[278](971){192} interest, will, if left to itself, infallibly find its own way to the most profitable employment; and it is by {194} such Alexander Hamilton employment, that the public prosperity will be most effectually promoted. To leave industry to itself, therefore, is, in almost REPORT ON MANUFACTURES every case, the soundest as well as the simplest policy.” DECEMBER 5, 1791 “This policy is not only recommended to the United States, by [Page numbers from Selected Writings…] considerations which affect all nations, it is, in a manner, dictated (Page numbers from Annals of Congress) to them by the imperious force of a very peculiar situation. The {Page numbers from Works of Hamilton} smallness of their population compared with their territory -- the constant allurements to emigration from the settled to the Scanned January, 2001 from primary sources. unsettled parts of the country -- the facility, with which the less Contact
[email protected] with question, comments, corrections. independent condition of an artisan can be exchanged for the more independent condition of a farmer, these and similar causes Communicated to the House of Representatives, December 5, 1791 conspire to produce, and for a length of time must continue to occasion, a scarcity of hands for manufacturing occupation, and [To the Speaker of the House of Representatives:] dearness of labor generally. To these disadvantages for the The Secretary of the Treasury in obedience to the order of the prosecution of manufactures, a deficiency of pecuniary capital House of Representatives, of the 15th day of January 1790, has being added, the prospect of a successful competition with the applied his attention, at as early a period as his other duties manufactures of Europe must be regarded as little less than would permit, to the subject of Manufactures; and particularly to desperate.