© 2019Empson (U.S.A.) Inc.,Alexandria, VA Winery FactSheet Club Italiano. the prestigiousEco-Friendly awardfromtheTouring Piantavigna washonoredin2014,2017and2018with its workinenvironmentalprotection,Torracciadel community, andtheenvironment.Asareflectionof also theirattitudetowardsthelocalarea, by makingwinesrenownforqualityandelegance but generation drawsinspirationfromPierino,notonly the beginning,toshareownership.Today,current family, whohavebeeninvolvedwithTorracciafrom In 2015,theFrancolifamilyjoinedforceswithPonti liters. expanded toallowthewinerystoreatotalof678,000 which datebacktotheearly1970s,haverecentlybeen to thederelicttowerofcastlethere.Thecellars, where heworked,knownas“laTorraccia”,inreference important partofhislife,andthenamehillside Pierino’s passionforthevineyards,whichweresuchan Piantavigna. Thenameofthecompanywasinspiredby Francoli distilleryformallyfoundedTorracciadel In 1997AlessandroFrancoli,presidentoftheLuigi near theformerCavenagoCastle. his firstvineyardofNebbiolointhehillsaboveGhemme, of thecurrentgenerationFrancolifamily,planted when PierinoPiantavigna,maternalgreatgrandfather The historyofTorracciadelPiantavignabeginsin1977 THE HISTORY TORRACCIA DEL PIANTAVIGNA Fast Facts Province: Ghemme Location: 1997 Established: Beppe Caviola Mattia Donnaand Winemaker: families The FrancoliandPonti Owner: 74 acres(30hectares) Vineyard surface: day, helpingtocreatethearomasingrapes. providing largethermaldifferencesbetweennight and importantly, coolairflowsdownfromthemountains, is heavywithclaycontentandrelativelyacidic.Most the glacialriverwhichrandownfromMonteRosa. It Piemonte. Thesoilisoffluvialandalluvialorigin,from areas oftheCollineNovaresiandVercelliinNorthern and ,thetwoD.O.C.G.areaswithinD.O.C. del Torraccia Piantavigna has vineyards in both Ghemme because it“breathesthemist”ofautumn. ’s mostoutstandinganduniquegrapevariety from MonteRosa.TheNebbiolograpeisconsidered is mitigatedbythecoolcurrentsofairthatflowdown Favored bytheNebbiologrape,continentalclimate on togeneratequalitywineswithlongagingpotential. are extraordinarilyrich in minerals, which the vines draw As aresult,thealluvialhillsoneithersideofSesia surface creatinga‘fossilizedsupervolcano’. enabled thedeepestmagmaticlayertorise the overturningofEarth’scrustinSesiaValley about 60millionyearsago,whentheAlpswerecreated, between theSesiaValleyandSesseraValley.Then, About 290millionyearsago,therewasanactivevolcano THE TERROIR Torraccia Founder:AlessandroFrancoli “ERBAVOGLIO” COLLINE NOVARESI BIANCO GHEMME DOCG: 90% Nebbiolo and 10% DOC: 100% Erbaluce from 10 acres of the Vespolina from our 15 acres located on the estate-owned vineyard Maretta, located first hill of Ghemme and the rolling hills in the hills of the DOC “Colline Novaresi” behind. The grapes are hand tended and above the village of Ghemme. The grapes a green harvested to concentrate aromas are hand-picked in the middle of September and flavors. They are hand-picked in early and transported to the winery in small October and transported to the winery in crates where they are soft-pressed at a low small crates and undergo soft pressing. temperature and the must is held at 0°C for Fermentation takes place in temperature- at least one week to extract fresh aromas controlled steel tanks, monitoring the followed by alcoholic fermentation at a low remontage frequency and the oxygen intake, temperature. The wine ages four months in stainless so as to encourage the extraction of polyphenols and steel and rests one month in the bottle. Pale straw- aromas. This is followed by malolactic fermentation. yellow with greenish hues and fruity, fragrant notes of The wine ages at least three years in medium-size citrus. Fresh-tasting and pleasant with a dry, clear, finish. French oak barrels of Allier and rests in the bottle for six months. Ruby red verging on gold, with a delicate, “NEB” COLLINE NOVARESI DOC: 100% elegant and persistent nose that suggests violet and Nebbiolo from 12 acres of vineyards to the licorice. Dry, powerful and potent on the palate, with East of the river Sesia in the rolling hills soft tannins and good residual acidity. of the DOC “Colline Novaresi” above the village of Ghemme. The grapes are hand- picked normally at the end of September and transported to the winery in small crates. The wine is vinified in steel at low temperatures to extract all the aromas and flavors from the grape. The wine ages in stainless steel tanks and two months in oak casks. The wine has a bright ruby red color with violet hues, a sign of its youth and freshness. The nose has notes of fruits and flowers (especially violet), with gentle balsamic notes. In the mouth, the wine is satisfying, fresh and balanced, with soft tannins.

GATTINARA DOCG: 100% Nebbiolo from 7 acres of the estate-owned vineyards Gerbidoni and Lurghe, located in Gattinara. The hand-picked grapes are are hand- tended and green harvested to concentrate aromas and flavors in early October and transported to the winery in small crates and undergo soft pressing. Fermentation takes place in temperature-controlled steel tanks, monitoring the remontage frequency and the oxygen intake, so as to encourage the extraction of polyphenols and aromas. This is followed by malolactic fermentation. The wine ages at least three years in medium-size French oak barrels of Allier. and rests in the bottle for six months. Garnet red in color with a golden rim that develops with aging, the wine has a fine and pleasant nose, with a hint of violets. On the palate, it is dry and harmonious, with a lightly tannic aftertaste.

© 2019 Empson (U.S.A.) Inc., Alexandria, VA