DECEMBER 13, 2014 MirTHErARoMENr IAN -Spe ctator Volume LXXXV, NO. 22, Issue 4367 $ 2.00 NEWS IN BRIEF The First English Language Armenian Weekly in the United States Since 1932 Israel’s Rivlin Backtracks On AGBU Issues Mirror Annual Statement Decrying Winter Break Armenian Genocide Recognition WATERTOWN — The Armenian Mirror- Communication of Spectator will close for the Christmas Once an Outspoken Advocate for Jerusalem Patriarch and New Year break at the end of Israel’s Recognition of the December. The last issue of the year will come out on December 27 while the first Massacres, President Quietly NEW YORK — On December 5, the Armenian General Benevolent Union issue of 2015 will be that of January 10. Distances Himself from Campaign (AGBU) issued a statement in response to the letter last week disseminated widely by Patriarch Nouhan Manougian Uruguay Vice President: By Tamar Pileggi addressed to the Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II. Armenian Genocide The AGBU response appears in its TEL AVIV (Times of Israel) — President entirety below: Will Never Be Forgotten Reuven Rivlin, formerly an outspoken advo - The Armenian General Benevolent cate of Israel’s recognition of the Armenian MONTEVIDEO, Uruguary (PrensaArmenia) — Union has always been watchful and sup - Genocide, decided not to renew his signa - Before his trip to , Vice President of portive of the Armenian Patriarchate of ture on an annual petition calling for Israel President Reuven Rivlin of Israel Uruguay Danilo Astori spoke at Carrasco Jerusalem as we believe it is one of our to officially recognize the mass killings as International Airport with one of the members of most important spiritual and national genocide. the Armenian National Committee of Uruguay institutions in the world in terms of our Those responsible for the petition were comed the president’s “statesmanship.” about the objectives of his official visit to . heritage, and because of the prominent surprised by Rivlin’s change of stance, Israel has avoided formally recognizing “The Armenian Genocide will live forever in our status the Armenian Apostolic Church Israel’s Channel 10 News reported on the Armenian Genocide in the political memory. There is no history or future without maintains in the cradle of Christendom. Thursday night, which was ascribed to the arena for years, for fear of straining diplo - memory,” remarked Astori. “I hope my journey will We also believe heightened sensitivity of his position since matic ties with Turkey, which was Israel’s help to further deepen our ties of friendship with that it is of utmost Rivlin was elected president earlier this closest ally in the Muslim world until the the great country of Armenia.” importance to year. The TV report said Rivlin was appar - deterioration under the leadership of Recep During the term of President José Mujica ending maintain strong ently concerned not to further harm Israel’s Tayyip Erdogan, an open supporter of next March 1, a number of official visits to Armenia relations between strained relations with Turkey. Hamas who has issued a stream of highly were conducted. the Patriarchate Ties have been all but frozen in recent critical statements about Israel. and the Mother years, notably as a consequence of the 2010 In years past, Rivlin on numerous occa - See based on Sentence Extended for killing of nine Turkish citizens by Israeli sions encouraged Israeli lawmakers to reject mutual respect, naval commandos. The Turks were attacked the politicized discourse that has dominated Christian spirit and AGBU President Turkish-Armenian when they intercepted the Turkish vessel the discussion of the issue. “I’m aware of the recognition of the Berge Setrakian Mavi Marmara as it sought to break Israel’s sensitivity, but I’m not blaming modern-day Intellectual Sevan supremacy of the security blockade of Hamas-run Gaza. Turkey,” Rivlin told Knesset (Parliament) Mother See of Echmiadzin as the head The 100th anniversary of the Armenian members last year, when he was still a mem - Nisanyan of our Armenian Apostolic Church. Genocide will be commemorated on April ber of the Knesset himself. “The government The Saint James Brotherhood has ISTANBUL (Today’s Zaman) — The prison sentence 24, 2015. that committed these acts was overturned by been the custodian of the treasures of of Turkish-Armenian linguist and writer Sevan Beit Hanassi, the president’s official resi - Turkey itself,” he said. the Patriarchate and its legacy, histori - Nisanyan, who was jailed on charges of illegal con - dence, confirmed that Rivlin had not signed “I’m sure Turkey will be an ally. I think a cally serving as its true defenders in face struction on his home, has been increased to 11 the petition, Channel 10 said. It said solution needs to be found for this crisis, of many challenges. The Patriarchate years and 8 months, Agos reports. unnamed Foreign Ministry officials wel - see ISRAEL, page 16 has also played an important historical Nisanyan was sentenced in a different case to 5 role in the preservation of our identity years imprisonment and given an additional fine of and we believe that it should continue in 12,600 Turkish Lira by the Selçuk 2. Nisanyan’s its mission keeping pace with the chang - lawyer, Murat Akçi, has stated that they will appeal ing times, with a vision for the future these rulings as well. and a comprehensive plan for renova - Nisanyan is known for his outspokenness against tions of the facilities and improved man - the government. It is widely believed that the intel - agement and public relations practices lectual is being sentenced to prison for the addition which make best use of the tremendous to his home as an excuse, rather than an actual resources of the Patriarchate and poten crime being committed. see STATEMENT, page 16 According to an article on the Al-Monitor news website, Nisanyan expressed the following senti - ments to Turkish journalist Hasan Cemal: “All my life — with my books, with my work in the village — Senate Foreign Relations I tried to do something good for the people. What did I get in return? From the state, I always got sus - Committee Approves picion, enmity and despotism. I always had to deal with ethnic and political prejudices, with disrespect Society for Armenian Studies Conference participants, Washington DC Obama Ambassador and contempt.” Nominees for Armenia, Society for Armenian Studies Washington DC Azerbaijan Conference on Armenians in the Ottoman Empire WASHINGTON — This week, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee INSI DE PART I Manoogian Professor of Armenian (SFRC) approved President Obama’s Language and Literature at the nominees to serve as ambassador to University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, wel - Armenia and Azerbaijan, Richard M. By Aram Arkun comed participants and guests. Mills, Jr. and Robert F. Cekuta, respec - Celebrate Chairman of the conference organizing tively, reported the Armenian Assembly of America. The SFRC approved a slew of WASHINGTON — The Society for committee Dr. Bedross Der Matossian, nominations by voice vote during a Film Armenian Studies (SAS), a primarily assistant professor of Modern Middle closed-door meeting in the Capitol. Page 10 American association of scholars and East History in the Department of “We would like to thank out-going US supporters of Armenology, is celebrat - History at the University of Nebraska, Ambassador John Heffern for his work ing its 40th anniversary this year. It Lincoln, spoke of the attempt to orga - and accomplishments over the last three held an international conference in nize three panels, on the following top - years,” stated Assembly Executive Yerevan in October, and on November ics: the contribution of the Armenians Director Bryan Ardouny. “We look for - INDEX 21-22, it convened a conference in to Ottoman culture, society, art and ward to working with the next ambas - Arts and Living ...... 10 Washington, DC called “Armenians in architecture; Armenians of the Empire sador to continue strengthening the US- Armenia ...... 2 the Ottoman Empire in the 19th-20th from the Balkan Wars to World War I; Armenia partnership.” Community News...... 4 Centuries.” and the Armenian Genocide and its after - The confirmation of the two nominees Editorial ...... 14 SAS Executive Council President Dr. math. Unfortunately no submissions comes at a crucial time as increased ten - International ...... 3 Kevork B. Bardakjian, Marie see SAS, page 12 sions along the Line of Contact (LOC) see AMBASSADORS, page 6 2 S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR ARMENIA News From Armenia Old Yerevan: Urban Restoration Project for Capital to Be Presented Next Year

Karabagh President Levon Vardanyan has one aim – to turn stones are kept. It is a unique monu - Posthumously Awards By Gayane Mkrtchyan the section into a social, cultural center ment. I myself wanted it dismantled. where there will be carpet, silver-mak - Before the case got so loud some of my Serviceman ing, embroidery, pottery centers, as well colleagues had not even seen it. It was YEREVAN (ArmeniaNow) — Next as galleries, museum centers – without in such an urban environment that it YEREVAN (Armenpress) — On December 9 the spring the ‘Old Yerevan’ project a residential area. was unnoticed,” he said. President of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic Bako which includes 30 historical-cultural “You see, the Vernisage that we have Vardanyan said that unlike Afrikyans, Sahakyan signed a decree on awarding posthu- buildings on Yerevan’s main avenue’s is in an embarrassing state… imagine a other ancient monument buildings were mously private of NKR Defense Army’s N division and , Pavstos Byuzand, luxurious version of the Vernisage. I dismantled in a negligent manner, and Garik Ispiryan with the “For Service in Battle” Eznik Koghbatsi and Arami Street mean, I’d like there to be a carpet salon, most of the stones are missing. But pro - medal for bravery shown during the defense of the sections will be introduced to the where they sell, and they can also pro - ject authors are not worried about that, NKR state border. Armenpress was informed about Armenian public. duce if they want to, thus all the because as he said the problem is not in it from the Central Information Department of the Author of the project, architect Armenian we want to introduce, if it is restoring the monument, rather it is Artsakh President’s Office. supposed to be sold, let it be, but I want recreating the old city environment. Earlier the Ministry of Defense of the Nagorno there to be galleries and museums next “I do not need the sign to say Karabagh Republic reported to Armenpress that to it as well,” Vardanyan said. ‘Monument’. I want my grandchildren the military serviceman Garik Ispiryan, born in Lavrentiy Barseghyan’s On December 2, Minister of Urban to grow up and see that Yerevan looked 1995, received a fatal injury after being shot by the Development Narek Sargsyan, on like this in the 19th century,” he said. rival. Investigation is underway to clarify the Requiem Service Takes behalf of the Government of Armenia, The layout of the project will be ready details of the incident. signed an agreement with in March after which it will be present - Place at Yerevan’s St. Multicontinental Distribution Limited ed to public discussions. It has already Serge Sargisian Receives John Church regarding the investment project of Old been discussed in the City Hall Urban Yerevan’s construction. Development Council. Uruguayan Vice YEREVAN (Armenpress) — The Architect Vardanyan said that he met Council member, architect Sashur requiem service for the prominent different investors who, when intro - Kalashyan told RFE/RL’s Armenian President Armenian intellectual Lavrentiy duced to the project, desired to dictate Service that he does not recall any pos - their ideas, while his problem is to itive conclusion regarding the project. YEREVAN ( — Armenian President Barseghyan took place at Yerevan’s St. restore a piece of Yerevan, to restore the According to the architect, this idea is Serge Sargisian on December 9 received the vice John Church on December 8. The environment. artificial, there is nothing like that any - president of Uruguay, President of the Senate funeral ceremony was scheduled to “They are the first investor that where in the world. Danilo Astori, the Armenian presidential press ser- start at the Chamber Music House on immediately understood the project. I “There will be an artificial district on vice reported. Both sides underscored the inter-par- December 9 at 2 p.m. realized from their questions that we both sides of which there will be a liamentary cooperation and effective activities of Founder and director of the will be able to work together. street and there are ten-storied build - the parliamentary friendship groups. Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Preliminary calculations speak about ings on it. Do you imagine the view The Armenian leader thanked Uruguay for the doctor of historical sciences $120-150 million. The duration of the opening from those buildings? That recognition of the Armenian Genocide in 1965, and Barseghyan died on December 6 at the project is five years,” the architect said. location is not an urban environment said that this launched the process of international age of 77. Diana Markosyan, head of Addressing the controversial case of anymore, but a public resort zone. But recognition of this crime. the Public Relations Department of the dismantling the Afrikyans Club neither it is a resort zone, when you sell Speaking about the Bolivian parliament’s recog- Khatchatur Abovian Armenian State Building last summer, Vardanyan said it to an investor, thus it becomes his nition of the Armenian Genocide, the president Pedagogical University, confirmed this that Afrikyans building will have its property,” Kalashyan said. noted that nothing can undermine friendship based and noted that Barseghyan had been in place in the project. According to him, money problems on common values. a coma for 20 days. “The Afrikyans building was indeed are solved, and after that any discussion Sargisian praise the balanced position of Barseghyan, born in 1937, was a pro - dismantled by professionals, all the is useless. All discussions were negative. Uruguay on the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict. fessor and academician. He held several government posts, including first secre - tary of the Spandaryan district of Celebrating Yerevan; the secretary of the Yerevan Two Defendants in Armenia’s Largest city council; and deputy of the manag - International Day of ing committee for the restoration and Drug Bust Declare Their Innocence People with Disabilities preservation of monuments in Armenia. He ran multiple departments an inspector at the Meghri customs YEREVAN — On December 4, the Hyatt Place within the Ministry of Culture; was By Anahit house. Zakaryan said the truck dri - Yerevan, together with the Children of Armenia director of the Sardarapat State Baghdasaryan ven by Martiashvili was scanned as Fund (COAF) and Orran benevolent organization, Museum and the State Museum of the per routine and that a foreign sub - celebrated the International Day of People with Armenian Revolution; served as chief stance had shown up on the surveil - Disabilities and one-year anniversary of the hotel. executive officer of the Sports Complex GORIS (ArmeniaNow) — The two lance camera. His superiors were The event was also an occasion to welcome the hol- in Yerevan (director of tours, and con - men charged with involvement in informed and the truck was sent to iday season for the children who are beneficiaries certs); and was the managing principle Armenia’s largest drug bust ever Yerevan for further examination. of COAF-supported programs and Orran activities. guide for the conservation and use of protested their innocence during Zakaryan testified that when More than 30 kids from the organizations came historical and cultural monuments. He trial proceedings in late November Martiashvili was informed about the together at the Hyatt Place Yerevan and enjoyed was vice president of the Armenian at the Goris branch of the Syunik concealed substance, the driver various programs, organized specially for them: Academy of Sciences, and from 1995 to Court of Jurisdiction. replied that the cargo wasn’t his. cooking and drawing classes, preparation of 2006 director of the Museum-Institute The trials of Avtandil Martiashvili, Zakaryan also stated that the driver Christmas ornaments, enjoying pizza, hot choco- of Armenian Genocide. a Georgian citizen who was driving tried to telephone the owner of the late, cocoa, cookies and sweets. the truck when 850 kilos of heroin cargo but received no answer. The cus - In the cozy and warm atmosphere, the children Renovations to were seized on January 17, 2014 at toms official noted that while also performed Christmas-related songs and poems, the Meghri customs house, and Martiashvili exuded confidence and played games and engaged in other fun activities. Ancient Odzoun Turkish citizen Osman Ogurlu, who was not opposed to an examination, The day’s festivities concluded with the Hyatt heads the company that had leased he was against the truck being picked Place Yerevan presenting gifts to the children and Church Completed the truck in question, have been apart due to damage concerns. organizing group photo taking around the combined. The next person to testify was YEREVAN (Hetq) — The 5-7th century Christmas Tree. When asked by Judge Vahe Albert Mkrtumyan, who operates Odzoun church in the northern Lori This was the first event organized by the Hyatt Margaryan if Ogurlu agreed to the the x-ray cameras at the Meghri cus - Province has been successfully renovat - Place Yerevan Hotel for children with disabilities charges as presented in the indict - toms house and who photographed ed according to Levik Ghoughasyan, and those coming from vulnerable families, aiming ment against him (that he organized the truck in question. president of LevGouk Ltd., the contract - to become a tradition to follow in the years to the transport of the drugs to Turkey Mkrtumyan stated that when he ing company that has worked on the come. through the transit territories of spotted some imbalance in the floor church for the past fifteen years. Armenia and Georgia and that he is of the truck he asked the driver if The structure has been internally rein - thus guilty of violating the articles anything was amiss. Mkrtumyan Armenian Soldier Killed forced and only cosmetic modifications on contraband and the illegal said that Martiashvili replied that have been made to the outer façade. The In Nagorno-Karabagh turnover of narcotic drugs or psy - nothing was wrong and even remaining murals were also cleaned. chotropic materials with the pur - opened the section and told him to “We were actually involved in healing YEREVAN (AP) — Nagorno-Karabagh says one of its pose of manufacture or sale), the take a look. the old monastery rather than renovat - soldiers has been killed in a clash with Azerbaijani defendant declared he is not guilty. The court has appointed an ing it,” says Ghoukasyan. “We tried to forces. State prosecutor Armen Armenian- Georgian translator that interfere as little as possible to the build - The military said the soldier was shot and killed Panosyan then asked Avtandi had been requested by Martiashvili’s ing in order to maintain its architectural in fighting Monday. David Babaian, a spokesman Martiashvili if he was guilty of the Georgian lawyer. and historic value.” for the Nagorno-Karabagh government, said charge of conspiring with Ogurlu to One witness failed to make the Ghoukasyan has renovated and repaired Tuesday that the clash occurred when Azerbaijani conceal and transport the contra - session due to health reasons, over twenty churches in the country. forces launched an attack on the Armenian posi- band through Armenia. The defen - requesting that his original testimo - He says that the best engineers from tions. dant also replied he was not guilty. ny be submitted as evidence. Armenia and experts from Milan’s The court then heard the testimo - The trial was scheduled to contin - Polytechnic Institute collaborated on ny of Artour Zakaryan who works as ue on December 11. the project that cost upwards of $800,000. S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 3 INTERNATIONAL Armenian, Turkish Organizations Working Together International News To Commemorate Genocide Centennial in Istanbul ISTANBUL ( — Turkish about the planned events can be found demonstrate to the world that while the Turkey Pipeline Reduces and Armenian-American organizations at Turkish government may not be ready Risks — Gazprom CEO are working together to commemorate “As Armenians, we are going to to come to terms with this country’s the centennial of the Armenian Istanbul to memorialize the brutal mas - past, we as citizens of Turkey are ready.” MOSCOW ( — The construction of a Genocide on April 24, 2015 and to sacre of our family members, and to DurDe is one of Turkey’s leading civil gas pipeline under the Black Sea to Turkey will encourage Armenians from around the remind the world that 100 years later, and human rights organizations, work - make it possible to reduce to zero the risks linked world to attend, and Project we are still seeking justice and account - ing to combat racism, nationalism and with natural gas transit via Ukraine, Aleksey Miller, 2015 announced on December 8. The ability from the Turkish government,” hate crimes. It is an activist network CEO of Russia’s natural gas monopoly Gazprom concerted campaign by Ottoman lead - said Sarah Leah Whitson, board mem - that in recent years has played an impor - said on Rossiya 24 TV channel on Tuesday, accord- ers a century ago resulted in the deaths ber of Project 2015. “For many of us, tant role in organizing commemora - ing to TASS. and exile of the vast majority of their this is a first return to the lands of our tions for the Armenian Genocide in “The gas pipeline construction to Turkey will nul- Armenian citizens. ancestors, who lived here for thousands Istanbul. Project 2015 is a US-based lify the risks related to the natural gas transit via While Turkish groups have organized of years before their murders and expul - non-profit organization comprised of Ukraine,” he said. memorial events in Istanbul for the past sions 100 years ago.” Armenians, Turks and Americans to On December 1, Russian President Vladimir several years, the anti-discrimination Discussion of the Armenian Genocide encourage wide participation in the Putin said, “Russia in the current conditions can- DurDe and Project 2015, a US-based in Turkey remains a highly sensitive commemoration events in Istanbul. not implement the South Stream project.” organization, are working to ensure subject in Turkey and subject to crimi - “Commemorating the Armenian that a large contingent of Armenians nal sanctions. The Turkish government Genocide in the place where the crimes come to Turkey for the historic centen - has prosecuted journalists, writers and took place will be a deeply meaningful Azeri Paper Says nial commemoration. academics for making reference to the experience,” said Nancy Kricorian, Wahhabis Bribe Officials “We encourage and welcome Armenian Genocide. However, past com - Project 2015 board member. “Our pres - Armenians from around the globe to memorations of the Armenian Genocide ence in Istanbul will be a form of resis - To Look the Other Way assemble with citizens of Turkey in in Istanbul have taken place without tance to erasure and denial.” Istanbul to participate in these memorial incident, and with the benefit of munic - BAKU ( — The campaign that had events,” said Levent Sensever of DurDe. ipal police protection. been launched at the beginning of the year against “As Turks, we want to express our soli - In 2014, then-Prime Minister Tayyip Wahhabis and other radicalized Muslim groups in darity with Armenians as we pay our Erdogan expressed his condolences to Azerbaijan have stopped, according to the newspa- respects to the victims and survivors of the grandchildren of “Armenians who Britain’s Cameron per Yeni Musavat. According to the information this terrible crime, and press our govern - lost their lives in the context of the early received, the high officials came to an agreement ment to recognize the genocide.” 20th century” but failed to acknowledge To Ask Turkey for with Wahhabi patrons from Saudi Arabia and The events in Istanbul will include a the role of the Ottoman government in United Arab Emirates for a huge sum of money in public assembly in Taksim on the systematically causing these losses. The More Data on exchange for the hands-off stance. evening of April 24. It will also include Turkish government has refused to rec - At the beginning of the year Yeni Musavat news- a memorial service at Sisli Armenian ognize the massacres of the Armenians Foreign Fighters paper office got information about some officials, Apostolic Cemetery (Sisli Ermeni as genocide. including A. Pashazadeh, the chairman of the LONDON (Today’s Zaman) — British Gregoryen Mezarligi), where Sevag “As Turks, we are striving to broaden Caucasian Muslims Office, getting a huge sum of Prime Minister David Cameron will use Sahin Balikçi is buried; Balikçi was an the space to discuss the events leading “donations” for creating opportunities to spread talks in Ankara on December 9 to ask Armenian soldier serving in the Turkish to the near total destruction of one of Wahhabi teachings in Azerbaijan. Turkey to supply Britain with more and military who was murdered by a Turkish the region’s oldest indigenous commu - swifter information about Britons fight - soldier on April 24, 2011. Information nities,” Sensever said. “We want to ing in and Iraq with Islamic State Russia Suspends Rail of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), his spokesman said. Service to Ukraine He is also likely to raise reports that MOSCOW (RFE/RL) — Russia’s state railway com- Azerbaijani Journalist Detained Turkey handed over two captured pany says it will stop almost all service to British ISIL militants to the extremist Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan for On ‘Outrageous’ Charge — Editor group in October as part of a swap to a year starting December 14, citing a lack of secure the release of Turkish hostages, demand. BAKU (Guardian) — Khadija Ismayilova, an Azerbaijani investigative jour - without consulting Britain. In a statement on its website on December 9, nalist who contributes to Radio Free Europe (RFE), is under custody on a “Counter-terror is front and centre,” Russian Railways said its Federal Passenger charge her chief editor calls “outrageous.” Cameron’s spokesman told reporters in Company unit is suspending the service because it She has been sentenced by a court in Baku to two months of pre-trial London, describing the visit’s purpose. is not profitable. It said “the decision to suspend detention for allegedly inciting a man to attempt suicide. If found guilty, she Cameron is due to meet Turkish some trains’ operations had been caused by a sig- could face three to seven years in prison. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on nificant decrease in the volume of international rail RFE’s chief editor, arrival in Ankara and have an evening travel, which led to the ineffective use of engines Nenad Pejic, said it meeting with President Recep Tayyip and trains.” was yet another Erdogan. Russian Railways will continue to operate trains attempt in a two- Asked whether the British leader to Moldova, Belarus, and northern Kazakhstan as year campaign to would raise the case of the two British well as two trains to Uzbekistan, which go through silence Ismayilova, jihadis, Cameron’s spokesman said: Kazakhstan. who has investigat - “They’ll discuss the full range of ed government cor - counter-terror-related issues. ruption and human The spokesman suggested talks on Georgian and Armenian rights abuses in the subject would be aimed at ensuring Currencies Collapse Azerbaijan. “Khadija such an episode was not repeated. is being punished Britain said last month it was facing TBILISI (Financial Times) — Georgia’s currency has for her journalism,” its greatest national security threat, in collapsed to its lowest level versus the dollar in Pejic said. part because of the risk that Britons more than a decade and the Armenian dram to its The charge was who return from fighting with ISIL lowest since 2006 as the Russian rouble quake brought the day could launch attacks on home soil. sends tremors across the former Soviet Union. after Ramiz Many of the about 500 Britons who Russia’s neighbors are closely tied to their for- Mehdiyev, chief of Khadija Ismayilova authorities believe have traveled to the mer master’s economy through trade ties and staff to Azeri presi - region have used Turkey as a transit remittances. When the rouble plunges it piles pres- dent Ilham Aliyev, point and around half that number are sure onto their currencies. issued a 60-page statement accusing Ismayilova of “defiance” and displaying believed to have returned to Britain. Kazakhstan was forced to devalue the tenge ear- a “destructive attitude toward well-known members of the Azerbaijani com - Cameron’s focus will be to get the lier this year when the rouble first began to slump, munity,” which “pleases [her] patrons abroad.” Turkish government and Turkish com - but now the heat is on Armenia and especially The statement added that the Azerbaijani service of RFE (aka Radio mercial airlines to do more to identify Georgia. Liberty) is on a “disgusting path” and that its employees work “for a foreign radicalized Britons flying to or from the Georgian President Georgi Margvelashvili told secret service.” region. reporters in Warsaw that the agreements “threat- Pejic said Mekhdiyev’s statement was dangerous and reckless, and could The spokesman said Britain received ens and undermines the territorial integrity and be perceived as a threat against other RFE/RL employees. passenger data from more than 90 per - sovereignty of Georgia,” reports Henry Foy. Dunja Mijatovic, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in cent of non-EU countries such as The Georgian lari slumped 4.4 percent against Europe’s representative on media freedom, called Ismayilova’s arrest “noth - Turkey, but wanted more information the dollar, extending its rout since the beginning of ing but orchestrated intimidation, which is a part of the ongoing campaign and faster. November to 14.4 percent. The Armenian dram has aimed at silencing her free and critical voice.” Relations between Britain and Turkey fallen 1.4 percent versus the dollar, taking its In October, she was prevented from visiting the United States to testifying are broadly strong. London supports decline over the same period to almost 10 percent. at a hearing on corruption and later that month also denied a visa to attend Turkey’s bid to join the European Union Russia is an important trading partner for both, an international conference in Prague. and regards Ankara as a close ally in the as they have both benefitted from worker remit- Ismayilova has reported extensively on the financial activities of family Middle East. tances, which are likely stalling now with weak members of President Aliyev. She has been threatened with physical harm The talks are also likely to include growth in Russia, and lower oil prices. Exports to and arrest since 2012. In February, the official media accused her of spying bilateral trade, Turkey’s forthcoming Russia have also been quite significant for both. for the US after she met with senate representatives in Baku. presidency of the G20 and how Britain can help Turkey cope with large num - bers of Syrian refugees. 4 S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR Community Ne ws

Ambassador Sargisian Prof. Hovannisian Delivers Speech at US In Multiple Fall Capitol Hill Celebration Of Artsakh’s Presentations LOS ANGELES — During the 2014 Fall Independence Day Quarter at the University of California, Los Angeles, Prof. Richard Hovannisian participat - WASHINGTON — On December 2, the ed in 20 university and community programs. Armenian Assembly of America, the Armenian His university and academic presentations National Committee and the Armenian were on Modern Armenian History; the Caucasus of the US House of Representatives Armenian Genocide and Contemporary celebrated the 23rd Anniversary of Artsakh’s Denial; Historic Western Armenia; the Smyrna independence, at the Rayburn House Building Calamity of 1922; Oral History and Memoirs; hall, with the presence of Speaker of the and the Republic of Armenia. The lectures Republic Ashot Ghoulian, who was visiting the were given at Boston University on September US, and the Ambassador of Armenia in the US 25 (Kinosian Chair, Prof. Simon Payaslian); Tigran Sargisian. International Association of Armenian Studies A dozen US representatives voiced their sup - and Matenadaran, Yerevan, October 9-10; port and spoke during the celebration with Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, October 15- strong messages of peace, freedom and self- 17 (Dr. Razmik Panossian, Gulbenkian determination of the people of Artsakh, along Foundation, and Prof. Sebouh Aslanian, with Ghoulian, Sargisian also gave a very effec - UCLA); Loyola-Marymount University, October tive speech. Below are excerpts. 20 (Dept. of History, Prof. Najwa al-Qattan); “I am very glad to note that the meetings in Clark University, October 24-25 (Strassler Congress devoted to the anniversary of Holocaust & Genocide Studies Center, Nagorno-Karabagh have become a tradition. Fr. Mampre Kouzouian presenting his son, Fr. Vasken, with a hand-cross and family Kaloosdian-Mugar Chair, Worcester State, and When I looked through the records about the heirlooms spanning generations NAASR); University of Michigan-Dearborn, previous meetings, I noticed that, as a rule, all November 2 (Armenian Research Center, Prof. speeches delivered here have been inspired by Ara Sanjian); University of Michigan-Ann the spirit of freedom and democracy. I believe Arbor, November 3 (Armenian Studies that it is not accidental. The Congress of the Holy Trinity Celebrates Program, Prof. Katherine Babayan); Society United States is an institution, which was set up for Armenian Studies and Middle East Studies to serve the highest and the noblest aspirations Association, Washington, D.C., November 21- of human civilization — cause of freedom and 20th Anniversary of 22 (Prof. Bedross Der Matossian, U. of democracy. Nebraska); and Chapman University, I also noticed, however, that unfortunately December 9 (History Department, Dr. Marilyn there was another “tradition” here — the tradi - Fr. Kouzouian’s Ordination Harran). tion of protesting against these meetings. Like Five Sub-deacons Ordained Professor Hovannisian also continued his

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — On Sunday, October 26, the community of Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Greater Boston celebrated the 20th anniversary of the ordi - nation of their pastor, Fr. Vasken Kouzouian, as well as the ordination of five sub- deacons of the parish. October 26 was the Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross where the Church Fathers had written beautiful hymns for this feast, and the six clergymen who were present at the morning service beginning at 8 a.m., filled the sanctuary with the ancient hymns. The beautiful Sharagans were sung as the clergymen used to sing in the centuries-old monasteries lifting up their hearts and filling the church with the prayers of the Church Fathers. The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by the pastor, surrounded by thirteen dea - cons, sub-deacons, and acolytes of the church. The choir sang beautifully, aug - Ribbon-cutting at the American University of mented by members of the Junior Choir, former choir members, and many cler - Armenia in Yerevan gymen. The services were presided over by the Primate of the Eastern Diocese, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, and Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Diocesan Legate and Ecumenical Officer. The sermon of the day was offered by the Primate, who community talks and engagements. During at the conclusion of his words, bestowed upon the pastor a floral pilon (Phelonion) the Fall Quarter, he made presentations at St. in appreciation of Kouzouian’s devotion and leadership to the Diocese of the John Armenian Church in San Francisco, Armenian Church of America and the parishes and ministries where he has served. September 21; Organization of Istanbul Ambassador Tigran Sargisian during the speech The floral pilon was underwritten by the pastor’s Ordination Godparents, Mr. and Armenians, Los Angeles, September 26; St. Mrs. Gerald Boghosian of Lexington. The Primate concluded the church services Gregory the Illuminator Church and with the ordination of five sub-deacons — Oscar Derderian, III, Stephen Hollisian, Community Center of the United Arab in previous times the members of the Congress Harry Lang, Gregory and Mark Torosian, all trained through the services of Emirates, Sharjah-Dubai, October 7; Hairenik received letters urging them to refrain from Deacon Gregory Krikorian of the parish. Family members, friends, parishioners, Association Anniversary, Boston, October 26; attending today’s event. St. Leon Church, Fairlawn, New Jersey, Indeed the people who are protesting against continued on next page October 30; AGBU Manoogian School, Detroit, this wonderful event are professing other val - November 2; Hamazkayin Cultural Association ues. I believe, therefore, that the very problem and Sourp Khatch Church, Washington, D.C., of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict can be epito - November 22; Hamazkayin, London, mized by a single expression — a conflict of val - November 30; Armenian “National ues. This conflict is not about a contradiction Home/Azkayin Dun”, Sofia, Bulgaria, between two principles of international law — December 1; and Armenian Community right for self-determination and territorial Center, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, December 2. In integrity — as presented by our opponents. It is Bulgaria, he also gave interviews for local about a fight between two opposing concepts of Bulgarian television and was filmed for a human dignity. Bulgarian documentary on the occasion of the Indeed, on one side of the conflict we have centenary of the Armenian Genocide. the people of Nagorno-Karabagh which 25 years While in Yerevan in October, a ceremony ago raised the flag of freedom. Who believed in was held at the American University of democratic transformations of that time and Armenia to acknowledge Hovannisian’s gift of raised their voice against totalitarianism. Who his professional library to the AUA library. believed in equality and sparked a liberation During this period, Richard Hovannisian also movement with one single objective in mind — began his appointment as Adjunct Professor of to exercise their right to self-determination and History at the University of Southern build their own home in accordance with the California to work with the Shoah Foundation values they are devoted to. Newly ordained Sub-deacons with Primate, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian on the integration of several hundred survivor On the other side of the conflict we had and testimonies made available by the Armenian unfortunately still do have a classic oil-revenue- Film Foundation. see INDEPENDENCE, page 7 S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 5 COMMUNITY NEWS Holy Trinity Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Fr. Kouzouian’s Ordination from previous page his family have offered the Armenian Church and the over-whelming youth of Holy Trinity’s spanning generations stating, “the family into ACYOA and Church Schools filled the large which Der Vasken was born has repeatedly sanctuary which added to the overall love for taken up the Cross of Christ and carried it for - the pastor and five young men ordained on that ward in life,” referring to the family’s oral histo - day. ry that Holy Trinity’s pastor is the fifty-first With a capable Celebration Committee in priest in their lineage to serve the Armenian place for several months, chaired by Lisa Church. Stephanian Burton, they had worked to ensure A former classmate of Kouzouian, the Rev. a fitting tribute and appropriate celebration to Sarkis Petoyan, traveled from Pasadena, Calif., honor their beloved pastor. Also on the com - to be present and speak about his classmate mittee were Gregory A. Kolligian, Jr., Parish and dear friend on this day. “I feel doubly hon - Council Chairman, Janice Dorian, Lisa Kolligian ored to speak today, inasmuch as I was a speak - Dorian, Nancy D. Kasarjian, Yeretzgin Arpi er at his ordination banquet in this very hall 20 Kouzouian, Carol Krikorian, Deacon Gregory years ago. Thank you Fr. Vasken, for you visit Krikorian, Danielle Malconian, Anna the sick and comfort those who mourn. You Margaryan, Barbara Surabian, Christopher counsel the doubtful and give direction to Tashjian and Cheryl Balian Scaparrotta, biog - those called to marriage. It’s not easy, but that’s rapher. ACYOA Juniors and Seniors sharing their feelings for Fr. Vasken what you do. You are a priest. You love God and Weeks before the deadline, the celebration people not because you are a priest. You are a was sold out with approximately 400 parish - priest because you first love God and people. ioners and friends from the greater Boston of his ordination. Today not only gives us the wife, Yn. Arpi Kouzouian, for serving on the Der Vasken, as the Holy Spirit directs you in area, Canada, New York, Philadelphia, New opportunity to celebrate this milestone, but it Governing Board of the National Council of the next 20 years of your ministry, rest assured: Jersey and California present to show their love also affords us the occasion to celebrate all the Churches of Christ, USA. This was followed by we stand with you side by side.” and respect for Kouzouian, including 16 clergy - wonderful ways Der Vasken has affected our a tribute made by Antranig Garibian, Esq., long - A professional video about the life and min - men from the Armenian Church, the president lives and the lives of our families.” time friend of Kouzouian and fellow member of istry of Kouzouian was produced and presented and dean of the Episcopal Divinity School of James M. Kalustian, chairman of the the Diocesan Council, who had traveled with by Ara Hollisian, vice chairman of the Parish Cambridge, the Very Rev. Katherine Hancock Diocesan Council, member of the Supreme his family from Philadelphia to be present at Council. The video, which was narrated by fam - Ragsdale, the Rev. Laura Everett, executive Spiritual Council and deacon at Holy Trinity, this celebration. Anna Garabedian, chairman of ily members, office staff of Holy Trinity, and the director, Massachusetts Council of Churches, served as master of ceremonies, interspersing the St. Mark Armenian Church of Springfield, chairman of the Parish Council, showed photos and Brian Corr, executive director, Cambridge personal vignettes and facts throughout the where Kouzouian had first Peace Commission. A commemorative booklet, day. served as pastor, spoke about prepared by the committee and office staff, was A musical tribute was offered by the hon - their days together and the placed at every table setting, as well as a com - oree’s sister, Joyce Arpie Kouzouian, accompa - work that he offered in the memorative ornament gifted by the family. The nied at the piano by Nune Hakobyan. A cele - parish. program began with the voices of Holy Trinity’s bratory toast was made by Committee Remarks were made by ACYOA Seniors and Juniors filling the Charles Chairman Lisa Burton, who reflected on the Kouzouian’s predecessor at and Nevart Talanian Cultural Hall with the accomplishments of her childhood friend and Holy Trinity, Fr. Mampre National Anthems of the United States and now pastor on his 20 years of service. Dinner Kouzouian, who presented Armenia, accompanied on the piano by Nune started with the Invocation offered by his son with a silver hand- Hakobyan, and trumpet by Dan Teager. Aykazian, past president of the National cross originally gifted to him Welcome remarks were offered by the chair - Council of Churches of Christ, member of the by his own mother at his ordi - man of the Parish Council, Gregory A. Governing Board of the World Council of nation, and other liturgical Kolligian, Jr., who expressed his joy of working Churches and president of Christian Churches family heir-looms. with Kouzouian for the parish. “On behalf of Together. A special tribute letter from the entire Holy Trinity parish, I want to con - Following the dinner, remarks were offered Archbishop Nourhan gratulate Der Vasken on the 20th anniversary by Aykazian, who also praised the honoree’s Manougian, Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, was read by the Very Rev. Krikor Maksoudian, praising his efforts and expressing his con - gratulations to Kouzouian for his leadership and work in the Diocese of the Armenian Church, in Youth Ministry, Fr. Vasken describing his 20 years of ministry and in parish life. At the con - clusion of the letter, a surprise and videos from his childhood through the 20 bejeweled Pectoral Cross, made in Jerusalem, years since his ordination. Similarly, excerpts was presented to the honoree with these words: and tributes from parishioners’ congratulatory “On this occasion, I send you a Pectoral Cross letters were shown on the main screen through - so that its yoke may bond you to the out the day. Patriarchate of the Armenian Church of Kouzouian warmly addressed the crowd, say - Jerusalem, and that in a way you become her ing, “Dear friends, I thank you all for being a ‘ambassador.’ May you be one of the chosen part of today, because you were all such an and remain faithful to Sts. James.” important part of these last 20 years. I am hum - A highlight of the day was the active presence bled and honored by your presence. I love each of Holy Trinity’s ACYOA Juniors and Seniors. In one of you. I love serving God through the Armenian Church. I love the fact that He ‘Called’ me — with all my flaws and my strengths to serve a Church that was here well before I was born, and will be here well after I’m gone. He must have known something I didn’t. As I look out among all of you filling this Hall, I think about tomorrow. It’s not my tomorrow, and it’s not your tomorrow. I am thinking about our tomorrow. We have grown closer over the years, and I look forward to sharing the sto - ries of our lives in the years to come. God blessed me with won - derful parishioners over the years, and with a ministry I never would have imagined possible.” According to the wishes of the pastor, the over $20,000 in gifts Archbishop Khajag Barsamian bestowing floral on Fr. Vasken pilon made on the occasion of his 20th anniversary have been designated a collective and moving presentation the young by Kouzouian to establish a “Youth Center” parishioners of Holy Trinity lined the stage, within the Holy Trinity parish. Many of the each holding a one word placard, expressing expenses of the celebration were underwritten what he means to them and to the parish. by members of the parish. The Primate, in his remarks, tied the feast day The celebration concluded with a closing of the Holy Cross to the service Kouzouian and prayer by Aykazian. 6 S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR COMMUNITY NEWS Senate Foreign Relations Committee New and Old Keghi Find Approves Obama Ambassador Nominees Connections in Detroit For Armenia, Azerbaijan AMBASSADORS, from page 1 tant secretary of state of the Energy Resources tural improvements.” between Nagorno Karabagh (NK) and Bureau. Prior to this, he was the Deputy By Mitch Kehetian He emphasized “we welcome your help in Azerbaijan have claimed dozens of lives this Assistant Secretary for Energy, Sanctions, and supporting our mission, especially as our year. The latest example of Azerbaijan aggres - Commodities in the State Department’s Bureau people throughout the world community in sion occurred on November 12th, when an for Energy and Business Affairs. Previous over - DETROIT — In honoring their ancestry to 2015 join together to seek justice for our Azerbaijani military unit historic Keghi in Turkish-occupied western people massacred during the Turkish geno - stationed near the Armenia, Detroit Armenians have taken cide of 1915 killing more than 1.5 million fel - LOC shot down an another giant step to strengthen linkage to low Armenians. And the Turkish govern - unarmed NK army heli - Nor Keghi in the Republic of Armenia. ment still denies it was genocide, even after copter killing all three ser - More then 350 area Armenians joined 100 years.” vicemen aboard. hands October 25 at St. John Armenian Highlights of the “ pagharch celebration” A career diplomat, Mills Church Cultural Hall to celebrate Kef Time included the lighting of candles on a has held numerous diplo - Keghi II while feasting on traditional huge decorated Armenian tri-color sheet matic positions. Currently, Keghetzi pagharch — moved by continuous cake to honor the names and memory of vil - he is the deputy chief of dance music provided by 22 Armenian lages in old Keghi district. Nor Keghi was mission at the US musicians who donated their talents to sup - formerly known as Pazmavan until 1962 Embassy in Beirut, port the local Nor Keghi Association mission when it was renamed by the Lebanon. launched last year. then Soviet Armenian government. He also has diplomatic Richard Norsigian, chair of the associa - The cake lighting ceremony headed experience with tion’s steering committee, drew applause by community activist Marty Shoushanian Armenia. Early in his Richard M. Mills Jr., Robert F. Cekuta when he told the celebrants ”our fellow then expanded to include other districts in career, following the dis - Hyes of present-day Armenia need our sup - western Armenia, including Sepastia, solution of the Soviet port to confront a challenging future. We Erzeroum, Van, Bitlis, Moush and Kharpet. Union, he was the desk officer at the State seas assignments have included stints in Tokyo thank you and members of our four church - “We all share a rich heritage,” he stressed. Department for the newly independent and Berlin. He is a graduate of Georgetown es for joining hands in a noble cause. We As the steaming Keghetzi pagharches Armenia and Azerbaijan. University and holds an MA from the will succeed.” were brought into the dining hall as Mills has also held positions in Malta, Paris, Thunderbird School of Global Management and He also announced the committee will “tonight’s guests” to dance music, applaud - St. Petersburg and Dublin, among others. the National War College. hold an open meeting on Jan. 18 at St. ing Detroit Hyes were reminded of William He is a graduate of Georgetown University’s With the committee’s approval, their nomina - Sarkis Armenian Church, Norsigian said the Saroyan’s stirring words: “Go ahead, destroy School of Foreign Service. Mills holds a JD from tions move to the Senate floor for a vote, which committee plans to outline its goal Armenia, burn their churches and homes the University Of Texas School of Law, as well is expected sometime next week. Senate confir - to renovate some of Nor Keghi’s public but see whenever two Armenians get togeth - as an MA in international security affairs from mation of a number of President Obama’s nom - schools now in need of health and struc - er they will sing and dance again . . .” the National Defense University. inees including Mills and Cekuta are likely Cekuta is currently the principal deputy assis - before Congress adjourns for the year.

Nardolillo Funeral Home Est. 1906 John K. Najarian, Jr. Rhode Island’s Only Licensed Armenian Funeral Director 1278 Park Ave. Cranston, RI 02910 (401) 942-1220 1111 Boston Neck Rd. Narragansett, RI 02882 (401) 789-6300 December 2, 2014 Dear friends,

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1200 N. Cahuenga Blvd. Los Angees, CA 90038 Bus. Reg. 189-06 Liberty Ave., Hollis, NY 11412 Consultation Office: 217-04 Northern Blvd., (Suite 23), Bayside,NY 11361 S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 7 COMMUNITY NEWS Sentence Extended for Turkish- Armenian Intellectual

ISTANBUL (Today’s Zaman) — The prison According to the Agos , Akçi claims that they sentence of Turkish-Armenian linguist and were not even aware of the number of charges writer Sevan Nishanyan, who was jailed on brought against his client because those who charges of illegal construction on his home, has are found guilty of crimes by the Conservation been increased to 11 years and 8 months, Agos District Board Office do not receive notifica - reports. tions of the judgment. Nishanyan is known for Nishanyan was sentenced in a different case his outspokenness against the government. It is to a total of 5 years 2 months 15 days impris - widely believed that the intellectual is being onment and given an additional fine of 12,600 sentenced to prison for the addition to his Turkish Lira by the Selçuk 2. Criminal Court of home as an excuse, rather than an actual crime First Instance for opposing the Code of being committed. Protection of Cultural and Natural Properties According to an article on the Al-Monitor news (KTVKK). With the addition of this sentence, website, Nishanyan expressed the following sen - Nisanyan’s total prison sentence now stands at timents to Turkish journalist Hasan Cemal: “All 11 years 8 months. Nishanyan’s lawyer Murat my life — with my books, with my work in the vil - Akçi has stated that they will appeal these rul - lage — I tried to do something good for the peo - ings as well. ple. What did I get in return? From the state, I Nishanyan’s attorney, Murat Akçi, has said always got suspicion, enmity and despotism. I the sentence is going to be appealed, according always had to deal with ethnic and political prej - to Agos . udices, with disrespect and contempt.”

Sargisian Delivers Speech at US Capitol Hill Celebration of Artsakh’s Independence

INDEPENDENE, from page 4 reconciliation and final solution to the conflict. based authoritarian regime, which is complete - Moreover, we again are very close to the renew - ly alien to the values of freedom. About half-cen - al of hostilities. Armenia, as always, remains tury-long ruling dynasty of Azerbaijan cannot committed to the exclusively peaceful resolu - tolerate such bright manifestation of self-deter - tion of the conflict. However, Azerbaijan does mination rightfully exercised by the people of not only reject any attempt of international Nagorno-Karabagh. community and the OSCE Minsk Group to find In this regard, I would like to draw your a common ground for the settlement of the con - attention to the recent publication of Mr. David flict, but also undertakes steps, which are Kramer, the executive director of Freedom threatening to undermine the negotiation House, in American Interest magazine, where process. he called on the US authorities to exercise sanctions against Aliyev family, freeze their assets overseas and even deny them access to the West. Freedom House, in its report of 2014, for the tenth time in a row, has given a status of not free coun - try to Azerbaijan assessing the situation on human rights, lib - erties and fundamental free - dom with three sixes in a scale where seven is the worst. Dear colleagues, I am confi - dent that just, sustainable and lasting solution to a conflict is possible when the parties come to reconciliation. The reconcili - ation, however, is possible only when two sides of barricades From left, Ambassador Tigran Sargisian, Speaker Ashot Ghoulian share the same set of values. and interpreter The reconciliation will become possible only when the leader - ship of Azerbaijan, which is currently suppress - The recurrent events of past summer, which ing any sign of pluralism in its country, begins repeated just a few days ago when Azerbaijani to recognize the whole idea of freedom. When troops shot down Nagorno-Karabagh Defense it understands that, a generation of young peo - Army helicopter during announced military ple has already born and grown up in the inde - exercises, clearly demonstrated the belligerent pendent Nagorno-Karabagh who never saw intentions of Azerbaijan. Anti-Armenian hyste - Azeri rulers on their land; today they cannot ria unfolded in this country, its skyrocketing even imagine any subordination or obedience military budget and the continuing militaristic to a foreign power. The reconciliation is possible bravado are unequivocally testifying that the when Azerbaijan eventually recognizes the Azerbaijani leadership wants to prepare its soci - value of self-determination and the right of the ety to military resolution of the conflict. people of Nagorno-Karabagh to live in their The international community and the co- own way. chair countries of the OSCE Minsk Group Unfortunately, today we are still far from a should send a clear message to the leadership of Azerbaijan that they would never tolerate any steps, any action, which could lead to the Seeking Advertising renewal of hostilities. In this regard, the role of the United States is of immense importance. Representative Therefore, taking this opportunity I would like The is to call the US congressional representatives to seekingA ram epnairatn-ti mMe irardovr-eSrptiesicntga tosar les continue their efforts aimed at maintaining representative, starting immediately. peace and stability in our region and support - ing the just cause of the freedom-loving people Salary will be based on commission of Nagorno Karabagh. only. Hours are flexible. In conclusion, I would like to express my grat - If interested in the position, contact itude to our friends in the Congress of the Donation Hasmik Saroyan at 617-924-4420 or United States of America and to the members The Norehad Charitable Trust of Chicago donated $500 to the Tekeyan Cultural Association email resume and contact information to of Armenian-American community for their Friends of the . [email protected] active support and assistance rendered to Armenian Mirror-Spectator Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh. 8 S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR COMMUNITY NEWS

Armenia’s first security wall built to protect the playground and entrance to the kindergarten at Nerkin Karmir Aghpyur. Armenia’s First Security Wall built at the Nerkin Karmir Aghpyur Kindergarten

BERKELEY, Calif. and TAVUSH REGION, Armenia — The village of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur, located in the Bert area of Armenia’s Tavush Region, cele - brated the re-opening of its kindergarten on August 31, 2014 following the complete renovation undertaken by the Paros Foundation. The project was generously sponsored by the New York-based Atamian Family through the Paros Foundation’s 100 for 100 Projects for Prosperity initiative. Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur is home to 1,380 residents. During the conflict with Azerbaijan, it was the single most damaged Armenian village, losing nearly 400 homes to the devastation. Today, this community still lives with the risk of sniper fire and renewed armed conflict. Seventy percent of their land remains uncultivated due to the dangers of farming on the border. Little opportunities remain for residents, making unemployment and migration a huge problem. Village children are among those greatly affected by these dangerous living conditions. The kinder - garten could only serve some of the village children due to its poor physical condition and location, with part of the building and playground being exposed to Azerbaijan. “The beautiful children of this village deserve to start their education in a safe and warm environment that is conductive to learning. This is one of the most attractive school renovations I’ve seen anywhere in Armenia,” said sponsor Jean-Marie Atamian. “Several years ago my family decided to invest in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur because of the strategic and economic impor - tance of the village. Our border villages protect Armenia’s territorial integri - ty and secure the country’s food supply. Accordingly, we feel that it is absolutely critical for the residents of our villages know that they are not alone and that the diaspora stands with them in their fight to safeguard Armenia.” continued on next page

From left, Manvel Kamendatyan, Mayor of Nerkin Karmir Aghpyur and Sevan Amirian, Paros Foundation Program Manager, cut the ribbon at the ren - One of the renovated classrooms in the kindergarten at Nerkin Karmir Aghpyur. ovated kindergarten. S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 9 COMMUNITY NEWS from previous page Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur. The renovation of the kindergarten, a two “My parents, George and Ines Atamian, story 4,600 square foot building, included a inspired us to help build a prosperous nation Armenian Assembly Honors Elizabeth new roof, doors and windows, flooring, heating for future generations. Having now completed system, restroom, plumbing, electrical and stair - the renovation of the medical clinic and nursery Hanessian at Annual Holiday Reception case. The facility was also completely painted school we will move on to equally important with attractive wall murals and was furnished projects in this village. We urge everyone to join with beds and closets for the children. the extraordinary work being carried out by the Substantial repairs were also made to the build - Paros Foundation by financing similar infra - ing’s foundation and first floor to repair dam - structure projects in Armenia’s other border vil - age sustained from Azeri shelling. The project lages,” said Atamian. included the construction of Armenia’s first “On behalf of the Paros Foundation we “security wall,” a cement, steel and stone wall extend our deepest gratitude to Jean-Marie which surrounds the renovated playground and Atamian and his family for their continued sup - protects the children from being easy targets port of our projects and this border village,” while they play and attend school. As a direct said Peter Abajian, executive director of the result of the renovation, twice the number of Paros Foundation. The Paros Foundation children are able to attend the kindergarten in underwrote all administrative expenses associ - a safe and comfortable environment. ated with this project, allowing 100 percent of During renovations, Azeri sniper fire contin - the Atamian Family’s contribution to be allo - ued and damaged several parts of the building, cated to the kindergarten. including a newly replaced water pipe, the roof A video regarding this project can be seen at and gutters, a bold reminder of how tenuous the situation remains, and that we must contin - To sponsor a Paros 100 for 100 Project for ue to support and invest in the residents of Prosperity, visit

Assembly Board Member Annie Totah presents an award to Elizabeth Alice Hanessian.

WASHINGTON — On Sunday, November 23, the Armenian Assembly of America held its annual Holiday Reception at the Embassy of Armenia. This year, the Assembly hon - ored Elizabeth Alice Hanessian, and her late husband, Dr. John Hanessian Jr., for their role in the founding of the Armenian Assembly and their contributions to the Armenian- American community. A capacity crowd remembered and reflected on the life, success, and dedication of the Hanessians to the advancement of Armenian American issues in our nation’s capital. Assembly Board Member Aram Gavoor served as the afternoon’s master of ceremonies. He discussed the role of Dr. Hanessian, to whom he referred as a “founding father” of the Assembly in the early 1970s. Gavoor praised those dedicated Armenian Americans who traveled to Washington from across the United States to discuss forming an “Assembly” of Armenian American organizations. “Elizabeth Klanian Hanessian is a great lady, a dedicated and loving mother of four boys, and the rock and support behind her husband, John Hanessian, and his legacy,” Children enjoy the renovated playground at the kindergarten at Nerkin Karmir Aghpyur. stated Assembly Board Member Annie Totah before presenting the award. In her remarks, Totah described Elizabeth and John’s relationship as a “moving love story,” and offered historical background into their lives during the founding of the Armenian Assembly. “I am very proud of him, and love him for everything he did in his lifetime,” stated Alice Hanessian upon accepting the award. Hratchia Tashchian, deputy chief of mssion of the Republic of Armenia to the United States, offered remarks on behalf of Ambassador Tigran Sargsyan. “[The] Armenian Assembly of America is one of the most important organizations of the Armenian Diaspora,” he said. “Being established as a nonpartisan organization, it proved to be very efficient in consolidating the potential of the Armenian Diaspora. It is not accidental, LivingLegacy therefore, that today the Assembly plays a pivotal role in presenting and promoting Armenian interests in the United States of America,” Tashchian said. The program included an uplifting invocation by Rev. Vartanes Kalayjian. Kalayjian led the crowd in prayer before enjoying the delicious Armenian cuisine and refreshments gra - ciously provided by the Assembly Capital Regional Council (CRC). The musical interlude & Tribute provided by famed pianist Naira Babayan drew avid applause, as guests heard selections from Alexander Arutiunian and Aram Khachadurian. Also on hand from the national Daughters of Vartan was Grand Matron Lisa Kradjian and Naira Serobyan. The Assembly would like to thank Clara Andonian and Doris George, Co-Chairs of the Assembly’s CRC, and all the members, namely: Naira Babayan, Nadya Carson, Seda Gelenian, Anahid Ghazarian, Yer. Anahid Kalayjian, Nora Maghrablian, Anahid Nishanian, and Marguerite Satian. The Assembly also thanks event co-hosts Naira Babayan and Anahid Nishanian for their generosity and support.

Support Armenian Heritage Park’s Ongoing Care and Maintenance

TWO WAYS TO SUPPORT: Outright Gift Online : By Mail : Check , payable to Armenian Heritage Foundation , to Armenian Heritage Foundation, 25 Flanders Road, Belmont, MA 02478 All supporters will be acknowledged in the Commemorative Book . Estate Planning We ask what you inform the Foundation in writing if you have included the Park in your will or estate plans, so that you may receive an invitation to join the Legacy Society of Giving . If you have a question or would like to arrange a visit, please call From left, Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny, Assembly Board Member Aram Jim Kalustian 781.643.7758; Charles Guleserian, 617-484-6100; Haig Gavoor, Esq., Elizabeth Alice Hanessian, Ambassador Tigran Sargsyans wife Gohar Deranian 617-489-9465; Walter Nahabedian 781-891-7249; Astor Sargsyan, Assembly Board Member Annie Totah, Christopher Hanessian (back), and Guzelian 781-326-5764 ; George Elanjian 781-888-2227 or Barbara Armenian Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Hratchia Tashchian Tellalian 617-803-8785 10 S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR Arts & Living

‘Our Light, Our Hope’ Conversations on Musical Program for Commemoration and Armenian-Turkish Renewal Relations PASADENA, Calif. — “Our Light, Our Hope” is the theme of a special musical program that An interview series by Gonca the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee Sönmez-Poole of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA) and the Armenian The first part of this interview appeared in Missionary Association of America (AMAA) will the December 6 issue of the Armenian Mirror- present on Saturday, January 24, 2015, at 8:00 Spectator . Gonca Sonmez-Poole is interviewing p.m. at the Majestic Ambassador Auditorium in a series of Armenians and Turks regarding the Pasadena. The concert will be performed by the Armenian Genocide and the Turkish approach. Lark Musical Society Choir and Orchestra of FATMA MÜGE GÖÇEK (Part 2) Glendale, Calif. under the direction of Maestro Born, raised and educated in Istanbul, Vatsche Barsoumian. Turkey, Fatma Müge Göçek is a professor of The program will combine several artistic sociology and women’s studies at the University mediums such as music, recitation, and dance. of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her research focuses An array of selections will be presented in three on the comparative analysis of history, politics, parts. gender and collective violence. Her latest book, Part I will reflect the Armenian people’s tra - titled Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, ditions and heroism. The Armenian nation is Turkish Present and the Collective Violence one of the most ancient civilizations and boasts against the Armenians, 1789-2009, came out significant periods of spiritual, artistic, military, in November 2014 from Oxford University economic, and intellectual achievements. Press. Prof. Göçek was a friend and colleague of Part II will commemorate the collective Hrant Dink. Led by Dink’s unique vision and tragedy that befell the Armenian nation in early character, Göçek and a growing circle of twentieth century. We shall pay tribute to our Turkish intellectuals had nurtured high hopes martyrs who perished for their ethnicity and for a more democratic and inclusive Turkey, a Christian faith. dream that was shattered with the assassina - Part III will celebrate our triumphant sur - tion of Dink on January 19, 2007. vival and herald a brighter future. Through our What would you say to those who claim that artistic voice we shall also recommit ourselves Hrant Dink was murdered simply because he to the Lord and our Culture. was yet another public intellectual in Turkey? Donations can be made and mailed to No, I think he was assassinated because he was AEUNA (memo: Centennial Concert), 411 East Vahik Pirhamzei and Anahid Avanessian an Armenian. He was the weak link among all Acacia Ave., #200, Glendale, CA 91205-2821. of us. The rest of us were all white Turks. He was the only one who wasn’t. And, what I felt then, as well as after, is that I’m constantly interrogating myself. “Oh my God, did we lead A Cultural Evening at ARPA International Film him on?” I mean did we lead him on to think - Hagopian with author, ing that this was possible. In a way, we would Festival Announces all be guilty then for this death, you know, if he Astrig Tutelian didn’t realize that he was not like us in the sense that he was not a white Turk. But people BIRMINGHAM, Mich. — First-time author 2014 Festival Winners said, “Oh no, you’re making this up.” I don’t Astrig Tutelian was hosted by the Hagopian think so. I think that there definitely is that ele - family at their Birmingham showroom to pre - HOLLYWOOD — The 17th Annual Arpa International Film Festival (November ment, and I will always feel guilty for that. sent her new book, My Life’s Journey . The 14- 16, 2014) concluded on Sunday with the annual Awards Ceremony and Closing How would you describe some of the intra- autobiography chronicles her journey. Night Gala Reception at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood. group splits within the communities of Introducing herself, Tutelian told attendees Following the screening of Jack Topalian’s comedy sitcom “Newlyweds” Arpa Armenians and Turks in the US? Armenians that she was born in Egypt but knew by age 12 International Film Festival director Michael Ashjian introduced the Festival pro - that migrated from Turkey itself have a very dif - that she would somehow travel to America to ducer Alex Kalognomos to host the closing night awards ceremony. Asking all the ferent conception of Turks because they’ve had realize her dreams of pursuing a formal educa - filmmakers to rise and take a bow, Kalognomos added “This year we were proud to Turkish friends, in addition to the experience of tion in music. Bolstered by her unshakeable faith host over 50 films from 16 countries. We were so very pleased to have such amaz - prejudice and discrimination. They know that and the support of a loving family she traveled ing quality films to screen this year.” not all Turks are the same. But if you don’t have alone to America at age 19 and her intriguing life Opening night film, “Tevanik” directed by Jivan Avetisyan, was received with great that experience of actually having met and story grows with each chapter. She and her hus - enthusiasm. The following two days, the festival featured spectacular documentaries hung out with a Turk, then you think that band now reside in Sylvania, Ohio and are active such as “Music to Madness- the story of Komitas,”(Canada), “You Have His Eyes” they’re all of the same, all filled with hatred and in the metro Detroit Armenian community. (USA), “Armenian Queens: From Goddess to Slave” (Armenia), “Sumbat : The Life you don’t want anything to do with them. I Following her presentation, guests mingled at a and Art,”(Iran), “War’s Voices” (Russia), and many more. think that is probably the most significant. reception where they enjoyed light refreshments The Saturday and Sunday Shorts program had variety of fabulous films such as Within the Turkish community, there is a and conversation with the author and her husband. “Najez” (Iran), “Eclipse” (Armenia/Poland), “Born in Adana” (Canada), “As It Used generational difference. And there is also the Her book can be found on, where To Be” (France), “No Love Lost” (UK), “Zugzwang” (Spain) and many others. difference of when they migrated to the United it has received positive feedback from readers. After the award presentation to filmmakers, AFFMA’s founder Sylvia Minassian States. When you start talking to Diaspora The Hagopian family is committed to com - thanked everyone who made the festival successful this year before honoring the Turks, you literally can tell from their political munity involvement which includes among see ARPA, page 11 views when they came here and what was going other things sponsoring a statewide Essay on in Turkey at the time. So they do not update Competition for high school students on the their perceptions. It’s an identity they can’t Armenian Genocide; hosting the Detroit mess with because it’s become ossified. It’s so Chamber Winds “Night Notes” concert series in ossified that if you mess with it, it’ll break apart! their Birmingham showroom; sponsoring a Since we are on the subject of differences of design competition for students at the College opinion, would you say you have some philo- for Creative Studies and recognition as a major sophical differences with other academicians benefactor to the Detroit Institute of Arts. in the field, take Prof. Taner Akçam for exam- ple? What he’s done is extremely important in the sense that he was the first one to bring up this issue (Armenian Genocide). But I feel that when he sits down to write something, he already knows what the end result is going to be. And, in a way, to him, it’s much more impor - tant to document and demonstrate the violence and the intentions to almost prove that this was genocide. Even if, you know, he may not have needed to…whereas when I started, my issue was not, to prove or disprove anything. So I was Armen Ra probably exploring to see where things would From left, Ed Tutelian, guest Zabel Belian, author take me. I mean, I had some idea where they Astrig Tutelian and Host Angela Snow see INTERVIEW, page 11 S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 11

Ara Kalaydjian Library Opens in Watertown WATERTOWN — The Parish Council and Kalaydjian cut the ribbon, officially opening pastor, Rev. Arakel Aljalian, of St. James the library. Parishioners were able to tour Armenian Church, dedicated space and mate - the library, followed by a reception and pro - rials in memory of Ara Kalaydjian, former edi - gram hosted by the Boston Area Alumni of tor of the Armenian Mirror-Spectator and Jerusalem’s Sourp Tarkmanchatz School. Sion periodical, the monthly publication of Kalayadjian, born in Jerusalem in 1938, the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. graduated from Sourp Tarkmanchatz in 1951 Much of the library’s collection was donat - and enrolled at the AGBU Melkonian ed to St. James by his wife, Shoushan Educational Institute in Nicosia. He graduat - ed in 1957 and started teaching at the local Melikian School. In 1965, he returned to Jerusalem. In addi - tion to being the personal secretary to Patriarch Yeghishe Derderian, he was the edi - tor-in-chief of Sion , the official publication of the patriarchate, and director of the printing press of the monastery. He also taught Ara Kalaydjian Library in Watertown Armenian literature at the seminary and at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. From an early age, he contributed to vari - In 1978, he and his wife emigrated to the He was a member of the Armenian ous Armenian publications and newspapers. United States and settled in Boston, where Democratic Liberal Party, the Knights of In 1967 he compiled and published a catalog he assumed the position of managing editor Vartan Ararat Lodge and Tekeyan Cultural The late Ara Kalaydjian of the manuscripts of the Monastery of of the Baikar weekly, published by the Association. Moush. That same year he published two Armenian Democratic Liberal Party. For 10 works of the poet Bedros Tourian: Daghk years, from 1987-1997, he was the editor of Kalaydjian, combined with the parish’s col - (poems) and Namagani (the letters of the the Armenian Mirror-Spectator . lection and books donated by Alex poet). He edited and published the first vol - For a brief period, he taught Armenian at the Kalaydjian, Ara’s brother, who will serve as ume of Arpiar Arpiarian’s Complete Works . University of Massachusetts/Boston. In 2000, Conversations on librarian. He researched and edited the letters of Ore Orin (Day to Day), a compilation of many of Following the Service, the parishioners Patriarch Krikor the Chainbearer of his writings about contemporary national and Armenian-Turkish conducted a dedication service and opening Jerusalem. He prepared a complete catalog of international subjects was published. of the Kalaydjian Library. Shoushan the earliest printed Armenian books. Relations

INTERVIEW, from page 10 were going, but I probably approached materi - ARPA Announces 2014 Festival Winners als much more flexibly and openly. Does this kind of difference in approach have ARPA, from page 10 an effect on Turkish-Armenian relations? If so, legendary actor Mike Connors with Arpa’s why? I think so. Because people feel much bet - Lifetime Achievement Award, for a career span - Best feature film award: “37: A Final Promise (USA) Randall Batinkoff ter if you approach them first as human ning over five decades, and the beautiful, versa - Best director award: “37: A Final Promise, (USA) Randall Batinkoff beings…But if you are there with a political agen - tile, talented actress of TV and the Big Screen Best documentary film award: “When My Sorrow Died: The Legend of da or if you’re there with a set intent, I think that colors everything. It reduces and narrows the Angela Sarafyan with a Rising Star Award. Armen RA And The Theremin” (USA) Director, Robert Nazar Arjoyan possibilities of the relationship that you have. And Sunday’s program included a prestigious list of Best short film award: “Arena”, (Armenia/Poland) Director, Martin Rath presenters: Marc Bienstock, producer; Elham then again, this may also be the consequence of Best screenplay award: “Tevanik” (Armenia) Director, Jivan Avetisyan the fact that I am not a political activist. Jazab, comedian; Vahik Pirhamzei, actor/director; Best music video award: “Rich Husband” (Shohare Pooldar) (USA) Duke Mason, writer/political activist; Anahid So you think someone like Akçam is more Director, Shervin Youssefian Avanessian, actress; Eliz Semerjian, Telemundo; of a political activist? I think so. I mean we Best feature audience choice award (Spain/ USA): “Toastmaster” Sebastian Siegel, writer/actor; K-Von, comedian both want Turkey to be democratized. There we and Garo Mardirossian, among others. Director, Eric Boadella Producer: Martin Yernazian agree, there’s no doubt about that. But, for Awards mistress of ceremonies was Maria Best documentary audience choice award (UK): “Hannah: Buddhism’s example, he writes articles in the newspapers, Srdic. Untold Journey” Director: Marta Gyorgy Kessler & Adam Penn he has a column. He has no problem talking to This year’s panel of judges included produc - Best short film audience choice award (UK): “Return of the Tyke” Director, all the interested parties in different places. I er/director, Marc Bienstock; VP of Production at Garo Berberian never talk to anyone except in university or aca - Lotus Entertainment, Angus Sutherland; demic settings. I would never go and try to President of Feature Division at Aspire negotiate anything with anybody. I mean, you Entertainment, Campbell McInnes; Original Entertainment’s Daljit DJ is a non-profit organization, formed for the purpose of promoting the arts know, what is a scholar? What I can do is Parmar; Emmy Award-winning producer, Stan Brooks; and award-win - and enhancing the cultural environment of our community by support - research, generate and then disseminate infor - ning filmmaker/actor, Sebastian Siegel. ing artists who bridge the cultural divide, unifying diverse people and cul - mation. I’ve drawn my boundaries much more Founded in 1995, AFFMA (Arpa Foundation for Film, Music and Art) tures through the arts. differently than he has. And you probably need both. But I don’t think he’d be happy doing what I’m doing, and I wouldn’t be happy doing what he’s doing. Do you have any expectations related to Turkey’s approach to 1915 come 2015? Ten Sponsor a Teacher in Armenia and Karabagh 2014 years ago, I did. But now, I realize, after spend - ing the last 12 years, that social change is very slow, you know, in a glacial way. Do you think the current government is Since its inception in 2001, TCA’s ‘Sponsor capable of making the right kind of apology to Armenians regarding the genocide? Not this a Teacher’ program has raised over $563,000 government, no! In a way, they are very nation - alistic. Our nationalism has never been ques - and reached out to 4,440 teachers and tioned, because we didn’t go through the Second World War and we didn’t have to come school workers in Armenia and Karabagh. to terms with the Holocaust and things like that. So, we never had any critical self -reflection…as a consequence, that national - £ ism has become so ingrained in us that it is very hard to shake it off. And I thought that K Yes, I want to sponsor teachers in Armenia and Karabagh to continue Islamists, because of their adverse experiences, helping them to educate the children, our future leaders. I would like to have would have been more tolerant, but it turns out, the teacher’s name and address. rather than becoming more tolerant, they have become even more judgmental and dismis - K $160 K $ 320 K $ 480 K other $ ————————— sive…I mean, Islam in politics is just as bad as Name secularism in politics. So, the next 20 -30 years Address are going to be tough in Turkey, but then, if we City State Zip code survive, the rest will be much better. Tel: (A graduate of the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Gonca Sönmez-Poole is the Make check payable to: Tekeyan Cultural Association – Memo: Sponsor a Teacher 2014 founder of TAWA (Turkish-Armenian Mail your check with this form to: Women’s Alliance), a grassroots alliance of Armenian and Turkish women based in and TCA Sponsor a Teacher 5326 Valverde, Houston, TX 77056 around Boston. A native of Turkey, Sönmez- Poole spent two decades working for WCVB- Your donation is Tax Deductible. TV’s “Chronicle” program, followed by 13 years managing her own non-profit organiza - tion. ) 12 S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR ARTS & LIVING Armenian Museum Collaborative Exhibit Examines Celebration and Remembrance

WATERTOWN — The Armenian Museum of America, together with the Thompson Gallery of the Cambridge School of Weston, presents a new exhibition, “Kiss the Ground — A New Armenia, Part I,” on view from December 7, through January 20, 2015. There will be an opening reception on Sunday, December 7, from 2 to 5 p.m., in the Adele & Haig Der Manuelian Galleries on the third floor of the Armenian Museum. There will be a dramatic reading by Cambridge School students of Elliot Baker’s The Past Is Not Past , at 3 p.m. Participating at the recep - tion will be the artists Gail Boyajian, Aida Laleian, Adrienne Der Marderosian, Talin Megherian, Yefkin Megherian, Kevork Mourad, Marsha Odabashian and Jessica Sperandio. Light refreshments will be served. A painting by Jessica Sperandio Admisisons are free, but donations will be welcomed. “Kiss the Ground” takes its name from the the Armenian Church, points out, “words and artists. In unison, the groupings of artists Collectively, the works in “Kiss the etymology of one of the Armenian words for thoughts alone cannot express all that we and exhibitions examine and highlight con - Ground—A New Armenia” juxtapose compli - “worship.” The word “yergurbakootyoon” believe;” nor can they express all that the temporary Armenian art at a particular cated issues for consideration, in which beau - translates literally to mean, “kissing the Armenian people have endured and that is moment in history, organized to coincide ty often comingles with austerity. As the title ground,” but means total submission — vol - why the gesture is one that requires great with the centennial commemoration of the of the series implies, veneration requires untary or involuntary. A gesture of the body, effort. 1915 Armenian Genocide. At its core, the effort. But such exertion also results in the such as laying face down on the ground, is an “Kiss the Ground” is a five-part exhibition series is catalyzed by the contrast between recognition of a new experience, a new act of deep veneration. The Divine Liturgy of series centering on the art of 12 Armenian celebration and remembrance. understanding, a new Armenia.

Society for Armenian Studies Washington Conference on Armenians in the Ottoman Empire

SAS, from page 1 Istanbul, the Imperial School and Robert Muslims and Christians provincial cosmopoli - struggle with Armenian conservatives. They were received on the second topic, but speakers College disseminated such ideas but Armenians tanism, which resulted from living in an urban could get state support and privileges if they for one panel on the first range of topics, and wanted to form their own autonomous sports demographically complex but provincial envi - respected the sultan and the laws of the two on the last, were found. clubs. These clubs shared a developing middle ronment, something different from the interac - Ottoman Empire. In fact, Der Matossian felt the first panel class identity with other Ottomans but had a tions in major port cities. However, the gap between Muslims and non- “should be seen as a microcosm of what type of distinct ethnoreligious nature. Mistrusted by The next speaker was Anahit Kartashyan, a Muslims grew when reforms were not imple - research needs to be done in order to bring the regime of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, these doctoral student working on the Armenian mented, so that excitement about Ottomanism back the Armenians into Ottoman history and clubs mushroomed in number with the liberties Community of Constantinople in the 19th cen - disappeared. In the next two decades, reconstruct their history.” The focus on the of the Young Turk era after 1908. tury at the Department of Asian and African Armenians realized that equal rights were not Armenian Genocide for the other two panels, Armenians looked to their he said, was fitting due to the approaching cen - pagan past in naming some tennial of the start of that event. Der Matossian of these clubs, such as the also stated that “From the academic perspec - Kuruçesme Ardavazt tive, a lot of work needs to be done in under - Athletic Club or the standing the complexities of the Armenian Armenian Dork club. They Genocide beyond the clichés of Muslims vs. published their own sports Christians or Turks vs. Armenians.” He con - magazines like cluded that Armenian Genocide studies can go Marmnamarz (established beyond the analysis of a specific event to pro - in 1911 by Shavarsh vide “new empirical data and thematic Krisian), part of a multilin - approaches to understand mass violence in gen - gual Ottoman sports press. eral.” Yildiz’s study can be con - Der Matossian thanked Prof. Barlow Der sidered part of a new move - Mugrdechian, Berberian Endowed Director of ment to examine social, cul - the Armenian Studies Program at California tural and political transfor - Society for Armenian Studies Panel I, from left Nora Cherishian Lessersohn, Anahit Kartashyan, Heghnar Watenpaugh, State University, Fresno, for help in organizing mations in the Ottoman Murat Yildiz, Rachel Goshgarian, Levon Avdoyan, Kevork Bardakjian the conference and SAS Secretary Ani Empire through linguistical - Kasparian, of University of Michigan, Dearborn, ly diverse sources. He for preparing registration materials. demonstrated that shared Ottoman civic values Studies at Saint Petersburg State University. sufficient — they also needed access to the state The first panel, on Armenian contributions to did not prevent exclusive ethnoreligious ties. With a bachelor’s degree in Turkish Studies bureaucracy. Ottoman culture, was chaired by Dr. Levon Yildiz was followed by Nora Cherishian (2008) and a master’s degree in Ottoman The final presenter in the first panel was Dr. Avdoyan, the Armenian and Georgian area spe - Lessersohn, a master’s student at the Center for Studies (2010), both from Yerevan State Heghnar Zeitlian Watenpaugh, associate profes - cialist at the Library of Congress. Before intro - Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University, University (2008), Kartashyan taught modern sor of art history at the University of California, ducing the speakers, he exclaimed that “as who graduated from Harvard College in 2009 Turkish from 2010 to 2011 at her alma mater Davis, co-chair of the Department of Art and someone who was at the 1976 conference, it is and has worked at the Metropolitan Museum of before continuing her graduate studies in Art History. Her book, The Image of an really spectacular that we are at the 40th year Art and at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Russia. Her talk was titled, “The Discourse of Ottoman City: Imperial Architecture and of this organization.” Office. Her talk was titled “Provincial First-Wave Ottomanism among the Armenian Urban Experience in in the Sixteenth The first speaker on this panel, Murat C. Cosmopolitanism in Late Ottoman Anatolia: An Intellectuals and Statesmen in the Ottoman and Seventeenth Centuries (2004), received Yildiz, a doctoral student in the Department of Armenian Shoemaker’s Memoir.” Her goal is to Empire,” and is part of her dissertation work. the Spiro Kostof Book Award from the Society History at the University of California, Los add the Ottoman Armenian voice as a partner She has studied a number of contemporary of Architectural Historians. Her next book, Angeles (UCLA), spoke on “Reassessing in the conversation on Ottoman provincial his - Armenian newspapers, the records of the Mass Violence and Cultural Heritage in the Cultural Transformation in Early-Twentieth- tory. Armenian National Assembly, and various other Modern Middle East, is forthcoming from Century Bolis: Armenian Contributions to a She explored her great-grandfather Armenian publications. Stanford University Press. Her paper was called Shared Ottoman Physical Culture.” This topic Hovhannes Cherishian’s memoirs. Born in Ottomanism during its first stage, from the “Reconstructing the Urban and Architectural was related to his dissertation, titled Marash in 1886, he was a shoemaker who 1830s to the 1860s, was an ideological justifi - History of Ottoman Armenian Communities: “Strengthening Male Bodies and Building served in the Ottoman army from 1910 to 1914 cation for strengthening the state. A special Zeytun, 1850-1915.” Robust Communities: Physical Culture in the in Adana and Mersin. He experienced great suf - role was attributed to the middle class. For the Watenpaugh became interested in Zeytun as Late Ottoman Empire.” fering and loss due to the Armenian Genocide, Ottoman Armenians, reforms were primarily a result of the Zeytun Gospels, located now at Yildiz depicted Armenian programs to devel - and its aftermath. He was deported to Syria, cultural rather than political, yet in fact they Yerevan’s Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient op exercise and sports as part of a broader and returned after the war to Marash, yet lost could not be implemented without political Manuscripts, except for eight pages at the Getty shared physical culture in the Ottoman Empire his young bride and brother during the retreat change. Museum in Los Angeles. The Western Prelacy from the mid- to late-19th century. Athletics from this city in 1920. Nonetheless, he also Young Armenians saw Ottomanism as an of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America’s were associated with modernity, and were enjoyed good relations with various Muslims. opportunity to reorganize education, culture lawsuit to take the eight pages away from the thought important for building physical and Lessersohn read two excerpts from the mem - and the Armenian millet, or ethnoreligious com - Getty called a great deal of attention to this mental health, discipline and strength. In oirs. She called the close relationship between munity structure, and it could help in their continued on next page S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 13 ARTS & LIVING CC AA LLEENNDDAARR

Conservancy and Friends of Armenian Heritage Park. CALIFORNIA Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway is between JANUARY 24, 2015 — 8 p.m., “Our Light, Our Hope” a Faneuil Hall Marketplace and Christopher Columbus Park, Musical Program for Commemoration and Renewal, Boston. [email protected] organized by the Armenian Genocide Centennial JANUARY 11, 2015 — Armenian Christmas Party, spon - Committee of AEUNA and AMAA and performed by the sored by the Armenian International Women’s Lark Musical Society Choir and Orchestra of Glendale, Association. 2-4 p.m., Armenian Cultural Foundation, CA, under the direction of Maestro Vatsche Barsoumian, 441 Mystic St., Arlington. RSVP: 617-926-0171 orin - at the Majestic Ambassador Auditorium in Pasadena, [email protected]. California. Tickets ($40, $50, $60, $75, $100, $125, $150) can be purchased from Lark (818) 500-9997 or NEW JERSEY Itsmyseat at, (818) 538-4911 DECEMBER 31 — St. Thomas Armenian Apostolic Church of Tenafly will host a New Year’s Eve cele- bration Dinner Dance in beautifully decorated and ele - FLORIDA gant church halls. The festivities will include a huge hors d’oeuvres buffet, followed by a full dinner, Viennese JANUARY 3, 2015 — Armenian Assembly of America – Table, free champagne, hats and noisemakers. Soft Waterstone Resort & Marina, Boca Raton, FL. To drinks are included and outside liquor is permitted. Music RSVP or for more information please contact Carol by will be provided by DJ Allen who plays a large variety Norigian at [email protected]. of different styles of music including Armenian, American, Latin & Continental tunes. Children dine, are MASSACHUSETTS On December 21, the Armenian supervised and entertained with activities in adjacent Heritage Park will be the site for the DECEMBER 14 — Erevan Choral Society and Orchestra, room with Santa. As in other years, the midnight Times World Peace Candlelit Labyrinth Walk, Christmas Holiday Concer t, 7 p.m., Holy Trinity Square countdown will be televised. Adults $70, Children Armenian Church of Greater Boston, 145 Brattle St., from 3 to 5 p.m. Organized by 12-7 & under $25, Children under 6 are free. For reser - Cambridge. A festive program of Sharagans , with Christine Osterwalder from Hilo, vations contact any of the following: Church Office 201- soloists Narine Ojakhyan and Kate Norigian, with David Hawaii, in collaboration with the 567-5446 e-mail: [email protected]; Gevorkyan on Duduk. US premier of Ave Maria by Aram Labyrinth Guild of New England, Ani: 201-767-3846 e-mail: [email protected]; Talar: 201- Satyan. Conducted by Konstantin Petrossian. Greenway Conservancy and Friends 240-8541e-mail: [email protected]; Maral: 845-729- DECEMBER 21 — World Peace Candlelit Labyrinth of the Armenian Heritage Park. All are 1888 e-mail: [email protected]. Everyone is urged to make an early reservation as space is limited. Walk at Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway, welcome. For more information, write Payments are due in advance and may be mailed to St. Sunday, 3 to 5 p.m. All are welcome. Organized by to [email protected] Christine Osterwalder from Hilo, Hawaii in collaboration Thomas Armenian Church, P. O. Box 53, Tenafly, NJ, with the Labyrinth Guild of New England, Greenway 07670.

Society for Armenian Studies Washington Conference on Armenians in the Ottoman Empire from previous page in international relations from Yerevan State Sabanci. He is the author of The Great and during the Armenian Genocide.” illustrated manuscript illuminated by Toros University. Her master’s thesis concerned Hopeless Race of Turks: The Origins of As sources, Mouradian primarily used the Roslin. American humanitarian assistance and Near East Turkish Nationalism in 1911-1916 (in Turkish Aram Andonian archives from the AGBU Zeytun’s architecture, religious life and local Relief efforts for the Armenians during and after 2012; in English forthcoming from I. B. Tauris), Nubarian Library in Paris, the reports and min - history provide the last context for the the Armenian Genocide. She worked at the and with Akcam, Kanunlarin Ruhu , which will utes of the Armenian Prelacy in Aleppo and its manuscript before it was taken away. Armenian Genocide and Museum Research come out in English as the Spirit of the Laws: council for deportees, and the accounts, diaries Watenpaugh pointed out how Zeytun was usu - Institute as deputy director. Her presentation for The Plunder of Wealth in the Armenian and memoirs of deportees. ally studied from the point of view of political the panel was titled “The Armenian Genocide Genocide in 2015. His talk was called “The Tens of thousands of Armenians arrived in history due to its unusual position of local and the Russian Response.” Emergence of the New Wealthy Class between Meskene between May 1915 and winter 1917, autonomy through most of the Ottoman period. Darbinyan explored relief efforts on the 1915-1911: The Seizure of Armenian Property of which many died of diseases and violence. She reviewed the extant sources and provided Caucasus front during World War I, including by the local Elites in Aintab.” Though intended as a transit camp, Meskene images of Zeytun’s landscape, architecture and the rapid official response of the government of Kürt presented the legal framework created morphed into a concentration camp where population. the Russian Empire to the suffering of the for the confiscation of Armenian properties by many spent months. Mouradian focused on Watenpaugh concluded that as Raphael Armenians. Aside from political actions and the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), daily life in the camps. Lemkin had written, the destruction of things declarations, regulations were issued defining which was also linked to various local forms of Many of the guards were Armenians, who like architecture, relics, agricultural methods refugees which created complexities in deter - Armenian hatred. This framework was neces - were particularly brutal in order to prove them - and natural sacred phenomena are examples of mining who was eligible for aid, medical assis - sary to legitimatize the largely state process of selves to the Ottomans. Armenians tried to vol - the eradication of culture as a part of the geno - tance and official refugee identity cards. theft and seizure. In Aintab, the careful prepa - unteer for building works in order to escape fur - cidal process. In this way, the Armenian layer of A number of organizations provided aid ration and rapid seizure was striking. Local ther deportation and death in Der Zor further life in cities and villages in Turkey today has under dire circumstances. According to N. notables became a new wealthy strata through down the river. Food and aid were minimal so been largely silenced or ignored. Nonetheless, Kishkin, in August 1915 the total number of this confiscation. most of the camp residents were usually starv - no art or urban history of the late Ottoman refugees was 150,000. There was a huge daily Kürt used a number of Armenian sources, ing. Armenian women tried to help orphans in Empire is complete without addressing the his - death toll. like the Aram Andonian archives, the Sarkis the camp at great personal cost. tory of Zeytun or other Armenian settlements. The Tatianinsky Committee, named after the Balabanian diaries, and Avedis Sarafian’s histo - Camp director Hüseyin Avni was venal but Dr. Rachel Goshgarian, assistant professor of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna, was estab - ry of the Aintab Armenians, to depict the depor - not murderous and brutal. It was his replace - history at Lafayette College, with a PhD in lished in September 1914, and collected dona - tation process in Aintab, while also consulting ment Kör Hüseyin who nearly completely emp - Middle Eastern Studies from Harvard tions of money, clothing and food from compa - German, Ottoman and other archival docu - tied the camp. By the end of 1916, 28834 University, served as discussant for the first nies, individuals, churches, mosques, education - ments. Armenians had been redeported to other camps panel. Formerly Director of the Krikor and al institutions and other organizations. The All He showed Aintab to be a microcosm of the and 80,000 died at Meskene. Clara Zohrab Information Center of the Diocese Russian Union of Cities had a Caucasus unfolding policies of the Young Turks. The wide Dr. Rouben Paul Adalian served as discussant of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), Department (or Committee), the All Russian range of actors indicated how central and coor - for the second panel. With a UCLA history doc - she is completing a book manuscript entitled “A Union of Zemstovs, the Russian Red Cross, and dinated the deportation of Armenians and con - torate, he serves as director of the Washington- Futuwwa for the Borderlands; Homosociality, various other local and national Russian orga - fiscation of their properties was, while the based Armenian National Institute, and is the Urban Self Governments and Interfaith nizations provided humanitarian aid. When direct and active involvement of provincial author of Humanism from Rationalism: Interactions in Late Medieval Anatolia.” Russian troops advanced and some Armenian Muslim elites was motivated by the desire to Armenian Scholarship in the Nineteenth Goshgarian was excited to see such a wide refugees were able to return to their homes, aid enjoy Armenian wealth and properties. Century (1992) and the Historical Dictionary range of papers excavating what Armenian life was still sent to them by the same committees. The final speaker of the panel was Khatchig of Armenia (2010). Adalian found that all three looked like in the Ottoman Empire, and asked The second speaker was Aintab native Ümit Mouradian, a doctoral candidate in Genocide of the speakers from Clark University provided a number of questions of the speakers. Kurt. With a bachelor’s degree from Middle Studies at Clark University who teaches at new contributions to the understanding of the Session II began with chair Der Mugrdechian East Technical University in political science Rutgers as coordinator of the Armenian Armenian Genocide, with a lot of detail. He introducing the speakers. First was Asya and public administration and a master’s Genocide program. He is a former editor of the directed questions to all the speakers, and after - Darbinyan, a graduate student at Clark degree from Sabanci University from the Armenian Weekly (2007-2014). His talk was wards a lively discussion ensued with audience University’s Strassler Center for Holocaust and Department of European Studies, Kurt at pre - titled “The Meskene Concentration Camp, members. Genocide Studies with Prof. Taner Akçam, who sent is a doctoral candidate at Clark University’s 1915-1917: A Case Study of Power, had received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees Department of History and an instructor at Collaboration and Humanitarian Resistance Part II will appear in next week’s issue. 14 S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR COMMENTARY ARMENIAN FM ADDRESSES OSCE M INISTERIAL COUNCIL Mirror Refers to Genocide Centennial, Karabagh conflict

On December 5, Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian, delivered a speech at the 21st meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Ministerial Council in Basel, Switzerland. The speech Spectator appears in its entirety below: I would like to extend my gratitude to the Chairman-in-Office, (June 2010) summits. Didier Burkhalter and his team for their efforts and contribution to Baku rejected not only the Basic Principles, but also confidence- the activities of the Organization throughout the year, as well as to building measures proposed by the co-chairs on consolidation of EstablEisshteadbl1is9h3e2 d 1932 thank the Government of Switzerland for the hospitality and the good ceasefire and the establishment of a mechanism for investigation of organization of the Ministerial Council. the ceasefire violations, taking entire responsibility for its An ADALnP AuDblLic Patuiobnlication As we mark the centennial of the First World War, and approach An Armenian villager who had mistakenly wandered into the terri - the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, it is worth tory of Azerbaijan was arrested and humiliated in front of cameras, a remembering that the norms and principles on which this tactic used by notorious terrorist organizations, and was found dead Organization is based were embraced as an outcome of painful the following day. EDITOR lessons and bitter experiences of devastating calamities, millions of The more the international community, through the OSCE Minsk Alin K. Gregorian casualties and nearly complete destruction of the whole continent. Group co-chairs, appeals to the sides of the conflict to prepare popu - The first Genocide of the 20th century, the centennial of which will lations for peace and not war, the more we hear from Azerbaijan, ASSISTANT EDITOR Aram Arkun be commemorated next year, was perpetrated in the Ottoman Empire including at the top level, increasingly bellicose, warmongering, anti- against the Armenian nation, under the cover of the First World War. Armenian hate-speech, glorification of the murderers of Armenians ART DIRECTOR It stands as a witness to what extent humanity can degrade in the and persecution of those journalists, civil society activists, represen - Marc Mgrditchian absence of international system of protection of human rights and tatives of intelligentsia, who pursue confidence building and recon - security. ciliation projects, presenting them as “Armenian spies.” The more the The direct consequence of the tragic history of the 20th century international community calls on the sides to withdraw snipers from was the aspiration to create a new common security space, free of the line of contact, the more sniper shootings, provocative incidents, wars, dividing lines, closed borders and spheres of influence, where subversive acts are coming from the Azerbaijani side, resulting in SENIOR EDITORIAL COLUMNIST: Edmond Azadian the dignity of individual and fundamental freedoms are fully respect - numerous casualties. ed. Those ideas were later on reflected in the UN Charter, the The more oil revenues are enriching the Azerbaijani budget, the CONTRIBUTORS: Helsinki Final Act and the main documents of the international law, more weaponry and armament are purchased by Baku. In 2015 Florence Avakian, Dr. Haroutiune empowering the people to promote and protect their rights and to Azerbaijan’s military budget will reach 4,8 bln USD, almost 30 times Arzoumanian, Taleen Babayan, Diana freely pursue their own future. The exercise of these rights gave birth increase in a decade since Ilham Aliyev inherited the power from his Der Hovanessian, Philip Ketchian, to many present day states through the right of peoples to self-deter - father. The absolutely disproportionate military spending and acqui - Kevork Keushkerian, Harut Sassounian, mination. sition of excess armaments by Azerbaijan poses a serious threat to Hagop Vartivarian, Naomi Zeytoonian It is based on these understanding that Armenia, along with other regional and international stability and security. CORRESPONDENTS: participating states, has contributed to the efforts to launch Helsinki Such a militaristic posture is fuelled up by anti-Armenian propa - + 40 process. We believe that in the year of 40th anniversary of the ganda and xenophobia. Armenia - Hagop Avedikian Boston - Nancy Kalajian conclusion of the Helsinki Final Act the reaffirmation of our adher - Year after year, Armenia has been raising its concerns from this podi - Philadelphia - Lisa Manookian ence to its principles will give a new impetus to the OSCE and its um over the militaristic rhetoric, blatant violation of international com - Berlin - Muriel Mirak-Weissbach endeavors. mitments and anti-Armenian hysteria and hatred being injected into Contributing Photographers: Mr. Chairman, Azerbaijani society from the highest levels of its leadership. Jacob Demirdjian and Jirair Hovsepian The effectiveness of our organization to a great extent depends on Many international organizations on human rights alerted about the ability to timely and effectively assess and diligently address evolv - flagrant cases of racism, intolerance and violations of human rights in ing challenges in all three dimensions. Azerbaijan, alerted on the policy of hatred against Armenians. Arms control, confidence and security building measures should The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) The Armenian Mirror-Spectator is published prominently figure on our agenda. Even under prevailing circum - in its report on Azerbaijan noted with deep concern the “constant and weekly, except two weeks in July and the first week of the year, by: stances we need to seize every opportunity to prevent further erosion negative official and media discourse concerning the Republic of of the existing regimes and work hard to find new solutions through Armenia” and recommended the Azerbaijani authorities to “adopt an Baikar Association, Inc. creative approaches. appropriate response to all cases of discrimination and hate speech 755 Mt. Auburn St., Watertown, MA 02472-1509 We welcome the initiative of the Swiss chairmanship to address the against Armenians”. What is the Azerbaijani response? Baku is trying Telephone: 617-924-4420 issue of foreign terrorist fighters. The massive and gross human rights to impose its own distorted perception of human rights on others, FAX: 617-924-2887 violations perpetrated by such groups as ISIL and ANF, which capi - organizes fake conferences on tolerance and freedoms. www.mir talize on the flow of foreign terrorists, constitute a serious threat not Responsive nature of our organization entails proper assessment E-Mail: editor@mirrorspectator .com only for the OSCE neighborhood, including our Mediterranean part - and adequate reaction to this behavior. For advertising: [email protected] ners, but to the OSCE region as well. It is clear that international community should not tolerate the This year marks the 20th anniversary of the cease-fire agreement, attempts of the Azerbaijani leadership to adjust the international law reached by Nagorno-Karabagh, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Azerbaijan to their own racist ideology. Having a rich internal experience in cor - did everything to undermine the ceasefire regime, despite the calls of ruption Baku is attempting to transfer it to interstate relations the international community to reinforce the cease-fire agreement of exploiting it as a tool to impose its own misperceptions on others. The SUBSCRIPTION RATES : May 1994 and fully implement cease-fire consolidation agreement of international community could not tolerate the attempts of February 1995. Military actions of the Azerbaijani side along the line Azerbaijan to replace the rule of law with the rule of oil. of contact and on the Armenia Azerbaijani border, resulted in a sig - In the last August, September and October, the Co-Chair countries, U.S.A. $80 a year nificant loss of live and drastically raised tensions on the ground. first the President of Russia in Sochi, then the Secretary of State of During last years our diplomacy, together with the three Co-chair the USA in Newport, and then the President of France in Paris, with Canada $125 a year countries of the OSCE Minsk Group, the only internationally agreed participation of the Heads of States of Armenia and Azerbaijan, orga - mediation format, has spared no efforts to achieve a peaceful settle - nized Summit meetings to reduce the tensions and prevent further Other Countries $190 a year ment of the Nagorno-Karabagh problem. Despite the intensive efforts escalation of the situation. of the three Co-Chair countries during the last 6 years: about 20 sum - Immediately after the Paris meeting the leadership of Azerbaijan mits, several dozens of meetings on ministerial level, visits of the raised another wave of anti-Armenian provocative rhetoric, and the © 2014 The Armenian Mirror-Spectator three Co-Chairs to the region, it has been impossible to reach a break - Defense Minister of that country claimed again that his country Periodical Class Postage Paid at Boston, MA through in the conflict resolution, because the Azerbaijani side reject - would solve the Nagorno-Karabagh issue through military means. and additional mailing offices. ed one after another all proposals presented by the mediators. The recent shooting down by the Azerbaijani armed forces of the ISSN 0004-234X In Armenia we continue to believe that the elements outlined in the helicopter of the Nagorno-Karabagh Defense Army during a training 5 statements of the heads of the Co-Chair countries on Nagorno- flight, which took the lives of three young servicemen, is Baku’s lat - Karabagh can be the basis for reaching a fair and lasting settlement est criminal provocation. The Azerbaijani army for almost ten days of the conflict. We share the position of the Co-Chair countries, that continuously kept the area of the helicopter shooting under intensive POSTMASTER : Send address changes to The those elements should be seen as an integrated whole and that any fire, hindering rescue teams, the OSCE, International Committee of Armenian Mirror-Spectator, 755 Mount Auburn attempt to select some elements over others would make it impossi - the Red Cross representatives to approach that site and evacuate the St., Watertown, MA 02472 ble to achieve a balanced solution. bodies of killed crew members, which became another gross violation Other than the editorial, views and opinions Unlike Azerbaijan, Armenia has on several occasions reiterated and of international humanitarian law by Azerbaijan. expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily in response to the appeals of the Presidents of Russia, the United Baku continues to oppose itself to the international community, reflect the policies of the publisher. States and France, once again re-affirmed its commitment to the prin - which was once again demonstrated by its reaction to the statement ciples of international law, particularly the non-use of force or the of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs on the helicopter shooting. threat of force, equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and ter - Azerbaijan is clearly losing the sense of reality and day by day is deep - ritorial integrity. ening the gap between itself and the civilized world. Azerbaijan is pretending that the international community shares To achieve a durable peace, stability and security in the region, its approaches and it shares the approaches of the international com - Armenia will continue to invest its utmost efforts towards the settle - Copying for other than personal use or internal reference is prohibited without munity, even pretended that it is ready to start the work on drafting ment of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict exclusively through peaceful express permission of the copyright peace agreement, while Baku failing to agree on the main principles means and on the basis of the purposes, principles and norms reflect - owner. Address requests for reprints or of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict. In reality, Azerbaijan is continu - ed in the UN Charter, Helsinki Final Act and the provisions of the back issues to: ously rejecting all proposals of the OSCE co-chair countries. Baku statements of the Minsk Group co-chair countries’ presidents in rejected all versions of the Basic Principles of the settlement of the L’Aquila, Muskoka, Deauville, Los Cabos and Enniskillen. Baikar Association, Inc. Nagorno-Karabagh conflict proposed by the Co-Chairs of the Minsk To conclude, I would like to express Armenia’s readiness to support 755 Mt. Auburn St., Watertown, MA 02472-1509 Group, including last versions presented at the Kazan (June 2011), the incoming Serbian Chairmanship in the implementation of its Sochi (March 2011), Astrakhan (October 2011) and Saint Petersburg agenda. S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 15 COMMENTARY

Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, and the public distrust of leaders in Armenia and Diaspora, dwin - Patriarchate of Istanbul. Patriarch Manougian’s letter also dling church attendance, declining membership in commu - complained about Karekin II’s refusal to ordain Father nity organizations, economic crisis causing emigration Baret Yeretzian as Bishop, at the request of the Synod of from Armenia, Armenia-Diaspora disagreements and weak - the St. James Brotherhood of Jerusalem. ening cultural identity in the Diaspora. These internal fail - My Turn While Catholicos Karekin II and several of his Primates ings diminish the ability of the nation to confront existen - adamantly deny that there ever was discussion on convert - tial issues, such as the security of the Armenian Republic, By Harut Sassounian ing the Jerusalem Patriarchate into a Diocese, some atten - the Artsakh (Karabagh) conflict, Armenian demands from dees of the September meeting have reported otherwise. Turkey, survival of the Armenian community in Syria, and There was a similar controversy involving the Armenian the preservation of the Armenian Patriarchates of Sweeping Reforms Needed to Patriarchate of Istanbul over a decade ago. Back then, Jerusalem and Istanbul. Resolve Critical Pan-Armenian Patriarch Mesrob Mutafian had also written an angry let - These grave challenges, which could have catastrophic ter to Karekin Vehapar denouncing any attempt to lower consequences for the survival of Armenia and the Issues the status of the Istanbul Patriarchate to a Diocese of Holy Armenian people, cannot be resolved by letter-writing cam - Echmiadzin. paigns. What is needed is a globally coordinated effort to I delve this week into a thorny subject that has distressed In response to the Jerusalem Patriarch’s November 24 find pan-Armenian solutions. much of the Armenian world: The uproar generated by the letter, the Supreme Spiritual Council issued a statement on One possible solution is creating a democratically elect - highly critical and harshly-worded letter posted on the December 1, followed by individually-written letters by a ed Diaspora-wide body that can truly represent the seven internet by the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem Nourhan few Primates affiliated with the Catholicosate of All million Armenians throughout the world, outside Armenia Manougian addressed to His Holiness Karekin II, Armenians, denouncing the “unacceptable” tone and and Artsakh. These Diaspora representatives, in conjunc - Catholicos of All Armenians. “false” content of the Patriarch’s letter. They also tion with the leadership of Armenia and Artsakh, can claim I was asked by several reputable individuals in leadership expressed indignation that Patriarch Manougian had post - to speak in the name of all Armenians worldwide. positions in Armenia and Diaspora to comment on this con - ed his letter on the Internet rather than sending it private - Whenever a crisis arises, this trio would have the authori - troversy hoping to calm down the tense atmosphere. I con - ly to His Holiness Karekin II. The Patriarch had justified ty and standing to settle all political, ecclesiastical and sented, not because I believe that my column would resolve his decision by explaining that Karekin II had not respond - socio-economic discords among Armenians as well as the immediate problem, but to address the larger issues facing ed to his previous letter. Ironically, the Primates castigating defend the nation from external threats. the Armenian nation at this critical juncture in our history. the Jerusalem Patriarch for posting his letter on the In the absence of such a worldwide elected entity, the The Jerusalem Patriarch’s lengthy letter contained two Internet were doing the same thing themselves, further existing Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee should specific complaints: His understanding that at a meeting publicizing the Patriarch’s letter and fanning the flames of be restructured so that after next April it can coordinate all last September in Echmiadzin, there was a discussion controversy. significant issues with leaders of Armenia, Artsakh, and about converting the historic and autonomous The dispute over the Jerusalem Patriarch’s letter should major Armenians organizations, along with some notable Patriarchate of Jerusalem into one of the Dioceses of the not be viewed as an isolated incident. It is merely one man - personalities. Mother Church. The Jerusalem Patriarchate is one of the ifestation of many serious, but neglected, tribulations It is incumbent on all Armenians to come together and four Hierarchical Sees of the Armenian Apostolic Church, inflicting the Armenian nation. Such high-level public con - resolve their critical issues before internal feuds and exter - along with the Catholicosate of All Armenians, troversies only aggravate our existing problems, including nal perils threaten the survival of this ancient nation!

100 Years of the Armenian White House Visitor Center Genocide’s Timeless Truth, 50+ Years of JFK’s Undying Truth Missed Opportunity

significance,” said National Security Council spokeswoman Laura By Rachel Melikian By Chris Bohjalian Lucas Magnuson at the time. The real reason was likely real politik: We did not want to antag - onize Turkey, which, despite all historical evidence, continues to John F. Kennedy’s death marked half a cen - You know your moral compass is a little off when you censor a deny the reality of the Armenian Genocide. So even though the tury as of last year November 22, and the story about a gift to a US president from a group of orphans — rug was a testimony to American ideals at their very best, it was Armenian Genocide will be 100 years old as of even though that story makes your grandparents and great-grand - better to let the thing sit and molder. next year, April 24, 2015. A quarter of a centu - parents look like Mother Teresa. In the last five months, however, Turkey hasn’t played nice with ry after the genocide, Hitler stated “After all, But this is essentially what the White House Visitor Center did the US in the Middle Eastern sandbox and our relationship has who remembers the Armenians?” implying his for six days in November. After a year of congressional pressure been strained. So, how did we express our frustration with our army will get away from committing the crimes. and the pleas of Armenian-Americans, the White House pulled the ally? For six days in November we trotted out the Orphan Rug. He attacked Poland and marked the beginning Ghazir Orphan Rug from storage and allowed us to see it — but We listened to the appeals of House Representatives — and of WWII. A quarter of a century later, JFK was swept under the rug an explanation for its origins. Armenian-Americans. assassinated. On the surface, it’s hard But we didn’t want to “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their to understand why it push this too far, so we names.” JFK should have taken such a put this extraordinary The Armenian Genocide drew worldwide Herculean effort to allow rug in a corner of the attention, as did Hitler and JFK’s assassination; the rug to see daylight in White House Visitor however, the world has forgotten the Armenian the first place. Here is the Center, rather than the Genocide by the time Hitler came to power abridged story of the car - Smithsonian Museum. and became to be known as pet. During the First And we certainly didn’t “the forgotten Genocide” throughout the World War, the Ottoman use the word genocide in past century, and Hitler’s name is remembered Empire systematically any of the materials to this day. Eyewitnesses have reported proof of annihilated 1.5 million of explaining why the rug our suffering during the Genocide, thus, we its Armenian citizens, eth - matters. The caption know who our enemies are. nically cleansing its explains simply that it How can we reach our defenders of truth? Armenian minority from was made by girls We are in need of an immediate call for justice. almost all of what today “orphaned during World see TRUTH, page 16 we call Turkey. Three out War I.” It was given as an of every four Armenians endorsement of “Golden living in the Ottoman Rule Sunday.” There is LETTERS Empire were killed. no explanation of why Americans were horrified the girls were orphaned. by the slaughter as it was PHOTO BY KHATCHIG MOURADIAN Could have been a facto - occurring, and a newly ry fire. And there was Oligarch Bloodlust organized American group, Near East Relief, tried to save the sur - obviously no mention of the 1.5 million dead. vivors of the genocide — including the children, scattered now And so as I stood before the rug the other day at the Visitor To the Editor: across the Middle East. The group’s accomplishments, especially Center, I was at once moved and enraged. I’m a descendant of sur - The fact that Armenians had to live among the 135,000 orphans it cared for, were breathtaking. vivors of the Armenian Genocide, and the rug’s existence is a the barbaric Turks for so long means that just And among the thanks to America from those orphans was ... reminder of that cataclysmic period in my people’s history when having an Armenian name isn’t proof that you the rug. It was woven by a group of Armenian orphan girls from we were nearly erased from the globe. The rug in this regard will don’t have some Turkish DNA in you. That the orphanage in Ghazir, Syria (now Lebanon) and designed to be always hold totemic power for me. But I was frustrated by the cen - came to mind when I read Mr. Azadian’s com - worthy of a world leader. It was. It’s massive and beautiful. It was sorship — at the way the rug was made a pawn in power politics. mentary in which he recounted that a rich Mr. presented to President Coolidge on Dec. 4, 1925. A year later, two I was saddened that the accomplishments of Near East Relief were Zaroukian entertained guests by feeding live of the Armenian girls who helped weave the rug journeyed to not celebrated. donkeys to his pet lions. I wonder if it crossed Washington and met the Vermont-born president. Next April marks the centennial of the start of the Armenian that moral cretin’s mind that he was conduct - Cut to the autumn of 2013. The Smithsonian Museum asked Genocide. I hope the rug will be set free once again, and this time ing a metaphor for the Armenian Genocide, the White House for the rug so it could be displayed. Hagop the story behind it authentically and accurately rendered. The with the donkey representing a defenseless Martin Deranian had written a book, President Calvin Coolidge orphans deserve better — as do we. Armenian and the lion a bloodthirsty Turk. and the Armenian Orphan Rug, and there was talk of an event. Berge Tatian The White House said no. They wouldn’t release the rug. The (This column originally appeared in the Burlington Free Massachusetts event was “not viewed as commensurate with the rug’s historical Press on December 7.) 16 S ATURDAY , D ECEMBER 13, 2014 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR

AGBU Young Professionals of Buenos Aires Hold Conference BUENOS AIRES — On October 9, the AGBU conference resumed with two breakout sessions other than her own: “In today’s world, we University of Buenos Aires, echoed Young Professionals of Buenos Aires (YP led by Adrián Gabriele and YP Buenos Aires rarely get to share experience or talk to one Dicranian’s sentiments, saying: “This experi - Buenos Aires) hosted an inaugural conference committee member Juan Pablo Artinian. another, sometimes even when we’re working ence was extremely enriching. The presenta - at the local AGBU Center, aiming to promote Gabriele, director of the sales and marketing in the same office!” The conference also tions allowed me to analyze businesses from the professional development of Armenians firm HLT Network, delivered a presentation on proved rewarding for students preparing for the behavior of individuals and not only see ages 16 to 45 and foster the growth of the leadership and cultural change within compa - their careers: “The three presentations that I them as ordinary transactions. The speakers Argentinean-Armenian community. It was held nies. He provided information on developing heard were captivating, because they were on knew how to captivate the audience and in association with the Embassy of the Republic efficient teams and managing employees to topics that had to do with issues that could express their ideas very clearly. This YP event of Armenia in Argentina, Cámara Argentina- achieve desired results. Artinian, a professor of arise in daily life and questions that we have showed me that great things can come out of Armenia and PLAS [Profesionales history at the University of Buenos Aires, had at one time or another,” said Meliné AGBU and it is a motivation to continue work - Latinoamericanos Armenios en Salud] and focused his talk on academic development and Dicranian, a senior at the AGBU Marie ing for our community.” sponsored by Aeropuertos Argentina 2000, encouraged the members of the audience to Manoogian Institute who plans to study indus - To learn more about YP Buenos Aires, visit Dental Medrano, Edelflex, Naku consider opportunities to continue their educa - trial engineering at the University of Buenos For a video about Construcciones SRL and Ritex. tion at the graduate level in Argentina and Aires next year. Alexis Mouradian, a student the conference, visit the YPBuenosAires Attended by more than 100 participants, 70 abroad. He also emphasized the importance of majoring in business administration at the YouTube channel. percent of whom were new to YP Buenos Aires, creating ties in academic and non-academic the event began with welcoming remarks by environments with professors, researchers and Ana Sagrian, YP Buenos Aires treasurer and co- mentors. founder of the hospitality consulting group The entire group came together once again MAD About Hotels. Sagrian commented on the for the final speaker, Matías Gainza Eurnekian, 100 Years of the Armenian Genocide’s Timeless work of YP Buenos Aires, presented the objec - the president of Unitec Blue, the first microchip Truth, 50+ Years of JFK’s Undying Truth

TRUTH, from page 15 It has been a century, our responsibility as a civilization is to preserve civilizations, culture, history, truth, and justice. “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” Adolf Hitler The unrelenting bell towers of our churches have rung for an entire century and people have yet to hear its sounds under the pressure of the enemy’s lies. We must all listen to the truth in order to speak justice. Once the enemy is forgotten, the perpetrators of the Genocide, the truths of the crimes are forgotten. We can make a historical impact by remembering JFK’s words, and applying them to the turn of this upcoming century. We call for justice to break the chain of lies starting from the Armenian Genocide to Hitler to JFK. The 20th century was left in darkness; we will break the 100 years chain of lies and mark a change in the Centennial Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide of the 21st century. We must remember 1915 by demanding immediate silence and recognition in memory of our martyrs. Our martyrs waited for 100 years for a moment of silence, so we can hear the truth. Why have we been chanting “1915, Never Again!” for the entire 20th century and continue to this day? We demand recognition to spread awareness of the truth, and to save humanity from darkness. We must expand historical truth and prioritize justice among world diplomats. The 1920 Treaty of Sèvres has been ignored with the distorted The conference, catering to Armenians ages 16 to 45, aimed to help promote the professional devel - opment and foster the growth of the Argentinean-Armenian community. truth and though it has been a century, we can overcome this timeless truth. Along with it, it was where Wilsonian Armenia was drawn, and now long forgotten. It was the US President Woodrow Wilson, who drew the borders of Wilsonian Armenia according to the tives of the conference and introduced the first company in Latin America. Eurnekian dis - Treaty of Sèvres, which is now possessed by the enemy, so is Western Armenia. The fate speaker, Juan Carlos Balassanian, the vice pres - cussed planning and management within orga - of our peace is now in the perpetrators hands and the treaty has been deceived, along with ident of distribution sales for the Latin nizations, the development and administration our ancestral, historical, and geographical borders. American division of the Turner Broadcasting of companies with diverse business models and The assassination of President Kennedy rocked the nation and broke the hearts of mil - System. In his presentation, Balassanian dis - his experiences with business in Armenia. lions. Speculation regarding who was responsible has run rampant and wide. Oliver Stone cussed various components of strategic negoti - The evening closed with a cocktail reception attempted to answer this question in his 1991 movie, “JFK,” though he has been criticized ation, including models, stages and tools for where the participants and speakers had a for taking liberties with the truth of the events surrounding Kennedy’s assassination. practical application in both personal and pro - chance to create a network of professional con - Of course, Stone himself does not know the truth of the presidential assassination. He fessional realms. tacts. For Julia Malumian, a real estate agent is aware the whole concept of justice will evaporate if we do not fight for it; was justice After a brief break, during which attendees in Buenos Aires, the conference was the per - served in the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination? “JFK” is Stone’s attempt to chal - were invited to network with their peers, the fect opportunity to meet professionals in fields lenge the notions of truth and justice, to complicate these matters in an effort to inspire others to fight — no matter how difficult it may be — for justice and truth. Kennedy himself anticipated and embodied the struggle between what is easy and what is right. On September 12, 1962, he said “We chose to go to the moon, not because it is AGBU Issues Statement Decrying easy – but because it is hard.” In 1969 that dream became a reality. Can our own aspira - tions toward the truth be realized in the same manner? Despite the difficulty of the jour - Communication of Jerusalem Patriarch ney, we choose truth because, like a ruby, it is valuable. The truth of the Armenian Genocide is valuable and we must take the challenge to preserve it. In Stone’s movie, Louisiana district attorney Jim Garrison investigates and tries to solve STATEMENT, from page 1 the archival facilities, and improvements in the presidential assassination, through which he draws the ire of powerful government tially position it for an active leadership role in administrative practices that will build a interests. We achieve that which we truly work for. Our pursuit of truth, by comparison, is the Christian world. renewed trust and positive image for the broth - sorely lacking. The media, which we rely on for so much of our information, is not at all Through its history, consecutive presidents of erhood in the Armenian community at large, invested in the serious pursuit of truth. News outlets no longer offer us truth nor fight for the AGBU have always taken a keen interest in encourage leading and successful community justice in the way that Garrison did in “JFK”. Rather, the media is an entertainment busi - the promotion and wellbeing of the figures to provide their support, resolve pend - ness that seeks profit. This sort of mindless entertainment is worthless to the American Patriarchate and tried to address its needs, ing legal challenges to several of the real estate people; we deserve to receive the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, but upgrade its facilities and administrative prac - assets, and safeguard the Patriarchate against we must be willing to fight for that truth. tices, and rally benefactors to provide the nec - potential risks that threaten its historical rights In “JFK,” Garrison fights to make justice into a reality. He warns his wife that if he does essary funding for various projects. and possessions in the Holy Land. not continue to seek the truth, the entire concept of justice will dissipate like morning mist. In keeping with this tradition, we have It pains us to witness from the Patriarchate in It will die and be buried in deadly shadows. Garrison’s wife says that his work is ruining answered the request of the new Patriarch, His the name of the Patriarch the recent unprece - their marriage. While the investigation consumes entirely of Garrison’s life, he dreams of Beatitude Archbishop Nourhan Manougian, dented manifestation of hateful attitudes, mis - finding answers that he seeks. offering a number of initiatives and substantial placed accusations, disrespectful and demean - Garrison argues with his wife that the truth is more important than their material things steps to address sorely-needed renovations of ing remarks addressed to our highest authority and happy lifestyle. “This is not about our secure and happy life, TV’s, car etc.” The truth and the values that he embodies, for no justifi - is beyond that. A president, the United States of America’s President, the Commander in able reason. Chief, has been assassinated. How can this be insignificant? Garrison’s argument echoes The AGBU deplores these acts that make use that of the movie on the whole. Though believing the information that the media feeds us Rivlin Backtracks On of the social media targeting a misinformed and is the simple route, it is meaningless. impressionable readership. Accountability and What is truth, and what is fiction? Will the circumstances surrounding Kennedy’s death Genocide Recognition transparency are key characteristics and ever truly be brought to life? JFK is now a cultural icon whose fame is deeply entrenched requirements of our church and community in one of the most tumultuous periods in American history. He rests in a time capsule ISRAEL, from page 1 1 organizations. This is a time for our nation to shrouded in mystery alongside many other historical tragedies where truth eludes us, and but it’s unthinkable that the Knesset ignore this come together to present itself to the world and perhaps always will. tragedy,” Rivlin said. “We demand that people take on the many serious challenges that face Kennedy knew that there could be no freedom without truth. No matter the battle, no don’t deny the Holocaust, and we can’t ignore our people and our homeland. matter the difficulty. Just as he urged the American people to go to the moon despite the the tragedy of another nation,” he said. The AGBU calls upon His Beatitude to heed difficulty, we must seek the truth no matter the sacrifice involved, just as Garrison did. To During an interview with Israel Army Radio to the appeals of His Holiness Karekin II and this day, Kennedy remains one of the most popular presidents ever, yet, the truth behind in 2013, Rivlin highlighted the differences Catholicos Aram I to steer the patriarchate the assassination of an icon was falsely revealed. The Armenian Genocide, too, was falsely between the Holocaust and the murder of the clear of this quagmire and in the right direction revealed and we cannot leave the truth lost in centuries behind... Armenian people. But without blurring those for the sake and benefit of the brotherhood, our differences, Israel must find a way to “fulfill its church and our nation. (Rachel Melikian, of Glendale is a former Glendale Community College Woman of the Year.) moral obligation of remembering wrongs done The Patriarchate will always remain in the to others,” he said. heart of all Armenians.