Exercise Cobra Gold Ends Sentenced Aim/ Involved in Special Opera- Thins Cross Training
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r- What in the world are we Navy League awards all-around Marines Page A 1 doing in Asia? itPI Liarora Page A -2 `Bandits' snag another victory Page 13-1 Vol IA, No. 23 Published at MCAS KaneoNe Bay. Also serving 1st MED, Camp H.M. Smith and Marine Barracks, Hawaii. .1iine 14, 1990 Two Marines Exercise Cobra Gold ends sentenced Aim/ involved in special opera- thins cross training. for fraud, Cobra Gold 90, a joint- service exercise involving This year's Cobra Gold mail theft the armed forces of Thai- included an amphibious JrISO land and the United States, landing and joint/com- ended June 1. The exer- bined air and land opera- Two Kaneohe-based Ma- cise, which was conducted tions. rines were sentenced to a in and around Chonburi, total of eight years' con. in Nakhon Ratchasima Civic Action/humanitar- finement and dishonorable (Korat) and in Rayong ian projects that took place discharges resulting from Province, was the ninth in during the exercise involved their court-martial convic- the Cobra Gold series. combined U.S./Thai mobile tions on theft and fraud dental and medical teams. charges. The teams conducted daily For more on clinics in several villages The conviction capped a throughout the operational sear of proceedings and in- Cobra Gold, area. School buildings were vestigations by federal, used for primary health clin- civil and military authori- see page A-3 ics and others will be re- ties regarding a credit fraud ferred to existing civilian scheme involving Cpls health care facilities or the Gloria Sykes and Michael combined U.S./Thai medi- D. Reynolds, both from the The exercise provided cal /dental civic action MATS-24 mailroom. cross training for Thai and teams for more definitive Investigation revealed U.S. commanders and their care. staffs in planning, com- that the two Marines had mand and control, and Approximately 8,000 U.S. devised a plan in early Col 'Mom. 1. aP01.0 Oqt0 execution of air, land, military personnel partici- 1989 to screen mail and amphibious, and sea opera- pated in Cobra Gold 90 as intercept credit cards, Marines from 3d Bn., 3d Marines, conduct a live-fire assault in Rayong, Thailand, during the which they then used to Thai Incremental Training Program portion of Cobra Gold '90 tions. Thai and U.S. well as 7,250 Royal Thai military personnel were also Military personnel. buy merchandise. The investigation was led by the Naval Investigative 'Red Devils' mark 35,000 safe flight hours New child Service (NIS), which re- ceived complaints from Ma- By WO J.L. Meter Devils served as the fixed- day "war" April 16-18. All ,nised to complete mission care rules rines who were being billed wing component of Task sorties during the war were requirements. VMFA-232's for ehnrges they bud never The VMFA-912 "Red F(4.ce 3d Marines' Aviation five ordnance exercises con F A-I8s dropped more than made. One of the fraud Devils" achieved a rare mile- Combat Element (ACE), com- sisting of MK-82 "GPBs," 20 tons of inert ordnance in effect lent goteitgelif the three-week evolu- stone during the moat recent pleting several types of rigor- (general-purpose bombs), five- during By Cpl. Jason Erielteon at the Combined Arms Exercise at ous training sorties, including inch "Zuni" rockets, and tion, in addition to flying 331 Company, which at- MCAGCC Twentynine close-air support, low-level 20mm rounds. sorties and 533 total flight Sweeping changes in the tempted to inform a Marine Palms, Calif., as they flew navigation, low-altitude tac- Despite the amount of hours. standards for in-home child by phone that his furni- their 35,000th accident-free tics, and low-altitude refuel- hours flown and intense care provided by residents of ture was ready for pick-up. hour a record spanning inf.h operational demands, the Red The squadron returned to base housing here were put Sykes intercepted the call, - 6 by Air more than 10 1/2 years. e entire evolution culmi- Devils proved that safety Kaneohe Bay May 14 after into effect June and sa;d she would notify 1)uring the CAX, the Red nated with the CAX three- doesn't have to be compro- the deployment. Station Order 1750.14. Thin the Marine. - was in accordance with Marine Corps Order Instead. she notified Rey- 1750.3013. nolds, who then rented a Throughout the nation in U -Haul trailer and moved SOMS CO tops recent years, child care has the goods to a storage become a burning issue. warehouse in Kailua. Among key concerns are Through an eyewitness 5,000 flight hours affordability and quality of account and a survey of care provided. This issue has area U -Haul dealerships, Story snd photo grounding, he instead had to not gone unnoticed at NIS uncovered Reynolds by Cpt. Jason Erickson cross the 5,000-hour mile- Kaneohe Bay. as a suspect. stone in a C.12. as a his career, Belle- For parents, the order is After almost 20 years During set a minimum NIS then arrested Sykes Marine aviator, LtCol. Joseph garde has been assigned to expected to squad- standard for the care their and Reynolds. While exe- F. Bellegarde propelled him- a number of helicopter such cuting a federal search war- flight hour rons. The first was Ii1MM- children receive in self past the 5,000 homes. For care providers, rant, the agents found mark May 30 while flying a 263, which used to be at then, however, it will mean strict most of the stolen prop- C-12 airplane in Hawaiian Quantico, Va. Since erty at Reynolds' reeidence. he has served in the Medi- new regulations governing skies. qualification to run such a Bellegarde, the command- terranean Sea, in Okinawa, the Philippines, and various business on base. Addition- Reynolds pled guilty to ing officer of SOMS, normally ally, the order tasks various conspiracy, mail theft, flies CH-46 helicopters, but bases throughout California fraud, and false before coming to Hawaii. LtCol. J. F. Denogards sections within the command credit card because of their recent with responsibilities regard- swearing. He was sen- ing screening applicants, in tenced by general court. spelling homes and govern martial to five years' ing providers of on-base, in confinement and a dishon- home child care. orable discharge. Sykes credibility and a minimum of seven years in the MOS. pled guilty to conspiracy, Fort Hase Beach closed indefinitely Instructor applicants should have a GT score of 110 or "The need for regulating mail theft and credit card child care here is very impor and was sentenced by The Air Station commanding officer has closed Fort Hese higher and ideally be serving in a billet related to the subject fraud will write. Other factors considered are tent to ensure the quality of general court-martial to Beach indefinitely for recreation and training use The closure about which they said being pumped higher education, formal instructor experience, and personal care being provided," three years' confinement was originally due to strong odors from effluent Mary Heckert, the coordina dis from the Aikahi Sewage Treatment Plant. The appearance. and a dishonorable into Kailua Bay sent to Marine tor of the Station's newly beaches remain closed as a precautionary measure due to Candidates chosen by the monitors are charge. Barracks, Washington, D.C., for further screening, includ- established Family Day Care sharply increased counts of the bacteria "nonenterocoecii in the Home Program. "Our collected from the waters by the beach. The efflu- ing a written English test and a series of interviews. Also involved in the in strep-oroccii" or have main purpose is to ensure the ent is being pumped into the Mokapu ()Wall, which is about Staff NCO- who would like more information vestigatiort were the Crimi abort serving at MCI may contact SSTD at safety of the children." Division SOO feet east of the skeet range. The Aikahi plant has had questions order. nal Investigation Autovon 288.2784l6059. According to the of the Air Station's Pro. recent mechanical problems. The Air Station's Facilities De. people who currently provide partment continues to test the waters off the beach on a daily volt Marshal's Office, the cadets child care services on base Police Depart- basis. Station to host register with Honolulu Thy Air Station will host more than 50 cadets June 16 29 as are required to ment, the 11.5. Postal Encampment for the Hawaii Wing the FDCH Program Office (10 the .MCItwIter billets open pert of the 1990 Summer Service Inspection Service, and Civil Air Patrol. The Encampment's activities will include an cated in the Family United States Secret Sery mix billet openings for qualified staff 4.55) no later There are currently orientation of the FzA-18 flight simulator; a Crash. Fire and Center, building ice They were assisted by Ne0e st the Marine Corps Institute's Specialized Skill aircraft. familiariza- than July 6. Those who plan Rescue tour; static displays of MAG-24 must the Joint Legal Service, Training Division (SSTD). tion at the obstacle course and firing the M-16. The Cadet', will to become providers Center and the U.S. Attor- The six billets are: 0193 gunnery sergeant, needed and Ilickam and Wheeler Air register before beginning needed in June. 0369 also visit Schofield Barracks ney's Office. immedi tely, 0369 gunnery sergeant. Force Bases child care services. sergeant, needed in January, 1349 gunnery ser- gunnery to the Air Ste. geant, needed in Octobet, 18,3.3 gunnery sergeant, needed featured The order applies to all According in December, 3043 staff sergeant, needed in !Wernher.