


Be the leading voice for and an authoritative source of physics information for the advancement of physics and the benefit of humanity

Collaborate with national scientific societies for the advancement of science, science education, and the science community

Cooperate with international physics societies to promote physics, to support worldwide, and to foster international collaboration

Have an active, engaged, and diverse membership, and support the activities of its units and members


© 2014 American Physical Society

Cover image: Sine waves. Illustration by Alan Stonebraker. FROM THE PRESIDENT

his was a good year for physics, the APS, and its members. The Higgs continued to grab headlines, Twith the awarding of the to François Englert and Peter Higgs. Their award-winning papers on the were published in Letters (where else?). The DPF organized a “Higgs Fest” on Capitol Hill, attended by 10 members of Congress and several hundred others, to celebrate the Higgs and the U.S. role in discovering it. In this, the hundredth year of our publishing the Physical Review, the APS prepared to add a new jour- nal to the family—Physical Review Applied. Our newest journal will publish the highest-quality papers at the intersection of physics and engineering, in areas including materials, surface and interface science; device physics; condensed matter physics and optics. 2013 was a big year for APS global engagement. We had our first overseas Fellows receptions—in London and Tokyo—and the Executive Board held its annual retreat abroad, at the Kavli Royal Society International Centre at Chicheley Hall, just outside London. At the retreat, the Executive Board spent time discussing areas for future collaboration with leaders of the IOP, the DFG, and the EPS. Close to 20,000 physicists attended APS meetings this year, with the March Meeting attendance top- ping 9,000. The March Kavli Session featured a talk by Secretary of Energy (and APS member!) on the Promise of Photovoltaics. As President, I had the pleasure of presenting APS Prizes and Awards at the April and March meetings as well as at the DPP meeting in November. In a year in which Congress achieved very little else, our Washington D.C. Office and APS-member phone calls helped get the Helium Bill—which ensures continuity in the helium supply for research- ers, hospital MRI machines, and the semiconductor industry alike—passed. The two-year-budget deal reached in December largely reversed the cuts to science resulting from sequestration and was an im- portant step in the return to “regular order” and a more rational appropriation process. We are moving forward with our Strategic Plan. The Early Career Task Force led by Brad Conrad reported its recommendations to the Executive Board, and plans are being made for a pilot program of “chapters” (Local Links) to serve early career members. The APS provided infrastructure to the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP). This grassroots effort to encourage more women to study physics has now completed its eighth year, and it has grown to six regional sites within the U.S. that served nearly 900 attendees. The APS welcomed its first Industrial Fellow, Steven Lambert, who will help the APS to attract and better serve members working in industry. Kate Kirby, our Executive Officer, was appointed to a second five-year term, which begins in July 2014. Joe Serene, our Treasurer/Publisher for the past eight years, will be leaving this post at the end of August 2014. Thanks to his efforts the APS is financially sound and well-placed for the challenges facing scholarly publishing, including . There are other challenges ahead, including our Corporate Reform initiative and the continuing implementation of our Strategic Plan. I am confident that we will meet them, and I see an even brighter future for the APS. In closing, it has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as the President of the APS, an organization that does so much for physics and for the nation.

Sincerely yours,

Michael S. Turner 2013 President APS EDITORIAL OFFICE

Moving up and moving upstairs.

arly in 2013, after 25 years at the helm of tor. A healthy flow of submissions began as EPhysical Review Letters (PRL), Jack Sand- soon as the journal opened its doors in early weiss indicated his wish to step down. In December, and the first published papers are June, Editor in Chief, Gene Sprouse named expected in early 2014. Pierre Meystre of the Good news came mid-summer when as Jack’s successor. Beyond continuing Jack’s (PRX) received its first efforts to reinvigorate PRL’s standards, Pierre : 6.7. Since then the journal’s has undertaken a systematic review of PRL, submissions have more than doubled. This which was kicked off by engaging a “visiting small, highly selective, “gold” Open Access committee.” Among its recommendations is journal covering all fields of physics has been that both authors and referees be required in operation since May of 2011. to state explicitly how a paper meets PRL’s The 2013 Physics Nobel Prize went to Pe- publication criteria. Also, the committee sug- ter Higgs and François Englert, who were in- gested that PRL take a more active role in strumental in developing the theory that helps helping authors publicize their best research. explain the origin of of elementary par- New initiatives to address these and other is- ticles and predicts the existence of the Higgs sues are already underway. discovered in 2012. The Laureates’ “Mobile Subscriptions” were introduced landmark papers appeared in PRL in 1964. in March, enabling readers to access their The journals continued to grow and evolve institutional subscriptions from home, on while the expansion of the Editorial Office mobile devices, or while traveling. progressed steadily throughout 2013. Initial In early summer the Executive Board gave occupancy of the new second floor and con- approval for a new journal: Physical Review ference rooms took place in early December. Applied (PRApplied). By November, Troy Work started immediately on the first of the Shinbrot of Rutgers, The State University of two remaining large sections of the building, New Jersey, was named as its Editor and Julie with project completion expected by early Kim-Zajonz, formerly of summer 2014. (PRB), was selected to be its Managing Edi- 2013 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2013

AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL Avalanche photodiode damaged by a high-power laser beam during a cryptography attack. The dark central spot is a hole blown through 2 the chip [A. Nystad Bugge et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 070503 (2014)]. SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS

The annual March and April meetings in 2013 were very successful, in terms of both program content and attendance.

March Meeting: The March Meeting, held April Meeting: The April Meeting, held in in Baltimore, Maryland, attracted 9,223 at- Denver, Colorado, consisted of approximately tendees, including 4,100 students and more 1,000 invited and contributed talks. The April than 2,400 international attendees, with Meeting had 1,310 in attendance, with 366 more than 8,100 papers being presented in students and 94 international attendees. Also, invited, contributed, and poster sessions. 84 attendees signed up as new members. More than 950 new members joined during The April program included a special Ka- the registration process. vli Foundation Plenary Session, “Frontiers Pre-meeting programs included a Division of Physics, From the Lab to the Cosmos.” A of Polymer Physics (DPOLY) short course, special evening session focused on the Ap- tutorials, and workshops. Workshops also plication of Physics to Biological and Social included professional skills development for Structures, and workshops included a pro- women physicists and a career workshop for fessional skills development workshop and a students. Special sessions during the meeting graduate student career panel. included the prizes and awards ceremony, an industrial physics forum, the Kavli Founda- Unit Meetings: APS units sponsored many tion Special Session—“Forefront Physics for other scientific meetings, including meetings Real World Problems: Energy, Climate, and of the divisions of Nuclear Physics (DNP), the Environment,” and a Nobel Prize session. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics “APS TV” made its debut displaying profes- (DAMOP), Fluid Dynamics (DFD), and sional videos of key speakers and March Meet- Plasma Physics (DPP), as well as a number ing events, and highlighting university programs of meetings sponsored by Topical Groups (www.websedge.com/videos/aps_tv_2013/). and Sections.


The Society presented prizes and awards to numerous individuals and elected a new group of APS Fellows.

t the March Meeting, the Society pre- Division of Laser Science (DLS) dissertation Asented 21 prizes and awards to a total award; (2) the Richard L. Green Dissertation of 27 individuals. At the April Meeting, 19 Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or prizes and awards were presented to 23 phys- Materials Physics; and (3) a new fellowship icists. Many other awards were presented at endowed in honor of Stanford R. Ovshinsky REPORT ANNUAL 2013 various unit meetings. for young scientists working on energy sus- The Society elected 248 new Fellows in 2013, tainability. a distinct honor reserved for no more than 0.5% Member-led campaigns fully or partially en- of members each year, recognizing exceptional dowed the Prize in Theo- contributions to the physics enterprise. retical Nuclear Physics, the Davisson-Germer In 2013, the Council approved (1) a new Prize, and the Edward A. Bouchet Award.

Natural noise and external wakefield seeding in a proton-driven plasma accelerator [K. V. Lotovet al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 16, AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL 041301 (2013)]. 3 PUBLIC AFFAIRS

APS helped secure the U.S. helium supply and, having assembled a coalition of professional societies and high-tech industries, worked to launch ScienceCounts.

ridlock continued unabated in Washing- and (3) “Renewing Licenses for the Nation’s Gton until the closing days of 2013. Prior Nuclear Power Plants.” Washington Post to the December 18 passage of the Ryan (R- writer Stephen Stromberg took positive notice WI) - Murray (D-WA) budget deal, Senate of this last report in an op-ed just as APS be- Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) made gan to engage the utility and financial services that point when he characterized the He- industries in promoting nuclear power. lium Stewardship Act of 2013 (H.R. 527) Anticipating an advocacy future that will as the “centerpiece” of what Congress had ac- require a greater national and public empha- complished. The Washington Office played a sis, the Washington Office assembled a coali- significant role in drafting that legislation and tion of professional societies and high-tech working with industry and academia, helping industries to launch ScienceCounts, a new lawmakers understand the importance of the nonprofit organization focused on marketing issue. Although the bill ultimately passed the the beneficial impacts of science in everyday Senate and the House overwhelmingly, the life. As 2013 came to a close, ScienceCounts outcome was far from certain until APS mem- was on the threshold of incorporation, with bers, responding to a Washington Office alert, Michael S. Turner expected to serve as chair swamped the phone lines of congressional of the interim board. To enlist future assis- leaders with warnings of impending closures tance from the entertainment industry, APS of MRI centers, disruptions of semiconduc- established connections with the Motion tor manufacturing, and damage to scientific Picture Association of America and several research programs. APS President Michael S. denizens of Hollywood. Turner and Penn State physics professor Mo- Even as Public Affairs began to develop ses Chan had laid the groundwork for the final outside-the-Beltway strategies, it continued to push with op-eds in Politico and Roll Call, two maintain a strong inside-the-Beltway presence prominent Capitol Hill newspapers. through effective participation and leadership With Congress bogged down in partisan in advocacy coalitions and organization of mire, APS directed more of its public affairs congressional visits for APS unit leaders and efforts toward the Executive Branch. Collabo- physicists who annually join a multi-society rating with the American program that brings more than 250 scientists (AIP) and the American Association of Phys- and engineers to Capitol Hill each spring. And ics Teachers (AAPT), APS helped inaugurate in the fall, the Public Affairs staff worked with STEM Ed internship and fellowship pro- the Division of Particles and Fields (DPF) to grams at the Department of Education. The mount an exceptionally well-attended Hill re- Washington Office also assisted Seattle Pacific ception celebrating last year’s Higgs discovery University Stamatis Vokos in placing in advance of the 2013 Nobel Prize. an op-ed in The Hill’s Congress Blog about the This past year, Capitol Hill Quarterly, a need for highly trained physics and physical Washington Office publication that reaches science teachers. Working with other scientific all congressional offices, featured opinion piec- publishers, APS engaged Executive Branch of- es by representatives Lamar Smith (R-TX), ficials in discussions of proposed Open Access Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), and Cynthia and Open Data policies. As the year drew to Lummis (R-WY). The government shutdown a close, agency officials were still working out forced cancellation of one Quarterly issue, but plans to provide greater public access to scien- as University of Wisconsin-Madison physics tific research without harming the publishing graduate student Kenneth Rudinger noted in enterprise and the vital peer-review process. his Milwaukee Journal Sentinel op-ed, far more Maintaining its high level of activity, the significant damage occurred outside the Belt- APS Panel on Public Affairs (POPA) issued way. Finally, to help keep science on the radar three policy reports: (1) “U.S.-Russian Nucle- screen inside the Beltway, APS Director of ar Reductions After New START: Summary Public Affairs Michael S. Lubell continued of a Workshop Exploring Next Steps,” (2) “A as a regular guest columnist for Roll Call. He Technical Review: The Domestic Nuclear also appeared twice on NPR’s Science Friday, Detection Office Transformational and Ap- speaking about long-term detrimental effects plied Research Directorate R&D Program,” of sequestration.

4 Supersolid structure and excitation spectrum of soft-core in three dimensions [F. Ancilotto et al., Phys. Rev. A 88, 033618 (2013)]. PHYSICS EDUCATION

The Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) has nearly 300 institutions in its national network committed to improving the education of future physics teachers.

romoting and improving the education APS, working with AAPT, also brought Pof future high school physics teachers together faculty from across the country to through the Physics Teacher Education discuss distance education and online learn- Coalition (PhysTEC) continues to be the ing in a two-day workshop held in tandem signature APS education program. Phys- with the annual physics department chairs TEC has more than doubled the number of meeting in June. Given the growing interest highly qualified physics teachers that gradu- in online courses and course components, the ate from supported sites. The project is led time seemed ripe to explore this topic with by APS in partnership with the American a collection of leaders and innovators in the Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) field. Topics included Massive Open Online and is supported by contributions from the Courses (MOOCs), online homework and National Science Foundation (NSF), APS tutorial systems, electronic textbooks, cheat- members, and private foundations. ing, and resources for “flipping” the classroom In 2013, PhysTEC was one of only 13 proj- to provide increased time for faculty to model ects highlighted in the NSF annual report to and coach problem-solving skills. Congress, and the only education project. The Started in 2006, the Conferences for Un- project now supports an additional five sites, dergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) bringing the total to 30 supported sites. Mem- have grown in popularity and impact, reach- ber institutions of PhysTEC grew to nearly ing nearly 900 undergraduate women in 2013. 300, and the project supported these univer- In 2012, the CUWiP leadership asked APS sities and colleges through conferences, work- to provide logistical support to this expanding shops, networking, and advocacy. The project effort, and in 2013 APS helped the organiza- also conducted a study on sustainability at tion secure multi-year support from the NSF supported sites, with a full report due in early and the U.S. Department of Energy, central- 2014 (www.PhysTEC.org). ize registration, organize conference logistics, In January 2013, APS, in conjunction with and set the stage for further development. AAPT, held the second Graduate Educa- Overseen by the Committee on the Status of tion Conference, where over 100 participants Women in Physics (CSWP), CUWiP allows from 74 different doctorate-granting institu- undergraduate women to present scientific tions discussed preparing graduate students papers, learn about physics careers, network, for non-academic careers, improving diversity, and gain an introduction to professional life mentoring, and concerns held by graduate stu- as a physicist (www.WomenInPhysics.org). dents. A report is due out in early 2014. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2013

Two-dimensional Maxwell-Bloch simulation of quasi-π-pulse amplification in a seeded XUV laser [O. Larrocheet al., Phys. Rev. A 88, AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL 033815 (2013)]. 5 INFORMING THE PUBLIC

Through comics, blogs, hands-on activities, and much more, Public Outreach brought the joy and excitement of physics to over six million people of all ages in 2013. Media Relations increased coverage of cutting-edge physics in the popular media.

Public Outreach: 2013 was a year of mile- team, Anderson, while on the “X-Files” pan- stones for Public Outreach. Visits to our el, spoke to the 6,000-person audience about website (www.physicscentral.com) topped the importance of women in physics as well one million, our facebook “likes” topped as the role her character Dana Scully played 100,000 in December, and we have a growing in inspiring girls to continue in science. following on Twitter. Our most successful Public Outreach runs many other programs blog post attracted over 100,000 hits in the to engage and inspire the general public. space of a week. Who knew the long-running “pitch drop” experiment could be so exciting? Media Relations: Media Relations efforts PhysicsQuest continues to be successful. focus on increasing coverage of physics re- Thanks to generous member donations we search in the popular media, and helping sci- were able to reach 15,000 more students than ence journalists stay informed about the lat- last year. In the latest edition of the popular est physics news. Vehicles for disseminating “Spectra” comic book series, Spectra tries to physics news include email alerts, embargoed stop the quantum creations of Pauli Black, press releases distributed through services AKA “The Quantum Mechanic.” Middle such as EurekAlert!, and the APS Physics schoolers learn a little about quantum me- News Ticker blog. chanics from the comic book’s story and then Stories promoted through Media Rela- do hands-on physics activities based on ideas tions efforts appeared in a range of media from . Registration for this including , Associated year’s kits filled up in less than a week. Press, USA Today, BBC News, Wired Mag- Comic-Con was again a huge success. azine, Fox News, Los Angeles Times, The Fans from previous years were excited to see Washington Post, National Public Radio, MS- the latest edition and waited for autographs. NBC, ABC News, Nature News and Com- Our comics garnered praise from Boing-Bo- ment, Science Now, National Geographic, ing.com and Gillian Anderson of “X-Files” PBS NewsHour, and The Economist. fame. In response to a question from our 2013 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2013 AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL 6 Naturalness implies intra-generational degeneracy for decoupled squarks and sleptons [H. Baer et al., Phys. Rev. D 89, 037701 (2014)]. INCREASING DIVERSITY

In its first year, the APS Bridge Program helped 13 underrepresented minority students follow their dreams of pursuing graduate studies in physics – taking a significant step toward erasing the achievement gap at the doctoral level.

he APS Bridge Program is a national ef- Thanks to private donations, the APS has Tfort to increase the number of underrepre- been able to continue its successful Minor- sented minority students who receive doctoral ity Scholarship Program for undergraduate degrees in physics. In its first year of funding, physics majors. In 2013, 40 minority students the program selected two sites, Ohio State received scholarships through this program, University and University of South Florida, to and 17 additional students received honor- develop programs that incorporate advanced able mentions—a new program distinction coursework, research, and mentoring to help (www.MinoritiesInPhysics.org). students prepare competitive applications to The Committee on the Status of Women physics doctoral programs. The Bridge Pro- in Physics (CSWP) Climate for Women in gram placed seven students at Bridge Sites Physics Site Visit program experienced a surge and an additional six students in graduate in requests for visits. Owing to its successes, programs at other universities, surpassing the two professional societies, the American As- original goal of four students, and is closely tronomical Society (AAS) and the American monitoring the progress of all these students. Philosophical Association (APA), both began The program will add additional Bridge Sites similar site visit programs. that will accept students in the fall of 2014. As part of the Strategic Plan, a Diversity In June, the Bridge Program hosted a gath- Working Group, composed of APS staff, was ering that highlighted issues vital to develop- established by Executive Officer Kate Kirby. ing and sustaining programs that support the This group is charged with looking at diversity success of underrepresented minority students issues concerning members, staff, and Society in graduate physics programs. Topics included leadership. Initial activities include a diver- mentoring, “non-cognitive” measures for ad- sity census of prizes, awards, and fellowships, missions, interventions to combat “stereotype membership units, meetings, and publications. threat,” and logistics of establishing bridge programs. The 2014 Bridge Program confer- ence will focus on the role of the master’s de- gree in helping students advance their physics knowledge (www.APSBridgeProgram.org). 2013 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2013

Betatron emission from relativistic electrons in a high-intensity optical lattice. AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL [I. A. Andriyash et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 16, 100703 (2013)]. 7 PHYSICS CAREERS

APS continued to increase career and professional development opportunities for members.

PS expanded its career-related activi- trial and other non-academic career paths Aties by hosting industry-focused sessions (www.aps.org/careers/lectureship/). CCPD at the Southeast Section and Texas Section augmented the careers website (www.aps.org/ meetings. APS also hosted Job Fairs at both careers/) with new physicists’ profiles, em- the Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Meet- ployment statistics, and links to webinars. ing and the March Meeting, and provided APS hosted two very popular webinars, fo- a special session on careers in physics at the cusing on how to plan a job search and then Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical identify and apply for jobs in both academia Physics (DAMOP) meeting in Quebec. APS and the private sector. APS also worked with also continued to support its online Phys- the Forum on International Physics (FIP) to ics Jobs Center (careers.aps.org), which is a produce a special webinar broadcast, targeted shared database that includes hundreds of sci- to central Asian APS members, focusing on ence and technology jobs. strategies for commercializing research. The APS Committee on Careers and Pro- APS also produced Physics InSight, a free fessional Development (CCPD) implemented recruiting resource suitable for hallway dis- its new Distinguished Lectureship on the Ap- plays at universities, high schools, and middle plications of Physics (DLAP) award, which is schools. This customizable slideshow provides jointly sponsored with the Forum on Indus- information on the wide variety of career trial and Applied Physics (FIAP). The first paths available to those with a degree in phys- winner of the award was selected and, during ics. Physics InSight now reaches over 300 phys- the 2014-2015 academic year, will present lec- ics departments worldwide, and is updated tures at universities and other venues about several times each semester with physicists’ personal professional development in indus- profiles, interesting physics, and career facts (www.aps.org/careers/insight/).


APS membership up over 50,000!

PS had 50,578 members in 2013, an working in both academia and the industrial Aincrease of over 900 since 2012. The sector. In April the Task Force presented its Student cohort grew by over 1,000. The recommendations to the Executive Board. Committee on Membership approved The main recommendations, several of which

2013 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2013 changing the name “Junior” membership to have already been implemented, included the “Early Career” membership, and extending creation of local networking groups, improve- their eligibility for half-priced dues from ments to APS meetings, and increased efforts three years to five years. to promote physics as a career. As part of implementing the Strategic Plan, Membership remained strong in all divisions, an Early Career Task Force was formed that topical groups, forums, and sections. Over 63% included early career physicists and members of members belong to at least one unit. AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL 8 Detailed characterization of rattlers in exactly isostatic, strictly jammed sphere packings [S. Atkinson et al., Phys. Rev. E 88, 062208 (2013)]. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS

The Society strengthened international partnerships to serve physicists worldwide.

PS is interested in strengthening its CAM2013 was held in Waterloo, Canada and Apartnerships with other physical so- promoted student research, international net- cieties around the world. At its June re- working and career development, and encour- treat, the Executive Board met with lead- aged collaborations among North America’s ers from the European Physical Society physics graduate students. (EPS), the Institute of Physics (IOP), In partnership with IOP and the Abdus and the German Physical Society (DPG) Salam International Centre for Theoretical and discussed new opportunities for col- Physics (ICTP), the Society continued to laboration. APS also partnered with EPS, co-sponsor workshops designed for physi- IOP, and DPG in supporting the SESA- cists and engineers from developing countries ME Travel Award Program that provides who are interested in learning entrepreneur- training opportunities for scientists in the ial skills. This past year, two such workshops Middle East. The SESAME project— were held in both Durban, South Africa and the synchrotron source in Amman, Chiapas, Mexico. Jordan—brings together physicists from APS also partnered with other organi- Arab countries and Israel for international zations in the AAAS Science and Human scientific collaboration. Rights Coalition, a network of U.S. profes- This past year, APS continued its partner- sional societies providing strengthened con- ships with the Indo-U.S. Science and Tech- nections between the scientific and human nology Forum (IUSSTF) and the Sociedade rights communities. Brasileira de Física (SBF) to offer the Brazil APS continues to bring international physi- & India Physics Student and Professor Ex- cists to speak at its meetings through both the change Programs. These Physics Student Ex- Marshak and Beller Lectureships, which sup- change Programs offered graduate students port distinguished physicists from developed opportunities to attend a short-course or and developing countries, respectively. The summer institute in another country, or work Society continued its commitment to physi- overseas with a professor in their field of study. cists from developing countries through its The Professorship/Lectureship ExchangeInternational Travel Grant Award Program Programs funded physicists wishing to teach (ITGAP), which supports their travel to visit a short course or deliver a lecture series in the collaborators in developed countries. other country. The Society partnered with the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) and the Sociedad Mexicana de Física (SMF) for the biennial Canadian-American-Mexican Phys- ics Graduate Student Conference (CAM). 2013 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2013 AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL Valence band-edge partial-charge-density around a Bi atom in a dilute GaAs1-xBix alloy. [V. Virkkala et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 235201 (2013)]. 9 FINANCES December 31, 2013

During the fiscal year 2013, the total assets of the American Physical Society increased from $149.2M to $168.0M, while the Society’s liabilities decreased to $34.5M from $39.6M the previous year.

he tables and charts in this section sum- sets increased from $12.2M at the end of Tmarize the financial operations of the 2012. The unrestricted net assets include the Society as of December 31, 2013. The table Society’s operating accounts (cash and cash headed Financial Position shows the final equivalents), totaling $13.6M at the end of financial position of the Society for 2013 and 2013, and its investments in equities and fixed- 2012. The table headed Statement of Activi- income issues. These investments were $132.6 ties shows the financial activities of the vari- at 12/31/13 and $119.8M at 12/31/12. ous components of the Society for the 2013 Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) are in and 2012 fiscal years. The distribution of place for the College Park, Washington D.C., operating revenues and expenses across the and Ridge offices. The BCPs provide action components of the Society is also displayed plans in the event of a disruption of normal graphically in the accompanying figures. operations by natural or manmade events. Net assets at the end of fiscal year 2013 The BCPs include contact names, checklists were $133.5M, compared with $109.6M at of orderly procedures, and plans for off-site the end of 2012. These include $12.7M in re- operations if necessary. The BCPs are up- stricted net assets, which are funds for prizes dated annually and a report on their status is and awards and for the programs of the cur- made to the Audit Committee. rent capital campaign. The restricted net as- 2013 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2013

AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL Two magnetically suspended bismuth spheres vibrating freely in a liquid containing finely crushed bismuth. The streaks are due to 10 horizontal streaming flow of the highly reflective metal grains. [H. A. Pacheco-Martinezet al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 154501 (2013)]. FINANCES December 31, 2013


$50 million $48.4 $47.5


$35.2 Revenues Expenses

$30 $28.0


$10 $7.4 $5.7 $5.3 $4.8 $3.9 $2.7 $2.9

$0 $0.0 ResearchResearch Scientific MembershipMembership PublicPublic Affairs Gen.General Admin TotalTotal PublicationsPublications Meetings OperationsOperations & Programs &Administration Fundraising * & Fundraising *Contributions are reflected in program revenue.


Revenues Expenses

$35.2 $28.0 74.1% 57.9% Research Research Publications Publications 2013 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2013

$5.7 $3.9 $2.7 $5.3 $4.8 $7.4 $2.9 12.0% 8.2% 5.7% 11.0% 9.9% 15.3% 5.9% Scientific Membership Public Affairs Scientific Membership Public Affairs Gen. Admin Meetings Operations & Programs Meetings Operations & Programs & Fundraising AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL 11 FINANCIAL POSITION December 31, 2013 and 2012

2013 2012

ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 13,621,286 $ 14,170,750

Investments, at fair value 132,628,997 119,792,126

Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $38,000 in 2013 and $24,000 in 2012 1,030,717 901,041

Pledges receivable, net 208,132 407,914

Prepaid expenses and other assets 1,473,051 897,179

Equity interest in American Center for Physics 2,792,354 2,457,100

Land, building and equipment, net 15,685,803 10,083,254

Beneficial interest in perpetual trust 536,173 513,488

Total assets $ 167,976,513 $ 149,222,852


Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 3,775,239 $ 4,792,233

Deferred revenues:

Publications 12,500,703 14,022,759

Membership dues 2,872,840 2,890,574

Other 553,571 140,124

Liability for post-retirement medical benefits 14,808,900 17,787,201

Total liabilities 34,511,253 39,632,891

Commitments and contingencies

Net assets

Unrestricted 120,786,008 97,430,097 2013 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2013 Temporarily restricted 10,297,786 9,837,234

Permanently restricted 2,381,466 2,322,630

Total net assets 133,465,260 109,589,961

Total liabilities and net assets $ 167,976,513 $ 149,222,852 AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL 12 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES December 31, 2013 and 2012

2013 2012

CHANGE IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS Revenues Research publications $ 35,234,563 $ 34,826,857 Scientific meetings 5,703,605 5,024,312 Membership operations 3,928,069 3,909,243 Public affairs and programs 2,099,210 1,794,759 Net assets released from restrictions 584,284 563,854 47,549,731 46,119,025 Expenses Program services Research publications 27,975,818 28,132,876 Scientific meetings 5,300,146 4,816,383 Membership operations 4,812,395 4,232,289 Public affairs and programs 6,898,090 6,472,747 Prizes and related costs 584,284 563,854 Total program services 45,570,733 44,218,149

Supporting services Fundraising 587,583 514,657 General and administrative 2,271,096 2,194,378 Total supporting services 2,858,679 2,709,035 Total expenses 48,429,412 46,927,184

Loss from operations (879,681) (808,159)

Non-operating activities Income from investments 1,843,171 2,249,360 Net unrealized gain on investments 11,696,130 8,453,513 Net realized gain on investments 5,873,378 1,505,889 Equity interest in American Center for Physics 335,254 319,909 Change in post-retirement medical benefits other than net periodic post-retirement medical benefit cost 4,487,659 (1,692,108) 24,235,592 10,836,563

Change in unrestricted net assets 23,355,911 10,028,404

CHANGE IN TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS Contributions 417,079 690,143 Income from investments 627,757 595,572 Net assets released from restrictions (584,284) (563,854) Change in temporarily restricted net assets 460,552 721,861

CHANGE IN PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS REPORT ANNUAL 2013 Contributions 36,151 109,720 Gain on beneficial interest in perpetual trust 22,685 29,346 Change in permanently restricted net assets 58,836 139,066

Change in net assets $ 23,875,299 $ 10,889,331 AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL 13 2013 CONTRIBUTIONS TO APS

PS is extremely grateful for gifts received throughout the Last year, close to $1.6 million in gifts was received by APS Ayear from its members and other individuals, corpora- to benefit its programs. This includes a bequest from Charlotte tions, national and international labs, governmental agencies, Anderson to establish a new Carl E. Anderson Fellowship. Also and institutions. Since membership dues cover only the cost included are gifts to our prize and award funds. of member services, APS depends to a great extent on exter- We are pleased to provide special recognition in this 2013 nal contributions in order to carry out its various initiatives annual report to donors having made a gift of $100 or more to in Education & Diversity, Public Outreach, International and APS this past year. Public Affairs.


Corporations Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory State University Altos Photonics Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory MIT Center for Applied Materials Foundation LIGO Laboratory, Caltech MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science AT&T LIGO Laboratory, MIT MIT Physics Department Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent Los Alamos National Laboratory National Science Foundation Dow National Superconducting Cyclotron Northwestern University Elsevier: Laboratory, Michigan State University Open Society Institute Nuclear & High Energy Physics Oak Ridge National Laboratory Southeastern Universities Research Polymer Paul Scherrer Institute Association Solid State Communications Sandia National Laboratories Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Tsinghua University GE Foundation The Cockcroft Institute TUNL, Duke University GE Global Research Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Universities Research Association GE R&D Center Facility University of Maryland General Atomics TRIUMF University of Pennsylvania, Department of General Motors Physics & Astronomy Herbert V. Friedman, Inc. Private Foundations University of Tennessee, Knoxville HTC-VIA Group Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Yale University IBM David & Lucile Packard Foundation Infrared Systems Development East Bay Community Foundation Prize, award, & other endowments by Keithley Instruments, Inc. Energy Foundation individuals (includes bequests) Lighthouse Photonics, Inc. Eucalyptus Foundation Charlotte Anderson Melles Griot Fred Kavli and The Kavli Foundation Jean Dickey Apker NEC Corporation Heineman Foundation John & Elizabeth Armstrong Ovonyx, Inc. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Esther Hoffman Beller Verizon Foundation M. Hildred Blewett Vernier Software Marvin & Annette Lee Foundation Chope Family Trust WebAssign Research Corporation for Science Robin Dibner Wyatt Technology Corporation Advancement Steven Dibner Xerox Richard Lounsbery Foundation Russell & Marian Donnelly Silicon Valley Community Foundation Mrs. Andrea Feshbach National & international laboratories The Brinkman Family Foundation Richard L. Greene Argonne National Laboratory The Lourie Foundation The Richard Karplus Fund Brookhaven National Laboratory UCLA Foundation Brookhaven Science Associates University of Iowa Foundation Beatrice Lilienfeld - Lilienfeld Trust CEA Saclay Harry Lustig CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Governmental agencies, institutions, & Kathlee A. Maloy & Heather L. Burns Research other organizations Ruth Marshak CNRS-IN2P3 AIP: Benjamin Ovshinsky

2013 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2013 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrontron Journal of Chemical Physics Rosa Ovshinsky (DESY) Physics of Fluids Johnathan F. Reichert & Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Anthony Thomas on behalf of CSSM Barbara Wolff-Reichert GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Adelaide J.J. & Noriko Sakurai, Family & Friends Schwerionenforschung GmbH Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Sciences and Education (CLASSE) Aleksandar Svager Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Department of Energy (DOE) Virginia Trimble Academy of Sciences Fisk-Vanderbilt Masters-to-PhD Bridge George E. Valley, Jr. John Adams Institute for Accelerator Program Family & Friends of Stan & Iris Ovshinsky Science Harvard Physics & Applied Physics Family & Friends of Dr. Mitsuyoshi Tanaka AMERICAN SOCIETY PHYSICAL KEK High Energy Accelerator Research Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular APS Units, Family, Friends & Colleagues Organization IPAC ‘13 APS Non-Member Gifts 14 Jefferson Science Associates/Jefferson Lab 2013 DONORS

Individuals who W. Mark Bielawski Sue Bielawski Steven Lambert Individuals who James Beene contributed $5,000 Robert Brown Julio Blanco P. Lambropoulos contributed $100-$249 Nicholas Begovich and above Antony Chang Miles Blencowe Daniel Larson Anonymous (17) Robert Behringer Fred Blum Donald Curran Alan Breakstone Siu-Au Lee Neal Abraham Eugene Beier Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Roger Dixon Frank Bridges Anthony Leggett Ali AbuTaha Norman Belecki Brown Michael Douglas David Cassel D. Lehman Frank Adams Roy Benedek In Honor of Robert J. Eberly Carlton Caves Roy Leigh Gregory Adkins Raymond Benenson Karplus: Robert Eisenstein Sudip Chakravarty Thomas Lemberger Stephen Adler Richard Benjamin Beverly Karplus James Faulkner Pei Chan Anthony Leonard Lewis Agnew Eli Ben-Naim Hartline & Fred Carl Gagliardi Colston Chandler Harry Letaw Glenn Agnolet A. Beretvas Hartline Steven Gottlieb John Clark Michael Lubell Christine Aidala Georg Berg Jason Hartline Tom Gray Lee Collins Douglas MacLaughlin Daniel Akerib Edmond Berger Margaret Hellweg & Robert Griffiths Jack Colwell Charles Marcus Lawrence Akers Luc Berger Horst Rademacher Wick Haxton Benjamin Cooper Thomas Marshall Vamsi Akkineni Richard Berger Barbara Karplus & Wayne Holman Pierce Corden Richard Martin Noriko Akutsu Henry Berry Rodney Womer Leonid Keldysh Charles Cornwell Philip Martzen James Albritton Lee Berry Catherine & David J. Kendall James Cox William McKee Ralph Alexander R. Berry Karplus J. King Peter Cziffra D. McWhan Moorad Alexanian Frances Berting Elizabeth Karplus T. Kinoshita Richard Davis Curtis Meyer Robert Alfano Donald Bethune Paul & Karen Karplus Leonard Kisslinger Janis Dote Dan Miller Mark Alford Sabyasachi Bhattacharya Peter Karplus Alan Krisch Adam Drobot Michael Moldover Jonathan Allen John Bieber Richard Karplus Donald Langenberg Loyal Durand Theodore Moustakas Orlando Alvarez Edward Bielejec Aleksandar Svager Cecil Leith Lewis Edelheit Mark Nagumo James Ambrose Michiko Tanaka Chun Lin Estia Eichten Bogdan Nedelkoff Ansel Anderson Ikaros Bigi Akiyasu Makishima Guy Emery Philip Nielsen Charles Anderson George Bing Individuals who Joseph Mantil Zachary Fisk Wayne Niemuth Gordon Anderson Robert Birkmire contributed $1,000- Lillian C. McDermott Eduardo Fradkin Alan Palevsky Roger Anderson $4,999 Horst Meyer Katherine Freese John Peoples Weston Anderson Roger Blais Anonymous (3) Gerald Miller James Fry Michael Peskin Brian Annis Marshall Blann Joseph Birman Ichiro Miyagawa Mary Gaillard Steven Pieper John Antal W. Blanpied Robert Byer Ernest Moniz Allen Goldman Morris Pripstein John Apruzese Martin Block Stephen Z.D. Cheng C. Kumar Patel E. Goldwasser Robert Reasenberg Michael Arenton Robert Block Dr. Ernest Malamud and Raj Pathria Bernard Gottschalk Edward Redish Joseph Argento Craig Blocker Olivia Diaz John Preskill Christopher Gould Don Reeder David Armstrong Russell Donnelly Lawrence Price Harvey Gould John Rees Samuel Aronson Arnold Bloom Judy Franz Philip Pritchett H. Griem Aurino Ribeiro Filho Marina Artuso Rudolf Bock Hans Frauenfelder Derek Pursey Dina Gutkowicz-Krusin Carl Rosenfeld David Aston Gregory Boebinger Kenneth Friedman Richard Haglund Lawrence Rubin William Atwood Richard Boggy Larry Gladney George Rawitscher Robert Haight Mitsuo Sakai Daniel Auerbach Luca Bombelli Beverly Karplus Hartline Richard Averitt Peter Bond W. Hassinger Rudy Ruggles Marianne Hamm Richard Scalettar Joseph Aviles Massimo Boninsegni Ronald Johnson James Scofield Robert Hamm Stephen Schiff Dionys Baeriswyl Corwin Booth Edward Kinney Susan Seestrom Jonathan Hardis Dietrich Schinzel John E. Baglin Frederick Borcherding Kate Kirby James Smith Warren Heckrotte Roy Schwitters Andrew Baker Jeffrey Borenstein James Langer Charles Sommerfield Leon Heller David Seiler John Baker Randy Bos Kiuck Lee Gerard Stephenson Jonathan Hoffman Andrew Sessler David Balamuth Franklin Brady Ramon Lopez James Stone Roy Holt Paul Shepard Akif Balantekin Aleksander Braginski Robert Lourie Mary Ann Sweeney Timothy Houck Arnold Silver John Balbach Alan Brailsford David Luckey Jacob Taylor Evelyn Hu Charles Sinclair Chuck Baldwin Helmut Brand Gregory Meisner Dmitry Teytelman James Hurt Andris Skuja Samuel Baldwin Gerald Brandt Jagadeesh Moodera Alvin Tollestrup David Ignat Farren Smith Robert Balluffi Charles Brau Cherry Murray Marguerite Tonjes H. Jackson Stephen Steadman John Balogh James Brau Stephen Pordes James Vary Raymond Stefanski Elizabeth Baranger Martin Breidenbach Richard Post Herman White Samson Jenekhe Edward C. Stone Michel Baranger Manuel Bretscher John Wilkerson Tetsuo Kaneko James Strait Alexis Baratoff David Brice Thomas Winter Lewis Keller R. Strombotne Troy Barbee Alice Bridgeman Robert Rediker Ellen Yorke William Keller Abraham Szoke William Bardeen John Bronzan Brian Schwartz Dave Youngblood Michael Kelley G. Taggart John Barker Alan Bross Joseph Serene Bing Zhou Kirby Kemper John Tanner Marion Barker B. Brown Gene Sprouse N. Khuri Doris Teplitz Virgil Barnes Charles Brown Michael S. Turner Individuals who Jin-Soo Kim John Thompson David Bartlett Robert J. Brown Philip Wyatt contributed $250-$499 Yong Ki m D. Thouless Donald Barton John Browne James Wynne Anonymous (3) Miles Klein Maury Tigner Donald Batchelor Aaron Brownell Renate Albat Randall Knight E. Terry Tomboulis Ivo Batistic Ludwig Bruch Individuals who Carl Albright Noemie Koller Adam Trombly Rudolf Bauer Robert Brugger contributed $500-$999 Margaret Alston- Rikio Konno Robert Tycko Laurie Baumel Betty Bruhns Anonymous (1) Garnjost Stephen Kramer Alexander Weintraub Alice Bean Paul Bryant Andrew Bacher James Ball James Krebs Robert Wiringa Bret Beck Spencer Buckner David Bartran Laura Bautz Helmut Kuehl Bruce Worster Donald Beck Richard Bukrey Beverly Berger Kevin Bedell Vasudevan N. Wyeth J. Bednorz W. Bullis Ali Belkacem Lakshminarayanan William Zajc Grant Bunker 2013 DONORS

William Burgett James Davis Gervais Favrot Ruth Howes Christopher Kolda Keith Burrell L. Davis Leonard Feldman Henry Greenside Alan Howsmon Victor Korenman Eric Butcher William Davis Paul Felsher Brooke Gregory Bolong Huang Jan Korringa Marvin Cage Senarath De Alwis Stephen Ferguson D. Grether Klaus Huber Bruce Kowert Yunhai Cai Paul De Carli Thomas Ferguson David Griffiths Bruce Hudson Laird Kramer Brian Canfield Mark Debe John Ferron Benjamin Grinstein David Hudson Robert Krasny Roberto Car Pablo Debenedetti Alexander Fetter D. Grischkowsky Robert Huff Corrado Cardarelli James Degnan Thomas Fields James Grochocinski Gerald Huffman Andreas Kronfeld Lawrence Cardman Walt Deheer Alexander Firestone Donald Groom Randall Hulet Mark Kryder Joseph Carlson Marie-Agnes David Fischbach Franz Gross Rusty Humphrey Moyses Kuchnir Thomas Carlstrom Deleplanque-Stephens George Fisk Irving Haber Winifred Huo Louis Kunz John Carrico Marten Den Boer Robert Fleming Willy Haeberli Mark Hybertsen Christian Kurtsiefer Allen Carroll Jacques Denavit Elena Flitsiyan Mark Hagen Francesco Iachello Klaus Lackner Richard Casten Andrew Depristo William Fogle Roger Hagengruber Hiroshi Ichise Frederick Lamb James Castiglione Ronald Dickman Guy Fogleman Sharon Hagopian Kenji Iijima Gerard Lander Charles Cerjan Paul Dickson Raymond Folse Vasken Hagopian Richard Ikeda Harry Landon David Chamberlin Duane Dicus Jerry Forbes Gerhard Hahne Gerhard Ingold Jean Lane Shirley Chan Robert Diebold E. Fortson Frederick D. Haldane Muhammad Islam Laurence Langan Vincent Chan Michael Dine W. Fo w l e r Robert Hall John Jackson Robert Lanou Jagdish Chander Mihaela Dinu William Fowler Douglas Hamilton Koblar Jackson Richard Lanza Gordon Chandler H. Dixon Albert Franco D. Hamlin W. Ja c k s o n Louis Lanzerotti Premala Chandra Lance Dixon William Frazer Philip Hammer William Jacobs John Larabee David Chang J. Doane Dieter Frekers Charles Hancock M. Jacox Bennett Larson Ngee-Pong Chang Heinz-Dietrich Doebner Robert Friauf Luisa Hansen Kenneth Janda Barbara Lasinski Chellis Chasman Wesley Doggett Klaus Fritsch Gerald Harp Stephen Jardin Thomas Lasinski I-Hung Chiang Masaru Doi Lothar Fritsche Alexander Harris Sitaram Jaswal R. Lawrence Shirley Chiang John Domingo Martin Fritts Frederick Harris K. Jefferts Walter Lawrence Chia-Ling Chien Gary Doolen Don Fujino Richard Harris Terrence Jensen Norman Lazar Alan Chodos Patrick Dowling Jose Fulco Michael Harrison Brant Johnson Donald Lazarus Stanley Christensen Matthew Downton Wendy Fuller-Mora H. Hart Michael Johnson Albert Lazzarini Kwo Chu Alex Dragt Robert Furber Robert Hart Rolland Johnson David Lee A. Chynoweth Gordon W. Drake Richard Furnstahl Terry Harter David Johnston Keum Lee Leonardo Civale T. Gaisser Everett Harvey J. Jonas Tsung-Shung Lee Kenneth Claiborne Haiyan Gao Masayuki Hasegawa Keith Jones Warren Legler George Clark Charles Driscoll J. Garcia Gerwin Hassink Kevin Jones Dietrich Leibfried W. Clark Charles Dunn Robert Garcia Edward Haugland Lawrence Jones E. Lemar Helmut Claus Thomas Dunning Richard Garner Jack Haugsnes Robert Jones Gabriel Lengyel Thomas Coan Dipangkar Dutta S. Gary H. Hausman Thomas Jones Horst Lenske C. Cocke John Eades Clayton Gearhart Charles Hawkins Bobby Junker Jacques Leveille George Cody William Eaton Daniel Gee William Hawkins Robert Kaeser Judah Levine C. Coffin Philippe Eberhard Donald Geesaman Kazuhiro Hayasaka Hiroshi Kamimura Raymond Lewis Thomas Cohen Thomas Eck Peter Gehring Andrew Hazi Daniel E. Kaplan Zvie Liberman Paul Colby Robert Ecke Walter Gekelman Arthur Hebard Daniel M. Kaplan A. Lewis Licht Lawrence Coleman Gisela Eckhardt Eugene Gellert Alan Heeger Harvey Kaplan Jechiel Lichtenstadt Mark Coles David Ederer Edward Gerjuoy Ulrich Heinz Inga Karliner Paulett Liewer Reuben Collins Ariel Edery Joseph Giaime Kenneth Heller David Karraker Peter Limon Leon Combs Dean Edmonds Bruce Gibbard Philip Hemmig Michael Kash Li-Jen Lin John Connell Alan Edwards Lawrence Gibbons Girardeau Henderson Tomokazu Kato Erick Lindman Roger Connolly Donald Edwards Steve Herb Richard Kautz Richard Lindquist Esther Conwell Helen Edwards Jonathan Gilligan Dean Herr William Keery Rulon Linford David Cook Geoffrey Eichholz George Ginther John Herrera Henry Kelly Ming-Kung Liou Sidney Coon Theodore Einstein Joseph Giordmaine Cal Herrmann Charles Kennel Laurence Littenberg Vincent Cordrey Elmer Eisner Charles Glashausser Daryl Hess Andrew Kent Peter Littlewood Charles Cornwell Celia Elliott Sharon Glendinning Roger Hess Donald Kerr Marvin Litvak Donald Correll Stephen Ellis Maurice Glicksman Michael Hibbs Dae Kim Keh-Fei Liu Francis Correll Marion Ellzey Henry Glyde Takekoshi Hidekuni Kwang-Je Kim Lynda LoDestro George Coulter Robert Ely Brendan Godfrey Bernard Hildebrand Y. Kim John Londergan Ernest Courant Vadim Emtsev Howard Goldberg John Hill J. Kindel David Look Robert Cousins Rolf Ent J. Goldberg Gene Hilton Charles King Frances Lopata David Crandall Kenneth Epstein Michael Golde Munther Hindi Paul King Robert Loser Bernd Crasemann Dennis Erickson Alfred Goldhaber Kai Ho Herbert Kinney Richard Loveless Michael Creutz Glen Erickson Raymond Goldstein David Hobill Vera Kistiakowsky Zheng-Tian Lu Roger Crouch David Ernst Jeffrey Goldstone M. Hockaday O. Kistner Michael Lubin Paul Crowell Asher Etkin Ana Gonzalez Allan Hoffman Akio Kitsunezaki Agnes Lucy James Cumming Robert Euwema Timothy Goodman Nelson Hoffman William Klein Vera Luth David Cutts William Evenson Alfred Goshaw Stephen Holland John Klepeis John Luthe Mark Daly Viktor Evtuhov John Gosling C. Hollandsworth James Knauer David Lynch James Danielson Edward Eyler Dave Goss Richard Holmes Lloyd Knox Rosemary MacDonald Paul Dapkus Joel Fajans Tsahi Gozani Gerard Honore James Knudson Ruprecht Machleidt Timothy Darling Darcie Farrow Roderick Greaves R. Hosteny Shigeru Koikegami James MacLachlan Anne Davenport L. Farrow Elias Greenbaum J. Howard Charles Kolb Charles Maguire 2013 DONORS

S. Mahanti Shoichi Nasu Jianwei Qiu Richard Sciambi Richard Sutherland Takeshi Watanabe Yousef Makdisi Joseph Natowitz Chris Quigg Hugh Scott Paul Sutton Richard Webb Stanley Mandelstam Liliana Navarrete Brian Quinn Wolf Seka Benjamin Svetitsky Robert Webb Eugene Margerum George Neilson Ari Rabl Raymond Seraydarian Jean Swank Alfons Weber Robert Markiewicz Harry Nelson Anatoly Radyushkin Kamal Seth Paul Swartz Harold Webster David Markowitz Brittany Nelson- Pramila Raghavan Peter Shaffer Harry Swinney Medford Webster Alan Marshall Cheeseman David Rahm Lu Sham Frank Tabakin Mary and Bob Wehrle C. Mate Anthony Nero Anant Ramdas Wei Shan Haruhiko Takase Xiangdong Wei John Mather David Newell Ronald Ransome Paul Shand Peter Tandy Matthew Weidmann Wesley Mathews David Newman P. R a o Stephen Shapiro Morris Tanenbaum Michael Weinert Suresh Mathur Kathie Newman Jacobo Rapaport Robert Shaw Smio Tani Jerald Weiss June Matthews Won-Keng Ng R. Rau Peter Shawhan Michael Tannenbaum Paul Weisz M. Keith Matzen Paul Nielsen Richard Rauch Marleigh Sheaff David Tanner Harold Weitzner Robert Maurer Kawora Nomura Finn Ravndal Stephen Shenker Bruce Tarter Ulrich Welp Michael May Paul Nordin Robert Ray Rubby Sherr Haskell Taub David Wensky John McAdoo Eric Norman John Raymond Howard Shields Uwe Tauber Richard Werbeck Patricia McBride Wilfred Norris Glen Rebka Michael Shlesinger Edward Taylor Christopher Wesselborg John McCarthy John O’Brien Sanjay Reddy Howard Shugart James Taylor John Wheeler Kevin McCarty Donald O’Connor Richard Redington Edward Siciliano Paul Tedrow John White Michael McDaniel Terry O’Dwyer Sidney Redner Manfred Sigrist Aaron Temkin William Whitney Ronald McFee John O’Fallon John Rehr Robert Silsbee Lee Teng Edward Whittaker Malcolm McGeoch Hidetoshi Okada Leonard Reiffel Pekka Sinervo Vigdor Teplitz Herman Wieder Stephen McGuire Koji Okano William Reinhardt Charles Slichter Jerry Tersoff Donald Wiegand Chris McKee Robert Olness Howard Reiss John Slonczewski Joseph Tesmer Robert McKibben Tore Olsen John Reitz Donald Smith George Tessler Douglas Wildes Hugh McManus Nai-Phuan Ong Glenn Reynolds George Smith Peter Thieberger Gerald Wilemski Thomas Mcnab Allena Opper Peter Reynolds Harold Smith Friedrich Thielemann David Wineland Laurie McNeil Grant O’Rielly James Rhyne Robert Smith Thomas Throwe Herman Winick J. Michael McQuade Robert Orr Stuart Rice Roger Smith Murray Tobak Brenda Winnewisser Thomas Mehlhorn Peter Ostermann David Richards Steven Smith Roger Tobin Manfred Winnewisser Robert Meier Neil Ottenstein Robert Richardson Todd Smith Mitsuyoshi Tomiya Michael Witthoeft Matthew Meineke Paul Ottinger Edward Richley Dale Snider Carl Tomizuka Charles Wohl Anton Menth Alfred Owyang James Riordon Paul So Philip Tomlinson Stanley Wojcicki Robert Mercer Michael Padgett Pat Roach Joshua Socolar John Tranquada Stephen Wolbers Lyman Page Roland Roberts George Soli Stuart Wolf Sydney Meshkov Andrea Pagliarin Harry Robertson James Sowinski Virginia Trimble Henry Wong Harold Metcalf John Palms John Roche Clay Spence Thomas Trippe John Wood Fred Meyer Victor Pare Norman Roderick Harold Spinka Basil Tripsas Harry Woodcock Jerry Meyer Thomas Rognlien Joel Spira Alvin Trivelpiece Michael Wortis Stanislav Miasnikov William Parker John Romero Donald Spong Allan Tylka Edward Wright Karnig Mikaelian Richard Partridge Kenneth Rose Donald W. Sprung John Ullmann Ying Wu Philip Miller James Paterson Martin Rosenblum Stephen St John Sergio Ulloa Youwe n Xu John Missimer Ritchie Patterson Jonathan Rosner Herbert Stafast Bjarne Ursin Ryuji Yamada John Mitchell Jerry Peacher Allan Rothenberg Frieda Stahl James Valles Fareed Yasseen George Mitev Roberto Peccei Lawrence Rothenberg James Stamatoff Deniz van Heijnsbergen Nai-Chang Yeh Yoichi Mito Michael Pennington Richard Rowberg Anthony Starace Jean-Francois Van Huele Yin Yeh H. Moffatt Arnold Perlmutter John Rowe E. Otto Steinborn Ubirajara Van Kolck Yung-Tsai Yen Kenneth Moffeit Udo Pernisz Morton Rubin Richard Steiner J. Van Orden Sigfrid Yngvesson David Moir Murray Peshkin Randal Ruchti Frank Steldt Josephus Van Schagen Kenneth C. Young Louis Monchick Wesley Petersen Dmitri Ryutov Frank Stephens Thomas Van Vechten Kenneth M. Young Stephen Montgomery Olivier Petitpierre Hans Sachse Peter Stephens John Vander Velde Linda Young Kuk Moon Robert Petry Richard Saenz Edward Stephenson David Vanderbilt Hyuk Yu Thomas Moore Wayne Pfeiffer Bijan Saghai George Sterman John Venables Peter Yu Charles Morehouse Daniel Phillips Viraht Sahni David Stern Eugene Venturini Michael Zappe Larry Morford David Phillips Makoto Saito Frank Stern F. Vestner Vladimir Zelevinsky Gerry Morgan Julia Phillips Stephen Sanders Morton Sternheim Flemming Videbaek Michael Zeller Dornis Morin Piero Pianetta Richard Sands Gordon Stewart David Vier George Zimmerman Melvin Moriwaki Jorge Piekarewicz Wayne Saslow Melbourne Stewart Harold Vinegar Sidney Zimmerman David Morrow Jose Piffaretti Douglas Scalapino Howard Stidham Silvia Volker William Zimmermann Steven Moszkowski David Pipkorn Michael Schaffer Mark Stiles Tycho Von Rosenvinge Michael Zingale Toshio Motoba David Piston Heidi Schellman Michael Stitelman Richard Wachnik J. Zink Alfred Msezane Stuart Pittel John Schiffer Ian Stockdale C. Waddington John Zumbro Sekazi Mtingwa Guillaume Plante Eric Schlegel Rogers Stolen Sigurd Wagner Paul Zweifel George Mueller Michael Plesniak Stefan Schmidt Christian Stoller Georges Wagniere Paul Mueller Joseph Polchinski George Schmiedeshoff Alan Strauss Glen Wagoner Gregory Mulhollan Richard Post Beate Schmittmann J. Streetman Kameshwar Wali Joe Mullins John Poucher John Schroeder Charles Striffler Andre Walker-Loud David Richard Prepost Lee Schroeder Robert Stryk Ronald Walton Mohammed Mustafa William Press Jonas Schultz Robert Sugar Bennie Franklin Ward Sumita Nandi Richard Price Michael Schulz Harry Suhl W. Wa r r e n Albert Narath Robert Prohaska Silvan Schweber Robert Suter Steven Watanabe TM


PRESIDENT PRESIDENT-ELECT Michael S. Turner Malcolm R. Beasley The University of Stanford University

VICE PRESIDENT PAST PRESIDENT Samuel Aronson Robert L. Byer Brookhaven National Laboratory Stanford University

EXECUTIVE OFFICER TREASURER/PUBLISHER EDITOR IN CHIEF Kate P. Kirby Joseph W. Serene Gene D. Sprouse Harvard-Smithsonian Center Georgetown University Stony Brook University for Astrophysics (emeritus) (on leave) (retired)


PRESIDENT PRESIDENT-ELECT Malcolm R. Beasley Samuel Aronson Stanford University Brookhaven National Laboratory

VICE PRESIDENT PAST PRESIDENT Michael S. Turner University of Michigan The

EXECUTIVE OFFICER TREASURER/PUBLISHER EDITOR IN CHIEF Kate P. Kirby Joseph W. Serene Gene D. Sprouse Harvard-Smithsonian Center Georgetown University Stony Brook University for Astrophysics (emeritus) (on leave) (retired)