The Descendants of John G-randerson and Agnes All en (Pulliam,) Se1f11JJ)ur also A Sho-rt Htstory of James Pull tam by Esther (Seymour) Atu,ooa Genealogtcal. Records Commtttee Governor Bradford Chapter Da,u,ghters of Amertcan Bevolutton Danvtlle, Illtnots 1959 - 1960 Mrs. Charles M. Johnson - State Regent Mrs. Richard Thom,pson Jr. - State Chatrman of GenealogtcaJ Records 11rs. Jv!erle s. Randolph - Regent of Governor Bradford Chapter 14rs. Louis Carl Ztllman)Co-Chairmen of Genealogical. Records Corruntttee Mrs. Charles G. Atwood ) .,;.page 1- The Descendants of John Granderson and Agnes Allen (PuJ.liat~) SeymJJur also A Short History of JOJTJSS ...Pall tarn, '1'he beginntng of this genealogy oos compiled by Mrs. Emrra Dora (Mansfield) Lowdermtlk, a great granddaughter of John Granderson ar~ Agnes All en ( Pu.11 iam) SeymJJur.. After the death of }!rs. Lowdermtlk, Hrs. Grace (Roberts) Davenport added, to the recordso With t'he help of vartous JCJ!l,tly heads over a pertod of mcre than three years, I haDe collected and arrari;Jed, the bulk of the data as tt appears in this booklet. Mach credtt ts due 11"'-rs. Guy Martin of Waverly, Illtnots, for long hours spent tn copytn.g record,s for me in. 1°11:organ Oounty Cou,rthou,se 1 and for ,~.,. 1.vorlt in catalogu,tn,g many old country cemetertes where ouP ktn are buried. Esther (SeymDur) Atluooa Typi!IIJ - Courtesy of Charles G. Atwood a,,-.d sec-reta;ry - .l'efrs e El ea?1fJ7' Ann aox. Our earl1est Pulltam ancestora C(]lTl,e from,En,gland to vtrsgtnta, before the middle of the sel)enteenth century. James Pall tam of mere than a century later, and El tzabeth Allen, also of very earltest Engltsh pton.ee~ stock, ~ere ma.rrted, tn Ytrgtnta on February 28, 1757. They purchased, their first tract of lard on Deceml>er SO, 1760 tn Lunenbu,rg County~ Ytrgtnta, a,here they ltoed for seventeen years. Shortly before selltng thetr holdtngs tn thts county, they bou,ght land tn adjotntng Macklenburg County, 1 tvtng there unttl No1Jembe1' 2, 17921 at whtch ttms they moued, across the border tnto Person County, North Caroltna.. rhta neZIJly pu,rcha,sed home 1uas a, tract of tz,,o hundred ten acres and tt was here James dtect tn the summsr of 1799. Eltaa,beth was wtlled the use of all the property her natural 1 tfe or 1utaowhood,* the estate then to be sold and the proceeds turnetl ouer to thetr large famtly of fourteen chtldren. Our ft'rat SBI/TMU,. cincestor tn Amertca., John. Granderson, 1'1a3 bom tn England, November 11, 17721 and came to Person County~ North Carolina,, as a young, single man. Stnce hB left no recortia showtng hts em.ct a,rrtoal date, 1ue can only sur.m,se tt was not m.any months prtor to hfa mo.rrta,ge to Agnes All en Pall tam, daughter of the c.iboue mentfoned Jamsa and Eltaabeth, on Aprtl l, 1794. John Granderson and Agnes wre the pa,renta of etght sons and jtue daughters, all 1 tutng to adl1l thood1 ma.rrytng and establ tshtng hom.es of thetr aim. f'h1Js began, the large fam,1,lg from 1uhtch u,e all ortgtncited. PHE llAJ!E AlW i'AHILY OP SEYMOUR Comptled by '1'he Hed,taResearch Bure(])J, Washtngton, D.C. Phe name SEYMOUB ts generaJ.ly bel te11ea to have been a corraptton of the Nor111D,TJ, name, St. HaJJ,r, although some authortttea assert that tt wa.s aertuea, from the anctent Engltsh bapttsmaJ name of Semar. It ts found, on sarly Engl tsh and Amertcan record.a tn the ua.rtous fo1"m8 of Seamer. Semsr, St.11111,0r, St. Ma,u,r, Sancto li!auro (Lattn form), Semore, SeaZ111Jre, SeamDr, Setmor, Setmore, Semre, S'7114r, s..,.re, Se1/l'l'lma1Jr, Ss1J11111D1J,r, SeJ/llllWr, Se!JIIJ,IJr, Se]IRD.r, Se1J1111Jr, _Se'JlfllDre, Ss]lltlOur, anci others, _of _whtch the form, laat menttond ta that most generally in t.iSe in Amertca today. Accordtno to f011dly traatttona the Se!J10ura or si. JlaJJ,ra were l ti,fng 'tn the etghth csntary at ..~t. Haur-au,r~o'lre, tn f'oara,tns, lra:nce, which plooe, tt ts satct, 1u14 taken tts name frOm, a cs,-tatn monk or herndt ltvtng there at an e1'en earlte,- ttme. SO'IU au.thortttes hold that the f=tly 111ent tnto England 1.utth Wt11,aa thB Conqu,eror fn 1066, tn the person of Gu11 u St. HalJr, and tl&Gt from, ht• a.ll later b,-anchss of the fam,tly are descended. Ho1«11J11r. thts ma.y 'be, tn the early thtrtsenth centu,ry one Str Wtlltcn a. St. HalJr a,cqu,tred, la.n4s ,n Honmou,thahtre, Wa.les, and the f0111,1,Jy la,ter aadsd to tts estates other lands. tn Somersetshtre, Zngla.nd,. S1,-r Wtll ,a (whom one a;athority caJ.ls 11Str lHcha,rd,•) a1as the father of Str Boger de St. HaJJ:r, aJ. tas se'lmor or Se]IIIIIJur, who 14aB the father of Str Boger, »ho marrtea Joan, Dama,rel or Damsrell cud was the fathe.,. by her of S'&r Boger and John Se]IRJl)ur, of whom Str Boger mrr"led Cectlta, daughter of John, de Bea:achamp, and Md tssue by her of S1,r Wtlltam, 11,no marrted Hargaret ~ daughter of Stmon de Bro cm burn, a.nd 1tXlB the father of Boger, 1vho res'ld,ed, -in Wtl tahtre, England, and hail, tssue by hts uJt/e Haw:i,1 daughter of Str Wtlltam Esturmt o-r Stu;rm,y, of S'tr John: ltJho marrted, Isabel, daughter of Hark Wtll tams, and had tssue by her of John# lt1ho marrtea, Elizabeth, dau,ghter of S1,r Robert Coker, aJ1li, dted tn 1463, leavtng tssue of tu10 sons, John and, Humphrey, of 1uhom the ftrst marrted El tzabeth, daughter of Str Geo-rge Darell, and 1.va.s the father by her of Sir John, Str George, Str Robert, Str Wtlltam. and others. Of the last-menttoned. brothers, Str John Se]lllJIJur of Wtltshtre marrtea Margery, daughter of Str Henry Wen,tu,orth, and had tssu.e by her of Str EdlrJard, Str Henry, Str Thomas (Lord, Seymour of Dudley, Htgh Admtra.1 of England, and second hu.soond of Kathertne, Queen of Engla,nd, and wtdow of Ktng Henry the Etghth), John._Ma:rge,-y, Anthony, Jane ( Queen of England,, ltJtfe of Ktng Henry the Etghth), El tzabeth, and Dorothy. Str E~, eldest son of Str John and l!argery, becC111111 Duke of Som,erset, Earl of Hertford, Vtscount Be(JlJ,champ, and Baron Se'JJllll)ur, Lord Protector of England,. By hts first wtfe C4therfne, daughter of Str Wtlltam Ptlltol, he 111as the father of Str EdMard anti, John, of whom, the first 1utll be ... menttonea a,gatn later, and by hts second, wtfe Anne, da».ghter of Sir EdJ.rJard Stanhope, he had fu,rther tssue of three sons anti st:c daughters. '!he last-menttoned Sir EdJiJard1 · Lora Seyml)ur, restdea tn Der;onsht-re~ Engla,n;i,, tn the early sta:teenth century and lu€l8 the fatr.,er .there by his t:Jtfe Jia,rV,dau,ghter of John WaJsh, of Str EdJvard 1 uJho marrted El taabeth, daughter of Str Arthur Champerrf,(Jum,e• tn 1576. He had tssue by her of Str Ed,uJard, John,WtlltQ/1},, Walter, Rtcha.rd, and numerous dcw,ghters. Of these, Str Etb4ard mrrtecl Dorothyi dooghter of Str Henry Ktll tgrei,,, and was the father by her of Str Ecb4ard1 Henry, rnom,a,s 1 Str Joseph, Robert, John, and seoeraJ. aaJJ,[Jhters; John a,ppea:ra to h.aDe marrtsd Eltsabeth Gla.nagan and. to htwe 1 ejt tsaue by her, al though hts, rt1cord,a are not conq,l ete; Wtll ta marr,ed Joan, rJaughter of John ToW111, tn 1602 and ltrc:,.3 the fa,ther by he,. of 4t least one son, nametl Btcha,rd; and BtohaJttl. ( 114u,ngest son of Str Edward anti 81 taabeth) ts sa.ttl - b11 sou authorttfea to MDI dtetl. tn De1J.onshtre tn 1657 and by o thera ta bel f eued. to haDe been ·that Bf chard, SeymtiUr who emtgrated, to American tn 1839. Another cm.tho-rtt11 holds .ths optnton, howuer, ( tt ts belts11ed6 14tth more probdtltty) that the emfgran,t BtcMrd ll1a8 the _aeacendant of one John Semo.re or Se(]IIJ,IJr, l4ho u,as ltotng at S<WbrtdgstMJrth, Hertfordahf re, England,, 'In the early stxteenth centu,ry. f'hta Jo-hn a,as the fa,ther by hts ·1,rtfs~ Jons Andro~ or Andrew, of; among others, Bobert, John, Peter, and Wtlltam, of lt1hom the j1rst marrted Eltaabeth WaJ.ler. tn 1603 and ~ the fat her by her of BtcMrd, JVa.tha.nt sl, Zschartah, El taabeth, anti l!ary, -of whom the jtrst ts beltez,ed, to htwe been the em,tgrant of 1639# who wtll be menttone<L agatn·later. One Humphrey SeJ11111Jur ( pro 'babl 11 the before-m.enttoned younger son of John SeymtJur and El tzabeth CoJ'&er of Wtl tsirtre) 1fllJde hts holllS tn 03;forashtre. England,, tn the early st::teenth century. He lva8 the father by hts "ll)tfe Eltsabeth, aa;u,ghter of John Wtnslow~ of a son nam.ea SymDn, u,ho marrtea atcely, daughter of W"lll tam Brtll~ and uia8 the father by her of Ale3Xl171:ler, Ph:£1 tp, anti, Anne, of 1uhom the first marrted Eltzabeth, d,a;J,ghter of 'frtstrOJT1, Storke, and had.
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