I e -. SECOND ANNUAL REPORT ON 7Ifl GEOLOGY OF VERMONT. i:HiI • V V• V .V V V•S V V VVV; •, ..................• V - -.:'-• V V V V V V *er.'VVVV V :1 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE 0 STATE OF VERMONT. 0 BY C. B. ADAMS, State Goologlst,Teof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. In Middlebury College, Corroep. member of the fleet. Soc. Nat. Iliet., of the Entom. Soc. of Pa., member of the Assoc. Amer. Goologiets, &c. &c. I I BURLINGTON; CHAUNCEY GOODRICH. -I S46. I S p :. To His Excellencij WILLIA1I SLADE, Governor of Vermont: Siit, I herewith submit the second report on the Geology of Vermont, and have the honor to remain, your Excellency's obedient servant, C. B. ADAms, State Geologist. Middlebury, Oct. 1, 1846. I CONTENTS. List of engravings, Index of towns and counties, Errata, INTRODUCTION. history of the Survey from Oct. 1845, to Oct. 1846, PART I. ELEMENTARY GEOLOGY. Design of this part, Jo Crr. I. GEOLOGICAL AGENCIES. Intensity of geological agencies, 20 Classification of " " 21 Igneous agencies, . 21 Subaerial agency, . 22 Volcanoes, . 22 Eruptions, . 22 Static pressure in volcanoes, 29 Character of lava, 29 Earthquakes, . 30 Thermal springs, 31 Submarine igneous agency, 32 Volcanic islands, 32 Subterranean igneous agency, 32 Theory of geysers and of volcanoes, 33 Theory of internal heat, 37 Aqueous agencies, . 38 Aqueous agencies not marine, 39 Rain ; frost, . 39 Rivers, . 40 Landslides; glaciers, Springs, . 44 2 3 Primary strata, . . . . . . . 104 Oceanic agencies, . . 45 Duration of genera, . . . . . . 105 Waves, . . . Oceanic currents, 47 Connection of geology with the bible, .
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