Middle Ages of the City
Chapter 5 Merchants and Bowmen: Middle Ages of the City Once past, dreams and memories are the same thing. U. piersanti, L’uomo delle Cesane (1994) It’s a beautiful day in May. We find ourselves in Assisi, the city of saints Francis and Clare. The “Nobilissima parte de sopra” and the “Magnifica parte de sotto” (the Most Noble Upper Part and the Magnificent Lower Part), which represent the districts of the city’s theoretical medieval subdivision, challenge each oth- er to a series of competitions: solemn processions, feats of dexterity, songs, challenges launched in rhyme, stage shows. In this way, it renews the medieval tradition of canti del maggio (May songs), performed in the piazzas and under girls’ balconies by bands of youths wandering the city. A young woman is elect- ed Madonna Primavera (Lady Spring). We celebrate the end of winter, the return of the sun, flowers, and love. This medieval festival, resplendent with parades, flag bearers, ladies, knights, bowmen, and citizen magistrates, re- sounding with songs, tambourines, and trumpets, lasts three days and involves the entire population of Assisi, which finds itself, together with tourists and visitors, immersed in the atmosphere of a time that was. At night, when the fires and darkness move the shadows and the natural odors are strongest, the magic of the illusion of the past reaches its highest pitch: Three nights of May leave their mark on our hearts Fantasy blends with truth among sweet songs And ancient history returns to life once again The mad, ecstatic magic of our feast.1 Attested in the Middle Ages, the Assisan Calendimaggio (First of May) reap- peared in 1927 and was interrupted by the Second World War, only to resume in 1947.
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