hopes for the,. North Caa«y"" » i 1RReal l EtaEstatt e , 228 .22 Monmouth trailed East Bruns Comptona Agency 41 Hendenon Uonumenti ... 26 22 include fullback. Walt Garrison of MIAMI (AP) - It's a great The world sprint champion Orange Bowl Sunday with a 1:45 •He Is So Fast' Lecnardt Mtiu j . 36 Team H 22 Dot House MM Oklahoma State and halfbacks thrill to win an Olympic gold from Florida A and M gets an- p.m. EST, kickoff. It will be "He is so fast no one can keep wide, 48-36, going into last event, Paul'i Tiling Service .24V4 23V4 still rings, but picked up 12 points Empreia Hotel M Emmona Market .2__4 24 Ron Acks of Illinois and BQ(I- other chance to do it for the televised by CBS. Top Hat Claanari Scholea Electric » ,.J333H S4H medal and see the Stars and up with him," Hickey said. "He John Daalala for the tie. Phil Miller won the 1 Love Lana Tux flhop „.- 32 9* Daughterty of Tulsa. . {•'!.; Stripes go up on a flag pole, team Sunday when he and the "I was worried when I first is developing good moves and Vaturhan * J0H N event (or six points, Mike Stiuso Koch Florlit . JXt% 27 J4 aays Bob Hayei, but there's a Dallas Cowboy* tackle the Balti- went with the Cowboys," Hayes strong hands. I don't see any K«an>. Hall. Bank __,.„ Byrne Decorators SD 28 Members of the winning team! was second for four and TomHelnkei Meats Prown'a .. „ 1ft 20 will pick up a $1,000 paycheck different kind of kick in grab- more Colts in the National Foot- said. "I had a reputation as an stopping him." Red Bank Tin Local Ml J2» bing a long pats and running for ball League's Playoff Bowl. Olympic runner. I didn't know Walivark was fourth for two. Mill- Buck Smlthe m SeriesSerlei: J. Boweras 602602.. • for their first after their college Hayes will be the target of er also won on the parallel bars Pepsi Cola 300 Club: J, Bowtra 323, c. Bchflnk careers. Checks'of #50 will go a touchdown. The rookie end, who caught how the other players would ac- 11*. C. Opollmhl 212, M. Nicotla 202, Don Meredith, hurt midway of and high bar. W Series: Tom laakeaan 311, 253, to the losers. ••.. . • •;• 46 passes for 1,003 yards and 12cept me. I was concerned about the season and who came back 242—703; Lenny lamurHlo 344, 238, JOS— H. Mueller ,3m. "I don't think I'll ever geg t the attitude of the fans. «90; Howla Clanin 1M, 3M, J47-«J2; d f touchdowns, will be a feature to lead the Dallas team to vic- Marty Thorn 313, 238. 209-M1; Dm tired of It," the world's fastest "Then I found out that every- tory in five of their last seven Whltehurat iff, 193, »»»-•?; gun Dl- runner said today. "As a sprint- performer In the, nationally tele- Domlrio 1M, IN, 217-440: Lei Btevena vised game between the confer- body —' the fans and players — games. Little Silver 204, 23T, l»S-e»; Lupa Rufflnl 207, 300, er in the Olympics, I felt alone were with me. It was a wonder- 213-ajO; Tom Ualley 1««, Its, 222- — all by myself. In football, you ence runners-up of the league. The Colts are favored despite St7; Ray Broader 171, 303, 242-4H; la Orange Bowl ful feeling." Jim Halllren 230, J7S, 2OT-S12; Zol get the feeling you're ..doing it Hayes has run the 100 meters loss of ace quarterback Johnny Loses, 43-32 Varga 170, 3U, 2J7-*»; Tony Oogllano RENT A CAR or Hie contest will be played In the 201, 3C0, 204-aOo; Ctiarlea Gtov* 170, for the team." in 10 seconds flat and the 100- UnitM and sub Gary Cuozzo. LITHE SILVER - Little Sil- Ml, 3B0-401; M!k« Schmidt ITS, 320, They will have Tom Matte, a 303-401; Brnla Raynor 323, 202, 178- ,'»"*• yard dash in 9.1. He Is the fast- ver grammar school's basketball 800, est man to play football. converted halfback, at the sig- team lost its first game of the nal-calling post. 300 Club: Bill Brannan 334. Jaka TRUCK from HERTZ Hayes' acknowledged that he season, losing to St. Catherine's, Jacobwn 23J, John Ollea 232, Walt B»l- mon 334, Jack KUi 322, Sid Uatuanwikl becomes as excited as a young- Matte handled the Colts In Spring Lake, 43-32, recently. 231, John atranlero in. John stelura 313, John Uarrltt 213, rred Brlen U-DRIVE , . . Call ster with a new toy ever time their final two games — a 20-17 LittlejSilIve r It now 68-1 on the 312, Ed Half 212, JohnMaua 211. he pulls on a uniform. victory over Los Angeles and a leaionaion. ; rough game, sure," he 13-10 overtime loss to Green Pat Donofrio, Little Silver, BID BANK REC. WE». COM- 775-1515, 222-3299,747-2121 "I admit I get a good Bay In a playoff — but he atuck took Individuadi l scoring honors BIEROIAL LEAGUE Red Bank Bee. But I don't resent mostly to the ground., He is ex- with 15 ppoints. Scott Smith of W part of the game. pected to paas more freely Sun- St. Catharine'thi' s netted 12. Oakland Klectrle Shop 27 Uttlt SUv.r (») Mtlnitiy Bavlnri k Loan ...J9 Everybody is out to do hit Job day. » Catlurint'a (13) Capco Air Condltlonlna „.. 23 orr O FP I.O.O.F. 3D 33 and if that means hitting me 3 1 1 Donofrio T 1 IB Oberto 1 ) I C.nmlla Mlhmi Nauvoo Marina .23 until my bones rattle then I Just Letterman Sob Duerr, a senior n. ImlUi 3 3 • Roth Hendiraon Honumenta . J10 have to take it." from Canton, Ohio, and Jack S. Smith t 0 13 Ktllura Bond Electric Co. . — 10 „ i. Kernahan 0 13 OHion Acme Amiuemant Co, — A» Coach Red Hickey said Hayes Brunner, a Junior from Gutten- cor Buttorcruat Bakery ,.._1ft Hanul* 4 0 1 Belter Houaekaaelng .16 capable of being the greatest berg, are the only out-of state 200-llub: Jim Slclllano 8r. 208, Tom Alcomo 259, Henry (cxien 313, Chaa. has ever athletes on the St. John's basket- 1 St Catharine ! ...10 13 ]3 7-43 Shedlbiuer 20.1, Chai. Paitort 323, Al ball team of Long Island. Llttlt Sllvar ... S S f U-33 Blondl 204, Oil Morrla 310.

ARE YOU AT A REBUILT CROSSROADS OF BUYING AND ENGINES SELLING YOUR HOME ? Start factory-trained WHY NOT li lasiall • ixnanu* ^ Allstate Engine at TRADE-IN \Jeari kn» pricesl Just atk anj '.YOUR PRESENT HOME iflun antomotlvt taleamaa CAIL TODAY M w low engtae tesUlU- rattt, •;;; ' , ' WALKER & WALKER . Wfti twl Peeri ItiwriW IU Sean-AntomotiTe Center IHWWSIURY-741-1111 OfMtflt aA I* SIN tm. Hm. Mm p» Mwi MM to I » f MtDDLETOWN-ITI-MII SECURITIES QtorjiHanrfteniNASD « »ppro»mit«ljr JHIO p.m. Bids an Inter deattr price*. Price* identified by * are Inter-dealer asked prices Inter-dialer quotations do not include retail markup, markdown or commission. Other asked prices have been adjusted upward to include approximate markup. ' , . . - Div. Bid Asked Belmar-WaU National 3.00 165 Central. Jersey Bank* .30 U% Eatontown National Bank 24'/j Investing Fanners A Merchants .04 S'/j First Mereh. Nat'l Bank .25 plus stk. 8% IRoger E. Spear By ROGER E. SPEAR First National Bank Of Spring Lake 2.50 50 First National Bank oi Toiiis River .7J 29 Can-you tell me' why Amer- motion and cash acquisitions, a First State Ocean County 12 ican Hospital Supply ; pays policy which has made it the wn mm FOR IAHTASTIC SAVHWSI Ketnsburg.Middletown 1.40 .60 only 35 cents annually :n divi- dominant leader in its field. The Monmouth County National* (xx) .18 5% deikis? Us price has advanced stock has tripled' as earnings N. J. National Bank (xx and Cash) 22VS 16 points within the past few and dividends over the past dec- the MTM'I flraatMt faintly Hobby .Fill UT Ocean County National (x) 375 months and earnings have shown ade and the price has risen ap- Peoples. NaUonal, Keyport 3.00 159 Sudi good gains." A. T.proximately 1,300 per cent during P«ople« National Bank of Lakewood 150 ILATEDLOCO Sea JBright.NaUonal 1.25 84 \ '• A—That is a very reasonable the same period. When the com- Trust Co, of Ocean County ,-M . » and "intelligent question. Let mepany has completely solidified its INDUSTRIAL .v first point out that American strong position, you will ffnd—I believe—/2 hospital increased its dividend 3814 will become more generous. Brockway 3V/, slightly to 40 cents annually, be- Uird •• - ' 3H . linning with fee Dec. 20 pay- Q—"I have been thinking about Monmouth Capital . (z) 12 1314 merit. Now to get to the heart investing in U. S. Treasury cou- Monmftuth'Electric • • Wt Monmouth Park* 11% 12 ofiyour question. American Hos- pon bonds which pay a fixed pital Supply has—like many oth- rate'of interest, but fluctuate in N. J.. Natural Gas* (x) Cash 20% 21'4 , Rowan- (x) er strong growth situations—found price, from Is there any advantage Spiral .Metal . 20 22 t advisable to pay out a relal - U.'S. Homes 9/16 this form if investment Walter Reade •Sterling tively small proportion of its over savings bonds?" J. F. WnsloWfel. earnings and ploiv back the rest A—OTie only advantage is the (x) Dividend (xx) Plui Stock "into research, development, pro- Treasury issues. Treasury 4's of 2-15-1970, for example, yield 4.78 per cent to maturity which com- Stocks Press Up Despite Profit-Taking pares with 3.76 per cent from savings bonds on the same basis. Reg. ^39.95 Sale NEW YORK (AP) - The stock pace setters, They, like man; morrow—contributed an 'element There are several disadvan- market, weathered' profit taking other market wheelhoxses, rai of 'urgency trading. This was ap-tages in holding Treasuries you and 'continued its p^slp i into rec- into s'eljing' in the afternoon, pe- parent in a string of larger- have mentioned. They fluctuate ord rth ground Thursday. Trad- spite this the market wound up than-usual blocks of leading is- on money rates and have been Ready-To-Run (R-T-R) ing was heavyh . well ahead on all standard in sues at tjie start as well as in moving lower since the discount HO layout That .The usual five-and-one-half-hour dicators. the tape lateness, a rarity nowa- rate, was lifted—with no indica- session on the New York Stock The Dow Jones industrial days with the 900-character-per- tion that the trend will soon be 'Separates For Exchange'was' cut to four hours averages cose another 3.84 tPluf administration in regard to' The shortness'of .the session— rebound by airlines which have interest is accrued rather than Powor Pack. , continued to' be strong the same hours will prevail to been clobbered by long-term paid currently- and federal in- profit taking for the past several come taxes on accruals may be sessions. _ The airlines failed to deferred until maturity. hole] gains, however, and,ended of 60 stocks rose 1.7 to 363.8, the raggedly,. ... . latest in its series of historic On the other Kand! Wall' Streei highs. Industrials were up 2.2 seemed to be searching for newand rails 1.2, both to record investment, favorites' and money peaks, while; ..utilities rose .6. . was1 being draiwri " Into paper stocks. This group is tied closely Standard &'Poor's broad, 500- '.o the. national economy and thestock index rose .21 to 93.06, its lews was that Gross National second record high in two days. Product has made the sharpest In a very broad market of 1,410 CEDAR jercentage increase since 1962. issues traded, 649 rose and 531 International Paper made an unfell. New highs for the year WM AERIAL CABLE SYSTEM accustomed vjsit to the list of totaled 95 and new lows 8. most active stocks and rose Eleven of the 15'most active to 32 as seventh among the vol-stocks advanced and three de- MOM •ordtn Stof» ume leaders. clined. Bethlehem was unchanged WAINALANDSUMMI1 Such recent, favorites as aero-after canceling..an early rise. space issues and electronics also Chrysler was the most .active BUILPINGKITS. felt the brunt of profit taking. stock, keeping a thin gain of ~' U0.U9S The averages were bolstered by at S!% on 232,300 shares. investment' dflfiand for such is- Yesterday's closing stocks:, sues as Eastma^i Kodak, up 3%, ACF Ind Int Tel * Tel,73 s»u*3" Allied Chemical, up \% General Adams I-T-E Ckt Btk 62'A WITH THE FINEST Air prod Johns Man 54% plectric,^ up V/i and American Alr.Reduc Jones A L T2H ATLAS Alice Cp Joy Mtj T8H ATLAS tseaf SELECTION OF Smelting' 1%. ; y 1 PENH LINE PASSENCER CAR KITS Alleg fa Kaiser Al 38 18* ' A big speculative feature of theAllei Pw Keflnecott- '••••• 126'; Allied Chi 5U Koppers 65 day^ was. Admiral sCorp. i,which Allls Chal 35 Kresge BS 81 s9^redi9?S points to ll'A.pn turn- Alcoa 78',i Kroger Am Alrlln Leh P6rt>C 2^19? flVM..-pf,/1294(H)| ishares, .makinAmg Brk.Sh m Leh Val Ind it third most active stock. The Am Can LOPOlui ' PLUS Am, Cyan 63 Lib McN&Ii 1! ,^T1*$ 8" Snap Track rise followed a .published report Am M Fdy S5« Llgg A My 76 Am Mot 8714 Litton Ind 132!i Pajnttd or Unpotnt*d . . .„ PRESERVES that the company is considering Am smelt 19% Lukens Stl 57 1 s Kit Corrtoinli Body 5h.ll, Flan , Winds* "•I" • • saying a dividend for the first Am Sid S'/i Mack Trk 48 ; iruiaHTiNAi^Tucic ; Am TM 73?4 Magnavox 7SH Slrlpi, »lc. You only han to add ywr .and time since 1956 and that earnings Am Tob 50(1 Marath Oil 54. fawritaTnKbSCouplits. Amp Ino 6314 Martin M 44' for 1966 could possibly be above HONEY Anaconda 39^ Masonlle he record of 1950. Atmco Stl Merck Armour 44 "i MGM Pennline Bankruptcy Savings IMPERIAL HO MASTER. REfl.ni.96 NEED FIREPLACE WOOD? AP list Up Armst Ok eo; Minn M*M i AshI Oil 58 Vi Mo Pac JL TWIN PACK The, Associated Press average Atchlaon 34 Mont Ward 85'/4 All Refln 76>4 Nat Blsc ' SJTi "A" unjt Shells unpainted $1.50 39c Avco Corp 24Ti N Cash Reg ' 54>i 2 amfu, mm 2 rraln. and oe- Babcock W 42 Nat Dairy .76^ "B" unit Shells unpainted .1.50 39c couerioi Indopofldoittty. Bait A Oil 47» Nat Distill 82'4 Bayuk CIS 13ft Nat oyp« '. 35«i Bell * How 39 Nat Steel 38>i Midget Motors....-...... 3.00 48c CHUBCH BUILT-UP NT Central 63y« Bendlx*. 82H FOOTCRAFT SALE! Betli Steel 41% No Am Av . Passenger Car Shells .... .89 19c tc^ik SB g Boeing 134% Nor Pac tgW MU. Borden 40 Nwst Alrlln 58)1 $ Borg Warn 49«i Norwich Ph 124 0Q-1 Locomotive Casting... 8.50 2.29 Brunawk Outb Mar 52 Bucy £rla n Oweni Ill 21M, Bulova Pan Am 64 H Long Haul Tender/Casting 4.95 1-95 Burl Ind 68'i Param Plct 48'i 4*f.49 Cat JJ Penney JC 66 » Cater Trac 43 Pa Pw 4 Lt MJt Celaneae Pa RR M\i Chcs & Oh 49*1 Pepsi Co 68S ChryBler 8a Perkln £tm 8'4 ;..,*1.0ll 68' l5£^fe CATALOG Cltlei Sv 81 PlUer REO. 35c Coca Cola 57 «4 Phil El 38tt 3.00 '1.79, Colg Pal 41% Phlll Pet 57 Colum Gas 86 pit Steel ley. K.1.00 49° in. Coml "Solv '4 Pub Sv E*Q 39Vi »1.JO Con EtllJ 4i Pullman • • 6IH4 -AHM RECORDS s?\ Cgnt Can B514. RCA 47>4 ..,.. 2.00 99' Corn Pd 52-T4 Reading Co 22 ^mmtiawivkm (A AEVELL ATUS Corning O 230 Repub atl 44»i ntUifiiuiii aOS 90 Cm Zell 60'4 Revlon lUllUNGKITS Cruo Stl 33VV Reyn Met BUILDING KITS .Curtli Wr. «VS Rcy Tob *3% nurr. 00 „-, Deere - 6S Rob controls 38% Hcumu - .30 20 Del & Hud 37'4 St Jos Lead 4811 Dent Sup St Reg Pap 38T4 «MMtB...... 40 2 Doug Alrc Scars Roeb 63" now Chem Shell Oil HOTCO GONDOLA HOTCO CABOOSE HOTCO BOX CAR HOTCO 3 DOME YANK Dress Ind Sinclair 60»i Du Pont 237 Smith AO 37H Keg. Sale Duq Lt 33 Socony 93% Skat Kod Sou Pad' 41", lui nl lull End John | Sou Ry 6SH 55 Erie Lack | Bpcrry Rd 21% A. cartto i m and ink aMlBi Firestone i Std Brand 73 !1 •a. FMC Cp Std Oil Cal 7IH4 SALE66' WOMEN'S Ford Mot »5H SW Oil NJ 8C»i Gen Accept 21S Studebaker . 231 Gin Cigar 31V, Texaco . B0». fTBOMMCKU Gen Dynam B7H Tex Q Sul 80% HO MOTORING 1202 (Jen Bleu • JlSii Textron New 45'/, Exc/uj/ve RACING SET Oen Fdi- 82% Tldewat OH 61H Oeh Motors 103H Transamer 42% Oen Pub rjt Un Carbldr SJH -CONTINTS- : HEEL SHOES a Tel A El Un Pac 44 ; Gen Tire a Un Tank C 61'i V2-IUCE{ttS •.'••••[ VALS. TO 16.00—SOME HIGHER aa iPao Cp 20*1 Unit Alro SHi Gillette 38H United Cp S •4-EXTM RAM C« BODIES Olen Aid J2>i US Linn 38H Goodrich US Plwyd 49 ••2-HANDC0HTB0LTUCK Goodyear 46>5 US Hub 76H GENUINE OracB Co 68Ji US Smelt 55H AMD POWER SUPP1.Y 'fruits ONLY Gt A4P US St«H Wi Oreyhound 2Hi Vaaco Met 22 Oulf Oil Walwortti «'/. Htmm Pap Warn B Plo IMi Hero Pdr Wn un Tel 49% TROYLING ALLIGATORS III Cent Ind "Weslg - El •MV4 mil Inf Band, White Mot 41 Inl Bui Mcii m Woolwth 31H . ATLAS ATUS ATUSArAUERHO Xerox Cp 198'i AIR STEP • ENNAJETTICK Yngat SliAT 44V STRMtHT RACE TRACK CBRVE RACE TRACK AUTOS luo.3/9lc RIO. 59c FIANCEE • NICCOLINI SALE SALE PJICC 39' With Jolnon CHILDREN'S SHOES ATLAS HOME SLOT DISCONTINUED STYLES ONLY PAIR TAKE CARE OF TOd PAIRS YOUR TIRES II ysar front whctls on out ol 00 tllgnnMnt 'A Inch, you on dragging your tlrti 43 fttt CHILDREN'S SHOES •vtry nil* you drlvt. Kotatt tint NOT ALL SIZES 3 Correct front and alignment COMPLITI WITH IVIIIY ACCIf f ORY l«la*«« front whatli A«i|utt moring Footcraft Shoes 52 BROAD ST. RED Phone . . . SH 7-2873 BROAD STREfr |UD SANK tORSION BAH EXTRA Sfitpplng Cottar IN OPTHOC' latoatowi Clnl* 'I1 t

'•.'V *•«;'". '* / 4 Vor Qaick »•.*!*»><&& RAIN OR / ' iv i Copyri^t-The Red Bank Register, Inc., 19(5. 741-0010 741-1110 NIGHT SECOND NEWS SECTION

TWO FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1966 7c PER COW Of^^ Handicapped Children Problem Boards Key Aids i • • . \i[ •: Jt By DORIS KULMAy ;; :. Help for-these students begins with local elected school clude a regular school day, school systems should have And he wouldn't attempt a guess at the cost. ! i . tRENTW—With smaller classes, better r trained' .teachers blficlals, in Dr. Nelson's opinion. flexible programs, he said. Money is not the only problem the county and state face knd mofe sophiiticnted school administrations, the number , ,..Heipliced.'"»'syinp^athetic board of education" first on Some children might be able to remain In the regular In meeting the needs for special services, Dr. Nelson said. «.'public jcjiool. students with severe learning difficulties 'fti,ljsiot conditions,necessary for these youngsters to re- classroom most of the school day, leaving it for a limited There is a lack of trained personnel—and a lack of train- probably could be reduced.by half, according to Dr. Boyd ceive ' Biti help they need. .. ^ time to receive supplemental help, he said. ing facilities, he said. Nelson, (director of special education in the state' Department Secood in" importance, Or. Nelson said, are school ad- SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED "There Is an extreme shortage of teachers for all cate- o/ Education. ••• •.• '• 'I1''-' •'.'•'• • ''" !••'•.'. ; '•' ministrators trained kid oriented to understanding the total Youngsters who cannot participate in die total school gories of handicapped children," Dr. Nelson said, "it is un- A 1865 iriental health iuryey of 80,198 Monmotith (County problem'of, learning disabilities. ;'.\ ',' , ' program should be encouraged to take part in special pro- believable." public school »tudent5 revealed thtt 8,178 hid sever* le»w- . , Third in ifnportajice, he said is die classroom teacher,, grams, such as art and music, where they can experience He said Monmouth County school systems are having ing difficulties. The figure includes only those youngsters who triihed .to spot problems and equipped to cope with them, some success, he said. difficulty obtaining special personnel for which budgeted va- tor physical, intellectual or emotional reasons, were failing•• Fourth, Dr. Nelson plapedthe'wnile battery of specialisU. There is also need for special classes within the school ' cancies now exist. ^to.achieve academic success or to adjust socially. The aur~. whjch should be available to help.the cjassroom. teacher. and, for those youngsters with disabilities severe enough to Each of the state colleges trains teachers for some cate- vey],. financed by the' Mpnnjbdth County Men^rHejltfi. Boar* '. This would, include teachers of remedial subjects to work require them,- special day schools, residential schools, and, gory of tie handicapped, but willing students are turned arid the Office,o( the county superintendent of schools, and with the yikragsfers in .small groups, hopefully enabling stu- finally, schooling for hospitalized children. away because of inadequate facilities, Dr. Nelson said, instituted by the . Mental Health Plannir,g Committee, i.tj deijts w|6i learning disabilities to reniain in their regular Establishment of these optimum conditions would re- Many of the 8,178 children require intensive study, the . aiiteomtajttee1 -on'leSrningi 'disabilities and' the' ;MonmouA cUssrooms; guidance personnel, social workers, and psy- quire a professional-student ratio of one to eight, Dr. Nelson report says, the child study teams, authbrltad bj the Btadle- County Superintendents Round table, .was reported in an chologists. , . : said, and would increase the number of school personnel 10- stoiv legislation of 1954 and 1959, are the ones to do such an exclusive story in The Register Wednesday: "It is Important tokeep , children twith difficulties in the fold. . evaluation. Or. Nelson told The Register he believes the report is regular classroom, if at all possible,"' Dr. Nelson declared. "It would be the biggest gearing up of educational facili- Only 19 of the county's M school districts have such "fairly, accurate." . • ...... To provide for teeyoungsters , yyhose difficulties pre- ties the world has ever seen," he declared. teams Introduce $3.3 Million Budget School Board in Raritan Plans ToRent'Portable9 RARITAN TOWNSHIP - If The proposed new budget is The board estimated that the house. Exact figures will not be Cw«rit'; Ripens, e, S.MOiat, «p the proposed 1966-67 school bud- $457,320 higher than the current schoo] tax rate increase will be available until the township's J^Jli;; capital: outlayi '#^3, new ritable amount is released. : get is approved at the polls budget, with 8,268,371 to be near 40 cents per {100 assessed up'$43i856; debt service, ,$J67,423 Feb. 8, the Board of Education raised by taxation, an increase Major Account* will rent nine "portable',' class- of »».346. valuation, or $80 on a $20,000 Other major.budget accounts: down $9,052i' and teachers' • sal- rooms to keep.tjie ffarSi grade aries, $1,883,205, op $237:479 (iit- off split sessions: chiding a salary guide Increase, The announcement was made norrnal guide increments and 27 last night u the board intro- new teachers). duced its proposed $3,356,922 TWO HitO IN FATAL BEATING — Appearing in Srartn Island court yesterday on Howell School [•Per pupil cost, based-on the spending schedule, with John L. Ritchie, Jr. the lone dissenter. hew budget, is estimated at $459, charge pf'fatally'beatinj)'William V. Gratdorf, 19, of 69 Marcellus Ave., Manaiquan, tip $6 from the current year, Dec. 20, are, left to right, Richard Highf, Jr., 20, Dunellen; John J, Bridle, 18, Green- "I object to the budget only and below the state and county because of the portable class- average, Mr.,Stieve. reported. bro6k, and William V* Prena, 19, Greenbrook'. At right is Staten Island attorney, rooms," he saji "I feel that Tells Building ; Fticfiard Raigi. Hight, wfio attends University of Miarrjl, and Freua, who goei to Par- using such rooms will make it /Salaries,- otter than-teacherj, ing will be held the night 1845,000 or $15.70 per square foot ions ^College in Iowa, were held for grand jury action. Charges *g«irwr Bridle, who jiarder for file board to get voter HOWELL TOWNSHIP - The are set at $576,942,- iip >$57|783. for*.; • : •' ". '. •-• \/ :' approval of a bond issue this Board of Education let some of : 'or construction. The Aldrlch Rd. Transportation •wiirtever't 'to attend*. Uhiveriity of Oubuqut, Iowa, were dismissed for lack of evidence. The Gras- year for permanent construction the public in on its plans for a Superintendent E; M. Hargis, building will cost $830,000 and pie board's pfevicMs 'pbticiy-^be- dorf youth died Dec. 26 in Monmouth Medical Center,' Long Branch, after being ad- of new classrooms" $1,675,000 school building pKh told the small crowd attending will be built on a 16.28-acre plat yond 2i/4' miles •% high sdiool- Rental of "the nine rooms will gram last night but refused to that as of last September the Us square > square fooUg« coalera, two. miles ftfidiKWrJiirten mitted with injuries luffared, in a leuffla six dayt earlier outside a Staten Island bar, board had 114 classrooms avail be 1384)0 for one year. It wasanswer questions publicity.. will b« 915 85. . through eighth 'gride, and one- notedtOoit rooms of this type, The small audience of invited able, with a need for-JJO. He said h«lf mile on 14-hazardous roads yp, at present chutche* are. used to Walter MacWilHam, arcMe?t ppre-fabntfbadte d me|a|ll guests from Candtewood Home- iUhi M^ at!$50iO00, owners AMociation and . others house ttie overflow and'thaT next ^ reflect a ri*« 'of 25 to 30 SjjpJ ,il are • ' •' ' Requests Sent to'THcfeholders were (old to hold inquiries for ye'ar firertoiises'' and possiWy ce.nt over'the $14.95 per : : used in other districts, such as double sessions would be re- square foot .coat for building the / ' " Buy' I Baser' ' • • Newark and Princeton. individual board members dur- ; ing a "coffee break" at the ses-quired. Ramtown schoolhvo years ago. 'And, to help odt'cbsts.tfce ],SM Students : Use of the rooms in '66-87 will sion in the Land O' Pines school. The superintendent said that He said this figure has increased board plans to purchase (out of Spcite Borough Say Speed keep double sessions at "status At the end, Township Commit' by the target date for completion due to rising labor costs. capital outlay) •,an d operate two quo," meaning grades one teeman Lawrence Mlchnevich of the twoadditional schools, new buses, for a total of three, The architect said both new through three, with about 1,500 told The Register that he favored 1967-68,"the board would need State aid will pay: 75'per cent passage of the bond issue to fi- schools would be modeled; afte. students on "half-day." Without 149 classrooms. However, even of bus costs. •'.'•: ' iMmtBeCut the'roams, the fourth and posnanc- e two 20-room elementary With the two new'schools adding the Ranitown , and,/the Land sibly part, of the fifth grade will schools. 40 classrooms the 1968-69 figures O' Pines-School, allowing for 'Under the new budget, the NEW SHREWSBURY r- The ble takes last night as Council- per hour speed limit on Tinton go on double sessions in Sep- "The need, is clearly there," call for 159 classrooms, five more additions without major changes board will no. longer charge non- men Robert'F.. Henck, chairman Ave. The recommendation was tember, Theodore J. Stieve, he said. than will be built to the existing struciuxea; ', •• profit organiiationj for use of of the police committee, read a dated August, 1960. Attached No official position has ye.t For: 1970,. the board,will, re- the schools. To- cover this in- grind .exceedingly :; board president noted, because of Auditor Armour S.'Hulsart*toJ< sure grinds slow.1 recommendation by the High was a letter written a month ago increased enrollments. been taken by the township com- quite 168 classrooms, 54 more the audience the bonds would come loss, $5,668 is added to the Boroiigh Cwincllmen did dou- way Department for, a:40 mileil s asking municipal approval of'the Most of the nine rooms would mittee. than they have 'noyf,'.- mature-over a 2fryear period, schedule. ' ' ' change. be attached to the Beers Street Predict* Support ;Theaites 'selected for the twop»tk'i<'lht tfocpayeri" appjrox'! The board anticipates a. 1965- For several years Borough School. Board members reported Leo. V. Fallon, Immediate fichools are Taunton Dr, arid "namely $125,000 per^year. .Using «7, enroilment ,of B.SOO ^i Council has been' trying to get past president of the Candlewood In Atlantic Highlands that some bousss in Raritan Val- Aldrlch Rd.TheTaunlon Dr. site he,>1966 tax gssesWent, he added, kn'increase of 800.. •;• the.speed limit on Tinton Ave., ley USA are already occupied Association, predicted the group is being donated by the Land 1 n'increasetbf 16 and one-Half i/ciniiity road noW ppsted.at 50 and several children from those would support the proposal. A O* Pines Development Corp. tents per $100 assessed value The account for textbooks is miles fin hour, lowered, working houses have already entered the referendum hag been scheduled The Tiujnton Dr. School, to bewould: be requifed,: .' ,:• ii'et'.at $50,637, ,ftr$^,447.. ,"'•' jthroiigh county highway officials. school system. for Jan. 25. An open public hear- built • on' '.4.0S acres, will cost ; The board has; no surplus, and Recommendation Accepted Mr. Huladrt'saW res^idints now. therefore none is anticipated to Mr.. Henck said Police Chief pay $1.41 per. $1TO, of .assessed be used In ,the new budget, James A. Herring has approved On Educating the Handicapped value for township schools and Oharlfes S. Hopla, secretary, re- the.state recommendation. Coun that there, would, be no -added ported;. _ . • •" "••- ';• :. .; ell quickly, adopted a'resolution fosts tbls year, Jjnce,' (be- bonds | accepting' it. : *' willnot be sold ptil 1967. State aid of $706,783 is anti- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Mrs. Planning Board, must include six Chief Herring explained the He1 said using current rates, cipated, ,' . • .... Fannie,McCallum, former mem- lay members, two borough of- the board -vquld have to pay i.public hearing on the.budget ber and president of the local ficials, and-one salaried borough new posting will include: a basic 40-mph limit the entire length of about '4.25 pier cent interest on will be Jan. 18 at 8 p.m. in the Board of Education, was un- employee.. , "..•'..'•' high school cafeteria. ' animously named chairman of the ' ' Inspector Served Tinton Ave. in the borough, with the bonds. Planning; Board at last night's Mrs. McCallum noted ' that 3»-mile sections at' curves at OnWithholdingBiliCopies organization meeting, Leslie. A. Carhart. the borough's Wayside Rd. and Swimming Riv- i John Misson,,West Washington building inspector, had served Ave., was elected vice chairman. previously to Mr. Vanore. er. Rd. "Narrow Bridge",signs TRENTON — Assemblyman "This whole thing Is about as "Also, he wants to claim cred- Seated as new members were Mr. DeGeni'to questioned will be posted at the bridge at Alfred N. Beadleston, R-Mon- dictatorial u anything I have it for the whole thing," Mr. Bea. Mayor Jay M. Kellers,'. Robert whether the maypr,:- bortugh ad- Sycamore and Tinton Aves. mouth, • yesterday accused Gov.seen in Trenton." dleston added. Richard J.- Hughes of suppres- Assemblyman Beadleston H; Duncan, and Frank Vanore, ministrator, arid a councilman Throughout, discussion of the fi .Beadleston, the only legis- borough administrator. . Coupcil- should have a vote on the board, sing copies of a proposed bill stated he suspects Hughes of lator, on a committee which sub- < speed' limits, councilmen could on educating the handicapped. withholding the bill, which would than Robert M. Earle, a', former and wnether they are "repre- be heard muttering incredulous- mitted a report on helping the sentative of the opinions of the Mr. Beadleston, charging that require an appropriation if en- member and chairman, was also lv, "Five and a half years!" handicapped to State Education jeated. • • ••••••'"' people." ••' ' ; •'• ••' ' '^ the Democratic governor did acted, to use "as leverage to get : Approye Lighting this for, political reasons, said: support for his Income tax." Commissioner Frederick M. Rau • Mr. Vahore's appointment to "Ihope you are not implying the board was questioned last A.; rewmrnendation of the blnger, said he WAS refused a that the mayor, does not repre- roads committee far installation night by Thomas A. DeGenito, sent the people," replied Mayor copy :of the-bill by Dr.; Joseph one of the anti-master plan com- of three mercury vapor lights at On Large New Shrewsbury Tract Kellers. .•'.." the Tinton Aye.-Swimming River E. Clayton of Wall Township, mittee's publicity chairman. ' "Well,", answe;ed Mr. De •Mayor Kellers explained that Rd. triangle was approved unani- the deputy commissioner, "tm. Genlto,, "if the mayor has themously. der orders from the governor." under state statue, the local right to appoint the Planning Rqnmy Gets Variance Board and Its Citiiens; Advisory Appointment by Mayor John Mr* Clayton admitted denying Committee, and they agree with E. Lemon, Jr.,, of 11 special po- Mr, Beadleston a-copy of the bill him, how will we get the anti lice for extracurricular events at For New PrivateSchool but declined to give any rea- Citizens Unit opinion represented here?" Monmouth Regional High School sons. Both he and Dr. Raubing. Replied, new member Duncan: was confirmed. NEW SHREWSBURY - A useEngland private • school, with er said they were acting on in- Keeps Control "We are all here because we are James H. Bowles, Jr., of variance approved last night by brick veneer facades «nd colonial structions from the governor's clOsens of Atlantic Highlands. Squankum Rd. was hired as a Borough Council permits con- decor. .Within the quadrangle will counsel, DtividJ. Goldberg, who Your interests are ours." ' Class,I laborer in the roads,and struction of what Russell G. Ran-be a quarter-mile running track, was not available yesterday for O| Planners sanitation department. His salne- y of Rumson has called "the enclosing ; fields /aid -out for comment. .'MARLBCiBfO — Citizens C wai - authorized, The Hope Rd. for a private school rooms' In the main residence; up- That is all he would say. or£a«Mt!cfl'rawtitig.- :'.'• ; the iithttigh.rtvo11 committeeiis;ln a borough rented space in contemplated by Mr. and Mrspe. r grade students will have ; Copies on Tuesday Colts Neck dump at $425 month- Ranney, who operate The Ranney classes in the two barns. , Commissioner Clayton sa.ld he Are Filed |y jln Qctpber,, when the borSchoo- l in Rumson, The auditorium building will was told-to make copies of the FREEHOtD "-Two mofe ap> ough''s fronf t end loadeld r and ttrac- Sjte plans of the 300-pupil in. contain a full-size professional bill available when the new Leg- psala of' sewer line improvement tor became inoperative. stitution will be submitted for stage, its 54-foot height fitting it Mature takes office Tuesday. Board. whioh!s filled by; ap- Planning Board approval Wednes- to fry professional scenery flats. pointments by Mayoi1 Walter5 ,C. assessments , in Matawan were !,At thi'request of "Uncle Er- Gov. Hughes' annual message filed in Superior Court here yea* nie" Hlltbrunner, whose Christ- day, Jan. 26. The schoolman added that the will b«; delivered that day, #jbb, Jr. an* by towiithifr of. ConstructioCt n Planned stage will-be made available for fi«)ft|j in an; e*ofi(ci6 tsrday: mis gilt / committee '•. provided The governor will propose an NEGRO BISHOP PICKETED — Biihop Harold R. Perry, L»te«t to protest'the division of dinners for 31 needy families Presenting, the project in- local theater groups and for pro-income tax In hij message. costs for the munjclpal Tinder and toys lor more, than 1J0 chll- formally Wednesday before the fessional .companies visiting the Aswmblyman Bettdjeston said second from left in • urno„n «xtended-thank . * of Mr•. the WM.OOO .ohool will consist-of Landscape plans include a park- the 'handicapped, submitted its vino Apirtmanto, Jnc, ownar>of Hitlbrunner and (lie borough to a quadrangle made up of the Ing area for 160 cars, attractively report to Mr. Raubihger about a Biihop Perry, who wat appointed by Pope Paul VI a« thing Board mernber, " , ; trte Ravine and fr«ehaven Apaft" existing large residence and twoplaced shrubbery and trees, and th« many Individuals and organ! year ago' with a: number of aluillany biihop of New Orleans, is nation's only Catho« the'organlwtlon, Edward utlons who helped th« cause, barns, plus a gymnasium and aa large wooded portion to the changes made at a meeting ol Jr^.wii^ffcsjeotedichtlr- p( fWiBOyiiioioBI J» theater ' building to be con- south which will be developed as the group. , lie Negro biihop. Holding placard it Mrs. B. J. Gaillqt been lmUtut«d «ril«r in th« a nature area. State, education department M of Ne,vy Orliani who wai excommunicated from Catholic w#ek.'' (""','i, ; ,:. ;•, .,. • For Grog a« you like it; for sea Extensive renovation of existing The variance was approved by slstants were, to Incorporate Ihf The suit. art*, the court (o «etfaring snacks and, nau^cal, atmo- structures. la planned, Mr. Rancounci- l with the condition that changea in the bill and distribute [or action against church integration. attorney. ulde the as»is«nent«. Vfl, (|f sphere, com* Ml *«tl Channel ney said. The campus, he added,construction bo it«rttd within copies to the commitee m«m- and Lwn S. Avaklap, enginwr. new ri|urt|. Dr., Point Pleuirit Beach.-Adv, will Jook like (hat of a New one year. ben, Mr. Beadleiton itated. (AP Wlr.Dhotol Schedule of AI^Y MSfSm 14-rrijUy, January 7,1% \

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE , FIRST METHODIST TEMPLE SHALOM SAINT JAMES LUTHER MEMORIAL HOLY COMMUNION CHRIST EPISCOPAL SOCIETY AtlanUc Highlands Maiawan Copy Deadline ' Red Bank LUTHERAN EPISCOPAL \ •"•••' Middletown Atlantic Highlands Sunday school will be held Sabbath Eve services will be AU wUgfess news for inclu- The Feast of the Holy Family (Missouri Synod) Fair Haven . Schedule for Sunday: 8 t. Church service and Sundas 9:30 a.tn. Rev. Robert H. Heulil held Friday at 8 p.m. in the sion fa th< Friday Schedule ef will be celebrated with a Sung New Shrewsbury Holy Communion will be cele- Holy Communion; 9:30 t.m., H ly school art at 11 a.m. Wednes will preach at the 11 a.m. set Strathmore School. At this fam- Religious Services mutt be it Mass in Church at 10:30 a.m. Sunday school and Bible class- brated Sunday at « a.m. TheCommunion and church servi u day's testimony meeting is ai vice on "The Place of Prayer. ily service, all children whose Tht Register office by eooa tt Other Massea include recited es meet at 9 a.m, Rev. Danle 9:30 a.m. family service will be for seventh and eighth grad s; 8:15 p.m. Reading loom hour" 'Monday, 8 p.m., Women'j birthdays are in January will be the preceding Tuesday. Masses with hymns at and D'. Reinheimer will preach at theHoly Communion and sermon by 9:30 a.m., church 'school for ill are Tuesday from 2 to 4 p.m Society of Christian Service called to the Ark for blessing. 9:15 a.m. and noon in the church 10:30 a.m. service, Walthtr Rev. Charles R. Lawrence. other grades; 10:25 a.m., chit fit and following the Wednesday meets. . Rabbi Sheldon Gordon's sermon- AMEZION and 9:45 and 11 a.m. in the au-League meets at 7 p.m. Church School it at 9:30. The 11school for seventh and eig Red Bank o'clock service will be Morning grades, office of Morning pra evening service. ette will be "The Magic Ring." ditorium, pjus recited Masses « Monday, I p.m., Board, of E3: FIRST BAPTIST the Bar Mitevah of Jeffrey Sundty school meets at 9:805:45, 6:45 in the church and 1:3'0 de» meets. Praytr and sermon. for ill other children; 11:15 t. ST. ANN'S CATHOLIC Long Branch Ghernet will take place Saturday a.m. Rev. Thomas H. County t.m. and 12:15 p.m. in tht au- - .T|)t Adult Discussion Group will office of Morning Prayer. Keansburg Sunday school meets at 9:31 morning at 10:30. will preach tt the 11 a.m. service ditorium. REFORMED meet Monday evening at 8:15. Tomorrow, 10 a.m., Jun'or ajjir Sunday Masses will be at 7 a.m. Rev. Homer Tricules wil on "Divine Microscopes." Rev. Cherub Chapel Is conducted in Middletown TW midweek jerviee of Holy guild meeting. 8, 9, 10, 11 and noon. preach at the It a.m. and 7: PRESBYTERIAN Mr. Coursey will preach at th< the Parish Room during the 9:45 Rev. Ear] D. Compton. will Communion and Healing will be Daily Masses will be celebrated p.m. services. Evening Fellow Services w.ll be held at 9:308 p.m. installation service in a.m. Mats. preach at the 11 a.m. service Wednesday morning at 9:30. ST. GEORGE'S-BY-tHE RtV at 7 and 8 a.m. except on first ship is held at 6:30 p.m. and 11 a.m. this Sunday. George Calvary Baptist Church on The Sacrament of Baptism will Sunday on "Differing Olfti." • »'-.• '•. * ' ' EPISCOPAL Fridays when houra will be at Tuesday, 8 p.m., board M. Watson will preach on "The"Standard Bearers." be administered at 1:30 p.m Church school will meet at 9:30 FIRST UNITARIAN Rumspn 6:30 and 8 a.m. Christian education meets. Message of the Wise Men." A membership meeting will be Sunday. a.m. lincroft On Holy Days, Masses will be Services for Sunday: 8 Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., mission held Monday at 8 p.m., followed The Cana Conferences will be Junior Youth Group will meet Rev. Harold R- Dean will Holy Communion; 9:30 a. offered at «, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11ary circle meetis. Eveninf HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN by • Flower Club meeting. conducted by Rev. Harold Hirsch at t p.m. and the Senior Youth preach on be topic "Martin and a.m. and at 7.30 p.m. No chil Morning Prayer and chu prayers are held at 9:30 p.m. Red Bank The stewardess board will meet of Sacred Heart Church, Mt. Group at 7:30 p.m. Judy, Dick and Jane, and Your school; 11 a.m., Morning Pra dren are permitted at evenin, Thursday, 7:45 p.m., Midweel Sundty school and family wor- Tuesday at 8 p.m. Holly, in the parish room s The ladies' Aid Circle will Children, providing a base for Mass. and sermon by .Rev. G.P. Melljdi service will be held. ship will be at 9:15 a.m. The 7:30 p.m. Sunday. meet Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. our religious education." Church Belshaw. Confessions will be heard Sa Friday, 6:45 em, mornin, regular service is at 11 a.m. METHODIST The Sacrament of Penance will services and church school Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., H urdays, first Thursdays, and onprayers are held. • Holy Communion will be admin- Red Bank be administered Saturday from 4 CONGREGATION are at 10:30 a.m. The Liberal Communion wiH be celebratec the eves cf Holy Days, from istered ait 9:15 and 11 a.m. Rev. W. Gordon Lowden will to 8 p.m. and 7:30 to 9 p.m. Tht B'NAI ISRAEL Religious Youth will meet 3:30 to 5 p.m. and from 7:30 to preach at both services Sunday Sacrament is also administered at 7:30 p.m. Frederick Pohl and CONGREGATION At 1 p.m., the Loyal Society Rumton JWDDIJEtOWN METHOD1S B:30 p.m. BETH SHALOM will meet. on "A Glimpse of His Glory." daily from 7:45 to 8:15 a.m. and Sabbath eve services will be Letter del Rey, science fiction Baptisms will be administered He will be assisted at the 9:30Monday liter the Novena writers, will lead the discussion. PROJECT , Red Bank The executive committee of Ser- gin at 8:M. Rabbi Jack M. Rosoff • • " ' Middletown' every Sunday at 1 p.m. Arrange- service by A. Alvin Whiting and viqe. . ; r wil) conduct the services and The board of trustees will meet ments should be made a week Sabbath services for the Junto the Luther League will meet it at 11 o'clock by Robert Otten. Rev. Wayne Conrad will preich and senior congregation are 8:15 p.m. and the regular meet- Daily Man is offend at 6:23,Cantor Sidney Scharff will chant at the church at 8:30 p.m. on in advance of the baptism. The sacrament of. baptism will 7:15 and 8:15 a.m. in the church. tht liturgy. Hit Wiener, daugb- Itotday. Sunday at,the 10 a.m. s*rv Rev. Edward A. Corrigan It 9:30 ttn, tomorrow. ing of At Luther League will be administered at both wor- held in the Nut Swamp ScrAol be held at 7 p.m. Ihe Novena Devotion in honor ter of Mrs. Bernard Wiener tnd Ail adult discussion group on pastor and Rev. Eugene M. Re- Sunday school is at 9:30 a.m, ship hours. There will be a ser-of Mary', Miraculous Medal wiHthe lite Dr. Wiener, will cele- "The Questioning Child and en "Be It Resojved." Chu beck and Rev. Frederick A. Val- Hebrew school meets Wednes Confirmation instruction will vice of Holy Communion tt 8:30be held Monday at 8 p.m. Thebrate her Bat MHwah. Rabbi Religion" will meet at the home school will be held at 11 a.m entino are assistants. day at 5:45 p.m. be at 10 a.m., tomorrow. a.m. Church school is held at service of Benediction of the Rotoff will deliver the charge to of Mr. and Mrs. Rossbach, El- There will be a Sisterhood A meeting of the Esther Cir- 9:30 and 11 a.m. beron, Thursday, at 8; 30 p.m. meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Blessed Sacrament will follow Liu. GRACE LUTHERAN ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL cle will be at 12:30 p.m. Wednes- At 7 p.m. the Intermediate the Noyent. Sabbath morning services are Freehold . Highlands day. Youth Fellowship and the Meth- The high ichool of religion -will at 9:15 am. for the junior con- BAPTIST Sunday school will be held 1 ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL Matins daily at 10 t.m. odist Youth Fellowship meet At Sunday services at 8 snd I Red Bank be conducted Thursdty, 7:30 gregation and at 10 a.m. for the Leonardo 9:15 a.m. At the 11 a.m., terv a.m. are morning prayer, ant 8 p.m. the Wesley Fellowship p.m., in Cabrini House. The adult services. Alan Fisher, ion new members will be reeeiv Services Sunday .are: Holj KING OF KINGS LUIHERAN meets. Also at 8 a New Mem- Schedule for Sunday. 9:45 sermon except on the third Sun- Eucharist, 8 a.m., Matins, Chorai grammar school of religion H of Mrs. Hannah Fither and grand- chuKh school; 11 tin., Rev. Wil- Calendar for the week: day of each month when both Middletown bers Clan will begin. conducted Saturday from 9:30 toton d Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ides, Monday, 8 p.m., Faith Cii Eucharist and Sunday schoo Matins will be at 8 o'clock. liam Carr wiH preach on 'Help services are Holy Communion, 9:30. Monday, Wednesday and Fri-1:30 t.m. in the Gramma" r will he called to the Torah ai a meets.' . .-' '•'. U'-, :-;.• Church schpol meets during the The service will be at 10:45 a.m Bar Mtov«h. Rabbi Rosoff Will to Destroy Another;" 6:15 pm day of this .week the nurtey School. Junior, Junior Hi* and Senior Thursday, 4:30 p,m., tevefth 10 o'clock service when childrei Holy Eucharist will be cele- with Rev. C. Roger Burkina school will hold regular sessions, charge Man. Cantor Scharff will grade catechetical class *11 brated Wednesday and Thursday. Baptist fellowship meets; remain with their parents tor preaching, beginning at 9:15 a.m. FIRST METHODIST chsot the liturgy. meet. Confirmation class will jw the Eucharist. The office of eve- The Episcopal Young Church- Sunday morning services' an. at 7:30 p.m., Evening worship ser- neU at 7 pm men meet Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, 9:30 a.m., confirma- Owkhurst vice. . . •' '.•• •':• • ning prayer is read at S o'clock. REFORMED tion classes will meet, » a.m. foHowed by the Talmud 'The vestry meets Monday a : New Shrewsbury Dr. John D. Blair will preach Tuesday, 8 P.M., Grace Hatch Daily services will be held Monday:' At 8 p.m. the li- Sunday at the 9:30 and 11 a.m.Class. Sunday and Hebrew school ST. CLEMENTS CATHOU announced. 7:30 p.m. ' • Peter Paulien, . student-essis- will neat at 9:M and. 11:00.im. Ciide wil meet. The Episcopal Church Wome: tant, will conduct the service brary committee meets snd there services on "A New Year Inven- Wednesday, 7:30 pm., mid- Matawan will be an organ recital by Dr.tory." He will be assisted by High School w)H neat at Masses Sunday morning art ; ST. AGNES CATHOLIC meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. Sunday. Morning devotions are It a.m. week prayer and Kbie study will it Richard Peek. : Rev. August Klebsattel and Rev, bektid/v .:/••';•"'• • 8, 9:30 and 11 in the Matav in } Atlanifc','Hlghl*ids , . The Acoljtt Guild meets Satur- held at 9:30 and the regular ser- William Joe] Wright. Church The program will begin at 10:30 Grammar School; Broad St. : e- i Sunday masses, ere'scheduled day at 5 p.m. " vice at 10:30,,: Church school Tuesday: At 10 t.m., tht In toeet*'it 10:30 a.m'.•'• terdenomlnationij Prayer and school will be at 9:30 and 11 a.m PROTESTANT ligMus imlruction for puMlc h h -.for t:, Study Group meets; 8 p.m., theajn. Junior -High and Senior Monday evening the B.I.T.s and school children will be held sit and noon. PRESBYTERIAN ' The Senior He • Fellowship Methodiit ' Youth. Fellowship tbt Pre U.S.Y. wiil meet, at 7 RobertsviUe 9 a.m, ajid% eltmentary set »1 , , Lincroft meets at 5:30 p.m. property committee and Wetley isunday school will be at 10 ' The sacrament of baptism la Fellowship meet; 7:30 p.m., newmeet at 7 p.m. ' children at 9:30. ; Sunday school services ire » A book discussion wiH be held Wednesday evening tht Men's am. Rey. Edwin Pi Sfiencer will administered every Sunday at 1 9:30 a.m. Church services, an prayer group meets. Monday, 8 p.m, Wesley Circle OaHy' masse's are held it p.m. Arrangements are to b* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. meets in the home of Mrs. Wil-Club will meat at 8: >0. preach at the 11 a^n. Service on rectory, 1< Orchsrd Pbwjf,, N it 11 a.m. Rev. William J. Mill Wednesday: 9:30 i.m., the Bi These Thing* Remain." Eve- made at the rectory at least two A. P. Macllroy, Jr., 22 AvaJon liam McGinty. Daily evening services art at •ganviBe. ••'-. • . , days previous by one of the papwill preach. Dr., at 8 p.m. "The Catcher in ble Class meeti; at 7:45 the 7:30 p.m. ning service will be "held tt 8. The Westminister Youth Fei Wesleyan Service Guild meets; Tuesday, 12:30 p.m., auxiliary Business meeting vAttoe held at :ents. the Rye," by J. D. Salinger, and to Methodist homes will meet in CHRIST METhODIW towshap will meet Sunday at "Lord of the Files," by William 8 p.m. the commission on stew-. FAITH REFORMED 9 p.m. Daily masses are scheduled ft» p.m. ardihip and finance meets. the home of Mrs. Edward Mak- Fair Haven Golding will be .discussed, holm. • . Hailet Tuesday, 7 p.ni., Junior Fel- 7 and I a.m. On Saturdays tht United Women's Association Thursday: 7 p.m.,' Methodist Sunday (school meets At K30 early mass Is said at the conven Monday evening confirmation Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., mid- Sunday school meet* at, 8:30,lowship will meet. a.m. Rev, Charles-1 will meet Monday for an Activity class meet« at 8:45 and the Ju-Men dinner meeting. 9:30 tnd 11 a.m. Rev. Theodore lor the public. Day. week Prayer and Bible study witl preach it the 11 am. i nior Hi Fellowship at 7:4!. will be held. C. Miller will preach at tht 9:30 REFORMED on "Searching for Clues." The tacrament of penance It The deacons will meet Tuesday MONMOUTH administered on Saturdays from The Women's Guild will meet Thursday, 1:30 p.m., Mary- and 11 t-m. servtcet on "That Colts Neck Calendar lor the week: • at j p.m. REFORM TEMPLE Uttle Bit Extra." 4 to 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.-A Bible Shrewsbury Martha Circle will meet in the Annual Congregational meeting Sunday: 5:30 p.m., Senior (I and on Mondays at 8:30 p.m. Study Fellowship meeting will be home of Mrs. Raymond Jicoby. Calendar for tht week: wiH be.tonlgtt at '8Voloek. cdist Youth Fellowship PRESBYTERIAN Sabbath Eve services will be Today:"* p"Hands-A Symbol of •kip HUgr at 7:30 p.m? • 7:30, 9 and 10:30 and noon. Monday, 1:30 p.m., Missionary The religious school will meet Aged- Irvington; 5:30 p.m. Wwdty, 1 p.m., covenant lift Daily Masses are held In thth.meeting--will b« held, .' • Red Bask Baiter, Astistaat, Minister, will Monday, 7:30 p.m., boards oi the family center. ' .'••'- parsonage. Wednesday, 9:45 a.m., sewing Culture Society, will tpnk Sun- trustees,..,deacons' and Christian day at 10:45 a.m. in the YMCA "Why Is Ours an Age of Vio-assist at the 9:15 service and . Thursday, 3:30 p.m., catechism Thursday, J.'MUa.m, oonfirmt For the altar will be held. lence?" is the public talk sub- the Rev.' Albert T. Woodwind education will meet. dasset will be held for Eaton- tion class, eighth, meets in the Holy Communion will be cele- on "Height! and Depths of Ideal- Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., prayer Ism." Mr. Grupp, former youth ject Sunday at 4 p.m. R. Sin-Associate Minister, will assist at town .children. parsonage, v. • brated on Wednesday at 9 i.m. 'Hippo, Freehold, will answer the 11 o'clock service. service is held. ind Friday at 6:30 p.m.. leader.of tht American Ethical Saturday,, 9;30 a.m., seventh "Will violence ever end? What At 9: IS and 11:60 a.m. church Thursday, 10,a.m,, Orel* One ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL grade confirrnition class meets. Union, helped the Monmouth will meet in Hie home of Mrs. youth group organize. Sunday can you do to protect yourself?" school will be held. Eatontown 10:30 a.m., ninth grade class CHURCH OF CHRIST Watehtower discussion follows at Robert J. Fiedler, 100 Cross St., Holy Eucharist will be cele- Red Bank school tlso meets at 10:45. At 3:30 p.m. The Church Nomi- meets, both.it the parsonage. 15 on "Neglecting the House nating Committee will meet. Little Silver. Circle Two wUl brated Sunday at 8 a.m. Family At the 11 a.m. service, Evange The executive board will meet of the Creator of Heaven and meet in tht church at 1 p.m. services will be conducted at list Edward Rockey will speak this evening at 8:30 in the home At 7 pM., Senior High Fellow- LUTHERAN REFORMED Earth." ship meets. - Circle Hour will mtet in the par- 10 a.m. by Rev.' Stanley M. West Long Branch on "Will a Man Rob God?" of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levitties, Tuesday it 8 p.m. the service tonage at 8 pjm. Cirde Five will Woolley, Jr. Church school meets Charles Whittle will lead the 1020 Bendermere Ave., Warm At 7:45 p.m. Senior High meet in the home of Mrs. Elit- Rev. Robert W. Oswald wiH centers will continue the study classes meet at ID a.m. preach at the Sunday, service at prayer and read the Scripture. masse. in "The True-Life Story as Told abeth' Magee, 44 Irving PI., Red Robert Walton will preside it the Calendar for the week: Bank. Wednesday at 9 a.m., Holy 9:15 and 11 a.«n. on "The Glory by the Holy Bible," at King- Tonight,. 8 p.m., Junior High Eucharist will be celebrated of Christ as Creator." Church Lord's Supper and Robert Riggs Red Bank dom Hall, 58 Forman St., Fair school meets st 9:15 a.m. Luther will lead the losing prayer. Holy Eucharist wilt bt celebrat- canteen. followed by healing service of Haven; 144 Seventh Ave., At- Mondiy, 9:30 a.m., Priyer CALVARY BAPTIST unction. League meets at 7 p.in. Mr. Rockey's subject at the ed at 8 a.m. on Sunday. Church, lantic Highlands; 27 Delaware 6:50 p.m. service will be "Hie School and Family Service with Group meet*. 8 p.m., board of Red Bank Friday, 8:30 p.m., senior cate- Ave., Riverside Heights, Middle- trustees insets. Rev. Robert P. Ball will preach %hokmy METHODIST chetical class fleets. Junior cat- Deceitfulness of Sin." Let ConHol- y Eucharist and sermon will town Twp., 10 Sf, Mary's PI Ion will lead the prayer and read be at 9:15 a.m. Prayer and ser- Tuesday, 1:15 p.m., board of tt' 11 a.m. service. Sunday school Eatontown echetical CIUJ. meets Saturday 37 Drummond Ave., ind 1 Cedar deaconesses will meet. At 8 p.m.,will meet at 9:30 a.m.. B-TU and Sunday services will be con< it 9:30 a.m. the Scripture. Joseph Lindner, mon, by Rev. Canon Charles H. 5t., Red Bsnk. foreod' Sr. will lead the closing prayer. Best will be at 11 a.m. there will be a nutting of tht BYF mil meet at 8 p.m. ducted at 10:45 a.m. Rev. Eldrich Thursdty st 7:25 p.m. the Min-aiders, trustees, stewtrdi, del- Installation service will be at C. Campbell will preach on "A EMMANUEL BAPTIST Bible classes are at 10 a.m. The. annual parish meeting will and the midweek service is istry School assignment, instruc- cons and deaeontssts. 7:30 PM. Sundty. Rev. T. H. that am Mystery To Make Known." Atlantic Highlands e at 8 p.m. Monday. tion snd student talks, will cover Wednesdty, 1:30' p.m., vaitt- Church, will spetk. ' • Church school will mett at 8:30 Sunday ichool will be held at Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The ladies' group will mtet Holy Eucharist will be cele- Matthew 8 to 14. Service meet- tion to Marlboro State Hospital Calendar; tor the week in- a.m. 9:45 a.m. Rev. Dr. Howard M brated at 8 and 10 a.m. Wednes- ing theme: "Serving with Jeho- by members of toe women's ai- cludes: freeyow Saturday at 6 p.m., the adult Ervln will preach at tht 11 a.m.Tuesday at 10 a.m. and Wednes- day at 8 p.m. at the Church day. The Service of Healing will vah's Organization." Chalrmin: toeiition. Tuesday, Mttron Minioniry fellow«hlp will have a "Philip service. Young People meet it be at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. ThtE.S. Thompson. will meet at 8 p.m. • pine Night" meeting. * p.m. Priyer meeting will bt butlding. frmfear held at 7 p.m. Eveninf service Lay Readers will hold Its meet- MONMOUTH 1AJTI8T Wednesday, 7 p.m., Bible Tuesday at 7 p.m., the comwill be it 7:30. COMMUNITY ing at 8 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Stilthtra Baptist CenvtMtiw) elan; I p.m.. praytr tervitt. Million on finance will maet; 8 A Night of Priyer will begin Port Monmouth Red Bank Eatontown Friday, 7 p.m., new members p.m., official board matting and it 9 tonight. Sunday school will be at 9:30 CHRIST EPISCOPAL "I will put my law in their Sunday school begiiis tt 9:45 dais; I p.m., teachers meeting. to thiipeteefol room.reidj i p.m., board of trustees. Tuesday, 10:30 a.m., Ladiei m. Service will be held at 11 Shrewsbury liYwtrd parts, ind write it in t.m., fotknvtd by tht morning for you to read, is a book that re)lowship meets. ,m., evening vespers at 6:30. Schedule for Sunday: 8 a.m., thth- hearts; tnd will be their service at 11 o'clock, when TEMPLE BETH AHM bat freed miny thontudi ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL Midweek Priyer Service will Monday, 7:30 p.m., Bible study Holy Communion; 9 a.m., Holy God, and they thill bt my Pastor M. R.,Htir« will preach Matawan Townthip from /ear and irorry-iag Navesink be Wednesday tt 8 p.m, will be held. Communion, with Parish Eucha- peoplei.." This promise from Jer- on "Personal Witnttiing." Train- Sabbath strv.ces will be held liveti then reneved eoungt Sunday services begin at 8:30 pioneer girls meet: Explorers Wednesday, 7:45 p.m., midweek ritt. Rev. Ronald G. Albury willemiah, along with many other ing Union ii held at «:15 p.ma.t 8:30 p.m. In the First .Aid ind strength to go forward, a.m. with t celebration of the Tuesday, 6:45 p.m.; Pilgrims, fellowship is held. reach on "The Epiphany;" Bible citations, ii part of the During tht evening ttrviet it building, Church St. Rabbi Mor- Holy Eucharist. Family service 11:15 a.m., prayer service with communion service on "Sacra- 7:30, Pastor Haire'a sermon sub- ris L. Rubinstein will' officiate. It can do this for you. Thursday, 3:30 p.m., and Colon- Rev. Albury preaching;' 7 p.m.,ment" to be held in Christian Tht plioe ii the Christian and church school sre at 9:30 Mi, Friday, 7 p.m; . CONGREGATION ject wiU be, "No Other Gods." The services will be dedicated jervice. Science churches this Sunday, Tuesday, the Woman'a Mission to the Sisterhood, which will spon- Soiente Reading Boom; the BROTHERS OF ISRAEL January 9th. book. Science and Health Morning Prayer with sermon PILGRIM BAPTIST Long Branch Wednesday, 8 p.m., parish try Society meets at »:30 a.mso. r the (kief JShabbat alter ser- With X»y to the Scripture* by Rev. H. R. Sorenten will be Red Bank Sabbath services begin at 8:30meeting will be held. Related patiigtt to be read Church-wide vMtMha btf|nt at vice*. '• •-. • ,- •• by Usr; Baler Eddy. at 11 a.m. ", Sunday tohoo! will begin tt m. Rabbi Rafael G. Grotimtn Friday, 9 a.m., Holy Euchi- from the dehomlnittona! textbook 7 p.m. Adult services will be Saturday, The' young people's confirma- 0 a.m. Rev. Henry Morgan Will ill preach oh "The Bridge Be lit. include these lints: "When the Ftmily night is held Wednes- at • a.m,' Junior Congregation Stop at a Christian Science tion class meeti tt 4:30 on preach at the 11:30 t.m. service. ween Life and ' Death." Law- human element in him ttruggltd dayi. At 7 p.m. there will be a will beguwtt 10:30. Wednesday. B.T.U. will meet at 8:30 p.m. •ence Bremmer, son of Mr. and FIRST METHODIST with tht divine, our great Teach- planning meeting for tht Worn- Hebrew School classes are held Bftle and Sdeneean'd Health Calendar of week includes: rfrs'. Sol Bremmer, will lead the Keansburg er said: 'Not my will, but Thine, en'a Mlssioniry Society and thein the Stratnmort School, daily ia tht quiet, undisturbed it* OLD FIRST CHURCH Bible Class Monday at 8 p.m.riusaf service. Junior Congreit- Rev. Newton W. Greener will fcedontl' -tfittis, Let not thtMen't Brotherhood. from 3 to 1:45 p.m. Sunday school awigihtn provided for y an. American Baptist Convention Prayer service Wednesday at ion wilt be at 10 a.m, A chil- ireteh at both the 9:30 ind 11flesh, but the Spirit, bt repre- classes art from I a.m. until Bone* this hook, free of United Church of Christ :30 p.m. dren's Stbbath birthday lunch- a.m. services. Church school sented in me. Thlj is the new CALVARY BAPTIST noon. ' Middletown •, Sunday school teachers Friday eon will bt given by tht Sister- meets at 8:45 a.m. EOTO meats understanding of spiritual Love. Oceanport Men's Fellowship will have a « 7:30 p.ft. hood. Talmud Courts beglnt at at 6 pm. Offldil botrd meeti It givet all tor Christ, or Truth Ktv. Paul N. Smith win preach ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL bmaJcfiat, Sunday it I o'clock. p.m. • it * p.m. It blisses its enemies, htala the t tht 11 ajm. atrvktu ik*, etsti out error, talttt tht Church school meet*- «t 1:30 and FIRST METHODIST Sunday morning, tht Men's Wt4n«d*y, 1p.m... Mult BibJt WSSSJ^t^l I ss^t^e'is^^T ^^^^BP'^" ^t^( BrW ^9Wa Snotty tervictt begin with 11 a.m. Rev. R. Webb Leonard dtad from trespasses aaj tint, : Matawan Club will meet it a brtekfitt. study It held. Young PKUt wW tnett tt At tonUM Praytr tt 7:45 followed will preach at thill a.m. ser- Sundty itrvlces, Rtv. Donald Tht Institute of Adult Jewish Saturday, »:S0 l.m., ehurth and preaches the gospel to theChurch tt 2 m.n. to to to tht yJWy CorMBOnion ttl Family )ctmci vice ori'Too Ughft-a Thing:" T. (fhilllpi, Sr. will preach on Studies will meet on Monday membership Otst will be held. poor, tht meek in heart" ("I MapJtreat hem« in Wt« Lon» erytot it e.t l:}8 at wWch tint* HEADING Tht Junior High Youth Fellow- "What Then." ' '• night ind will conduct three il- ehct and Health with Key to theBranct. Youth FeUowshlp meep the church ectoof meet*. Holy ship inMti, Sunday at 1p.m. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL Scrlpturti" by l«l|r> Witr, 1 Ings wtH take place at •:». Tht Communion, Is t» II. At i p.«. BOOM Sunday school meets it 9:45 nultineous courses In "Ele- 1 I ; = The Women's Jellowthip ex- and 11 a.m. Family fellowship oentary Hebrew," "Spoken He- Uttle Silver dy).- WJ'Vxy-. < !tjvenli^.se'r^jl.c^jidllii^iri:7j)().;n thttt'.willbte bu««* suppar ind i: «*Mnsfc,ts»'. .--'.'- '.!r ecutive committee meeti Mondiy turner will be tt 5:30, irew" tnd "The Torth" follow- Sundty services are: 8 a.m., Sundty School and Church itr- tim'wmifm.'''y '.', .-.- • t at»:,a»,t,m. :.,v< -\,'.;\fJ-)>": •]•*>> J Mondiy,. at 8, Laytonlin ciub ing which Ribbl Grottmin will Holy Communion; 1:30 and II rfcet are at It i.m. church will'hi Mid IWrtdw Holy Communion will' be held •~ "-MtrustteiwiB«ttt Mtett. Wednesday. ?'p.tti., of' icture on "The Many Pices of a.m., Morning Prayer and tat* Wtdntsdsy Tettraxw Utttlmi niaht u 1:30, aft*r tht Hour ol Wednesday at I a,m. and Friday " /tCok.' afuiu. U4:» IjMB. ficlal board will meet. udafim." am by Rev. Ituart F. Out attllp.ra. Ptilh. ' t* *M aJB. TMty, ]*m*rf 7, 1966—15 UOST AND FOUND AUTOS F«l SALE AUTO* FOR SA1Z 4WTPS F«t SALE **• ft

NMffl, IMi OpRVilR — ro«r-4oo» •§ I7N. McCMUir Chtvroltt. IMS VOIJUWAO1N - Sao root MM. Trtdlo, Hutu. u£ HeClRtbr awrolM m-uoi AUTOMomn 1M OHEVTt H - TwoJoor. BUck. ulltnt condition, tint. 22MAH tfUrT AUTOS FOR SALE Aw, 13/000.mllM, IUrM.aotag.ow PLYMOUTH,-PLYM, . ISM. TlTlfiHUMf r tart- W H ITE SA top. BjM-cytlnirtf. Rtdlo ttxttr. Beat offer. H7-M05. (Mor< OtulBed Adi MM OLDSMOBILI "»•• — «bor*x« RINAUUT '• rtCUOSOT U.O. BoUday. IiwIlMit eomUtioo, CU1 741- AWA ROMEO — 1M0 tfrtnt. AUSTIN HEALKT SHOTI 4 UcCARtty Chivrelat . , UONMOUTH MOTORS ' JSt-llOi SPECIAL PRICES ON NEW AND USED CARS! Hlry. M M2-UU «»t«itoni AUH» FOR SALE AUTOS FOR AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE STATION WAGONS FORDS '61 STUDEBAKER 495. '61 GALAXIE 595. '62 COMET 850. Feur-door hirdto^, Fordomttie, P.St. Cmtom four-door, Fsr . '60 RAMBLER 550. •62 GALAXIE 695.; '64 FALCON 995. ARE RESOLUTIONS.... "Claiiic" four-deer, «uta., P.St. , Twa,-deer l^din, ittndtrd )r«niminjon. Four-deer ttdtn. '61, FORD / 550. '62 GALAXIE 1095. '64 COMET 1250. Convtrllbli, Fordom«»i«, j»ow«r lUtring. \'202" four-doer tidtr), Mircomttie. unless you follow through on them! Six-eyl., 4-dr. ranch w^w, FOM. '63 XL y 1395. '64 CORVA1R 1295. In 19.66 we ?re following through by '42, FALCON 795. rWfep, FQM. pow»| tWfng, Menu 2-deer ndin, Fowlrglr'd*. Totir-ifoor ifttien w«jj»n, FOM. •64 GALAXIE 1695. '64 COMET 1595. continuing to give . .. •63 FALCON 850. .; "500" (woJoer litrdtop, FOM, P.St. C«ll«nt» Conv«rtib!», Mircorrntie. Two-door wjgon, Fcrdem«Ht. •64 XL 1795. '65 FALCON 1650. '62 FORD H95. Two-deer hirdtep, FOM, P.St. 6000 mi. Future fwe-doer hardtop, Fordomatic. i. Ceunt>y Squirt.fOM. '65 GALAXIE ?$95. THUNDERBIRDS GOOD DEALS 13(95* "EDO" XL fitrtitoB, FOM,

, Home of the -Finest double checked used cars V/l m 51NCE J904 ° MONMOUTH ST. «nd MAPLE AVE., RED BANK HWY. 35 % South Parkway Exit 117) 264-4000

!i»v» yon inn «utomobil« •• *ekt\ ylielmU? Ne footing wKeiMilt?H«y«rJ-W«W, htti\i*nr » . . Uttun w«'f« dttirminad *e r»m«in No, I in uln-itrvlc* w» hiv» ilaihid »»»ry en» ef «ur Al jjiod Bob Rago our • y CLEANING OUR LOT AND Sales Manager has collapiad. PASSING THE SAVINGS ON TO YOU! PHONE' ; - 222-3600 ';;... HEAD TO CHE^Y-TOWN hr IMMEDIATE AND STAftT THE NEW YEAR CREDIT; i OFF WITH THE BEST APPROVAL DEAL EVER! FORD S '°5 PONTIAC Convertible ...... $2291

65 '65 FORD Thundarbird $2891 * CHEVROLET Impala Hdtp...$2091 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Leacf.d. '65 FORD Muitsng 2 plui (WO, automatic...!.. $1891 '64 CHEVROLET Convertible ;...$! 791 DRIVE A CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. '65' FORD Mustang Convertible, automatic...... - _—.. _. ... $1991 '64 CHEV. Bel Air Station Wgn. $1791 OK USED CAR TOPAY'. IT'S BEEN SAFETY CHECICED '65 FORD Garaicie BOD ConvertibU...... '. $2091 '63 CHEVROLET Bel Air Sedan ..$1391 AND READY FOR WINTER DRIVING '65 FORD Galaxfe 500 Stdin • f* $1991 '58 DODGE 2 Door Hardtop ....$ 191, GUARANTEED SAVE MONEY - SAVE WORRY '65 FORD Two-door hardtop »...M...n...... A>k.....« $1891 "6f FORD G'alaxi* 500 . ' '61 CHEVROLET Impala Conv, $ 991 OUALITY CARS BE CONFIDENT Two-door hardtop ". -..^.. '64 FORD dountry Squir* '65 MOTOR CYCLE $ 341; PRICED TO V/*gon...... „...,».»»..•,...... $1891 'bl FORD Country Squire $1591 MM A GROUP OF •* MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST Wagon „ ...... 1 PLEASE YOUR '63 FORD Country Squire I COMPACTS REDUCED ... I CHEVROLET DEALER o •61 FORD Galaxie 500 OWN BUDGET $491 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 Sadan ...... $1591 ! Two-door hardtop '65 FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO '60 FORD Falcon '63 FORD Falcon Convarfibl* :...-—$ 891 Sidan.. $341 '56 FORD $21 I '62 FORD Falcon Sadan ;—.. $ 691 ; MONZA S.dan . $ 791, ! •55 FORD $11 . '62 CRCIE CHEVROLET CO. • '61 VOLKSWAGEN Station Bus $ 891, OLDSMOBILE F85 S.dan ...... ;..:.$ 791 ; 1325 MAPLE AVE. 141-3130 RED BANK RED TAG SPECIAL ; •*'' FORD Salaxia 600 FORD 500 Wjjon :. :..._„.„..$ 891 , OPEN, EVENINGS E4-door, full pow.r, a black baauty. I WED. TILL 6 P.M. KROLL FORD < •' THE DAILY TO» SALE wmrtmuix AvrmrmvaM , Itnowr ?.

•MM, tnm*m tartlet, kin adlttMB. «V-tiyWHt fluff ft**kwr ton, nullt. kaalar. Heallattoooil-urtor ud otukr.. -W OteAtr. M. Mil TMix H4T«B Kd./ 1965 LEFTOVER num. «olck wit et.tt«.C«U WT4WL AUTOS FOB BALE AUTOS F(»l SALE MS MOO SPORTS SEDAN (M»r* CUMUM Ad*

> THIS WEEK ONLY... $1CQC CONTINUING OUR AUTOS FOB SALE ONLY ONE LEFT ... •"T MONMOUTH MOTORS HWY. 35 542-2414 EATONTOWN FREEHOLD DODGE NEW YEAR SALE 1966 1945 TR-4A, INDEPENDENT REAft SUSPEN- TRADE-INS SION. MICH. X TIRES. RADIO AND The Legend of This is a HEATER. TONNEAU COYER. 8,000 MILES. ONE OWNER. RED th« Three Pointed Star 1964 RENAULT DAUPHINE, ONE OWNER „. Lincoln 1964 VOLVO I22S 2-DR LOADED '65 Plymouth '65 Polara 1964 VOLVO S44 2-DR. SPORT .„.. Tha rriott famout emblem In tha 1964 PLYMOUTH FURY 4-DR. AlL POWER Fury III Hardtop tchilon of tha world'i fine mptor Continental 1944 SPITFIRE RED (426) 4-Door c«ra....1haThr«*-Pointad Star of 1964 M.G. 1100 RED SEDAN M«rcid««-B«iu. Thla lntarnatlon< 1963 M.G. 1100. ONE OWNER ail/ raipacttd trada mark, symbol- 1963 RB BLUE SEDAN _ '65 Coronet '64 Rambler Izlng land, aea and air, algnlflaa 1963 FIAT MOO D 4-DR. I OWNER.. 440 4-Door 1962 OORVAIR MONZA SPYDER ... motorlnp'a ultimata anawar to com- 2-Doer 1962 CHEVY NOVA 4-DR. WGN., STICK fort, aafaty.ptrformanca and previously owned 1961 VOLVO 544 2-DR durability. We have a new Mar- '64 Rambler cadet-Ben? ready for your own par- I960 SIMCA 4-DR '64 Mercury I960 V.W. KARMANN GHIABROWN , aonal damonttratlon, Stop In today I and proudly cared for Comat American I960 ROVER 3 LITRE 4-DR. BLACK .. - 4rDoor 1959 PLYMOUTH FURYCONV. POWER... Besides being little more thin nicely broken In, the major NEW YEAR SPECIALS '63 Ford difference yto'll consciously note between ongof our'lite- ' NEW CARS model Continentals and e new one Is the remerkjble 1946 VOLVO P-ieOO, RED, OVERDRIVE $3750 Galaxie 500 '63 Rambler l«4 TR-4, BUCK $2695 savings i previously owned Confa'nentil affords its second 2-Door Hardtop 1944 SPITFIRE, RED $2150 American owner. The ride, the look, the performance, the quality are .1966 VOLVO, 2-DOOR, 122-S, AUTOMATIC $2495 Station Wagon ' classic, timeless, unmistakably Continental. Come in and 1966 BMW 1800 ™ $2195 '63 Jaguar inspect our fine selection—this week. NEW USED DEMOS 7 1945 TOYOTA CROWN STA, WAGON, 13,000 mil.. $2095 MarlcX 63 Volkswagen 1465 VOLVO, 4-DR., AUTO., 11,000 MILES 12195 ' 4-Door ' Only M«rt«



'66 OldimebiU Toronado Coupe

Naw ona-of-a-lcind cir , . . anginaarod by Oldimoblltl Spaculttlra'i avar. Toromdo'i htiat Naw praaf •{ OUitnobila «ngtnaaring laadanhip, Only full-ilia tar [ with fnant whaal <(riv«. Sl»ai yen ap-trtnt trtctian ... flat flaen ...•!« panangar ipaclouinttil Plut axcap- tioiial ttabilily . . . tnt yaar'l mfit •tVincaJ ityllnjl All on a big I It-Inch whaalbaia—pawprail by a 311- tip Roelat V.». •»

MThe Chore's Largest Oidsmobile-Cadillac Dealer" ^ RUSSELL 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK

AV6. (Near Rid Bank Airport) 741-6200 NEW SHREWSBURY ; 74MIO - kt. J.Jkj'k l>\ THE DAILY REGISTER Friw5*rB5«- Ulfcf iri'j urn. ALT/OS i OR SALE AUTOS SA1£ Cb*vtoi«t Oil tWAli VALUE-RATED B«twe«n 6 ind S. W COKVAIR STICK NUFT — Law19M VOLKSWAOEN - On* owner; I BUICK CONVS1ETIBIX — Full lleue. Reuontble. After 5, Good ooUHIUon. 30,000 mUes. 11,000. power, oew tires, t650. LINCOIJJ CONTINENTAL — 1961 or 5«3»S Cell Ul-ml SLBM « p.m. 1 1060. Full power, eir conditioned, snow Urea, other ectnu. Bett offer. Ctll I FINANCE YOU! It MONZA COUPI1 — UM IMPALA CONVBHnBUB — UM1M3 PONTUC TBMPEST — Bnclcet 74M341. cCABtty C&.rrolet. neir. fl.PM. XcCARIhr ChlvroltL »1- it, rad!6, heftier. 112 £&«t End NO MATTER HOW MANY LOANS YOU HAVE! 2S1-U01 UOL Ave., Shrewsbury. 7W-5127. 1959 N.S.U. PRINZ — Good rubber. 83 BI9CAVNE — BUndMd shift. Six- Excellent mtlon oar, COO. 1»S9 LINCOLN — Foumwr hexll 1»S PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN — Four- 747-SO52. USED CARS llnriw. 11.095. McCAP.thy OevroUL Power brlkei eiM itttrlnj, (ISO. ( door station wagon. Good running con- 1-11OL . SU-1802. ctltlou snd tood Urea. mdlo. heater. 1&5O DODOS — .Good aUtion car in tat. 671-0967. food running condltinn. $95. W JUS VOLKSWAGEN — KombU. IMS VALIA.NT 842-1SM. CREDIT bv PHONE He.«ns. 10 Rrsi Ave., AlUmtlo Low tnllce.Ke. n o, hitter, Ca.1t ltBl VALIANT — Four-4«or Jlll«BdS. i(M. MOO) mllei. Call IBM BUICK LeSibre. Power steerim, ONLY "THE QUEEN" OF BRADLEY power brakes, automatic transmission. 1964 PONTIAC 1659 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR - Perfect condition. $1600, Call M2-2042. Creates mlracteii your credit it good end AUTOS FOR SALE very tooi' coiidlllon. |3W or best offer. IBM V0LX8WAOBN 1600 station wl«- 872-1H3 after 5 p.tn, on. But offer. 71I-91W. Evtr.lnts. 711 19S0 TRAVBLALL Grand Prix, gold with black leather interior. Loaded The Qtiatfl ,.'.• Orand Prix, hardtop Convertible. '61! ALFA NOMEO $795 Spyder eonvertlbli BAYSHORE CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH, INC. SCHIFFMAN 1153 FIRST AVE. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS BRADLEY AUTO SALES OPEN EVENINSS TIL fcOO-SATURDAYSTi t .:00-CLOSED SUNDAY DISCOUNT CENTER INC. 14 E, Newman Sprinji RJ. Bank Ratai ' , Phon* 291-9200 RUSSELL N.J. LARGEST AUTO DISCOUNT CENTER Red1 tank Rt. 35 ICorhur of Springwosd) Neptune, N. J. 741-9628 OLDSMOBILE-QADJLLAC CO. 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK Residents of the 741-0910 Raritan Bay Area! i •• COME ON DOWN sJA^^^^SL.Llu^.^AlZili 1966 AND MEET THE cr ct PLYMOUTHS SHREWSBURY MOTORS VALIANTS "Little Dealer" BARRACUDAS WHO GIVES All Can Carry Chrytlar 5-y««r- "THE BIG 5O,0O0-rnil« 11 warranty. DISCOUNTS LARGE SELECTION OF USED CARS ALL PRICES 1959 CADILLAC ttQi; 1959 FORD COfiC LOW OVERHEAD MEANS YOU GET A BETTER DEAL 1 .ConpttJiYill. 'P'*"' rt .• -if-- BUliLER ;lr: BlfTER • % ; I960 CHEVROLET ?7? CQC M VALIANT RdE' , Established 1925 4-door tedan, auto. UWUi Fourdoor V«U. 89 BROAD STREET PHONE 264-0198 KEYPORT OPEN DAILY 9 TO ^SATURDAY 'TIL 5 1961 PONTIAC flC(| 1961 FORD 70C '-;«'' ••.: I-' •" .Bohnaviille eonyertiblt WwUa - Galtkie :2-door hardtop ' VVa 1961 PONTIAC ; DOC 1961 CHEVROLET ICQC Catallna 4-door hardtop WWVJe . Corvette convartlbl* • WUUi 1961 RAMBLER CQC 1961 RENAULT OQC V-8 auto., 4-door UWUe Dauphin. WWW' REMEMBER 1 ' FOR THE 1961 VOLVO 11QC 1962 RAMBLER ICfl Four-door I22S . - ' • VWe Amarieari eonvartiblt. ' "«*a 1962 CHEVROLET iicr) 1963 CHRYSLER UN BRAND NEW 1965 LEFTOVERS! . Monia 4-door, perfect. 1 1 ul|a Co»vartibla ITUWa Original 13,000 milei. No 1 \ Brand Hew 1965 , SALE PRICE MONEY DOWN MONTHLY PAYMENT •; AMERICANS $1745 NONE LOW THE ONLY PLACE TO GO IS •EXTRA SPECIAL- CLASSICS $1865 NONE LOW LOW 1959 VOLKSWAGEN JRQR AMBASSADORS $2160 NONE MARLINS $2595 NONE LOW SEDAN-NICE CAR ^ *

• / , CHEVROLET iiJ&Ul dL Monmouth County's Oldest Rambler Dealer V^HERE NEW CAR SALES 1964 RAMBLER 1963 RAMBLER HAVE INCREASED " Classic wigoit, .full powir. 440 HT, «'uio./ ridio, h*aUK $1095 AfN' ridlo, heeter. ALSO AVAILABLE FOR 1962 STUDEBAKER A FANTASTIC 1964 PONTIAC W.gon, radio, heatar, V-8. Tempeit 4-door. ' Automatic, power iteering. $895 Automatic, radio, heifer, $1575 1962 RAMBLER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1964 OPEL KADETT Clinic, automatic, R&H. Two-doer station wagsn 330. Four-door'wiqcn (2)> $950 $1050 1962 OLDS 88 1963 FORD 4-dr. ste. wgn., auto., R&H. PS, PB, power rear window. . $1695 - Fairlene "(00", lutcmitic. THE LARGEST DISPLAY 1959 THRU 1965 VOLKSWAGENS Radio and haatar, like new. $1150 1961 CHEVROLET 1963 RAMBLER Impjle 4-dr. hardtop, auto, OF NEW CHEVROLETS R1H, PS, whitawells. ' $975 Classic V-l 4-dr. seden. $1495 Air can., auto., R&H, FS, PB. 1961 RAMBLER IN THE AREA! Ambaixdor 4-door, auto- 1963 RAMBLER Radio and heater, full power. $795 PRICES RANGING FROM Four-dear wagon, auto. Radio, lieatar. $1375 1961 DODGE Dart V-8 four-do or hardtop. 1963 RAMBLER Automatic, radio. fitaUr, $ 675 K1TSON Two-doer, tedan. $795 1961 CHEVROLET ' Impala 4-dr;,' auto. ',1 UP TO 1963 FIAT RiH, power steering. $ 895 N CHEVROLET $695. 1100 model, very clean. $750 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Sun viior, heater $ 895 "THE SHOWPLACE OF CHEVROLET" Monmouth County's Oldest Authorized Volkswagen Dealer 1963 BUICK Convertible, automatic. , I960 T-BIRD ;•# HIGHWAY 36 EATONTOWN $1395 Radio and htetar. Automatic, radio, heater $1075 Next to Motor Vehicle Inspection Station 1963 VOLKSWAGEN Two-door hardiop. JEEP UNIVERSAL CJ-5 MODEL 542-1000 . SHREWSBURY MOTORS, INC. Radio, keeter. , . New engine, Meyer mow plow Mon., Tuei., Thuri., Fri. ? to ' AND SERVICE OREN Wednesday 1 to e—Set. ? to S SHREWSBURY AVE:- 741 -8500 ' INEWMAN SPRINGS RD| 747.0040 RED BANK AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOR SALE MOBILE HOMES 1USWEM N mucgtm wwm nn CAJIS attu 11 i it h*ue tvtM Jltse at tli.M I ••**- %>A up to nude** t*nr. On 229.1100 Ext. 593 ATTICS. CBIMLM CLEANED - We*! room.' RflfTtnaiM, Call. Ut^lli, NOW AND SAVE quarter estimate payment, doe Jen. WmSBES —' No experltttc* »te eSt.uUs«n • TvwHioor Newport * . OTO room and pith, 644-S1S9. J» Broad , »L. Red . Bank, CaU ,W- For Tpp, Mtn Station wagon »MJ. . . ) i. . •...... ; ' tle«. , •• . , . • ' Argyrls, a»-110«, ext, 6M. ••• •'• LIQAL STENOORAPHER — Sal this la a difficult but challentln Eves., Sat or Sun. Interviewi ar* '64 CHRYSLER $2895 commensurate with ability. Pleaiat TBAVBUNO OUT «HOP — ImporU, 'anged. 1 Mitdoitfted ffift*.. Demonstrate tbne McCAWHY CHiVRPLET Job. Hours are long, pay only aver $1499 i New Yorker VW*m working 'condition*. Qlardano and Of- He, but it present* an opportunity to Elacrronic Atiociatas,. Ine, trdano. 541-3900. lM a week. Own car. 74T-03U. 291-0305 male in Important contribution to an 1M Monmiratri Park Hwy. W** PAHT-TJME HOUSEKEEPER — To OFFICB OLJCRK — Part-time. Elton Important convmunlty. t West Long Branch, N.J. '64 CHRYSLER $2695 own t>Mce. Flve-d»y week. Pimt m- •63 PLYMOUTH Four-door New Yorktr care for houae and two ichool.age Mr. Falrbanlti ; For further information, write M childrerJL lEust have experience and 1S36. (please ' don'dont 'telephonetelephone) .telling us Two-do or hardtop references/ Near tramporlatloa. SaUry HOUSZKlEEPEB — Tm its* a week. about'yourselfbtyurself . Please Include-aalarIldl y *LSgb£P? '64 CORVAIR ' $1395 open for dualltled perion. 812-31211. Tnetdayi and nraradays, i to I. Alio _ MAN WANTED — For ship- requirement*. Foururv office. Expuhr' Four-door hordtop, N«Yiport , Inc., Etra Read, Hlghtatcwn, N.J. &W-O39S CASHIERS WANTED — Full and pn DAYTON, N.J. AREA Phone XXM48-UOT. Is preferred, but not necessary. We AT time. D»H and nlgtlti. Oood pa; I DRAFTSMEN — Minimum of three will completely train you In this e • '62 FORD WAGON $1395 citing field that hu become a pros- I right pftreorA Aipply tn person. Cos* Applicant* now being blred for years experience In electrical, elec- "60 PONTIAC Country Squire I metlc Department, Atlantic Superaono, tronic and-or printed ,olrcults. Liberal perous, livelihood tor so many. C&'>' positions In new plant, X>ealre ambl- M-0668 or 7U-3SM. Four-door hardtop 1 Shl Ave., New Shrewsbury. UOUJ men interested In opportunity Procedures employee benetlts, good working con. '62 PONTIAC $1395 BILL BEAUTICIAN — Leon's Beauty Si to advance with new plant of dltloni. Apply t to 4 daily. Ths Rowan SALES HBPRE8BNTIVE - Male Ion. No nights. Next to Carlton Theate; Mtibliihfd firm. Should tare lood Controller Co., X Bridge Ave., Redfemale. Leading Service. Locc' $590 Cotallm, tour-door Analyst Bank. Ki4iM, or nt-an. miti and mechanical. eptituda. territory. Salary plus commission, pit car expenses. PL S-4S6I. '61 CHEVROLET, $995 MOTHER'S HELPER — Must live . Badofraund In form designs, papei LANZARO'S I Light houseworb laundry, c&re o GOOD STAF.TIKa RATE system surveys, and some account- MANAGER-TRAINEE HEAL ESTATE SALESPEOPLE — D' Two-door rwrdtop, Bel Air three-year-old chill. Apply N.J. Slat' ng experience dealrable. slroiu of iolnlog expandlr.r rnrdtop/ Ntw Yorker Apply In person > s.m-J.31) p.m. ASSOCIATES, Inc. garot Oulotta, Box (M, Red Bank. 165 Monmoutb Park Hwy. - female. Full* time, Eaat o( Eden Beauty WEDNESDAY, JAN. 12 Rt. 35 -at Twin-Brook Rd.. (Ut right), Balon. Hwy 35, Mlddletown. tTl-Mia;, FRIENDLIEST DEALER PABT—TIME TYPISTS - To run elei West UMS BrarAch, N.J. Hiddletown, K.J. '61 PLYMOUTH $795 1964 FALCOM — Futur. Sport] An Equal Opportunity Employer 1 trie automated equipment. Accurac: THURSDAY, JAN. 13 "TIRED OF COMMUTINOI" — Life Fwr-door hordtop, Fury Coupe. Eight cylinder*, auto- (required; Apply Rm SOT, 12 -Broai (Mora Cluilfled Adi St.. Bed Bank, a.Tti. only.' MALE « FEMALE Casualty, Property Itkurance career matic trammliiion, powar itaer. T.V. REPAIRMAN - Full or part This opportunity offers extensive train- '61 CHRYSLER $1095 SBCftETARY — OIBBS trained. Fui: time. Vacations and bolldiya with ORIDDU5 MAN — No experleitce n«c- Ing. no traveling, financial assistance On Tha Next Page) • New Yorker, four-door ing, factory air conditioning, [or part-time,, Pleatiant working condr nay. Apcly In person, JEatontown Tele- esaary. Will train. Perldna Pancake and a chance to own a business of your I Horn. Heal lor mother with small vision, So Hwy. 3!, CatorXown. Home. Hwy, a» Miaaietown. own. If you are thla individual and rt green. children: 'Rett Sank. area.. In repij feel stymied In your present position lit&te qualifications hour* available, IUT0 MECHANIC—Fully experlencsd- BBRVICE STATION MANAOEH — don't you owe It Io yourself arJb* your HELP WANTED-MALE MACRICESCHWASTE l.aJlty dealred. P.O. Box «9S,. Red )ver 21. Oood worUr* cwdlllona. for dult apply In person at Werner's Au. family to Investigate? fiend reaume to r tomollve, Inc. Hwy. SJ, Beliord. 1964 PONTIAC — Grand Prix, IBank. N.J. urth«r Information call Rusiell Olds Agency Manager Blen, Box E, Mid nobile-Oadlllac, 100 Newman SDrlnca dlelown, N.J. ansun-nncranmui CY BARRON SECRETARY — Law office In Red full power, air conditioned, ma. Rd.. Red Bank, 141-W10. Aek tor Ilr. Bank. Experience preferred *but not WUllim Orelg. roan with vthitt inferior. requlrtl Write 'A.M." B« »2O, se Senior SALESMEN WANTED CHRYSLER,PLYMOUTH Bank itailni quallficatlor/s ana salar V/ABHINO MACHINE RBPAIRUAW or younl man mechanically IcKllnel. Ap- Leada furnished, big opportunity, high MECHANICS; Si Broadway,'Long Branch >ly In tierson. Xlatontowix TeUvUioa. Draftsman pay. No cuivaaslng.. CaU 8(6-6100. for 11944 VOLKSWAGEN —"daxf LUNCH • WAITOESS — Apply In Ml M Hwy SS, Ealmtown. Computer. packaging and layout a- "ippolhtment. 141 W. Front St. K*i Bank ion. DJO-Quixote Inn, Kte 34. Mi«ta' I bui, Four tpeed, radio and wan. or call MJ-1977. erlence. PRE8SER, AND .SPOTTER — Expert Volkswagen er Domtttle 222-1700 JUNIOR EXECUTIVE enced, a)ll around man, to work full 747-0787 I heater, graan and white, TELEPHONE swUchbMM operatore, Call, write or Hiid renirat to Vlnutclfcl laiUtutlon lui opintnf far Ariyrls, 22S-UO0, en. MS. time Good salary and pleasant work- experienced. Full or part-time. Tele utur* man to help in tht d.velcprncnt ing conditions. OU 147-4777. phone Answering Service. CaU. T41< Bvea., Sat. or Sun, Interviews arranged >t Jti eslftt* phaniog *Bd trust opera- UTILITY MAN — For Installation de- ExcejIUnt opportunity fotp rj I960 OLDSMOBILE — 91 con- Ion In this area. Incornt open to discus- ELECTRONIC partment. Muat be qualified for muT vertible, radio, healer, auto- Ion. Ptrtlcularly intereitftd in Junior ler, ehock, tires, and other type ol thro experienced mechan- AUTOS FOR SALE xftcutlvtj cl piovtd ability in Industry Installation. Apply In person only. THE ••' PERSONAUZED | matic trjnimiuion, yellow. r tales whoss Income opportunity In ASSOCIATES, Inc. PEP BOYS, 43 W. Front St.. Red thi near futur« la likely to exceed 412,- Bank. ics. Paid hoipitalizatioii)! 000. Call M9-75S7, In Menlo Park, (or 189 Monmouth Park Hwy. m Informal and confidential meeting. West Lonj; Branch, N.J. vacation, lick laav>». Prof.* 19*4 PLYMOUTH — Fury, V-8, FROM An Bnual Opportunity Employer FOREMAN-MANAGER AUTO LEASING In equal opportunity employer. it iharing. Five-day wo automatic, power sharing, MISSOURI? STEADY AND PART-TIME HELP — MAUD 4 FEMALE Tor children's coat factory. Thla la a Apply in p»»on, Ben's Car Waih. good, solid opportunity for an ex- brown. Ivy. 35 Hlddlttotm. SALES MANAGEMENT OPPORTU' perienced individual with one or the week. Factory training SEE AND TEST NTnr—Thle la a fine opportunity if well established, reliable leadere In PORTERS — Full time, all nlitata a you quality. Age 25 - 40. Good edtfta* the Industry, Factory located in Jersey available. DRIVE THE week In tayrevllle area. Call 371- tkm and-or Bales experience. Excellent shore area. Call 201-222-08(8 for inter- '66 MODELS • ALL MAKES •m salary and bonul arrangement. Full view. Evenings call 741-2575. MG TODAY! UR CONDmONINO AND RBFRIO- details In reply. P.O. Box "62, RedLUMBERYARD SALESMAN _ And Contact BILL EIUTION SALESMAN - Vented for Bank. counter man to worli . Iri atore and Leases for Individuals, Businesi S Profassional Men CAR WASHERS — OR PART- yard. Capable of becoming manager, lust have some experience. Call Ad- Mr. Alloca leceasary. Oood wages. Apply Country ler Lumber Co., Hwy. 35, Middle- AT THESE LOW RATES MONMOUTH ludaer Car Wash. Mldrlletown. town. S71-O7OO. Auk for Hy idler. 74l>8500 AUTO SALES MOTORS FOREMAN BLBOnUClANS HELPER — Apply in BASS OUrTARIST AND LEAD SING- •66 CHEVROLET $69 'A6 BUICK $85 Authoriiad Dealer Fo Excellent opportunity for plant entlneer. paraot EATONTOWN TKLKVMiofj. 10 ER - Must play harmonica, call ItJ- ing loreman on 2nd shift with ex- Rt. 35, Batontown. 3639 after t pjm. Corvolr :' USobre Main St. and Highway. .M SB -MS Mldt perience In. supervising pipe fitters, i6P0N Austin Heolty electricians, boiler room personnel, 1 '66 CHEVROLET V* " ™t£,,.r * A. H; Sprite iddltlon to welding and etieet metal No. 18, Matawan work. Apply Personnel Department '66 PONTIAC $85 "66 CADILLAC ..,.:...$ 119 566-2224 Hwy, 35 Eatentown Uon, through Frl., 9-1, . •: •• Cotollno Coupt 542-3414 LILY TULIP CUP CORP. Iwy U, HOLMDKl AN BQUA1, OPPORTUNITY CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY I Rat»» 26 Mo. Nort Maint. lr»; Lease. SPECIAL RATES KMPLOYBIt STOCK CLERKS A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS I ON USED LOW MILEAGE IW5 Automobil««. WE Liquidator* WILL PURCHASE YOUR PRESENT CAR. 7*1-501(1.

mead, steady position. Call after S, : THE OCTAGON SPIRIT: (1C(M Adding Machines — Typewriter* General Contractors Painting and Decorating " TBIDBD — laboratory technician foi iO MACHINES - Typewrltera L. surra BtrajjiM - Fkttoa. al CARL B. JOKES - PafnUng ane HABIT FORMIKe Blllcon* Plant. Opportunity for advance ill. rented, repaired. Berpko's, 101 teraUona, addltlona, garagea. Call 991 EACOAST LEASING INC. ment. We will train. STAUfBI louaooUi St. Red Bank. 747-048B wallpapering. Fully Insured. Tor Irer tv 1711 or 741-73M. CHItnCAL CO., Silicons Division, Llnl estimate, call 7474041. Rd., Mauwan, N.J. THOMAS 9LATB DIAL 74U234 Home Improvements Painting and Decorating Open dally 9 «.m, »o 9 p.m. TV TECHNICIAN Air A Sea Travel Reservation* Fully lnaured 1(1-1131 210 Ntwffla.il Springi Rold BOHB OWNERS-Contractor, allera- Free Eatlmata YBAR ROUND WORK Chrlatmai «r year round, a travel tlona, addltlona, painting, masonry, RED BANK , PAID VACATION holiday la the perfect present. Olft •null loba too. ih-tlli. Pearl and Bead Reatringlag HOSPITALIZATION certificates, holiday wrapped. Peteraon PAID UNIFORMS Travel Service. 741-1330. YEARLY BONUSES Insulation * Siding Corp. Expertly on braided nylon. fl.M a! AUTO SALES HANAOERIAL POSITION strand. Bterllng clasps from Ito, Phone for appointment REUSSILLI'S. n Broad 81, Rao; EACH OF THE FOLLOWING CARS HAVE BEEN (35-6330 days Aipbalt Pairing All brands. Over 11,000 istlsliled cus- Bank. . Evenlnga after 7 tomers. 10-30 year guarantaea. 775- SERVICED & MAINTAINED BY OUR SERVICE DEPT. . 3U-HU 8407 or Adam Ltnimayer 2B1-0302. OENSSAL ASPHALT PAVING IKa Plumbing A Heating SINCE NEW. ALL ARE ONE OWNER CARS. 'ARTS DEPARTMENT MANAOBR- Blacktop driveways and parking lota. Tew Jersey'! friendliest dealer neadi CaJlor free eetlmtte XtEm Insunace a man with "lake-over" ability to or. PLUMBINO - Baatln< and bathroom! •45 CADILLAC W95 '45 CADILLAC $4995 ganlie a volume parts operation, hand- remodeling. Convertible Coupe Dtvill* Ing Chrysler Corp. aril International ABUJrx-SBrlVICI - DefceniSabmty For thbse Who have become addicted to ths M<3 tiwrqiw, *• larvaeter parta on wholesale baafi Aot» Body Repair when you lmura your 80UD, AUTO, CORRIGAN'S _ '44 VOLVO ..../ $1495 '44 PLYMOUTH ,v$ll,« offer th« latest ol the br«Md-the MGB. The new "B" Ith dally delivery In llotimotith a.M «r other llnaa of liauruca Uiroutk 1» Oakland SL. Red Bank 747-JTof cean counties. All beneflta lnoludlng ARMSTRONQ AQENCY. 741-4M0, comes equipped with a 1798 cc engine, Jour-speed 91ue Crose, pension plan, u&lfbtnu, In- "45 M". $.89S stick shift, big disc bukes, lough racing sus- sentlve type pay system. Call Arnoli Rooting, Siding ft bsulatloa pension. Plus civilized accoutrements. tchwarti, 747478T, far lnvirvlew mp- Nursing Home '65 CHEVROLET' HIM ,M fALC0N \ e, «(s English Mather bucket seats, roll-up poliAment. only those irith bademusd OLIBN . and "desire to go" need apply. Inaulauoii .. windows, lockable trunk and doors. BalldJng Contractor HOLMDEL HURaiKO) BOHK - AO- credited for skilled nurelng nome for 10 years. 'M WNNEVILLE $2295 .44 FALCON""."! . ., fJttBO If you .have the spirit-we have PART-TJMB T1LBVISION TECKM' 1 CIAN - Call KW403, altar BUUJIBR New homes, room ad- care. Hwy. 14, Holmdel. Mt-UOO »n>INO-- Alaco, Dupom Tedlar and Convertible, Air. J Dor HM octagon. ' ' • p.m. ditions, basement end attlo rooms. Alcoa. Work guaranteed. *6J CHRYSLER . .-. $I49B 'M CONTIAC 4il»S MABON AND MASON'S KELPBR-M». Odd Jobe ' ' Newport Tempait son muat be experienced..Bolh must PROWN'S ] 'a in Bttontmro area. CiU BU-47N, a Broad st Rtd Bank 7417108 ' MANY OTHER LATE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. alASONBV — Patios, Heps, aldawalka, •AilT-TUIIl ITOCK BOY - Full HOUBE PAtNTINO. carpentry, fiea- mi stock boy. Apply In parson, At- Ruga Cleaned - Shampooed •nllc Suparama, Shrewabury Avt., Dlanewb Bought vt Reitjlei fenatle Ratea. 747-2381 or ni-Blft. few Shrewabury, Let us buy the dan OOK - Experience necetsary. Apply wear of let na Painting and Decorating DAVID * RICKIES Hug * Waxing, personally, ~ Service. Ruga anampooed. no»n> EACOAST LEASING INC. MONMOUTH MOTORS I penim. dart a Coby'i Inn, Al. waxed in fume or office. tti-1U). and 14. Madlaon Township, L. a KILL - Painter Interior aad "KINS OF THE IMPORTS" PISRWASHBR exterior, Nt lota, too large or too JAl 74f-1234 Pteaje oall smell Vary rauMable. Call ttt-un. T«L Annrerlng gtrvlea AUTHORIZEp'DEALER FOR 471-OM* Eatertajnmajtt \6 Newman Spring* Road I . MS MID6ET - Mfrlrl HUM • A.H. SPRITE (ERV10« «TATION ATIVtfSAnT - "KID IANK H 35 542.2414 EATONTOWN in DIMS IBntnMUrH. Anlr ttt ••«"• Opan dally 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. «! C3> cSsSltaTa lirvtea Oato »tWew*urjr Are, M B THE DAILY REGISTER Ft* MM wuturcmnux HOUSES rot MI* Jumwy 7, 1966—1' HENTJN& > WitUAM H. HINTELMANN .~ REALTORS -IN RUMSON SINCE 1965 ' THE BERG AGENCY; •e '• • N. J.'s only apartrr,ents with 23 RIDGE ROAD RUMSON REALTORS *.- SHORELINE 9^ 8424600 mtaOHlW, SBRVICB 32 Broad B. Bed Bank TU-ttOO PRIVATE MARINA THB GOLDEN DOOR NOWS THE TIME - If you need a bigger home, this Is in op- Outgrown clothing, elegant junk, flit $12,990 '• =: « It Brett «. Red Bank 7M-3SK llami. m RlvstTid. Kir fiavan, W PRIVATE OCEAN BEACH portune time to start looking. There's a surplus of big houses for : Watoa for our ads to Sunday's to 4 Twsday through Friday, gatmtey sale in Rumson; houses with lots of rooms, houses with big rooms, City Seweri '_ ~ MBURY PA»K PWEBB houses near the finest schools in the state. Prices range from BTRJtPLACE WOOD—Itotlm manure, CABANA CLUB $59,000 upward with the best selection at $65,000. Why not let us Charming Cape Cod Jay, strair and raulcli hay. CaU 2N- __ HCN OR W01USN — Wit 0W4. Dellverlea on Ml show you tftrough some of these very pleasing properties? Stop dreaming about owning a home. Buy one! $1000 under market • Kahl can $>r delivery. CaU INDIVIDUAL TERRACES! value. Transferred owner must sell. Two huge bedrooms, lart« SKM AND BOOM — Sin g», and A PRETTY COLONIAL - In a special sort of setting offering kitchen and living room. Expansion attic for the growing family. WS. VW aU racka, W. Aurora raci Lux'jrtom aaBdntmanht In every apartment Include color-cosfdlnoted KELVINATOR a great deal of privacy (Adjoins a woodland). Features a fire- Mortgage can be assumed, SnVATIOrffl WANTED-Feraali aim urn, "WjerotoMreenr. oven ond range , . . Individually-controlled heat ond air conaillentog . . . IVi MM , . , rmnter TV we) fM onteniM ivitem . .. teen-age place in the living room, a full dining room, and three very ample Vet* % Down Non-Vetj $390 IXPE1U8NCBD CAMBUS NURSE— OIRLVB BICTCUS -> Ul|a alw, pel recreation room plus odult earty room. .'. >edrooms. There's a large screen porch, too! Just three traffic Wlatee -Unl nurilnt t«m, elderly per- feet condition/ fcaka ».w. t»T^ Ideally located beftntn th» Shrewsbury River and «» Atlantic Ocean. Your own free blocks to excellent school. Asking $23,000. •on. JtuceUent references, 222W7. • 7«W5t • : private marina and swim poof an Die'property, A few ttunured feet away Is the $14,500 IXPEWtlNCID DAY AoUMSWORK ocean one] yeur own prlvole beack. Just It minutes from downtown Red Bank Djt.would Ilk* tiro days. Own trans- or uiflg Branch, RUMSON RIVERFRONT RANCH - Right on navigable water and Four Bedrooms portation. 54MM3. UNPAINIW FURNITURE spacious. Imagine the joy you'll find in a 40'x20' living room? tt% OPP CASH CAHRT DISCOUNT 4 and 5 ROOMS FROM BAUYBITMNO BY MATURE WOMUUi The JMW Overhead Lumber Yard There's a fireplace, too—and incidentally, there are three bed' Fenced-in Yard ,rj fans home. Call rooms. Asking $26,000. See it soon. RED BANK LUMBER A truly pretty home nestled on a sloping lot In one of our finest •-..-V..-..: ... m-m. areas. Ideal for cr&dren. A kitchen the size we used to Icnew. TUl&i TIMS EMPLOYMENT — D Comer Pearl and Wall 'Red Bantt $135 kirea-by personaiile young widow. Ca] IndudJng heat, hot water, air conditioning and eff.»treet parking. WILLIAM H: HINTELMANN (FIRM) Large living room. Ceramic tiled bath. Full, dry basement; Alu- ible or taklnK charge. Bales, receptlei BLOND YOUTH BED — Mattress, minum storms and screens included. iM,. ttnltns weal. J!*p)y •A.F." B chest J30. CMld's Wood desk, chair, Member ol Multiple Listing Service , «5, Red Bank. Slfl. Blond bookcase-bed, double dress- Vets No Down Non-Veti $450 er with mirror, chest. Good condition, HAMILTONIAN AT MONMOUTH JUMJABLJB tfOMAN—Wlsnea to *5S, Call 187-M93. . cate or cfiflriren la ber borne. Will alao OFF OCEAN AVE., MONMOUTH BEACH twain-It deilial. Call 717-2SW. CONTXNTi OP HOME! HUM be gold HOUSES FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SAU $16,900 • • ~ Immediately at very low. low prices! ?!S!P'?2i5: ,EMi,°" RS"™» Ro«< <««nly Rouli 550) to Ocean Avenue, Sea WOMAN - Deslree clfunlnj two mom Drawers, chett. glass chins, mublnf ?.riBhti Zigl11 lK.um> to ParK Rwd' «oira»um B.och; rlahl to Hamlltmlan a' WIDB WCU1CTIOM nf RENTALS - HOUSES FOR SALE Stately Older Home *— a wttk, 11.50 iwr hour. OB rrnctoint, chlMrobe, upholstered chairs, NUmmsum aparmncnts, Furnished and unfuraln.ied. lumedi- r buallna. Call iil-BM. tie occupancy. SAMUEL TEICKER p*ts, iprtnii, nuutreuei. wardrobes PHONE: 222-8120 AGENCY. Oceanport Ave., OceanporL Formal Dining Room LNOKueB — Enperienwd, d«lM» *0«l Itovt, oil ISI heaters, qullu H 2-3390. dp laundry In own bome. Rater- llnera pots, pans, anythlnt am REDDEN AGENCY Country living with city convenience. Walk to »chool, ihopping M Call H1-S2M. «voTytait Run, etc. RU8CIL8 M I. SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP RENTALS - SEASONAL — Y/EAItLY Front Bt, fled blink. ELLA WILTSHIRE, Realtors and transportation. Terrific condition throughout. Three tremen- • MATURE WOMAN WISHES babystt- 1480 Ocean Ave.. aea Brlllit. S42-O0O4. 741-9100 dous bedrooms. Large living room and kitchen. Modern bath. 'flin. Kverlnp. Please cull TflUtt HOUSEHOLD GOODS - O.E. wulier Full basement. Immediate possession at closing. 4ays or ev«nuig«. • . and drjer. Jhirly sen 10rl5 oarpst. RENT/OR BUY Realtors — insuron Okl gpod-MgSaiie. Write "A.O." Do: APARTMENTS WITH EVERYTHING! Vets No Down Non-Vets $700 Splc-and-hpatl Caps Cod. Two bed- SITUATIONS WANTED - M«l« MO, Kd Bank. • Private swimming pool and play area on property. rooms. Vacant. Immediate occupancy. Member of Red Bank ELECTRIC PLAYER PIANO - Sew-' Excellent arrangements. Pnon» owner, Multiple Listing Service $17,900 AN 32, D. A., Unlveretty ol Pe lug maehlne, two refrigerators, 6' re- • Shopping on and adjacent to property. 571-254',. jyivivaniaa . UK; delicti wont, all MT cess top, two wash bating. Call Si • Bus and train to Newark (40 min.) and FAIR HAVKN — Excellent location, WATERFRONT RANCH In Rum- Gorgeous Split Level *•"* _____ Five rooms., two. bedrooms, Couple son *- Huge living room — din- JlAl'URJk E MAN - Desires work u N.Y.C. (55 min.) preferred. Close to transportation and PIANO* - Save ItOO or more oil shopping. 747-O356V * ing area with lovely fieldstone Attached Garage • driver of light track or car, ParaHlar list prlca on bnmd new pianos, comi • Fin* schools within walking distance. With Mlildletpwn area. Phone JM-3m see. save. Tamer's Music store, 309 RED BANK — Bin rooms. Three bed- fireplace. Three bedrooms. ModMod- Seee this onee todtodayy . Three master size bedroorru. V/iA batte.' Din- 0U.TOUT MAN or PRAFTSMAN Main St., Laktwood. OuWandlno fMturet Include KELVINATOR relrlgerotor-frnief, oven ond range rooms, living room, dining room, kitch- ern tiled bath. Eat-in kitchen. Ga- ing area, Large living room. Modem kitchen with built-in oven ifieslrea work after ( p.m. and Batur hdlvlduolly-controlled heal and air condition^, eeler-metchtd wramlc tile en, bitn. 871-8709. iayi. Write "CO.", Bex MO. Reg BanIL rage. Bulkhead and deep water, and stove. 2f family room. Oversized lot completely feaced-in WE LIKE YOUR VOICE tnttiroom fixture), and built-in clotfiet hamper. KEAN8BURO — Three large room*, tow taxes. Unbelievable at $26,- with cyclone fencing. HANDYMAN — Witt pick-up Call w on thi shone. Free delivery oo suitable for couple. 20 Campvlew PI., j'Heeks dally or xeekly work. Alio cltim retdtd Itemi. Try us first, Keamburg, 000. Vets No Down Non-Vet) $800 •Beuaira, garages, yarji. attics. U7-M37, NEPTUNE—Rent or bur. Immediate PROWN'S four and five rooms from occupancy. Four-year-old, seven-room PROFESSIONAL OR RESI- Daily 9-9 Saturday • Sunday 10-7 31 Broad St. Red Bank 711-7500 bl-level. Excellent condition. Many ex- FINANCIAL traa. Call 77M9M. DENTIAL LOCATION - In Red tyllddletown 671-1000 MARINE RAILWAY — Complete hoUl, Bank. Eight-room residence in P- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES cars, track, timbers. Call '114 SHREWSBURY — Charming cottage 872-1M0. on estate. Five rooma, aunroom, two Zone. Completely modernized and 'OK THB 8HKKWSBUEV WVBR-Prol Including Heat, Hot Water, Air-Conditioning baAhs, garage. Sycamore Ave, Call in excellent condition throughout. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE liable year round tavern with dockim OE REFRIGERATOR — I cu. It. Ex. 741-12?9 or 7U-197S, facilities, modern four-mom apartment cellent condition. But offer. Call 7U ATLANTIC HIOHLANDB — Scenic Deep plot. New listing. $28,500. Owner oiled Into Viet Nam conflict 4706 drive. Five bedrooms, 2!4 batlii. Beau- RUMSON tHnit sacrifice, 112,500. tltully decorated. Call now. 741-7197. NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL - Imi RETIRED 1 kttractlve aevea-room, center hall Co* BIRCH CABINET — Formica-toi HAMILTONIAN AT SHREWSBURY >nlat In excellent neighborhood. Large vVVEART-NEMETH AGENCY double-alsk with cabinet, gas stov KOANSBURQ — Two houses. Bli mod-maculate faur-bedroorrt brick and If you are, or you are planning roll landscaped lot vrlth many trees 5 complete. $79. After 6 p.m. C11-O9C4. OFF SHREWSBURY AVE., SHREWSBURY TWP., N. J. em largs rooma; also toree large nd flowering shrubs. Two-car at* *' ' . -Rpellors roomi. 20 Campvlew p)., Keansburg. frame home fn Little Silver, to retire, and you're looking for idled garage. Taxes under $«00. '•••TM-ZUO income property, we have a very rlced under WO.OOO. Call H2-HM. DINKTTE SET — Western Electric 1iSFi2l2N?L "f*™"' *l**»Q»-50011 to SdrewDury Aw l«ft f» Bortor Av». ALL BRICK CAPS COD JN LITTLE Large living room with fireplace RIAL ESTATE BROKER-WinU lu cooker, Kitchen utcrsm, crib and mat. lovely home located in a fine tiroi worktal, pertrter In eetablleliei treat, lawn mowtc. Oall 787-7881. rloht 100 fl., then lew on Crawford SI. to model oportment, SILVER — Immediate occupancy. and bookshelves. Dining room, Agent: BRITE REALTY, INC. Broker • !M4U6/741-»]urbe4rpom borne. garage. Many extras. Priced for an older home in excelent con- «ior«wai Realtr, Inc.. M4-1010. PETS AND LIVESTOCK APARTTVIENTS Owner transferred before taking oc- quick sale at $29,900. dition. You can move right in. ALUMINUM SIDING cupancy. Lease required. ,WT ARE BBlaUNO '.— Three restau- OW YOUR DOO PROTECT YOUR THRB8-RO0M APARTMENT RUMSON — Twoibedrootn furnished No development and very near COMMERCIAL RENTALS ; nnu. Including bar and cocktail (aclll Imtalled by aluminum mechanics. Free HOME and still be friendly to chil- UtllltlM suliDlltd. Call bungalow on Shrewsbury River. Asking BRAND NEW IN RUMSON 4 Red Bank and buses. Downstairs j'ttot, and one .liquor store, all.located estimates. Our 41st year In business. dren and relatives! Yea! Ptor "On 787-1314 J165 per month. Lease required. . Lerner. IHMH house in estate area, TBIU. M. BORUB Realtors 600'Rlvej 3HH»or» a apartment. No pets. Cal Btavorlte Rumion Realtor, «: W. River place, dining room, kitchen and 31 Broad SI. ' fled Bank 7O-760Q 842-MJ4. ' ' Rd., Runuon, MM700, foyer. V living room ...,._ ,.r._ Rd,, Fair Raven. 7(7-<532. Memb THRBE-YIBAR^LD — Tilorouiilbred 25' x 10' bedroom. Upstairs has a OFFICE "Multiple Ustlni Service. GUITAR AMPLIFIER filly. To rice or hunti Call s/ter 5 p.m. FOUR ROOMS — Second floor, net RUMSON — Waterfront house. Two place. Formal dining room, targe living room, kitchen, 12',x 14' bed- Two channel tremelo—165 Rt. 920 and 34. You pay own utilities. bedrooms, good heating boat dock family room wfth fTreplfoe. Last BUSINESS .._ Call 7M-3360 T41-JJ7J. 1185. Yearly lease. WATBRFRONT - room. Full basement and garage. *' inae oa the riverfront. Large docl Call afternoons 946-4332. word in modem kitohens, ;with SPACE CHAW LINK FENCING Almoft new srpllt level. Living, dtnltfe Also many tall trees, Hurry, only h -three taa tanks. Modern masonr: 0AKHUR8T — Newly tunslshed. Fou and family rooms, H4 baths, W- breakfast nook. Five large bed- Modem offices Just eomplitedt CMS* ,aiding with large bar and dlnlni Large distributor has. leftover from REAL ESTATE FOR RENT rooms, bath; two rooma. bath. Adults Yearly lease. McAHSTKR AaBNOY $20,000. iroarm Pour-room apartment. Sacrlflci development galvanized chain link fenc- only. Call after 1 p.m. 222-28(7, rooms. 3H baths. Patio, Wvely trai Red Bank Builnsii CltrlSt ing. Must qacrlflce! Installation and APARTMENTS REALTOR, 1D» S, River Rd., Rumwn terms arranged. Call 7H-47OO. TBREB~JU>OM APARTMENT — Un Bi2A894 treed ty acre plot. Call us tor COZY RANCH • Central Air Condltlotlng THOMPSON furnlahed. Call 787-0462 or • Self Service Elevator CHA&R — Carved wood frame, ro|4 BBAUTIPUL AUTHBNTIC POUR appointment. 167,500. ••>. AND ASSOCIATES, REALTORS 228-4379. BEDROOM OOI/MrtAL with JM batns, With three bedrooms, living room, • Private Parking Ipaee oovered , t&. Loveaeat, brown, Red Bank's Mott Beautiful two flieplacej and large screened ' e> Rent ReuODabie '•tladletown T47M Duncan Fhyfe legs, (100. SI Lafayetti FOUR ROOMS AND BATH — Un- dining room, kitchen, den "" • Inspect and Compare St., Rumson. deluxe 2-bedroom apartment. Large fumlsbed. Yearly rental. Near schools porch overlooking lie rtver in Fair rooms, closets. Free parkins-, finei and shopping area, 49 Chestnut Bt, Haven. Jtut red«corateil Inside and Rt. 35, 3M Maple Ave. baths, full basement and atta< MONEY TO LOAN BOY'S BEDROOM SET — One bed, area, 1140. Red Bank. 778-0031. out 1300 monUlly. RAY VAN HORN ed garage. Lovely landscaped dresser, cheat of drawa-ra, desk an< REALTORS 804 River Rd., Fair Hav- Corner Bergen PI. riBST AND dECONU UOKTOAGES chair. Solid maple, Buellcnt condi- ., 3 AND 3 BEDROOM APARTHDNTS en. 747-4100. 125" x 175' plot. Asking $21,300. 747-1100 AVAILABLB — Edwlp 0. J3tiuk. Real tion. On« Hollywood bad, one- boy*! Available from 180 to $139 per month. RED BANK English bicycle,, pa.li boy's hoeke] Call C. DeLucIa Agency. 37 Church RUMSON — InvlUng Cape, Cod. five 54 Broad St. Rtd Bmlt Eitati A Mortgart Coinmtaot &H4333 KBANaBURQ — Four-tad five-roo "• Keantbura- 787-44W. rooms, fireplace, steam oil, one-car skates, sl» 8. -JleamiapH; Call 7«- apartments. UnfumliheJ, newly deco- garage, 1130 mo. WATERFRONT, re- Call or write for a LAWLEY AGENCY 9107. ' .* .-••-• ."'• '- -: rated. S90 «J« t9S monthly; Call ,787- OARDKN' APARTMENT AVAILABLE cently renovated bungalow, vista win- . _ ^complete brochure INSTRUCTION 28JS or apply at BEftRra HARD- — Quiet. Central location In Red Bank. dow to river, two bedrooms, base- Established. 1932 OUR GUTTERS WAJIE, 40 Owr Ave: ^^ 3'^ rooms, or* bedroom. Telephne board gas heat 1165 mo. RED BANK. APARTMENTS J41-B1«3. IBM COMPUTER PHOGRAJJMINO carry th» rain better, because they art FURNISHED OR UrmrRNISHBD — Odlonlal In desirable locale, live bed- Eveningi and Sundays IBK KEYPUNCH, AiUTOMATION Installed better. Heavy aluminum gutter Three-room apartment neair railroad FOR RENT — Keyport. Betsy Rots rooms, two baths, hot water gsa, Rtaltors-lnsurors •JTYPINO, OOMPTOMETBai. Day anc In white. One of the belt Inveittneat etatlon. Available now. 711-7092. Apartments. Three room apartments twoioa,r garage, $250 mo. All no peU, 741-9204 •vemnl .claiies, co-«d, free placemeti you'll ever make, Fret Eitlmttei. and furnished studio apartment. Oall IMUH. DENNIS K. BYRNE, Realtor. •ervlc". SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MA MIDDLETOWN - ThM» rooou, new- 394-3(98. B W. ftlver Rri., Rumson. 842-1180 Multiple listings Brand New 1 Luxuriou» I CHINES. M Iroad St.. Red Bank. ly renovated. Heat supplied. *90. Call MtUt PROWN'S B71-3S53. RUMSON — Two-bedroom garage FAIR HAVEN — Three-bedroom, two BATONTOWN — Two awrtments. 741-6262 apao-timent, suo par month, year's storv home. Hot water oil heat, g»- Four rooms and bath tacit, two-car S3 Broad St. Red Bank TU-1M0 SH-ROOM FUBMaHED — Hot rote! rage. tWO monttily. Call 747-1W4. *arai*arai«.. AncDoD r ftneenee. . Hot water heat. «X WEEKS OF BRUBH1NO UP — STAMP COLUilcnoN — Mint BrltL anl heat furnished. (Ill month. Avail- lease. WTLLIAM: H. HINTELMANN Tour college French conversation from 'Firm) Realtor. 842-0600. Black-loBlackBlacklol p drivewaydriea . CaCHH T11-W8T11W80 b«b - MIDDLEBROOK Colonies King George VI. Call attei able Immediately. THE DOW8TRA RUMSON —j Furnished. BH-room ttwa w 18 and 1 and altar 8 p.m. '% native. Call 7«-B288. «:30. 8«!l-3«92 AOENCY, Realtor, 741-8700. home,' Automatic gae heat, oarage. HOLLY TREE FARM ONE AND TWO—BEDROOM GARDEN Available Immediately. M3S a month (8,100 COUCH AND CLUB CHAIR — Tradl HIOHLANDS — Two-bedroom apart- APARTMENTS ON LAKE — (Rent nod and $119). CaU 969-1061. evenings. or lease. JOHN L. MINUOH, Realtor, THREE BEDROOM HOME — Extr .. . Homes that reflect the elegance IS THE MOST! ; MERCHANDISE llonp*. Dining room tabje, buffet, chit ment. (SO, all utilities. 13 Hudd! 35 Rumson Rd., Rumion. plal 842-a8Ofl she lot, Nice location. Needs lome n oloiet anrl server. Chlneae Imperil Avt. of, yesteryear's country mansion* FOR SALE rug. No ilealera. 8(2-1045, FURNISHED . UPSTAIRS APART. LEONARDO -^ Three bedroom WV pairs. KBYPOIIT — One four-room apart- MENT — For single or couple. Call S!2,C00 • . .. Exceptionally largt and luxurloui EXCEPT FOR THE RENT... 747-9006. furnished htfuae. J100 per month. Call THREB BBDHOOM RANCH — Two- "Oft SALE! — Tenor saxophone. O* ment. . Ufht beat and git furnished. 291-1544. Colonials In tht mate area of uttli condition. SIM). Oall after S p.m., 7!7- FI25 a month. One three-room apart- KDANSBURO- — Unfurnished- five- car detacnerl laraie. Extra lot In jSUrtr THAT'S THE LEAST.' M5» < riV'JCr 5fnt,', Lliht heat and gas lurnlshed. room apartment. Heat, hot water sup- eluded. ' .: ;. \ j mni. mt&*. 787-1379 after 6 p.m. piled. $B5. 787-JW after «. WANTED TO RENT ;. . Built by custom spicltluu and OIL PAINTINGS — (10 to 1130 framed, OWNER SACRIFICE - Two bedroom priced from WO.000. .;.•-.. . i 4-Room $ 5-Room Suites Gold framed mirror 3'x6\ $50. Croslr Kir LUXURY 2'i IIOUM APART RED BANK - Thrtwoom, lurnlshed APARTMENT - Two ladles desire Cape cod. Full basement Near all refrigerator. $20. 741-4.929. kUlMT *- Folly,air conditioned, nea apartment, Private eutrtnoe. Adul three or four room apartment. Red transportation. LOCATED AT AUTOMATIC Q.E. ELECTRIC DRY OaB-.t«4tt> or H2-8I7T. • ' • Bank. Unfurnished. Within walking dls IIT.BOO « ORGAN Seven Bridge RJ-, Uttli Silver ~1R. - Like new. Call • ' ' tancs Catholic churcn. CaU S29-1B38 FOUR BEDROOM 8PLIT - Full din- 1 FOUit ROOM APARTMENT — OU inj room, two full baths, finished r«c '",' OF ASBURY^RARK • • 872-32M TO BUBIJST ~ Tat- neat,,' Occupancy Fell. 1, Retsouola W*JB HAVE an overflow of boaa flda OR CALL 74J-I200 or untarnished. One badrooro. »snt. Oall ittM « p.ra,> SM-OJH.T^ reation room, carafe, ciiy sewers, v RUO—BRAIDBRS •— ATTENTION EiiW-oxmth lease, awlm club toclud- proapeets looking for two or four bed- TO INCLUDE AIR CONDITIQNtK' «« iiAROBST OROAK AND PIANO Lona; woo^ ltrlps.: All colors. SOc pound rooms. Call us for fart action to have OROW — ttROW — OROW In this d MZ-0636. alttr ». H8H81S, Mfors I REB BANK - Thr«e-room furoUhed four-beiroom, •> SH bath, split; Mis Including Htat and Codeine, Cti I«*nicUoti. Mn. I. H, Kaplan, Free apartment, all utlllttu. AduUs only. yotw .dome rented. THB BEHO SHOREWAY ' PI8PLAY IN THE SHORE AREA ALL ELICTRIO apartment. I"4 rooma. ia«N0Y, Rt M, MUdletown. <71-1000 Ur bedroom 18x21 with 8' cluet and Huge norm, Formgl dining roomi hold. tmVW•'• Xvatlable ImmMlatwy. Call 7(7-0332. owr; bath. Three -good sized bedrooms; 1 t/ie our rcnul-psi/rtaie plan Located In Beacon Biach. iva41aW« now. Rut US a mo. 67I-1K3. 1IOUBB TRAILER FOR RENT — In REALTY, INC. and bath on another level. Living room In avtry oportmmt. Enormous.'walk- :.\ tor pianos ana organs EXCLUSIVE AT PROWN'S FURNISHED ROOMS wMh fireplace, separate dining room APARTMENT — Unfumlshed. a West Satontoim. irji39. Air conditioned. Call Ullhway 39 Hotmdel In clouti. Each mite Iws privott Karejr Aluminum wlndowa and doon. 72tffl7 and knohen next to 12x22 gametoom, Horn $12 par Month , 81., Humjoa Isgulrs Mr*. Mabon on uaaul. MODERN ROOMS - Privet, (Juat north of Lily-Tulip) fifth bedroom or (tudV, aoreened patio, front ond r«r enlroncee. Mojler .Open dally til 9 p.m. Sat til 6 p.m. It paye to get the,best. It cost* very premliea, ; ' little more. Call us today. KBAKBauno — Tvn> bedrooms. Heat bani, free TV. «3 dally, SIS weeklr aepanite laundry, ^. bath bandy to TV ontentw. BullHri )«« ove» wie! ; Corner ol Main ft, * MattUon Ave. lot water supplied. $80 . month Call per penon, double occupancy. HOLLY 264-7010 back door so chlldreri do h«'ltavrw THRUB ROOMS and bath. Unlur- JANUARY SALE — just reduced. Four countertop rante. Mlnutea from nlslied: In town. »100 a month, include 931-43*2 or 78W34. WJU MOTBL. Bt. 36. W. Keansburg. tramp through tha whoM houH. Base- ; < DSED ORC1AN SPECIALS : • PROWN'S bedrooms, |wo balln, llvlni room and ment, two-car gairage,' aflltlng S3?,fiO0. all utllltlM. Call W-MII between 1:30 IIIOHLANrs — Four rooms and bath. LARGE PBTWATB ROOK with batll full dining room. Eat-In kitchen. 13x21 MonmoutM Shopping Cttifir . . . ; Bamtnond Gnord organ «-»...—:—,Jtf95 32 Broad Bt. Red Bank H1-75OC and 5:30. . V; Includes hot wateff and • electricity. family room. Separate laundry room RIOBY ASSOCIATES, RBALTORS Lowrey Bptoet organ 499 TRADE m your old furniture with i and separate entrance. Flrit floor, (00 Shrewsbury Av gnd Tend** akft — __-295 KMdleUm," 741-921& open evenings till parklnf. Adults only, tmmedlala oo- Wl' 141-1923. with fireplace, dining room, kitchen Laillttn H speaji?- .... u... J9J frtn. - cucancy. T«?4M0. — AND A88OCIATE8, REALTORS IDEAL BBACH — Large modern thret BUSINESS WOMAN — Kitchen privi- Mlddletown 747-5000 with dlshwaiher, three bedtooma, den. CourH en Kit Premlin.^ ~- V •*.-.',*,'''. '. i' •" '. - ' ' / VIS BUY AND SELL anything mi 2>i-H0OU APARTMENT — Heat hot room apartment, conv«nlent locatloo. leges. Walking dlitawce to town, Refer- Two full baths. Full basement. Over- iAli.'tt«ink IOH with a ' guaranty —eveiythlng. Olve the highest prices. waier Included. 19 Ltroy PI., Red Rhone 787-3182. ences required. 741-5275. SPACIOUS, GRACIOUS CENTER sized attached garage. Convenient lo- DEAL RD. of Route », OcWuirst >t«rtg«t't»Tro* »Vsjra4ie. Call William Left Furniture, Inc., Hwy.Bank. 741-1063. Or 942-ZU0. HALL COLONIAL. — Four-bsdroem red cation. Only 121,300. Bee It today, ROI-- 15, Mlddletowa 741-3213. Open evenings UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS — LARGE ROOM - Hot and COM water. brick home with roominess and char- STON WATBBBUBT, Reallor, 16 W, 111 t p.m. PLU3H APARTMENT UVINO-Whlle Three rooms. One or two adults only. Light housekeeping, If desired. Apply acter. Plenty of room for those largo Front St., Red Ban«. 141-3500. CRYSTAL & OKUNI [$& 77S.W0O vou buy or build. Reduced until June. Convenient to Red Bank Railroad sta- 21 Peters PI., Red Bant. gatherings In a 15x30 family room with •.___ Monlh Of weelc. Riverside and ocean tion. R0L87ON WATEItBURV, REAL PBBKBOT WEDDING >IANO -p Uprlghl, US. beamed cdllr*. Hugs living room with """ SHREWSBURY — Bsven-room Reeliort " - Oall v(ew. Complete (unity llvlni. T.V., TOR, 16 W. Front St.. Red Bank. 747- RED BANK — Furnftned room wlUi woodtmrnlng fireplace, dining room, 'rancn" . Two bathi, full cellar, Al maid dr»s«ei and all ac- heat, al| utliltjea. «43-(W8, 3500. private bath. 81 East Front at. Call condition. Lot 128x212, 7I1-1MT with Individual personal ier- J47-WJ7, fa»room efpna. between 3 and 9. Boarding hom« • near beach. Private washer. lAttaohed two-car garage, full APARTMENTS THE HOtUDBI, ANTKJU. Porcelain tin kitchen tables W.5O. Re-741-238". • rooms with bath three meall and basement. Over an acre ol breath- f — Bverythlng reasonably priced, THREE ROOM8 AND BATH — ^fewly laurAlry. Phone 775-1674. taking charm bordering Uie woods and Its of homes purchased. E. Main frigerator $29. DrU American oriental •HREK—ROOM APARTMENT - With decorated. Mlddletowr; area. By ap- a brook. Offered M »36,M0. Oall for olmdfi. H». > .to 12 and 1 to i $35. Etc. RUSC11'8 SYCAMORE Jtllltletllltl s IncludedIldd . 189 monthlylhl . ED- pallntmenl t only. 747-4389. LARGE CLEAN, NICELY FUR- appointment. BLWOOD A. ARM- GREENS. Sycamore Ave.. Little Sil- WIN 8. BTARK, JM-0JM. NISHED Close In. Gentleman prtter- STRONG AODNCV, REALTOR, 555 m-wt. _• ver. BEAUTIFUL MODERN FURNISHED red. 747-2609. AMAZINO OFFBR! SAVE (19 PER MONTH — Sublet love APARTMENT In Red Bank. Call any- Proipect Ave,, Little Silver, m-4900. 'IVE-PIECE bedroom set—Including ' ' one bedroom aparlment. New. time, ml May, 747-1647 or 741-3213. tjINQLB ROOMS — clean, comfort- RUMSON DREAM HOUSE — Trees IN EATONTOWN SWIMMING POOL Beaulyrest mattress and boK aprlngs; verylhlnr. tupplled ticept .electricity able reasonable. Qentlemsn preferred. and privacy. Three latge and lovely Inlaid Victorian copy of FrerAih Pro- Convenient location. Call 225-21(0 or NSW DELUXE — «',i unfurnished Wallace St., 741-63B2. Oarage. vincial. Call 741-09U after S p.m apartment In. two-family residence. Ex bedrooms. Family dining room. Wood- V: PRICE! 228-2(30. FURNISHED ROOM' for rent In «!ce burning; fireplace. All plsxt»r construc- above ground pool. Full eelt. nights', all day weekends. remely modem with air conditioning. BUTTON PARK - Rid Bank. Apart Call 222-4510. house. Gentleman preferred. 27 Bprlng tion. Beautiful patio with, barbecue. outside rtlmeiwlon. jsss. Com. ment for rent Cooking gas,- beat in Bt. Red Bank. 747-3506. Tiled bath plui powder room.' Large Installed Other sizes propor- SOFA ~ Tuxedo, foam pillows, (SO. HIGHLANDS - Three rooms furnished, Fan chair, (25 Both In excellen eluded with rent. Inquire 167C Branch and unusual property. A; strrprlitf at 4 ROOMS- prlced Highest trade-in al- Ave.. Call 747-2885. all illtlltlel. 28 NaveXnk Ave., Rt. 36. CLEAN, PRIVATE, FURNISHED uriler $30,000. RUSBEIJ. II. BORUS on yovr. old root 747-S862. shape. Call • Biter: 4, 711-9109. 872-9892. ROOM -- 224 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Realtors, 600 Rlvor Bd,, Fair Haven. 'LID MAFJJB BUNK BSSi \SSORTED SIZE WOOWOO D BTORM win- LONG BRANCH—Furnllhed. Two apart- BanH. 741-9753 or 747-3184. U1-I532. J(«mij«r Iftutlplt Luting gar- ments, 4 rooma and 3 rooms. Near KINO JAMES APARTMENTS — Val. •X WITH OUARD HAIL. dDWs. $2. Two aluminum combination ley Drive, Route 3D, Atlantic Highlands. ATTRACTIVE — Betl-Mttlng room for , RPRJNOB AND_ MATTREff. window,'.»"X42'V;tt«) each. 6tO«5 transportation and beach. All utilities lady In Mlddletown. Kitchen privileges •uppiled. (to and tti a month, yearly. Three mites from Sandy Hook State ATLANTIC HIOHLANOB — Scenic Dr. 1 BEDROOM IRWIN'S WN41URNITURE, »rJbv lire : and- wheel, good, (12 If desired. Call 671-3424. mounted; CaU CTt-OOST. - Abbottsrord Ave. 2S2-SW8. 'ark. One- and two-bedroom units. panoramio view, Sandy Hook Bar- iptrra ST., WBB: BANK, in- Furnished or unfurnished. Bwlmmlng FURNISHED ROOM - For lady. Near 1. Y. Paneled living roofs,, fireplace, ANTiqiiBsr. At 67o«more Omens • RED BANK—Four room, bath, unlur- pool and recreation area. Patio or bal< bus Una. Call 8(2-2807. Uirr. bedrooms. Beautiful lot, Unions CHAIRS RECOVERKD - Pine wash stands, borAiet box, chests, rtiihed. Electric refrlajerator, stove, cony, each unit. Rent from $132, In- after 6 p.m. at B'.itOC. 2B1-17M after 5. FROM and bat stoola. Monmoutti butter ,tul)s, blanket' chests, corner larage. 1100. Call between 5-J p.m. cludldii g heat and hot water. 291-0770. 141-8771. Ifonmoulli St., Red Sank. cablrtel, cuoboafd, etc. Adiio fine an- THREE—ROOM UNFORNISHEi) — tique china, glassware, Old English LTLAKTIC HlallLANDB — Furnished Sea Bright. With heat and hot Water. APARTMENTS APARTMENTS Bllver^ paintings' curloi and other col- apartmenL Available Immediately. Ground floor, year round, $69. call lector's Items. RUSCIL'S. SCYAUORE Rent J1I0 Includes ill utilities. One 842-0325. \RENT A TV Ave.. Little Silvi-r. bedroom, kitchen and llvlrig room. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Etflclerfcy ELECTROLUX RUO BHAMPOOER Mulls only. No peU. Reference re KeansDurg. 7S7-H0O. Hired. Call 2W-2M;. apartment. In fine section. $79. S Third Ueed one*. (S»; Call . Ave. 291-9237, aM» ICEBOAT • .•' -M2-340S. ORT MONMOUTH — Unfumlthed, ALL THE Best offer Ihree-room apartment. All private. Ki FOUR LARGE. BBIOHT - Modem H09 PRIQIDAIRE ELECTRIC STOVE - 7U-63S2 Mi heat and electric. 787-7218. rooms, and bath, In two-family house. DoubleKtven. In excellent condition, Heat supplied, no children or pets, CONVENIENCES IS" DAKT WAXINO MACHINE - El ll 741-2690. •HliEE ROOMg-Cooperatlve. Bacrl Reference required. 747-3633. (ra bnj«H.> ^rever used. $300. A. Ice. Air conditioner and refrlterator ALL INCLUDED! Havera, 90 "f ItM Ave., Atlantic High ncluded. Low monthlv rent. Available OFTHE'CITY lamji. ' . MERCHANDISE WANTED Her Jan. IS. Call BU-4B12, COMMERCIAL RENTALS IN THE CITY! . . . • CENTRAL HEATINGS AIR CONDITIONING 1965 AUTOMATIC CASH for old toy trains, inxity cart LEONARDO — 3% rooms, Neat bus. ivallable Jan. 15. Call i DESIRABLE RIVan fHONT 111"' SINGER SEWING MACHINE and cast Iron toys made bifore 1M0. On first floor in the Tuiltr Building. IN EACH APARTMENT. . Doei «veryt|ilng. Darns, monogrami UUm afHf I p.m.' 291tMi6 Call 7<7-!«O. -buttonholes, etc. tfn,portable, tske over COLLECTOR - Wants old toy tralnL •ANORAMIC VIEW OF BAY AND DIGNIFIED protesslonal olflCBs, ap- • GAS FOR HEAT AND COOKING ' . balance of «5t«0 Vr J1.30 per week. any condltloa Pay oath or will trade. OCEAN - Five looms. $135 a month, proximately 650 aq. ft. 29 Reckless PL GATSNON ' lo cabinet, W7.«_pr J1.55 per week. •- 027. 0. standard gauge, 171-3710. Includes all utilities. Kl(t1landl. 741 Call Credit Kept, I4MU01. 9 to s. ext to First Merchants Bank. 717-3730 • HOT WATER •PARKING ANTIQUES t- Paintings, N. I Atlas, 2&0OO 80. FT. L.IOHT manufacturing apmmnsLu JS iar«»t nut, — CUJ estates purchased. and appralitd. T47- RED BANK'S rinnt garden - First • Hug* roomi with ipacioui cloieti lorn atock. Aluminum four-hand itop loor, five tooms, Living mom, din- lofu tor least Can to leajid 'stparate- 2001 The Hudson Shop, Inc. ftlt Broad ly, containing about HOD no. ft. par • Truly laparated dining rooms Lynan sights. thrM clips, extra stock It. Shrewsbury. is room, kitchen, two bedrooms, oa- floor 747-1100 V I L. L A O • . and allng. tin), JW-7H9. rage optional. $140 a >montli. Occupan- 9 Individual front and rear entrances 'i'. r«iwiaT«UUl. *i> Feb. 1. Call M224M. ' IV YOU AKB INTERESTED—In • Windowt in every room All tdaliw new or U PETS .VLIVESTOCK. KBAN3BURO—Nice area, newly deco- rand new modern of floe ipaea, well 239 SPRING ST., RED BANK rated modern ~ two-bedroom duplex. located lr Ule center of Red Bank, con- • Dretm kitchens with KELVINATOR refrigerator-trailers .et< us for further Information. THU • Two elementary schools ne»t door—(ml traps OOINQ AWAY? Tile batn. iaa dryer, till) per month DOW8TKA A1ENCY. 74I-870O. Boarding, bathing, grooming. plus utilities. .'Call 6M-6810. STUDI01 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS from Eatontown Shopping Center BRladSON KENNELS, 711-3310 "HOFEMIOfML 3-room office suite. RED BANK - Branch and Madlaon joeated "Doctor's Row." Red Bank. la i clear pliable sheet ^OODLES - Beatulftil miniature AKC Aves.. apaelous orfe- and two-bedroom • Radiant Electric Hearing with eglttered. Eight weeks old. Reason, ~*rlte 14 WeBt Front St., .Red Bank. ; thick tad l« used for , garden apartment, starting at luo. Ap* lldlvldnal Room theimoirots .winter enclosures. (Pol .lilt. Call 66S-M78, ply Apt. 24 Holly pitcher Villace Court FURNISHED OFFICE — Of the former PRIVATE SWIM & RECREATION CLUB call Mr. Ban) Lomsuo, 7U-S11B. chalfln Raal .Estate Agency. .Located • Modem Electric Cooking BASSET HOUND PUFI- Broad, fit, Katontowr/. Immediate oc- AKC CHAMPION SIRIB APARTMBMT euptnoy. Call owner. 942-1135. Wartr Heailna. > 747-1M0 West 8L - Rurn«on I • 2 • 3 BEDROOMS from H09 TRAIN YOUR DOO Inquire on premises STORE WITH FIVE ROOMS — For • Air-conditioning not. Apply Single System Laundr: Baf shore Companion Dog^ Club i obtdl, D BANK — Two-bedn»m apart- • Largo Clown RED BANK LUMBER ence training claaiea. Blalideli Lum- ment furnished. Private, entrance. Res- -Inc., Broad. 4 First Bt., Keyport. Cal ber Oo. building. Red Bank, starts 1640797. • 12 Cu. Ft. Rafrlgtrator with Comer Psarl and Wall, Ked 0«ik idential area. Near pus, Adults, 7(1 Jan. li and 20. For Information,' call •287. Separate Door Frctur 741-55M . .;;.,;. 36H5C1 or 717-4170. DBA BItiailT — AltrtcUve three-room HOUSES FOR RENT DBBKB I1D up KibES. taMea. OMIra, • Ceramic Tile Baths Stony Hill .POODLE QROOM- pfrte paneled apartment. Front litruce, adding macrilnu, typewrlttn, olflffl JKO—All breeija. 'It, Balh Included. ack patio. Furnished, all utilities In- • Modern Laundry Factlllle* •gojpnunt. etc., at bargain prlcaa. Jn Oolu Meek, Call MMltT for appoint- cluded, $9! a month. Yearly. Cull 842- RENTALS S S«L AAC DEilK OUTLET. IW nent. . • ' , !l!7 JT. a, OllILHAUS. H»AL KBTATB • Plenty of OH-Strett Parking ft. oStf Mo 3tl-O4JI' 'OUR ROOM! AND BATH — Second M Hwy. M Leonardo STATEWlbE MST. CORP. floor. $U plus utilities. lUtx\ to Slue * White Bus Terminal) Gardens 787-4MH MTHACTIVK-VerCTIVK-Very nicely (urnlihed OLDE SHREWSBURY — BUUly lum- Hint loomoom* and Mtk. jkito lovely oneone. ol-cenlury home. Six fireplaces and DIRECTION!: Brood II., CRANT AVENUE, EATONTOWK, NEW JERSEY room effllefflclencff , Owd looMlol a Oall trentra d rtalreeae jptce tntefnr, jfanuU- Red aankj turn left al i tlile r«t*iy nU IM «te BEDROOM. SUNHOOal, KITCHEN (1-1394. IK grounds to rear HatiM Rota te) Iprlna .AMD DIH1NO BOOM fUBMTUM ~ "en -' It., rlehl M COMIM felnl Altoohlna, tM Rueld Ave,,D«»1 Park. D.KOOIM AUD BATH - tVhtVh , Otaplatapax only. NNoo pets. MM H•HH•^^ bt RRedd BankBank . NNo tOorO ** call*allll*. hOTMnavnn «KATW - Black, WWt WMMINTI Of IK D»IH »lUNMt • NaHt WO Mi MUcW 1 — Modim thTM-room apart- TH, Brde, top quality, used once, . btwda lKH»tne»t •• uiui «tippu««. curjn- m. m BOUSES fOR«U2 • MOWW rOKSAIJE ;, HOUSE* TO* me BMiSEJ P6* tWJE mummmwz THE DAILY 20~l"nday, 7, #«' MONMQUTH HILLS : HMfe. e; _ attic Ixtraa ta- RAY VAN HO&N REALTORS «lu>. ilr cudltlaajer, hatrt lte*> tool HQtyES FOR RUMSON. N. J. house mJ-ffiop, large trM-teutid tut Tall trees, large rooms, quiet windiag lanes for the children. 30 RIDGE ROAD nri. Aaklnj price IU.M0. WBIID rtvt ttotuxnut OVER THIRTY YEARS u» iumr tpn see. this n Two to choose from. * STERLING THOMPSON l*r ball CoSl »» #1 Four bedroom, T>h baths, almost VA acres of tall trees. 842-0444 AND iMOCIATEl, REALTORS Furniture, washer, lawn tools, etc. included. Immediate MULTINf LISTINGS lildrlletown: MMM0 possession, asking $30,000. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR OVER RViliOS -ESTATE AREA — CM ires 38 YEARS EXPERIENCE turn built reach on httfi W i«« witlj #2 Six bedroom, 3'/j baths overlooking Atlantic. A gar- DO YOU KNOW - Out of hundreds of homes la River Oaks beautiful tre«i. living room, dlalnr urjs dener's delight with many flowering shrubs and rare plants, there are only four offered for sale? WE HAVE THE KEY to a mom, deluu kltdwi, two Urie D«iJ- RUMSON LISTINGS roonu, two m«d bathi, two ttreplaees. HAt,t BROS., Realtors also small greenhouse. All in good condition, vacant, we brand-new listing, in "like new" condition; four-bedroom Colonial; aoreeMd pweh, laundry *(<•" *1U> have the key, asking $37,500. and priced in the towTHIRTIES!! ! A happy New Y«tr for some winter room, two-cur i>»l> Hu*< RUMSOtlJ RlvtNr -»'d\ Ranc, fralrh house Hlv.n. 114. U; aerie, COTTAGE, two bedrooms ,den, bate, basement, fireplace, attached dry basement, hot wu« baseboard two-oar '(aran, VA lathi. Urge dry garage, accessible, very nice! $23,500, lucky family. • ... heat. Ttii* mi bum1, wlttv eipfcuian baaemcnt Two bedrooms, may be sx- la mini. Jmmieulttt.lhcouftKKU. Repandtd- . Tvt Brl " RESTORED WATERFRONT COLONIAL ONE AND ONE HALF story dwelling, five bedrooms, fireplace, BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL - Only four years old and in "like new" appointment Call i Fronting 106' on deep water with your own dock. basement, oversized lot. $25,500. condition. Four big cheerful bedrooms. 25' living room. Spacious lt» I. Rlvw Sd., RUM- M' living room, with fireplace, opens to porch overlooking kitchen and family room. VA baths. Aluminum storm windows, (More OIMUM A* two zone hot water heat, carpeting, a new paint job, screened HOUiDBZ/—laraa euitom built Geld water, paneled den with bar, dining room, large modern WATERFRONT, BULKHEADED, three bedrooms, bath, 40' living KedaVlod ranch. Beautifully IOMIM! kitchen with breakfast area and lavatory complete first room, fireplace, $26,000. porch, fencing, poured concrete foundation and many other ex- 1 l-» aeret, RelooaUng, Mod sail OB Tin Next ttge) floor. tras. Terrific value at $30,750. tSl.KKI Call MM2W. : •,;.-... Upstairs in addition to the master suite, dressing room and RANCH ON QUIET STREET, three bedrooms, family room, two HOUSES FO* SALE bath, there are three additional bedrooms and two baths. baths, basement, $36,900. FRESHLY PAINTED FAIR HAVEN CAPE' COD, Beautiful trees. HOUSES FOK SALE Combining old Colonial Charm with 1966 convenience re- , Two blocks from grade school. Three bedrooms. Two tiled baths. Breezeway. Refinished floors. Nice garage. Dry basement Im- duced to |62,000. Absentee owner will entertain your offer, BRAND-NEW-HOUSE, five bedrooms, 3}$ baths, family room, two mediate occupancy. Only $1,500 down to qualified buyer. can be seen anytime, we have the key. fireplaces, VA acres. $67,500. CARRIAGE HOUSE, four bedrooms, three baths, two acres, den. PICTURESQUE HARBOUR VIEW. 3^ acre hillsite. Magnificent Recreation room, estate area, $59,500. trees, dogwood and evergreens. Gracious and charming older GRAY SHINGLES & WHITE SHUTTERS home. Four bedrooms. Oil heat. Fireplace. Two-car gangs. Pri- BRICK COLONIAL, five bedrooms, five baths, age 10. Immaculate. vate tennis club. Priced very low at $30,000. • $69,500. Cute compact and clean, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath on first, two bedrooms and space for second bath MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 804 River Rd. 747-4100 Fair Haven upstairs. Well shrubbed plot, one-car garage, full basement, owner in Texas says "Sell." Vacant, we have the key, asking $18,500. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE

RUMSON RIVERFRONT - Pri- RETIREMENT RANCH vate dock on deep water. Beauti- ful 20x40' living room with fire- Set on a well planted % acre in Lincroft, this home is truly place and large picture window. better than new. Entrance foyer 20' living room with fire- Modern three-bedroom rancher. place, dining room, 19' kitchen with good eating space. An outstanding offer at $26,000. Two well-proportioned bedrooms and bath on first. New 35' FRESHLY PAINTED - Three- paneled gameroom in basement which opens to rear yard bedroom, two-bath split with den and patio also lavatory, storage and workshop. and game-room, full basement New aluminum siding (30 year guarantee) new combina- and attached garage. Over half tions, new hot water heater (15 year guarantee) wall-to- acre plot. Reduced to $21,900 for wall carpeting, etc,, etc., walking distance to everything. fast sale. SHREWSBURY OFFICE MIDDLETOWN OFFICE We recommend an early Inspection. $28,900. WEART-NEMETH 741-5212 671.3311 FAIR HAVEN COLONIAL AGENCY TOP VALUE! RESIDENCE WITH DIGNITY On a quiet street with deep lot adjoining "Bird Sanctuary." REALTOR Eight expansive roams for enjoyment of your fami- Charming Oak Hill Colonial. Four bedrooms, 1ft if you're not a sardine... Entrance foyer, living room with fireplace, dining room, 102 WEST FRONT ST. ly. Well-planned wrlfi 8' x 151 coiy gome room modern kitchen and screened porch on first. Upstairs two borhi, spodoin living room, .formal dining room, •with fireplace, four bedrooms, three tiled bairrt, tat-h kitchen, two-car garage. Ataster bedroom bedrooms and bath plus space for third bedroom (easily 741-2240 hot water baseboard' lieat, screened porch IV x 2V, irxll', Beautifully kmdscaperj. Act now, prfced finished). 24-HOUR SERVICE patio 35' x 24', basement and attached ...two-car ga- at J37J00. ... This way; «f living can b» most unetttYiforf. Attached-garage, full, dry basement, excellent condition, Member of Red Bank rage. Topped wilt) M ocre landscaped lot and available in 60 days, asking $23,000. , stockade fence. Owner mult leave; asking 124,500. FIVE-BEDROOM HOME abl«< Why not giv«> Us a ring to Jay and Multiple Listing Service This spacious Pennsylvania Dutch aharmer ills on a lovely lot In a choice .neighborhood. It olio WATKRFKONT-KUMSON — Qel read; find dur what't •railablt. Our homt com- ALLAIRE-FARROW AGENCY to enjoy the conveniences of being HURRY!I HURRY!J features Nvlng room, dining room, eal-ln kitchen right on the water and walking: distance with built-in oven, range, and dishwasher; den, fami- 199 Broad Street — Red Bank, New Jersey 741 - 3450 to beaches. View the water through a To inspect this three-bedroom, two-bath ranch puT»r cart afisVr't'r almost any qutstion in a picture window of a 20x40' paneled boasting 31' living mm, vwll-plonned (cltdien with, ly room with Hiding doors to patio, J'A baths, kwn- living room. Throw a log In the tire- odlolning breakfast room and laundry, basement dry room, twoor garage. See It today. $34»S00. MEMBER - MUWIPLE - LISTING place on a chilly night This Uiree- matter of seconds. Remember — whether • playroom, two-car goroge. Attractive plot. Early 93 YEARS OF "REO CARPET SERVICE" bedroom ranch In top condition offers FOUR-BEDROOM Ihe ultimate In year round living. Ask- pouenlon — Inquire today! At $20,700. its 12,000 o; 200,000, or if you want it ing 126,000. See II today. Call 11 COLONIAL SPLIT HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR.SALE STERLING THOMPSON Situated In a lovely orea. It das a format dining built new — or want a lot to "build if on AND ASSOCIATES, REALTORS I CLEARANCE SALE I room, cheery' kitchen, 12* x 24' living room, paneled Ulddletown . KT-5600 I HANDYMAN SPECIAL Owner hoe left the country — wants offer on this den and recreation room, VA botra, partial bnev -- w» have it, • RUMSON — Choice rustic area Two-family. Two-car saraie. Only OMEN THUMB PARADISE - Three oradaut trt*-thoded tour-bedroom, J'A-botti Colonial. menl, covered feor pore* and garage. Priced for Modem ranch. Richly paneled ilnor repair* needed. $5,600, green-bouse* go yrlth thij immaculate brick front ranch. Dining room, living Poneled family room, store foyer, central alr-con- quick sale at J20.000. Call now! den. with fireplace, two bed- room 21x26 • with woodburnlng tire- dltkmlng. Call us today! Immediate occupancy. «|ooms, I'/4 batfis, central air- NO CLOSING FEES place, lovfly 12x12 kitchen, too bed- KIN© SIZE . . Cleait Uiree-bedroom home. Oaercar ga-rooms, two baths. 10x26 awnlrt ' conditioned, hot air gas, at- rafe. Low down payment -to r"-""-' covered patio. Beautiful Grounds. An mm LUXURIOUS RANCH tached garage, well landscaped ~rn. Only unusual buy at C7.500. ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY. Realtor, 555 LOCATION — LOCATION — Modern living, magnificent setting, hilly, air-condi- plot with 5' cyclone fenced rear Proepect Ave., Little Silver. «l-t8O0. tioned, four large bedrooms, den and three battle. yard. $38,000. . . ASSUME MORTGAGE Moke ttili a muil to seel Call us today and Inspect Only $1,200 needed to move Into this Beamed ceiling living room with fireplace. Many RUMSON-Rfitiring. Inspect this fiTc-)c&r old, neat, two-bedroom, home. HOUSES FOR SALE Hill three-bedroom, l'/:-batti home In a fine resi- oppllnaces Included, twe-ear garage. Tall shade three-apartment building (two tat Monthly t>*jment Include* everythlnj. dential area. Convenient to schooli, transportation. Approximately $100 a month* trees galore. Excellent condition. Vacant and rented and one available for own- Mores. (23,909. ready for Inspection, Call nowi Priced «t S44.9M, er occupancy), recently reno- MORE LISTINGS SHOWN vated, steam oil, three-car garage C. DeLucia Agency MORE LISTINGS SOLD with rooms over. Shade trees and 661 BROAD ST. pplebrook ncy 37 Church street Keuiburr, N. J. \\ 2068 HIGHWAY 35 ahrabs. Most convenient. $38000. RUMSON — Very conveniently 787-4424 SHREWSBURY 950HWY.35 located: Modern ranch. Fireplace MIDDLETOWN in living room, den, two bed- Open 7 D&7B a Week rooms, full basement, hot air oil.8PRAWLM0 RANCH BOMB — Fl»«j| OPEN SEVEN DAYS-24 HOURS—SEND FOR CATALOG &7I-230Q bedroomj, onutanAUiI master tjatiill Attached garage. Nicely planted plus additional Hi balha. Uvlni room . ptoL $23,500. with fireplace, all •Uttrio kitchen ad- TRADE-INS 'EXCHANGES :!;?;- Joins paneled family room with fire- Thru Tha Rsd Bank Area place, built-in TV and radio. Laundry I DENNIS K. BYRNE off kitchen, enclosed porch with flag-1 MulUpla Listing Service stout door overlooks, secluted patio. SM Pigi 316 in thi REALTOR-INSUROR Two-car attached garage, over an I acre of beautllully landscaped grounds. {( Yellow P«g*>. I West River Rd. Rumson Hint be seen to be appreciated! Price? tST.SOO. LAWKENCU: J. BCHIUJHQ, ' REALTOR, milov Dr. and Parker[, Avi., LlHlB Bilvn. 717-4121. MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING WHAT'S KUW7 A sUndoul Ullle Sil- OWNE TRANSFERRED tlOttIS THAT LIVES BIO — Imraacu-ver ranch just listed. If you are a wdld NEW SHREWSaURV-For the targe Uti nven-room homo on i pretty tree- life fancier, you'll enjoy the wooded «lnded ilrem In UMi Allrar. Living privacy on quiet street. Three gener- family. M'Jlt dispose ol oversized, room with Ooloi^i,! flrtplatfe, aeptnte ous size bedrooms. Beautiful tiled bath. iplll-level. L-shoped living room and dloM( ro°m- Uodern til-in kitchen Entrance loyet. Spacious UvirJg room. dining room, finished recreotlon with fide wtraaca door. Tbre* roomy HamMy dining room. Large elt-ln room, five bedrooms, !'A battii, eat- bedroonu, V/i MiUU. pnctaied breeze- kitchen with oodles of cupboard. At- In kitchen, mony other nice features wiy )e*)> to (knt«. Full bMtraent. tached (arate. Tastefully decorated. nidi m tvra-ar garage,, alumlnvm VtvAj tpecwaut . fireu And bui, stores, river, park, I J!3,900. liMnf room with fireplace, itinny din- public tennli courts and ichoolt. I ing room and kitchen. There are three Bsautirul two ttory colonial with I bedroomf (one unfinished) and ceraot- trees, UvJnp room, dlnfno room, I WATCH FOR THE Ic Ule ban. Full bailment, oil hen, paneled den, jcreeflld porch, bou-l APPLEBROOK RANCH LITTLE SILVER RANCH •ne-car attached garage. $23,000. THB mmt, three bedrooms, two balht, | TEICHER SIGNS DOWSTRA AOENCY, Realtor, SI t. lovely neljtitKirr,o«f. Al comJifian, I PORTAUPECK - Cusfom-bultf ronch Three bedrooms front St. Red Bu* 7«-«TDo: I opproxlmately four years old. Brick Family room Three bedrooms $32,500 I front. Largi living roam, dining PAont U3-0MI I room, modern kitchen, Ihree bed- Two bathi 2'/J paths Two baths HOUSES FOR SALE rooms, two ceramic flic both!. Qual- I \ty hot water baseboard heat. Two- Paneled den Full basement Nice den cor attached gorage. Extremely nice and professionally landicaped grounds Enclosed porch nice landscaping New aluminum tiding 125x100 wlrrt vtlvtf srau. Move LITTLE SILVER right in! House Is spotleisl Asking ASKING $24,600 ASKING ONLY $30,750 ONLY $27,200 K7,5«0. Lovely 4 yr. old split on 125x125 Itncticaped Isf. Three bed"- raomi, I '/• baths, Urct recreation room, living room, dining SAMUEL TEICHER room, kitchen, utility room ind attached gir.gs. Loeition ii terrific. Neap ichool, shopping, and transportation, A real AGENCY good buyl Independent Luting Broken APPLEBROOK RANCH MIDDLETOWN COLONIAL NEW HOME-SHREWSBURY;, Specialist! Since 1441 in Three bedrooms Four bedrooms Three bedrooms '' AYERS-TRUFOLO AGENCY R«al Eitote . Mortjjgsi Large corner lot V!r baths I'/i baths 16 CHURCH ST. Property Menagemtnt LITTLE SILVER, N. J. Sereened-in porch Large game room Large gam* room 2(7 Ocetnport Avenua 741-2838 Attractive fireplace lOettnport ~ 542-3500 Beautiful trees New appliance ASKING $23,700 ONLY $33,000 ASKING 123,900

IMMACULATE RANCH — Crurming GOOD BEGINNERS1 HOME — D.id- ihsid* and out. Convenient to New and street. Ranch houie like new. Ex- MIDDLETOWN RANCH MIDDLETOWN SPLIT LEVEL MIDDLETOWN Bf-LEVEL Vorl, Ntwart «nd locil busts. Lovely cellent dry beiement, profeiilonal Three bedrooms Brand new Four bedrWms jroundi with patio, spacious living lanJicaping, fenc«d-in yard. Three Full basement Three bedrooms Vh bathi > room with fireplace; full, dry but. bedrooms, I Vi baths, dreamy kitchen. men*. Asking $23,400. »J5,W0. Large site Large game room Paneled game roam Excellent assumption Wooded lot Two-car garage BUY NOW—SAIL LATER ASKING $18,500 ASKING $171400 Ideal location, complete privacy . , , RUMSON COLONIAL ASKING $21,750 .WATERFRONT, y»t cioi* to transpor. Sricious. Center hall, fiv* badroomi, ration and excellent school. Beautiful dtn and girn* room, live bithi. Hugt 2IV27' den with fireplace; four bed- patio. Custom built with miry luxurl- rooms and two b»Mu. Excellent velue piii appointmniti. Tre« tkidfd icr* .» fll.OOO. lot; Priced at 1.9,500. ' • pplebrook Agency 950 HWY. 35 MIDDLETOWN • . ' 671-2300 '

pplebrook Agency AV6, TWO RIVERS 842-2900

A . ' THE DAILY REGISTER Friday, January 7, 1965-21 fWUSES FOt IA1K HOUSES Fpg -LEGAL NOTJCB- -LEGAL NOTICE- ML NO7TCE- -LEGAL NOT1C! lormeru lAwreteej JL Tarkn; vonce tit AJtstjAL HOUSES FOR SAU! HOUSES KftTlCIt HHI iM SCSCHOOO L : {»)•• tlvbt tba tuterly UM at vtmen Qrj&vrruatzsi Tfc» usual a*eti5| id UMt ov1t the airgtlige Corp.Can, V«m t««jrt«jr. mimuoc umw 1 on IXECTTOIXECTTOX M tut Tw.fs rsjttt Ytiirtl 4 RUSSELL M. BQRUS REALTORS Or 7BJ! (OWKEattl Or WtWllXL, AerjH! SM twe&ty-fjve tMTA.ru or, new m tut MJL'JSI-*' : .. Mtrtiuty it, ltmt. ' fitty-tm, (tel (l,lM.«lj to tte N<£t&e is h*rti>y gfvtii tr.fei the tx.- xj)jr#u, jvtw J*ri*y, wt W*4«*iei.y, "9E0RGB V.ILLMEN5EE. 600 RIVER RD. FAIR H^VEN, N. J. rumee it Utiatt aiv«K'<« crly Auk at iuds of tie M*tr J« Mums of. che fbufcuftbttf, Hfcteuuf of tj0j.it It, lmt, lot d A. D. IMS. K or SEtTtEMEKT and all the legal voters ot the School and twenty aecondi East (8 74' 36' 20" KANUFACTURERS HANOVER. OF ACCOUNACCOUI TROW COMPANY ESTATE OFF ROBERTA D . A. PPAT- ^tpLTS NECK-FIVE ACRES WITH BROOK LITTLE SILVER RANCH - Four lovely bedroom, 2ft baths., liv- District will vote at the relpectlve K) a distance of one thousand two TERSON. DECEASED m polling placei stated below. hundred and thirty and one tenths feet (By: L. R. BUCKALEW, Thres-btoroom, two-story older home in excellent condition. W, i room" 14x2] with fireplace, dining room, mod rn kitchen, over- At the said meeting or election, the (1,230.10) to a Monument Point having AasiMAnt Vlce-Freeident) Notice is hereby giver/ that the ac- a N«t»^ Jersey Plane Coordinate o 800 Park Avenue, counts ot the aubacriber, Trustee of bad.' J*r» living room with fireplace and French doors opening•*size" d" two-oar garage• •. -•-TW«li-to-wal- ! carpeting in ring room, foyer following prooosal will be submitted: New Vork City, N. T. tin' estate of said Dettuet will he onto U^xH1 screftned.porch. Also includes 32' swimming pool end hall. An Immaculate house. Asking $28,900. PROPOSAL N m, 410 and I! 3,136,766; Uience Executor. audited and stated by the Surrogate Resolved that the Board of Education (11): still along the Southerly line of llesira. u'ltara. Schumir/n, of the County of Monmouth and re- Acreag* mostly wooded with brook5as back-property line, Nice fcmn ot the Township of Holmde], in the said Jsnds of New Jeriey Authority, Davis and Lynch, poHed for settlement lo The Mon- location, lomttxtt. iam y - ?IRD WATCHERS' PARADISE - Pair Have . Three-bedioorn County of Honmouth, IB hereby au- South sixty-nine decrees sixteen min- Counsellors at Law, mouth County Court, Probate Division, Cetonial adjacent to deep wooded bird lanctua y, Carctimls and thorized: utes and thirteen seconds East, IS 69 • 1 Exchange Place on Friday Uie 25Ui day of February (a) To acquire by purchase or con- 16' 13" K) a distance of two hundred Jeriey City, N. J. A. a. 19&. at 8:30 o'clock «.«.. >t COfcTS NECK - HILLSIDE LOCATION chickadees galore. Large screened4n porch li r your listening demnation as a site for a new school- and eighty-two and thirty-live hun- Dec. 24. 31, Jan. 7, 14 832.20 Uie County Court House, Monument Lovely wooded, secluded Colonial with extra ground*. Cozy fin- pteasure. SpTc 'n span kitchen and family rood As rare as the house the plot of land,' together with dredths teet (J83.W) to the Northwest and Court Streets, Freehold, New Jer- birds at 123,000. existing buildings and structures there- corner ot lands of now or formerly NOTICE sey, at which time Application will place in living room and study. Four bedroonu, i'A baths. Two- on, situate in the school district on Anthony HUtrlck; thence! (U>: along MONMOUTH COUNT* be made for the allowance of 0618- car garage. Full basement, Priced well below market at (41,000. the northerly aide of Crawford's Corne the Weiterly line of lands ot said An- mlsitone and Counsel fees. RUMSON'OPPORTUNITV — Owner transferred to Carolina sell Road and consisting of laods- describee thony Mlttrlck, South nineteen degree RUKKOUATE'S COURT Dited December 31st A. D. 1965. ing loveJy home of dttrm and comfort, entriwee foyer, living as follows: First Tract, beginning at thirty-one mlnutei and no second! We* -Notlcs lo Creditors to Preaeal E. ALLAIRE CORNWBLI,, 1 NECK •-. - - .... • -,„.-, the Interaectlon. of the Northerly line « 19' *r 00" W) a dlitance of ont Claims Agalnil Estate 34 Broad .Street • ' room, fireplace, family dining room, den, all jew 19x11 modern Three-bedroom, two-story older home to good condition. Completely of Crawford'a Corner Road and the hundred, and nlnety-ieven and thirty- ESTATE OF WILLIAM t, BUCHAN- Red Bank, N. J. kitchen. Powder room, three bedrooms, tiled tath, two-car ga- Westerly line ot Holland Bond, said seven hundredth! felt (U7.37) to i AN. Sit.. DECKABEn restore^ from cellar to attic. Every room has been'Improved plus Trustee. rage. Urge wooded lot, dote to all Rumso* schools, Asking point of beginning being distant twenty- point; thence: (14): still along tht Pursuant to the order of DONALD Menu. Reusstue. OonMell, brand-new kitchen and family room. Low taxes. Shade trees. five (e»t (25.00) from the center-llne ol Westerly line of lands of now or form. 1. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the Mautner, carotenuto ft MeOans, »2J,00O. Holland Hoed and thirty feet (30.00) erly Anthony Mlttrlck, south thirty- County ot Uonmouui, thla day made Coumellors at Law, Many iother features too numerous to mention. $29,900. from lha center-llne or Crawtord'i three degrees fifty-six minutes and no on the application of the undtnigned 14 Breed Street. corner Raid; thence: <1): along thi leconds West (S 33« 58' 00" W) a dis- Deborah B. Ronetuon, one of the Ex- Red Bank, New Jtriey, Northerly tide et Crtwtord'e Corner tance ot ona hundred and thlrty-elgh ecutors of the estate of me tald Wil- Jan. 7, 14, 21. 28 |28.5] HOUSES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED Road North alxty-three degrees thirty- and five tenths teet (138.60) to a point- liam I, Buchanan, Sr., deceased, no- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE five rolnutu and thirty seconds West thence: (16): still along the Westerly tlcs Is hereby given to the creditor! NOTICE FRIEHOLDLAKtWOOD . AREA - MVtN O: still along the Dated; December 12, 16*5 Claims Agilul Estate sing hrfii on one acre. U1.M0. * plies, ireenhMM and workshop. Out- We have tbi experienoe Northerly line et said Crawford's Corner two hundred ani seventy-three feet ESTATE OF MINNIE M. JIAN- BELMAR PARK ESTATES door barbecue an< puio. tow tacea. " We nave «* "koo* h»tr" Road OR a curve to the right taavlm (273.00) to a point; thence: (14): still DEBORAH B. ROBERTSON, NINE, DIOXASED. THRU' SKDJtOOM RANCH - Tenne« S#w rsaehwIUi every thing you dl- MM) down to nuatltled buyer, roll (rite We have t»t proSfecta a radius of four thousand ona huadrei along the Weeterly line of lands of H porter Line, Purlutnt to Die order or DONALD •it stoat fireplace, two nu cut icon stw on ttoxlM lot 81T,8OtVeV up. siasoo We cave a tradt-m pr and eight and sixty-five hundredth! now or formerly Anthony uittrlck, Red BtnV, N. J. J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the baseboard oil heat Lovely yard. Aik •KAN* OTHBRa (eet (U0S.SI) an aro distance of three South lour degrees litly-elght mlnutei One of the Executors County ot Monmouth, thts day made, mi m,m BI-LEVEL hundred and ninety-seven and. ninety- and no seconds fast, (S 4* W 00" E Uessrs. Rauesute Cweflrell, on the applieatloa of the undersigned, We'ugold & Krupnick, Inc. nine hundredth! test (JJ7.W) to a point a, alliance of two hundred and fifty- Vsuetier, Oaxoteimto eV McGinn, Ptttllp A. JiUmlne. Acting Executor of the estate of trie said Mlnrlt M. COLTS NECK — Attractive one year of reverae curve; thence: (3): sun two end eight tenths feet (252.10) to M Broad Street, Brokers along the, Northerly line of said Craw- the southwest corner of isnga of now Red Bank, N. J, Jianiiite, decegied, notice Is hereby «ld touMxdroom Colonial. Many si- See modele deadline lor «c«v Holmes, North twenty degrees twelv tice is hereby given lo the crMitw-j ftURRO Heirs. Weal (S 31* 14' 00" W) a distinct of on the application of the undersigned, - room, pryer, refrigerator, workshop, M Watt Main St. rreetto'.d and no aeconds West (N oar 41' 09" W) Ely ROM aeoFge Morgan and J«nnle Ski* at combination norms and screens. 119,000. PLEABE TAK]D NOTICE that a Civil a distance ot five hundred and twi one hundred and one teet (101.00) to a Holmdel, N. 1. tn Actl6n Is about:! to be commenced by feet (602.00) to the Northwest corner point; thence: (ill): Hill along the Exeeutriees Executore of the estate of tht ilia RUMSON WATERFRONT Athlna Anthopulss to foreclose a Tax of (aid Iand> to be retained by Matilda Westerly line of lands of now or form- Alexander Levcnuk. Etq, William, F. Wilion., deeeated, notice Is FINLAY AGENCY NEAT AS A PIN1 Sparkling three- erly Frederick Oahler. South nineteen hereby given to the crsdfiori or said bediroom rar/ch. In a convenient tchool Reavenly view. Deep water with bulk- salee Certlflcatt, dated December 11, L. Holmes; thence! (7): along the 67 West Miin Street deceased to present to the said Ex- Real 'Brtate. y head. Hustle 40* living room, stone fire- It5t, on propeny ot Joieph Holmes Westerly line ot lands to lie retained degrees twenty-nine minutes and no Friehold, N. J. ar«. Gharmlni Coio«l«l aecorjitog. (econoi Wait (S »• iff 00" W) a dis- ecutor! their clsjftie under oath within i 872-0100 " Tree ihaded piiloi, barbecue. Formal place. Three bedrooms. Immaculate. described on Ihk Township of Middle- by Matilda L. Holme>.\ gomh twenty Attorney Hi months from this tut. dining room, buemeot, attached ga- Great.value at 121,000. A FRED IIAT- town Tax Duplicate at Heddene Corner, degree* twelve minutes and no second tance of three hundred and seventy-six Jan. 7, 14, 11, 26 HIM RUMSON WATBRFItONT,— Ideal for tl.09 acres) ani also aa cue S3, line West, (8 50" 12' 00" W) a distance o and two tenths (eet (376.20) to a point; Dated: January 4th, 1966 Urge faats. Magnificent 4& 'paneled rage. Ewellent value at JIS.BOO. Bring PEO AOKNCY, Realtor. Ml River Rd., NOTICE GEORGE MORGAN Dad to eee It too. Fair Haven. 741-S333. in, Heddens Comer. two hundred and eeventy feet (270.001 Uience: (22): still along the Wealerlj Ilvinf foam with huie atone llreplace to the Northerly lbe of Crawtord'i line ot lands ot now or formerly Fred MONMOUTH COUNTY 23M8 Conduit Avenue end picture window! on. river .ilde $12,200498 MONTH , . Notice lai heriW being given to you Corner Road; thence: («): along the erlck Oahler, South twenty-lour degreei HURHOOATE'R COURT Rosedati, Lor* Island, New York porch, tores bedrooms, at- HALL BROS., R.alton Lovely two-bedroom ranch. Aluminum because you htVe a right to redeem Northerly line of said Crawford's Cor- (hlriy-four minutes and no secondi Notice to Credit.!! t6 PreeMt AND ' jarage. IS years young. Easy- IIS River IW., Fair. Haven, 7U-7M6 storms , and screens. Ideal location, the Tax Sales Certificate. Redemption ner Road. North flfty.nlne degree Wen (8 24' 34' 00" W) a distance ol claimsClai ' ^AgainsXltt EtU JENNIE SKIW for yard. To enioy it tola sunv Cloie. to ahopplng and .transportation. can be made bf paying to the Middle- 251 South Harrison street . : forty-eight minutes and no second) two hundred and fltty-ilx and !eve ESTATE or BARLE R.MATH, Sit., « It today. Asking JM.0OO. ' EXfeCliTlVE HOME' . Also an excellent assumption. Call 717- town Township Tax Collector, the West (N »• 48' 00" W) a distance o, lenlhs feet (256.70) to a point, «droom Lincrott Colonial today. WAN CO.,, Realtora, Campbell! Junc- urs f t tin tubllc between th Shrewsbury. New Jeriey audited and itatad'by the Surrogate tion, Belford. acree.' Trees and brook*. Oh yes,* two- hour, ol i;00 fclochek AM,AMane- *M400 o'cloc' k plT e"ve?ry bslssbuslnssss ddT y ffwm sand seven hundred and forty-eighHIMt and Sole Executrix of me County "of Monmonth and're- Enjoy r»« farm. Baaement, auached - *. -River Rd., Ruroton, 8IM7CO. erly line of aald Crawford's Corne Xait Orange, Niw Jerliy thli well-built nine year old spilt .level 45: LOUIS A. STEINMULLER Roan from the Intersection of the lei Attorney A. U. lUt. at 9:30 o'clock a.m,, at karax<40iort «/allc to fit. Leo'a acbool. with living room, dlainf rtxtet,. kitchen, — Dee. 14. 31. Jan. 7. U 127.80 the' County Omit House, Monument One otia kind, ao hurry, (39,290. den, lamtly room. 2H bJlhifsntf. (wo- OLDB SHREWflBUEr - Four.btJ Northerly line of Crawford's Corner and court Streets, Freehold, New Jer- room rarJch on acre plot on Byctmor* Road and the Westerly line et Holland NOTICE iey, at which tlm. AppUcxtlw wUl t» car attached garage. Den Vopuid' be Ave. Near Christ Church: Oom.blne.tlon Road,1 aald point of beginning being HALL BROS., Realtor. fifth bedroom. Water rlgbug Trans, ltei > 13 Rl(er M,-,/ Fait .HIVKI, TO-76M lerred owner says sell.jMMclif 839,(00. livlngrdlnlng room wiHh ftreolace. Boar* of Idtcation of, me Tlnton Falls ftekooli, Ooanlr of Moiunouili the Southwest corner .of landi^of now sions and Counsel fees, end Directions Kitchen 10il3. Enclosed porch, TaTaxees or formerly Matilda L. Holmes; ' SlIRROQATES COURT (or Distribution. THB DWSTRKAafflSTW, RlLtofi. SO. only 1355 Excellent'Jpot tot a renp (1) (2) (3) $16,90* - NO CLOSING' COSTS E. From SI., Red Bank) liW^ only 1355. Excellent'Jpot, tot a renp- 19S445 thence: (1): along the.northerly line Notice to Creditors to Preaeal Dated December 22nd A. D. U65. ; valor. 1)29,000. JOH—~N- L. MINtlOH, U6S-46 1M6-67 of Crawford's Corner Road, North fifty- Neat, tour-bedroom ranch with l i (Actual) (Estimated) (Estimated Claims Agansl Estate FIRST NATIONAL CITT BANK bains, ,clty lewers. Very ne^r new FAIR HAVEN — Approved lor pro- Realtor 3& Rumeon Rd., Rumaon. ENROLLMENTS nine degreei forty-eight mlnutei and no Feeeional use, thla sturdy older, bouee Dll 8(S •econdl Weit (H 6«* 41' 00" W) a fill ESTATE OF UAROARET W. BAIT. (formerly Oily Bank Farmers fchoole. Close to anoppior ano<< trarn- ha« 2&' living room with fireplace, Resident Av. Ifally Enroll. 1.S22.4 1,100 tance of two hundred and thlrty-sl XR, DECEASBD, Trust Company), port&tlon. Ideal location Tor children. BEAUTIFUL LAKESIDE — All brick 1 Now only 1700 down. Call 187-8BW. THEformal dining room, large kitchen, Total Average ! Daily Enron. and forty-eight hundredthi feet (238.48) Pursuant to the order of DONALD By: RAYMOND H. SAMPSON, Isundry room, three bedrooma, bun ranch. Breathtaking view. Large to the P. c. ot a curve to tht left; J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrotate ol the Vlce-PrnioeM, KIHWAN CO., REALTORS, ICO Hwy. and powder >room. Full baaement, hot wooded plot. Privacy. Four, bedrooma, Uience: (2): •Mil along the Northerly County of Ilonmouth, this day mads, 55 Wall Street . IS. Weft Keaiuburt. water heat two-cu* sarage. On bll two tuR baths-, tM .hut bathe, eiKr line of said Crawford's Co/her.Jlped, on the application of the underHgnM, New York aty, N. Y. lane - living room, immense (arnll JANUARY BAROA1K — Bit ,Prlc« re- lot overlooking porxl. Aaklng (19,500, : on a curve tojhe, lelt having a raalua Frederick..W\ Sauer, Jr., sola Execu' Bxecutor. ductlonr by retired couple (or quick MtALLIOTER AQENCV, REALTOR, room^ e«ch with fireplace, dining of nine thouHBTd "nine hundred and lor. if the estate of the Hid Mar- Ida HUdebrand, Im., •ale oILA-L. ranch, Larxe beautifully •" E. River Rd.,. Ruraron. 812-1894. Very-iinuWel. Low ta»ei. VAN tlftyseven and six tenths feet (0,997.- garet W. Sauer deceated notice M . Counsellor at Law, l;>rid»c»p¥«' Cod. Four beoroome, River Rd., Rumaon H2-1700. gree! thirty-four minutes and no sec- Hatlel. N, J. Notice to Creditors to Present 108 E. River Rd., Rumaon. 842-1SM. two AUVHSu, ttedern kitchen, wash- ond! East (N 28' 34' 00" K) a dli- Messn. Araone ft Zager Clalnn Agauit Estate er, dryer,'Large lot adjoining wooded WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE - NSW LIBTINO—Delightful house of tance of four hundred and thirteen and JO Broad.Mrtet ESTATE OF SYDNEY H. MC- Sferly American design on a- beautiful area. Excellent ctndltlon. Immedleti elghty-aeven hundredth! feet (413.87) to Red Bank, N. J., LEAN, DECEASED. Tnit'j whit you will aee through the occuplrJcy.. S15.M0. Call Mi-tUO. p:tture window of thla magnificent IVi acre wooded plot. In finest area. a point In the Boutherly line of lands Attorneys Pursuant to trie order of DONALD IOIW living room and dirAng room, Fine landscaping. Four bedrooms, 211 NEW JIONMOUTH Bl level — of said Oulieppe Casola; thence: (I): Dee. 31, lan. 7, II, 21 J2C.68 J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate « ths baths, large, modern kitchen, dining along the Southerly line of aald Guliep- County of Monmouth, this dar mtde, with celling to floor tleldetone fin- Ranch. Two-oar garage, utility room, NOTICE place. Thrae bedrooma and one bath. room, laurtirr. Fireplaces in living 2U baths, "pantled recreation J-oom, pe Casola, South ilxty-su degreei On the application of toe tuderflgitM. room and paneled den. Double garage. forty-five minutes and no secoids Hast MONMOUTH COONTI Dorothy U. McLean. Phyllis M. Bulm- Oarage. Call today for thli witw- dlrlm room, (our bidrooms.. IM.tOO. MJBROOATE'8 COURT treat ranch with lt> own bulkhead on Cellar.. This Is one of' a Call 67MO0A. ROOU> RANCH - two-car farftge. Just reduced to bar- ; THE MONMOUTH COUNTY • i -prlce»'i »l»,«00. 871-55R3. ' * twelve and forty-eight hundredth! ftet Sated: December 2Sth, 1»S9 NATIONAL BANK, Itsd Bank Two tilt baUu/W*g wom.wtth flrt- (313.48) to the Nortliweit corner ot .AONIS R. KANE 63 Broad street Mac*, large aat-in kitchen: Full, Ary .JOBY ASSOCIATES. REALTOR* THREii-BBDROOH . HOUSE . UNDIR I 38,3(0.00 land! of Matilda L. Holmes; thence: Kanes Lane, Ulddleiown, N, J baiement. AKiched twp-caf ,iara|e. 500 gtirew>burr Ave., N«w Sbrewslwry CONSTRUCTION — On KttUO' lot la Red Bank, New Jersey 7«-77«. S0O.D0 (7): along the Weeterly line of lands AND . •> Executon . ' convenient WeatUon. One-half acre lot, Runuon. 822,500. Call 8(2-0173. 4,390.00 ct Ml Matilda L. Holmes South THOMAS J. KANE SStAn. LAWRENCE J. 6CK1LLWO, Burton T. Doramus, Xiq. RUMSON — Watertronta and convert- NBW SHREWSBURY COLONIAL - Salaries _ twenty-two degreei twenty-live mlnutei Kanoe Lens, Mlddletown, N, X IS Mechanic-^Street RBAUPOR, Willow Dr.. ana Parker Ibles are highest In summer. Buy now,Four bedroomi, three baths, , I tl2,8IO.O0 and no iiconda Weit (S 22* 29' 00" Executor! Ave., Iittiet;BaiveT. 717-tm. Textbooks „,, 14,050.0 flea Bank, New J»n»y . this waterfront home with bulkhead basement 127,800. call 717-53SO. Llbrarlea k A«dlo Visual Mat"" W) a dlitance of one thouiand four Alston Beekman, Esq. Attorney . . Very large living room, three bed S.6I5.O0 hundred and fifty-two feet (1,452,00) to 10 Broad Street CUSTOM' BUILT POURi BEDROOM HIOHLANDS HILL AREA — Three Teaching SupDIIes ... -- Dec. 31, Jan. 7, 14, 21 IS5.SS COLONIAL —"Smaller bedroom meai rooms, batii. one-car garage. Owner All Other Expenses „_ 15.629.01 the point or place ot beginning, con- Red Bank, New Jeriey tramlerred. Offeri on skooo. OLAZE- bedroom ranch. 2,900.00 taining 15.2B acrei, and to construe! Attorney NOTICE urea 13x11,. two ceramic Hied: tothi, S72-OOM ATTDNDANCIO AND powder room, dan, utra. large kltchM„„ , BROOK AS80C, INC.. Your Favorite HEALTH SERVICE on laid lends a new schoolhouse, pur- Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28 J2B44 AN ORDDlUTCB AUTHORIZING THI full baa*m«nt, twt>-car garage. HoHott Rumson Realtor, 45 W. River Rd. RUMSON — Ten-room Colonial type All-Other Eiwnies-Attendance * chase the school furniture and other ACQUBITION BY PURCHASE OR Rum.on, !«-1700' • 50,00 equipment neceeiary therefor and Im- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT CONDSMNATION IN TH« MAN- water baaebotrd heat, % acre. I2J.500. house. On two lots, 100x150'. Very rea- Salarlis — Health : . 10,375.00 12,300,00 12,775.00 RIOBY. ASSOCIATES, RBAWORS „ „,.SHOR, T WALK TO SCHOOL from sonable. Call M2-3O9. AH other ExMnifi — Health prove salt Itnds, and to expend for or ACCOUNT . NER PROVIDBD.BY LAW OF OER- M51.lt 1.219 0P I 1.2K.M all ot the aforesaid, Including Incidental TAIN LANDS IN THE BOROUGH 100 ShrefiHwry Ave.. New Shnwibury lh|i, tothre: e bedroom, two ball split level FIVE-ROOK HOUSE - Storm win. TRANSPORTATION WTATE OT LILLIAN TROTTXS, tome. Gameroom and den or fourth expenses, not exceeding 12,563,000; ant OF SHREWSBURY IN- XOIWIC- J;.;/; Wl-17'1 dows, aluminum aldmg. In A»l eondl- Contracted JeFvlces and Public Carriers _| 19,219.5! I W.OOOOO I «,000.00 (b) To Issue bonds of the school TION WITH THE RELOCATION Of bedroom. Price Includes drspea ant Hon. Call 7J7-7M1. Insurance—Pupil Transportation 133.46 Notice Is hereby given that the ac- FAIR. H . — Neat u a plrj and Incarpeting. Large 129x200 lot. Excellent dlitrlct'for slid purposei In the prln- courtj of the subscriber, Xxecutcr of THE ENTRANCE FROM NEW JER- . very,„,, . iTenlent locaUon. Living condition. Excelled price^ 821.900. "M0 cipil amount of 82,663,000, thui using the estate of slid Deceased will be SEY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 35 TO room, dlBnmg room, two bedroonu. Ki- up all of the |l,933,0H.M borrowing OBRB PLACE AND APPROPWAT- audited and stated by the Surrogate ptnelon [M.\c can be flnlihed. Tile nionr ASSOCIATES, REALTOR* LOTS AND ACREAGE Salaries _ S5.876.13 J«. 500 00 t 39,700.00 margin of the said Township of Holm- Contracted Services of tiie County of Monmouth and re- ING THE BUM OF 14.200.00 IN (ath, luBj iaieinunt, hot Water heat, 500 Slwewiburv Ave.. New Shrewsbury 1.S70.DS M0.00 1,200.00 del previously available for other im- ported for settlement. to The Mon- PAYMENT THEREOF. . T garage Corner lot. Really priced to MIDDIJCTOWN TOWNSHIP — Three IHeat t.000,00 9,800.00 provement! and railing Us net debt to 741-7741 building Jols. Zoned for 1500 so. ft. UtilitieUtllltli s 11,562.28 moulh County Court, Promt* Division, Section 1. Pursuant to the appli- iell LV t*M0. MOAUffTBR AdlNCV. WAnTNO FOR A BAROA1NT AL- 14,500.00 15,800.00 19111,132.14 beyond luch borrowing mir- on Friday, the 11th day of February cable etatutea including R. S. (0:60-3 REALTORi-U* E. River R«i., Rumion. houses. Asking 115.000, Call llulluay Suppll" .."lei i 3,681.66 4,500.00 4,700.00 gln. MOST NEW — Three bedrooms, 1H Realty Inc., J71-6151. All Olher Expenses A. D, 1966. at 9:30 o'clock «m., llaUng. Tour bed- DOWeWRA AGENCY. SeeUor, HI I. HOLMDIL — Choice, hits 114 aors POLUNO DISTRICT NO. I . MONMOUTH COtJNTT ated to the payment of thi cost ot t M«|5«:vr largt kltcnen building lot. COUTS Nick - deefr- (A) TOTAIi CURRENT XXPENSKS -4 735.89S.14 1 81S.304.O0 » 857,l!B.0O Polling plice at the Village School Front St., Red Bank. U14lm. •URROATI'S COIIRT •uch property. able one acre building lot, M,«oo. at HcCamptell Rd., Holmdel, In the Section 2. That lie acquiiltlon by BARN RED CAPE OOD - Hal four MARLBORO — Three 'i aere lots School District, lor legal voters rer. Nolfca ta .Creditors to- Pmenl purchaae or condemnation of the lands large bedroome, two full baths. Tree- at M.3O0 each. CARL F. SELLERS, CAPH-AL OtlTLAY elding within Oeneral Election District Clalme Against Eetale haded deep plot with river rights. described and referred to in Section Rt. 520 Holmdel. MS-MIS. Buildings _4 No. Three. ESTATE OF OSCAR JAMBS 1 hereof be urAlertaicen under the AdtNCT. Colonial style kitchen. Mil buernit. Equipment ,-... 6,576.00 By order of lha Board of Education THROCKMORTON, DECEASED. Asking «!,»». BLWOOD A. ARARM HOLMDEL — 1H acre building lot, classification ol a General Improve- -k'"Ocean frotA Wji «,too or beet offer, call Dated December 8, 18«5 PunuMit to Ihe order ol DONALD ment by and for the Borough et BRIOHT STRONG AGENCYAGENCY. PitP.eeitoro . 5555 Proi- (B) TOTA^f CAPITAL OUTLAY OEOlUiB! E. CON-LEV Colonial. Blver rlgWr., Six rooms, tiled pect Ave.. little Silver. 7mi. Ice oream, diner, 'drive-in food, - or Itumion Shore Betatei Section 4 Situate Mnt room, formal dlniMf too Borough'of ftumion, Monmoulh County, ' GRACE UC OIRR, the Bhrewibury Borough school,' liy room, fully mulpneJiMtUchec n and IV, bains, three flrtplaoei plus doughnut type operation. UULLArTKY 1 fJlIBRENt OPERATINO APPHOPRIATION BAI.ANCr.S JUNK S\ 1861 . N.J.. Scale 1" • 100 January J. 1866, 21 Washington .Street Section 4. It la hereby determine! laundry room. Oarage, ^w* PI? acreenea porch and paUo.W)thln walk- RJWTT, INC., «71-ol51. . Owner!: Rumaon Shore Relate, Inc., Rumion, New Jeriey. and stated that the sum of 84,200.00 to* distance of store* and school. Call A CURRENT EXPENSES *" a-uj parochial tcaoeli. M'«in. lo New tt /TiPTTAT ' OUTLAY Oeorge I.. Tlllon, Frederick H, Moller, Sole Executrix. was appropriated by an emergency TetVCItir. ««M0 l»"" 'at appointment S4H»a. • IBM, ESTATE WANTED ,lcenaed' Land surveyor. License No. William, P. Kirkpatrlck, Eiq. resolution adopted on November U, FAIR HAVEN BUSOALOW ••;•* Ortan t JTTLE SILVBR — Two-slory Colortlll. TOTAL BAL.UCES JUNE SO, 1961 5610". 130 Eait River Road 1965 and la now available to finance altunlnutt tiding, alumlnurA f4ombfna- Four hugs bedrooms, lfttM llvlaf room, Rum*on New Jersey. said purpose. Ths aunt of S4.200.OO is 1 AND — Either email lota or large This property is located on the eaat tlon storm wladowi. Ideal tor .- newly den. Two llreplaeet, dining room, ilde of Hance Road and extend! to Attorney. hereby appropriated from such monies •lite foyer, .cuitom-deslgneit kitchen. trade. Buyers waiting. Call Nick Hul- Deo. 24, 31, Jan. 7, 14 827.80 lo the payment ol the cost ol said Kidi «r retired couple. FIM Jroorni en«y, MUUANEY REAtTrY. INC,, TOTAL ^EXPENDITURES AND Brooksldi Drive. It li known as part end tiled bath. Remodeled birch kitch- •;-acre. River rights. HfBOO. pwnir BALANCE JUNE JO, of Block 97 C and 97 B as shown on purpose. en wild wall-oven. Oil heat. One oar must move next summer. Call ewner, the Borough of Rumion tax map. NOriCK Section 0. The Mayor and Borou«rb garage. Hot WxltO. Taxei HW-^ear T47-II1IS. /A/ANTEN D — Thrie tsdroom home In At ths time and place above men- MONMOIITH COUNTY Clerk of the Borough, 01 Shrewsbury shopping center, UT-JBJT. •*. '' ufefel rMgbborttoodMgbbirttd , FaiMr ReverRavent or. UIPROVIMENT AUTHOKIZATIO.VS Honed, all periom deilrlne; to be heard surtnonATE's OOTJKT are hereby authorised lo enter Into HOLMDBL-rfeir Bell Labi, VtUage Notice ta Creditors to Pneeal contract with the owuirs of the MIDDLETOWN — •™w M0K School Cs»e Cod. Four bedroomi. two under 840,000 or building lot. 4I1LV 1. MM In JUNK M. '*" thereon will be gtrsn full 'opportunity. full bethi, iiparats dtalng room, Bra- CalL UNSXPtNDSD IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS ALBERT A XORR, JR.. Claims Against Eetate bove described premise'! for the pur- ABBA - Dulrablt rsjMintlel Secretary-Planning Board BiTAra Of JAUE8 V. MIARESCA, chaie and acquisition o! uii prem- One funlly brick awd frame. man. Full busmen*, two-ear attachei) •"""* JULY 1 1 84 «.«*.- — — —, , - - • .80 00 garage. On one acra nlus, Manr eg : an. 7 ; IS.21 DECsMSED. ises. ' ' ' '. 8ar»ge IHiilW lot. Two baths, ._ _ r REVBNUfcS :;;. , . " "" • ' Pursuant to the order of DONALD Section 6, This Ordinance ihill take bsdreorni. rUcrsallMi room. Oas W trai intluam, Owner REAL ESTATI WANTiP NOTICE J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the ilfect alter final pusage and publlea- wate heat , Itantdtatt. oeeupeUe*. UUJDUITOWN - "Near Red'Bank. BOOM OR NOTES AUTHORIZED • l»,fl00.00 r Wt NBUU - Five or nx, H bedroom TOTAL RE BNUES «. . „..„„_"... g 399,080.00 Ordinance No. 516 entitled AN ORDI- County of Morimouth this day made", :lon according- (o law. Call 711-MH. Wo broken. (5jovenlent lo buses and trains. Three- mee, furnished or unturolsheil. Mm NANCE PROVIDING FOR CUTTINO on the application of the unqeretgried, •MJBUO NOTICE SELL LABS ARIA — Six mom ranch. Mdroom ranch, eat-In kllchm, living OF BRUSH. HEDOES AND OTHER W. RobRrt Warwick, Adrndnlitretor ot The foregoing ordinance was Intro- Living room with fireplace. Dining room with ttrspleeellreflict,, fullrullyr tiled balhblh- TOTAL Ml ENUES AND BEGINNING BALANCE S 399,080.00 PLANT LIKI ALONd ROADWAYS IN the estate of Ihs said James V. Ma duced am passed on tint mdlng at room" kitchekitchenn, two bedroomsbedroo , twt o roomm.. Wal1-lo-wa

•»-y Kellers Warns Residents 22-FrAiy, Jwuary 7, 1966 THE DAfLY REGISTER On Urban Renewal Phonies! Aiken Wants Delay ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - trtss.fij} that flit surveys Mayor Jay M. Kellers last night being conducted in the borough cautioned local residents against deal only with the First Ave. In Viet Nam Bombing business district, he said: admitting strangers into their By WALTER R. MEARS tive about the aerial lull that homes posing as urban renewal ''There is no survey being done WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. began on Christmas Eve. surveyors. of any homes in the borough, It George D. Aiken said today the anyone comes to your house, ask The bombing pause, it was LEGAL NOTIICE United States should not resume learned, will go on for at least for his credentials and, call the its bombing raids on North Viet NOTICE police department," he urged. 10 days. NEW JEKSEV STATE DEPAETMENT Nam targets unless Hanoi acts The professionals involved in "I would continue it unless OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS to widen the war. there is greatly increased activ- Ann«inc«d clwini dite lor mint »P- an inspection of First Ave. build- Trticitionr •Iinuiry 21. 1668 For up- The Vermont Republican ity on the part of North Viet iliciUorii, dutiw aiu) minimum quall- ings are under the jurisdiction of EcationB, ipply to Dtp&rtra«,t of Civil the Local Public Agency and are made the suggestion amid indi- Nam," Aiken said in a tele Service. Bute House, Trenton, New known to borough officials and cations that some administra- phone interview from his home •'o'pVn to clUz«nj, 12 .monthi realdeni authorities, he added. tion officials are growing res< in Putney, Vt. IB KtsMburg. Sewage Pumpinf Station Operator, There have been significant Saury H9O0-J5300 p«r year. "~W»ter "PuJnrnnj 'station Operator, Fresh pork spareribs- cooked differences of opinion within Salary NMQJ53O0 J*r year, Manalapan the Democratic administration 13.68 in a slow (325 degrees) oven Jan. 7 will take from I'A to 2>/& hours about the extended pause in to be well done. M. Glrard Kelly Plan Board bombing North Viet Nam. PROPOSAL Some military men believe Jloticn Is hereby riven that wiled Heads Jersey City bids will b» received in Ui« Recep- -LEGAL NOTICE the lull is giving the CommU' tion Room of. the Otlice of the Di- rector. Division of Purchase afld Prop- Development Unit Reorganizes nists the military advantages of erty 2nd floor, Rom 232-2. Elite STATE OP NEW JERSEV MANALAPAN - Taylor Par*, easier transport and time to Houie, Trenton. New Jersey 08825, on DEPARTMENT OF STATE. JERSEY CITY - M. Girard make repairs — or even step up January 20 1968 at' 2:00 P. M. and CEIITIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION telly, 1405 West Court St., Wall er, Jr., Planning Board chair will be opened and read immediately To all to whom these presents may man,' announced last night that the infiltration of troops into thereafter, for the following: Township, a graduate of MOD- ELECTRICAL come. Greeting: the board had reorganized Tues- South Viet Nam. Bnplacf Klertrlc Poles, WHEREAS, It appears to my satis mouth College, has been named N i. Neuro-Psychliitrto Institute, faction by duly authenticated record day and reappointed all officials. But the administration be- it Uie proceedings for the voluntary as the- new executive director of sklUman, N. J. In addition to Mr. Palmer, the lieves its aerial surveillance Bids must be (II made on the stan- dissolution thereof by the unanimous he Area Development Council dard proposal form, (2, enclosed In consent of all the stockholders, de- list includes Lawrence Pintak, would spot any North Vietnam- the •pedal addressed envelope, (3) posited in ray office, that MADISON >f the Jersey City Chamber of accompanied by a certified check CHEMICAL CORPORATION a corpo- vice ohairman, and Mrs, Con- ese moves calling for U.S. re drawn to the order of the Treasurer of ration of this State, whose principal ommerce. stance Dreyer, secretary1. the State of New Jersey, w a bid office Is Bltuated at No. 18 Wallace taliation from the air. bond any ot which shall be In Ihe Street In the Borough of Red Bank, During the last four years he Edward Orr was renamed White House press secretary arndunt of 6% of the bid; and H) de- County of Monmouth, State of New HAMILL'S HAMMER TO LABRIC0UE —Alfred E. Labreeque, right, w«iinifalW:ki livered at the above place ori or be- Jersey (Miss Veru F. Kaney being las served with the Greater chairman of ths minor subdivi- Bill D. Moyers was asked fore the hour named as no bid will the agent therein and In charge there- fewark Chamber of Commerce Thursday about a New York president of the Red Bank Kiwanis Club at a dinner Monday night. Outgoing (jresl- be accepted after u» hour specified. of upon whom process may be sion committee with Mrs. Mary Bid« not no submitted will be con- strved) has compiled with the re- ind with the Newark Industrial Lazewski and Lester Hand as Times report that Secretary of dent, Richard H.Hamill, hands him the gavel as Stanley Conklin of Freehold, lieuten- •ldered Informal and will be rejected. tlutrenwntJ of Title 11, Corporations levelopment Corporation. The Director reserves the right to re- General, of Revised Statutes of New members and Mr. Pintak and State Dean Rusk was not wholly ant governor of the division, watches. Also installed were Willard F. Browning,;fir$t ject any and all bids and to award Jersey preilminaxy to the isEUlrJg of Mr. Palmer as alternates. in sympathy with President contract in part or whole if deemed this Certificate of Dissolution. vice president; Edward A. Shkoda, second vice president; Henry Corson, treasurer; lo tht best interests of the Stan to NOW THEREFORE, I. the Secre- Board attorney,, William Johnson's peace offensive. liQ HO. The successful bidder wlli be tary of State of the State of New eport High Hat Entry "I suggest you go to Secretary Matthew Page, secretary; and Directors Harry Genovese, Roland Pierson and Edward rWlulred to furnish.surety bond In Uie Jersey Do Hereby Certily that the O'Hagan, Jr., Allenhurst, was full amount of the contract ol a com- jald corporation did, on the 31»t day reappointed to that post by the Rusk," he replied, then added pany authorized to-do business In the of December. 1965. file In my office ried in Keansburg Wengland. Butt of New Jersey. a duly executed and attested consent Township Committee during its' "There certainly has been no Plans and specifications, form of Irid. in writing (Actual) (Anticipated) (Anticipated) "I think we can tell better a can Activities in Washington 1 Biiinee Appropriated IURRENT EXPENSE month from now," Aiken said. ligence unit is investigating all The address given for replies Local Tax Levy .pproprlatlon BalarfcB t 126,925.17 manifestations of KKK activity, was a post office box in New- Stata Aid Balmco' Appropriated •• ,.., ,....„..,... 100.000.00 The Vermont senator, who Local Tax Levy 1568,885.00 1,743,596.00 2,211,380.00 serves on the Senate Foreign the director said, adding: ark. , • te Aid . -.. . . 587,573.00 642,246.00 708,783.00 Tipsy Driver federal Aid . ~. 32,257.76 7.367.0O 8,563.00 Relations Committee, said he "This group, the most vicious Under the United Klans, head- Tuition - — 3,181.85 1,900.00 1,500.00 ol hate groups, is not going to ing were the words "Realm of Miscellaneous Revenua 4,853.40 thinks a peace settlement would have to include provision for the gain any foothold in Newark as New Jersey" and "Office , of (A) TOTAL CURRENT BXP. _ 2,303.679.18 (2,497,709.00 (2,930.226.00 Fined $200, CAPITAL-OUTLAY continued presence of some U.S long as I am police director, I Kleagle." . , .• >'/ Appropriation Btltnea forces in South Viet Nam, urge every citizen of the city to Local Tar Levy .:— 3AP1TAL OUTLAY Rotella has stated that' he was Hlicellaneoui Revenue Appropriation Balancs ...... -™*J 9,457.22 Aiken said he would prefer an refrain from being deceived by Loses License made "King Kleagle. of New Local Tax Levy „...„_.... „__„__„._. 69,140.00 15,417.00 69,273.00 (B) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY international force, but doubts the false appeals of this extrem- EATONTOWN - A two-year Jersey," by Shelton at a mas- (B> TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY . S 78,597.22 15,4117.00 59,273.00 that could be arranged. "I think ist crowd." license revocation and a $200 Klan rally near Bear, Del., last DEBT SJJRVICB we're stuck there for a long Spina said he considered part fine were levied in Municipal July-31. Appropriation Balance _ IBPT SERVICE Balance. Appropriated „ time," he said. "We just can't of Che handbill's message to be Court yesterday on Jesse Fisher 823,520.00 umoo e,m« Appropriation Balance •» (23,765,35) Local Tai Levy • Balancs Appropriated « . 54,000.00 desert those people." "an adroit appeal to induce of 619 Arnold Blvd., Lakewood, Miicellaneoua Revenue ___—— 9,731.3! 140,998.00 181.283.S5 Local Tai Levy . ZZZ 222.624.75 254,688*0 249,381.50 The Senate team .will make Newark policemen to take out convicted of drunk driving. 110,622.05 t 159,951.00 t 187,318.00 Btate Aid .... 90,198.00 103,087.00 112,735.00 JGs Welcome ' (C) TOTAL DEBT SERVICE . Miscellaneous Revenue 48,347.39 public Saturday night a report mero'bersihip by citing the recent After an hour's testimony, (C) TOTAL DEBT SERVICE n the war in Viet Nam. shooting of Lt. William .Maver TOTAL REVENUE ALL ACCOUNTS _P,02«,833.95 11,069,198.00 »1,238,UB.OO 337,402.79 I 378,475.50 I 367,123.00 1 Magistrate William Si Throck- A Republican leader in the by Negroes whom they label morton declared that""it is co- New Member 'the enemies of white suprem- • Reflects Actual Aporowlaiion Balanca July 1. 1964 'OTAL REVENUE ALL ACCOUNTS _.»2.719,679.1» (2,889,601.50 (3,358,922.00 House, meanwhile, said he gently clear to me that the de- FREEHOLD - A new mem- ArrBOPWATIONS ists.'" hopes Johnson's peace quest is fendant is guilty." He denied ber, William Morrison, 10 Bo#e • , (1) (2) (3) Reflertj Actual Appropriation Balance July 1, 1964-65 1965-6B 196647 successful — but added he fears Maver was shot in the back motion* for dismissal tendered Ave.j an employee of Nescafe, Xipendlturei Approprla- Approprla. APPROPRIATIONS tions tioni (1) (2) (3) a negotiated settlement in Viet Dec. 17 while investigating a by Louis R. DiL'.eto of Asbury was welcomed at the reqjfnt CTRRBNT BXPENSB 1964.65 1B65-68 1850-67 Nam would lead' within months ADMINIBTRATION Expenditure! Appropria- Appropria- holdup at a savings and loan Park, defense attorney. meeting of the Greater Freehold tions ;o a Communist political take> Balarlti ~t 37,963.52 I 36,030.00 I 39,300.00 VDMIN1STRATION tions association. The KKK handbUI Jaycees in the American Hotel. Contracted Services ______6,058.47 2,150.00 6,000.(10 Mr. Fisher's vehicle, a pickup lalarles 63,747.04 73,482.00 8o!279.00 Dver. said he was shot "by alleged Alt Other Expense! ,____„___ 7,148.19 7,800.00 12,900.00 Contracted Services . truck, was involved in an acci- Ray Bezanson, president, .an- INBTRUCTION 1,700.00 1,900.00 2,300.00 'Within six or seven months UI Other Expenses 11,005.70 7,490.00 14,825.00 members of the white • hating dent Nov. 30 with a.car driven Ealarlei _J S34.230.6t s 4O9.8oo.oo t cu.oes.oo :NSTRUCTION they woulS probably be in the nounced that $806, the proceeds Textbookt _ -.'„ 4,566.:i 11,000.00 11.500.00 Ialarle3 Black Muslim sect." by Staff Sgt. James McCuHough from the Jaycee Football Clas- Libraries ft Audio Visual Mat. , 4.767.3S 10,500.00 10,400.00 ...*,!40,521.2« $1,858,362.00 J2,117,017.00 driver's seat," said Rep. Melvin Teaching. Buppllea • _ 19,381.63 17,000.00 24,850.00 Textbooks _ \. 23,68.35. SO.550.M 60,697.00 Spina issued this warning to of Fort Monmouth. sic, will be given to the area .All. Other Expenses _ 3,040.71 3,600.00 5,100.00 Libraries & Audio Visual Mat. , . 21,469.95 26.971.00 27,056.00 R. Laird of Wisconsin, chair- ; ATTENDANCE. AND Teachim; Supplies. .. „ 59,392.31 62,560.00 man of the House GOP Confer- Newark policemen: Mr. Fisher was declared unfit Boy Scouts. i . HEALTH SERVICE Ml Other E)ft)enses 11,665.98 10,625.00 "If any of my men are so Salaries — Attendance . $ 300.00 S 300.00 iTTENDANCE AND ",°oa.»» ence. "A stable government in to drive shortly after the acci- Walter Kozloski was appointed All Other Expenses—Attendance 100.00 100.00 HEALTH SERVICES South Viet Nam now is not very foolish as to become members, dent by Dr. .George E. Henkel, chairman of the communityjde- Salaries- Health ll.lBS.OO 13,500.00 14,550.00 Salaries — AtterAlance % 1,737.00 $ 2,006.00 J 2,106.00 they will be fired immediately All Other Expenses — Health —. S42.2< 1,000.00 1,200.00 Ml Other Expense*—Attendants ._ 154.19 850.OO 550.00 much of a reality." borough police surgeon. velopment committee. v: TRANSPORTATION 3alarles — Health „.. 56 426 51 78,130.00 88,577.00 'rorn the force.'.' t 3"i,600.00 $ 2,743.00 3,186.00 Nevertheless, Laird said, he Attorney Francis X. Moore Special "Spark Plug" awards Salaries .-. ~ 23,939.00 38,250.00 Heallh : im m There has been little evidence Contracted Bervlcei and Public Carrier! 4,637.75 3.S0O.00 stands by Johnson's declared % prosecuted for the borough. were presented to Richard Will- Insurance—Pupil .Transportation - 2.309.21 6,500.00 3,300.00 &$&£S ~ ~- -- ' $ 1,300.00 I 7,800.00 of organized Klan activity in 411 Other Expense*~-Oper. * Main, , 7,386.44 13,400.00 11,400.00 3alarles goal of unconditional negotia William H. Greenwood, a Fort dov and Councilman Alfr«T''E. OPERATION Contracted Services and 37,85(1.00 New Jersey for at least two Salaries : .-.I 33,191.62 36.200.00 i 45,100.00 Public Carriers _ _ I 18.508.37 215.00 tions. "Our national goal has Monmouth soldier, pleading guil- Sanders for their Jaycee 503.00 decades. Contracted Bervicei 3.000.00 3,000.00 3.000.00 nsurance — Pupil Transportation , been set by the President," he ty to taking an automobile with- achievement. :>' Heat , 5,8S5.86 8.000.00 7,600.00 All Other Expenses—Oper. A Main. A flurry of rumors and distri- Utilities 13,8T9.<2 13,450.00 17,540.00 OPERATION 1 100,393.89 106,283.00 said, "and I don't think we can out the owner's permission, was Edward Geiger was the reflu- Supplies . _™™_»__ 7,BI0.:0 12,200.00 13,200.00 Salaries ,.„ 1,508.00 1,700.00 1,550,00 bution of KKK literature-'has 2,084.S3 500.00 1,220.00 20,268.93 27,050.00 J7.15O.O0 back away from that goal." fined $25 and given a five-day ent of the "Exhausted Roosfer" All Other Expenses ______UtilitieContractes d Services ... occurred lately, however, coin- MATNTENANCB „ 40.816.81 40.262.00 13,212.00 jail sentence, already served. award in appreciation of his-Ser- ; , 7,23!.«0 T.000.00 J 7.B0O.00 Supplies _ 17,310.58 18,200.00 21,800.00 ciding with the emergence of 4,201.91 5,000.00 5.30O.0O Ml Other Expenses 2,316,04 3,290.00 3,09O.'O0 vices to the Jaycees. •;• Contncted Services . MAINTENANCE Frank Rotella, Jr., on the New Leroy J. Kowalczk, 19, of Box Replacemenl (Purchase) of Equipment . 1,500.00 2,400.00 1 All. Other Expenses . „ 2iO0O,O0 3.000.00 Salaries J 10.920.81 S 18.S87.O0 $ 21.197.00 Congregation Jersey scene. 200, West Freehold, already on A board of directors meeting FIXBD CHARGES Contracted Bervices 31,823.87 11,150.00 17.3O0.O0 Kmploysa Retirement Contrl. «_ 2.89S.S3 6,100.00 I 5,500.00 Replacement (Purchase) of Rotella, avowed leader of the probation after a conviction for will be held Jan. 12. • *' Insurance * Judrmenti 7,215,(0 8,700.00 11,850.00 Equipment - _ .. 95.39 4,013.00 KKJC in New Jersey, was fired breaking and entering, pleaded Rental: of Land. ft Buiidlnn . 10,000.00 All Other Expenses 1,791.00 4.500.00 6,000.00 BXPliNDtTURES TO IXED CHARGES Meeting Set from his job as an investigator guilty to shoplifting a $5 pair An estimated $455 million will .OIWBR DISTRICTS Imployee Retirement Contrl S 8,762.7* f 10,519 00 I 13,621.00 —The newly of shoes from the Family Circle Tuition' ij_ -4 143,677.40 I 179,000.00 S 204,100.00 Insurance A Judgments _ 12,529.78 11,677.00 42,880.00 FREEHOLD for the New York City Board of be spent by the Department of Rental r,f Land A. Bulldlntf - 6,225.00 6,700.00 45,800.00 formed Jewisih Reformed Con- Welfare in November after his store, Rt. 35. He was fined $250 Health, Education and Welfare in •§rJB TOTAL . -I 679,910.23 S 850,430.00 (1,029.625.00 Other Fixed Charges 348.94 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS EXPENDITURES TO gregation of the Freehold Area Klan activities became known. arid turned over to the county 1986 to 'combat and cure mental FOOD SERVICES ' OTHER DISTRICTS will hold an open membership He testified before a Passaic probation office. illness and retardation.- .r/; Cther Expenses — _.. i 102.35 250.00 ( 250.00 Tuition _ S 10,163.68 I 11,100,00 $ STUDENT BODY ACTrVITIEa meeting Sunday, at 8:15 p.m. in County, grand 'jury in Paterson John 0, Houlihan, 36, of Box Other Expense* .^ 1 I 1,100.00 SUB TOTAL 52,203,793.20 52,472,931.00 82,895,183.00 ITUDENT BODY ACTIVITIES the Trotters and Pacers Diner, last month after Klan recruiting 113, Deal, convicted of speeding Don't pare beets that you ttre ., (A) TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES ...» 680,012.61 J 830,680.00 J1,O3O,975.OC Salaries S 1,275.00 1 5,375.00 I 5,875.00 Rt. 9. handbills, similar to those found 64 miles an hour in a 50-m.p.h going to boil; and leave on about' Other Expenses 1,986.00 1,700.00 1.975.00 Eipentlitures to Cover Deficit! 22,327.83 18,000.00 21,525.00 The nucleus of the congrega- in Newark, were distributed in zone, was fined $15 and lost his an inch of their tops and an itch CAPITAL OUTI.AI COMMUNITY SERVICES tion has • made plans for the Paterson and also in Union, license for 30 days. of their root. >1».:- Sites .'— .„* J 1I),OOO.OO * Salaries — Civic Activities ..„ t 3,173.08 I i,ina.no Xqufpment B.5B3.26 43,560.00 19,625.00 Other Expenses - Civic Act. „ _... 60.00 1,500.00 coming year, based on a list of (B) TOTAL CAPITAL OUT1AY 0,583.28 S 62.560.M S 18,625.00 (A) TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES J2,235,614.89 »2,4BT,709.OO 52,930.220.00 families who have indicated in- terest. The plans' cannot be en- DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL OUTLAY ergized unless all interested peo- Principal ...i loo.ooo.oo J loo.ooo.oo 8 loo.ooo.or Sites Interest .... ' 89,398.00 55,058.(10 87,51B.(K Building! ple attend and express their opin- Equipment ions, group spokesmen said. (C) TOTAL DEBT SERVICE I 150,308.00 I 155,058.00 t 187,518.0 (B) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY .. The business at the meeting will include a future site, fi- ...J 848,693.87 S1.0B9.1B8.IH) 81,238,118.01 TOTALS (Sum of A to T Inc.) . DEBT SERVICE nances, beginning of Friday nighl Principal _ I 159,000.00 I 225,000 00 * CCRREVT OPERATING APPROPRIATION T1A1 ANCES JUNE 30, 1969 Interest _ _ -._ 159,263.00 151.475.50 ' 142i423.0t services, and a full-time educa- A'XURRKNT .EXPENSES _ I H3,:80.10 tional program. B CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,431.03 (C) TOTAL DEBT SERVICE , * 318,263.00 I 376,415.50 t 367.423.0C C DEBT SERVICE _ - 21.224.05 Theodore K. Broldo, director TQtAL BALANCES JUNE SO. 1965 8 179,040.08 TOTALS (Sum of A to F Inc.) .....52.626,440.70 »2,88O,601.50 S3,358,022.0O of the New Jersey Council of the Union of American Hebrew Con- CURRENT OPERATING APPROPRIATION IIAI.ANGES JUNE 30, 1965 gregations, with whom the con- TOTAL ICXPENDITTIRES AND A CURRENT EXPENSEB _ _- ...» 68.064.29 BALANCES JUNE JO, 1985 ..41,028,1133.95 B CAPITAL OUTLAY _ 6,034,41 gregation is.affiliated, will be on C DEBT SERVICE 19,139.79 hand to answer questions con- IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS :. :••. : . JIIt.T 1, )I)M to JUNK SI). 1IKU TOTAL BALANCES JUNE 30, IMS * 03.238.4t cerning the reform movement. VNEXPENDED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS Anyone wishing further infor- JULX 1. 1964 I 255,237.9' REVENUES: TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND mation may contact Bernard JT ' OTHER REVENUE ,.-...« 7,338.35 BALANCES JUNE 30, 1965 J2,719,679.1» TOTAL' REVENUES I 7,336.3! Wagner, temporary chairman. TOTAL REVENUES AND TiEOINNINfJ BALANCE .... J '262,574.32 IMPROVEMENT Al THOItlZATIONS JULY 1, 18O« lo 4IINJC SI). IMS UNEXPENDED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS IMPnOVnurENT AUTHORIZATION EXPENDITURES: JULY 1 1984 • • •• ...... ~_ I 240613.0 Time Running , SITES . $ IB.OO^.84 REVENUES: ':.. . BUILDINOg .. - _ 1H4.036.64 ;•..'... EQUIPMENT 49,531.84 TOTAL IlEVENUES _ I 249.6B3.6I TOTAL' IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION Short For 8 262,574. 'BXPINDITURES; ...... :..... -.... TOTAL REVENUES AND BKCIINNINB BALANCE ... I 349,683.6! IMPROVEMENT AUTHORI2LATION EXPENDITURES: UNIBXPrNDFm' IMPROVEMENT AUTHORISATIONS SITES _ _.. 1 15,107.50 : TONE JO, 1965 ...: -'..-... - I None BtflLniNOS ••- —- 73,691.01 Dog Tagging EQUIPMENT : - --. 124,893.28 . ,'••;. i .;...'.,• • . ' TOTAL IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION NEW SHREWSBURY - Gc TOTAL' SXPBNDITURES AND ENDING BALANCE ... EXPENDITURES - '.hose dogs licensed now, Mayoi T V";'-. '•" -' • John E. Lemon, Jr., urged at <•) ^BALANCE JULY 1, 1964 _: $ 567,431.41 UNEXPENDED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS JUNE 30, 1065 'ast night's meeting of Borough , i.Wli: TRANSFER AS AUTHORIZED BY )ouncil. .' . HESOLUTION DATED M«y 12, 10B5 12,193.44 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND ENDING BALANCE .... 249,683.08 8255,237.97 He warned that owners of The comnlele hudirt will be tvall»bl» for examination bv th« Dublin si pooches unlicensed after Jan. 31 TH* CompItU Bunnt will b« available for rxamlnatlon hy the ptibllo K '.h» offlct of the Secretary 171» A Union Av«nue. Hatlet, New Jeney be will receive summonses. WEATHER ADDS TO TRANSIT WOES — Worker! jurry under umbrella* along Slxfh olflM of the Iecr«tai7. Hllltreit Road, Holmilel. New Jersey tielween th Iwoen lh» hours of S:00 a.m. and 4:00 P.M. from January T, 11*6 U tt of I'OC a.m. and 1:30 p.m. from Januarv 7 to Jenuarv 21 Inclusive. January 18, 1966 Irftlutlv*. Licenses are available dally al Ave.,. New York City yeiterday In midrown Manhattan en rout* to placet of builnui ,', OEOROE E. COHLBY, Secfettry ly Order of the Board ot Education the office of Borough Adminis- , Holmdel* Township Board of Education January 7, 1CM 1 yaiterday. Heavy rainfall in early morning houri addad to diicomforti tufftradbV 1 Hlllcrut Road CHARLC1 I. HOFLA, trator Jeroms S. Retd in Bor- ... Holmdel, Hew Jersey ttwraUrj'Suiineu Administrator N«w Yorkari yeihrday. (AP f Jta. T ' , . . ,Uf?.< 190.16 ough H»ll. Comphte Program Listing® .WCBS-TV ChannelS WOftTV WNBC-TV Channel 7 „ WABC-TV (2)-The WIM Wild West. Secret about discipline, while Uncle Fester and ; Mama share still another set of ideas. •FRIDAY agents West and Gordon are involved n t 7-Oonno Reed-Corned/'/ n Show-Color ^ortoomailkJrmCo |}-Ofic» Upon A Day rather Intriguing murder melodrama. They 8:304:30 (IS) - Warsaw Philharmonic. lJ-€lectnmla At Work do battle with an embittered "Iron Man," Taped last November at the Bushmell Me- Walter Reade-Sterling tun 01 Life—Sarlol 7-Weoitier—Ken Robot ! a Civil War officer who has had to be al- morial in Hartford, Conn., the visiting War- tjwparty-Gsme-Olor I •*" Utoinptr fcwm-OilMrtn 7-Snttrtelnfntnt-Jtffttyi most entirely rebuilt with steel parts, until saw Philharmonic under the direction of *-S«arcti For Tomorrow II—Ttiree Stoego—Comedy he seems part Frankenstein, part Herman Witold Rowicki, plays Shostakovich's "Sym- UTHEATRJ 4-Post Ofrice-Gome-Cotor IJ-Cdrtoonf-Chliarni . J 7-Fott«r Knows Best ' $:» ' Muns'.er, lurching about impervious to gun phony No. 5," and the Polka from Monius- || ii—Explorlno Nature J-Sloefc Market Report shot or karate blow. The plot, enhanced by zko's "The Stone Guest." . Donee Tonight J:« 11:4$ 7-Sporti-Howird. Cowll a fancy production, holds up nicely, but 10-11 (4)-The Man From U.N.CX.E." Mfttti Country Club J-Guldlnaj Ught-Seriol *, ' 13-frtm*/ Glanl-Chlldrtn Iron Man Torres (John Dehner) is the "The Dippy Blonde. Affair." Unusual for. a ll-8uctaroo SOO-fludt Weaver . ' 5:« _..T MtSJ THE FUN T0N1TE 7 Newt Ptttr Jtnnlnm standout here. THRUSH agent tg go'soft over a girl, but Andy WeSi tad—1.50 tatl. tqx 4—News—Roy Sdherer •VBNINO 7:30-8:30 (13)-The Writer's World. (Pre- that's what happens tonight when a dippy poJt Mtllor - Sat. Nlto - JjM <:<• miere.) "First and Third Person: Biography blonde '(Joyce Jameson) discovers the men- ' ' e-mki *» Wed, Jan. J-News-Ounn, Murray 2-Ntwt-jlrn Jensen 4-PDO-Oome—Color *—Nwv-MocNell, Prenman and Autobiography." John Mason Brown, ace in THRUSH tactics and plays along with HELD OVER 2nd BIG WEEK !!! .» tlao U12.. li1stt ipedipeclMM S-Cartoons-Cnlldren S-Saraty Bicker-aHdten UNCLE. Fans witl see through the pjot frit DOK« IMf. For all aaes 7—Ben Casey—Drama 7-Hlm-KcBBO- , Alfred Wazin, Leo Rosten and Helen Howe i-«l«it or cento. Mart HI). »-Olvorc* Court-Drama Michael Gough-M mln.-Color are the panel members on this first discus- complications, but that's half the fun after II—Film—The Crooked Sky- »-N»wi~Jotin Wlnoott—Color all. (Color.) Tony Curtis Jack Lemmoti beads-Joe Mucha. Wayne Morrli-vo mln. ll-flewi-Morita O'Honi sion by writers, in a series featuring authors i IJ-Wnaft New-CMIdntn and their work. 10-11 (7)~Tbe Hollywood Deb Stars of S—King And Odle-^""rfooni 8:50-9 (2) — Hogan's Heroes. A light- 1968. TV addicts get an hourlong gander, at Natalie Wood 131 1-Locol Newv-Jotin Tlllmul the 12 young starlets studio makeup artists 5-News hearted romp with the POW's, about a u M ^Ol celebration of Hitler's birthday and an Allied and hair stylists have selected as future [DWARDS'TlieGreatRaceJ 2-Aj TIM) WOfid Tumi. *:» stare. Steve Allen is fun as co-host of the 4-Leri Moke A Deal-Color bombing raid. Col. Hogan fouls up German S-Rlm-Esoope 1o Glory— plans by imitating a German officer, and show, and manages to relieve the monotony Pot O'Brten-1 hr., 25 mln. I 1-VWoihir—Vivian' Farrar he's assisted by his little French aide, Le- of the parade of debs and celebrity escorts lJ-Thnt Now For Wullc 9-Ufs 60-Go-Vorlely Beau. As usual, the story moves along at with his quips. D*s include "Gidget's" Sally 13-Hoblo EspanoM-anjvcw 11—Superman—Adventure—Color IJ-N«W JerMy Speaks a merry pace and the laughs come readily. Fields, "F Troop's" Melody Patterson, and L 1:55 (Color.) "Daktari's" Cheryl Miller, along with es^ g$ r»w TV comedy series about 4-News—Floyd Kalber' 1:00 a-News-Wattec Crenklle 8: SIM): SO (4)—Sammy Davis Jr. Show. corts Ben Gazzara, Dean Jones, Roger Smith || coJtefo student "drop-in." 2r-Panword—Game 4-News-Chet Huntley. Dovld ferlnkley STARTS SUNDAY AT CARLTON, RED BANK 4-Ooyi 01 Our LIvei-Coter —Color Guests include Richard Burton and Eliza- and Jerry Van Dyke. (Color.) Enterprising and endearing 7—Hynes—Drama 5—Soupy Sales—Comedy beth Taylor in Sammy's premiere. 10:30-12:30 (13) - College Sport of the 1-that's Hank. »-Fllm—Hebe) In Town- •-Step This Way-Dance John Payne—90 mln, II—Sltnaray—Children—Color 8:30-9 (7)—The Addams Family. "Mor- Week. Ice hockey game between Boston JBtPHEUYlttPmestj I:0S 13—Compleat. Gardener ticia and Gomez vs. Fester and Mama." ' University and Michigan Tech. " Warmly human and hilarious IJ-OookJ Tint Live 7:N -that's Hank's story. 2-m\t, wild West Fans will find the usual quota of fun 11:30-1 (4)-Tonight. Bill Dana rounds SUNOS% tm «-Oomo Runomuck—Conwdy—Color as the Addams family becomes divided on the out the week of pinchhitting hosts for the Starring Dick Kallman, 5-Outer Limits W-Explorlng Science 7-flintitones—Cartoon-Color proper handling of the children. Morticia absent Johnny Carson, who, incidentally, will with a lively supporting cast 44>octon5erlal •-Hlm-The White Tower- and Gome)! have their own warped Ideas be back, at work next week. (Color.) of stage and screen favorites, 7-J-HOUA TimM e Party—LhklrthFor U»-Serlow! Glwn Ford—1 tin. » a CKDRELO-STkHLEY BAKER PRODUCtW ll-4Joyd Thoxfon—variety—Color II—Bold Journey—Travel 1 - "Hank" is the story of a "drop-in" 1:41 3-Wrltw ! World •:3t U-Fllm-Gog- Robert Stack—2 hrs,, 5 mln. at Western State University 1J—Sounds To Say—Education 5—Toopw—Oomedy Rlchard Egan—90 mln, II—Continental Miniatures I:5J 4-Hank-Oinedy-Color 7—Dovey And Gotloth—Color 1:00 11:40 —and Ms imaginative, unorthodox 7—Tammy—Comedy—Color 9—Film—Couroge of Black Beauty— 4—1 Dream Of Jeannle 5 ficwi 4—Sports—Pot' Hcrnon—Color efforts to get an education. 7NMl Sanden Johnny Crawford—VO mln.—Color 7-Klnu Family-Music • JOWN AMPLE FREE PARKING It's chuckle-full entertainment I:M J-Hojan's Herees-Uj»lor , 1—Plnocchlo—Cartoons 8:10 J-To Tell T*e Tru* 4—Somtny Davis—Variety—Color 9:00 2—Secret Aaent 4—Johnny Carson—Variety—Color 5-Welll Fiirno-WMtern MIDDLETOWN for family viewing, 4-Aiwlt»r Wortd-Stflol I-Heckle And Jeckle-Color 4—Get Smart—Comedy—Color 1!;00 C714O2O 7:10-9:30 $-4*eler Gunn—Mystery 7-Adaams Family 4—detsons—Cortoon—Color 7—Lawrence Welk—Color 9— Film—Malaoente— Tonight and «very Friday night, 7-Generol HM(»ltal-5«rlol I1-«ollywood a Go Go S-aiucIC McCann-Chlldren , 9— Ice Hockey—Ronnerj—Color Rlcardo Trigo—$0 mln. ll-Puner PotrM-ailldrM ' IJ-Wanaw PhHIrarmonlc 7-&rfton*-a>ll(lr«n~Col<>r II—Star For Today—Droma 8:00-8:30 P.M., Channel 4 13—SpKtrum—Science »:0O II—Foreign Legionnaire 4-Fllm-WHlword me Women- 1:10 N. Y. FILM CRITICS AWARD FOR l-Oormr Pyle, USMC-Coter PrejentMl by the Bell System J:1S Robert Toylor—2 hrs., 15 mln. 2r-Ncws 1—News—OOUQIM Edwards S—Fllns—Tha Wagons Roll at HlgM- I-Tennesse* Tuxedo-Cartmm-Calor 5—Vivo Maria Premiere BEST PICTURE • BEST ACTRESS - BEST DIRECTOR Humplirey Bogart—2 hrs. 1-A Night In St. Morltc 7-Honey ' «-Atom Ant-Cartoon«-C6lor (Continued On Next Page) t-eiot Of NIsM-^Serlal II—To Be Announced •-You Don't Sovl~Gam«~Cobr (—Loner—Western ^•Smolhers Broihert 10:00 5-Poul WlndwH-CMIdrefl t—Hollywood Palace—Color 7—Young MarHeds-ierld 4-Mlster Roberts—Comedy-Colop. 2-Mlohty Mouse-Color • •-World AUvenrure»-tolor 7-4=0111161*8 Doughter-Cofor 4-5ecret SqulrreMJolor io;oo ll-eoio—Oilldrm-Colcr »-Arreit And Trial—Drama 7-Porky Plg-Colbr runsmoke—We&tern 13-U.S.A.-The 11:11 Color 4-Wealher—Field-Color 4-Wealher-^Antolne-Color 4—Fury—Drama 11:30 5-Oiuck McCann—Children 5-Sandy Becker—Children , /-Local News-VWartln BMJtel S—Him—Northern Pursglt— 2—Film—The Spoilers- Erro) FHyni»—1 hr., 55 mln. 7-Magllla Gorllia-Cartoont-Color Anne Baxter— hr., 40 mln, "CRACK IN THE WORLD' 11-Word Of Life—ReMcjloi» •ll:U •—Local News—Pond—Color nun uimm •j«irrn SCOTT OPEN AFTERNOON 7—Film—House of Bamboo- 4-Loal Neva-Harti-Olor 11:00 ALL II :M *-Soorls—Teoous—Color 2-Sky Kino-Adventure YEAR 7—Edltwtol—John 0. Gilbert 7—Bugs Bunny—Color 11:10 11—Inslgrit—Religion SATURDAY & SUNDAY, JAN. 8 & RESTAURANT b NAUTICAL LOUNGE 3-Fllm-The Merry WI95W- Lana Turner—3 hrs., S mitt.' 2—LdSBle—Drama . SUN.-EARLY SHOW6:00 DINING DIRECTLY OVER THE WA71R •-Tonlsht-Varltty-Color 4-Exptorlng—Children—Color MATINEE ONLY!!! 7_FHm-Th» TaH Men- 5—Speak Out—Sonny Fox Chirk Goble-7 hrs., 20 mln.—Color 7—Milton The Wonster—Cartoons—Color AT 1HESE FOLLOWING WALTER READE THEATRES A BikiiiiHAciiiiii 11:30 11—Local Issue—Discussion 1:00 Just push the button and itll GO-GO-GOI . 11—Pasting Porodf-Nesbltt 3-My Friend Fllcka—Drama-Color *—Research Prolect 4-News 7—Hopplty Hooper—Cartoons—Color f—News And Weather' 9-Rlm-The White Toww- 1:0* Glenn Ford—2 hrs. S-New> 11—Roller Deroy 2-News. ' ,' ., ' ' Oory Grant—l,hto, » •*-4>rofHe'0n The Arts'; ' " ' SINCE 1917 •HP" tiM 5-Bot Masterson-Westtrn "VIEWS TO DINE BY" I "CUE WGA2IIIF' 1-tiVM • 7—Amerlcon Bandstand MtihVrU 1:00 J-Fllm-Rood to Snsapw 872-1245 "EVtR AT THE BUDGE" Z—Turning Point—Panel HIGHLANDS Blng Crosby—1 hr., 35 mln. 4-Senlor Bowl-Wtoblle, Ala-Color S-Fllm-Whlte Savoge- '7-Fllm-Chost of braostrlp Ho>l0Vf- Morlo Monha—90 mln. Jody Fair—1 hr., SO mln. 11—Colleo* Bosketball-St. John's v>. IMS Vlllanova • , SAT. 12:00 & 2:00 2:00 ONLY i-Fllm—Forblddeii Alllance- SUN. 2:00 COMB AS YOUAPEPARONERS Norma Shearer—2 tin., IS mln. 2—College Counterpoint SATURDAY 7-Youth Wonts To Know _ CO-HIT - AND MORNIIfo — CHILDREN 50c — <:N 2-Young worlds-PanO 4—Modem Farmer 7-McKetvef-QXnedy "HERCULES AGAINST THE MOON MEN" <:» J-Fl|m-Tl\e White Towtr- BRING THE KIDS to 2—Sunrlie Semester Glenn Ford-] hrs. ''".•.•.•••'.• FABULOIK3, .. ' , • 7-Pro|ect Know—Education 3130 700 2—Repertoire Workshop — BONUS FRI. & SAT. — 2-MaVt You Read .. .-ZulU 5-4*lm-Cruiy over Hor*e»- 4-Aoiicgnure U.S.A. Bowery Boys—<0 mln, 7-fllm-Sond—^ Mtrk SttvBU-99 mln. 7—Pro Bowten. Tour TrlEMVENI 4:00 7:10 2-CBS GaH Classic 4 2—Shape Up—Exercise 11—Colleoe Bosketboll-Monhattan vi. 4-Crusader Rabbit-Cartoon Wagner •:M 4:50 t—Ooplaln Kangaroo 5-Hone Race-Miami 5:00 4-ainnday Houte' ^-Rlrn—The Lost Angry Wen- SIRLOIN PIT 25i ^ Paul Munl-3 hrs. ll-Dovey And GolWO-Color 4-Worid 01 Golf—Color l:tJ 5-Sou»y soles-Comedy •-Hews And Weather 7-Wlde Wbrld Ot Sports RT. 35, MIDDLETOWN A •-Championsiitp Bowllna parati/iouMt Car. Crtstvhiw Dr., rwo mllw nerA ol KetJInk ^ 11-Rocky And Hit' Friends-Cartoons- •\ ASBliRYPARR 747-OOM ATLANTIC Color man THEATRE EVENINO •ILL WALTERS: Head WrmoWr 1:00 29th RECORD WEEK A DAZZLING WILD Atlnnllf JliqlilLiiiils—r. I. MH'IH 4-New. York Illiotrerled , S-Coll Mr.' D.-Mystery NOW • 2:30 & 8:30 SWINSINO COMIC FANTASY HOW THRU TUESDAY! yneen —Superman—A ttvenlure EARLY SHOW SUNDAY 7:30 BUYS I-News-Scherer/ MocNell-Color £. nODGERS-HAMMERSTHirS. ^Orognet—Polfc* '—4hlvaree—Music ' ARE -Cloy Colo-Variety ROBHITWISE , 0 7:01 CHAR-BROILED I—News—Tom Dunn I—It's Academic-Color . IN A MQ(frH-lVAT£fllM6MANM£R >-Fllm—Stallion Road- 9VD Ronald Reagan—2 hrs. TO "TOUR OWN PERSONAL ORDER '—ABC Scope—Documentary ' AND SERVED/A,[A FAMILYSTYLE aS >-Fllm-Th» Body Snotcher- Borlt Korloff-90 rrfln. 7:20 WESTERN ATMOSPHERE i (-Sports—Don Crlqul 7:M * f—Jackie Gleaion I—Flipper—Drama—Color Choice FEAST YOUR EYES ON OUR FOUR STAR -Shindig—Music-Color Reserved Sean Now al .•Kimtin Box Office SMOKING SECTIONS EXTRA CHARGE • ACRES OF FREE PARKING i .or any Waller »lHTEDHmSTS-l(HBtlIl«SE PLUS—2wl ll» HIT Reade Thealra AT ALL UT. THEATRES PEAK DINNER NOW! mmm "ONE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST FILMS" — N.Y. TIMES •JUNIOR STEAK*8AKE0 POTATO ».HALf-TEXTOAST*SALAP ^ HELD OVER NauiwawnD I 3RD BIG WEEK STEAK SANDWICH wetneMiria HERE COMESTHE BIGGEST BOND OF ALL! • GIANT PORTION StiZtlN" STEAK PLAZA ON BONANZA BUN •SAIAP' SATURDAY & SUNDAY SEANCONNERV HELD OVER 3rd SMASH WEEK! FU LU Vz LB. MATINEE AT Z IF YOU'VE ONLY SEEN IT 5 ^ BONANZA BURGER HRST LOCAL SHOWING ONCE, YOU HAVEN'T •y'HB.WOvPtOSIRlXIIN'BUN'PICKLE TflUNDERBALL" •QW0N«K0 WP1E BmCtEmiC£«O««S ITS SEEN IT AT ALL!! THE COMMUNITY TEEN- 2—6—8:15—10:30 SCENE Fri. 7:1 S and 9:45 Sot. & Sun. • 5—8—10:20 / YOU'VE Saturday and Sunday •UNITED ARTISTS NEVER 2:lS-4:45-7:20-t:50 ST. JAMES SEEN! 2—7:"ft—'0:00 Teen-Agere Zoom NOW! Tony Cmtis JackLemmofi Sat. & Sun. Con't 2:00 , : Jo Supertae And Held ovtr 2nd wt«k Terrorize A Tpwnfj Natalie Wood [ ^TheGreatRace" •ANAVISIOH and COLOR •Cm$P BONANZA SHAJM •TCXASTOAOT l»t blaoest •nrerMlnmenr ever to rack tke ferae* with la««kttrl BONANZA SIRLOIN PIT #251 IS ' tTANLlV KRAMER'S . A MflD m OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK "IT'S W0, , MAD, % WORLD" 7 36. Deed C«itJ«.ateJoe/2l Capricorn. Doe.22toJan.20 play (he king of hearts Instead Cut down ftrrmt KtivHitl and Any order on H» mwiu 37.tMx>at Kerie* He* Yen** reMlaBom li of finessing. tilXK Jon Don't «Urt tile work veck may be preporad to fate 40. Contract vp W now. eo worn out 42. Arrange As a matter of statistics, West each from the doubleton queen- U should hold the singleton queen UaJA 22 »»>««. 21 Bystezn- jack, he will still faisecard rea The ifodiAt le capennt mi % 63 times per thousand hands, and eiiW Rbtm^iia_-, . Kmnfjnfiri m BUcally $ sonably ofteh-Msay 20 times out work oct /or the brat 21 tarn 45. Hammer H the doubleton queen-jack 68 times Rieoi. Feb. 10 to March 20 vr of 68. The odds witt then be 62 Viroo. Aufl. 12 r» Sept. 22 44. Solo per thousand. It seems that South Uoo't Hit Wo eeriofldir athut' Don't be •frtid to nixm »n LUIGI JJ to 48 in favor of Hie finesse. inrltition If yw doa't think 45. East Indian should play1 West to have the iqeu'Dut eoaflict with jair You follow the same reason- jon'tt enjw WOTtlf. leafless doubleton rather than the single- 29 JO ing when the jack drops on your RED M W vines ISO, TMahat NewiMper Sjndicjle ton. Nawman Sprlngi R00J "Gay Nineties 46. God of first trick. Assume that the hon- Choice of Play Atmosphere" thmder: w or played on your first trick is 6«r. % % Actually, when West has thea singleton, and go on from DOWN b -Fllm-lvy League KHIert- seafood snacks. Don Borlsenko—1 hr. " DANCING FRI. AND SAT. TO Yves Montond-l hr., 45 mil). I:M . Jack Baker is the owner and PIZZA t ITALIAN CUISINf 1:M l-Rliti—Oregon Seed— • 9—Form Report his manager Is Jack Marley, JCandld Comero the ^ENTUEMEN" EVERY MONDAY Knffiorim Hepburn—2 hra., 50 mln. 9—News And Weother An ancient barn wai bought 3:S« *-Wacklest Ship—Comedo-Color 5-Oplnlon In The Capital 9:00 SMORGASBORD J—Rlm-The Dancing Master*-. whole, and dismantled for the with vocalist "BETTY CLARK" 1.25 ll-Open End-David Susstfnd 2—Dennis The Menace Stan Lourtl—1 hr., 15-mln. 4—Birthday Talk-Panel huge, Shanty Pub's 18-inch hand- SUNDAY »:» J-Whot'i My Line? o—Our World—Education hewn beams. BANQUET FACILITIES—30 TO 300 MORNINO II—Jack La Lanne—Exerdtt WATCH OUR DAILY SPECIALS <:M 5—Community Dialogue 7-Ntw» 11:00 »:M 7:00 «l:ll . OUIIS MAD! UP TO GO—CAUL 7474104 I—News—Harry Reajoner 2—Leave It Ta Beaver Il-Mock And My«r-Comedy J-Qirijtopfitf Pregrom 5-Wr. Lucky—Adventure *—New*—nlll Ryan-Color li:M OHM J» A.M. 70 I A.M. DAILV 7-Srerdt-ReHolon-Color 9—Lodln Ol The PreM 7_Fllm-Ar« These Our PorentsT- ;:IJ W-Tlme Far Science 11-Word Ol Life—Religion Helen V/iMon—50 mln; 11:15 it-Modem Farmer 9-Fltm-Acrott ttie Wtde AMeJOWt— 11:10 5-r}ew this Saturday night S Clark Gable-90 mln. 7:» ll-Scorlett Kllt-Sertal J-OIck Van Dyke-Comedy S-Fami To FoiHi-Rdlglon 11:15 IJ-Worklng With Science 7—Thti It The Answer—Color J-News-Hyamj, Crlqul 4-ParadlM Bay-Color »:50 S-CoriMM-Chlldrin 7:« 4-Locot Mewi-Pond-^Cotor 1}-Books Ttwt Live WE GIVE OUR COOK 11:15 7-Dotlng Came 11—Chrlihpner Progroin •:55 o—Memory Lone—Joe Fronklln 1:00 <—Sporh)—Pat Hernon—Ostor 4— News-Bob Wllion 2—Around The Comer 11:J0 10:M S-A»trol»y—Cartoon *-Fllm-Blgger Than Lile- I—I Love Lucy—Comedy the' ADAV OFF — DOYOU? 7—Fold! for Todop-R««Bl«o—Color Jamei Mo*on—1 hr., 50 mln—Cow 4—Eve Guest-Gome—Color 11—Evcngel Hour—Religion •SainWrtysteiWrtt y 5—Peter Gunn-Mytiery 1:13 5—Film—The Devil Command*- 11—People In Conflict it over ,»• whan wai fhe fasf Went fha Ifftfo 4—Library Lions—Education BorU Korlotf—1 hr.. « mln, , 7»:1J with a|| Jhe I:H o—Rim—The Little Mlnltter— 13—Parlons Francois I SURF Kattinrlne Hepburn—90. mln. l»dy had a day away item th* lofehen? Surprise her 1-Hnn And WeaDier 10:10 «:U 11-Encounter—Religion 7—News-Bill Owen , 11:4! LOUNGE and •—Christopher Program 10:1! popular liits— by-aikTng liar TO the Uneroft Inn where she can re- I:M 7-Ntwi And Spoils 4—Ntws-Edwln Newman 5—King And Odle-Cortoont U:W 7—Flfm-Ar* These Our Partrdlf— RESTAURANT l« and" gat away from +he chorsi and enjoy her 7—For THou Art WWl Mt 7-Locol Newv-Sntt Vlncenl Helen Vlnson—50 mln. 11—Big Plctvre-Army OLD AND NEW •^TV GOJMI Tlint-*li>|le 13—Plocw In The Nevn 13:1! favorite foo'd. y The Uon-£olor W:M Dine and Dance 7—Film—No Hlghimy In the Sky— I—McCoys—Comedy •-Jewish Fourth R Jomes Stewart—1 hr., H mln. 4—Concentration-Gome 11—Superman—Cartoon 15:10 5—Bol Masterson-Western SALBERTOLO VM 4—Film—Strange Triangle— II—True Adventure—color • Sizzling Steaks 4-Let'e Tol* About God Sljne Hos»o—75 mln. 10:45 LfNCROFT INN 5—Wonderamo—Sonny Fcx 1:00 13—Time Now For Music BAND 7—Film—5leepy Uooon— «-Nem And Weather 11:00 ^ Judy 'ConovowdO mln. !:» 2-^»ndy Grlfflth-Comed/ Wed., Ftl.. Sot. & Sun. • Seafood •—Fireside Theater—Dronvi 5-Wlre Servl«-Dramo 4—Warning Staf—irjolw'' ' ,v; ' NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD 11-Lel'e Hove Fun—Bennett l:J0 5—AUrobov—Corioon . »:I5 I-Newj 7—Supermarket Sweep ITALIAN CUISINE laqulre About Our Boiqutf and Wedding Facilities 4-Blble Story Game 1:B »—Tell Me, Dr. Brothers-Advice- »:» J—Film—Mamleur Beoueolre— Color Steaks and Chops 2-Wa/ To Go—Reflglon) Bob Hope—I hr., M mln. [1—Snuff/ Smllh-Celor , S Ai HOTEL 4-Jewlsh Herllage 1:41. 11:05 Ocean Blvd. and 9—New Jerwy Repcrt 4-Open Wllnd-DlscusllMi 3—Hnblo Esponot-unguaoe Rt. 36 at BRIDGE 872-1174 HIGHLANDS 10:M 1:H Matilda Ter. I-Lomp Unto My Feet 7—Bevmm of Children— Long Branch 4-Yotrth Forum-liitervlnv Leslie PWHps—1 hr., 40 mln. Closed Wednesday ' 7—Beany And Cecil—Color 1:15 ITALIAN Dial 222-98B3 f-Polnl 01 Vlew-Dlicu»lon 1—Film—The Dolly Sisters— N:N Betty Grt*le-2 br>., 15 mln. 2-LKik Up And Live MONDAY AND 4—Man In Offke—Interview MORNINS 7—Peter Potamiu—Color i:M AMERICAN >-N«w York Report 4—Education Exchange—Color ll:M I—Comera Three '•* CUISINE 4-Searchllght-lntervlew <:M 7-Sullwlnlde-Color J-Sunrite SemeJler SERVED DAILY FROM J-Fllm-Ttie White Towir- 4-B'waiu Den-Children Glenn ForfM hn. 7-Pro|ec» Know-education 11:30 A.M. TO 2 P.M. Din* Informally in our 1I:M . 7:00 J—Leglslollve Hearing J-New»— Hvoms, Ptnia and AFTER 5 P.M. *-Dlree» Une-lntervlew 4-T«toy—Color Monmouih Room! 7-Oiicovery 'M-Chlldren •7—Ann Soltiem—Comedy «PTEItNO0H 7:M Patsy Perroni's !!;« I-EdHorlal-Mlchael Keating t—Hvmmaktn— Inlervtew J:» 4—Open Mind—Interview 3-Newi-Mlki Wolloce 7-N«w York. New York S-Survey Ot The Arts CLUB Il-Unde Waldo-Color 7—Gale Storm—Comedy 11:15 7:55 J—Newt-Mori Dean J-Newt—Petsr Hyena »:M I:M J—Foce The Nation—Interview 2—Capfaln Kangaroo Opposite 7—Paoe One—Interview 5-7-Cartoont-CMIdren 1—Racket Squad-Police 0:M RED BANK RR STATION 11:M S-KIng And Odle-Cartoani *—Utwt—icb Teogue I:M 7—Edltarlat—Jotin 0. Sllbert S-Sondy Becker—Children 1:00 7—Uttle Rascals—Comedy BRIDGE AVE., RED BANK I—Love Tnot Bobl—Comedy Il-Folr Adventure 4-*Aeel The Pres*-lntervlew*-Color Banquet facilities S—film-Hell Below- Roberl Montaomery—S hr*. 542-0800 7—Dlreclloni 'So-Rellglon - -Fllm-The While Tower- Glenn Ford—2 hn. HWY. 35 EATONTOWN ll-Code Triree-Pollce FOIT MOflfflOtfrft BANQUETS l:» J-NFL PkryOH Bowl-CoHi v». Cowbaya—Color *-Comolle Hour-Relloton-CWor FOR ALL OCCASIONS PHONE 741-8344 7— Iwuei And Arnweri W Squad-Police l:M 4-Eterml Light—Religion the CobbleStones 7—NBA Boik«ltia!l-Knlck» vl. Bullrt 1-Ordnd Jury-Police ENJOY 2:10 Restaurant •—Film—Fate Trovelt Eott- Unaa Darnell Highway 35 . Middletotm ll-Rlcnord Dlamond-Myttery

«-Sowllng-New York City 5-Fllm-Mlii Tallocki WllllenJ- the "MOLLY" John Lund-J tin. 9—Film—The White Tower— Gl»nn Ford—2 hrt. OFTEN ) I—Adventure! lit Ponidlie . 4:U Superb food served with old-world charm 4-NBC Soorh) In Adkm-Cttlof 7—Laromla—Western—Color and warmth. II—Clov Cola-Vortety S:M NOTICE! Enjoy a leisurely luncheon, gourmet dinner 2-MI>fer Ed-Oomedy 4-Crln Aword or a refreshing cocktail in the Molly's elegant S-Dokotos-Wettern 7-fllm-Sundovm- AT THE CLOSE OF atmosphere. Gene Tlemey-J hn. 9-Uverpool A Go Go-rMinlc DINNER IN THE JERSEY BLUES Il-Rocky And Hli Frlendt—Corlooftt DINING ROOM 7 P.M.-9 P.M. S:N 7~Amoteur Hour—Ted. Mock BUSINESS ON JAN. 8 4-OE College Bowl-Qull-Cotor AFTER-DINNER DANCING 11—Rln Tin Tin-Western •VENIN0 TO THE MUSIC OF a:M ' 2-T\Hnl|»m Century "CANDY AND BEAV" ^-Fronk WCGM Report-Color S-Ue Angele* Optn-Goll Every Sat, 'til 1:30 A.M. {—Film—The Son ol Hercule* In Die Land of Darkneu—Don Davll-M "Special Happy Hour" mln—Color ll-tfowallon Eye—Myttery the CEDAR INN The opening ©I The Shanty Pub is an,event of major andVunhrue'ngirifance to the with hora d'oeuvres a:M • J-Eye On New York-Color entire Shore Area. The word "Pub," of course, derive* from the expression, "Public Moii.-Fri. 5:0O-6;30 4-NBC Newt Speclol Will be closed for 3 weeks. 7:00 House," which in an old English dictionary is defined as a place . . . "where all 1-Fllm-Ttie Wliord t..;, Paul Newmon-J hn., « mlna>- devotee! ' rom riiAUHt KkCH, M. J. *t*mmmM& t#S*0*tl«*


















WE'LL GO HOME AND GET SOME we CANT ser MCUB AT THAT'S RGHT...AND WITH RIFLES IN pyNAMITE...ANP COME BACK IN THE COUNT SOMEBODY'S GOT TO MOQNINSL.irS GETTING THAT CANYON,. US FOR RIDEOS/ HEOETILL GO GETGPUB AND FLAGLSV .BARK ANyHOW? _ CAVLISHT/ BLANKETS FOR . THE60VS/. 26-Frfdtr, Jtnwry 7. lft roops Thank THE DAILY aEGISTER blades, cigarettes, pens ud ita Jersey for Yule Gifts tionwy. Letter Fran Bbriact liltENTON (AP) — American Christmas Star, a project that Among the letters was this om Jervicemen in Viet Nam have resulted in 150,000 gifts for mili- containing the signatures of 4f it thanks to New Jerseyans tary men. Marines: participated in Operation Letters of appreciation have "We Marines stationed here a been sent to Gov. Richard J Da Nang, South Viet Nam, wan Hughes and the state American to express our thanks to you ant Legion which sponsored the proj- the people of New Jersey fo: ect. Hughes served as honorary chairman and initiated the gift the Christmas gifts you hav fund with a donation of $100. The lent us. Thanks also for the sup gifts included comb sets, raior port you have shown us here ii Vietnam and We hope to do ou pan in ending this war of Com munist aggression so we can al enjoy next Christmas with ou: families and loved ones." Hughes Gratified Gmnfeed Hughes said Thursday the let' ters were very gratifying, and FIRST tUALlTY added: "The members of the Ameri 10 BCWA IMTSRBT DAYS! can Legion and the people o LONG WEARING New Jersey who participated i On row Flnt MtrehdiM this project could ask for nc LUXURIOUS COMBED PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNT greater reward than the expres sions of gratitude contained i Dwoilti M«4« OB or Btlon COTTON 3a. 10th. the correspondence we have re- lira Intereit trom Jan. lit ceived. ••Who "I am sure I express thei And. For Your sentiments in making it know: Long-Range Saving*! guarantees that we shall contiriue to d OUR OWN prvvneiQ M-MM1 TIME-SAVINGS everything- in our power to len bread*" full support to all of our mei CERTIFICATES : and women who are seirinj PERCALE SHEETS their country so well hj Vie Nam." wn /v inttratt A&P does... uncondition- Lustrous fine combed cotton percale, snowy white .4%. 1 ntOM DAT OF ISSBB ally.'Jane Parker Bread CARS COLLIDE and so silky smooth) New stitch corners that slip Available «t Any Time, In Amounts is made of the finest ingre- SHREWSBURY - There wer on so easily! ptarttaj »t $600, In Multiples of dients, blended and baked no injuries and no summonse ,81 x 108" or FULL FITTED....2.1J JOO. Self-wnewlng, with Interest issued in a two-car accident or bj Check every t Months. by experts. You'll like it... Shrewsbury Ave. near Pattersor 189 COTTON PERCALE or you'll get your money Ave. at 12:33 p.m. yesterday. PKG. OF 2 [72 xiOfOR back — without question. Police. Chief Raymond Mass PILLOW CASES 100 identified the drivers as Hazel TWIN FITTED

Messier, 16 Sherman Ave., We ••««•# Long Branch, and Howard Jack I JANE PARKER son, 20 Williams St., Fair Haven Patrolman Robert Hoffman in vestigated. Flr*t Quality Sell Fast! The Daily Registei Classified. > SOLID COLOR 0ft BATH TOWELS l §

DuPONT DACRON 6924"x or FOAM LATEX COMPANY Heavyweiglif cotton terry beauties, fluff finish, v rASBURY PARK • RED IAHK • oRICK PILLOWS 'pucker-free dobhy border, many fashion colors, Non-allergenic, odorless, dust-proof.. W1 T0WELS...49C WASH CLOTHS... Stylish cord edging. Sleep like a




CUP TEFLON TEFLON Very closely tufted,, thick-looped-vistose rayqn...wethanHoani back...no-skid safety. Serged all around to-prevent raveling. '; MUFFIN PAN 9" FRY PAN No sticking --no : No-stick cooking, no scouring, Exclusive scout clean-up! 9 jf 12FT NYLON PILE 18.99 seamless construe- iThrifly'htfteirta.kprs who knew t gebdbuywill snap up thislOOS nylon pile rug- tion. 100 wears longer, easy to'clean. Vibrant c'olois.

Dales! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday- January 10, U and 12 only! Time: All three days from 10 am. fo 9 p.m. BRADLEES OWN BOOSTER CABLE Location: Comer of Route 3$ and Evergreen Ave., Beat winter cold! Neptune City. ( Auto Batteries Save trouble and I 24-MO. GUARANTEE (6 OR 12 VOLT) service'bills. • RUGS • FURNITURE * SUMMER FURNITURE • BEDDING • LAMPS • GYM SETS • DINETTES 7 WINDSHIELD • MAJOR APPLIANCES • CHINA • BIKES WIPERBLAQES Don't let ice oriSnovrruin • AIR CONDITIONERS • SNOW THROWERS 999 your driving vision! Sizes RB10, PR12-2, PR13-2, • LAWN MOWERS . • . RB11, RB12 3B-M0. GUARANTEE (6 or 12 Volt] 12.99 No Phone ! No C.O.D.i! No Layauay! These batteries made by one of leadfjig.manufacturers NO of national brand batteries!.We guarantee their perform- SPAHK PLUGS All Sale* Final! Save up to 70%! TRADE-IN ance. Why pay fora "name" battery.when you can buy America's most fatn- the am battery at our low price! ' . •, ouispaikplujatthis NECESSARY fabulous price!

AfbUryf«rk, 10 «.m. to 5:30 p.m., W«dn»«d«y «nd Friday n-i tlt Town, l|o,«»m. to, 9i3& p,m. Monday thru Friday, Sat. 'til 6. f KMfPORT • LAVRZLTON • EATONTQWN &J. •;•-:' \i •-, •'••;'.•;;:•>:.• , •• m Ar Special on For Adults


Qidy Way To Go Is ity WILLIAM HAGEMAN bers of the federally-sponsored ^ without the help of. W^ODBDIGEv- There wilt be Neighborhood Youth Corps. federal money, and that has been a b^ief graduation ceremony this None of them have high school the dream of architects of the moqkh at the offices of the diplomas, and few of them have Great Society projects. Ganteii State Parkway. any work experience. The green Source of Labor HI won't attract much notice, certificate they receive at grad- The New Jersey Highway but j:for the 18 or 20 graduates uation will, for most of them, Authority, builder and adntinis* it will be a commencement in the be^the first thing they've ever trator of the parkway, finds truest sense of the word; Their • had to show to a prospective'em- the Youth Corps too valuable as liv«| have taken a hew direc- ployer., . , a source of good, trainable labor tion1 on the parkway./ What makes the parkway's pro- to end it after six months. Tile graduates are completing gram a showcase example among So the authority is adding an- six Months of landscape training anti-poverty programs is the fact other, six-month program of Its on the scenic highway as mem- that it has caught on. It will be own. It's a cadet corps of main- tenance trainees, and it's aimed at keeping the cream of the Youth Corps crop for permanent work on the parkway. The pay is better and the training more advanced. Boys who complete the cadet corps program can be- come regular employees of the authority. In the meantime, as long as. HELPING HAND — Garden State Parkway landscape federal money is available, the Youth Corps will continue to engineer Lawrence DeMont, right, lends a hand to Yernon seek new recruits. If the grants - Van Pelt of Shrewsbury Township, a member of the park*, should be cut off, that program way's Neighborhood Youth Corps. The corps has thinned probably would be continued with authority money too. more than 3,000 dogwoods and baybernes from the site Parkway officials smile with of the proposed Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel. pride when they talk about the human results of the program, but they don't see the Youth Corps and Cadet Corps ai i welfare project* : OEO Opens Campaign The corporation's viewpoint U expressed by D. Louis Tonti, ex- ecutive director of the authority, To Recruit M Youths this way: "This program, on A dollar and cents basis, stands on r TRENTON —•• The New Jer- in on-therjob training programs its own feet. Those boys are sey Office of Economic Oppor- or in permanent positions. - worth every dollar we've id- tftliuty has initiated a major ef- Nearly 700 disadvantaged ru- vested in them." fect to recruit the poor for 40 r-al youth have participated m Mutual Benefit 00V job openings in its Rural the program, since it began last CUTIVE EXERCISE — Neighborhood Youth Corpsman youth Development Program. Mr. Tonti compares the proj- ' The 'State Division of Employ-.. y Rural Youth Development John Butler of Long Branch gets a break as D. Louis Tonti, ect to the parkway's pioneer : Program in New Jersey is the executive director of the NJ, Highway Authority, mans senior citizens program in which - i»mi Security is cooperating in retired men are hired on a part- f|h0 broad search to locate dis* nation's first attempt to prepare sriovel. The corps is transplanting usable shrubs at the deprived rural youth for employ* time basis, so as not to jeopardize 'advantaged rural youth, 16 authority's Telegraph Hill Park on the Garden State Park- through 21, as enrollees who iriM ment through the combined re- their social security benefits, to sources of the Economic Oppor- in Holmdel. collect tolls during peak periods Irartc in state government instai- of traffic, '.'It works to' our iatkw and offices. tunity Act of 1964 and the Man- power Act. mutual benefit," he says. Employment Security and Here in Monmouth County, the OEO personnel are concentrating It also utilizes the separate re- TMO Area High Schools Join corps is saving the parkway Jbeir recruitment efforts In ru-' sources of various state depart- thousands of dollars with its work Hi areas of Middlesex,"Moo* ments and agencies, whether for at Telegraph Hill Park, Holmdel, tBOUth, Mercer, Hunterdoft and the provision of services or In Exchange Experiment the future site of the Garden feissex Counties. Those interest* for employment opportunities, or By THER£SA SAMA between the two schools. State Arts Center. ; pi Student Councils spon- privilege of smoking during the lunch period and he also stated parkway nurseries in a selective tiiid inquire about the Rural Is Semi-Finalist sored a student exchange pro* thinning project at the 350-acre Youth Development Program. •grailn between Red Bank Cath* that the girls' uniforms and boys' MORRISTOWN - Frank Ar- oU:, Participants, who are paid up toa School here, was one of four mUiaky. And they know what they are la $1.35 an hour, will be trans* DefcartOQ students named semi* Visiting from Henry Hudson the humor of various teachers at Red Bank Catholic. ' doing. Lawrence DeMont, park* to and from .their joba \ dualists.. Eifjjht oOhers received ji Diane Borgstressar and way landscape engineer, sees to Fbut. Aside from work expo** Wteni of owuiaewlatton. ft Aheam, seniors; Robert Purpose of the program was that. M ft crew is about to un- " MtroMees are offered tfo* • Names of finalists wilt be a* Paine, Junior; Bonnie Gregerson, to expose students to other meth- dertake a clearing operation, edocation, medical care, anouooed in April. Each acholar- and Claudia Paine, ods of teaching and student life they first go to classes con- CQUtweUttg tod recreation PW-. abip awarded under the program and to promote better relations ducted by Mr. DeMont to learn lowing t sbt-month period, eflocto i* t fouf-wwr twwtl covering eilohange students voiced among students of tohooLs par- how-to operate a -chain saw years. ^ a*'t^.tfce differ*vltiotaidiig hi tin v(Se*Y(HnH CORPS; P*a*<4) Star of Sea Students In Pageant I By JEANNE RAfFETTO 1LONG BRANCH -the annual r Christmas pageant was presented. Dec, 19*20 by Star of the Sea Academy. The first part consist* ed of dances and Christmas WJ songs. The second half of the pageant was a religious tableau, Al^ of the seniors and man$ on* derdassmen took part iri this production which was directed by Sister Gabriel Therese. . On Dec. 22 the students of Star of the Sea Academy were shown the movie "The Reluctant Saint** starring Maximillian Sthell. Casting for the French play bas been completed and rehear- sals ere now underway. 1 (Regular classes resumed Jan i Monday and work was started immediately in anticipation of the mM-ierm exams. Address Student* By PATRICIA RICK MDOfLETOWN ^-TowraN|P Assessor John T. Lawley, and Collector Herbert Bradshaw re- cently spoke to the Political am- ende Club on their respective JO* IN NEW LIBRARY at Monmouth Regional High School, New Shrewsbury, librarian Miss (Catherine Rodgers in- sitioos. structs freshmen on the use of the expanded facilities. The multi-level library includes storage study and reading Flowing each talk there K*f a Utarcnute question period open areas, and now houses a collection of 13,000 volumes, t to the 52 students in attendance, ON CAMPUS TV .•)••"' BOWLING GREEN, Ky.~M« Carol Ann Perry, a senior [it Elbow Room for Regional Pupils Western Kentucky State Cotte^ is serving as news co-ordinBtor By ELENA MCCAIX Library Club plan two trips. One trip this year wilt be a visSt to starting after the Christmas hoi* find occasional newscaster on ffw NEW SHREWSBURY - As the of these trips is to the State li- a library in an industry, a pub- irtays, the library will be open campus television news progrtpk 16-'66 school year continues, the brary Council. This council meets lishing house or television studio. on Saturday mornings. This is 'Topper Topics," this semeatflt new library at Monmouth Re- twice a year—in the fad and in Mrs. Theus said that she would an attempt to .help those stu- The daughter of Mr. and w& gional High School again be- the spring. As in the past, Li- like the club to see the NBC or dents who do not have time to Bruce Perry, 57 Hudson Ap« comes one of the main focal brary Club members will attend CBS research library in New get into the library during the West Keansburg, N.J., Ulaa points of the school. Witfi the the spring session. York. regular school week, or are Perry is an English major, Jb addition of the new wing came Last year members went to Conduct Experiment working on papers or research^ also is a member of the EngEbh a new Hbrary-^twice as big as see Princeton University's Around the first of the year, It enough, students attend, the dub and Western Player*. ^ the former one. Ubrary. Mrs. Theus, the head the library will conduct an ex- library may be kept open on Miss Perry is a graduate 01 Saturdays on a regular basis. The oU Hbrary at MRHS was librarian, hopes that the second periment. For about 13 weeks, Keyport High School. •' •actually a large room with shelv- ing along the walls and in one comer. Group desks occupied most of the remaining space. In Students Offer Views the new Hbrary, however, there are actually three large rooms, called the entrance, lower and On Marking System mezzanine levels. Each one of these levels contains shelving, By ROBERT HERMAN marks to determine a fair aver- Study and reading areas. RED BANK - Red Bank High age." the library is manned by four School has introduced a new Sophomore Jeff Howitt offers staff members, aided by the 15* marking system for the 1965-1966 another view: "It helps the member library club. These four term. Prior to this year, report student who does weU on a are Mrs. Theodosia Theus and cards were issued four times a marking period, but does not Miss Katharine Rodgers, librar- year; Under the new plan, the do well on the mid-term or fi- ians, and Mrs. Anna Osborne ahd year is divided into six sections nal exams." Miss Denlse Borkowski, clerks. and grades are sent out at the Dave Marshall, sophomore: New Books conclusion of each. At the ter- "The new system of six mark- This fall the library acquired mination of three marking ing periods is another step in 700 books, raising the total num- periods, exams are given and a improving Red Bank High. semester average ie found. How- Each student in the school will ber of books to about 13,000. ever, because there are three be able to see more often how These new books range In subject marking periods on a semester, well he or she is doing. If matter from Napoleon and Jose- the exam has less bearing on podrly, he has a better chance phine to new math. ' the semester average. to improve his grade before the Stemming from -the library is There have.been varied reac- semester average." the Library Club, which functions tions to the new system. Says Lorraine Powell, senior: as a service organization—-and junior Fran Miles, "I don't like "There are not enough tests to not as a formal club. Only the it There aren't many opportun- make up for bad test grades. position of president exists. ities to bring up a bad test There is more work condensed Each year (he members of the grade and there are not enough in the six weeks than the nine." Gayle McMullen, senior; "1 think we should go back to tfie regular way because that way you have a chance to get bet- ter marks in case you are slow at first. The six-week marking periods have too much pressure put on you." Ronald Folger, freshman: "I'm against the six-week marking period. First of all, the second report card comes before Christmas. Secondly, I'd You'll paint a bettir pajntjog with art supplies from rather have four because six makes too much punishment/1 Jane Katims sums up her feeling in one, short sentence. "It doesn't give you a chance to catch your breath.11 PAJNJS •WALLPAPERS U. Since it was opened In 1066, some 50 mdjion people have vis* tied Disneyland, near Anaheim, 74M4M •Cw; ; • ''/• JBB*. i a. 9 Abroad § By ELEANOR MARKO attend the opera, theater and College nas developed a winter Buena Vista Ave., Fair Haven, a La., Rumson, a sociology fresh- CL Gordon Behn, son of Mr, German movies, and wilt visit tem program outside of tfte senior majoring in economics; man. • Md Mrs. G. Gordon Behn, 11 several medieval villages in the country, though it is the first Miss Charlotte A. Speck, 46 Hub- Mttbrook Dr., Middletown, a Munich area. winter term program in Germa- bard Ave., River Plaza, sopho- Richard Manley, 120 Broadway, fint*ye&r graduate student in the Tfcte is the fifth successive ny, Other students from the col- more majo»ng in arts; Miss Sue Ocean Grove, a junior at Grove College of Engineering at Cornell year that Florida Presbyterian lege «re spending their winter R Schwartz, 206 Williams St., Red City College, was guest speaker University, was selected as one term traveling and studying in Bank, an elementary education at the Pingry School annual lun- I ol 43 Glee Club members who Sp^n, England, Yucatan and freshman; Miss Barbara L. cheon in Hillside. The school will participate in a 12-week con* Mexico, Rauch, 130 Middletown Rd.t New was host to members of the 1962- CBrt tour of Europe and the Far Mdnmouth, a freshman majoring 63-64-65 graduate classes. Mr. East in the spring. William H. Truswcll, 4th, son in elementary education, and Manley. was graduated from Ifee 10-nation tour is being of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Miss Joan C. Kratz, 6 Oak Wood as : Pingry in 1963. He contributed a sponsored by the Office of Oil- Truswell, 3d. 52 Queens Dr. East, to the luncheon discussion on en hiral Presentations of the U.S. Little Silver, was named to the "Are the pressures to" be edu- Slate Department. dean's list at Hobart College, cated too strong?" ., .MrT Behn, 22, was graduated Geneva, N.Y., where he is a h bom Cornell in 19G3, a bachelor pre-med student in the sophomore & science with distinction, rank- class* Co-Ed is Soloist ing first among four-year cavil in Two Concerts engineering graduates. Studying Diane Fiala and her roommate on a U.S. Public Health Service Christine. Bloom of Maryland, FRANKLIN, Mass. - Miss tnineeship grant, he is planning won first prize for their Christ- Kathryn Urion, daughter of Mr. • career as a water resources mas door decoration at Reid Hall and Mrs. Edward H. Urion, 1278 engineer for the U.S. Public at Washington College, Chester- Eatontown Blvd., Oceanport, N.J.t Health Service—or the newly town, Md. Miss Fiala, daughter and a member of the combined ^Created Federal Water Pollution of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fiala, cnoir and glee club of Dean ".Control Administration. Jr., 15 Avalon Dr., New Shrews- Junior College, recently made Mr, Behn was one of a 40-raan, bury, served as hostess at a tea two holiday season appearances (, fltfMwat team which conducted for the U. S. Naval Academy with the group. Conducted by n. Study last summer to detennliui Glee Club which entertained at a Dean's director of music, Gius- ,,iSn time of travel and diffusion concert on campus. Miss Fiala eppe deLellis, the choral organ- ^Characteristics of foreign ma- M&s Eva L, Earle also was makeup artist for the ization appeared in a concert be* terial in the Hudson River. The lead character of a play given by fore the Newton Centre Women's i>ftndy» sponsored by the U.S. the Drama Club at the college, Club of Newton, Mass., and later i-iiEWic Health Service, was the performed at the Christmas Ves- •^largest of its kind ever success* Initiated Mtos Mary Jo Jullano, daugh- pers service held at the college "•" attempted. SALEM, Va. - Miss Eva Le« ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. shortly before the student body Clear Earle of Atlantic High- Jullano, 20 Heidi Ave., West Long went on its annual Christmas ,v Peter Martin Kehde, son of lands, N, J., was recently Ini- Branch, was named historian of vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kehde, Rivers tiated into. Alpha Psi Omega, PW Delta Pi national physical ed* Raymond D. Gumbrecbt Miss Urion was soprano solo* Edge Dr., Little Silver, is one of honorary dramatics fraternity uoatton sorority, Theta Chapter, 1st for the Gounod Carol "O Sing ',15 students from Florida Pros* here at Koanoke College. at Ithaca (N. Y.) College, where To God." She also sang the so- . byterian College in St. Peters she is enrolled in the School of . prano solo in "He Shall Feed Jjurg, Fia., chosen to spend Miss Earle, daughter of Mr. Health and Physical Education. Pick Senior and Mrs. Robert Mayhew Earle, His Flock," an excerpt from January in Germany. He is a Handel's "The Messiah." , member of the junior class. 16 Hooper Ave., Atlantic High- lands, was among eight new Students from Moravian Col- For Honor ,. The 15 ^students and sponsor, members accepted at initiation lege, Bethlehem, Pa., on a vaca- HIGHLANDS — Raymond D, TOYS FOR ORPHANS ! Dr. Kenneth Keeton, associate ceremonies in the college's Lab- tion period for the holiday season Gumbrecht, son of Mr. and Mrs." By PERRY RAISON include Peter A. Dodge, 220 professor of German at the you made thta students of the greater Matawan farther experience as he moves possible, this part of the pro- year?- , . .-., - ; .•.•..•.•,.,..,,.• area are invited' to participate on to college, work opportunities,; gram will be related to tiie 8f#> in all parts of the Presbyfeen and military serviced The aim of iriar in Faith. The evening-pj' FAITH STADELMAN, 1« Schpl- GAIL THORNE, 35 Monroe St., program," to be held Wednesday; the study, Rev. Mr< Jacobs said, dose with refre^Mnentfl_aod it©* er Dr., Union Beach, sophomore:. Keyport; sophomore: evenings. is to encourage and guide se- reatkm from 9:15 to 9:« p.m. " I ant going to I .will study 5 make a resolu- The programs are designed to niors; toward making a re- The' Presbyteens also are »"; I harder. I will try be well-balanced, relevant to the sponsible and informed commit- ganizing a basketball team whkM.; ftion-on good citi- to jyivc more; needs and interests of- high ment of their lives to Christ will compete in -the Church fzenship because time to my.pet school students, including recre- while providing them withastudy League being organized by ihfc" | good citizenship [projects in ational and social activity in a of j&uationai problems that YMCA; High school boys i**U 3 I helps, a great school. As vice- Christian context, and prepara- will develop their ability to make participate in , Presbyteens • «*; .3 I deal in our daily j president of my tory for Christian service. - responsible ethical decisions; urged to participate on the team. >• ] lives. I am go- class, I will A typical evening will begin At 7:45 the group will have its 'Detailed programs for the Fi&>] £• ing to try harder work as hard as byteen program for January and;" witfi brief worship led by one of weekly choir rehearsal. The choir : ion my subjects I can to make it the members of Presbyteens. At will be directed and taught by February are available at ftth land spend less Mthe most suc- 7 p.m. the group will participate Mrs. Nancy Wright, minister of church office, Rt. 34 and Frank- I time ' watching cessful class in In the Seminar in Faith. This music. Mrs. Wright is a gradu- lin St. ' • television. I will the history of pert of the evening, according to ate of Westminster Choir Col- Copies also will be mailed to do my best to help our school. Keyport High School. Rev. Dennis Jacobs, assistant lege, Princeton. those making their requests b^- JAY CUFFIE, 16 Van Dora St., At 8:30 Presbyteens will hold tflejJJione. -, Keyport, sophomore: pastor, will consist of study de* I plan to budg- PAT PAULIN, 171 Morningside et my time so Ave., Union Beach, freshman: that I have time I am going to jto do every- i try to stay on idon- thing. This in- (the honor roll By CLAIRE HOOK ih one event to be convinced by Handles himself. Everyone is iff* • | eludes school, i and raise my RUMSON — One of the most, the excitement and new friends Vited to attend. • • ^ [homework, marks to a high- to join permanently. Other, of- ;er level. This in- worthwhile yet one of the least ! The club was privileged to host; housework, oil known activities at Rumson-Fair ficers are Vice President Sarah thcNew Jersey Drama Festival^ ! painting, prac- ; eludes studying Meltzoff, Secretary Eric Eddie- 'harder and lis- Haven Regional High School. on De^. 3 in which 115 schooii. ticing the piano This society, though it par- man and Debate Captain Bruce competed. They were t^O? I and oboe, and tening more in Kethledge, and two very able, class. As vice- ticipates in events, as numerous honored by receiving an inyitaV ; eating and sleep- as those of any sports team, faculty advisers, Mrs. Carolyn ing. I intend to : president of my Hill and Robert Culp. These tion to participate in the UN at >class, I am go* gets very little student recogni-. Monmouth College. Club men* study French above all in order tion. Every week a delegation, people have arranged for several to receive an A and to join more ing to try to programs to take place during; bers are also frequent guests oo make our class one of the best, is sent to a speech meet or de- radio station WJLK, discussing; school activities. bate, and the club has gained the coming year, hopeful that JOHN McGROGAN, 918 Fifth St., a reputation as a tough debate they will bring the ctub recogni- current teenage problems i Onion Beach, freshman: THCriAS SISON, 1010 Edmunds team, and pcores high in other tion. A series of lectures is world affairs. Superbtendenf One New Year's Ave., Union Beach, freshman: speech activities. Although the scheduled to be given by faculty John F. Kinney, Jr., has i I resolution I have I will try to league is primarily regarded as members, community members,' the club permission to | made is to 4ry ;stay on the hon- a debating club, not everyone ah assembly in order to. »:' and other persons, in such di- quaint the student body wkh Ms < my best to make 7, or roll through- realizes that it is a forensic club versified fields as playwriting, 'my class have t"§out the school and deals in all aspects of activities. "... more school year. Last year speech—humorous, original, ex- politics, surfing, theater and gov- | spirit. I am also I didn't have temporaneous, poetry reading ernment work. These lectures House Hunting! It's open sea* j planning to do e best marks and interpretation, dramatic in- are purely for enjoyment and to son in. the Daily Register Class*-, better in all my nor the worst. terpretation, and original speech see how an experienced speaker tied now. jj subjects. I am As president of. writing — something for every- | also planning to the freshman one. ^attend more class, I will try President Linda Sellck, who is school activities I to give thy class atempting to recruit new mem- help yourself to a .. • such as dances, basketball the best year; I bers, believes that potential Faroes, etc. Will face up to all my problems. candidates need only participate HIGHER EDUCATION Youth Corps Scores Success (Continued) wfely, and to maneuver a way made a gift of a pair of gram in which the trainees can tractor. If weed spraying is the hard-toed work shoes for each continue their education at night project, they learn about herb- boy. Then they were given uni- or by mail. "I finished law icides. If it's fertilizing, they forms and green parkas, and in- school at night, and I don't see are briefed on the cost,, applica- tegrated with the veteran main* why they can't study at night," tion and content of the chemical tenance men. They couldn't be said the director. "They'll find compounds. told apart, and they went to work the only way to go here is up." • Sometimes Mr. DeMont intro- feeling they were part of the Not all of them make H, but duces films or guest speakers crew, Mr. Tonti and Mr. DeMont call te the lecture sessions. Confidence in the project is the program remarkably sucees- .. Then .the, boys go out on the shown by Mr. Tonti who said, ful and beyond any expectations. job, side by side with members "We're not filling vacancies in "We felt if 10 per cent made '. of the parkway's 266-man main- the maintenance staff anymore. it, it would be satisfactory," Mr. tenance force, and gain prac- We'll1 fill them with these boys Tonti said. "Nearly 100 boys tical experience. Mote import- when they're trained." have been involved so far, and antly, they learn they can per- 1 Wages Increase. the fact that 20 are graduating form capably and work with The youth Corps boys get $1.25 this month means pur.expecta- ' itiuen. ' '.:... an hour when they start, and a. tions ,haye: been doubled," he It's no picnic when they.get 10 cent increase after a month. added. ^ cut in the field. Mr. DeMont, If they continue with the cadet Oi the boys who have dropped • veteran paratrooper sergeant corps, they get $1.65, and when out of the program, only 24 and product of a Brooklyn tene- they're hired permanently the were, failures, and only.three of ment, runs a tight ship. starting wage is $1.96. those were dropped for disciplin- Don'f sell yourself short. A career based oh K a boy is told to clip his "We're anxious to bring them ary reasons. Absenteeism cut good financial background can give you con- Beatle haircut, he doesn't come up, and we'll place no ceiling most of them from the ranks. back to work until it's been done. on their opportunities with us," ; "It hurts to lose them, but fidence, enhance your success. Start by saving If he prefers pegged pants to Mr. Tonti said? we have to be grateful for the the money you earn, at Marine View. All earn- the parkway uniform, there's no Several boys have shown re- ones'we can help," Mr. DeMont work for him until he changes markable aptitude with the said. He reported 20 who have ings are guaranteed; all deposits insured* Whyc his attitude. "When I tell them mechanized equipment, and are taken jobs in private industry, not open an account today? ' to do something, I cexpect it to on their way to being parkway five who joined the armed forces, be done. That's the first thing mechanics, the executive di- three who joined the National they have to learn," Mr. De- rector said. Another boy did not Job Corps and 12 who left tor Mont said. take to landscaping. Mr, DeMont reasons unknown. Two boys, N0WPAYIH6 The attitudes do change under let him work in the maintenance . still;with the corps, went into the parkway's leadership, and office in Holmdel. "He likes it, business for themselves after ANNUAL MVIDEND therein Hes the sucess of the and everyone likes him/' he hours. program. said. Among the 34 on the job now, COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Despite his sternness, Mr, De- Mr. Tonti said he will let the there are 34 success stories/the Mont gets excited when he talks training take any direction it administrators agreed. cf the boys who made good. wilt. If a boy shows an aptitude, Mr. Tonti aaid they are work- Some shewed up in torn k will be cultivated and en- ing so well they have produced couraged, whether it be for of- MARINE VI6W -.•SSASR- sneakers. - ToW that they .would 3n unexpected benefit. ."Theylr* Highway 3$. haw to wear sturdier footwear, fice work, toll collecting,' me- keeping our oldtimers on their chanics, or.something else, A toes, and I couldn't be more 471 -2400 [the replied that the sneakers 1 all they had, So fl*, park- final relioetjieM Will be a pro-, pleased," he said. >*• '' [ v ? h :i ti I

c 10

AU« WBtaM Richard Glassey Roth Ml* Jean Morgan Bruce Hanna i

RED BANK - Eight high schools to be presented at gradu-. . AUan DiBiase is a senior at school seniors are recipients of ation. The coUeges to which the Keyport High School where he Merit Awards by Monmouth Arts merit award students are apply- studies piano with Mies Rose- Foundation in,the field of music ing also will receive notification anne LoPresto, and privately They are Richard S. Cabbage, of the honor status of the stu- with Adele Bowne, Keyport. son of Mr, and Mrs. H. H. John dents. . Miss Morgan, a senior at Red Cubbage, Naves** River R&, According to Dr. David W. Bank High School, is a piano Middletown; Richard Glassey, Woodward, chairman of the student of Mr. Collier, and Mi&r son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. scholarship committee, MAP has Showers, a senior at Manasquan Glaesey, 39 Salem La., little Sil- limited funds to provide fa* High School, studies flute with ver; Miss April C, Showers, nacial grants of up to $500 to a the well-known concert flutist daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- few winners who must have help Frances.. BladedeH Williams of liam W. Showers, 20$ Third to further their etudies. Qualified Englewood, formerly of Middle* Ave., Belmar; David Barcan, son merit award winners have been town; of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Barcan, notified to apply for this con-' David Barcan, a senior at Ae» 507 LaReine Ave.> Bradley sideration, bury Park High School, audi- Beach; Allan DiBiase, son of Mr, tioned in piano composition. He David Barean Miss April C. 8h«m*rj and Mrs. A, C. DiBiase, 42 Wash- A wide range of musical talent was represented hi the auditions. presented his own works. He if ington. St, Keyport; Miss Jean a piano student of Sara Nehmen, Morgan, daughter of Mr, and " Bruce Hanna, a senior at Free- hold Regional High School, Is a Wanamassa, and a voice student Mrs. Dayton P. Morgan, 8 Mit- of Angela T. Flynn, music teacfti; Concert at Aefl H., Little Silver; Miss T. baritone who studies voice with William Starsinlc, Freehold. ex at Asbury Park High School: Roth Johnson, daughter of Mr. Red Bank Senior and Mrs. Leighton Johnson, Bd- Oceanport ford, and Bruce Hanna, son of Richard Glassey, who plays By GEORGE FORD Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Hanna, 3 Resumes flie tuba, is a senior at Red OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Dr. Crestwood Dr., Freehold. Bank High School. He is a stu- ; dent of John Luckenbill, Litfle Henry Melnik, chairman of the The students will be presented Practice Sihw. Township High School, planned in a public recital in April/ : the winter concert held Just prior Recipients of the awards were By LEE LAUR1NO Miss Johnson, a senior at Mid*; named after formal auditions held dfetown Township High SchooLL to the Christmas vacation in the NEW SHREWSBURY - "He presented piano selections. She.is: new auditorium of the local high in the studio of Gifanan Collier flies through the air with the of Oakhurst. Judges were Mis$ a student of Felix Molzer, Little: school. greatest of ease." The daring Silver. v- Among the units which partic- Helen Jepson, former Metro* young man? Not likely. Probably politan Opera Company star; .Richard Cubbage, 19, also a ipated were the high school band, a member of Monmouth Region- senior at Middletown Township, the chorus, the Senior and Jo* Mrs. Harold H. Hornberger, CSairi al High School's gymnastic team, Bannwart, Max Kayne, %, R. is a concert guitarist who be«; nior High Glee Clubs, a brass Coached by Richard Coppola gan study 11 years ago at the ch«r, a percussion ensemble, a Matsen, John Schoening, Robert Spencer, Al Tomaino and Wil- and assistant gymnastic coach Red Bank School of Music. He kkhud S. Cubb9& trumpet quartet, and the newly- liam Wottman. Michael Carlisle, the Monmouth now teaches at the school, with a organized Twirling Corps. The squad has resumed practice with list of some 30 student* to bis, entire project was under the di- The foundation is sending a seven returning lettermen; Pete credit He hopes to attend North' Airman Receives rexxfon of Dr. Melnifc. Faculty personal certificate of this award Skrypski, Phil Miller, Eddie Carolina School of Arts in Wins* New Assignment members assisting hint were to each of the student's, high Soles, Pete Cooke, -Mike Stiuso, ton-Salem where he plans to ma- Paul Bartlett, choral music; Ted LeRoy Henderson, and Jim Tee- jor in classical music. He play* SAN ANTONIO, Tex. -Air- Smith, stagecraft; Mrs. Dorothy ters. drums in the high school band' man. Caririen JL .Seda-Morales, Gray and Miss Helen Salvetti, Transferred These boys and other members and studied classical guitar with dwghter of Dr. and Mrs. Ru< ushers, and Mrs, Barbara Sloan of the team specialize on the side- Vito Marascio. He also plays ben S. Seda^Morales, 101 Broad and Miss Carol Gruber, Twirl- horse, high bar, parallel bars, jau and rock 'n roll and «s a" Ing Corps advisers. • - rings, long horse, and tumbling member of the - combo, the: St., Freehold, N. J., has been se- Officers of the high gchool are mate. Free exercise has been re- Tryms, featuring his brotbetj tooted for training at Amarillo as follows: student' administra- placed by the latter. John Cubbage, W, a junior 4tt* Air Rwbe Base, T«x,, as. an Air\ Middletown- Township HifD-1 Foree personnel specialist. tive chairman,- Arthur Fink; li- < Co*captain» arc Pete SJcrypski, brarians; Kathy -Brand, Leslie last years' Southern State side- School, at bass viol, and alumii: A graduate of Freehold Region- LaBella,; Chris* Fornarotto and horse champion, and Phil Miller, of, the hl#i «hool Louis Donate al Hi«h School, she recently coin' Cecilia Todd; secretaries, Ar- leading scorer last year. The M, at guitar, and Miss Chri* rfeted basic training at Laddand thur Fink and Kathy Brand; in- team must achieve the first six Traiitvetter, 19, at drums. Cwfc- . Air Force Base, Tex. : strumental room managers, John places for apparatus to partici- bage also played with the combo Koch, Mark Levtoe, Richard pate in the state sectionals. the Four Freds for three yean. Grossman,.. Anthony Klaer, Marc Summerfield, Charles Mooney, and Paul Haze; audio-visual WE HAVE ALL chairman, George Ford; drum sergeants, Brian Bowne and Mike Stockhamer; drum major- OF THE MOST etts, Chris ' Fornarotto and FAMOUS NAMES Kathy Brand; band captain and co-captain, John Hodgson and IN ... Sandy Brodsky, and band room manager, Frank Schureman, COSMETICS A variety of holiday music was Deanls E. Quinn selected for the Winter Concert COLOGNES ranging from "Little Drummer .SAM ANTONIO - Airman Den- Boy," "White Christmas," "Ha- nis E. Quinn will train at Gun: PERFUMES va Negllah," and "Shalom,*1 by ter Air Force Base, Ate, as an the chorus, to "Sleigh Ride" by Ajr Force medical service Spe- HAIR PRODUCTS Leroy Anderson and highlights cialist. : tnm "Fiddler on the Roof" The airman, son of Mrs. Jes- played by the. band. With Christ- sica D, IQuftn, 9 Lynn BM., mat and the Hebrew holiday, Hadct, N. J., aUended RariteD I^RKEMUGS HanuVkah, Jailing at.abqut the Township' High School and re- fame tin)*, traditional music of cen% completed basic training 51 BROAD ST. 747^$4 BED BANK •: Sctefbrak* both holiday* was Included, at Ucktand Air Force Base, Tex, ;' ' v' I Flies iw Plane With British Royalty By JEAIWE RAFFETTO States. Did she. like Bermudi? LONG BRANCH ~ When Ther- WeH, her future plans include esa Peel, Star of the Sea Acad- Bermuda at Easter wHfc Borne emy student, boarded a BOAC of her close friends. jet Nov. 4 at Kennedy Airport, aboard the plane were Princess CABINET MEMBER Margaret, Lord Snowden, Lady Cavendish, and other members CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. — & of the royal party, At 5:15 p.m, Miss Stephanie Kaighn Scott of Tracy and her parents landed in Middletown Township, N.J., has Bermuda where they stayed at been elected to membership m the Elbow Beach Club in Hamil- the Cabinet, a branch of the ton, Bermuda is a 28 mite sand-dot- Wilson College Government As- ted island with pastel houses sociation. \ roofed in gleaming white. Tracy Miss Scott, a freshman, Is the reported most of the people in daughter o* Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Bermuda are tourists and she seph D. Scott of Monmouth Hills. met several from the home ter- The Cabinet is composed of of- ritories of Rumson and Little ficers of the student governing Silver. body in addition to a faculty Tracy noticed that the young member and one representative men who are native Bermudians •of each of the classes. have extremely long hair while FATHER AND DAUGHTER, Rev. Robert E. Lengler of Christ Episcopal Church, Middle- the girls sport short, curly tress- LISTED IN •WHCKS. WHO1 town, and Jean Lengler look over prospectus of Spelman College, Atlanta, Ga., where es. Motorbikes are the most com* Arthur Thomas Locilento, Jr., Jean wiil spend six months as an exchange student from her own alma mater, Cedar man means of transportation on tfie island and Tracy rented one a senior liberal 'arts student at Crest College, Allentown, Pa. to see the island, . Albright College, has been se- In the evenings she visited the lected for listing in "Who's Who youth clubs which feature rock Among Students in American Middletown Pastor's Daughter n' roll bands. The teenagers dance fle U.S, teenagers do but Universities and Colleges.** their musical taste runs about Selection of nominees was con- Chosen for Exchange Program six months behind ours, Tracy ducted by a special sub-commit- tee of Student Council following By LEE COOK who asked, In an address on the legislative body, and above all, says, Bermuda also provides eve- ning entertainment at night clubs consultation with faculty mem- MIDDLETOWN - A Unique Negro drive for equality, that in our daily lives." for adults where the limbo and bers. #econd college semester will be-, every American "stop and ex- She hopes this integrated stu- calypso are performed. Mr. Locilento is the son of Mr. tills month for Jean Lengler, amine his conscience" and stated dent endeavor will further under- After having a fabulous holi- and. Mrs. Arthur Thomas Loci- King's Hwy., daughter, of, that "it is time to act in Con- standing among the youth' of both day, Tracy again boarded a piane lento, ST., 40 Laurel Dr., Little "-Rev. and Mrs. Robert E, fceng- gress, in your state and local colleges. and "jetted" back to the United Silver, NJ.

;:-.*»• . • . • ••.: A sophomore at Cedar Crest, : College, Allentown, Pa., Jean has Some Common Questions been selected with Jane Tucker, from Westfield, a junior, to par* titipate in a student-exchange. "program with Spelman College, < Atlanta, Ga. Last March, Cedar Crest and Examining Weight Problem? "Spelman, the oldest college for Negro women in the United; By EDWARD C. BUTLER, Ph. D. have inherited a disposition to fixed rigid attitudes towards are afraid that they might States, and part of Atlanta Uni- In our prosperous country be large and fleshy are bound certain foods. fail to lose weight and -Ideraity, started the program as there are millions of persons, to gain weight more readily wiU be embarrassed by their &a experiment. It was so success- many of them teenagers, who than others with a different Question: Don't people often "lack of will power." Such per- ; lut that a student exchange was are overweight. There are many physical predisposition. get depressed or emotionally sons seem not so much coo- corned about "deep emotional formed at Cedar Crest, consist-- profound remedies for this con- Some persons, perhaps, are upset when they go on diets? ing of three faculty members,• dition and many problems" as they are about overweight because of poor eat- Answer: A recent study testing their "control" over f-tbree students and the dean. . misconcep- ing habits and ignorance about showed that most people, after •The preliminary phase per- tions regarding their eating habits and their food values. That is, they the first few days, actually fear of social criticism. ; fnitted six students from each the problem of have learned or acquired from felt better emotionally when OoUege to exchange for a two- being overweight - their family or friends habits they .saw that they were actual- week period. Under the perma- and dieting. We and tastes that emphasize high ly losing weight. A small per- have listed some Divers working in the silent nent program two students from calorie foods. Such people can centage of persons in this study world of the ocean depths make (heir respective campuses will of the most com- usually modify their diets once who had deeper emotional a distress signal by holding up jpend a full semester on the ex- mon questions their attention is focused upon problems regarding food did Change campus. .addressed to us their food habits. become repressed or upset It four fingers or.rapping on an ob- [on this problem. ject four times, . Jean is presently a member of Other individuals, however, seems that many people resist Question: Why going on a diet because they tbe student government at Cedar Dr. Butler should one diet? partly because of early child- Crest, president of her dormi- A caged animal regards the Answer: There are many hood experience, such as over cage as Its territory. Anyone toy, and a member of the YMCA obvious reasons why an over* or under indulgence, tend to EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. But- pabinet. She also sings in the climbing into the cage of a Hon- weight person should diet in- seek pleasure and release of ..ler, a clinical psychologist or tiger is apt to be attacked for Choir, and when time permits, cluding; appearance, feeling tension through eating and/or and Fair Haven resident, in makes many of her own clothes. that reason. good, health and psychological drinking, Such individuals are addition to his weekly discus- Jean enjoys meeting and work- well-being. It seems quite well often compulsive eaters, par- Ing with people and would like established that obese persons ticularly of high caloric foods sion of subjects of interest to Vikings sailed to northeastern to join the Peace Corps after are more susceptible to various such as starches and sugars. teenagers and parents, will America largely to seek wood, graduation. diseases such as heart attacks answer questions in this column according to the Icelandic sagas, Rev. Mr. Lengler rector of and high blood'pressure. Question: Why should one addressed to him in cane of Christ Episcopal Church, Middle- In addition, the overweight see • a physician when going on The Daily Regwter, 40 Broad Australian New Guinea's town, is pleased that she has person often experiences dif- a diet? House of Assembly recently re* been chosen to be part of this St., Red Bank. Names will be jected a bill to permit commer* ficulty in inter-personal rela- Answer: A competent med- unique exchange. He said the tions because of feelings of withheld on request. cial killing of birds of paradise. program offers a practical meth- ical doctor' can evaluate one's shame, embarrassment, unat- over-all needs. He can deter- od through which young people tractiveness and awkwardness. pt different backgrounds can mine if there is a physical The myth that "fat people are basis for the weight problem get to know and understand one jolly and.happy" often is not another. and recommend a psychiatric true in our experience. evaluation or psychological Jean and Jane have attracted testing if there is an emotional the attention of the manager of Question: Why are some problem. Furthermore, a phy- public relations at WCAU-TV, people overweight? sician can help one work out a Philadelphia. They will be inter- Answer: There are many well balanced and nourishing viewed this month at the studios reasons, including glandular diet. "Fad diets" may deprive for an appearance on a program imbalance, inherited physique, one of vital nutrients and may m the exchange program. metabolism, daily activity pat*. be injurious to health. DAVE BREWER Ihe girls are looking forward terns, ignorance about food to living in the South and sharing values, poor eating habits, and Question: Does being over- psychological problems. Most DRUM STUDIO In life on a larger campus. Jean weight always indicate a deep W*6 an ardent admirer of the experts seem to agree that PRIVATE lite President John F. Kennedy, glandular or metabolic disturb- emotional problem? . ances account for only a very Answer: Not necessarily. PERCUSSION small percentage of obese per- Many people are probably INSTRUCTION Active dry yeast should be sons. Most people, it appears* overweight because of overly JfUssolved in water that feels com- are fat because they consume rich diets and lack of physical 741-6641 fortably warm when a little of more calories than they use up activity. An emotional problem the water is dropped on the in the course of their daily is more likely to exist where 2W. FRONT ST. RED IANK living.. Of course, persons who there is compulsive eating with How to Get Into Gollege^and Succeed Will Honors Courses Open College Door? By LESLIE J. NASON, Ed. D. for the enrichment of the Your decision must depend from time to time. The course "Advanced Placement Program University of Southern California courses. somewhat on which college you you take in high school may not Syllabus" and "A Bulletin of In- Win extra-curricular activities All this can be valuable to you plan to attend. State universities be a substitute for a freshman formation on Advanced Place- open college doors? provided stress is laid upon in- and colleges normally admit stu- requirement. However, taking ment Examinations" describe SfoouM you "Hake aiocelerated dependent study, research-type dents primarily on the basis of such a course can give you a the content and procedures of classes if you have an opportu- investigation and library1 work. their grade point average. In cfhance to try out your study the examinations. TTiese are nity, or should you stick to regu- This may be just the training most cases there is no allowance .procedures on college work. If available by writing to: in their formula for Honors lar classes? you need for success as a col- you feel that you are just mark- College Board Advanced Will taking courses while in lege freshman. course grades. However, many ing time your last year in high colleges, especially private Placement Examinations Kgh school for college credit or However, when the emphasis school this is your


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