For Today's Selling
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emnlzed, when Miss llazelle Pancoast Wel1818 Not White and Mr. Joel Chandler Harris, Jr., May of Atlanta were married. The bride la MILLINERY SUITS COATS DRESSES PETTICOATS YOU Just28 HEWS OF THE DAY a daughter of Mrs. E. Brockenborotigh | J White, and granddaughter of the late Beautiful Complexion Elijah V. White. The bridegroom, 'J. C.,' Jr., as everyone fondly terms him, skin foods—no through No mysterious salves—just Is the youngest son of the late Joel the use of Chandler Harris of Atlanta, whose ‘Uncle Remus' stories are known the world Ten Handsome Pony Coats over. Mr. Julian Harris, editor of the Uncle Remus Home magazine, published CARMEN Southern Weddings of Wide in Atlanta, and the bridegrooms elder COMPLEXION brother, was best man. Miss Elizabeth Interest White, only sister of the bride, was her For Selling maid Today’s of honor, and Miss Frances Con- POWDER nally of Atlanta and Miss Harriet Win- chester of Macon, (Ja.. were tho brides- use is never A Dainty, Wholesome and Pure—its objectionable SOCIAL CALENDAR maids. The ushers were Mr. Patrick hues of to anyone. Softens, refreshens and restores the natural Buckley of Chicago and Mr. Luther Ros- $65 Values ser of Atlanta- old Actually the skin—and being so exceptionally fine, it The mansion, the Prospective Hostesses—Informal Buf- home of the bride's mother, was beauti- “Never Shows Powder” fully decorated with southern smllax, this fet Compliments Mr. Adding to the already sensational values of great special Carmen Powder also other pro- Supper palms and flowers, and the ceremony was possesses the — performed by Rev. W. H. Burtliart. altogether making it the Washburn Events to ever perties, Mr. and Mrs. Harris will make their home sale one of the most distinctive bargains offered. purchase 1 Beautifier for all * Best Complexions Come—Other Notes In Chicago, where Mr. Harris Is engaged Carmen Powder is made in four shades—White, Pink, In looking after the western Interests of lined. Cream and Flesh, and your proper shade will blend These coats are made and beautifully Only tlie 'Uncle Remus' magazine.” handsomely j perfectly with the natural hues of your complexion. MYRTLE MILES Toilet Size, SOe, Everywhere. By A RECEPTION FOR 10, so choose quickly. Carmen Cold Cream la very e Mr. David Bispham, whose exquisite and smoothing a roughene EARLY DECEMBER ing art, as evidenced in his recent appear- and Bnow white. Two sizes, Mrs. Eugene Enslen, Mrs. ance here is a matter of comment among Benjamin Stafford-Miller Co., 515 Kidd and Mrs. Eugene Enslen, Jr., will music lovers wherever in draw- Worked Wonders gathered be hostesses at an afternoon tea Decem- Cash Has ing room conference or over the teacups, ber 5. received this interesting mention in Satur- day’s Town and Country magazine: JOINT HOSTESSES AT In This Great Purchase of “David Bispham gave a recital of songs AN AFTERNOON TEA in English at Carnegie hall on Sunday Mrs. Elliott Carper and Mrs. Nina Redd Mrs. Michael Chairman afternoon, October 2D. The usual large Southgate will entertain at tea the aft- Dresses Clifford, ernoon of November Suits and audience, that appears whenever this pop- Thursday, 23, from Coats, 3 to 6 o'clock, at their home. Plans ular barytone sings in public, was pres- For “Block Day” Outlines to are actually 50 per cent on the real is an earnest advocate Savings you ent. Mr. Bispham EDGEWOOD CLUB * 1 ! of American and he holds good music, ISSUES CARDS worth of the merchandise and invariably lowqr than reasons for performing his programmes Bt. Vincent’s to Be the The following card has been issued: Out-Door-Clinic, Beneficiary—The with English texts. His all English pro- Edgewood club, silver tea for Mercy of like character can be had elsewhere. Ladies of St. Vincent de Paul and Their Associates Be- gramme for Sunday had been announced Home, Tuesday, November H, 3 to 5. At goods as in two parts, namely, ‘Songs Classical home of Mrs. King, 1400 St. Charles street. gin the Distribution of Envelopes Today and Con- and Modern, by Foreigners, and Compo- sitions by Americans.’ These divisions in- In the House- MRS. R. D. JOHNSTON -Any Suit tinue Through Tomorrow cluded the names of Handel, Purcell, Sec- ADDRESS of former included in this chi, Mendelssohn, Wagner, Verdi, Cor- TUSCALOOSANS Regardless price, big Mrs, R. D. Johnston of this nelius, Strauss and for Americans, those city will be sale—velvets only excepted—and the guest today of the Quaker club In Tus- C*OJ_ DOI.IiY DALRYMPLB of Ware, Etbel, Elsenheimer and Homer. BY caloosa, at the residence of Mrs. F. B. to choose for only. was also at the close a yours There recitation, Nuzmn, presenting an address on the sub- Since the of the Outdoor Clinic the Ladies of Charity have arranged, by opening to music—a form of art in which Mr. ject, which she discussed perhaps with In which to raise enough money at St. Vincent's Hospital September, they hope Ada more eloquence than any of those to Bispham excels—entitled, 'Elaine/ by are 175 have been treated. for the Clinic, so that they will not have which she has her because plain tailored fiver patients Weigel Powers, with Mrs. Powers at given support, •i 35 Velvet Suits They It Is to $OK.00 If there has ever been a doubt In. the to call for help again during the year. closet her heart. The Tuscaloosa the In the songs calling for special suits and $20 val- piano. News says of her: Worth to $75.. actually jninds of the people of this community “If the citizens of Birmingham would dramatic fervor or clarity of enunciation, “Mrs. Johnston is one of the famous ues. that there is a crying need for this sort only respond to our call one day out of Mr. Bispham stood forth as an authority, women of Alabama, and In response to | of institution—where the sick among the tlie year,” said Mrs. Clifford, “and give the invitation of the while all that he, and his able accompan- Quakers, will address $20 Reversible $Q.95 of creed or denomina- us of their abundance, the Clinic could the club on the subject of her poor, regardless ist, Harry Gilbert, did, seemed to evoke great |{ ** and be with the achievement, the 'Boys' Industrial School ■ Polo Coats. tion, can have the best attention easily maintained, together lis- only enthusiastic pleasure among the at East Lake.’ Dresses the best services both from doctors and private donations that are made." teners.” “Mrs. Johnston Is a very charming luirses—this record ought to be conclusive “And this plan for Block Day?” I woman personally and a most enthusiastic I $30 Reversible $1 95 asked. “ \ proof that it is a positive necessity. MRS. WHITEHEAD speaker on the subject of the boys for Polo Coats_ X4** Worth $25 "Is whom she has done so The splendid new wing of St. Vincent's entirely new," said Mrs. Clifford. COMPLIMENTED much. She will he a room the it Day and Brassard are In the city only few hours, as she furnishes ample for Clinic; “Tag Day already Miss Zella makes the fol- Beautiful Armstrong lias to be in Mobile at the Federation of Silk serges, with every modem med- known, but our idea is quite novel. In the 500 Persian $1.98 fs fully equipped lowing reference to Mrs. Whitehead, a Woman’s clubs.” it Is warm and comfort- summer the City Commissioners gave us X corduroys, poplins, ical convenience; recent very charming visitor, in the Look- Petticoats, worth $5 — but it must permission to make our for Block aeoliann able and properly conducted, plans out: A MISSION MUSICALE actually and we have been at work he maintained, and up to the standard, Day, on it ever season worth "Atlanta is enjoying a very gay EVENT OF THE WEEK White Angora $i 95 up to $24.95— too, and that is the reason that the Badles since. We have systematically divided \ with nearly a score of pretty deputantes One of the attractive events of the Xt« them Peter 1 of St. Vincent do Paul have been at the city off into districts, each district Fur Sets. j among and visitors galore. Mrs. Joseph B. week will be a musicale given Thursday months for ''Block into sections and each section is in dresses— IWork for preparing charge Whitehead has been cordially welcomed afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. L. Thompson at which time they hope to raise of a committee. Today between 10 and 11 250 Suits Worth pay,” after a long absence and has been honor Gulce under the auspices of the Eleventh $Q.95 all exceptionally funds sufficient to keep the Outdoor Clinic o'clock the ladies of the various com- Avenue Methodist church for the benefit ^ guest at a series of affairs. $20.00 . and well made mittees will distribute all over of missions. The hour is 3 o’clock. pretty envelopes “She spent several days in Birming- the and tomorrow we will do the Among those who have consented to take and a city, ham with Mr. and Mrs. Crawford John- all wool such value as part In the programme are Mr. and Mrs. All wool serges, same thing again. On Thursday, which son (Miss Carrie Acree of Chattanooga), Oliver Chalifoux, Mrs. Jack Adams, Mr. was never yours to is “Block proper, the will cheviots and mixtures, and D^y” envelopes who entertained in her honor.” H. J. Posner, Miss Annie Lou Wood, Miss be No ; share before—$9.95.