THECORDWEEKLY Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Thursday September 11, 1980 Volume 21 Number 2 THE WLU BOOKSTORE: IT WAS GRRREAT!

A RIPOFF OR A SERVICE? was Wednesday when 325 students by Carl Friesen store. by Mark Wigmore "There's no money to be made in roller-skated, 200 went pub- The high price oftext books is one In i some cases unsold books textbooks" she says, 'if we were just A week ofdances, bands, parties, crawling and 70 went golfing. In issue at most universities, cannot be returned to the publisher, recurrent a textbook store we would havegone food and fun left few unhappy total 595 students participated in Laurier is no exception. and in some only a certain and under long ago." people and fewer still who called Orientation in that one afternoon. Textbook percentage of the order can be WLU Bookstore Peter Venton, Vice-President Orientation something other than Manager, Kathy Galbraith, returned. Some companies have (Finance) says that the bookstore great. Orientation Co-ordinators, Other "big successes" mentioned confirms that prices have increased time limits after which they will no turned a of$8,000 on profit oversl Steve Wilkie and Jason Price by Jason Price and Steve Wilkie noticeably from last year. longer accept returns. New editions million of total sales, which works summed up the week by stating were the Cystic Fibrosis Shinerama, The bookstore here follows the may make the store's present stock out to 8/10ths of sales. 1% simply, "A lot of people met a lot of the Tamaie Casino Night and the common practise of selling at unsaleable, and the bookstore must The bookstore does make a slight other people." Two-pitch Baseball Tournament. publishers' suggested retail, she absorb losses is a book is notbought profit, he says. This comes from They said that the dons were "very says. It buys the books from the by the students. being slightly conservative in Most events were well-attended encouraging at all events" but publisher at 20% less that this, and Galbraith concedes that the store estimates that and that the money is put by frosh and icebreakers alike, as the out of the 125 Icebreakers, there the difference is used to defray does have a fair idea ofhow many into a fund which is used co-ordinators worked hard to were 40 or so who really cleaned and expenses. copies of a book to order, but says occasionally to pay for capital ensure that there were events for worked while many were there "just She says that there are many that sometimes a professor will expenses. everyone. Events were planned each for the T-shirt". They suggested factors involved in selling textbooks change her or his mind and not At the 's nighl for those of legal drinking age fewer Ice-breakers and an which can result in losses for the require students to buy the book. bookstore, the policy is also break to and those underto make sure no one interviewing system might help in was left out. future years to ensure more faithful Icebreakers. The big event for the week was held Thursday at Bingeman Park. They also said that there were Over 1,100 people made the journey problems getting off-campus to participate in the Outdoor students to pick up their orientation Games, hear the Cooper Brothers kits but that most soon became and watch the Bum Bum Contest. involved in theweek ifthey made the Buses took students out to the park effort. All in all, the successes all during the day and night with few overcame any problems that problems being reported by the bus occurred. drivers. One problem organizers did encounter was a delay in getting Laurier Stockton, a Ist year students out-to the park early due to Psychology major summed up the morning registration. week for organizers, frosh and Ice- breakers "it was a lot of fun but a Another big day in Orientation week of partying is too much."

FRIESEN CLUBS DAY AT LAURIER CARL by Wendy Boyd Oktoberfest. The Chinese Student BY Association reported that 70 On Monday Sept. 6, Laurier held students have up so far and PIC its first Club signed Day with variousclubs they are expecting more after their out in full force recruiting members. i extDOOK prices are nign dvi- me siore aoes not seem to oe Get-to-know-you Party on According to organizer John making inordinate profits. September 11 in the Mezzanine. The MacCrae, response from the clubs Christian themselves Intervarsity Fellowship even. However, on essential course backs fall apart more easily. The All other overhead costs in was not as good as had was also on hand Monday offering materials, the pricing policy allows store sells the hardcovers at 75% of handling textbooks must come out been expected. A total of five clubs information on their club and only of and set up stations, while it that 15% be added to the the price the new books, of the 20% discount as well. These had been activities. Present as well was the bookstore's cost price instead of the paperbacke 60%. hoped at least 10 would be newly-formed Galach GuildScience 20% at Laurier. represented. Fiction and Fantasy Club, working Textbook manager Galbraith include stock shrinkage, book'work, Elsie Dodds, UW bookstore very hard to establish club for gave the example of a $10 new and losses due to problems returning a manager, says that a textbook that hard- Memberships for the clubs people with similar interests in cover The texts. cost both bookstore $8 would sell text. store would give present however, did seem to be Science Fiction. for $9.20 UW and $10 WLU $5.00 for it used and resell it for at at Non-text books, called trade going quite well. The WLU Paul fisher, WLU bookstore $7.50. She added that is is possible Marketing Club is extremely pleased Later this month, there will be books, return a slightly better profit manager, says that a student buying for the price ofa newbook to have to enrollment this year as another Club Day, so even though margin to the sotre. While the price with the up to $12, in which case she would tripled from last you may have missed signing up essential course materials at UW of texts is set by the publisher and memberships have then give $6 for it used. "I give 50% enthusiastic Tamiae crew Monday, there are still plenty of would save about 10% from what the 20% limit is usually quite strict, year. The of current retail". year the would be paid at Laurier. Galbraith says the store is allowed is busy planning events for the opportunities to sign up for However, UW does not have the more discresison on setting theretail with tickets already on sale' for _clubs. buyback service offered here. The The bookstore absorbs all price of trade books. The higher UW Federation of Students shipping charges, Galbraith says. profit margin means that these items operates a used book store in the From the USA this is 10%ofthe cost can be reduced more when on sale Campus Centre at a close to break- and is quoted in $US. and still turn a profit. even basis. WLU's service offers of the Unfavourable exchange rates on 50% bookstore, such initial price of hardcover books and books imported from other Other itemsin the Laurier Locker, 40% for paperbacks; the difference countries, particularly the US, puts as clothing in the help the to break even. being due to the fact that paper- up the price. store

activities planned for the Imperial language spoken in Dune forthcoming year are still not and its two sequels. In the context of WLU concrete, as the founders feel that the club, the title suggests both its the new membership should decide obvious nature as well as the SCI what path should be followed. multicultural aspects of SF&F. One FIC However, field trips to events of can easily say that this form of by Edward Patience particular interest to the fiction is an international—even Another academic year has membership such as Dragons and interstellar—language of ideas with begun; classes, confusion and Dungons or Gamma World and, of concepts readily translatable into endless assignments will be typical course, relaxed discussions perhaps any tongue. From Deus Machina to of it. We would like toadd a spark of will give an individual a rough idea Swords and Sworcery, any and all speculation of uniqueness however, and create an of what to and what to look who delight in the expect situation will exchange of new ideas. To facilitate forward to over the forthcoming "What If" upon a Guild. this goal, this year sees the birth of year. Yet far from being a dry and enjoy SF&F and the Galach your club. WLU's first Science Fiction and stuffy series of lectures, tedious So make the Guild FRIESEN infinties, Fantasy Society. discussions and boring meetings, the Join us as we travel the and alternaties of Man's This new club, called the "Galach Guild plans to be as dynamic as eternities CARL Guild" in honour of Frank SF&F itself, willing to explore any existence. BY interested, contact either Herbert's The Dune Trilogy, will interest, or discuss any outlook or a If PIC Edward Patience or Linda Eng explore all aspects ofthis fascinating member. through the Guild's mailbox in the and dynamic artform in all its John MacCrae, small clubs coordinator, organized the Small WLUSU office. Day. different colours. As yet, the To the unitiated, Galach was the Clubs 2 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11, 1980

YOUR ID CARD A WLU PASSPORT by Lee McArthur old cards for university facilities in a What is it that entitles the WLU'er term for which they have not paid. to a squash court, a book at the library, student discounts, a swim Registration line-ups moved more and sauna, the U of W library, a quickly this year according to night at the Turret and serves as a Student ID Co-ordiriator Edna useful piece of ID as well? Cayton largely due to this new program. The student card is this poor man's Chargex card. This year Changes, though, are slow. There changes have been instituted are stillrough edges to thevalidation regarding the student's card. program. Student ID Co-ordinator Edna Cayton and Registrar Jim Wilgar Meal card numbers are still have collaborated in a newprogram stamped with ink onto the student which involves the recycling of old photograph card. The cost of meal student cards by means of a validation stickers was found to be validation sticker. too high due to the small quantity of stickers needed. Consequently, next Unlike many other universities, year, this year's meal ticket holders FRIESEN WLU still attaches a photograph to will still need a new card. CARL its student ID. The photograph BY enables easy identification and Some concern has arisen over the prevents misuse at university fact that thestudent photograph will Parking space is always at a premium at Laurier. The new PIC facilities by those who haven't paid be out of date after one year. allocation system will provide fairer distribution. fees for the privileges. Appearances change in that time. The Turret Manager Mike Belanger The cost, however, of the states that pub admittance relies on Getting fairer cameras, film and manpower the photograph to identify people at involved in taking photographs has the door. He is concerned that the risen in recent years at great Turret operation might be made PARKING LOT ALLOCATIONS expense to the university. difficult by the new validation by Mark Wigmore special needs or circumstances first "with legitimate need, those who program. allocation of spaces The parking chance at the spots available and have to have a car to get here, visa change has undergone a to give puts the rest ofthe applications into vie people in residence or in The validation stickers instituted Despite the wrinkles in the new everyone need ofa a fair in parking a drawfor theremaining spaces. The Waterloo" should have spaces year as an alternative were validation system it is hoped that it chance at getting one. The lottery this category of special need or available to them. approximate cost will save on cost and improve replaces the first come purchased for the type system circumstance will allow people who Jim Wilgar efficiency in university operations. first serve system previous years of $400.00. Registrar of drive in from Elimira, Baden and He stated that there were about expenses, indicated that this year's which saw people registering late left other outfying towns as well as dons 600 parking spots which they are due to the validation program, Student ID Co-ordinator Edna without parking spaces regardless of and head residents, first priority. oversell by 20% or 120 permits but year's. Cayton is available year round to their need. less that last Earle Rayner who is in charge of the are nonetheless, "not able to replace a lost student card thecost at The new system gives people with system says that he felt that, those accomodate everyone". In the interests of efficiency, the of $5.00. The ID Office will also validation sticker on the back of the replace the plastic cover on worn photograph indicates both the year student cards if necessary. If any WLU GETS and term of theregistered student.F problems arise, the ID Office is A NEW DEAN indicates Fall and W, winter. Some located on the breezeway between stickers also indicate a summer the TA and MacDonald Hall near term(s). The validation sticker the Security Offices. Mrs. Cayton OF ARTS AND SCIENCE prevents students from using their can be contacted at estension 513. by Rodger Tschanz has, however, had enough time to Effective Sept. first of this year, sample the hectic period of WLU has a new Dean of Arts and orientation week during which he Science in the person of Dr. Russell has had to deal with a steady stream Muncaster, formerly Geography of students needing his assistance in Department Chairman. After five one way or another. Beside his The Trading years, as Chairman interrupted by a duties as an administrator Dr. year of Sabbatical leave, he has Muncaster hopes to keep his hand in succeeded Dr. Gerald Vallillee as the teaching aspect of the University Dean of Arts and Science. Vallillee by teaching one class per term to has taken this year off after eight keep in touch with the students. This Post years in office and has gone to fall term he will be teaching Urban Greece on Sabbatical. He will return Geography and in the winter term, in 1981 to resume teaching in the Marketing Geography. Complete line of Classics department. He says thatin four years when his • Since he has taken over Only on term is up, he may wish to resume Sept. 1, Dr. Muncaster says, he has full-time teaching rather than take household furniture had little time to experience first on another term as Dean but as of hand all ofthe duties ofhis office.He now he anticipates no changes in the • Many articles such as lamps, administration. dishes, pictures, carpets, etc. PEIKOFF LECTURES

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Hours: M-W — 9:00 - 6:00 AlO - lecture course on tape by DR. LEONARD T & PEIKOFF concerning clear and effective F — 9:00 - 9:00 writing, speaking and arguing. AYN RAND 5:00 takes part in the recorded question period of Sat. — 9:00 - lecture No. 1 answering questions on her methods as a writer and speaker. Begins in 356 King St. West, Kitchener Kitchener Wed. Sept. 24 7:30 p.m. at the Conestoga Inn, Board Room. (Next to the Corkscrew) Single admission: $10, full series: $85. 743-1131 For Information call H.J. Layh 742-3330.

■ ■ ■■ - * The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11,1980 3 Shinerama: A SHINING SUCCESS

by Mark Wigmore best ever. He mentioned that in A chamois here, a brush thereand previous years, the Shinerama totals scheduled to take shiners to spots Wilfrid Laurier students had over included donations from business around the city, failed to show up $3,600 to give to the Cystic Fibrosis whereas this yearbusiness donations and organizers were forced to find Foundation after a successful were not sollicted but left to the CF cars and drivers to do the task. As Shinerama Saturday. Over 140 Foundation organization itself. The. well, one golden arched restaurant students took part in the event which totals do not include an expected failed to allow shiners on the organizer, Sandy French said met donation from the Wilfrid Laurier property because it was"managerial with the "most enthusiastic Student Union. Last year that grant policy." However the weather most response yet." totalled around $1,000. businesses and shoppers co- French stated that the on-street There were a few problems for operated with the students to make contributions were probably the organizers of the day. Buses the day a success. NEW PROGRAMMES IN CONTINUING EDUCATION by Norm Nopper WLU, in cooperation with Special programmes for Shoe-shlners also handed out balloons during their day of Certificates in Arts for part-time TVOntario, will be presenting 7 policement, offered by WLUand the fundralslng last Saturday. students, working toward a university credit courses this fall on Canadian Police College in Ottawa, PIC BY CARLFRIESEN Bachelor ofArts degree, will now be the TVO network. Subjects covered are designed to 'he personnel awarded by the university as a way will include Economics, Political on the forces better and more of acknowledging steps toward the Science, English, Psychology and informed officers. ONTARIO'S completion of a B.A. program. Of Business. the two certificates, the first, Arts I Courses in Psychology, will be conferred after 5 full credit Although students may watch Philosophy, Political Sciences, IVORY TOWER courses have been completed; Arts the programmes out of interest, the Sociology, History, and English will II will be awarded for the courses are all credit courses be included. ( completion of 10 full credit courses. counting toward a degree from BEGINS TO CRACK The student receives his B.A. when WLU. However, if a student wishes A certificate in general police TORONTO (CUP)—Closing post- Council member John Pana- he finishes an additional 5 courses. to take the courses for credit, he studies will be awarded on secondary institutions in Ontario baker, past chair of McMaster's chosen Only part-time students are must be admitted to the university completion of five courses may be the only solution to chronic board ofgovernors, said universities five eligible and it does not apply retro- before enrolling in the courses. For from a wide field. An additional underfunding according to Alan are coping with inflation almost as actively. If a student has already students over 21. a high school courses are required for a Marchment, chair of the board of well as private industry and acquired 6 credits, he will no receive diploma is not required; life certificate in advanced police governors at Guelph University. business. But some cuts that would the Arts I certificate, but may apply experience is accepted as a criteria studies. "11 there is not to be more money seem practical to business—-such as for Arts II with the completion of 4 for admission. then the only way out might seem to increasing class size from 20 to 100 more courses. If, however, the A B.A. degree from WLU and be to close institutions" said to save on salaries—would simply student has 4 credits, he may receive Students enrolledfor credit will be diploma in police management Marchment. damage education, Panabaker said. Arts I when he finishesan additional assigned readings, essays, and an studies from the Canadian Police All practical money-saving full credit course. The University examination to pass. Arts College will be awarded upon the schemes have been applied at The alternative of closing down Senate has approved the certificates certificates will be assigned for those completion of an additional five Ontario universities, the council universities across the province is and the programme begins this fall. enrolled in this program. credits. said. But there is only so far theycan also "not palatable" according to go before money-saving schemes the council. Every institution in the damage the usefulness of a province is valuable to the total university education, said Council education picture, the council said. representatives.

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Thurs and Fit. 9am -10 pm Over 60,000 graduates recommend Saturday: 9 am ■ 7 pm Young Drivers of Canada Training centrescoast to coast ______, E KITCHENER I I WATERLOO C**?s _S --_ 650 KING EAST 232 KING NORTH 70MNSLIE NORTH 579-4800 579-4800 623-6730 I _-______H______--___M_____----__-_i 4 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11, 1980 Editor Mark Wigmore News Editor Carl Friesen THE CORD WEEKLY Sports Editor William 'Chip' Mcßain Entertainment Editor Cynthia Lietdke The Cord Weekly is published by Student Publications of Wilfrid Production Manager Kevin Tutt Laurier University. Editorial opinions are independent of the Assistant Production Manager ...... Lynda Kirk University, WLUSU and Student Publications. The Cord reserves Photo Manager Rodger Tschanz the right to edit all articles and letters submitted to it. The Cord is Photo Technician Tim Singbeil a member of the Canadian University Press cooperative. Ad Manager Dave Fowler Phone 884-2990, 884-2991 COMMENT ART THINGS REALLY EDITORIAL THAT TOUGH ALL OVER? by Mark Wigmore by Carl Friesen andCord reporters is the summer budgetary There's a difference between our bookstore pricing policy and that One of the delights ofsummer forboth WLUSU members meet friends, and for Board members to decide how much of the University of Waterloo At Waterloo, textbooks and supplies meeting. It is a chance, to get awayfrom jobs, money pie is never easy, particularly are subsidized by the university. At Wilfrid Laurier, they're will be spent, where by whom in the coming year. Dividing up the not. here at Laurier by the you . when it is shrinking in a time of "financial restraint" nationwide, exacerbated This means that if walk down theroadand buy your textbooks, ever-increasing amounts of money. you'll probably save money. Before shaking your head in digust at the seeming ability of the New Floor to swallow thatI thereand watched financial restraint in thought of buying your textbooks from the remember Accordingly, it was with a c'est la vie frame of mind sat plumbers, submitted their tentative operating budgets to studentsare consumers. Ifyou had tobuy a pair ofjeansand one place action. Representatives of various small clubs had for and most were given ofthe amount and asked to had them on sale for five dollars cheaper than another store, where WLUSU including their requests funding, only part as WLUSU could not afford all of And the sums were small-the Organ would you buy the jeans. At the cheaper store, right. Same goes for look elsewhere for the balance, it. Club requested $ 150,it received $85and the suggestion thatthe Music Faculty might be willing to foot the textbooks. Students should not be bound by some sense of to loyalty remainder. Laurier ChristianFellowship was asking $ 1127,partly on the groundsthat is the largest small the school, loyalty does not buy food in April. It does, in this case, club on campus, regularly getting more than 150 people out to its meetings. It was given $800 and make you pay more than you have to for books. encouraged to see if the Seminary would be willing to give them any more. There is one problem with buying your books UW. at But it is not Physical sustinence is one of the necessities oflife,and solunch wasprovided—good cheap no nonsense that big a problem. They might not have the book you need for your junkfood. The tab was picked up by WLUSU. course. However the chances of that are fairly minimal. Many For Saturday evening, after a long day ofrather crucial decison-making an evening ata popular local students take courses at both universities. Many of the courses are country pub called the Heidelberg was planned. similar at the two universities. Waterloo is a big university with many WLUSU also paid the tab for this;it totalled$ 180for the 17 or 18persons present. That's about $10 per coursesand therefore many textbooks. Therefore the chances ofthem alternatively it's times the that the Organ was turned down for. having your textbooks are fairly high. person; almost three amount Club It should be emphasised that this was NOT a case ofWLUSU board members drinking themselvessilly Perhaps if enough students go down the road to UW to buy their and gorging themselves on student's hard-earned fees. Those members who did get treed did so on their textbooks, our bookstore will have to start offering similarly low money; WLUSU only paid for items consumed in the dining room. prices to stay competitive. Then the trip down own the road to the moneyfor the personal entertainmentofourelectedrepresentatives, to use plumbers wouldn't be necessary. But is the outlay ofso much Mike Brown's own words, fiscally sound and money-wise? Mike is sure it was. He made several points justifying the expense: that it's whatwe've doneevery year, Anyone who met Terry Fox or watched the telethon on Sunday the Heidelberg is an inexpensive restaurant, it's a good way forboard members to getto know each other, night has to be amazed and inspired by the man. He is giving alot of and that WLUSU is this year giving more money to small clubs thaneverbefore. Hismainpoint was that people hope that Cancer can be beaten. Not only is Terry Fox since board memberscame to the meeting on theirowntimeand do not receive any formal remuneration, inspiring but the response to his efforts is nothing less than amazing. this was a good wayto pay themfor theireffort.Thisyear's Board hasa lot ofwork to do, more than most, Two members ofthe "Cord team" will be adding our efforts to many partly because of all the committee work. other Canadians to raise money for the Marathon of Hope. This Well, it seems to me that if money really is tight, it would be a good start cutting "fat" by eliminating Sunday, there will be a 10 km. (6.2 miles) race in Kitchener to raise one's own fun and games instead of someone else's operating budget. Board members certainly knew money for the cause. The Assistant Production Manager, Lynda Kirk what they were in for and nobody forced them to run. They knew they would receive no pay. If this is an and myself will be running in the race. We will be accepting any informal way ofpaying them, why were Mike and others whoreceive honouraria present? WLUSU may pledges or donations at the Cord office. Help us, help Terry. be giving more money to small clubs than ever before, but then there are more small clubs this year to spread the money around. The Heidelberg certainly is reasonably inexpensive, and I won't deny that Board members may have got to know each other better, but are there cheaper ways? Next week will see trie emergence of a Brand-new exciting Cord. Mike expressed to me the hope that next year's Board will also go to the Heidelberg. But I wouldlike to Major changes in format are planned for the issue. Look for it. You'll suggest that in a time of tight money this is one tradition that should be cut down on if not eliminated like it. entirely. LETTERS The city police have responsibility trosh) had a memorable experience, for the entrance and ground level of an experience that they will cherish the stadium while our own students Sorry for some time to come. My Thanks Word My thanks especially to the will police the stands. Please do not Two down and twenty issues to following group of individuals who put any of us in the position of Be sure to pick up yourcopy ofthe ge. The staff has grown and so have for the having to take disciplinary action 1980-81 Student Publications wall were cheifly responsible the Thanks is needed for Orientation and problems. over your inconsideration ofothers. calendar TODAY (Thurs., Sept. 11, success of all those who endured. A medal is to a lot of 1980) in the concourse. Shinerama. You deserve deserved for those who are coming game were not a job well done; Jason Nobody enjoys the more I'm sorry the calendars credit for back next week for more. Thanks to The Wilke, Sandy French, than me and I expect to watch it and available at registration time. Price, Steve our typists, Kate Harley and Deb Virginia Wise will not tolerate behaviour that is fault did not lie with the calendar Karen Zeppa, MikeBrown, Stalker (we'll have something for McKay, Nichols, and not in the best interest ofthe entire editor or with anyone at Student Dean Dons you next week), our new writers, Frank WLU student body. Pubs, but with our trusty printers Ice Breakers, Leanne Poulter, Lee, Norm, Edward, Rick and Mike who failed to meet their deadlines. Ershen, Tamaie President Diane, our production people, today, A Dear Students of WLU Let a word to the wise be If you can't pick one up Whitwell and his co-workers. Kevin No Sleep Tutt and Lynda the as well sufficient! please feel free to drop by special thanks to Milly Kirk, our photographers, Carl (2nd staff, John I would, once again, like to Student Publications office Reiner and her kitchen and Tim, our typesetters, Jim Rodger remind you of how proud we are of floor of 5.U.8.) anytime to get your Karr, Mike "Bones" Belanger, Michele, Lynn and Brenda and the our athletic program here at Fred L. Nichols copy ... don't forget to grab a hand- O'Keefe, Radio Laurier and whoever else left unmentioned but Dean of Students Cord. Laurier. I would also like to remind book too! not forgotten. Thanks to you the Veit, David Orsini you that we expect a decent standard Joe M. paper is out and this space is full. of behaviour from those who attend President of Student Publications Director of Student Activities the games in support of the Hawks. Thanks We do not, however, appreciate More Thanks those who come to the game in a JOIN state of inebriation that brings A big thank you to all those who Congratulations to both the discredit to the general student helped out with the Sing Song, organizers and participants of body. I am, therefore, giving Square Dance, Coffee House and Orientation "80". Through your THE CORD TEAM advance warning that any alcoholic Opening Campus Service. All the combined efforts. Orientation this beverages will be confiscated by the best in the coming year. year has been a tremendous success. city police upon entrance to the Richard Chambers Many thanks are extended to those stadium. Those considered to be who donated much of their valuable TODAY inebriated will be refused time and effort over the past week. admittance to the game. There is no doubt that our new friends in first year (better known as INTHECONCOURSE VIEWPOINT The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11, 1980 5 Question of the Week

What did you think of Orientation? THE DANGERS OF by Diane Pitts

THE AMERICAN Peter Campin MYTH Steve McCaughey third year business by Rick Nigol Iranian relations. Clark attempted "Compared with Orientation week in power in 1953. He replied that it "I went to casino night and to establish a mediation process at the Universisites of Guelph and was.of no use to talk of "ancient Park and I thought both A not uncommon phenomenon is between American and Iranian Bingeman Waterloo, WLU's was beyond occuring south of the border. Once history" today. Remember the events were all right. It was a good forget what officials but his actions were seen in comparison. We were kept so busy again a surge of nationalism has Alamo but convienently way to meet people and it was very happened 27 years ago. The past the U.S. as nothing less than we didn't have time to be spread throughout the United relaxed and friendly." homesick!" cannot be blocked out of view. treasonous. Talking and concilia- States as a result of crises abroad. Understanding the present cannot tion have no place in this process. few years ago the aftermath Only a be accomplished without Any compromise wouldbe a sign of in Viet Nam of the war and the understanding the past. weakness. The answer: send in Brad Gascho scandal cultivated a Watergate Unfortunately, U.S. policy makers troops on some wild, illconceived third year business Mark McGill breeding ground of cynicism in the tend to take action without regard rescue mission. The utter futility ol year general arts of 19705. A first United States the great for historical trends or future this exercise was unveiled when the Brad was an icebreaker who felt that deal of confidence was lost in consequences and tend to hear and Pentagon estimated that even if the overall it was a good week. He felt "It was a good way to meet people America's political, military and believe what they want. rescue plan worked up to 15 though, that the off campus frosh and it was c lot of fun. The institutions as Americans corporate facet of the American hostages and 30 soldiers would were at a loss because of the setup organization was pretty good and familiar A major became with information myth is the conceptual self-image perish. Perhaps what was most and it was harder for them to get there were no problems." concerning the actions -of elites Americans'have of the role of the remarkable about this fiasco was really involved. which were formerly shrouded in United States abroad. Many still how long President Carter showed secrecy. The myth that the United have an anachronistic view of admirablerestraint during thecrisis. States and its leaders could do no In the end, however, there are eight Pam Lewis America as the great purveyor of first year business wrong was dealt a severe Mow. In liberty and justice worldwide. more dead American heroes who, it "People seemed to be more at ease Joanne Lauzer the year, however,the taking of past Unfortunately, this is rarely the case seems, fell for a President's political after each event as they got to know first year honours psychology American in Iran hostages and the as self interest takes precedent over fortunes. more people. I felt that Bingeman invasion of Afganistan by the Soviet any supposed altruism. Even elements in the American Park and the pub crawl were the best "I felt that in some activities, such as Union have brought on this new At the Democratic National press have abandoned the spirit of events." Pam felt that orientation the scavenger hunt, there was not of American self flood admiration. Convention this summer President Woodward and Bernstien. What was definitely beneficial for the enough participation. Orientation it was born of events often seems like the last source for Although Carter lauded his administrations frosh because it makes it easier to helps you to meet people, and to get abroad this renewed nationalism has dedication to human rights. He the revealment oftruthahsalso been start school when you know some of familiar with your surroundings." been fueled and manipulated by by pictured the U.S. as the principle taken back the American myth. the people in your classes. recently politicians at home. What is protector of human rights and the Just many publishing about this houses refused a Dave Ross dangerous phenomenon dignity of the individual throughout to publish Tracy Stogryn is that it tendsto obscure objectivity, the world. All of this rhetoric must controversial book called "The geography dissent, second year oppresses and is combined be taken with a grain of salt as Political Economy of Human with a certain degree of militancy. America's human rights clearly Rights" because they c onsidered it Tracy was an icebreaker who said: the American the week Basically, myth points to human rights violations in "unpatriotic". "The dancing during past "it was a lot offun and there are a lot involves the and Combined with the loss of made Orientation a lot of fun; so did acceptance nations such as Brazil Uruguay and of first year kids." Tracy feels of good entrenchment lies which mask the South Africa it hesitates to do so perspective and the domesticationof the beer." that it was much better organized contrary nature of the dissent this new American truely where military allies or suppliers of this year and that there were more American ideal and the actions of oil (such as Saudi Arabia), are nationalism has also brought a activities that the frosh liked. Americans at home and abroad. concerned. American economic and renewed militaristic vigor in the U.S. strategic interests very often This is exemplified in the draft It is interesting study the to overshadow indignation towards registration and the belligerent attitudes of most Americans attitude of many Americans today. Reg Young human rights violations, even ifthey SORRY BUT... concerning Iran. Before the hostage When ofthose who didregister first year business are blatantly obvious. Western some taking incident last November it is governments, supposed champions for the draft were asked tocomment doubtful the U.S. "I thought Orientation week was We regret that due to circumstances whether many in of human rights, are usually quite on those who protested the move, fun mainly because it was well beyond our control (chemical) the knew where Iran was or who the willing support oppressive accusations such as "communists" to organized." .-~ pics for this section did not Shah was much less what America's dictatorships if their commercial and "gutless cowards" could be turn out. role in that natipn was. However, heard. One event went as for as to interests are protected and attention was suddenly focused on say, "...every generation has its war enhanced. Multinational corpora- Iran once therevolution evolved and to fight...why should we stop now?" tions often work hand-in-hand with especially when the embassy staff These young people, brought up on rulers to manipulate were abducted. Clear lines were authoritarian the daily pledge ofallegiance, are the the resources ofthe host country for drawn: the Shah was a friend of brainless macho men who would be their mutual benefit, it didn't really America and Khomeini is the devil willing to march to their deaths at matter that men such as the Shah of in disguise. Although the overthrow any cause put forth by politicians London Iran and Nicaragua's General of the Shah is yet anotherexampleo'' and generals. This is the tragedy of Anastasio Somoza were s.o.b.'s. Star a revolution gone sour (one tyranny the American myth. They were perceived as greatallies of has simply replaced another) and the Although the United States has U.S. because they looked after Morning hostage taking is an act of terrorism the been a more positive force in this American commercial interests. which should not be tolerated world than most other imperial anywhere, the legacy of U.S. In accepting the American myth powers its professed principles are Eccles involvment in Iran should not be one must also accept the propriety being compromised daily. forgotten. While many in the U.S. and correctness ofthe policies of the Unabashed nationalism, into which are calling for Iranian blood they U.S. government. James Thomson, Americans have the tendency to refuse to acknowledge any a former member of the National immerse themselves, is not wrongdoing in America's Security Council and the State condusive to viewing things with an comfortable relationship with the Department, referred tothis objective eye. The increasing Shah. This is why they Cannot phenomenon as the "domestication irrationality of American leaders comprehend the tremendous wrath and the American populace leads Iranians feel for the United States. of dissent." One mustn't rock the closer to an impeding conflict which boat. It is Viewing situations from a one- much easier to be in the they themselves and the world can ill majority, to go with the flow. dimensional perspective has been a afford. This dangerous "love it or major weakness of American leave it" attitude is very prevelent in foreign policy and American the U.S. today and is exemplified in Briefly, get along perceptions ot these policies. to one must go Ronald Reagan, the American myth Malcolm Toon, former U.S. along. This is why former attorney- brought to life. Fanatical patriotism general Ramsey Clark was Ambassador to the U.S.S.R.. was tends to muffle voices of opposition 'Modernization, Perkins, means goodbye to long the portrayed as a traitor when he and is causing America to drift even recently questioned about hours, goodbye to working conditions, goodbye to travelled to Iran and suggested that further away from principles and propriety of the C.l.A.'s the sweated In short, Perkins, goodbye.' involvement in the placing the Shah the U.S. Congress investigate the values it ideally stands for. labor.. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS by Dave Van Dyke Now if you are one of the few that everything but "Mind their own Here are a few words to describe 3rd year Biz Students: Cases, cases, As yet another school year rolls had read this far, then it's obvious Business." Itis written to ensure that what you can expect in the cases, and more cases and oh yes, around, the Cord in its ever ending you have not read theheading, but it the business students are aware of upcoming year. integrated cases. quest for knowledge, information is also obvious that you are not one upcoming activities, attend the Ist year Biz Students: Floor parties 4th year Biz Students: job and opinion has allowed to write a of those students who "mind their business seminars,and participate in panty raids, unusual roommates. interviews, job offers, job refusals. business column in its weekly issue. own business" and that's great the administrative positions Professor McCutcheon and good With such a large proportion of because you are the individuals that available. Apathy will not be looking T.A.'s. students enrolled in Business it I'm interested in writing for. tolerated, ambition will be praised, 2nd year Biz Students: Statistics, would only serve justiceto set aside a The objective ofthis column is to scholastic ability will be praised and frequent battery purchases, small cloumn just for them. insure that buz students do a good time will be commonplace. business project. 6The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11, 1980 On Strike CARLETON SUPPORT STAFF although it is causing OTTAWA (CUP) Carleton where the money comes from." registration, PjJJB YOURSELF -- delays campus." support staff employees walked off The union, which includes a few ofgetting on the job August 29, rejecting the secretaries, clerical staff, lab technicians and computer centre Sevigny said over 7000 students university's contract wage offer. pre-registered during the last week staff, has been without a contract The 650 member Carleton said this is an since June 30. of August. Watts University Support Staff year. The Carleton University increase of 3000 over last INTO A Association (CUSSA) is demanding Students' Association (CUSA) has About 14,500 students will enroll at a 10 per cent wage increase. The Carleton this year. administration says it hasoffered 9.5 come out in support of CUSSA. A percent but the union says this is pamphlet issued by the association "We placed a greater emphasis on misleading. asks students to respect picket lines pre-registration this year",said and ifpossible to join the strikers on "That's just not true. It'scounting Watts. STUDY SKILLS PROGRAM our normal three meritraise the line. percent Professors in the school of social which is already written into our CUSA also asks students to work are to cross to contract", said the union. register late to avoid crossing the refusing register THE NEXT STUDY SKILLS WORKSHOP students. The administration believes this pickets. The usual fee for late WILL BE HELD ON: registration has been waived by the merit raise must be considered part "The impression is that will administrationbecause ofthe strike. they of a demanded increase because the not be holding classes", said Bob The administration says thestrike TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 1980 |i <\ university will be paying it. Luce, past president of CUSSA. i is causing few problems at FROM 6:00 P.M.-9:30 P.M. _ "They (the support staff I registration. Watts said all university employees) think they should get the Jim Director of have been told they must three per cent increase for nothing", Sevigny, employees (ARTS BUILDING) Admissions, said, "The strike is come to work or be "subject to /■ 1/ said Charles Watt, vice-president, (PLEASE NOTE ROOM CHANGE) administration. "They don't care having a negligible effect on disciplinary measures." IV NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED. \ U OF TAKES INSTRUCTOR: DR. BERRY CALDER, J THE MONEY AND RUNS COUNSELLINGSERVICES \. WINNIPEG (CUP) - Over $50 The bank said they had not made "We don't trust the social thousand has been withdrawn from a direct loan to the South African conscience of a profit motivated the Royal Bank of Canada by the Government in the last four years. corporation," Pannell said. Council expects to save about a University of Winnipeg Students' The UWSA did STUDENT PUBLICATIONS not believe this thousand dollars over the next year association (UWSA) to protest that because the bank did not release any because of the higher interest rates bank's lending practices to evidence the claim. The supporting and lower service charges offered at politically controversial regimes. bank believes its financial the credit union. Applications are now transactions to be fully confidential. came in response to The motion to withdraw the information supplied by the world Pannell also said that even if the money from the bank received being accepted for the council of churches and amnesty Bank's claim >«"> ~A <"1 ' A rt.*o«= V 5 i(Jx

( G \ J.asM 1p « a fe ?} WATEI^OOrfMOTOR^ } J W 475 KinB N., Waterloo \ ft W~_ P W _J% _n|E I)" - fnter off K/ng or Weber St. * v " I'Sfc" \ Telephone: 884-0220 GefthepeHeHltfif])aBBeB the test. —— Theßentel QuickerClicker pencil. Pregnant? K*\ For confidential help during pregnancy, call Birthright * OnH(M frxmuPwilcl 579-3990 Free pregnancy tests Medical Care Pentel Stationery ofCanada Ltd ■ Unit No. 11-31 Progress Court Housing Legal Advice Scarborough, Ontario MIG 3V5 Telephone: (416)431-3710 Maternity Cloths/Baby Cloths JobPlacement Counselling • ■-- - The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11, 1980 7 ENTERTAINMENT

CENTRE IN THE SQUARE COLLEGE STUDENTS people by using its air-suspended by Cynthia Liedtke movable "stage towers" as box "... innovative ... impressive ... in seats. They are arranged in a Improve your downtown Kitchener ... opening continental fashion without aisles. grades! Sept. 20, 1980." The centre also uses a European The Centre in the Square is a opera style "T" stage. $1.00 for brand new, highly modernized arts The centre has been bookedfor 95 Send your centre that will stage a large variety performances between the opening 306-page, research paper of events. They include: theatre, and June 6, 1981 and should easily catalog. All academic country, opera, ballet, television house more than 150 performances subjects. productions, industrial shows, large in the first year df operation. group meetings, pop music and Upcoming events in the Centre in Collegiate Research symphony. the Square will include: The Good P.O. Box 25097H The art centre has been designed Brothers, The Rocky Horror Picture Los Angeles, Ca. 90025 to be the most acoustically sound Show, Burton Cummings and the hall. If offers excellent access for Royal Winnipeg Ballet. ,___ handicapped people (elevators) The Community Preview Festival TSCHANZ including the hard-of-hearing, for week be on Enclosed is $1.00. will Saturday Sept. 20th Please rush the catalog. whom the sound can be directly at 11:00 a.m. with the long awaited Name transmitted to hearing aids. It can open house. An invitaion is RODGER also be used for translation extended to the general public and BY Address » simultaneously. there will be conducted tours of the PIC City I The orchestra pit has three levels centre as well as live Jazz band TAMIAE: Cmon fellas, lay your bets on the table". State Zip t to provide the most balanced sound performances. The open house last 1 acoustically possible, by the Tamiae... the support of numerous 900 at this time but it is hoped that it until 3:00 p.m. At 8:00 p.m. the first gamblers made Casino Night a 1,100 orchestra that may accompany a will reach soon. concert called KITCHENER success. Membership was at about stage production. It can SINGS will be perfomred, featuring accommodate up to 110 musicians. 13 choirs forming a 600 voice The Centre in the Square can massed choir. Ifyou have time, plan arrange seating for close to*2jooo to visit the centre in the Square. CBC HONORABLE Petals *n Pots Shop UW ARTS CENTRE MENTIONS fjOMr-T Classified Unclassified Classified 65 unwerstK awi, east are you? Drop be Q Waterloo, Ontario n2j 2v9 wJ Willison soon for a brew. Try B. 45-- ST" Early in 1980, the CBC hosted a Qj A Harvard Juke. J™ literary competition, and besides 9 (519) 885-2180 This year the UW Arts Centre winners who had been announced Happy Birthday of WLU's • to two <« announces professional entertain- earlier, the judges selected several university square plaza W) lovliest! Mary Jane Koudyjs and '*«i^ ment for the upcoming season. honorable mentions. (behind Tim Hortons Donuts) <5 Blair Carey. Love L.C.F. JT* Programming will take place in two In the Short Story category: Humanities Theatre as ?■* To Da 80y5... U« theatres, the George McWhirter of Vancouver 10% well as the Theatre of the Arts. Youse guys had better know Dat dc for his story, The Coutry and Brian FULL TIME , new HQ of Da mob (Da Da DA Bartlett of Montreal for the Cure of In the stage series in October will STUDENT DISCOUNT fc— Dum) has been relocated (Da joint JJ the Lawyers Wife. Jj» has been moved) to room 8117 |j be presentation of the Shaw's •applies to all non sale Little House. Festival's "Dear Liar" starring Pat items everyday .JJJ Q Galloway and Douglas Campbell. The Poetry category: Emily Sion, Da Shark (/) Vancouver, for Deep Sea Sailing a •cash and carry only CD (t\ \ Suite of ocean First Annual Waterloo Ploughing jm, The dance series will feature Anna poems and Mark • proof of eligibility m Match. Saturday. 20 Mayfield Dr. iZft Wyman Dance Theatre of Ably, orginally from Saskatchewan, we are your closest florist •»«_ Bring your Rubber boots. Manure (fc Vancouver. now living in London England, for U Provided ' ft his long poem Asian Mass. 'v of w u/iversityYve. c As well in Octoberpart ofthe new r- WLU / PETALS _C ■ Mentioned in the category of g \^. One Man Series will be "the / 'N POTS \* Classified Unclassified Classified Wonderful World of Sarah Binks" Memoirs: R.R. Jaffels Kelowjia B.C. with veteran actor Eric Donkin as for A Matter of Degree, Rodney . Miss Rosalind Drool from Paul Michalko, Vancouver, for White as come for that personal touch Hiebert's Leacock-award-winning a Cane, and to Fredelle Bruser in your every floral need satire. Watch the CORD for times, Maynard, author of Raisins and POETICS places and dates. Almonds, for For a Portrait. •Worldwide wire service •Corsages Didn't I LOVE LETTER FROM LAURIER Meet You Last Night In A Dream? Dan McGann /80 •Boutineres Didn't I meet you last night in a dream, Fresh Cut Flowers by Wendy Blake music, romancing, • love flowing stream, LCF: Live My dear sweet Sue, dancing in the moonlight under the stars, • Plants, I'm writing to you. we touched and we played the whole night through, •Wicker Baskets To Tell you of my week. It seem to me baby that we were up all night, • Clay and Ceramic Pots I'm starting to study, holding each other dreading the morning light, SQUARE DANCE • Silk Arrangements Iv found my new buddy. it was something I needed that gave me to you, FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE And my drinking's hit a peak. the loving the caring, the passion we shared, I saw you this morning in the student hall, It's a quiet place, by Chris Wallace In between sets, dancers could I had no voice when I to call, A real slow pace, attempted The annual Orientation Week slaken their thirst, rest their feet, But someday I'll call you, I'll find a way, I'm trying real hard to adjust. Square Dance, sponsored this year and, most importantly, get to know cause you would think me crazy if I were to say, We had a pub crawl, Laurier each other. "Didn't I meet you last night in a dream?" by Christian Fellowhip, I started a brawl, drew a lively crowd eager to dance. Laurier Christian Fellowship (a And my head is ready to bust. chapter of Inter-Varsity Christian the walls are grey Most of the people (approximately Fellowship) sponsored several other there are only four of them eighty) in attendance were frosh, I think of you, Orientation Week activities. On they arc cold and clammy and organizers were delighted by I am so blue, Tuesday was a sing-song, well and moisture slowly tracks down their slimy sides their evident enthusiasm. I'm really not happy at all. attended by frosh (the chapel was sunlight doesn't come in here very often The-caller Darryl Moore, with his But I've found a spot, when it does wife, led the dancing with skill and virtually filled), and on Saturday It offers alot, it is pale and weak and flair, showing why they are so there was a coffee house featuring They call it Conrad Hall. brings no warmth as all THE WALLS popular with area square dancers. Dan Dyer and Steve Cowley. the floor boards are worn in a single path by Jane Litman Many ofthe students had little or no The group meets regularly on The boys on my floor, that i pace every day in an effort experience, but with a little coaching Wednesdays for supper, singing, All know the score, to pass the time Mr. Moore soon had up to eight and a guest speaker (topics are And are taking me out on the town. in one corner my books are stacked squares whirling merrily to the posted prominently throughout the It won't be fun, and cared for in a hopeless attempt fiddle music and rhythmic calls. school). always But it must be done, to save them from Interspersed with the square New members ac welcome, the ever present moisture and salty tears looks To keep me from being down. dances were polkas, reels and other and the Fellowship especially but slowly they disintegrate and crumble forward more fully welcoming all dances, ranging from the ever- to one by one the freshmen whose enthusiastic I miss you alot, . only popular Mexican Hat Dance to one the friends i have left participation helped make the Forget me not, turn to wet dust in my hands as called simply The Fun Dance (and it There's nothing more to say. i turn the pages was). Orientation Week events such a Oh please stay free, when they are gone success. And wait for me, the sunlight will go too be alone I think I'll be home when they are gone i will in May walls have Love Jake for no people can penetrate the i built around my mind Wendy Boyd and heart 8 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11, 1980


and one friday evening. by Cynthia Liedtke to say they danced to tapes played Thursday conditionof thecontract signed A very popular event during between sets. One the band is that they would sign orientation week at Laurier was the The Cooper Brothers' music with later appearance at Laurier. one held at Bingeman Park on included some loud hard rock, their for a for posters and an Thurs. Sept. 4th. The golf new hits, some old hits and a few .Watch in the paper for the tournament and GWG BUM BUM slow tunes. There are five members advertisement time. contest provided entertainment and in the band: one on keyboard, one date and featuredby theCooper a chance for competativespirits. The on percussion, two on guitar, and Solos were keyboard, drums, was well attended and served the other talented fellow played Brothers on event It was truly as a release for all the excess energy flute.soprano and alto saxophone guitar and saxophone. evening that both new and that was built up in registration besides being lead vocal. an returning students will remember, lineups, earlier the day. Originally, the Good Brothers in band was thoroughly After a meal of hotdogs and corn- were supposed to play at Bingeman because the made new friends on-the-cob, the students danced to Park but cancelled out due to two enjoyed, people TSCHANZ and with the old. the COOPER BROTHERS needless performances at the Coronet, one reminised RODGER 1E1: BY LCF: COFFEE HOUSE PIC "Cooper Brothers performed for a very lively group of very by Chris Wallace the "SHOW" ROOM orientated students. For some returning students it was like a involving the audience in second timearound". Live music and inexpensive re- performance enabled him to capture freshments lured some sixty people their undivided attention for brief to the coffeehouse hosted by Laurier periods. Over the summer there have been Christian Fellowship on Saturday numerous renovations done to IEI night. Although it was an Generally however, both which have drastically increased the Orientation Week activity, there was performers played against a steady quality of the movies seen there. a noticeably higher proportion of curret of quiet talking. They gave Improvements include: soundproof- returning students than at other sterling performances nonetheless, ing of IEI, padding the seats, the events, and the hall buzzed with the which lent the affair a friendly installation of a new sound system, voices of ol friends renewing atmosphere, and for which they and purchase of new projectors. TSCHANZ acquaintances. were warmly applauded. While this was certainly a major People evidently appreciated this The movies are seen every purpose of the coffeehouse, it was quiet, relaxed alternative to the pub Tuesday and regardless of the RODGER perhaps unfortunate that this was and the casino as an opportunity to movie shown, admission is $2.00. BY the first reunion for many: the two meet friends and enjoy the music. Movies coming up this month are: PIC excellent singers, Dan Dyer and And, thanks to the sponsorship of the-Muppet Movie and Rocky 11. Bum Bum Contest: "Laurier students won't be bumming around the L.C.F., the price was certainly as much after this week!" Steve Cowley, tended to be ignored right. in favor of long-lost friends. l Dyer and Cowley alternated sets, each displaying an easy folk style perfect for background music, but also a professional skill that make them well worth listening to as main attractions. Coming... Dyer performed a variety of Sept. 16 in IEI pieces, mostly the work of other writers, while Cowley concentrated THE MUPPET MOVIE mor on his own work. Cowley's spontaneity and habit of

UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Wilfrid Laurier University Fall Time Table TO TORONTO - EXPRESS VIA HWY. 401 Leave Campus BUS STOP ON UNIVERSITY AYE. "Harry Chapln will be in concert on Sept. 14 at UW"., AT THE THEATRE AUDITORIUM Monday to Friday — 3.50 pm & 5.10 pm Fridays - 12.05 pm, 3.10 pm & 5.10 pm C/iiSp Return Buses from Toronto to Campus September 11 and 12 6.45 am — Monday thru Friday 6.45 pm — Monday or day after Mon. Holiday Express Waterloo Motor Inn Doors open p,m. 7.30 pm — Sunday or Monday Holiday 8:00 8.30 pm — Sunday or Monday Holiday 11.00 pm — Sunday or Monday Holiday I HOURLY BUS SERVICE EVERYDAY HARRY CHAPIN BETWEEN TORONTO & KITCHENER Sunday, September 14 8:00 p.m. TERMINAL Physical Activities Complex ASK FOR SYSTEM TIMETABLE OR k HANDY POCKET SCHEDULE | * Advance tickets on sale at: FOR MORE INFORMATION: ff ￿"/S~"\ \\ -Records on Wheels (Kitchener and Cambridge) KITCHENER TERMINAL (L f \\ -Forwell's Super Variety GAUKEL & JOSEPH STS \YT/ J // -Federation Office TELEPHONE 742-4469 v Sponsored by the" Federation x>f Students - GrayCoach The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11, 1980 9 DISC-COVERY THE SKIDS: PETER GABRIEL "DAYS IN EUROPA" by Greg Brown Peter Gabriel's third solo album by Greg Brown after leaving Genesis is his best rw-teb^dTi to are This Scottish barrel has been date. The single off theLP. "Games not expensive! together for three yearsnor, and this Without Frontiers" reached the is their second LP. After the first LP number three spot in England, The fine quality sleep you get just makes "Scared to Dance", the drummer selling almost 300,000 copies and it Tom Kellichan left the band. They is selling equally well here. you think they should be. got Mike Baillie as a replacement, With this album he shows why he which has seemed to generate some is still one of the most respected r An example. new life into this band. lyricists in contemporary music. The Their second album "Days in best songs are: "FAMILY Europa", has done quite well for SNAPSHOTS", "INTRUDER", them in England and no wonder ... it and "NO SELF CONTROL". IS a great one. Gabriel's former label, ATCO, When the album was released in felt this LP was too "avant guarde" the States, it was remixed by and as a result, Gabriel parted Canadian producer Bruce Fairbaim company and was signed on by (PRISM). Charisma which was ATCO's loss The best tracks are: "Home of the and Charisma's gain. saved". "Masquerade", and a "Day This is one of the best albums to in Europa". It's well worth a listen. come from the 80's so far. This complete, top quality waterbed system VEHICLE featuring a fully padded frame and headboard, by Cynthia Liedtke artists was performed well and with lap seam mattress and C.S.A. approved heater Saturday, Sept. 6th, the crowd precision. can be yours for only $399. 00 This and other was not quite so fortunate as those . at By looking at the audience, one 00 Bingeman Park. "VEHICLE" had could see that not everyone injoyed qualitybeds from as low as $349. are available an engagement a short time earlier Vehicle for one reason or another. now at: The Waterbed King Ltd. and arrived at the school some time Either the band was too loud or the between 7:00 and 8:00pm:The doors people didn't care for the original to the Turret opened at 8:05 and the artists. Nonetheless, they were audience drank and talked as the 15% everything reluctant to leave at midnight. off in the store band set up and tested the Vehicle's tone colour had a bit of equipment. variety to spice up the performance. to students with valid current The students put in an honest It included: bass guitar, guitar, effort to be patient but were easily electric keyboard, drums, vocals, cards, relieved of their restlessness once synthesizer and trumpet. I.D. Vehicle finally started playing at Although the band may have 10:00pm. played well, they were not all that The band's volume was impressive to watch. The lighting overpowering but theirsound was of effects were not spectacular, they fairly good quality. The music they were dressed very casually and some \XfeierbedJlljang played featured selections from Pink of the antics of the keyboard player Floyd's album 'Dark Side of the could have been omitted. It would Moon', Supertramp, Jethro Tull, have removed nothing from the 1253King St. E., Kitchener Beatles and the Cars. The quality ofthe performance. The pub reproduction of Pink Floyd's music ended at midnight much to the Stare hours: 10-9weekdays, Sat. til 6 was excellent and the music of all dismay of the audience. Phone:s79-0660 MIDNIGHT EXPRESS

by Sandy French I mean they don't even sell popcorn. "Midnight Express" was one of the It may seem like a minorpoint, but most overrated movies released in some people go the the movies just 1978. People were walking out of for those tasty kernels. I know I'm theatres in trance-like states getting a little off-track but I'm thinking they had watched a allowed to—I'm writing this article. shocking, revealing and most Okay, about the movie. Still with profound film. I walked out half me? Good. "Midnight Express" asleep, trying to figure out why I wasn't bad, but I would have much Motor Hotel wasn't totally asleep. As far as I'm rather written about sex and 5 B concerned it was a low budget flick violence. i^ --** 871 Victoria St. N. 744-3511 with a fourth rate bunch of actors I love Jane Fonda. I'm sorry I - that couldn't even get an audition can't help the way I feel. I will, for Tiny Talent Time. To sum it up, however, do my best to give you an the movie stunk! objective review. 9 Now Appearing: H You disagree novice? Well so do I, Jane Fonda shines like diamonds but if I had started with the typical in the dew in "China Syndrome". opening, "Midnight Express is an She was incredible, fantastic, excellent movie that should be superb, utterly brilliant,without her viewed by all" you wouldn't have the film is a wash out. I've never read past the first line. So, I've seen anything like tier and I don't cleverly employed a device I learned think we ever will again. I know in English 102 to catch your most what you're thinking; there has got m Blushing valuable attention. Now that my to be more to the movie than that. Brides H secret is out and you know I half- You're right. The movie centres liked the movie, what is going to around two journalists(Jane Fonda, make you read on? Sex! Michael Douglas) who accidentally I'm sorry, I'm a compulsive liar, view a near nuclear misnap while on I'll do anything to get people to read tour of the plant. The movie takes us my articles. There'll be no reference through their efforts to break thered to sex, sexual activity or sexual tape and get some honest answers inactivity in this paragraph, (the about what really happened that Tues.—Wet T-Shirt Contest next one I promise). There will, day. Jack Lemon plays the ■ however, be plenty of reference to supervisor ofthe control room who 1 Wed.—Ladies' Mud Wrestling the violence and the twisted sadism eventually becomes as concerned as Thurs—so's Rock & Roll Night that was so vividly portrayed in the the two journalistsabout the lack of Fri. & Sat.—Anything Goes movie. In all fairness I must point care in the running of this nuclear m Sat. Aft.—Live Bands Matinee out that a lot ofthe movie's intended plant. Theacting is excellent and the impact was reduced or distorted due movie has gained a lot of serious to the surroundings. Try as they attention since Three Mile Island. might IEI cannot compete with the All in all, this is a film well worth effect you get in a large well- watching even if you don't love Jane equipped (in an audio sense) theatre. Fonda. 10 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11, 1980

Pick up yourPhone atthe Bell Phonecentre.

The Bell Phonecentre is It's open Mon.-Wed. 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. located at 75 King Street S. Thurs. & Fri. 8:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. in Waterloo Square. Saturday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Bell phonecentre The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11,1980 11 be... Film Processing Thursday, September 11 XHarry Chapin performs in the xUW is presenting a course tracing Physical Athletics Complex at UW. the development of Ontario from XGordon Lightfoot is in concert at Special the I7Bo's to Confederation. The the Centre in the Square. first lecture will beat 7:00 p.m. at the Xthe Kw Youth Orchestra is holding main branch ofthe Kitchener Public auditions for the upcoming season. Library. There is a scholarship involved for xLutheran Student Movement will the study of an orchestral host a "Crazy Games Night" at 7:30 instrument as well. For information prints p.m. in the lower lounge of the about auditions call: 886-3850 or 2 sets of for seminary building. Anyone is 885-6341. welcome to come and play. Price One xThe KW Philharmonic Choir the of invites new members for the choir which will involve several concerts, including some in the new Centre in September 12, 13, 14 the Square. Although rehearsals XThe Goodbye Girl, starring started on Sept. Bth, anyone Richard Dreyfuss and Marsha interested should contact either Vlason will be the first in a series of At the WLUBookstore Howard Dyck at 884-2825 or Marie movies shown in AL 116 at UW at Young at 745-1597. 8:00 p.m. <

i Bring this coupon along with your | S roll of colorprint film* into the WLU j Thursday and Friday, Sept. 11,12 Tuesday, September 16 S BOOKSTORE and get 2 sets of j xCANO has performances both xKris Kristofferson will be in our regular price. Thursday and Friday eveng at the concert in the Kitchener Memorial i prints for low Waterloo Motor Inn. Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. xThere is a lecture in the main j *C4l processing only branch of the Kitchener Publi OFFER EXPIRES: Sept. Library at 7:00 p.m. called 'Leading j 27/80 Friday September 12 Pollution' as part of a weekly series XOne of North America's best entitled Chemistry for the Citizen. known Astronomers and writers on the subject, Helen Sawyer Hogg, will speak at WLU. She has chosen 'globular clusters' as her topic for Wednesday, September 17 the 7:00 lecture the main p.m. "in * at 4:45 p.m: Laurier Christian auditorium of the Peter's Building. Fellowship presents "Preparing the Way," with guest speaker Richard Middleton, graduate student at centre for Christian Studies. t ■ Uaii 111 /~T ACO Toronto. Saturday September 13 ' Xa Latin American Craft fair will be held on the TJW campus, ending with a 4:00 p.m. concert by LOS CAMPANEROS in the Theatre of the Arts. Thursday, September 18 ORTWO *WLU will present the first in a continuing series of. films in Astronomy and related topics. They Sunday, September 14 will be hosted by Prof. Raymond Xat 9:05 p.m., CBC Radio's OPEN Koenig in room 2CB at 7:00 p.m. CIRCUIT takesa look at studentsat *WLU's free Music at noon school. Entitled "What Did You concerts will begin on September Learn at School Today Johnny?", 18th. The program for each Bor slice the broadcast looks at thereasoning Thursday will be announced. I I Order any 12 Pizza for delivery on behind some children remaining in %WJ camPus and we 9've y° u TWO Mother's school while others do not. Children [$r 9|asses for y°ur suds (2 glasses per Pizza). from grades two and five as well as I" xWmSSJW^vy*g Offer Good Till Quantities" Last Waterloo Store high-school studentsare interviewed kvo;;| |Hv Only 886-1830 Present the coupon to Mother's concerning their reactions and ; attitudes toward education. i- Delivery boy. :; FREE DELIVERY

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FRIESEN CARL BY PIC OB Scott Leemma fl2) carries ball during inter-squad action

by William "Chip" McBain Heap". Wilfrid Laurier and needs only "seasoning", in the The Golden Hawks saw their first Toronto rank close behind followed words of coach Newbrough, to be action under playing condiitions by Guelph, York, Windsor with "great". Friday night at Seagram Stadium. Waterloo Warriors and McMaster There was no outside opposition as carrying the weight at the bottom of this was an intersquadgame,first vs. the division. Not much can be Another rookie quarterback second. expected of McMaster this season. made an outstanding showing at They are just coming off a season Sunday's Junior Varsity game which featured not a single win. against Seneca College (28-24 loss). For a number of reasons the only two wins Mike Menlanka gave the team the Coaching staffwas not overly happy Waterloo recorded last season but could possibly spark it at times lacked. with the game. The Video tape surprise this fall. machine failed to produce a record of the match and the first team did First year Dave Sholdice, out of not dominate the second to the Laurier's match against the Toronto, came to Laurier as a full degree they would have liked. The University of Toronto Blues this back but has since been converted final score was 12-0. Friday is all the more important successfully to nose guard. He because these two teams promise to promises to be a standout on the be close rivals in the standings. defensive line before long. The game was not a total loss as it Laurier could be stronger than provided the modest crowd in first thought possible as a result of The Golden Hawk season opens attendance with a look at some of the unexpected return of veterans this Friday night at Seagram the changes made over the off Mark Forsyth, Mark Sprague, Rich Stadium. Look for strong FRANKS season. The contest also provided a Payne and Wes Wolf. Wolfexcells at performances from Quarterback look at some of the bright spots in blocking from his end position and Scott Learning, making use of more Hawk Lineup. BRIAN the Golden Forsyth played a strong game at the passing freedom, and at what maybe BY corners for his squad Friday Night. the strongest position for the Hawks the defensive secondary. PIC There had been rumours over the summer that Laurier planned to Also returning is Paul Falzon, last Admission to home games is make some drastic alterations in the seasons leading rusher., Falzon's gratis so do your darndest to be Division: final results, 1979 offence in order to improve the pass first carry Friday night ended fifty- there to scream the Hawks on their OUAA—West attack and make themselves less five yards down field. Last years way into the New season. predictable to the opposing second leading rusher Bill Burke is 'earn W L T F A Pts defences. Changes have been made back, however, an ankle injury but the mainstay of the offence will could keep him low for awhile. The The key to Laurier's success this aurier 6 0 1 184 73 13 still be the triple option. The threat jets in the backfield belong to Ron season will be the changes make in 5 1 0 154 75 10 has been increased by running it Archibald Western who could have an the offence. The pass is what Laurier 4 3 0 157 148 8 •from some new formations and outstanding season. lacked last year. Effective passing is 'ororito 3 1 166 135 7 adding a number of variations to essential in order to make our Windsor 3 increase the passing threat. offence less predictable. This is what luelph 3 4 0 115 107 6 should be looked for most carefully r ork 3 4 0 101 77 6 Ot the 92 players stillremaining in during the first game in order to 2 5 0 95 153 4 The West Division promises be (120 originally reported) there Waterloo to camp predict the Hawks future in the 0 7 0 54 258 0 highly competitive. Coach Rich are several excellent prospects for league this season. /IcMaster Newbrough puts Western Laurier's future. Rookie (left unquestionably at the "top of the handed) quarterback Mike Zaharie The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11, 1980 13 PIC BY CARL FRIESEN CHIP'S BEEF By William "Chip" McBain Pigeon races. Sports Editor The C.T.V. tele-thon Sunday Groups with causes, whether they night raised a huge $4 million in a be commercial of charitable, mere five hours, outstripping the constantly search for symbols that production of even the Jerry Lewis will simultaneously pull at the heart Tele-thon for such a short period. and purse strings of the public and The total by the end of the evening render their product or purpose #was expected to reach as high as Bto instantly recognizable. The 10 million. Canadian Cancer Society has found Terry has by gaining support for a symbol in Terry Fox that has himself and his cause from all shaken the population and stirred sections of the country, been the beleagered troops of the various attributed with reinforcing the charity groups with an intensity concept of national unity. Thispoint unseen since "Remember the may be over-emphasized but it no- Alamo" stirred the defenders of doubt exists to some degree. He has, Texas. it seems, brought us closer together The public, after settling into a through a common acknowledge- attitude ofindifferencedeveloped by ment of his courage. Back By Popular Demand! years of pleas for funds from every Terry has run what anounts to a organization under the stars, has marathon a day for many weeks, on started to behave as if a Fire has been anartificial leg, combating a disease set under its collective rears. which threeyears beforecost him his The cause couldn't Be more leg. He endured pain caused by Dave Riches, Experienced Recruiter urgent. Cancer touches the lives of chaffing against the artifical leg and almost every Canadian in some what must have been growing way. One person in every four is discomfort brought on by the affected. developing cancer in his lungs until Contributions have come from all the disease he was battling forced "How to Successfully Prepare for segments of our society. him to stop. Terry has become, in a Corporations havebecome involved very short period of time, a true Campus by donation funds, space and time' Canadian hero. He has made us On Interviews" and services to The Marathon of realize, for the time being at least, Hope. that their are causes greater than The Private citizen, mainstay of ourselves. I urge you to give what 23—AH Accounting Graduates all charity drives has given forth you can to the Marathon of Hope Tues., Sept. huge sums of money. Even because we receive benefits greater Wed., Sept. All—Other Graduating Students governments have been participat- than just an assistance to Cancer ing directly in the drivex British Research. Isn't that enough by itself, Columbia donated $1 million with though? no strings attached and the Government of Ontario plans to 4:00—6:00 pm. IEI commit $1 million to the establishment of a Terry Fox I still need writers for the sports Research Centre. section, so I invited all those Cash is being raised by every interested men and women to trot » method imaginable. Mini- over and up to see me whenever note Public Service Commission marathons, Terry plaques, possible. If I am not in just leave a Graduates also canvassing, Tele-thons and even note. I will get in touch. Briefing Session Sept. 25, 12 noon in the Paul Martin Centre

MARATHON OF HOPE CONTINUES byWilliam McBain September 14, the Matador Fitness Centre (1255 Weber Street __Pw&: : I^P™^g^^^^^^^^mJ|: Pg ll___j __P^___l___P^^^^^^^^^^___l East, across from the Hiway Market) will sponsor a 10Km. run in ' support ofTerry Fox. Money will be 818 :^l raised through the collection of Bl __f___y__y * I entry fees and all proceeds will go to ___K^_f_M^fi— ___&______ia______hßS__v the Canadian Cancer Society-Care of Terry Fox. All competitors should register on September 13 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Matador Fitness Centre. It will still be possible to register till 9:30on the day of the race. The entry fee is $6.00 and all who enter will receive an "I support Terry Fox" T-shirt. The race will begin in Idlewood Park and follow along community trails through Chicopee Park. ' Awards will be given to top male ■SS \.\ ■• and female in each of several 1 !i^^K^^%\ *«- divisions. The divisions are; Junior (19 and under). Open Adult (20 to . 39) and a Masters Class (40 and over). Highschool challenge teams will be competing and outside challenge teams as well, so if you can round up twenty friends, enter as a team. Some competitors will raise additional money by collection sponsors. Several members of the _MII lll___lilll Corfd staffintend to compete in this ■Mr %**-S fashion. If they are approached they will be more than happy to take your I pledge. Get out and run on your two good legs on September 14 for Terry Fox and urge your friends to do the same. 14 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11, 1980 heatstroke. Due to this loss of water through No sweating our bodies require about a FOOTBALL Off and Running cup of water for every twenty Hawk Walk minutes of exercise in the sun. SEASON Why is excess salt dangerous? by David Menary perform as wellin heat as in the cold. Heavy salt concentrations will by William McBain Toronto September 12 HOME Last year about this time a large The following article is the first in 1. Your heart must work thicken your blood thus making it Guelph September 20 HOME number of Hawk supporters made sports a continuing series of harder to pump blood to your more likely to clot. These clots could McMaster September 27 Away their way down the highway to the medicine information that will muscles as well as your skin. contribute to angina pectoris and Western October 4 HOME University of Guelph. The result was appear weekly in the Cord sports 2. Muscle performance is heart attacks. Windsor October 11 Away sore feet, blisters, fatigue and heat October pages. In this series we will deal with impaired by the heat due to an Aside from water, potassium is York 18 Away exhaustion. Those who were Waterloo October 25 HOME involved reported a good time none varying contemporary themes increased fluid loss and a raised the mineral the body needs most in the less. The stadium at Guelph was prevailant on the sporting front. body and muscle temperature. hot weather exercising. Bananas arc filled with Hawk faithfuls, who This column should encompass When this happens muscles don't an excellant source of this. During SPORT despite the suffering managed to the interest ofa widerange ofserious produce energy, extract 02 or hard exercise, your body can excrete help carry the Hawks to a one-sided victory. and weekend athletes in an equally contract efficiently. in urine and sweat ten times more wide range ofsports. Tips on simple 3. It takes more calories to potassium that during rest. This loss SHORTS but sound preparatory and exercise in heat. must be replaced. This year the traditional walk will first game of preventative principles will shed The fallacy exists in many athletic TIPS: Eat moderately about 3 hrs The soccer team hosts Wayne State not be held because the University this Saturday September the season is going to be held at light onto an area that has exploded circles concerning the issue of salt before your activity to provide fuel of 13. The game is being held at Budd home, against the University in recent years and is currently off tablet supplements. To put itsimply, for your furnace. A large Automotive Park. Game time is 1 Toronto, on Sept. 12. supporters and running. they should never be used. When we p.m. number of Laurier are expected to make it to the opening This week we will look at the sweat we lose proportionately more a little liquid a lot of —Drink game. effects of heat and physical activity. water than sodium (salt) and since times. Heat can detract from maximum the average Canadian diet already Admission is free all Wilfrid as well as but do to performance in many ways contains too much salt, we would —Don't take salt tablets Laurier card carrying students for SPORTS as_ causing serious problems for the (according to an increasing number eat potassium rich fruits such all regular season games. There may unprepared athlete. There are three of physiologists) merely be bananas arter exercises. be a charge for special tournaments COMMENT basics reasons why you can't increasing our chances of —Protect yourself from the sun. and playoff games. by Rick Pajor The recent performance of the Toronto Argonauts has caused people to conclude that the 1980 Argos are the Argos of old.

An impressive beginning in which THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE the boatmen registered 3 wins in their first four outings gave rise to optimism in the minds of loyal double-blue supporters. The Argo FOR THE REAL KODIAK. jokes could now be laid to rest. But failure to record a victory in 5 consecutive attempts has caused the jokes to return from temporary extinction. Those loyal fans have no There are a lot ofboot makers out there So be sure you get the country's changed their'topicsofconversation who'd like to think they're making most popular kind ofKodiak. The to the pennant contending Expos. Kodiaks. genuine, original, real Greb Kodiak. Yet all is not lost! Things are different in the Argo camp this year. Some ofthem even look just /^^'''•■■■■______^ Willie Wood, the squad's rookie mentor, has acted in a mannermuch like the real Kodiak. ~ „ f- — ~ mmi unlike his predecessors. Most of the But before you spend your jtO present day personnel have been hard-earned money, take a real with the club since training camp. if *" /'' Whereas coaches of previous close look. I ; decades have ordered massive shiploads of players. Wood has are built like no patience his club. Kodiaks Q 7 shown with other boot. The best of everything Ift into real Kodiaks. Design. i ] This is not to say that Wood is goes jf hesitant to make changes. They will Materials. Craftsmanship. I; be made if they are warranted. To Q \ change for the sake of an instant It's quality, comfort and ii * winner is the short-sightedapproach durability you just buy any- Wood has avoided. He, instead, will can't /' lead his charges through slumps, where else. /' t? k trying to eliminate the mistakes (penalties, and interceptions) that Sure, you may pay a few jf. m have cost them football games. bucks more to get the real 3 Kodiak. But down the road, / ill This long term approach is III! unfamiliar to the Toronto Football you'll be mighty glad you did. Iw Media. But the overnight contender Just ask 1,000,000 com- * „^^#^\ method has failed time and again. fortable Canadians. v%> Be patient Argo fans and media. You've waited since '52 so what's one more year? Stick with Willielike he has with hisplayers, and someday the jokes will die.

.'*'* __. ''-''V I IB ■ ... besides, first place is only tour ■■*•" r^ "*"' __^__^fl *.*s&'■* *** -* fir points away ... ' ***'

m - liS The Cord Weekly, Thursday, September 11, 1980 15 Molson Golf -II WLU WLU WLU WLU WLU WLU WLU WLU WLU WLU WLU WLU $ TOURNAMENT By Chip McBain picked up a trophy and a sports bag. BAZ-DEL I of Orientation Week IJ Wednesday Next, recording a 73, and taking the Molson's GolfTournament was home a Molson's bag was Brad held at Foxwood Golf Club which Turner. Third with a 3 over par 3 We offer all W.L.U. students < lies justpast St. Agatha. The sixty or 74 was Brad Bonnet, winning a set of tournament c so who competed in the glasses. Tieing for fourth at 75 and a discount of did so on a calm but brutally bright winning a set of glasses each was I and humid day. The competitorsdid Mike Taylor and Cam Tyres. 15%-25% ? their best to stave off de-hydration Last in the Tournament and . following the ninth and eighteenth collecting a "Honest Jim" plaque 3 on the following items: s holes. for his trouble was Dave Bradly, The winners of the tournament finishing eighteen holes with a 69. were announced the next night over par, 140. during the festivities at Bingeman Despite the heat, sunburns and £ CALCULATORS...ALLTYPES | Park. First place, with a score of 72 frustrations a good, sometimes went to Todd Dougherty who competitive, time was had by all. 3 BRIEFCASES AND LUGGAGE .5 (SAMSONITE, HOLIDAY, CABRELLI etc.) £ m m 3 BRAND NEW T.V.'5.„10%-t5% OFF 35 c£ i 3


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