"not for use with other combat sports MIXED MARTIAL ARTS BOUT RESULTS (boxing, kickboxing, grappling, etc) * Information circled in red is required California State Athletic Commission CITY : Commerce DATE: 05 31 2013 2005 Evergreen Street Sacramento CA 95815 STATE/PROVINCE : C VENUE : Commerce Casino P: 916 263 2195 F: 916 263 2197
[email protected] EVENT NAME : BAMMA PROMOTER : Brett Roberts EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Andy Foster JUDGE(s): 1. Abe Belardo 2. Wade Viera Mike Bray SUPPORTING OFFICIALS: 4. Marcos Rosale Brandon Saucedo NAME TITLE REFEREE(s): . John Mccarthy 2. Mike Beltran Mark Lawley NAME: TITLE: NAME TITLE RINGSIDE DOCTOR(s): Diego Allende 2. Pat Golden 3. Mitch Jelen NAME: TITLE ANNOUNCER: NAME TITLE TIMEKEEPER: Veronica Montes and Chris Raymmond NAME: TITLE MATCHMAKER: BOUT # RDS. STATUS FIGHTER NAME MMA ID#....DOB |WEIGHT |WINNER |RD. TIME METHOD SUSPENSIONS 119-569 Unanimous Decision Keith- 180/180 poss frac L-th Pro Clyde Keith 165.1 MM DD YYYY Judge# 3 3 5:00 Score 26 30 1 Judge# Am 143-073 core 26 - 30 Carrington Banks 156 Judge# Score 25 - 30 leree # 121-597 Unanimous Decision Matthews-60/60- cut to L cheek Pro AJ Matthews 184 MM DD YYYY Judges 3 5:00 4 Score 26 - 30 2 3 Score 26 - 30 Am 128-857 Judges 5 Ben Reiter 185.5 Judge# Score 26 - 30 MM DD YYYY 125-592 TKO, ref stopped due to strikes Pro Javy Ayala 266 MM DD YYYY Judge# 1 Score 3 1 3:02 3 Judge# core Am 23-870 Broughton- 45/30 Roy Broughton 264.3 Judge# 4 core MM DD YYYY Referee # 145-557 TKO, ref stopped due to strikes Pro ermaine McDermott 205.8 Judge# Score 3 1 0:20 4 Judge# core 142-439 Watkins- 45/30 and 180/180 R-knee Blake Watkins 205.1 Judge# Score Referee # BOUT # RDS.