Esther (Seymour) Atu,Ooa
The Descendants of John G-randerson and Agnes All en (Pulliam,) Se1f11JJ)ur also A Sho-rt Htstory of James Pull tam by Esther (Seymour) Atu,ooa Genealogtcal. Records Commtttee Governor Bradford Chapter Da,u,ghters of Amertcan Bevolutton Danvtlle, Illtnots 1959 - 1960 Mrs. Charles M. Johnson - State Regent Mrs. Richard Thom,pson Jr. - State Chatrman of GenealogtcaJ Records 11rs. Jv!erle s. Randolph - Regent of Governor Bradford Chapter 14rs. Louis Carl Ztllman)Co-Chairmen of Genealogical. Records Corruntttee Mrs. Charles G. Atwood ) .,;.page 1- The Descendants of John Granderson and Agnes Allen (PuJ.liat~) SeymJJur also A Short History of JOJTJSS ...Pall tarn, '1'he beginntng of this genealogy oos compiled by Mrs. Emrra Dora (Mansfield) Lowdermtlk, a great granddaughter of John Granderson ar~ Agnes All en ( Pu.11 iam) SeymJJur.. After the death of }!rs. Lowdermtlk, Hrs. Grace (Roberts) Davenport added, to the recordso With t'he help of vartous JCJ!l,tly heads over a pertod of mcre than three years, I haDe collected and arrari;Jed, the bulk of the data as tt appears in this booklet. Mach credtt ts due 11"'-rs. Guy Martin of Waverly, Illtnots, for long hours spent tn copytn.g record,s for me in. 1°11:organ Oounty Cou,rthou,se 1 and for ,~.,. 1.vorlt in catalogu,tn,g many old country cemetertes where ouP ktn are buried. Esther (SeymDur) Atluooa Typi!IIJ - Courtesy of Charles G. Atwood a,,-.d sec-reta;ry - .l'efrs e El ea?1fJ7' Ann aox. Our earl1est Pulltam ancestora C(]lTl,e from,En,gland to vtrsgtnta, before the middle of the sel)enteenth century.
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