Mid-States Corridor Economic Impact Study Presented to: Ed Cole Grow Dubois County Sent Via Email to:
[email protected] January 29, 2021 January 29, 2021 Ed Cole Grow Dubois County Submitted via email to:
[email protected] Dear Mr. Cole, Grow Dubois County (GDC or Client) engaged Hunden Strategic Partners (HSP) to prepare an economic impact analysis related to a proposed highway-grade connection that would connect Nashville via I-65 with western Michigan via I-196. The Client was specifically interested in the portion of the I-67 corridor (Mid-States Corridor or Project) from south central Indiana to western Kentucky, and the economic impact it will have on Dubois and Spencer Counties. Attached is our final report. This deliverable has been prepared under the following general assumptions and limiting conditions: § The findings presented herein reflect analysis of primary and secondary sources of information that are assumed to be correct. HSP utilized sources deemed to be reliable but cannot guarantee their accuracy. § No responsibility is taken for changes in market conditions after the date of this report and no obligation is assumed to revise this report to reflect events or conditions occurring after the date of this report. § HSP has no control over construction costs or timing of construction and opening. § Macroeconomic events affecting travel and the economy cannot be predicted and may impact the development and performance of the project. We have enjoyed serving you on this engagement and look forward to providing you with continuing service. Sincerely yours, Hunden Strategic Partners www.hundenpartners.com TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------ Executive Summary Chapter 1 Project Profile Chapter 2 Economic and Demographic Analysis Chapter 3 Tourism Analysis Chapter 4 Industry Cluster Analysis Chapter 5 Stakeholder Feedback and Public Survey Chapter 6 Travel Demand Analysis Chapter 7 Economic, Employment and Fiscal Impact Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Hunden Strategic Partners, Inc.