Alkaloids of Datura Innoxia Cardwellia Sublimis F

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Alkaloids of Datura Innoxia Cardwellia Sublimis F 656 NATURE April 11, 1953 voL , 11 An Occurrence of Aluminium Succinate in Alkaloids of Datura innoxia Cardwellia sublimis F. Muell. THE brief reference in Nature of December 13, p. 1002, to a paper by James and Thewlis1 on the ALUMINIUM succinate has been found as a massive separation and identification of solanaceous alkaloids deposit in a. cavity in the heartwood of Cardwellia in normal and grafted plants of Atropa belladonna sublimis F. Muell. (Proteaceoo), commonly known as and Datura innoxia prompts us to place on record northern silky oak or bull oak. This is a commercial certain results we have obtained in a similar study. timber tree restricted to the rain forests of tropical So far as we are aware, the alkaloids of D. innoxia Queensland. The deposit occurred in a so-called have not hitherto been fully characterized•. James 'wind shake' in a log from Jarra Creek near Tully, and Thewlis state that they found hyoscine and North Queensland. Inquiries from foresters and saw­ hyoscyamine to be present and, from evidence of millers indicate that such occurrences are rare. The the hyoscine : hyoscyamine ratios in the two plants log was about 10 ft. in girth, and the deposit appar­ and in their reciprocal grafts, have deduced that ently extended from the base to at least 25 ft. up alkaloid synthesis occurs mainly in the roots. the stem of the tree. A similar occurrence of alum­ Three samples of D. innoxia Miller (see Timmer­ inium succinate has been previously recorded1 in man•), one from the 1950 crop and the others from the Q_rites excelsa R._ Br. (Proteaceoo), popularly known as 1 ?52 crop, were analysed by the method described pre­ silky oak or prrnkly ash, a timber tree of the sub­ v10usly4,5, and the presence of hyoscine (0 ·24, 0 ·30 and tropical rain forests of New South Wales. Basic 0·37 per cent) was confirmed. The fraction at first aluminium succinate was also identified as a white considered to be hyoscyamine (0·035, 0·062 and 0·073 d_eposit in the galleries of a longhorn beetle in per cent) afforded a picrate of melting point consider­ timber of Qualea sp. (Vochysiaccoo) from South ably below that of hyoscyamine picrate. This material, America2• fractional crystallization from water, gave two The present deposit was a loosely aggregated oi: picrates, one of melting point 162-164° C., unde­ grE:yish-white P?wder, wh!ch lost 41 ·2 per cent by p7essed on admixture with authentic hyoscyamine weight when dried at 100 C. The alumina content prnrate, and the other, melting point 175-176° C., of the dried material was 40·9 per cent, and of the ash 99 ·9 per cent. The formula for basic aluminium undepressed on admixture with authentic meteloidine succinate calculated by Smith (lac. cit.), which would picrate. It is therefore apparent that, in addition to hyoscine and hyoscyamine, D. innoxia contains agree with this result, is Al (C H 0 ) Al 0 , but 2 4 4 4 3 2 3 meteloidine. There is indirect support for this con­ Campbell et al. (Zoe. cit.) doubt its validity. Qualitative clusion in certain discrepancies between the acidi­ analysis, confirmed by Dr. F. N. Lahey of the Chem­ 1 metric and colorimetric values for hyoscyamine ; istry Department, University of Queensland, failed meteloidine does not give a colour in the Vitali-Morin to reveal the presence of metals other than aluminium, or organic acids other than succinic acid. The succinic test. In ad hoc experiments, it has been confirmed that hyoscyamine and meteloidine are not separated acid, purified by sublimation, was identified by by the chromatographic method employed both by melting point and mixed melting point with an us and by James and Thewlis, authentic sample. Purification of the original sample 8 by crystallization was impracticable, owing to its From an extension' of our earlier experiments on complete insolubility in a wide range of solvents ; ~afts within the same genus, the simplest conclusions with respect to D. innoxia are that the main site of consequently the exact composition was not de­ alkaloidal syntheses are the roots for hyoscine and termined. the ~rial parts for hyoscyamine ; the site of syn­ Sampl~s of b~r~ and wood from another log of thesis of meteloidine has not been located. ?ardwellia sublimis from Tully contained approx­ C. EVANS imately l ·09 and O ·86 per cent alumina and 2 ·8 and w. M. W. PARTRIDGE 9 ·7 per cent ash respectively on a dry-weight basis. The ash of bark and wood contained approximately University of Nottingham. 40·0 and 82·6 per cent alumina respectively. Jan. 21. The physiological significance of the accumulation 1 James and Thewlis, New Phytol., 51, 250 (1952). 'Haller, Thesis No. 1081, Geneva (1946). Gerlach, Eoon. Bot., 2,436 of aluminium in large quantities by certain plants is . (1948). Hester and Davy, J. Amer. Pharm. Assoc., 29,514 (1933). o:tscure. Chenery3 has suggested that this accumula­ 'Timmerman, Pharm. J., 118, 571 (1928). twn may have some value in taxonomy ; and a 'Evans and Partridge, Quart. J. Pharm., 21, 126 (1948) · J. Pharm. Lond., 1, 593 (1949); 4, 769 (1952). ' ' ~urvey was made of aluminium-accumulating species 'Evans and Partridge, J, Pharm., Lond. (in the press). m tl_ie Queensland-New Guinea flora, using the • Evans and Partridge, Nature, 169, 333 (195-2). 3 alummon test • The occurrence of aluminium ( > 1,000 p.p.m.) in these plants exhibits a remark­ ~ble ~ewee of ~pecificity. Its taxonomic and ecological rmphcatwns for the local flora will be discussed Resistance of Hop Stems to Invasion by elsewhere. Verticillium albo-atrum L. ,J. "WEBB MosT fungi causing vascular wilts of plants enter Division of Plant Industry, through th~ roots and then invade systemically Commonwealth Scientific and the xylem tissue of the root a.nd stem. Their effects Industrial Research Organization, are usually judged by the severity of leaf symptoms, Brisbane. and on this criterion is based an assessment both of Oct. 13. host resistance and of fungal pathogenicity. The exte~t and intensity of fungal growth in the xylem 1 Ma\den, J. H., and. Smith, H. G., Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, 29, (particularly of the stem) parallels the severity of 326 (1895). Sm1tl1, H. G., J. and Proc Roy Soc NS w-•-s 37, 107 (1903). ' . ' ...., ' leaf symptoms, and is also used as an indication of 'Campbell, W. G., l'ackman, D. F., and Rolfe D M E'mp F01' J 24, (2), 232 (1945). ' . .• . ' ., host resistance and fungal pathogenicityi-,. 'Chenery, E. M., Kew Bull., No. 2, 173 (1948) · K B ll N 4 If a host species or variety has high resistance 463 (1949). • ew u ·• -' o. , to a particular strain of wilt pathogen, fungal in- © 1953 Nature Publishing Group.
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