Putting Rumours to Rest May a Christian Go to Court?

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Putting Rumours to Rest May a Christian Go to Court? 7. Jahrgang MBS TEX T E 152 2010 Thomas Schirrmacher Putting Rumours to Rest BUCER IN S T E M R A I N M A R 2 1 : E P 4 H EthicsErgänzungen zur Ethik TableInhaltsverzeichnis of Contents Do We Need a ‘Rumour Commissioner?’ ............................... 5 Talking about Others? .............................................................. 7 Justice and Peace ...................................................................... 8 First Expose and Admit; Then Forgive ..................................... 9 Annotation ............................................................................. 11 The Author ............................................................................. 11 Impressum ............................................................................. 12 Translated by Richard McClary 1. Aufl. 2010 Putting Rumours to Rest Putting Rumours to Rest Thomas Schirrmacher “Whoever has gossiped knows (and we all Malicious rumours and slander have done it, because nothing interests belong in a list of those attitudes and us more than the human element), that actions that are directed at our neigh- the appeal of rumours about the private bours and that we normally immedi- lives of our neighbours, friends and col- ately and clearly denounce: “… envy, leagues lies in speculation. Speculation murder, strife, deceit and malice. They can be correct, but it can also be wrong. are gossips, slanderers … (Romans And speculation appears to grow with a 1:29b-30a); “… quarrelling, jealousy, dynamic that does not seem to centre on outbursts of anger, factions, slander, truth content but rather on the rate of gossip, arrogance and disorder” (2 dissemination. Gossip exercises its grea- Corinthians 12:20b); “Therefore, rid test power when it begins to move along yourselves of all malice and all deceit, on its own. This is due to the fact that, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every in the case of gossip, the decisive proof kind (1 Peter 2:1; comp. 2 Corinthians 2 is: If everyone is saying it, there must be 12:20; 2 Timothy 3:3). something to it”1 The Command Everyone knows that malignant gos- against Slander (Examples) sip at the expense of others is incongru- ous with love, and it is for this reason James 4:11-12: “Brothers, do not slan- the New Testament, in an old Luther der one another. Anyone who speaks translation, warns about someone who against his brother or judges him speaks “secretly maligns” and spreads “mali- against the law and judges it.” cious gossip.” Slander is not reconcil- able with the character of the church of 1 Peter 2:1: “Therefore, rid yourselves Christ, and it truly destroys all sense of of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, community in the family, at work, and envy, and slander of every kind.” in society. Who is allowed to live in the Exodus 20:16: “You shall not give false sanctuary of the Lord? It is whoever “ testimony against your neighbour.” … has no slander on his tongue … does Deuteronomy 5:20: “You shall not his neighbour no wrong and casts no give false testimony against your slur on his fellowman …”(Psalm 15:3). neighbour.” ERGÄNZUNGEN ZUR ET HIK 3 Thomas Schirrmacher Exodus 23:1: “Do not spread false The Two Most Important Texts reports. Do not help a wicked man by in the Old and New Testaments being a malicious witness.” against “Unwholesome Talk” Leviticus 19:16: “‘Do not go about Eph 4,29-32: “’Do not let any unwhole- spreading slander among your people. some talk come out of your mouths, but Do not do anything that endangers your only what is helpful for building others neighbour’s life. I am the LORD.’” up according to their needs, that it may Proverbs 30:10: “Do not slander a ser- benefit those who listen. 30And do not vant to his master, or he will curse you, grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with and you will pay for it.” whom you were sealed for the day of 31 Proverbs 11:13: “A gossip betrays a con- redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, fidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a rage and anger, brawling and slander, 32 secret.” along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, Proverbs 20:19: “A gossip betrays a con- forgiving each other, just as in Christ fidence; so avoid a man who talks too God forgave you” (NIV). much.” Deuteronomy 19: 15-20: One witness is Psalm 101:5: “Whoever slanders his not enough to convict a man accused of neighbour in secret, him will I put to any crime or offence he may have com- silence; whoever has haughty eyes and a mitted. A matter must be established by proud heart, him will I not endure.” the testimony of two or three witnesses. If a malicious witness takes the stand to The biblical legal process stands or accuse a man of a crime, the two men falls with the Ninth Commandment. involved in the dispute must stand in People are allowed to act as witnesses the presence of the LORD before the against other people. In order to guar- priests and the judges who are in office antee impartiality, they have to bear at the time. The judges must make a witness before people who are under thorough investigation, and if the wit- oath before God’s law (elders, judges), ness proves to be a liar, giving false tes- and there have to be multiple witnesses timony against his brother, then do to who speak. him as he intended to do to his brother. It is not forbidden to testify as a wit- You must purge the evil from among ness against another. What is forbidden you. The rest of the people will hear of is to give false witness or perjury. It is this and be afraid, and never again will indeed legitimate to extend this prohi- such an evil thing be done among you. bition to all sorts of malicious defama- tion, in the same way that the prohibi- tion against murder encompasses mur- der with words. 4 MBS TEX T E 152 Putting Rumours to Rest Do We Need a ‘Rumour addition, a perpetrator becomes a reluc- Commissioner?’ tant perpetrator when there is the dan- ger of his becoming the ‘victim’ instead. Where can a person go in our church Such would be the case if it is found out communities to air grievances about that his rumours came out of thin air or false rumours? What can our churches that in bad faith he made confidential do in order to stop the rumour mill? As information public. a rule, nothing. The victim has to pay Paul also wanted wise men from the the other back in kind, taking care of church to mediate conflicts arising in it himself while at the same time not the congregation (1 Corinthians 6:1-11). being too hard on the party involved, When, in a letter to a church, Paul pub- lest he be seen as unspiritual. licly admonishes Euodia and Syntyche It would be correct to identify those to end their quarrel at last and to “agree who initiate rumours, ask for evidence with each other in the Lord” (Philip- and, if necessary, make it publicly pians 4:2b), he expressly asks Syzygus known that an investigation of the to act as a mediator (Philippians 4:3). rumours has led to determining their Paul is well aware that a quarrel can be falsity. so bitter that without public admonish- The value of trusted third parties and ment and without a trusted third party trusted panels stands the test of time. acting in an intermediary fashion, a set- Studies conducted at Swedish schools tlement is not possible. by Dan Olweus have demonstrated Paul knew all too well the everyday that violence in schools drops drasti- dealings with good and bad reputa- cally if there is an official trusted third tions: “… through glory and dishonour, party and a personal and anonymous bad report and good report; genuine, contact telephone number to which a yet regarded as impostors; known, yet victim can turn.3 If an institution has regarded as unknown” (2 Corinthians a women’s representative, harassment of 6:8-9a) and could sometimes let bad women is reduced simply by the exist- rumours about himself rest: “But what ence of such a position. It does not take does it matter? The important thing is someone continually denigrating others that … Christ is preached” (Philippians but rather the simple knowledge that a 1:18a). Having said that, justification victim can turn to someone and that the against slander and against the allega- issue will be handled responsibly. That tion of false motives takes up astonish- is often enough to deter the offender. ingly much space in Paul’s letters (e.g., The same applies to a church com- 1 Corinthians 9:3-27; 2 Corinthians munity. If the members of the church 1:12-24; 2:17; 3:1-3; 4:1-6; 2 Corinthi- know that rumours will not be taken ans 10-12; Galatians 1:10-24; Galatians lightly and that members will be held 2; comp. also Romans 1:9-17; 1 Corin- responsible for them, the number of thians 2:1-5). He wrote the following to rumours will automatically decrease. In ERGÄNZUNGEN ZUR ET HIK 5 Thomas Schirrmacher the Corinthians: “This is my defence The thought that a person is not to those who sit in judgment on me “ allowed to vindicate himself when (1 Corinthians 9:3; comp. 2 Corinthi- incorrect facts or thoughts are insinu- ans 12:19). Yes, Paul swears before the ated is completely foreign to the Bible. church in the face of reproaches and Whoever teaches that a Christian has rumours that he is not guilty, and he to silently bear all rumours about him- calls again and again upon God as his self or herself has the burden of proof witness (2 Corinthians 1:23; 1 Thessa- to demonstrate where in the Bible this lonians 2:5; 2:10; Romans 1:9; Philip- silence is demanded.
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