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HSL.017 Folio Title: White Paper on Federal Elections Content Description Folio No: HSL.017 Folio Title: White Paper on Federal Elections Content Description: MCA memo to the Reid Commission; White Paper on federal elections: UMNO-MCA Alliance (1954/55), National Convention (1954) speeches, resolutions and minutes; petition on federal elections to the High Commissioner and Rulers of the Malay states; MCA general committee, working committee and standing finance sub-committee meetings and minutes; MCA Hq building in AmpangRoad - furnishing and lease applications (1956). ITEM DOCUMENT DIGITIZATION ACCESS DOCUMENT CONTENT NO DATE STATUS STATUS Cover letter from Alliance Hq and MCA Hq secretary TH HSL.17.001 24/8/1956 Tan, enclosing advanced copy of Alliance memo to the Digitized Open Reid Commission: Final draft of memo to the Reid Commission entitled HSL.17.001a 20/8/1956 Political testament of the Alliance movement. (17.1a/1 - Digitized Open 21) Agenda for the MCA emergency general committee meeting from hon. secretary general Too Joon Hing, HSL.17.002 19/8/1956 Digitized Open enclosing draft copy of memo to the Reid Constitutional Commission: Draft copy of memo to the Reid Constitutional HSL.17.002a Undated Digitized Open Commission for an independent Malaya. (17.2a/1 - 18) Translation in Chinese of draft copy of memo to the HSL.17.002b 19/8/1956 Digitized Open Reid Constitutional Commission. (17.2b/1 - 14) Notice from MCA benevolent and welfare sub- committee chairman Teo Hang Sam, re: resolution for MCA to emergency general committee meeting that HSL.17.002c 16/8/1956 Digitized Open permission be sought from Government to start a lottery proceeds from which would go to MCA welfare work. Cover note from secretary TH Tan at Alliance Hq to all members of Alliance National Council comprising HSL.17.003 8/6/1956 UMNO, MCA and MIC members led by Tunku Abdul Digitized Open Rahman, Tan Cheng Lock and VT Sambanthan respectively (17.3/1 - 2) enclosing: 1 of 11 ITEM DOCUMENT DIGITIZATION ACCESS DOCUMENT CONTENT NO DATE STATUS STATUS Minutes of the Alliance National Council meeting, re: briefing by Tunku Abdul Rahman on date (31 Aug 1957) of independence, talks with Chin Peng; Tunku HSL.17.003a 30/12/1955 Digitized Open questioned by Tan Siew Sin on citizenship and the Emergency, and by Yap Kim Hock on fears of Malayisation instead of Malayanisation. (17.3a/1 - 10) Minutes of the 8th MCA general committee meeting re: Tan Cheng Lock re-elected president. Meeting attended by Singapore, Johore, Malacca, Negri Sembilan, HSL.17.004 20/5/1956 Digitized Open Selangor, Perak, Pahang, Penang/Province Wellesley, Kedah/Perlis and Trengganu branch members. (17.4/1 - 15) Draft of an appeal to the Chinese in Malaya by MCA president Tan Siew Sin, re: call for Chinese to unite and HSL.17.005 21/3/1956 present a truly representative memo to the Special Digitized Open Independent Commission drafting a Constitution for an independent Malaya. Translation in Chinese of draft of an appeal to the Chinese by MCA president Tan Cheng Lock, re: call for HSL.17.006 21/3/1956 Chinese to unite to present a representative memo to Digitized Open the Special Independent Commission drafting the constitution for an independent Malaya. Supplementary agenda for MCA working committee HSL.17.007 21/3/1956 Digitized Open meeting, enclosing: Notice from Tan Siew Sin (of Malacca branch working committee) to Alliance National Council secretary TH HSL.17.007a 27/6/1955 Tan, re: expulsion of Yew Kim for voting against Chee Digitized Open Yan's motion in the Malacca Settlement Council meeting on 13/06/1955. (17.7/1 - 2) Letter from MCA Malacca branch president Goh Chee HSL.17.007b 21/3/1956 Yan, re: appointment of a sub-committee to consider Digitized Open design of emblem for MCA. 2 of 11 ITEM DOCUMENT DIGITIZATION ACCESS DOCUMENT CONTENT NO DATE STATUS STATUS Letter from MCA Johore branch hon secretary LH Tan to MCA Hq, re: amendment of MCA rules for discussion at working committee meeting: HSL.17.007c 19/3/1956 i) that all Federal Legislative Councillors be ex-officio Digitized Open members of MCA general committee. ii) that members of Federal Executive Council cannot be members of MCA executive committee. Letter from MCAS Johore branch hon. secretary LH Tan to MCA chief executive secretary, for consideration by HSL.17.007d 19/3/1956 Digitized Open MCA working committee, re: transit quarters for MCA members on MCA business in Kuala Lumpur. Letter from Perak branch chairman YC Kang for consideration at MCA working committee meeting on HSL.17.008 20/3/1956 21/03/1956, re: loan of $20,000 from MCA Hq to settle Digitized Open outstanding bills and to carry on daily operations of Perak branch for a few months. Notice from MCA Hq, enclosing six papers for discussion HSL.17.009 14/3/1956 Digitized Open at MCA working committee meeting on 21/03/1956: Letter from Perak branch chairman YC Kang, re: HSL.17.009a 20/3/1956 applications for state nationality and request for Digitized Open financial aid for weaker branch and sub-branch offices. Letter from MCA chief executive secretary TH Tan to all members of standing finance sub-committee, re: request from Selangor Alliance Committee to pay travelling allowance in connection with the registration HSL.17.009b 8/3/1956 Digitized Open of Federal and state voters. Standard ruling required because Alliance Hq. no funds. Attached: letter from Selangor Alliance Committee secretary Tan Jin Leong. (17.9b/1 - 4) Draft of resolution, re: resignation of Lau Pak Khuan as HSL.17.009c 21/3/1956 trustee of MCA and appointment of Wong Shee Fun in Digitized Open his place. (17.9c/1 - 2) Draft copy of deed on retirement and appointment of HSL.17.009d Undated new trustee, prepared by Allen Gledhill, Singapore. Digitized Open (17.9d/1 - 5) 3 of 11 ITEM DOCUMENT DIGITIZATION ACCESS DOCUMENT CONTENT NO DATE STATUS STATUS Letter from Rediffusion general manager AG van Beek and a reply, dated 12/03/1956, from MCA chief HSL.17.009e 10/3/1956 Digitized Open executive secretary TH Tan, re: Rediffusion wires attached to MCA premises. (17.9e/1 - 4) Translation in Chinese of letter from Singapore branch HSL.17.009f 24/2/1956 to MCA hon. secretary general, re: application for grant Digitized Open of $10,000 to establish sub-branches. Letter from MCA Hq, re: resolution from Trengganu HSL.17.009g 8/3/1956 Digitized Open branch for monthly subsidy. Translation in Chinese of letter from Negri Sembilan HSL.17.009h 25/10/1956 Digitized Open branch hon. secretary to MCA finance sub-committee. Letter from MCA Hq, agenda (in Chinese) for MCA HSL.17.010 9/3/1956 working committee meeting on 21/03/1956, (17.10/1 - Digitized Open 4) and enclosing papers for discussion at the meeting: Letter from Singapore branch secretary Lee Kok Han to MCA chief executive secretary TH Tan, re: request for TH Tan to contribute an article to the MCA Tribune, a HSL.17.010a 27/2/1956 fortnightly journal published by Singapore branch, and a Digitized Open negative reply dated 23/02/1956, from TH Tan. Attached: notes from TH Tan to and from Tan Siew Sin, re: MCA Tribune. (17.10/1 - 4) Copy of letter from Tan Siew Sin to MCA Singapore branch secretary Lee Kok Han, re: publication of MCA HSL.17.010b 24/2/1956 Digitized Open Tribune to be discussed at working committee meeting. (17.10b/1 - 2) Letter from Singapore branch secretary Lee Kok Han to MCA chief executive secretary TH Tan in reply to TH HSL.17.010c 27/2/1956 Tan's letter of 23/02/1956 relating to MCA Tribune. Digitized Open Attached: note from Tan Cheng Lock to TH Tan in support of the publication. (17.10c/1 - 2) Letter from MCA chief executive secretary TH Tan to members of working committee, re: resolution from HSL.17.010d 8/3/1956 Trengganu branch for a monthly allowance of $500 for Digitized Open maintenance of the district branches under the control of Trengganu branch 4 of 11 ITEM DOCUMENT DIGITIZATION ACCESS DOCUMENT CONTENT NO DATE STATUS STATUS Letter from Singapore branch secretary to MCA chief HSL.17.010e 24/2/1956 executive secretary, re: request for a grant of $10,000 Digitized Open from MCA Hq for branch expansion scheme. Letter from Negri Sembilan branch secretary to MCA HSL.17.010f 25/10/1955 finance sub-committee chairman, re: appeal for Digitized Open financial aid from MCA Hq. Letter from Kuala Lipis sub-branch chairman Soong Sit HSL.17.010g 15/2/1956 Yong to MCA chief executive secretary, re: Labour Party Digitized Open Selangor branch campaign for supporters. (17.10g/1 - 2) Resolutions passed at Pahang branch annual general meeting on 27/11/1955 for consideration at MCA HSL.17.010h 21/3/1956 Digitized Open working committee meeting on 21/03/1956. (17.10h/1 - 2) List of applications to rent ground floor of 4 shophouses HSL.17.010i 6/3/1956 and for shophouses and office space in new MCA Hq Digitized Open building in Ampang Road. (17.10i/1 - 3) Notice of meeting of MCA working committee at MCA HSL.17.011 3/3/1956 Digitized Open Hq on 21/03/1956 and agenda for meeting. Cover letter from chief executive secretary TH Tan to HSL.17.012 25/10/1955 Digitized Open members of MCA working committee, enclosing: Translation in Chinese of minutes of emergency HSL.17.012a 3/10/1955 Digitized Open meeting of MCA working committee. (17.12a/1 - 13) Letter from MCA chief executive secretary TH Tan, re: HSL.17.013 10/3/1956 Digitized Open Morris Minor office car.
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