f i cloudy wtth ^ ^yWtte or MOW IMe today «od part el 25,375 ^t. CktTiBg.wbwJyudmuch Red Bank Area/f eaMtr toward tomorrow morn- ing, tow 2S-S. Tomorrow fair Copyrighl-Tha Red Bank RegUter, Inc., 190. windy «od cold, high in J9i. MONMOUTH COUNTTS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 88, NO. 137 SffiS? FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, J968 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE But Nothing Is Set to Roll Wirtz Exerts His Influence in Strike Parley By WILLIAM HENDERSON . Earlier, Mayor Lindsay, a Republican, had The secretary went directly to City Hall where NEW 'YORK - The federal government used tossed partisan feelings to the wind and phoned he met with the mayor, Harry Van Arsdale, head its powerful influence last night In an attempt to end the Democratic president, asking for Help in:ending of the strong Central Labor Council, and others. the transit strike which has choked off subway and the city's crippling strike, now in its seventh' day. A barrier, for the first time, was set up, and ' bus travel. ...'"'• • "The President was very helpful and co-opera- newspaper reporters, and television' and radio men Armed with a message from President Johnson, . tive," Lindsay said. were kept out of the area near the mayor's office Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirti told Mayor Mr. Johnson immediately dispatched Mr. Wirtz, where they always had carte blanche. John V. Lindsay, TWU heads, and other labor leaders although he already had planned to do so if neces-' The mayor later went to the Americana Hotel that the "deadlock must end," The Register learned. aary, on Wednesday. where Douglas MacMahon, international vice presi- This newspaper exclusively revealed yesterday The secretary was accompanied by Assistant dent, of the TWU held forth in the absence of the that President Johnson would act in the crisis and Labor Secretary James Reynolds. ailing Michael J. Quill. send help here. • Mr. Wirtz hoped to fly back to .Washington today . MacMAHON WANTS CASH , When strike negotiations were still bogged down to meet with President Johnson and give him a run When MacMahon was assured Secretary Witrz late yesterday afternoon, LBJ met briefly with down on the problem which caused the mass walk- was on the way }•« exclaimed: REPORT ON TRANSIT STRIKE TALKS — Mayor John V. Lfndwy, left, reports on Secretary Wirtz and ordered him to fly here. out. (See >NfcZ, Page 3) two-hour masting with labor Secretary W. Willardi Wirtx. right, early today, Mr. Wirti «aid he knew of ho federal funds available to aid the strike settlement. Leader Assails Harassment of Council (AP Photo) 1965 Bills Are Added Up Pries Tag Set LONG BRANCH - An embry- Councilman Henry R. Cioffi, it in a number of other com- The league, meanwhile, is also 1967, because at least 75 days By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON , of a written and, or, oral examination, seven onic organization determined to one of the members of the gov-munities. preparing plans for voter "edu- must elapse between:the refer- FREEHOLD — The practice of law for the parts. .' • • • : preserve council-manager govern- erning body who concurred with Mr. Cioffi said he wants to cation." . endum and the election, and the County, of Monmouth was at least a $50,000 . The board has toyed for at least a year ment last night started formulat- Miss Camassa's decision, said see if government under mayor- If the referendum passes, vot- waiting period would not have' business; in 1965. with the idea of naming assistant county ing plans it hopes will defeat this morning he would visit Vine- council is more economical than ers on May 10 will select five been fulfilled by the May ft elec- .. This is the figure County' Counsel John M. counsels and absorbing some of the ordinary efforts to change the government land soon to observe plan A of under the council-manager form. at-large councilmen and a may- tion day. i •, • office work of lawyers on county business. in th« Feb. 23 referendum. the mayor-council form in ac- Mapping Campaigns or who would assume office If a suit is effective-in getting Pillsbury and the Board of Freeholders will July 1. ,have to consider as. Mr. Pillsbury undertakes But no action has been taken. • Luther B. Jordan, president of tion. Mr. Jordan said his group, a restraining order against use the Best Government Association, Vineland is. the only munici- whose composition has not been Had Miss Camassa ordered the of city funds to hold the refer- • .study" for the board 6t whether a full- . An inspection of county payroll records, endum, the league -would still fledged legal department-should be created. however, indicates that'in addition to Mr. said his group would present the pality in the state to have disclosed, will begin its "edureferendum- ' held after' Feb. 23, public with tacts on the council- adopted the plan, although at- cational" campaign in a week the election of officers would be.able-to proceed,with refer- A.resojutipn adopted by the freeholders at Pillsbury the county retains the services.of tempts were made tb embrace to 10 -days. ' have had to wait until May' of(See LONG BRANCH, .Page. j) 7f0r 'organization meeting Monday directed. at-least two other lawyers and'the county manager form and its progress • /Mr.. Piilsbury to determine the'needs of all : Welfare board, three. .: • ' in spite of the fad that the county departments.boards, and agencies for- •Mr. Pillsbury received «,000 as his re- present government has been ha- legal services and to submit his conclusions. tainer for attending meetings and conferences rassed in every conceivable man- ''''^£HttU>£ltSlNtERESTEp and rendering legal advice,1 and $2?,658 for ner." ,That the freeholders are all all additional services in courts, hearings, .and Funds will be available to Middletown GOP SpUt ^warg^ottSjijzlitioh *fcjk' legal,;' _ »tfierever else directed-to appear by the board. mount a significant campaign, he •: .'• The attorney was •frequently aided by his. added. is Indicated in the lateft-Job announce! .• lawjiMbciate,William SaMell, juj.^flj%«ittji^ _ _ _ m bulletin of the: state CivitjServic« Commission; business. -.. ' " • I" titewake ol City ClerFSanlta j; Foulks Joins Attack on Burke .;, 'Bje Jirtlette- MM tSat fte commissions at . Thomas J. BaldiwvLong Branch, received Camassa's certification of refer- th« county's request, will coiifljict an examina- J3,7«.94 as counsel for County Adjustor Robert endum petitions Vedntsday and MIDDLETOWN — Republican for (petition) signaturei for a ber that hft wai a member of Mr. Foulks said the goi her establishing of the referen- ranks split wider yesterday as government .change, has every last year's committee and in a ment ehingt Issue, Is "entirely tioa.for the position of, legal assistant in Mon- C. Wells. Ross Brown, Spring Lake, get 51,500 1 &KC;at•••« s»|ary of $5,009 as attorney for the Children's Shelter. • dum date. another official attacked Town- right,to do so. -However, I want position to point out any short- up to the'peopje,'th!<sy ipiok* $ The cost; of services tif Edward' F. tfuska^ Stie said then she had stopped ship Commitieeman1 Douglas, R. it clearjy understood that in Uscomings of waste- and ineffi- years ago-arid J'nr stir* they will Burke, over his change of gov- statements' about waste and inciency- . " • • • . "• ' ' •"•: speak again."' '.' :And as in added warning; the Commission Long Branch, as special counsel to former counting' When she found 2,484 notes an advantage In applicants filing early. Sheriff Joseph A. Shafto, was not immediately 'alid'signatures on the petitions. ernment stand. Mr. Burke re- efficiency on the part of the "I was surprised and a lit- Replied Mr.' Burke: "I Stand available. The Better Government League, plied with what he termed dow Towrtship Committee I sincerely tle upset that Mr. Burke should by my previous statement about "Tiei will be'hroken by the earliest date of believe this to be untrue and Itgo to the press with his infor- : ;«%," It says: ' ' In addition to normal legal services which which seeks to change the gov-mentation of his position. waste and inefficiency; In the he rendered, Mr. Juske represented the sheriff ernment to mayor-council form, must be proven to me. mation before informing all his Township Committee fora) of Requirements for applicants are 1J months Mr. Burke, in support of the "Mr. Burke must also remem- colleagues of the lituation." residence In Monmouth, admission to the bar, in his efforts to remove Warden Earl A. Smith bid submitted petitions bearing Citizens Committee for Improved (See BURKE, Page 3) and five year* experience in legal work. before and after the Nov. 2 .election when Mr. ,191 names, but only 2,333 Government, is . advocating • Education and experience will be weighed for. Shafto was defeated by Paul Kleman. names, 20 per cent of the regis- change to the council-manager Problems Weighed in Atlantic. Highlands • thtee, parti, of the fftial mark and the results (See PRICE TAG; Page 3) tered voters, were required.' government form, under . the The decision of whether-to file Faulkner Act. a suit to delay the referendum He is the only prominent Re Find Biggest Bomb Near Saigon until after July 1 rests with his publican, so far, to take the po- attorney, William Blair, Jr., ofsition. Red Bank, Mr. Jordan said. He Most GOP party leaders are Find Citizeijs Group llvgfid said the attorney'had not com-opposed to a change. pleted the research on the ques- The present Township Com- Gong Foiled in Attempt tion, which arose on Dec. 23mittee is solid Republican.
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