King Cotton and Its Impact on Foreign Intervention in the War ❧ ❧ King Cotton
King Cotton and its impact on foreign intervention in the War ❧ ❧ King Cotton ❧ The phrase was commonly used by Southern politicians and authors. ❧ Saying “king” cotton instead of just “cotton” showed the political and economic importance of cotton production. ❧ In 1793 the cotton gin was invented. ❧ After the invention, cotton exceeded tobacco as the dominant cash crop in the South. King Cotton ❧ This compromised more than half of the U.S. exports. ❧ Southerners argued the importance of cotton in the international marketplace ❧ They believed the industrial powers of Europe could not long afford to allow the northern navy to enforce its blockade. The importance of the Trent Affair of 1861 ❧ ❧ Trent Affair of 1861 ❧ The Trent Affair reflected the uneasy state of international relations created by the war. ❧ The Confederacy hoped that England or France, even both, would come to its aid. ❧ The Trent affair was settled through diplomatic evasion and maneuvering, but the international situation remained tense throughout the war. Trent Affair of 1861 ❧ Leaders of both the north and the south could imagine situations in which England or France would intervene with the weapons and supplies ❧ Foreign intervention loomed as an intense hope for the confederacy and a great fear of the north. ❧ Anger over the Trent Affair was balanced by resentment of southern assumptions about British dependence on cotton. Battle of Antietam ❧ ❧ Battle of Antietam ❧ September 17, 1862 ❧ The bloodiest single day of the Civil War ❧ Four times more soldiers killed and wounded than in the campaign’s other fights combined Approximate Numbers Union Confederate Total Killed 2,100 1,550 3,650 Wounded 9,550 7,750 17,300 Missing/Captured 750 1,020 1,770 Total 12,400 10,320 22,720 Battle of Antietam ❧ Most well-known of the battles in Lee’s first invasion of the North, has the most battlefield land preserved and attracts the most battlefield visitors.
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