Work in Progress, No. 70/71

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Work in Progress, No. 70/71 Work in progress, No. 70/71 Use of the Aluka digital library is subject to Aluka’s Terms and Conditions, available at By using Aluka, you agree that you have read and will abide by the Terms and Conditions. Among other things, the Terms and Conditions provide that the content in the Aluka digital library is only for personal, non-commercial use by authorized users of Aluka in connection with research, scholarship, and education. The content in the Aluka digital library is subject to copyright, with the exception of certain governmental works and very old materials that may be in the public domain under applicable law. Permission must be sought from Aluka and/or the applicable copyright holder in connection with any duplication or distribution of these materials where required by applicable law. Aluka is a not-for-profit initiative dedicated to creating and preserving a digital archive of materials about and from the developing world. For more information about Aluka, please see Page 1 of 65 Alternative title Work In Progress Author/Creator University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg) Publisher University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg) Date 1990-11 - 1990-12 Resource type Journals (Periodicals) Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) South Africa Coverage (temporal) 1990 Source Digital Imaging South Africa (DISA) Rights By kind permission of Hein Marais, Julian May, and the Southern Africa Report. Format extent 63 page(s) (length/size) Page 2 of 65 WORK IN PROGRESS WIP 70/71 November - December 1990The ANC Consultative ConferenceCan it blow some life into the movement? Page 3 of 65 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1991Rates for 8 issuesSOUTH AFRICA Please send subscriptions for South Africa, Southern Africa,USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia to:Ilndividuals, trade unions and Southern African Research Servicecommunityorganisations R38 PO Box 32716Companies, libraries and Braamfonteininstitutions 8104 2017Donor subscriptions 8104Please send subscriptions for United Kingdom and WestemSOUTHERN AFRICA Europe to:Central BooksIndividuals, trade unions and Att: Bill Norriscommunityorganisations R50 99 Wallis RoadCompanies, libraries and London E9 5LNinstitutions 8115Donor subscriptions 8115 Cheques should be crossed and made payable to:Southern African Research ServiceUSA, CANADA, AUSTRALASIA Enclose payment with order. Subscriptions beginwith current issue unless otherwise specified.Individuals, trade unions andcommunity organisations $57.50Companies, libraries and Enclosed find payment of for 8 issues of WIP.institutions $115Donor subscriptions $115 NAME:UK and WESTERN EUROPE ADDRESS:Individuals, trade unions andcommunity organisations 23Companies, libraries andinstitutions 46Donor subscriptions 46 Page 4 of 65 WORK IN PROGRESSNovember/DecemberNo 70/71Published by theSouthern AfricanResearch ServicePO Box 32716Braamfontein2017South Africa2nd FloorAuckland Housecorer Smit and BiccardStreetsBracxnfontein2017JohannesburgPhone: (011) 403-1912Fax: (011) 403-2534Picture credits:Afrapix: Pages 1, 9, 10, 13,15, 16, 23, 25, 28, 30, 33, 35,37, 43, 44, 47, 49, 50Alex Groan: Page 41William Matlala: Page 20, 55The Star: Pages 4, 6, 7, 8, 13,18, 24EditorialThe ANC has long been 'A Good Idea'. Many South Africanshave experienced it as little more than that - as the majorsource of usually serious perspectives for the unity of all inSouth Africa around a common commitment to democracy.But the challenge of the moment is that the ANC become agreat deal more than that. That something is an efficientorganisation , actually organising people on a large scale, aggregatingtheir interests, thrusting the demands of the most dispossessed andoppressed to the forefront, and seizing the political initiative in theprocess.The progress the ANC has made since February 2 is only a start. It is onlya bridgehead - only phase one. Its activists must now fan out into thenation and bring the ANC's huge support into a democraticallydisciplined relationship with skeleton headquarters and regionalstructures.There is no sense in which the ANC can be satisfied with membershipfigures, which are only a fraction of its polled support. There is no way inwhich it can continue to accept communications breakdowns betweenhead office and the regions and branches. There is no way that memberscan continue to tolerate what often seems to them a cavalier decision-making process at top level. Even less can members be expected to floatin limbo without a clear formulation of strategy and tactics for the crucialmonths ahead.If there are people in the leadership who prefer that the ANC remain onlya good idea rather than an efficient and democratic organisation, integritydemands that they prepare to step down or move aside. Since the NationalConference and elections to the national executive committee have beenpostponed to June next year, such people have the time to makealternative arrangements.But major challenges confront the membership and leadership of the ANCat the December consultative conference. The first challenge is strategyand tactics for the months ahead. The second is to develop structures toserve strategy and tactics. The third is to ensure these structures arefilledby people who actually can and will do the work. The fourth is to ensurethat greater internal answerability and democracy are entrenched in theANC, with allowance made for the kind of flexibility the leadership willneed to employ in the months ahead.We on this magazine consider the time has come for plain speaking.Criticism, for us, is an act of loyalty - a paradox all but the mostpolitically insecure can understand. Our loyalty is to the actualachievement in South Africa of those democratic values with which theANC has been most closely associated. We are aware that it has becomequite fashionable in some circles merely to knock the ANC. Ours,however, is intended as a serious intervention.For this reason, we concentrate in this edition on the major issuesconfronting delegates at the forthcoming ANC national consultativeconference.In the latter half of the magazine we also isolate several areas begging forcoherent address from the ANC: the need for wider political organisationin the townships, education, control over land, health, media and others.We are confident the ANC, particularly given the determination and richtalent on which it can now draw inside South Africa, is capable ofovercoming the shortcomings evident in its record so far. That potentialmust now be transformed into reality.Owing to rising costs of production, WIP has reluctantly concluded it hasno option but to increase subscription costs with immediate effect. Page 5 of 65 What kindof ANCdoes theSACP want?'If the ANC is not sufficientlydemocratised, if it fails to leadactive mass struggles, if theworking class is not massivelypresent within the structures of theANC, then the ANC and ouralliance are in serious dilficulty'An otherwise generally well-informcd foreign corre-spondent in Johannesburgis hcltingacascoFwhiskicsthat the ANC and SACPwill he splitting from eachother by the end of thin year. The corre-spondent is going to lose his whiskies.But there is, of course., more thanwhisky at stake in thin matter. Il is notclear whether the chief governmentnegotiator, Constitutional Affairs Min-istcrGcrril Viljocn, isyuitr asoptirnistic(and therefore quite as mistaken) as thecorrespondent in question. But Viljoen,too, is publicly speculating on an ANC-SACP divorce --- at least over die nextfew years.To ruminate openly about an impend-ing rift in the way Viljcxn has been doingis, obviously, primarily intended as in-citement to the act.In the context of this growing specu-lation, what exactly it the perspective onPage 10 - WIP 70/71the future of the alliance now emergingfrom the side of die SACP''This question is intimately Mated toasecond question: What kind of ANC doesthe party hope tosec evolve over the nextmonths, in the course ofUte crucial build-ing of ANC branches and regions, throughDecember's ConsultativcConFcrcncc andinto next year's ANC Congress'?I:vcr u;nsitivc to accusations of mcd-dling and manipulation in the affairs ofthe ANC, SACP official statements andpublic pronouncements about the ANChave always tended to he somewhatcircumspect. Interestingly, in the periodafter 2 February these statements have:become slightly less circumspect. Thissuggests that, while the party is clearlynot many state of alarm or panic, it is slutnot simply taking the alliance or theeharaclerofthe ANCin the new situationfor granted.Appearing a month alter the unhan-ning of the ANC anti SACP, the Marchlr)r)() edition of the party organ, (!mco-hcnzi, carried an editorial which notedamong other things: '1'h a ANC willundoubtedly remain the over-all head ofthe broad liberation front. The need toconsolidate and advance the liberationprocess in the immediate aftermath ofthe people's victory may also justify awidening of the democratic camp in avariety of alliances.' We can look forward to an ANC ofmassive strength and every militant musthelp to make thin a real ity. In tire process,some strata wilts their own agenda willundoubtedly find it self-serving to flockinto its ranks and try to steer it away fromits working-c lass bias. All in all we shouldhe ready for an inevitable sharpening ofinter-class ideological contest in the run-up to victory and in its immediate aflcr-math. It follows that the consolidationand growth of our party and the tradeunion movement - as independent con-tingents and as part
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