JUNE 1962 The
THE MORNINGSIDERis the official alumni publ- ication of Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa JUNE 1962 The President's Pen The North Iowa Annual Conference has just closed its 106th session. On the Cover Probably the most significant action of the Conference related to Morningside and Cornell. Ray Toothaker '03, as Medicine Man Greathealer, The Conference approved the plans for the pro raises his arms in supplication as he intones the chant. posed Conference-wide campaign, which will be conducted in 1963 for the amount of $1,500,000.00, "O Wakonda, Great Spirit of the Sioux, brood to be divided equally between the two colleges over this our annual council." and used by them in capital, or building programs. For 41 years, Mr. Toothaker lhas played the part of Greathealer in the ceremony initiating seniors into The Henry Meyer & Associates firm was em the "Tribe of the Sioux". ployed to direct the campaign. The cover picture was taken in one of the gardens Our own alumnus, Eddie McCracken, who is at Friendship Haven in Fort Dodge, Iowa, where Ray co-chairman of the committee directing the cam resides. Long a highly esteemed nurseryman in Sioux paign, was present at the Conference during the City, he laid out the gardens at Friendship Haven, first three critical days and did much in his work plans the arrangements and supervises their care. among laymen and ministers to assure their con His knowledge and love of trees, shrubs and flowers fidence in the program. He presented the official seems unlimited. It is a high privilege to walk in a statement to the Conference for action and spoke garden with him.
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