KEMPS OF OLLANTIGH and KEMPS OF POOLE Being a brief outline of the Ancient Kemp family of Ollantigh Manor, Wye, Kent County, and a brief history of the Kemp Family of Poole, Dorset County, England, and some of the descendants in the United States. By GEORGE EDWARD KEMP ( usually called G. WARD KEMP) LL.B., LL.M., Genealogist of the Washing ton Society, of the Sons of the American Revolittion. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON May, 1939 John Kemp ( 13 S0-14 54), of the Ollantigh family. Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, Cardinal, twice Lord Chancellor. Jn 1452, "Both head of the Church, and Chancellor of the Kingdom." John Knox ( 1505-1572). "The Great Scotch Reformer." One of the ancestors on the maternal side, of the Kemp family of Poole. "The intellectual impulse which the Reformation communicated, is still in full force and will riever fade away" (Universal Dictionary). "John Knox never fc:1red the face of man." COPYRIGHT, 19 3 9 By GEORGE EDWARD KEMP (called G. Ward Kemp) ,-111111ttD 1• U. a.•• MCKAY PRINTINQ CO. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON KEMP FAMILIES FOREWORD lFRED HITCHIN-KEMP, in 1902, published a history of the I ((Kempe and Kemp families in Great Britain and her col onies." This volume comprises approximately 300 pages, dimen sioned 9xl 3 inches, and includes numerous illustrations of per sons and places, and charts of many different family trees, or pedigrees. As a reason for the publication, that author, whom I will refer to as .. HK," for brevity, said, that "persons with the names of Kemp and Kempe, and their variants, were then living side by side in Great Britain, Europe, and Africa, and it will soon be well nigh impossible in the future to trace their origin, unless the present generation takes the trouble to record the facts." He spent over five years gathering data for his history, and in this work he was assisted by more than a hundred other Kemps, both personally, and :financially.
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